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Business Management System Manual



ACN 057 274 049

PO Box 6208, St Kilda Central, VIC 8008, Australia

Telephone: +61 3 9514 1500
Facsimile: +61 3 9514 1502

Date Approved: 27/04/2017
Issued: 23 January 2020
This document is only controlled when accessed online via the BMS

Table of Contents
1. SMEC’s Business Management System (BMS) ......................................................................... 2
2. Purpose of the BMS ............................................................................................................... 3
3. Scope of the BMS .................................................................................................................. 4
3.1. Elements of SMEC’s Environmental Management System (EMS) .....................................4
3.2. Elements of SMEC’s Occupational Health and Safety Management System (OHSMS).....5
4. SMEC’s Organizational Context .............................................................................................. 6
4.1. Understanding Issues Affecting SMEC ...............................................................................6
4.2. Understanding the Needs and Expectations of Interested Parties ...................................6
5. Leadership............................................................................................................................. 7
5.1. Customer Focus .................................................................................................................7
5.2. Policies ...............................................................................................................................7
5.3. Organizational Roles, Responsibilities and Authorities .....................................................7
6. Planning ................................................................................................................................ 8
6.1. BMS Objectives ..................................................................................................................8
7. Support ................................................................................................................................. 9
7.1. Resources ...........................................................................................................................9
7.2. Competence, Awareness and Trainings.............................................................................9
7.3. Communication .................................................................................................................9
7.4. Documented Information ..................................................................................................9
8. BMS Structure ......................................................................................................................10
8.1. Functional Structure of SMEC’s Business and Support Processes .................................. 10
8.2. Inter-relationship between BMS Processes.................................................................... 10
8.3. Three Tiered Structure: Policy – Procedures – Tools...................................................... 11
8.4. Functional Area Owners ................................................................................................. 11
8.5. BMS Development and Production ................................................................................ 12
8.6. Distribution ..................................................................................................................... 13
8.7. BMS Documents ............................................................................................................. 13
9. Operation .............................................................................................................................15
10. Performance Evaluation........................................................................................................16
10.1. Audit ............................................................................................................................... 16
10.2. Management Review ...................................................................................................... 16
11. Improvement .......................................................................................................................17

Business Management System Manual | QBI PR001 | SMEC HOLDINGS LIMITED | ACN 057 274 049
SMEC Holdings
Issued: 23 January 2020
This document is only controlled when accessed online via the BMS

1. SMEC’s Business Management System (BMS)

SMEC’s Business Management System (BMS) has been developed to provide SMEC with an
integrated management system, by conforming to the combined requirements of the following
 Quality Management ISO 9001:2015 (Originally Certified 13 December 1994)
 Environmental Management ISO 14001:2015 (Originally Certified 3 April 1999)
 Occupational Health, Safety and Rehabilitation AS 4801:2001 (Originally Certified 21 February
 Risk Management ISO 31000:2009
The central objective of the BMS is to provide an integrated up-to-date management system
available to all staff. The BMS documents will all be linked and referenced up and down using an
intuitive user interface. Also, a consistency line across the whole business will drive the new system
and impart “Proscriptive enough to mitigate company risk, provide information for decision making
and control, and to impart the “SMEC culture”, via an Integrated Management System that is
maintained as:
 up-to-date
 standards compliant
 available to all staff
 intuitive for the user
 linked / referenced (up and down)
 flexible enough to be used across whole business
 supported by Training and Audit
 with active Change Management at appropriate levels.

Business Management System Manual | QBI PR001 | SMEC HOLDINGS LIMITED | ACN 057 274 049
SMEC Holdings
Issued: 23 January 2020
This document is only controlled when accessed online via the BMS

2. Purpose of the BMS

The Purpose of SMEC’s Business Management System (BMS) is to provide a documented structured
means of meeting:
 The needs and expectations of:
 clients / customers
 owners / shareholders
 employees
 suppliers
 government
 Statutory and Legislative requirements
 Environmental obligations (e.g. pollution prevention)
 OH&S imperatives (e.g. safe working conditions)
 Corporate Governance obligations.

