Assignment No. 5
Assignment No. 5
Assignment No. 5
Assignment No.5
Law, Science and Technology
Question No.1.
Trace the Origin and Development of Biotechnology and discuss the debatable issues
involved in Biotechnological Innovations with the help of appropriate illustrations.
Answer: -
“Biotechnology” is defined by the Convention on Biological Diversity as any technological
application that uses biological systems, living organisms, or derivatives thereof, to make or
modify products or processes for specific use. Biotechnology has existed in various forms even
prior to the dawn of civilization and has in many ways actually contributed to making human
society conducive for taking the next quantum leap into a civilized world. Agriculture, is
probably the earliest display of the use of biotechnology.
Over the centuries, mankind has learnt a great deal about the different organisms that our
ancestors had been using so effectively throughout human history. The marked increase in our
understanding of these organisms and their cells brought about the ability to control their many
and varied functions. In the mid-eighties and early-nineties it became possible to transform
(genetically modify) plants and animals that are necessary for food production. “Transgenic”
animals and plants, including cows, sheep, tomatoes, tobacco, potato and cotton have now
been obtained. Today, biotechnology has wide-ranging applications, from agriculture to cloning
of living organisms and altering life forms.
Genetics and biotechnology offer a door to a new era in the history of mankind. The first
genetically engineered products were medicines designed to combat human diseases. Insulin,
used to treat diabetics, and as a blood clot-reducing enzyme for heart attack victims is now
produced easily and cheaply as a result of biotechnology.
There is little doubt that the applications of modern biotechnology will increase rapidly in India
and around the world. It holds great potential for providing solutions to improve the health of
people and their quality of life, significantly improving agricultural productivity along with
supplying more nutritious food and improving the quality of environment by ensuring
sustainable development.
Since the year 1859, when Charle Darwin published his work to Mendelian theory and
discovery of molecular structure of DNA in 1953 by Crick and Watson and their theory of
recombination and replication of gene which made them noble laureate, Biotechnology is
expanding its wings to various fields widening the spectrum of applications.
It has rapidly progressed over the years and in the year 1990, a coordinated Human Genome
project began with the objective of sequencing the human genome consisting of 3 billion base
pairs. In the year 2001, Celera Genomic Corporation, a US Based firm completed the project.
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Assignment No.5
Law, Science and Technology
The utilization of cold caves or pots (in the form of leather bags and clay jars) to preserve food
for long-term storage began. After discovering the basic facts behind the domestication of food
crops and wild animals, human beings moved on to other new inventions such as curd, cheese,
etc. Cheese can be one of the first direct products (or by-products) of biotechnology, since it was
prepared by adding rennet (an enzyme found in the stomachs of calves) to sour milk. This is only
possible when milk is exposed to microbes (although there was no understanding of this at that
time). Among all microbial strains, yeast is one of the oldest microbes to have been exploited by
humans for their benefit. This primitive microbe has long been employed to produce alcoholic
beverages such as whiskey, wine, beer, etc. Among the oldest preservatives, vinegar has a
significant importance because of its low pH and potential in preventing the growth of certain
microbes, which means it can be used successfully in food preservation. These discoveries and
their significance allowed people to work on further improvement of the processes involved.
However, while processes such as the decomposition of debris or other materials, which was
later called fermentation, were powerful tools to improve their living conditions, people were
ignorant of the principles behind them.
Information on the transfer of genetic information was first deciphered by Gregor John
Mendel (1822–1884), an Austrian Augustinian monk. Mendel presented his ideas on the laws
of inheritance to the Natural Science Society in Brunn, Austria. He first observed the transfer of
genetic information in a plant, Pisum sativum, commonly known as the pea plant. Moreover,
Mendel also hypothesized that an invisible internal unit of information accounted for observable
traits. These 'factors', later called genes, were passed from one generation to the next.
Nevertheless, the sad part of his story is that Mendel failed to receive due acknowledgment for
his invention for almost 34 years after his death, when other scientists such as Hugo de Vries,
Erich von Tschermak and Carl Correns validated his work in 1900.
The main reason why Mendel's discovery remained overlooked for such long time was that in the
same period Charles Darwin's theory of evolution was so overwhelming that it overshadowed
the implications of the work done by Mendel. During this time the nucleus in cells was
discovered, and Fredrich Miescher, a Swiss biologist, reported the existence of nuclein, a
compound that consisted of nucleic acid that he had extracted from pus cells, i.e. white blood
cells. These two discoveries gave germination to the DNA era, which became the basis of
modern molecular biology, the discovery of DNA as a genetic material and the role of DNA in
the transfer of genetic information.
