PEH1 - Proper Etiquette in Using Equipments and Facilities

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When you engage in aerobic, muscles, and bone-strengthening activities, you are likely to make use of

different equipment and facilities. These resources help in your enjoyment and participation so you have to
care for them. As a courtesy to other individuals who also make use of these equipment and facilities, you
always need to observe the proper or etiquette inside a gym. Depending on the venue or facility, there is a
specific decorum expected from those who use them. The following are the different venues with its
commonly expected etiquette.
Playing court or field
A playing court or field depending on the sport can be
indoors or outdoors. There are certain sports that requires
to set up their equipment first, such as volleyball, tennis,
badminton, table tennis, taekwondo, judo, etc. However,
there are also sports that needs minimal setup for their
facilities like basketball, football, etc.

This will vary depending on the venue arrangements such as rented facilities but those who will utilize
certain equipment are expected to maintain the cleanliness of the property, to properly fix, return and store
the equipment after being use.
Here are some of the common manners:
1. Throw away used supplies and waste materials to designated trash bins in the facility.
2. Wipe off wet spots caused by drinks and sweat.
3. Check yourself such as proper hygiene and care.
4. Avoid using cigarettes while in the premises.
5. Be nice, as a general rule.

Dance areas or studios

These are either indoors or outdoors that are surrounded with full-sized mirrors. Some dance studios have
wooden or metal railings called barres. Also, there are speakers and music players being installed or set up
in specific locations for easy access. Like in playing courts and fields, there are certain manners and
etiquette to be considered. Users of dance area or studios are expected to maintain the cleanliness of the
studio, music players should be kept after use, the lights and ventilations should be turned off after use.
Here are some of the expectations when using dance studios:
1. Important belongings should be placed in designated spots (i.e. lockers, benches, tables).
2. Wipe off wet spots caused by drinks and sweat on the floor.
3. Keep the music at accepted volume in order not to disturb other users.
4. Know the studio schedule to avoid time conflict with other users.
5. Wear appropriate clothes including footwear.
Gym or Weights Area

Strength training is an integral part of muscle building.

Most of its facilities are indoor with different types of
equipment like machine weights, free weights, balls,
mobility machines (e.g. treadmill, stationary bike, rower,
and stair climber), mats, bars, etc. They are properly
arranged to allow maneuverability and easy access for
people working out. Always keep in mind that this training
involves risk of injury, thus, you are expected to be on
your best behavior to avoid some kind of accident inside
the working area.

Here are some of the proper etiquettes:

1. Take care of using the equipment and facilities.
2. Only use the equipment that you already know how to use. Do not leave or pass on equipment that is in complete
disarray and dirty.
3. Bring back all equipment in place after use.
4. In performing exercises and movement in general, practice good form first.
5. Do not hug the equipment.
6. Wear appropriate clothes and do not take them off to look at your body in the mirror.
7. Minimize grunting, refrain from yelling and using profanity.
8. Do not slam or drop weights.
9. Avoid monopolizing use of the equipment. Always share it with others by taking turns in using them.
10.Lower volume of music or best wear earphones. It is imperative to keep in mind the proper ways of handling
different gym equipment and observe proper manners to avoid conflict and injuries. Gym or court
rules can vary depending on the venue arrangements but always be mindful on the
1. Always ask.
If someone is using a machine or piece of equipment and you need something nearby, ask if you can.
2. Put your weights back. This should go without saying but it’s the number one rule broken in the gym.
3. Keep the equipment where it belongs.
Don’t try to do any weightlifting movements anywhere except the deadlift platforms or another designated area.
4. Be mindful of your surroundings.
Gyms can be dangerous places if you’re not alert. On busy times of day in
particular, you have to be super-mindful of the other patrons; don’t start doing dumbbell kickbacks without checking
behind you, for example. Also, sometimes poorly laid out gyms have machines with their plate-loaded arms swinging
out into a thoroughfare and if you’re not looking where you’re going, you might be in for a headache.
5. Bring a towel. Use it. Gyms can be some of the most germ-ridden places you can go. So, for both your own sake
and the sake of other patrons, use that towel.
6. Clean up after yourself (and, if you have to, other patrons). Related to the previous point, if you still manage to
sweat through your towel or for some other reason leave sweat on a piece of equipment, grab some paper towel and
disinfectant spray (hopefully your gym has some around — if not, hassle them about it) to do your fellow gym-goers a
7. Selfies: Try to be discreet about them. The general rule of thumb here is: do what you want — just don’t infringe on
anyone else’s gym experience.
8. Personal space: respect it. Avoid congestion and conflict.
9. Don’t hog the equipment. If you’re occupying a popular piece of equipment at a popular time of day, don’t sit
there on your phone checking Instagram, oblivious to the waiting queue.
10. Avoid the chitchat. The gym is a place of solace for many people and, although it can be a great social setting, try
to keep the gossip to a minimum.

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