Business Management System Manual | QBI PR001 | SMEC HOLDINGS LIMITED | ACN 057 274 049
SMEC Holdings
Issued: 23 January 2020
This document is only controlled when accessed online via the BMS

3. Scope of the BMS

The scope of the SMEC Business Management System (including SMEC’s Quality Management
System) is:
 Corporate Management requirements; and
 Project Management requirements for:
 provision of engineering and consultancy services in design
 environmental planning and assessment
 urban development
 contaminated site services
 carbon services
 civil and transport engineering
 geotechnical engineering
 power systems engineering
 water and wastewater resource management and infrastructure
 construction project management
 asset management

3.1. Elements of SMEC’s Environmental Management System (EMS)

The scope of SMEC’s Environmental Management System (EMS) within the Business Management
System (BMS) includes identification and management of SMEC’s significant environmental aspects
for its projects (in the fields listed above) and its offices in Australia.
The elements of SMEC’s EMS are:

Environmental Aspects and Impacts Communication

Identification and assessment Implement internal and external communication
Legal and Other Requirements applicable to mechanisms to address environmental aspects
SMEC’s Environmental Aspects and the environmental management system

Procedure ENV PR101 Procedure MAR PR102

Determine Environmental Objectives & Prepare an Accident/Emergency Response

Targets & develop an Environmental Plan for accidents and emergencies that SMEC
Management Program to achieve targets could cause or be involved in.
and objectives. Procedure OHS PR102
Procedure ENV PR102

Operational Control
Monitoring and Measurement of the
SMEC shall plan and control project activities to
achievement of environmental targets and
manage significant environmental aspects
Procedure PM PR104
Procedure QBI PR103

Business Management System Manual | QBI PR001 | SMEC HOLDINGS LIMITED | ACN 057 274 049
SMEC Holdings
Issued: 23 January 2020
This document is only controlled when accessed online via the BMS

3.2. Elements of SMEC’s Occupational Health and Safety Management

System (OHSMS)
The scope of SMEC’s Occupational Health and Safety Management System (OHSMS) within the
Business Management System include;
 Management Responsibility and Accountability
 Training and Competency
 Hazard Identification and Risk Assessment
 Safety Tools
 Monitoring and Measurement
 Injury Management
Within a cycle of continuous improvement, safety processes are designed to protect the health of
staff, contractors, visitors and bystanders. Where possible procedures are uniform across the
organisation, however variations are possible to allow for local requirements.

OH&S Policy


and Evaluation

Business Management System Manual | QBI PR001 | SMEC HOLDINGS LIMITED | ACN 057 274 049
SMEC Holdings
Issued: 23 January 2020
This document is only controlled when accessed online via the BMS

4. SMEC’s Organizational Context

4.1. Understanding Issues Affecting SMEC
SMEC ensures that the internal and external issues that can affect SMEC’s strategic direction,
objectives, services, scope, processes and resources are:
 identified and understood
 evaluated on whether they present a risk or an opportunity
 managed by mitigating the risk and maximising the opportunity
 monitored and reviewed periodically.
SMEC’s Risk Management Policy and Risk Management Framework outline how management of
these risks and opportunities are integrated across all operations and level of management decision

4.2. Understanding the Needs and Expectations of Interested Parties

Similar with the identified issues affecting the organisation, SMEC’s Senior Management also
considers the needs and expectations of interested parties that has an effect on the organisation’s
ability to consistently provide services and achieve the intended outcome of the BMS in planning for
the strategic direction and scope of the BMS.
To ensure that the needs and expectations of relevant interested parties are met at all times, SMEC
maintains a Compliance Register with a list of identified interested parties, their needs and
expectations, and means by which their needs are monitored and addressed.

Business Management System Manual | QBI PR001 | SMEC HOLDINGS LIMITED | ACN 057 274 049
SMEC Holdings
Issued: 23 January 2020
This document is only controlled when accessed online via the BMS

5. Leadership
SMEC's Senior Management is committed to implementing and improving the BMS to meet its
purpose and scope. This is achieved through the establishment of BMS policies and objectives
relevant to the BMS that are aligned with the organisation’s strategic direction and provision of
required resources indicated in Section 7.