Meanwhile the bacterial propagation method was first proposed by Robert Koch (1881), a
German physician, who described the bacterial colonies growing on potato slices (the first
ever solid medium). While working on the cause behind the solidification of jelly, Walter
Hesse (one of the co-workers in Koch's laboratory) discovered the nutrient agar, the most
acceptable and useful medium for obtaining pure microbial cultures, as well as for their
identification. He discovered agar when he asked his wife what kept the jelly solid even at high
temperatures in summer. She said it was agar, and since then the nutrient has been used for
microbial cultures.
Later, in 1926, this work was published in Morgan's book The Theory of the Gene. Prior to
Morgan's 1909 work, the term 'gene' had already been coined by Wilhelm Johannsen (1857–
1927). He described the gene as the carrier of heredity. Afterwards Johannsen coined the terms
'genotype' to describe the genetic constitution of an organism, and 'phenotype' to describe the
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Assignment No.5
Law, Science and Technology
actual organism. After this exploration genetics started gaining importance. This led to the
beginning of the eugenics movement in the USA (1924).
At the same time, Alexander Fleming, a British physician, discovered antibiotics when he
observed that one micro-organism can be used to kill another micro-organism. The basic idea
behind it was a true representation of the 'divide and rule' policy of humans. He noticed that all
bacteria (Staphylococci) died when a mold was growing in a petri dish. Afterwards he discovered
penicillin, the antibacterial toxin from the mold P. notatum, which could be used against many
infectious diseases. He wrote 'When I woke up just after dawn on September 28, 1928, I
certainly didn't plan to revolutionize all medicine by discovering the world's first antibiotic, or
bacteria killer'. He also concluded that vaccines and antibiotics would turn out to be the best
saviors of humanity: 'Can we attribute these two discoveries for the ever-increasing population as
well the ever-ageing population of the world?'
A major obstacle to scientific discoveries was the Second World War. After the war, some
essential discoveries were explored. These discoveries form the basis for modern biotechnology
and have brought this field to its current status.
The definition of biotechnology can be further divided into different areas known as red, green
blue and white.
a. Red biotechnology: This area includes medical procedures such as utilizing organisms to
produce novel drugs or employing stem cells to replace/regenerate injured tissues and possibly
regenerate whole organs. It could simply be called medical biotechnology.
b. Green biotechnology: green biotechnology applies to agriculture and involves such processes as
the development of pest-resistant grains and the accelerated evolution of disease-resistant
c. Blue biotechnology: blue biotechnology, rarely mentioned, encompasses processes in the marine
and aquatic environments, such as controlling the proliferation of noxious water-borne
d. White biotechnology: White (also called gray) biotechnology involves industrial processes such
as the production of new chemicals or the development of new fuels for vehicles.
e. Non-gene biotechnology: non-gene biotechnology works with whole cells, tissues, or even
individual organisms. Non-gene biotechnology is the more popular practice, involving plant
tissue culture, hybrid seed production, microbial fermentation, production of hybridoma
antibodies and immunochemistry.
f. Gene biotechnology: Gene biotechnology deals with genes, the transfer of genes from one
organism to another and genetic engineering.
The biotechnology revolution is gaining momentum all over the world and India is no exception.
India has been a forerunner among the developing countries in promoting multi-disciplinary
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activities in this area, recognizing the practically unlimited possibilities of their applications in
increasing agricultural and industrial production and in improving human and animal life. Some
of the new initiatives include developing techniques for gene mapping, conservation of
biodiversity and bio-indicators research, special biotechnology programs for the benefit of the
scheduled castes and scheduled tribes and activities in the area of plantation crops. Presently
there are about 5000 biotech companies worldwide. It is estimated that long-term product sales
are expected to grow at an average annual rate of 12%, from a base of more than US$16 billion
in 2000 to nearly US$50 billion in 2010. The number of companies in the Asia Pacific region is
up 11 per cent to 667.
India is emerging as one of the 5 emerging biotech leaders in Asia Pacific; the others being
Singapore, Taiwan, Japan and Korea, with Mainland China catching up quickly. India is
currently ranked 3rd in the region based on the number of biotech companies (96), trailing
behind Australia (228) and China, including Hong Kong (136).
