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TH-10581095-6104 Setup Guide Weightcontrol

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Setup Description

Weight control with GWT MP20 transmitter

Tetra Pak Scanima A/S Gugvej 152B - P.O. Box 7520 - DK-9210 Aalborg SØ - Denmark - Tel.: +45 96331000 - www.tetrapakscanima.com
This description is intended to be used for mixer with weight control.

Copyright © 2012 Tetra Pak Group

All rights reserved. No parts of this document may be reproduced or copied in any form or by
means without written permission from Tetra Pak Scanima A/S.

and all Tetra Pak products are trademarks belonging to the Tetra Pak
The content of this manual is in accordance with design and construction of the machine or
equipment at the time of publishing. Tetra Pak reserves the right to introduce design
modifications without prior notice.

This document was produced by:

Tetra Pak Scanima A/S
Gugvej 152B
9210 Aalborg SØ

Revision: 002

Date: 20-08-2012

Scanima A/S · Gugvej 152 · DK-9210 Aalborg SØ

Tlf.: +45 96 33 10 00 · Fax: +45 96 33 10 11

1.1 Abbreviations 4
1.2 General weight 4
2x Load cell circuit 4
3 or 4x Load cell circuit 4
1.3 Load cell 4
Load cell overview 4
1.4 Weight transmitter 5
Transmitter overview 5
Transmitter technical data 6
Transmitter adjustment, New 7
Trouble shoting 9
1.5 Load cell - check guide 10
Load cell check 10
Visual check: 10
Simple electrical check on load cells: 10
Tolerance on zero point: 10
The permissible values depend on load cell types. (Example with 9 volt battery for supply) 11
Check 3 - Insulation resistance: 12



SV: Set value

PV: Process value
CV: Control value
OM Operator manual
TeM Technical manual
IM Installation manual
NO Normal open (valve)
NC Normal closed (valve)



Tank with 2 load cell is normal only used for tank level indication


Tank with 3 or 4 load cell is normal only used for weighing in/out product or for monitoring of
actual weight loss, tank level.
Please notice that use weight on mixer for control of filling can be difficult if heating > 60° C
and vacuum is used at the same time because of the high vapour loos.



Fig 1.1

Load cell connection
Reference: Function: Pan Cake 6251L ACB #### RT3 LPX ####
EXC+ + Supply (+2.4 volt AC 425Hz) Red Green Red
SEN+ + Sense (only used on 6 wire load cell) (1 - Yellow Brown
SIG+ + Load cell output Total load = 2mv/V Green White Green
SIG- - Load cell output Total load = 2mv/V Gray Red White
SEN- - Sense (only used on 6 wire load cell)(1 - Blue Blue
EXC- - Supply (0 volt) Black Black Black
SHD Cable screen
(1. For load-cell with 4 wire cable, Exc+ and Sen+ may be jumpered together on the transmitter side same
with Exc- and Sen-.




Analog input:
Up to eight load cells (each > 350) may be connected. The low load cell supply voltage 2,4
VAC minimize warm-up errors. AC load cell supply (425 Hz carrier), ratiometrics voltage loop
design and sense input permits long load, cell cables (> 10 m) in electrically hostile
environments without loss of precision and immunity.
Load cell connection:
Six wire load cells should be connected as shown at fig ?. Four wire loads cell must be
connected as fig. ? with bridges connecting the Sense input to the Excitation input at both
polarities. Please note that the excitation voltage can be controlled only by an Oscilloscope.
LP filter, zero and gain set:
64 Steps of filter settings ranging from 0,25 to 32 Hz.
Zero set up to +/- 80% FS to be set in 32 binary steps and fine trimmed.
Gain set relative 1-33x to be set in 32 binary steps and fine trimmed. LED-lamps indicates
over- and under-range for tracking and service.
Output standard:
Voltage output 0- +/- 10 VDC and current loop outputs 0-20 ma or 4-20 ma (internal power
sourced up to max resistance < 500  for current loop signal) are produced by load cell
signals over the range 0- +/- 0,17 mV/V up to 0- +/- 3,3 mV/V FS as set.
Power supply:
The power supply can be any regulated source 12 – 24 VDC max. 3 watt. Galvanic isolation of
the power supply from the input/output terminals are provided.
A LED-lamp indicate correct performance of the internal voltage regulation.
Low pass filter:
By combining the six DIP switches the low-pass filter time constant can be set of 64 steps of 10 ms
over the range 5 to 640 ms equivalent to 45 ms to 5,8 s settling time.
Low pass filter: Set Adjustment
DIP Switches ON None 1 2 3 4 5 6 All
Time constant t ms 5 10 20 40 80 160 320 640
Setting to 0,01% ms 45 90 180 360 720 1440 2880 5760
Cut of frequency Hz 32 16 8 4 2 1 0,5 0,25

