Sept Reimbursement
Sept Reimbursement
Sept Reimbursement
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Bill No Bill Date Expense Detail Currency Amount INR (Rupees)
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TOTAL: रु 2,280.00
Previous Due ₹ Payments Received ₹ Adjustments ₹ Invoice Amount ₹ Balance Amount ₹ Amount Payable ₹ Amount Payable ₹
If paid after due date
Payments : 1,398.3
Registered office address: No. 1, 2nd and 3rd Floor, Indian Express Building, Queens Road, Bangalore - 560001.
CIN no: U72900KA2000PLC027290 Tel: 08042884288 Fax no: 080-42884200
4. ACT Shall levy late fee charge in case the bill is paid after the due date
7. Unless otherwise stated,tax on this invoice is not payable under reverse charge.
8. This Invoice is system generated hence signature and stamp is not required
Remittance Slip… 1/1
Original Copy for Recipient - Tax Invoice
Total : Eight Hundred Eighty Two Rupees and Sixty Four Paise Only
Vandana Arora,DGM
Send payment to
YOUR PAYMENT OPTIONS 9611700110.POST@mairtel
Relationship No. 1023917042 Bill No. BM2129I010330619 Amount Due: 881.92 LoB: Mobility
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