“India’s position as a biotech player is assuming greater eminence as it continues to build critical
mass in terms of skills and capabilities. An analysis of the year’s events clearly indicates that
Indian biotech companies are getting their fundamentals firmly in place, business models are
maturing, and product commercialization capabilities are improving,” says Rajiv Memani, CEO
and Country Managing Partner, Ernst & Young India. In the report. India is expected to generate
$ 5 billion in revenues and create more than one million biotech jobs over the next five years.
This growth is expected to come on the back of increased partnering activity, transition to a
product driven model, growth in the biogenerics market and government initiatives to encourage
investment and expansion..
The Indian biotechnology sector is booming with an average of 700,000 postgraduates and 1500
PhDs qualified every year in the biosciences and engineering fields. The market size of
biotechnology products (medical, agriculture, functional food/nutritionals, research products, and
services), which was estimated to be US$ 1.7 billion in 1999, is projected to grow up to US$3-5
billion by the year 2005.3 The estimate appears to be somewhat over-optimistic, but is certainly
indicative of the Indian potential. Further, the Indian market is at a very nascent stage, thereby
making it difficult to give a quantitative estimate.
brought along with them a multitude of controversial legal issues that require a multidisciplinary
approach to arrive at a possible solution.
The legal issues in the biotech industry relate to discoveries in genetics, such as the patentability
of genetic information, the conduct of clinical trials involving gene therapy, the approval
process for new drugs, proteins and other biological components and cloning. Other issues
include tissue engineering, foetal tissue research, confidentiality of patient health
information, bio-engineered food and conflict of interest disclosure requirements for
The law will play a significant role in steering our ever-changing society to its most rational
direction to ensure the development of medical sciences, the sustainability of environmental
resources, and continuous economic growth through technological advances. The complex and
controversial nature of biotechnology attracts and challenges a myriad of established laws and
legal principles.
The establishment of the World Trade Organization (“WTO”) has led to a major
metamorphosis for global trade in the new millennium. The adoption of the TRIPS
Agreement in 1994, to which India is a signatory, has accelerated changes in intellectual property
laws, with profound implications in the area of pharmaceutical patents.
India is entering into global markets, where she has to compete with international quality
standards and prices. Although R&D is an important factor to compete effectively, this is greatly
dependent on IP protection. With the advent of product patent regime, patent enforcement will
have to be stepped up to global standards to reap the benefits of the tremendous potential of
Indian indigenous industry. Further, in order to ensure a competitive edge in the international
arena, Indian pharmaceutical companies will have to acquire patents in potential markets around
the world.
Provided below are some of the key laws and regulations that have a direct impact on the
biotechnology industry in India.
IP is the most valuable asset of any biotech company. Company’s most valuable asset is
frequently its technical edge or unique process. IP rights enable the company to recover its R &
D cost and stimulate further risk-taking investments. The biotech industry is capital intensive and
most biotech companies depend on external sources of funding, which are greatly influenced by
factors such as the nature and value of the IP owned by a company and the potential of IP that is
under development.
IP is likely to emerge as the most challenging aspect for the biotech industry. Areas such as
genomics are still emerging in the country. The emergence of new technologies e.g.
Nanotechnology, convergence between biotechnology and information technology etc will
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Law, Science and Technology
also have implications on IP protection, which may go beyond the issues currently being
debated in the biotech sector. The potential of the biotechnology sector is boundless, and the
extent of IP protection accorded will play a critical role in shaping India’s role in the
biotechnology revolution. Protection through patents, copyright, trade secrets, plant
breeder's rights are vital for biotech industry.
In return of the exclusive right granted through patent protection the inventor discloses the
invention to the public, and that disclosure enables other scientists and interested parties to use
the invention in their own research. In due course, that research could lead to further innovation,
with the intent to benefit society. Patent documents also act as source of valuable scientific and
technical data and information.
In India’s continued efforts to comply with its commitment under TRIPS, the Patents Act has
been amended thrice since 1995 by the Patents (Amendment) Act, 1999 ("1st Amendment"),
the Patents (Amendment) Act, 2002 ("2nd Amendment") and Patents (Amendment) Act, 2005
(“Third Amendment”), respectively. The legislation is supported by the Patents Rule, 2003,
("Rules"). The Third Amendment has introduced a much-awaited product patent regime in
India, which is discussed in detail later.
The term Invention is defined under Section 2(1) (j) of the Patents Act as “a new product or
process involving an inventive step and capable of industrial application.”
