GTP Acsr Panther Conductor
GTP Acsr Panther Conductor
GTP Acsr Panther Conductor
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S. No. Particulars Unit Standard Value offered
(d) Breaking Load(Min)
i)Before stranding KN 1.17 1.17
ii)After stranding KN 1.11 1.11
(e) Electrical Resistance at 20°C(Max) Ohm/Km 4.079 4.079
(f) Wrapping Test ---- 8 On, 6 Off, 6 On 8 On, 6 Off, 6 On
(g) Co-efficient of linear expansion per oC 23.0 x 10-6 23.0 x 10-6
(h) Modulus of elasticity Kg./cm2 0.70 x 106 0.70 x 106
(i) Minimum UTS of Strand KN/mm2 As per ISS As per ISS
7 Steel Strands
(a) Diameter
i) Nominal mm 3.00 3.00
ii) Maximum mm 3.06 3.06
iii) Minimum mm 2.94 2.94
Cross sectional area of nominal
mm2 7.069 7.069
diameter wire
(b) Minimum Weight Kg/Km 55.13 55.13
(c) Breaking Load(Min)
i) Before stranding KN 9.29 9.29
ii) After stranding KN 8.83 8.83
Elongation of 200mm gauge length
on breaking (Elongation Test)
i) Before stranding(Min) % 4 4
ii) After stranding(Min) % 3.5 3.5
No.of twist on a length equal to 100
(e) times the diameter of wire (Torsion
i) Before stranding Nos. 18(Min.) 18(Min.)
ii) After stranding Nos. 16Min.) 16Min.)
(f) Minimum Weight of Zinc Coating
i)Before Stranding gm/m2 240 240
ii)After Stranding gm/m2 228 228
(g) Uniformity of Zinc Coating
No. of dips for 1minute duration
which the strands can withstand
(Precee Test)
i)Before Stranding(Min) Nos. 3 3
ii)After Stranding(Min) Nos. 2 x 1min + 1 x 1/2min. 2 x 1min + 1 x 1/2min.
(h) Wrapping Test ---- 8 On, 6 Off, 6 On 8 On, 6 Off, 6 On
(i) Co-efficient of linear expansion per oC 11.5 x 10-6 11.5 x 10-6
(j) Modulus of elasticity Kg./cm2 1.9 x 106 1.9 x 106
(k) Minimum UTS of Strand KN/mm2 As per ISS As per ISS
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S. No. Particulars Unit Standard Value offered
8 Complete Conductor
(a) Code Panther ACSR Panther ACSR
(b) Equivalent Nominal Aluminum Area mm2 200 200
(c) Sectional Aluminum Area mm2 212.1 212.1
(d) Total Sectional Area mm2 261.5 261.5
(e) Overall Diameter mm 21.00 21.00
(f) Strands & Wire Diameter
(g) i)Aluminum Nos/mm 30/3.00 30/3.00
ii)Steel Nos/mm 7/3.00 7/3.00
(h) Lay Ratio
i) Steel - 6Wire Max-28 / Min-13 Max-28 / Min-13
ii) Aluminium - 12Wire Max-16 / Min-10 Max-16 / Min-10
iii) Aluminium - 18Wire Max-14 / Min-10 Max-14 / Min-10
(i) Calculated Breaking Load KN 89.67 89.67
(j) Modulus of Elasticity Kg./cm2 .80 x 106 .80 x 106
(k) Co-efficient of Linear Expansion per oC 17.8x10-6 17.8x10-6
(l) Minimum Weight
i) Aluminium Kg/Km 586 586
ii) Steel Kg/Km 388 388
iii) ACSR Conductor Kg/Km 974 974
Continuous max. current rating of
(m) conductor in still air at 45 oC Ampere AS Per ISS AS Per ISS
ambient temperature
(n) Calculated Resistance at 20ºC(Max) Ω/Km 0.1390 0.1390
(o) Standards Length Meters 2000 2000
(p) Tolerance on Standard Length % ±5 ±5
(q) Random Length % 10 10
(r) Drum Dimensions mm As per Availability As per Availability
(s) Joints in Strands
i) Steel 6 Wire No Joints No Joints
As per clause no.9.0 of As per clause no.9.0 of
ii) Aluminium 18 Wire
IS398(Part-II) IS398(Part-II)
As per clause no.9.0 of As per clause no.9.0 of
iii) Aluminium 12 Wire
IS398(Part-II) IS398(Part-II)
Yours truly,
Hariom Sharma
( Vice President-Marketing)
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