GTP Togo

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Guaranteed Technical Par ticulars 14 161kV Transmission line Project In Togo


I Type AGS Type
2 Manufacturer's Name,address and country lAC Electricals Pvt. Ltd., Kolkata, India
3 Suitable for (Conductor size) ¢20.6mm
4 Governing standard IEC-61294
5 Detailed dimensioned drawings of each component Yes
showing tole-rances,material and the standard to
which conforming enclosed. YES/NO

6 Weight of suspension clamp (kg.)

a)Body 0.5kg. (Approx.)
b)Supporting and clamping components 1.9 k g. (Approx.)
c)Total 2.40 (Approx.)
7 Galvanization and standard to which conforming.

a)Spring washers AS PER IS:2633

b)Other f
c)Weight 610 gm/m2 for fittings & 305 gm/m2 for fastener
d)Number of one-minute dips 6 di ps & 4 di ps
e)Quality of zinc and standard to which conforming
99.95% as per IS:209
8 Minimum failing load (No deformation) (kg.) & (KN) 3691.37 kg & 36.2 kN.

9 Slip strength at recommended tightening torque (KN) 5.7 kN to 10.8 kN.

10 Whether clamp torque Vs slip curve enclosed YES/NO No (As AGS Type Clamp)

II Magnetic power loss at:

a) 500 amps Watts 1watt
12 Whether a graph showing relation between power losses in Y.m, e.m.clo6a,J .
watts against current in amperes is
enclosed YES/NO

13 Formed armour rod set

a) Type Spiral
b) Manufacturer's name, address and country lAC Electricals Pvt. Ltd., Kol kata, India
c) Suitable for (Conductor size) ¢ 20.6mm
d) No. of rods per set {No.) 11 Nos
e) Directi on of lay Right Hand
f) Overall length after fitting on conductor (mm) 1190
g) Actuallength of each rod along its helix (mm) 1220
h) Diameter of each rod (mm) ¢ 6.35mm
i) Tolerance in
i)Diameter of each rod(+/- mm) 0.1
ii)Length of each rod (+/- mm) 25
iii)Difference of length between the longest and shortest 13
rod in a set(+/- mm)
j) Type of aluminium alloy used for manufacture of H.T. Alu. Alloy
Formed armour rod set and standard to which conforming

k) UTS of each rod (kg/mm2 ) 35kg/mm2

14 Elastomer for AGS clamps
a)Supplier AB Elasto I Sus Polymer
b)Type Neoprene
c)Moulded on insert YES/NO yes
d)Shore hardness 65-80 Shore"A"
e)Temp.range for which designed {deg.C) upto 90 degree C
15 Particulars of i nsert
a)Type of aluminium alloy used for manufacturing of insert Alu. Alloy (18:6061)
and standard to which conforming.
b)Manufacturing process Forged
16 Packing details {No.of suspension clamp/formed armour rod As per Packing List
set/elastomer etc. per package and gross weight of each
17 Whether end user certificate in support of Yes Performance Certificate enclose
performance enclosed YES/NO
18 Certification mark {BIS/BS/Any NationalInstitution). No


I Type Compression type
2 Manufacturer's name address and country lAC Electricals Pvt. ltd., Kolkata, India
3 Suitable for (conductor size) ¢20.6
4 Governing standard IEC:61234
5 Detailed dimensioned drawings of each component Yes
showing tolerances,materialand standard to
which conforming enclosed YES/NO

6 Materials composition and standard to which conforming.

a) Outer s Alu. Alloy

b) Inner sleeve Forgde Steel
7 Slip strength {KN) 95% of Conductor U.T.S. (68.73 kN)
8 Minimum failing load (KN) {No deformation) 67% of Conductor U.T.S. (48.47 kN)
9 Shape of cross section
a)Before compression (mm)
i) Aluminium alloy Round Tube
b)After compression
i) Aluminium alloy Hex
10 Dimensions of sleeve (mm)
a)Before compression (mm)
i) Aluminium alloy sleeve ¢38 (OD) I ¢23 (ID)
b)After compression (mm)
i) Aluminium alloy sleeve 37 (A/C) I 32 (A/F)
II Length of sleeve
a)Before compression (mm)
i) Aluminium alloy sleeve 440
b)After compression (mm)
i) Aluminium alloy sleeve 4 80 (approx.)
12 Galvanisation
a) Process Hot Dip
b) Weight of zinc (g/sq.m) 610 gmlm2 for fittings & 305 gmlm2 for fastener
c) No. of dips 6 dips & 4 dips
i)lminute 1 minute
ii)l/2 minute --
d) Quality of zinc and standard to which 99.95% as per IS:209
13 Whether compression and non-compression (YES/NO) Yes
zones marked on the sleeves
14 Electricalresistance of tension clamp as a %of equivalent 75%
length of conductor.
15 Details of dies and hydraulic compressor required fo r DAA-9
compressing sleeves of tension clamp.

16 Packing details (Nos. of tension clamp assembly pe r As Packing List

package and gross weight)
17 Whether end user certificate in support of YES/NO Yes Performance Certificate enclose
performance enclosed
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18 Certification mark (BIS/BS/Any National Institution) No


I Manufacturer's name,address and country. lAC Electricals Pvt. Ltd., Kolkata, India
2 Material,composition,mechanical strength and standard
to which conforming.
a)Anchor shackle Forged Steel (class-IV, IS:2004)
b)Chain link Forged Steel (class-IV, IS:2004)
c)Yoke plate Steel (Fe-410, IS:2062)
d)Arcing horn Steel rod (Fe-410, IS:2062)
e)Split pin Stainless Steel
f)Socket clevis Forged Steel (class-IV, IS:2004)
g)Ball clevis Forged Steel (class-IV, IS:2004)
h)Cievis-Cievis Forged Steel (class-IV, IS:2004)
i)Cievis eye Forged Steel(class-IV, IS:2004)
j)Ball hook Forged Steel(class-IV,IS:2004)
k)Socket eye horn holder type Forged Steel(class-IV,IS:2004)
I)Ball eye Forged Steel (class-IV,IS:2004)
m)Twisted shackle Forged Steel (class-IV, IS:2004)
3 Galvanisation and Standard to which conforming.

a)Spring washers
IS :2633
b)Other ferrous parts
c)Weight of zinc g/sq.m 610 gmlm2 for fittings & 305 gmlm2 for fastener
d)No. of one minute dips 6 dips & 4 dips
e)No. of 1/2 minute dips. --
4 Quality of zinc and standard to which conforming. 99.95% as per IS:209

5 Detailed dimensioned drawing of each fitting showing Yes

tolerances, weight,strength etc. enclosed (YES/NO)

6 Whether components are interchangeable.(YES/NO) Yes (in Few cases)

7 Packing details of each fitting per package and gross weight as per Packing List

8 Whether end user certificate in support of performance Yes Performance certificate enclosed
enclosed YES/NO
9 Certification mark (BIS/BS/Any National institution.) No

for fastener
for fastener
or fastener

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