Topic: Republic Act No. 9184 (10 January 2003, Effective 26 January 2003), Otherwise Known As The "Government Procurement Reform Act"
Topic: Republic Act No. 9184 (10 January 2003, Effective 26 January 2003), Otherwise Known As The "Government Procurement Reform Act"
Topic: Republic Act No. 9184 (10 January 2003, Effective 26 January 2003), Otherwise Known As The "Government Procurement Reform Act"
(c) Penalize all forms of (1) One (1) entity of the whole or part of
anti-competitive agreements, abuse another;
of dominant position and (2) Two (2) or more entities over
anti-competitive mergers and another; or
acquisitions, with the objective of
protecting consumer welfare and (3) One (1) or more entities over one (1)
advancing domestic and international or more entities;
trade and economic development.
(b) Agreement refers to any type or
form of contract, arrangement,
understanding, collective
Scope and Application recommendation, or concerted action,
whether formal or informal, explicit or
RA 10667 shall be enforceable against
tacit, written or oral;
any person or entity engaged in any
trade, industry and commerce in the (c) Conduct refers to any type or form
Republic of the Philippines. It shall of undertaking, collective
likewise be applicable to international recommendation, independent or
trade having direct, substantial, and concerted action or practice, whether
reasonably foreseeable effects in formal or informal;
trade, industry, or commerce in the
Republic of the Philippines, including (d) Commission refers to the Philippine
those that result from acts done outside Competition Commission
the Republic of the Philippines. (e) Confidential business information
It shall not apply to the combinations refers to information which concerns or
or activities of workers or employees relates to the operations, production,
nor to agreements or arrangements sales, shipments, purchases, transfers,
with their employers when such identification of customers, inventories,
combinations, activities, agreements, or or amount or source of any income,
arrangements are designed solely to profits, losses, expenditures;
facilitate collective bargaining in (f) Control refers to the ability to
respect of conditions of employment. substantially influence or direct the
actions or decisions of an entity,
whether by contract, agency or the consumer or the customer, by
otherwise; reason of the goods and/or services’
characteristics, their prices and their
(g) Dominant position refers to a
intended use; and
position of economic strength that an
entity or entities hold which makes it (2) The relevant geographic market
capable of controlling the relevant comprises the area in which the entity
market independently from any or a concerned is involved in the supply and
combination of the following: demand of goods and services, in
competitors, customers, suppliers, or which the conditions of competition
consumers; are sufficiently homogenous and
which can be distinguished from
(h) Entity refers to any person, natural
neighboring areas because the
or juridical, sole proprietorship,
conditions of competition are different in
partnership, combination or association
those areas.
in any form, whether incorporated or
not, domestic or foreign, including those 2.1 (a) Prohibited Acts-2
owned or controlled by the government,
engaged directly or indirectly in any Anti-Competitive Agreements
economic activity;
(a) The following agreements, between
(i) Market refers to the group of goods or among competitors, are per se
or services that are sufficiently prohibited:
interchangeable or substitutable and the
object of competition, and the (1) Restricting competition as to price, or
geographic area where said goods or components thereof, or other terms of
services are offered; trade;
(j) Merger refers to the joining of two (2) (2) Fixing price at an auction or in any
or more entities into an existing entity or form of bidding including cover bidding,
to form a new entity; bid suppression, bid rotation and market
allocation and other analogous practices
(k) Relevant market refers to the of bid manipulation;
market in which a particular good or
service is sold and which is a (b) The following agreements, between
combination of the relevant product or among competitors which have the
market and the relevant geographic object or effect of substantially
market, defined as follows: preventing, restricting or lessening
competition shall be prohibited:
(1) A relevant product market
comprises all those goods and/or (1) Setting, limiting, or controlling
services which are regarded as production, markets, technical
interchangeable or substitutable by development, or investment;
(2) Dividing or sharing the market, entities have no such object and the
whether by volume of sales or price established was in good faith to
purchases, territory, type of goods or meet or compete with the lower price of
services, buyers or sellers or any other a competitor in the same market selling
means; the same or comparable product or
service of like quality;
(c) Agreements other than those
specified in (a) and (b) which have the (b) Imposing barriers to entry or
object or effect of substantially committing acts that prevent competitors
preventing, restricting or lessening from growing within the market in an
competition shall also be prohibited: anti-competitive manner except those
Provided, Those which contribute to that develop in the market as a result of
improving the production or distribution or arising from a superior product or
of goods and services or to promoting process, business acumen, or legal
technical or economic progress, while rights or laws;
allowing consumers a fair share of the
(c) Making a transaction subject to
resulting benefits, may not necessarily
acceptance by the other parties of other
be deemed a violation of the Philippine
obligations which, by their nature or
Competition Act.
