Physiology of Free Will
Physiology of Free Will
Physiology of Free Will
Author manuscript
Ann Neurol. Author manuscript; available in PMC 2017 July 01.
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Free will is a perception that people have that they choose to make their movements. This
perception includes a sense of willing the movement and self-agency that they are responsible for
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the movement. If there is a “free will force” that plays a role in movement selection, it should
precede movement. There is no evidence for a driving force, and the perception of willing is not
fully processed until after the movement. The perceptions of free will likely arise from an
interaction between frontal and parietal areas. Free will might be considered to exist if a person’s
brain is functioning normally without coercion.
Free will; volition; willing; agency; self-agency; consciousness; qualia; Bereitschaftspotential;
neuroimaging; transcranial magnetic stimulation
Everyone has the sense that their movements are ordinarily freely chosen and their thoughts
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are freely made. I decide that I want to pick up this chocolate bar and eat it, and then I do it.
This sense of free will is important to a person’s sense of themselves. I think, therefore I am.
I make my movements, therefore I am, and, moreover, others can see who I am. Despite this
crucial, universal sense, the nature of free will itself is somewhat obscure and controversial.
What does free will mean? Does it really exist? If so, what is its physiology? Our science at
the moment does have answers, or at least partial answers, to these questions.
Definitions must come first. Free will is a person’s perception that thoughts and movements
made are a person’s choice. In this discussion, I will focus mostly on movements since they
are more easily measurable. Free will for movement also includes a sense that the decision
itself is a driving force for that movement. It is because of the decision that the movement
occurs. That there is a perception of free will is clear; that there is a driving force is murky.
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The topic of free will has been the subject of philosophical discussion for centuries.1, 2 One
school of philosophy says that there cannot be free will since the world is deterministic, and
free will is incompatible with determinism. Everything is predictable on the basis of
fundamental physics. There cannot be free will since all movement is fully predicable from
what has happened before. An opposite school says that free will can exist because the world
Correspondence: Mark Hallett, MD, Chief, Human Motor Control Section, NINDS, NIH, Building 10, Room 7D37, 10 Center Drive,
Bethesda, MD 20892-1428, Tel: 301-496-9526, FAX: 301-480-2286,
Dr. Hallett has nothing to disclose.
Potential conflicts of interest: None
Hallett Page 2
is not fully deterministic. Yet another school says that free will and determinism are actually
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compatible, since if a course of action is chosen, then that choice drives the movement.
There are also theological schools of thought. One postulates that only God makes all the
choices, while another grants free will to persons and sets God up in judgment as to whether
you did the right thing. Another philosophical issue, which is also a legal issue, is when
persons can be deemed responsible for their behavior. This topic is beyond the scope of this
Heisenberg physics rather than Newtonian physics allows that physical laws are not fully
deterministic. Some events are stochastic and that the future can only be probabilistically
predicted. It is also possible that some laws of nature are top down as opposed to bottom up,
and that may confound determinism.3 For the purposes here, I will assume that free will is
possible; that physics or God have not determined the course of the universe. Given that it is
possible, the rest of this essay will summarize what we know about its physiology.
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There are two aspects of free will, willing and self-agency. The sense of willing is the freely
made decision to initiate a movement. The general view would be that this decision and its
perception occur at the same time, and that this time is before the movement. Indeed, it
would have to be before the movement if it was to be causal. Cause must precede effect.
Self-agency is the sense that the person himself is responsible for the movement that just
occurred. Willing and agency are separable. Willing can occur without agency; consider
patients with a stroke, spinal cord injury, or peripheral injury; they can will, but nothing will
happen. Self-agency generally requires both willing and the movement to occur, but, in
certain types of anosognosia, patients can have the sense that they have voluntarily moved,
when in fact they have not.
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The timing of the quale of willing can be determined. Libet and colleagues,4 in a now classic
paper, first determined the timing of willing compared with the timing of movement and its
associated brain activity. The time of willing was called W, and the time of the sense that the
movement occurred was called M. Subjects sat in front of a clock face with a ball that
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moved around the clock in about 3 seconds. Subjects made movements at freely chosen
times and subsequently reported either the time of W or the time of M depending on where
the ball was at the subjective moment (Fig. 1). These times were compared with the actual
time of movement and the EEG activity that preceded the movement. The EEG activity
preceding movement is a slowly rising negative potential called the Bereitschaftspotential
(BP), as originally named,5 or Readiness Potential (RP), as Libet et al. used in English
translation. This potential typically begins about 1 to 1.5 sec prior to movement. Without
going into detail, M was close to movement onset, W was about 300 ms prior to movement
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onset, and RP onset was about 1 sec prior to movement. Hence RP onset was about 700 ms
prior to W. Superficially, these data suggest that the brain has initiated the process of
movement initiation long before the subjective sense of willing the movement. This would
violate the ordinary sense that the decision to move is primary, followed by movement
initiation. These results have been duplicated many times. The data are clear, the
interpretation difficult. Some have said that these data disprove that free will exists. Libet et
al. said that, yes, movement initiates unconsciously, but free will is actually still possible
because a movement once initiated by the brain can be consciously vetoed. It might be said
then that they did not believe in free will, only “free won’t”. Others commenting on these
data have raised a variety of issues, even raising problems with the experiment itself, saying
that the experiment cannot answer the question.