In India, the patent rights in respect of any invention are created only upon grant of the patent by
the Patent Office following the procedure established by the Patents Act and the Rules. India
follows declarative system in respect of patent rights. India grants the patent right on the first to
apply basis. The application can be made by either (i) the inventor or (ii) the assignee or
legal representatives of the inventor.
Convention Application
India has published a list of convention countries under Section 133 of the Patents Act and is
also a member of the Paris Convention. The convention application has to be filed within one
year from the date of priority and has to specify the date on which and the convention country in
which the application for protection (first application) was made. Priority document has to be
filed with the application. Since India is a member of the Patent Co-operation Treaty, a
National Phase Application could be also filed in India.
By the 2nd Amendment Act the following have been added to the innovations, which are not
inventions within the meaning of the Act:
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Law, Science and Technology
plants and animals in whole or any part thereof other than micro-organisms but including seeds,
varieties and species and essentially biological processes for production or propagation of plants
and animals;
B. Biodiversity
India has a rich and varied heritage of biodiversity, encompassing a wide spectrum of habitats
from tropical rainforests to alpine vegetation and from temperate forests to coastal
wetlands. Two of the world's 18 hot spots of biodiversity are found in India: the Eastern
Himalayas and the Western Ghats. In addition, India has 26 recognized endemic centers that are
home to nearly a third of all the flowering plants identified and described to date.
As a signatory of the Convention on Biological Diversity (“CBD”) India has the responsibility
of protecting the country’s sovereign rights over its biodiversity, which would be the raw
material for the biotechnology industry. Further, it also has to see that there has to be equitable
sharing of the benefits from the biodiversity use with those commodities that protected it over
India has enacted Biological Diversity Act, 2002 (“Biodiversity Act”). Biodiversity Act aims to
ensure the conservation of biological diversity in India, sustainable use of its components and
fair and equitable sharing of the benefits arising out of the use of biological resources.
The Biodiversity Act has provisions to regulate the flow of genetic material and the traditional
knowledge of its use, with equitable benefit sharing with the local communities. It seeks to
protect the country's biological resources from foreigners but gives Indians free access to these.
"Biological diversity" means the variability among living organisms from all sources and the
ecological complexes of which they are part, and includes diversity within species or between
species and of eco-systems. "Biological resources" means plants, animals and microorganisms
or parts thereof, their genetic material and by-products (excluding value added products) with
actual or potential use or value, but does not include human genetic material.
India's ability to compete in the global markets is highly dependent on an efficient regulatory
process, which results in the timely approval of pharmaceutical and biotechnology products. The
existing regulatory approval process involves a complicated process of multiple clearances from
various government departments, ministries and committees both at the state and at the central
level. Prior to launching its products in any country, a biotech company undertakes patent
registration to protect its own interests. The next step involves acquiring the approval by
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regulatory authorities. Mostly the process for seeking approval is initiated alongside the patent
registration process.
The Department of Biotechnology (“DBT”): DBT was set up under the Ministry of Science
and Technology in 1986 to give a new impetus to the development of the field of modern
biology and biotechnology in India. In more than a decade of its existence, the department has
promoted and accelerated the pace of development of biotechnology in India. Through several
R&D projects, demonstrations and creation of infrastructure facilities it endeavors to create
impact on this field. DBT has made significant achievements in the growth and application of
biotechnology in the broad areas of agriculture, health care, animal sciences, environment, and
The Drugs and Cosmetics Act, 1940 (“Drugs Act”): The Drugs Act and Cosmetics Act, 1940
and Drugs and Cosmetics Rules, 1945 (“the Rules”) regulates the import, manufacture,
distribution and sale of drugs in India. It provides the procedures for testing and licensing new
drugs. The main object of the Act is to ensure availability of standard quality drugs and
cosmetics to the consumer. In order to achieve the objects of the Act, a drug is defined
comprehensively to include substances in the definition of drug. The responsibility to enforce the
Act is entrusted with both the Center and State. The Central Drugs Standard Control
Organization, headed by the Drugs Controller General of India (“DCGI”) is mainly responsible
for coordinating the activities of the State Drugs Control Organization, laying down policies, and
ensuring uniform implementation of the Act throughout India. The enforcement of the Act is the
responsibility of the State Government.