according to commercial usage, have no
An entity that controls, is controlled by, connection with the transaction;
or is under common control with another
(d) Setting prices or other terms or
entity or entities, have common
conditions that discriminate
economic interests, and are not
unreasonably between customers or
otherwise able to decide or act
sellers of the same goods or services,
independently of each other, shall not be
where such customers or sellers are
considered competitors.
contemporaneously trading on similar
terms and conditions, where the effect
may be to lessen competition
Abuse of Dominant Position substantially: Provided, That the
It shall be prohibited for one or more following shall be considered
entities to abuse their dominant position permissible price differentials:
by engaging in conduct that would (1) Socialized pricing for the less
substantially prevent, restrict or lessen fortunate sector of the economy;
(2) Price differential which reasonably or
(a) Selling goods or services below cost approximately reflect differences in the
with the object of driving competition out cost of manufacture, sale, or delivery
of the relevant market: Provided, That in resulting from differing methods,
the Commission’s evaluation of this fact, technical conditions, or quantities in
it shall consider whether the entity or
which the goods or services are sold or supplier which have no direct
delivered to the buyers or sellers; connection with the main goods or
services to be supplied;
(3) Price differential or terms of sale
offered in response to the competitive (g) Directly or indirectly imposing
price of payments, services or changes unfairly low purchase prices for the
in the facilities furnished by a goods or services of, among others,
competitor; and marginalized agricultural producers,
fisherfolk, micro-, small-, medium-scale
(4) Price changes in response to
enterprises, and other marginalized
changing market conditions,
service providers and producers;
marketability of goods or services, or
volume; (h) Directly or indirectly imposing unfair
purchase or selling price on their
(e) Imposing restrictions on the lease or
competitors, customers, suppliers or
contract for sale or trade of goods or
consumers, provided that prices that
services concerning where, to whom, or
develop in the market as a result of or
in what forms goods or services may be
due to a superior product or process,
sold or traded, such as fixing prices,
business acumen or legal rights or laws
giving preferential discounts or rebate
shall not be considered unfair prices;
upon such price, or imposing conditions
not to deal with competing entities,
where the object or effect of the (i) Limiting production, markets or
restrictions is to prevent, restrict or technical development to the prejudice
lessen competition substantially. of consumers, provided that limitations
that develop in the market as a result of
Note: The following are not prohibited or
or due to a superior product or process,
rendered unlawful under the Philippine
business acumen or legal rights or laws
Competition Act:
shall not be a violation of the Philippine
(1) Permissible franchising, licensing, Competition Act.
exclusive merchandising or exclusive
distributorship agreements such as
those which give each party the right to Note: There is no prohibition on having
unilaterally terminate the agreement; or a dominant position in a relevant market
or on acquiring, maintaining and
(2) Agreements protecting intellectual
increasing market share through
property rights, confidential information,
legitimate means that do not
or trade secrets;
substantially prevent, restrict or lessen
(f) Making supply of particular goods or competition. Moreover, any conduct
services dependent upon the purchase which contributes to improving
of other goods or services from the production or distribution of goods or
services within the relevant market, or
promoting technical and economic Commission shall be considered void
progress while allowing consumers a and subject the parties to an
fair share of the resulting benefit may administrative fine of one percent
not necessarily be considered an abuse (1%) to five percent (5%) of the value
of dominant position. of the transaction.
