Smart Objectives: M.C. Daniel Torres López
Smart Objectives: M.C. Daniel Torres López
Smart Objectives: M.C. Daniel Torres López
M.C. Daniel Torres López
Project Objective
A project objective describes the desired results of a
project, which often includes a tangible item. An objective
is specific and measurable, and must meet time, budget,
and quality constraints.
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• SMART objective are:
• Specific: Well defined, clear, and unambiguous
• Measurable: With specific criteria that measure your progress
toward the accomplishment of the objectives
• Achievable or Attainable: Choose objectives that the team has
a reasonable expectation of successfully completing.
• Realistic: Within reach, realistic, and relevant objectives align
with group or company objectives
• Timely: With a clearly defined timeline, including a starting
date and a target date. The purpose is to create urgency.
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Specific SMART
• Objective that are specific have a significantly greater chance of being
accomplished. To make a objective specific, the five “W” questions must be
• Who: Who is involved in this objective?
• What: What do I want to accomplish?
• Where: Where is this objective to be achieved?
• When: When do I want to achieve this objective?
• Why: Why do I want to achieve this objective?
For example, a general Objective would be “I want to get in shape.” A more specific
objective would be “I want to obtain a gym membership at my local community center
and work out four days a week to be healthier.”
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Measurable SMART
• A SMART objective must have criteria for measuring progress. If there are
no criteria, you will not be able to determine your progress and if you are
on track to reach your objective. To make a objective measurable, ask
• How many/much?
• How do I know if I have reached my objective?
• What is my indicator of progress?
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Achievable or Attainable
SMART objectives
• A SMART objective must be achievable and attainable.
This will help you figure out ways you can realize that
objective and work towards it. The achievability of the
objective should be stretched to make you feel
challenged, but defined well enough that you can
actually achieve it. Ask yourself:
• Do I have the resources and capabilities to achieve the
objective? If not, what am I missing?
• Have others done it successfully before?
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Realistic SMART objectives
• A SMART objective must be realistic in that the
objective can be realistically achieved given the
available resources and time. A SMART objective is
likely realistic if you believe that it can be
accomplished. Ask yourself:
• Is the objective realistic and within reach?
• Is the objective reachable, given the time and
• Are you able to commit to achieving the objective?
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Timely SMART
• A SMART objective must be time-bound in that it has a start and finish
date. If the objective is not time-constrained, there will be no sense of
urgency and, therefore, less motivation to achieve the objective. Ask
• Does my objective have a deadline?
• By when do you want to achieve your objective?
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• Objectives are usually expressed as succinct, one-
sentence statements. There is some discrepancy
between how specific the verbs may be. Some guides
insist that only general quality and quantity verbs be
used (increase, decrease, improve), while community
groups and nonprofits seem to tolerate looser
expressions (develop, educate, setup, estimate).
• Keep in mind that an objective should not specify how
something is done and consider the context and
guidelines the organization you’re writing for use.
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• Write the objective before starting the project.
• Identify all objectives at the beginning.
• An objective cannot be written in isolation. Get support from all levels of
the team. If the team doesn’t believe in the objective, they won’t work
towards it and stakeholders won’t provide resources. If stakeholders
disagree with the objective, work with them until you get a statement you
can all stand behind.
• Be brief; it increases the chances of objectives being read and understood.
• Be clear; don’t give a list of options or a range of target numbers. Ask for
what you need and what you expect.
• Use plain English, not jargon so everyone can understand your objective.
• Make sure your objectives are things you actually can control. For example,
“I will send out 50 letters of interest by next week” describes something
you can achieve. “I will book 15 jobs by next week” is not something you
can control, because it’s up to someone else to hire you.
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• Define the main objective of the project
• Define at least 5 specific objectives
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