A Libet-like experiment was also done with fMRI.6 In this experiment, subjects in the
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scanner made movements of right or left hand at freely chosen times while watching a series
of letters. After the movement, subjects were asked when they decided to move either hand
by indicating what letter they saw at the time of the decision. In this experiment, it was
possible to identify with 60% probability (slightly more than chance) which hand would be
moved as long as 8 sec before the movement, while the subjective perception was within the
second prior to movement.
One argument against the Libet experiment is that making small movements in the
laboratory has nothing to do with free will.7 The subject is just following orders. Free will is
the decision to agree to do the experiment in the first place; it is a thought and not a
movement. This argument distinguishes between distal and proximal intentions. The distal
intention, the thought, is the agreement to participate; the proximal intention is the
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Another way of getting at the timing of the subjective perception of willing was reported by
Matsuhashi and myself.10 Again, subjects made movements at freely chosen times, but now
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while listening to tones (Fig. 2). If a tone came after the intention to move, but before the
movement occurred, then the subject was to veto the movement. This is an experiment
dealing with free won’t, but the beginning of the time period of vetoing should be the time
of willing, here called T for “thinking” about moving. The end of the period of vetoing is the
point of no return, when the movement will occur despite attempts to veto it. The period of
vetoing is identified by a histogram of the times of tones prior to movements. While we
originally thought T would be similar to W, it was earlier with respect to movement onset,
about 1400 ms on average, but still shorter than the time of the beginning of the BP, which
was 2200 ms in our experiments. To explain this discrepancy, we suggested that the period
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between T and W would be a period of “probe awareness”. Probe awareness is a quale just
below the “awareness” threshold and can be brought into awareness by probing for it. This
experiment would then suggest that movement initiation begins fully unconsciously,
followed by probe awareness, followed by full awareness.
If movement truly begins unconsciously, then it should be possible to show that persons are
thinking about something else when the EEG shows that a movement is being initiated.
While the BP indicates movement preparation, it is ordinarily obtained by off-line averaging
of about 50 trials. To use the BP for this purpose, it would have to be recognized in real time
in single trials. This engineering feat was accomplished by Bai et al.11 using an array of
EEG electrodes and all the EEG frequency content. Then we could do the following
experiment.12 Subjects were asked to make movements at freely chosen times, and when
movement happened a light went on (Fig. 3). First, the EEG before a movement was
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identified individually, and this was typically mainly activity in the beta band over the
central region contralateral to the movement. The prediction algorithm was calculated to
have low false positive rate, not worrying about false negatives. Second, subjects were again
asked to move freely and when the algorithm predicted a movement, the computer turned the
light on. A number of events were produced by this. Movements by the subject followed by
the light (false negatives), lights followed quickly by movement (subjects thought that “we
beat them to it”), and lights without movement. The latter could have been due to several
reasons: (1) there had been movement intention, but there was “no need” to move since the
light was already turned on, (2) there was no movement intention and a false positive
prediction, and (3) there was no movement intention but a true prediction. The last two
reasons could not be separated, but taken together there were twice as many of them as
would be predicted from our false positive rate. Hence, some must have been true
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predictions. (As a third step of the experiment, we tested the model again to prove that it had
not changed and the false positive rate had not increased.)
The interesting part of the experiment was asking persons what they were thinking when the
light went on and they had not moved. Sometimes, as noted above, it was movement
intention. Other times, it was various random thoughts such as what was going to happen for
dinner. Thus, it was possible to demonstrate directly that persons could be thinking about
something else when the brain was preparing to move.
Using single cell recordings from human premotor cortex (during neurosurgical procedures),
activity could be seen prior to freely chosen movement.13 Similar to what Bai et al did, it
was possible to create a model with this activity to predict when movement would occur.
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The model with these data was much more accurate than what could be done with EEG;
however, the investigators did not duplicate the second part of the experiment, making the
predictions before the subjects actually moved.