The Drug (Prices Control) Order 1995 (“DPCO”): The Drug Price Control Order (“DPC
Order”) has been promulgated under the Essential Commodities Act, 1955 (“ECA”). The DPC
Order fixes the ceiling price of some active pharmaceuticals and formulations. The active
pharmaceuticals and formulations, which fall within the purview of the legislation, are called
scheduled drugs and scheduled formulations, respectively. The items in the schedule can be
added or deleted. The authority set up under the legislation is the National Pharmaceutical
Pricing Authority (“NPPA”), which is responsible for the collection of data and the study of
the pricing structure of active pharmaceuticals and formulations. Upon the recommendation of
the NPPA, the Ministry of Chemicals and Fertilizers fixes the ceiling prices of the active
pharmaceuticals and formulations and issues notifications on drugs, which are scheduled drugs
and scheduled formulations. The NPPA arrives at the recommend prices for the scheduled drugs
and formulations after collection and analysis of data on costing which includes data on raw
material composition, packing materials, process losses, overhead allocation and
apportionment, capacity utilization, technical data on manufacturing work orders and
packing work orders. The government of India has the power under the DPC Order to recover
the amounts charged in excess of the notified price from the company. There are also penal
provisions for the violation of any rules and regulations under the ECA. Separate formulae have
been prescribed for calculation of price for bulk drugs, drugs manufactured in India and drugs
imported into India.
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Law, Science and Technology
The Environment Protection Act, 1986 (“EPA”): The EPA authorizes the central government
to protect and improve environmental quality, control and reduce pollution from all sources, and
prohibit or restrict the setting and/or operation of any industrial facility on environmental
grounds. The biotechnology regulatory approval process was developed within the framework of
this act by way of 'Rules' made by the Ministry of Environment and Forests (“MoEF”) and
Department of Biotechnology of the Ministry of Science and Technology.
The rapid progress in cutting edge areas of biotechnology research in recent years has led to
widespread discussions on the need to frame appropriate laws to maximize the benefits of new
technology, without compromising on ethics. Some of the significant areas of concern have been
outlined hereafter:
Currently, the Indian legal regime does not have a specific law for privacy and data protection.
However, Indian courts have interpreted the right to privacy as an unarticulated fundamental
right1 against an action by the State. There are many spheres of social life wherein private
information of a person obtained by using the biotechnological means, can be to the detriment of
that person.
As seen above, there are so many uses of private information that are possible and the way in
which the information might be used is also crucial. If for example a person goes to a hospital
to get a routine blood test and the hospital authorities sell the records of that individual to an
insurance company, it could lead to genetic discrimination. The insurance company which
receives the information can get the analysis of that person done, with regards to his medical
records, his chance of a premature death, etc. Thus, by studying these reports, the Insurance
Company could give a lesser rating to that person, as a result of which he would have to pay a
premium, which is higher than that of another person of a similar categorization as himself.
Kharak Singh v. State of U.P. AIR 1963 SC 1295; Gobind v. State of Madhya Pradesh (1975) SCC (Cri) 468; People’s
Union of Civil Liberties v. Union of India (1997) 1 SCC 318
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Law, Science and Technology
B. Human Cloning
In 1997, the entire world was shocked and captivated by the news that a cloned sheep called
Dolly was brought into the world by a nuclear transfer of somatic cells. These concerns were
not about Dolly, the now famous sheep, nor even about the considerable impact cloning may
have on the animal breeding industry, but rather about the possibility of cloning humans. The
ethical concerns about human clones involve the risks and uncertainties associated with the
current state of cloning technology. This technology has not yet been tested with human subjects,
and scientists cannot rule out the possibility of mutation or other biological damage.
There exist numerous controversial issues involved with human cloning such as the possibility of
deformed offspring, designer babies and the rights and legal protection for cloned humans.
Further, concerns have been expressed regarding the possibility of premature aging of clones,
especially since Dolly, the sheep contracted arthritis at an early age and scientists are yet to
determine whether it was caused due to genetic defects. Religious scholars from a wide range of
faith traditions have contributed to a substantive and remarkably diverse literature on the ethics
of humancloning.
