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1 author:
Thomas Omali
National Biotechnology Development Agency, Nigeria.
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Thomas. U. Omali
National Biotechnology Development Agency (NABDA), Fed. Min. of Sci. & Tech., Nigeria
data [31]. The two fundamental data types managed by this respectively. Razaei et al. [40] generated the lithology
system are geospatial data, which describes the ground- of the Sangan region of Iran from ASTER data. They
based location of a feature and attribute data, which define compared the lithological units with the field-based
the feature's properties. Data are usually represented and geological boundary map with an accuracy of 79%.
stored in either vector or raster formats in GIS [32]. Data Other important researches on lithology can be located
in vector structure comes as points (e.g. mineral in the literature [e.g., 41-44].
occurrences, bedding measurements, and control points,
etc.), lines (e.g. lineaments, faults and fold axes, and cross- Furthermore, Rekhibi et al. [45] produced the
sections, etc.) and polygons (e.g. bedrock, geologic unit, probability maps of gold in Libya's Al Uwaynat area.
and surficial geology, etc.). But a raster data structure They used geological standards for the occurrence of
represents data in cellular grids, and its attribute applies to gold generated from satellite imagery, accessible plans,
the whole cell (e.g., DEMs). Progress in the GIS has & field survey data. Hede et al. [46] present a novel
essentially benefitted the combination of disparate method to identify vegetation anomalies due to ore
geological information for predicting mineral deposits presence in Hokuroku, Japan. Results show that
existence. Generally, the innovative approach involving vegetation irregularities are related to high possible
geospatial technology offers suitable means of capturing, areas of ore presence and known deposits. Poormirzaee
storing, processing, analysis and presentation of distinctive and Oskouei [47] investigated the spectral properties of
data on ecosystem more rapidly and efficiently. Thus, this Landsat data to identify mineralogical properties over
study is a review of the RS and GIS utilization in Geology Behabad, Iran. They produced the potential map of
and Mining. hydrothermal alteration by incorporating Least square
fit and Crosta methods with ArcGIS spectral analysis.
Section I and II contains the general background and the Safari et al. [48] generated the map of hydrothermal
review of previous studies, respectively. Also, Section III alterations of the Shahr-e-Babak district using the
is concerned with the research methodology. In Section IV, spectral signature of each alteration mineral type.
the researcher presents the results and discussion.
Furthermore, conclusion and the future focus is given in Charou et al. [27] evaluated the utilization of Landsat,
Section V. SPOT, and ASTER data for environmental mapping on
a local scale. They investigated the mining effect on
II. LITERATURE REVIEW Greece's land and water (Lake Vegoritis, Amynteon
mine, and Lavrio mine). Charou et al. discovered that
RS imageries are essential in creating maps of ground high-resolution sensing data with GIS methods offered
features using image classification processes [33]. Thus, monitoring and feedback at proper spatial characteristic.
they are used to produce and improve many geological Yenilmez et al. [49] used GIS to assess pollutants'
maps around the world. For example, Nikolakopoulos et spatial concentrations in an abandoned coal mine. Also,
al. [34] created the geological map of Halki Island, they investigated the spatial locations for potential
Greece, which depicts the geotectonic units, geological pollution sources, including open pits, coal storage, and
formations, and tectonic structures. Ezabti and dump-sites.
Jovanović [35] carried out geological mapping and 3-D
terrain modelling of Eghei uplift, Libya. The result III. METHODOLOGY
covers the gap between conventional and current
geological mapping. Also, Almalki et al. [36] produced This study was started with a literature search in December
a geological map of the Farasan Islands, combining 2020 via academic electronic records, with interest on
Landsat-8 with field-based data. Diverse geomorphic utilization of RS and GIS in geology and mining. Through
and geologic structures, were depicted. specific search terms, the researcher identified documents
published between 2010 and 2020. The search terms
Ruisi et al. [37] used satellite imagery to interpret include 'Remote Sensing in Geology and Mining' AND
central Tibet's (China) geological structure. Various 'GIS in Geology and Mining'.
strata were interpreted concerning bedding triangle
planes, identified fold and faults. The result The relevant articles were carefully selected, based on
demonstrates that Worldview-2 data has more advantage hierarchical topics [50]. Then, the researcher formulated
than the conventional Landsat and ASTER imageries. search terms and criteria for inclusion/exclusion of papers.