Zero set:
By combining the five DIP switches and the off-set polarity DIP-switch the off-set can be
coarsely set in steps of 0,75 mV/V of 3,2 mV/Vin over the range + or – 80%.
The 25 turn pot-meter further permits trimming to <0,0001 mV/V. Zero set slightly affects the gain set.

Zero: Set Adjustment
DIP Switches ON Pot. None 1 2 3 4 5 All Pol
Relative Offset % 0-3 0 2,5 5 10 20 40 80 +/-
Input at 0 Vout mV/V -0,1 0 0,08 0,15 0,3 0,6 1,2 2,4 +/-

By combining the five DIP-switches the relative gain factor can be coarsely set in steps of 1
over the range 1-64x for load cell input equivalent to 10 Vout.
The 25 turn pot-meter permit trimming to any factor <0,001.
Gain: Set Adjustment
DIP Switches ON Pot. None 1 2 3 4 5 6
Relative gain factor f 1-2x 1x +1x +2x +4x +8x +16x +32x
Input at 10 Vout. mV/V - >3,3 2,7 1,8 1,1 0,6 0,3 0,17


Following point is necessary to check or do when make a new adjustment:

1. Align mixer or tank to be in water
2. Adjust the leg bolt on etc. Load cell to give same load in pair of two
3. Mount all part of the mixer or external tank who are a part of the weighing
4. If outlet pump is used on the mixer make sure that the mechanical force in the
pipe system give a minimal impact on the weight.
5. Before start any adjustment of weight transmitter start vacuum and heat cool
system first to fill up the jacket with liquid or the Vacuum gas ballast with service
water. Also check that all connected pipe are tighten.
6. On the Weight transmitter put all DIP switches to OFF position for all the section
“L-P-Filter”, “Set ZERO” and “SET SPAN”.
7. If current loop are used set DIP switch “0-20/4-20 ma” to OFF if 4-20 ma loop are
8. When mixer or tank is empty the dead weight can be adjusted on the “SET
ZERO” section (for easy help with this adjustment use a Multi-meter set to mV or
V connected to the “Outputs” terminal Vo and GND) move the DIP-switch section
“SET ZERO” one or more at the time to get a reading on the Multi-meter to be
close to Zero volt, with the small pot-meter fine adjustment can be done (max 25
turn). With the +/- DIP-switch the polarity of the deadweight adjustment can be
9. Recommended corner test: Now set the DIP-switch “10” On in section “SET
SPAN” use a calibrated weight sample example 20 kg or a Powder BAG with 25
kg put it on inside of the Mixer or tank leg to measure and compare that the load
cell give the same output reading on etc. Corner when loaded with 20 or 25 kg, if

the difference is higher than 5 % one of the leg need to be adjusted to give the
same result for all legs (only for 4x load-cell system).
10. If adjustment after corner test was necessary point 8 need to be repeated. Before
continue to the “Gain” adjustment. When finish with Corner test put DIP-switch
“10” back to Off position.
11. Now the “SET SPAN” section need to be adjusted for the Gain factor - fill in a
known amount of example water example 75% of full tank size, if 750 kg = 750
litre water is used the DIP-switches need to be turned On one at the time until
the reading from the HMI or PLC logic. Are showing the reading near 750, fine
adjustment can be done with the pot-meter.