5.1. Customer Focus

SMEC’s Senior Management demonstrates its commitment to enhancing customer satisfaction
through its Strategic Plan. Customer satisfaction is achieved by ensuring:
 clients’ requirements and relevant legal requirements are identified and consistently met
 risks and opportunities that affect the ability to deliver services and enhanced customer
satisfaction are addressed.

5.2. Policies
SMEC implements and maintains a number of policies, including SMEC’s Quality Policy, Health and
Safety Policy, and Environment Policy, to support SMEC’s objectives and strategic direction. These
policies are available internally through the BMS and externally from SMEC Website.

5.3. Organizational Roles, Responsibilities and Authorities

Delegation of authority is given in Corporate Policy Statement "Instrument of Delegation". In the
event of absences, delegation of responsibilities and authorities shall be to the next senior position,
for subsequent re-delegation as appropriate, unless otherwise specified.

Business Management System Manual | QBI PR001 | SMEC HOLDINGS LIMITED | ACN 057 274 049
SMEC Holdings
Issued: 23 January 2020
This document is only controlled when accessed online via the BMS

6. Planning
SMEC considers the following factors in ensuring that the BMS can achieve its intended result:
 Internal and external issues;
 Interested parties; and
 Risks and opportunities
as outlined in SMEC’s Risk Management Policy and Planning Policy.
Changes that could affect the BMS are carried out in a planned manner in accordance with BMS

6.1. BMS Objectives

SMEC’s primary quality (management system) objectives are:
For the Owners / Shareholders
 to make a return on fees in line with, or exceeding, similar organisations
For the Customer / Client

 to achieve a good level of client satisfaction

For the Employees
 to maintain a good staff satisfaction rating
For the Suppliers
 no creditors who refuses to work with SMEC.
SMEC’s primary environmental objective is: to minimise the risk of SMEC’s activities and
environmental aspects causing significant environmental impacts.
SMEC’s primary OH&S objective is: to provide a safe and healthy working environment for its staff,
and visitors to its premises, with a target of zero lost time injuries.
Measurement of achievement of SMEC’S primary objectives: once annually SMEC Management
shall measure the level of achievement of these objectives, before reporting to the Management
Committee and Board.
SMEC’s other quality, environmental and OH&S objectives are:
 to promote confidence to all stakeholders that:
 the Company is well managed
 that our products and services meet specified requirements
 to comply with relevant legal and other requirements including demonstrating a professional
duty-of-care in the performance of tasks
 to provide documentary evidence that all specified requirements are met
 to continually improve our management system.
Accordingly, workplace managers should be sufficiently familiar with all relevant Acts and
Regulations which affect their workplace by referring to current issues of pertinent legislation and
ensure compliance of all staff through training and auditing.

Business Management System Manual | QBI PR001 | SMEC HOLDINGS LIMITED | ACN 057 274 049
SMEC Holdings
Issued: 23 January 2020
This document is only controlled when accessed online via the BMS

7. Support
7.1. Resources
SMEC ensures that the resources needed for the establishment, implementation, maintenance and
improvement of the BMS are provided in a timely manner.
These resources include:
 Human resources
 Infrastructure
 Environment for the operation of processes
 Monitoring and measuring resources
 Organisational knowledge
 Other resources needed to ensure compliance with ISO 9001, ISO 14001, OHS requirements,
legal and statutory requirements, and client, employee, owner, supplier and government
The above resources are reviewed and assessed for adequacy during the development of the
strategic/business plan.
7.2. Competence, Awareness and Trainings
SMEC ensures that all employees under its control are competent and are aware of their role’s
impact to the overall performance and effectiveness of the BMS. The Employee Development,
Education and Training Procedure and OH&S Training Procedure outline how this is achieved through
inductions, briefings, trainings, education and other development programs.