However, on the other hand there exist concerns in certain scientific communities that the extent
of legislation against human cloning might result in stifling research into human embryology that
could lead to new treatments for disease. The potential benefits include the use of cloning by
infertile couples wanting to create a genetically related child or those wishing to clone a lost
loved one. It has been said that often the change in custom or practice in an emotionally charged
area has always elicited a response from established custom and law of horrified negation at first;
then negation without horror, then slow and gradual curiosity, study, evaluation, and finally a
very slow but steady acceptance. Many people viewed the birth of Louise Brown in 1978 as an
aberrant and abhorrent event. Yet she was just the first of some 250,000 people conceived in
the past 20 years through test-tube fertilization. Now a generation later many people celebrate
such technology as a gift, and even consider it as an option not to be denied to an infertile
The cloning of human embryos has gathered tremendous attention in recent times due to the
announcement made by Advanced Cell Technologies, a US based company that it had created a
human embryo clone. The company claimed to have cloned human cells by fusing their
contents with the empty egg cells taken from a cow. In response to the critics, the company
clarified that that they had no intention of trying to create a human clone and that they planned to
try and grow organs and tissues in the lab for use in transplantation therapy.
The completion of the human genome project, and the sequencing of other organisms' DNA, is
widely regarded as a turning point in biology and medicine. The elaboration of the human
genome sequence is a major step in demystifying the evolution of the human species and the
workings of the human body. The possibilities that may result from the HGP seem endless.
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Geneticists are now able to identify genes that control diseases, aging, and other specific traits.
This enhances the opportunity for the human race to rid itself of disease and unwanted genetic
traits. However, the HGP has generated widespread interest in a large spectrum of questions
regarding the ethical, legal, and social implications of the existence and use of human genetic
sequences. The draft sequence of the Human Genome (US project) provides a scaffold of
sequences across about 90% of the human genome, the remaining gaps anticipated to be closed
and accuracy improved over the following 3 years to achieve a complete, high-quality DNA
reference sequence by 2003, two years earlier than originally projected.
The new five-year plan of the US Human Genome Project involving human DNA
Sequencing includes the following:
With the completion of the HGP, the emphasis is shifting to the protein compliment of the
human organism, which has given rise to the science of proteomics. The term ‘proteome’ refers
to all the proteins expressed by a genome, and thus proteomics involves the identification of
proteins in the body and the determination of their role in physiological and patho-physiological
D. Bio-terrorism
Bio-terrorism is a criminal act, involving the intentional or threatened uses of viruses,
bacteria, fungi, toxins from living organisms, or chemicals, to produce death or disease in
humans, animals, or plants. Bio-terrorism can be described as the use, or threatened use, of
biological agents to promote or spread fear or intimidation upon an individual, a specific group,
or the population as a whole for religious, political, ideological, financial, or personal purposes.
The layperson definition of bio-terrorism would be, to create a sense of terror in a person’s mind
by utilization of biological techniques or weapons, as they are generally referred to as. The
expenditure involved in conventional terrorism is by far much higher than that compared to bio-
terrorism, hence bioterrorism is a more convenient and an easier implemented form of terrorism.
Biological weaponry has been used to promote terror since time immemorial. The history of
bioterrorism traces right back to 6th Century BC, when the Assyrians contaminated their enemy
wells with rye ergot, continues to the time when the Tartars catapulted the bodies of bubonic
plague victims over the walls of the city of Kaffa, killing approximately 25 million people in
medieval Europe, and brings us to the more recent September 11-related attacks in the US, the
‘anthrax scare’ being one of the most ‘media-hyped’ of all. Modern bio-terrorism may be carried
out via agents such as anthrax, smallpox virii, Botulinum Toxin, plague or the Yersinia Pestis
virus, Tularemia virus, Brucella virus or any other hemorrhagic fever viruses.
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In earlier times bioreactors were used for centuries to make wine and beer. The bioreactor is
possibly the most important single piece of equipment used in biotechnology. Bioreactors are the
containers or vessels that allow biological processes to take place under optimum conditions.
These reactors, in controlled environments, will yield a useful substance in large amounts.
This technique involves the fusion of two cells to make a single cell that contains all the genetic
material of the original cells. So far, this technique has been employed to create new plants by
fusing cells from species that do not naturally hybridize (from a cross-breed) and then
generating whole plants from the fused cells.
DNA fingerprinting is a technique that is employed for identifying the components of DNA (the
material of the genes) that are unique to a particular individual. Variations in DNA among
different individuals can be used for identification purposes. This small section of the DNA of an
organism uniquely distinguishes that particular organism from all others. Such varying bits of
genetic material take the form of sequences of DNA called mini-satellites, which are repeated
several times. The number of repetitions of mini-satellites per region of a gene can vary
enormously between unrelated individuals.
