Grasps Music 8
Grasps Music 8
Grasps Music 8
Subject: MUSIC
Subject Description: Asian Music
Grade Level: Grade 8
The learner demonstrates understanding of common musical characteristics of the region as well as
Content standard
unique characteristics of a particular Southeast Asian country.
Performance standard The learner performs Southeast Asian songs with appropriate pitch, rhythm, expression and style
Performance task Singing Folk song of Thailand with movements
Values that can be cultivated in this quarter are:
Values Integration
---respect and empathy towards individual’s differences
---respect towards cultural differences
G To perform a Thai Folk song
R Singers
A Viewers
S There is a festival in Thailand (the folk song is part of their traditions)
P Singing Folk song
Your Song will be graded based upon the following criteria: Props and Costumes, Movements, Proper
S choice of music, and Significance with the theme.
Category 4 3 2 1
Props and The props and The props and costumes The props and Some have props
Costumes costumes is appropriate is slightly appropriate to costumes is not and costume in the
to the stage and to the the stage and to the appropriate to the theater.
scene of the theater scene of the theater stage and to the
scene of the theater
Movements Choreography used on Most of the Choreography used Choreography was
the theater an Choreography used on on the theater was lame and not
exceptional degree of the theater an copied and organized
student ingenuity in exceptional degree of exceptional degree of
their creation. student ingenuity in student ingenuity in
their creation. their creation.
Choice of music All music in the play are Most music in the play Some music in the The music in the play
accurate and related to are accurate and play are accurate and are neither accurate
the topic. related to the topic. related to the topic. nor related to the
Significance The story of the play is Most of story of the Few in their story of Their story is copied
with the theme original and related to play is original and the play is original and only and not related
the theme related to the theme. related to the theme in the theme
Subject: MUSIC
Subject Description: Asian Music
Grade Level: Grade 8
Quarter: Second
The learner demonstrates understanding of common and distinct musical characteristics of East Asian
Content standard
Performance standard The learner performs East Asian music with appropriate pitch, rhythm, expression and style
Performance task Singing of Korean Folk song and K-pop
Values that can be cultivated in this quarter are:
Values Integration
---respect and empathy towards individual’s differences
---respect towards cultural differences
G To perform a Japanese Folk song and K-pop
R Singers
A Viewers
S There are Japanese and Korean who will visit the school, Short program for the visitors
P Singing Japanese Folk song and K-pop
Your Song will be graded based upon the following criteria: Props and Costumes, Movements, Proper
S choice of music, and Significance with the theme.
Category 4 3 2 1
Props and The props and The props and costumes The props and Some have props
Costumes costumes is appropriate is slightly appropriate to costumes is not and costume in the
to the stage and to the the stage and to the appropriate to the theater.
scene of the theater scene of the theater stage and to the
scene of the theater
Movements Choreography used on Most of the Choreography used Choreography was
the theater an Choreography used on on the theater was lame and not
exceptional degree of the theater an copied and organized
student ingenuity in exceptional degree of exceptional degree of
their creation. student ingenuity in student ingenuity in
their creation. their creation.
Choice of music All music in the play are Most music in the play Some music in the The music in the play
accurate and related to are accurate and play are accurate and are neither accurate
the topic. related to the topic. related to the topic. nor related to the
Significance The story of the play is Most of story of the Few in their story of Their story is copied
Subject: MUSIC
Subject Description: Asian Music
Grade Level: Grade 8
Quarter: Third
The learner demonstrates an understanding of common and distinct musical characteristics of South Asia
Content standard
and the Middle East
The learner performs South Asia and the Middle East music with appropriate pitch, rhythm, expression
Performance standard
and style.
Performance task Singing and dancing
Values that can be cultivated in this quarter are:
Values Integration
---respect and empathy towards individual’s differences
---respect towards cultural differences
G To perform an Indian Song ex. Bollywood songs
R Singers/performers
A Viewers
S It is the United Nation Day and the students were able to perform Indian songs.
P Singing Indian songs
Your Song will be graded based upon the following criteria: Props and Costumes, Movements, Proper
S choice of music, and Significance with the theme.
Category 4 3 2 1
Props and The props and The props and costumes The props and Some have props
Costumes costumes is appropriate is slightly appropriate to costumes is not and costume in the
to the stage and to the the stage and to the appropriate to the theater.
scene of the theater scene of the theater stage and to the
scene of the theater
Movements Choreography used on Most of the Choreography used Choreography was
the theater an Choreography used on on the theater was lame and not
exceptional degree of the theater an copied and organized
student ingenuity in exceptional degree of exceptional degree of
their creation. student ingenuity in student ingenuity in
their creation. their creation.
Choice of music All music in the play are Most music in the play Some music in the The music in the play
accurate and related to are accurate and play are accurate and are neither accurate
MDOCS Service Excellence Respect Virtue Empathy Vivire servire
est. (To live is to serve.)
Peter St. Zone III, Socorro, Oriental Mindoro
the topic. related to the topic. related to the topic. nor related to the
Significance The story of the play is Most of story of the Few in their story of Their story is copied
with the theme original and related to play is original and the play is original and only and not related
the theme related to the theme. related to the theme in the theme
Subject: MUSIC
Subject Description: Asian Music
Grade Level: Grade 8
Quarter: Fourth
The learner demonstrates understanding and application of musical skills related to selected traditional
Content standard
Asian theater
The learner performs excerpts from traditional Asian theater with appropriate pitch, rhythm, expression,
Performance standard
and style
Performance task Shadow Play
Values that can be cultivated in this quarter are:
Values Integration
---respect and empathy towards individual’s differences
---respect towards cultural differences
G To show to the audience another form of theater, the Shadow Play
R Voice Actors/ Hand Actors /props men
A Viewers
S Opening Ceremony of ASEAN Summit
P Shadow Play of Indonesia
Your dancing will be graded based upon the following criteria: Props, Movements, Choice of music,
S Significance with the theme
Category 4 3 2 1
Props The props and The props and costumes The props and Some have props
costumes is appropriate is slightly appropriate to costumes is not and costume in the
to the stage and to the the stage and to the appropriate to the theater.
scene of the theater scene of the theater stage and to the
scene of the theater
Movements Choreography used on Most of the Choreography used Choreography was
the theater an Choreography used on on the theater was lame and not
exceptional degree of the theater an copied and organized
student ingenuity in exceptional degree of exceptional degree of
Subject: MUSIC
Subject Description: Philippine Music
Grade Level: Grade 7
Quarter: Fourth
The learner demonstrates understanding and application of musical skills related to selected Philippine
Content standard
Performance standard performs songs and dances from selected Philippine festivals
Performance task Festival Dancing
Values that can be cultivated in this quarter are:
Values Integration
---respect and empathy towards individual’s differences
---respect towards cultural differences
G To perform the Festival Dances
R Performer( Intrumentalist and dancers)
A Viewers
S There will be a Competition in ALIWAG festival
P Festival Dance
Your dancing and playing instruments will be graded based upon the following criteria: Choreography,
S Instruments, Performance skills, Rhythm and tempo
Category 4 3 2 1
Choreography Demonstrate excellent Demonstrates Demonstrates Remembers a few
knowledge of choreography well, Few choreography well, steps and tries, but
choreography and does errors Some errors causing looks lost and out of
it well brief pause in sync with others
Instruments Performs with creative Performs with creative Rarely demonstrated Expression and style
nuance and style in nuance and style in that expression and style. is comparable non