Weight fault:
Scale is overloaded Remove overload from scale
Weight outside weighing range Scale is out of adjustment
Scale defective – See also transmitter
Fault on weighing system
On fault finding on load cells the load cells can
be dismantled at the amplifier and individual
Stars are shown on
Fault on single load cell mounting of load cells can be tried where value
the operator panel
of each individual load cell can be noted and
for weight reading
If load cell is measured separately, the isolation
resistance between frame and on the four
Fault on load cell due to
measuring lines should be higher than 20 Mohm,
isolation fault on cell
which should only be measured by a low voltage
measuring instrument < 20 volt
The weight in the tank is bigger
than 50 kg if any Tara limits is Empty the tank
Scale cannot be
tarred by pressing
The weight is negative by more
the TARA key The load cells are not loaded equally or
than –50 kg if any Tara limits is
something is stuck
Impact on scale from other Filter constant on weighing amplifier can be
machine increased
Scale is unstable
Height setting of load cell feet
See transmitter documentation for adjustment
requires adjustment
Adjustment of scale is required See transmitter documentation for adjustment
Quantity of cooling medium is
Check loading of cooling or heating medium
changing during operation
Scale has wrong
Mixer lacks flexible transfer for
indication as Check supply connection points
compared with
Unknown subject touches or Check area around load cells and mixer, are all
known weight
affects scale indication covers and pipe mounted
Load cells do not support
See transmitter documentation for adjustment
equally in corners



The check described in this chapter is intended to give you a first idea what may happened to
a load cell which seems to be defective.
 What kind error was observed?
(occurrence of the error: accidentally, slowly increasing, suddenly)
 How long was the system in operation until the error occurred?
The load cell check consists of two parts:
1. A visual check
2. A simple electric check
Both the checks are important. Very often you can judge by the look of the load cell what
caused the system to fail.


- Check load cell legs is correct adjusted and the nuts is tighten
- Check for no damage and bending of cable
- Check for no other parts is touch the mixer who can impact the weight reading


You need the following instruments

- 9 volt battery or 12 volt supply
- Digital multi-meter, resolution 10V DC
- Display of weighing indicator
The load cell must be completely unloaded for all described checks.


The permissible values depend on load cell types. (Example with 9 volt battery for supply)
PR6251 < +/-1% of 2mV/V * 9 volt = +- 0,18mV


- Input resistance Rlc = 645 +/- 60

(measure Red and Blue core)
- Output resistance Ro = 635 +/- 15
(measure green and grey core)
Additionally it s recommended to measure the further combinations read and grey, red and
green, blue and green, blue and grey.


Measure each core and also the screen with the housing. The specifications says “better than
5000M”. But it should be not easy to measure such values with a standard digital multi-meter
because such instrument displays “OL” (“Open loop”) if the insulation resistance is higher than
Interpretation of the results:
1. If a load cell fails in check 1, it was usually overloaded. Further information can be
gained from check 2: if the resistances between the cores (part 2 of check 2) differ
- was the load cell tilted?
- did the housing touch the bottom plate of the mounting kit?
2. A load cell passes check 1 but fails in check 2. In that case you can be sure that the
strain gauge is broken.
- welding
- lightning strokes
- vibration
- temperature too high for load cell
3. A load cell failed in check 3. An “insulation resistance” between 10 and 50k
indicates that the strain gauge and/or its insulation is destroyed. Values between 50k
and 200k indicate the penetration of moisture in the load cell. In such a case you can
measure a galvanic voltage between housing and cores.
Remark: The weight indication returns to a correct value when the load cell is
completely insulated from the ground potential (not valid in case of the penetration of
4. Perhaps the load cell passed all the test above. It could be sensitive to knocking (use a
light hammer, about 100g). Connect the load cell to the weight indicator, put some
paper or plastic between load cell and hammer, and knock slightly on the housing, the
measuring and the small connection box. Does the indication remain stable?
Perhaps not all wires in the cable junction box are correctly connected? (bad soldering,
screwed connection not fastened...)


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