7.3. Communication
SMEC’s approach to communications and client relations is outlined in SMEC’s Marketing,
Communications and Client Relations Policy and associated Internal Communications Procedure and
External Communications Procedure.

7.4. Documented Information

SMEC’s documented information are managed and controlled in accordance with requirements
outlined in this manual and the Document and Records Management Procedure.

Business Management System Manual | QBI PR001 | SMEC HOLDINGS LIMITED | ACN 057 274 049
SMEC Holdings
Issued: 23 January 2020
This document is only controlled when accessed online via the BMS

8. BMS Structure
8.1. Functional Structure of SMEC’s Business and Support Processes
The BMS is structured into Opportunity and Project Management and eight supporting Functions:

8.2. Inter-relationship between BMS Processes

Opportunity and Project Management Processes
The essential processes for SMEC are the Opportunity and Project Management Processes, including
those processes which directly earn income. The Business and Project Support Processes are
secondary processes, with the function of supporting the Opportunity and Project Management
Business and Project Support Processes
The Business and Project Support Processes shown above have inter-relationships with:
 other support processes (e.g. Procurement with Project Management); and
 the Opportunity and Project Management processes (e.g. Communication with Opportunity
The Business and Project Support Processes include all those processes needed by SMEC to support
the business processes (that earn SMEC’s income), including those processes required to satisfy the
following 4 Standards:
 ISO 9001:2015 (Quality Management Systems – Requirements)
 ISO 14001:2015 (Environmental Management Systems – Requirements)
 AS 4801:2001 (Occupational Health & Safety Management Systems – Requirements)
 ISO 31000:2009 (Risk Management).

Business Management System Manual | QBI PR001 | SMEC HOLDINGS LIMITED | ACN 057 274 049
SMEC Holdings
Issued: 23 January 2020
This document is only controlled when accessed online via the BMS

8.3. Three Tiered Structure: Policy – Procedures – Tools

SMEC’s BMS is a 3 tiered structure, with this BMS Manual providing the link between the 3 tiers in
the hierarchy shown below. Each of the Functions contains a document hierarchy of:
 Policies;
 Procedures;
 BMS Tools (forms, guidelines, work instructions, templates, Body of Knowledge, etc.).

More details on day to day management of the SMEC’s Three Tier BMS documents are outlined in
the BMS Instructions.

8.4. Functional Area Owners

There are 8 functional areas that form the basis of the BMS. All documents belong to one of these
areas. Each functional area has an owner/individual responsible:
Functional Area Abbreviation Owner/ Title
Opportunity and Project PM Colin Clarke General Manager – Major
Management (includes the Project Projects
Management Kit)
Company Management CM Angus Director of Operations
Contracts Legal and Risk CLR Stuart Burvill Group Counsel / Head of
Environment Management ENV Ben Behdad BMS Manager – Group
Health and Safety OHS
Quality and Business Improvement QBI
(includes the BMS Manual)
Finance and Procurement FIN Andy Atkin Group Chief Finance Officer

Business Management System Manual | QBI PR001 | SMEC HOLDINGS LIMITED | ACN 057 274 049
SMEC Holdings
Issued: 23 January 2020
This document is only controlled when accessed online via the BMS

Functional Area Abbreviation Owner/ Title

Human Resources HR Lit Cheong Group Chief Corporate Officer
Information Technology IT Chee Yuen Yap Group Chief Information Officer
Marketing MAR Katie O’Malley Director - SJ Group Marketing and
Client Relationship Management CRM Jonathan Powell ANZ Manager - Clients and
(included within the Marketing Strategy Implementation
and Business Development
functional area)

Structurally each of these areas represents a folder under BMS.

8.5. BMS Development and Production

There are two BMS environments - a working environment and a production environment. The
working environment provides for an environment that is modifiable and able to track approval
processes whilst ensuring reliability and performance for the environment accessed globally.