Sulaksana and Hamdani [38] investigated the lineaments This method is transparent and has the prospect to replicate
in Kalimantan, Indonesia using ASTER imagery and the study. Of course, many previous systematic reviews
GIS. Equally, Brandmeier and Shen [39] carried out the related to the present article (topic) used the same strategy
lithological analysis in the Mount Isa region (Australia) [e.g., 51,52,23]. This review's search resulted in
using Sentinel-2 and ASTER imageries. Results reveal 1,921articles, which the researcher further subjected to
that Sentinel-2 data merged with ASTER data gives an exclusion and inclusion criteria. Consequently, 100 articles
accuracy of 75% compared to 70% and 73% for were retained, reviewed in full detail, and analysed (see
individual ASTER data and Sentinel-2 imageries figure 1).
comparatively narrow spectral characteristics [68]. relationship shows diagnostic spectral properties (or
However, the 30 m spatial characteristic of ASTER's laboratory spectra) that allow their remote identification
SWIR band is a challenge in forested and woodland zones (see figure 3 for the spectral reflectance of selected
where limited picture elements would be free of tree minerals). Hence, the SWIR spectral bands of satellite
canopy and its shadow [69]. Also, iron oxide mineralogy sensing are suitable for mapping hydrothermal alteration
recognition may be restricted to areas that the ASTER zones [73-78].
VNIR spectral signatures are beyond vegetation
dominance [69]. By and large, spectral features are
adequate for mapping iron oxide/hydroxide minerals using
the VNIR channels of RS tools [70].
degraded land, which often does not support biomass. In logs, geophysical images, boreholes, radius measurements,
other words, extensively mined land lacks sufficient and mineral accumulations. In this regard, it demonstrates
surface soil for plants. its capacity for display and immediate interpretation.
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Science, Vol.21, pp.95–104, 2018. AUTHORS PROFILE
[84] K. Umoru, T.U. Omali, S.B.M. Akpata, G.O. Agada, Thomas U. Omali is currently working at the National
“Assessment of land degradation in abandoned mine site at Biotechnology Development Agency (NABDA), Federal
Okaba in Kogi state of Nigeria,” Global Scientific Journal, Ministry of Science and Technology, Nigeria. He is an
Vol.7, Issue.1, pp.839-846, 2019.
[85] E. Sansosti, F. Casu, M. Manzo, R. Lanari, “Spaceborne radar
Associate of Nigeria Institution of Surveyors (ANIS),
interferometry techniques for the generation of deformation time Member of Geoinformation Society of Nigeria
series: An advanced tool for Earth’s surface displacement (MGEOSON), and Member of Nigeria Environmental
analysis,” Geophys. Res. Lett. 2010, 37, society (MNES). He has published more than 10 research
doi:10.1029/2010GL044379. papers in reputed journals. His resent research work
[86] F. Cigna, C. Del Ventisette, V. Liguori, N. Casagli, “Advanced focuses on agroecology, applied remote sensing climate
radar-interpretation of InSAR time series for mapping and
characterization of geological processes,” Nat. Hazards Earth change, deformation analysis, forest ecology, GIS/LIS,
Syst. Sci., Vol.11, pp.865-881, 2011. resource inventory, spatial analysis.
[87] A. Hooper, D. Bekaert, K. Spaans, M. Arikan, “Recent advances
in SAR interferometry time series analysis for measuring crustal
deformation”, Tectonophysics, Vol.514–517, pp.1–13, 2012.
[88] C. Lubitz, M. Motagh, H.U. Wetzel, H. Kaufmann,
“Remarkable urban uplift in Staufen im Breisgau, Germany:
Observations from TerraSAR-X InSAR and leveling from 2008
to 2011”, Remote Sens. Vol.5, pp.3082–3100, 2013.
[89] S.V. Samsonov, P.J. González, K.F. Tiampo, N. D’Oreye,
“Modeling of fast ground subsidence observed in southern
Saskatchewan (Canada) during 2008–2011”, Nat. Hazards Earth
Syst. Sci., Vol.14, pp.247–257, 2014.
[90] D. Perissin, T. Wang, “Repeat-Pass SAR InterferometryWith
Partially Coherent Targets”, IEEE Trans. Geosci. Remote Sens.,
Vol.50, pp.271–280, 2012.
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