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The method of production of identical animals, plants or micro-organisms from a single
individual is known as cloning. In other words, it is a process by which an organism is derived
from a single parent through non-sexual reproduction. Cloning is gifted in nature to those
organisms that reproduce asexually and produce their own clones, e.g. plants, micro-organisms
and simple animals such as corals. However, mammals reproduce sexually, and cannot clone
naturally since the descendant of a mammal inherits its genetic material not from one parent
but half from each parent. Hence, the offspring produced is never an identical copy of either of
its parents. In nature, clones from mammals are confined to the production of identical twins.
The term bioethics is typically used to study the controversial ethical issues emerging from
new situations and possibilities brought about by advances in biology and medicine. It is
also moral discernment as it relates to medical policy, practice, and research. Biotechnology
is playing an important role for the improvement of human life. However due to extensive and
absurd use of natural resources deterioration to social and natural environment has also
been occurred. The ethical evaluation of biotechnological interventions rests first upon a
good understanding of the science behind these interventions, and second upon balancing the
risks and benefits such interventions pose.
In addition, the power of new molecular techniques to manipulate life, insert the genes of
one species into the genes of another species, and otherwise redirect living organisms both
in captivity and in the wild to specific human purposes, raises questions about the proper
role of humans in their environment and in the alteration of living organisms.
Biotechnology is more than just a scientific issue. Scientific community assuring us that
biotechnology is harmless, and promises marvellous advantages to humankind, even that it may
be the key to our survival in an ever-changing world. On the other hand, there exist a diverse
array of arguments about the right of man to interfere in nature or God’s process and the dangers
to the environment, the food chain and ultimately our own health. Such issues are largely related
to cultural backgrounds and levels of public perception and awareness. It is therefore necessary
that decisions on the use of new technologies should respect socio-economic realities.
For example, crop varieties, produced by biotechnology, with novel traits of high productivity
and stress resistance (aridity, coldness, high salt, etc) are expected not only to increase grain
productivity, but also decrease the use of agricultural chemicals (such as pesticide, herbicide
and fertilizer), which will be beneficial to environment.
Before its practical reality biotechnology was the science of imaginations. Biotechnology is
quietly different in reality from the literary and science novel fantasies of popular culture. The
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Law, Science and Technology
ethics of biotechnology entails both a reflection on the immediate consequences of its use, and
on the underlying social and cultural conditions of which it is a part. The eugenics movement
that occupied serious and well-respected scientists and politicians in Europe and America earlier
in this century testifies to the ways in which the application of science can go morally wrong. It
is, therefore, not surprising that as the biological sciences and biotechnology have enjoyed
remarkable success during the past 30 years, public awareness and discomfort, particularly with
genetic engineering, have increased.
All technology modifies our relationship to our environment, to our work, and to ourselves, but
biotechnology strikes much closer to home, enabling us to modify life itself. These
considerations raise the question of the scientists' responsibility in the application of the
knowledge and techniques they have produced.
Historically, biotechnology has grown out of the simple search for biological knowledge. As
biologists sought to penetrate to the molecular core of living processes, they invented tools to
assist them in that process. As in the case of PCR---a method for making many copies of
specific DNA sequences for analysis--- and many other biotechnologies, biologists have put to
use the very processes of life itself in their study of life, borrowing the molecular machinery of
life to analyse living processes. But as with all scientific endeavors, the tools by which science
investigates the world often yield tools by which we may transform the world. While science is
often pursued for its own sake and the simple pleasure of understanding the world, the
combination of the tools of knowledge with practical ends cannot be ignored when considering
the moral value of the enterprise.
Investigation of the structure of the atom led inexorably to the application of this knowledge in
the building of atomic weapons. It is a legitimate and by no means resolved moral question to
ask what the moral responsibility of the scientific community is in guiding the use of the fruits of
its intellectual labors.
Scientists and technologists are able to play real games with God/Nature, manipulating the
building blocks of living things at will. It is a dangerous game, its purported anticipated benefits
notwithstanding, in which they are being encouraged, aided and abated, supported and funded by
powerful industries and corporations, for motives of profit (Tangwa 2004). The newly developed
molecular techniques of gene identification, genetic engineering, and artificial reproductive
procedures represent a quantum leap in our ability to manipulate life itself, a domain long held
by culture and religion to be the province of a divine agency.
Religious scholars have criticized the use of biological techniques to expose the privacy and
dignity of human being. Some religions have taken the issue of stem cell technology very
serious. As according to them research on embryonic stem cell is like to kill the human.