Note: The acquisition of the stock or (b) The cost of distribution of the
other share capital of one or more good or service, its raw materials, its
corporations solely for investment and supplements and substitutes from
not used for voting or exercising control other areas and abroad, considering
and not to otherwise bring about, or freight, insurance, import duties and
attempt to bring about the prevention, non-tariff restrictions; the restrictions
restriction, or lessening of competition in imposed by economic agents or by their
the relevant market shall not be associations; and the time required to
prohibited. supply the market from those areas;
(b) The existence of barriers to entry (b) Forbearance will neither impede
and the elements which could competition in the market where the
foreseeably alter both said barriers and entity or group of entities seeking
the supply from competitors; exemption operates nor in related
markets; and
(c) The existence and power of its
competitors; (c) Forbearance is consistent with public
interest and the benefit and welfare of
(d) The possibility of access by its
the consumers.
competitors or other entities to its
sources of inputs; TRUTH IN LENDING ACT
(e) The power of its customers to switch REPUBLIC ACT No. 3765
to other goods or services;
(f) Its recent conducts; and OF FINANCE CHARGES IN CONNECTION
(g) Other criteria established by the
regulations. Section 1. This Act shall be known as the
"Truth in Lending Act."
There shall be a rebuttable presumption
Section 2. Declaration of Policy. It is hereby
of market dominant position if the
declared to be the policy of the State to
market share of an entity in the relevant
protect its citizens from a lack of awareness of
market is at least fifty percent (50%), the true cost of credit to the user by assuring a
unless a new market share threshold is full disclosure of such cost with a view of
determined by the Commission for that preventing the uninformed use of credit to the
particular sector. detriment of the national economy.
(3) "Finance charge" includes interest, fees, (6) the finance charge expressed in terms of
service charges, discounts, and such other pesos and centavos; and
charges incident to the extension of credit as
the Board may be regulation prescribe. (7) the percentage that the finance bears to
the total amount to be financed expressed as
(4) "Creditor" means any person engaged in a simple annual rate on the outstanding
the business of extending credit (including any unpaid balance of the obligation.
person who as a regular business practice
make loans or sells or rents property or Section 5. The Board shall prescribe such
services on a time, credit, or installment basis, rules and regulations as may be necessary or
either as principal or as agent) who requires proper in carrying out the provisions of this
as an incident to the extension of credit, the Act. Any rule or regulation prescribed
payment of a finance charge. hereunder may contain such classifications
and differentiations as in the judgment of the
(5) "Person" means any individual, Board are necessary or proper to effectuate
corporation, partnership, association, or other the purposes of this Act or to prevent
organized group of persons, or the legal circumvention or evasion, or to facilitate the
successor or representative of the foregoing, enforcement of this Act, or any rule or
and includes the Philippine Government or regulation issued thereunder.
any agency thereof, or any other government,
or of any of its political subdivisions, or any Section 6. (a) Any creditor who in connection
agency of the foregoing. with any credit transaction fails to disclose to
any person any information in violation of this
Section 4. Any creditor shall furnish to each Act or any regulation issued thereunder shall
person to whom credit is extended, prior to the be liable to such person in the amount of
consummation of the transaction, a clear P100 or in an amount equal to twice the
statement in writing setting forth, to the extent finance charged required by such creditor in
applicable and in accordance with rules and connection with such transaction, whichever is
the greater, except that such liability shall not
exceed P2,000 on any credit transaction.
Action to recover such penalty may be
brought by such person within one year from
the date of the occurrence of the violation, in
any court of competent jurisdiction. In any
action under this subsection in which any
person is entitled to a recovery, the creditor
shall be liable for reasonable attorney's fees
and court costs as determined by the court.