Working Environment Production Environment
Once documents are approved they
are “published” by the BMS
OPM CM CLR FIN Administrator in the Production
HSEQ MAR HR IT Documents

• Only accessible by a select • Global read only accessibility,

few Update access only BMS
• Documents in native Administrator
format (i.e. word excel, • Forms in native format (i.e. word
etc.) excel, etc.) everything else as web
• Documents may have pages
unapproved versions • No versioning only final approved
versions of documents

Everyone has access to view documents in the production environment. By default, users will see a
view of the BMS based on their Division. They can access other documents via “Choose your view”.
Only the BMS Administrator will have the ability to update documents in the production
There will be a different view for each of these environments. For production it will be:

Business Management System Manual | QBI PR001 | SMEC HOLDINGS LIMITED | ACN 057 274 049
SMEC Holdings
Issued: 23 January 2020
This document is only controlled when accessed online via the BMS

The working environment view includes more information to be able to review additional versions:

8.6. Distribution
Controlled distribution of SMEC’s BMS is via electronic access only to SMEC’s Portal. Any printed
copies of BMS documents will be uncontrolled copies.

8.7. BMS Documents

SMEC’s Policies (including Quality, Environmental and OHS&R Policies) can be found in the BMS at:
SMEC’s Procedures can be found in the BMS at:
Toolbox Documents
SMEC’s Toolbox documents include forms, templates, and spreadsheets are located in the BMS at:

Business Management System Manual | QBI PR001 | SMEC HOLDINGS LIMITED | ACN 057 274 049
SMEC Holdings
Issued: 23 January 2020
This document is only controlled when accessed online via the BMS


Working Instructions




Policy Statements

and Certificates olicy%20Statements.aspx

Business Management System Manual | QBI PR001 | SMEC HOLDINGS LIMITED | ACN 057 274 049
SMEC Holdings
Issued: 23 January 2020
This document is only controlled when accessed online via the BMS

9. Operation
SMEC’s Opportunity Management and Project Management documents provides an accessible and
useful set of policies, procedures and tools that are practiced by SMEC Project Managers to manage
and deliver SMEC projects.

Business Management System Manual | QBI PR001 | SMEC HOLDINGS LIMITED | ACN 057 274 049
SMEC Holdings
Issued: 23 January 2020
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10. Performance Evaluation

SMEC monitors and measures its processes and outputs to check performance, compliance and
customer satisfaction. Result of monitoring and measurement activities are analysed, evaluated and
utilized to continually improve the effectiveness of the BMS.

10.1. Audit
SMEC ensures internal audits are conducted at planned intervals to ascertain conformance with BMS
requirements and international standards the organisation adheres to and that the BMS is effectively
implemented and maintained.
SMEC’s Audit Procedure provides guidance on internal audit planning, auditor qualifications, audit
selection criteria, audit reporting, and management of audit results and corrective actions.

10.2. Management Review

SMEC’s BMS Team and Senior Management reviews the suitability, adequacy, effectiveness, and
alignment of the BMS to the organisation’s strategic goals on an annual basis. The review inputs,
outputs and process are outlined in the Management Review Procedure.

Business Management System Manual | QBI PR001 | SMEC HOLDINGS LIMITED | ACN 057 274 049
SMEC Holdings
Issued: 23 January 2020
This document is only controlled when accessed online via the BMS

11. Improvement
SMEC identifies opportunities for improvement through audits and effective data analysis, customer
and employee feedbacks, corrective actions, outputs from management review, and result of
monitoring and measurement of achievement of policies, objectives and plans.
SMEC also implements corrective actions to address nonconformities and identify the root cause to
prevent its recurrence. The process by which SMEC manages its nonconformities is described in
detail in Continuous Improvement Procedure.

Business Management System Manual | QBI PR001 | SMEC HOLDINGS LIMITED | ACN 057 274 049
SMEC Holdings
Issued: 23 January 2020
This document is only controlled when accessed online via the BMS

SMEC Holdings Limited

Level 10, 71 Queens Road
Melbourne VIC 3004
T +61 3 9514 1500
F +61 3 9514 1502
w w

Business Management System Manual | QBI PR001 | SMEC HOLDINGS LIMITED | ACN 057 274 049
SMEC Holdings

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