Similarly the criticism of religious scholars on human genome project was very severe. It is often
argued by religious people that biotechnological interventions are not natural, or that they go
Shaikh Karishma Hamid
Assignment No.5
Law, Science and Technology
against some divine or natural order of things. But human beings are also natural---natural
products of evolution. Our technological development is no less natural than the mud wasp's
construction of a nest. Thus, it might be concluded that genetic engineering is a natural
phenomenon, akin to the "genetic engineering" that takes place in nature every time a gene
crosses over on chromosomes, a gene mutates, or a bacterial plasmid migrates from one species
to another.
By using the techniques developed by biotechnology researchers scientist can alter the life cycle
of species by inserting a gene of wholly unrelated species and enhance disease/ stress resistance
in that specie. The techniques like development of DNA vaccines and genetically altered bacteria
and other transformations of life through biotechnology have been pursued for the sake of the
social benefits which biotechnologists promises. Cheaper and more effective medicines are
possible when produced through biological rather than chemical means. But appropriate balance
of environmental and health concerns against economic benefits is essential for the use of
biotechnological applications. People should be given awareness about both the benefits and
risks of a product. They also be aware that whether the benefits justify the risks, who reaps the
benefits and who bears the risks. If the risks and benefits are disproportionately distributed to
different groups, the practice may be unjust which may affect the community.
Shaikh Karishma Hamid
Assignment No.5
Law, Science and Technology
Question No.2
Short note
Genetic engineering (also called genetic modification) is a process that uses laboratory-based
technologies to alter the DNA makeup of an organism. This may involve changing a single base
pair (A-T or C-G), deleting a region of DNA or adding a new segment of DNA. For example,
genetic engineering may involve adding a gene from one species to an organism from a different
species to produce a desired trait. Used in research and industry, genetic engineering has been
applied to the production of cancer therapies, brewing yeasts, genetically modified plants and
livestock, and more.
The term genetic engineering initially referred to various techniques used for the modification or
manipulation of organisms through the processes of heredity and reproduction. As such, the
term embraced both artificial selection and all the interventions of biomedical techniques, among
them artificial insemination, in vitro fertilization (e.g., “test-tube” babies), cloning,
and gene manipulation. In the latter part of the 20th century, however, the term came to refer
more specifically to methods of recombinant DNA technology (or gene cloning), in which DNA
molecules from two or more sources are combined either within cells or in vitro and are then
inserted into host organisms in which they are able to propagate.
Shaikh Karishma Hamid
Assignment No.5
Law, Science and Technology
The correction of genetic errors associated with disease in animals suggests that gene editing has
potential applications in gene therapy for humans. Gene therapy is the introduction of a normal
gene into an individual’s genome in order to repair a mutation that causes a genetic disease.
When a normal gene is inserted into a mutant nucleus, it most likely will integrate into a
chromosomal site different from the defective allele; although this may repair the mutation, a
new mutation may result if the normal gene integrates into another functional gene. If the normal
gene replaces the mutant allele, there is a chance that the transformed cells will proliferate and
produce enough normal gene product for the entire body to be restored to the
undispersed phenotype.
Special concern has been focused on genetic engineering for fear that it might result in the
introduction of unfavourable and possibly dangerous traits into microorganisms that were
previously free of them—e.g., resistance to antibiotics, production of toxins, or a tendency to
cause disease. Indeed, possibilities for misuse of genetic engineering were vast.
In particular, there was significant concern about genetically modified organisms, especially
modified crops, and their impacts on human and environmental health. For example, genetic
Shaikh Karishma Hamid
Assignment No.5
Law, Science and Technology
manipulation may potentially alter the allergenic properties of crops. In addition, whether some
genetically modified crops, such as golden rice, deliver on the promise of improved health
benefits was also unclear. The release of genetically modified mosquitoes and other modified
organisms into the environment also raised concerns.
In the 21st century, significant progress in the development of gene-editing tools brought new
urgency to long-standing discussions about the ethical and social implications surrounding the
genetic engineering of humans. The application of gene editing in humans raised significant
ethical concerns, particularly regarding its potential use to alter traits such as intelligence and
beauty. More practically, some researchers attempted to use gene editing to alter genes in human
sperm, which would enable the edited genes to be passed on to subsequent generations, while
others sought to alter genes that increase the risk of certain types of cancer, with the aim of
reducing cancer risk in offspring. The impacts of gene editing on human genetics, however,
were unknown, and regulations to guide its use were largely lacking.