supplementary motor area (SMA) either at the time of the freely chosen movement or 200
ms later.14 There was no effect of stimulation over the motor cortex, but stimulation over
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SMA could influence the reported time of W at either time point of stimulation. W is
presumably occurring before movement, yet its reported time could be influenced by TMS
done later. Transcranial direct current stimulation over either angular gyrus or primary motor
cortex during a Libet-like experiment caused W to be earlier.15 Moreover, the effect on W
could be accounted for by changes in slow wave activity both before and after the
Another way of influencing W is perhaps even more remarkable. The Libet-like experiment
is done with a button press that leads to production of a tone.16 The tone is delayed in
intervals from 5 to 60 ms after the press. In this circumstance, W is delayed linearly with the
delay of the tone. In only the 5 ms interval was W prior to the press itself; in the other delays
W was said to be after the button press. Thus W is influenced in a systematic fashion after
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the movement is done. Similar experiments by the same authors show the same effect on
At the time of neurosurgical procedures parts of the brain can be stimulated to determine
their function. This is useful, of course, for mapping prior to any intervention. Stimulating
the motor cortex produces a movement which is well known. Stimulation of SMA provokes
an “urge” to move, while stimulation of the parietal cortex provokes an “intention” to
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move.19 It is claimed that “urge” might only be a “wanting to move”, while “intention” is
the feeling that actually precedes a specific movement. Whether these sensations are actually
different, both are proximate to movement. Patients with bilateral parietal lesions, in the
Libet experiment, have an abnormal W, very close to movement onset, but the behavioral
correlate of that was not described in the paper where this was reported.20 However, the
authors had described loss of agency in patients with apraxia from parietal lesions earlier,21
and this has been confirmed by others.22
nervous system and be processed into perceptions.23 This would be the order of one or
several hundreds of milliseconds. Libet and his colleagues also did experiments with direct
continuous stimulation of the sensory cortex, seeing how long it would be until subjects
recognized a sensation. This process took several hundred msec, but then the time of the
stimulus was referred to when the stimulus began.24
W, M and T are examples of subjective perceptions. Movement and the BP are real world
events. If this is the case, then the brain processes underlying W, M and T are actually
occurring over a period of time and the end of that period is after the time they are reported.
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Hence, it is therefore possible to influence W and M after the movement since the
processing of these perceptions is likely not finished until after the movement.25 See Fig. 4
for timing of the phenomena.
The physiology of the sense of willing gives some answers and one result is clear: the sense
of willing is not contemporaneous with movement initiation. It certainly seems that
movement is generated subconsciously and conscious awareness of this intention occurs late
in the process, even possibly after the movement itself. Moreover, the sense of willing is not
even time-locked to any feature of movement initiation and can be manipulated.
As noted earlier, agency (specifically self-agency) is the sense that you have made the
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movement that has just happened. Generally, there must be willing of a movement and then
the observation of a compatible movement that follows. As emphasized by Wegner,26 for W
to be the cause of M, W must precede M. The process must also involve a match (or
mismatch) detector. The movement must be pretty close to the movement that has been
willed. The motor system generates feedforward signals to the rest of the brain when it
issues a motor command. The sensory system detects the feedback of what movements have
occurred. The match of feedforward and feedback are routine for the brain and are consistent
with agency, if one chooses to think about it (most of the time, we don’t bother to think
about it). Mismatch is somewhat jarring to the nervous system and might well set up an alert
—a willed movement did not occur or occurred abnormally. To a certain extent, it is difficult
to separate mismatch and agency as they are part of the same process. Per force, the sense of
agency must occur (when it occurs) after movement. Studies have focused on the anatomy.
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One way of investigating agency is to have persons make movements and then modulate the
correctness of the feedback. One of the first experiments of this type was done by Farrer et
al.27 They had persons make joystick movements and modulated the feedback which
indicated a compatible or incompatible result. The main findings with blood flow PET were
that the right TPJ region was negatively modulated with the amount of agency and anterior
insula was positively modulated. We did a similar experiment in more detail with fMRI.28
Subjects had their right hand in a data glove and made successive movements of the fingers.
The data glove captured the movements at each joint, and this information was used to drive
an image of the glove on a computer screen. In the 100% condition, the movement of the
image mirrored the hand movement exactly, and, after looking at this for even a short time,
subjects would get the sense of agency for moving the image, and, of course, this was true. It
was also possible for the experimenter to drive the image with arbitrary movements, and
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thus with various mixtures of the true and arbitrary signals, get what would be 80%, 60%,
40%, 20% and 0% control. Subjects were pretty good at specifying how much control/
agency they had, and the fMRI signal was related to the subjective amount of agency they
had in each 20 sec block of performance. All areas of modulation were negative with respect
to agency. There were two prominent temporal patterns of these areas. The first, called
leading, had an early peak with moderate decline over most of the rest of the block of
performance. The second, called lagging, had a somewhat more sluggish onset and then only
a very slow decline through the block. The most prominently activated leading regions, all
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on the right side, were the TPJ, superior frontal gyrus, anterior insula, and precuneus. The
most prominently activated lagging regions, again on the right side, included the middle
frontal gyrus and inferior parietal lobule. The results were interpreted that the early areas
were principally concerned with feedback analysis, and the later areas were more related to
the sense of agency. It certainly would take some time experiencing a certain level of control
to make an assessment of the amount of agency. This study was repeated using EEG,29 and
the most prominent correlate to agency, again inverse, was alpha band coherence in the
frontal areas, perhaps correlating with the lagging areas in the fMRI study.
Non-invasive brain stimulation in the parietal area can influence the experience of agency.
Subjects made reaching movements and observed a virtual hand on a computer screen.31
The virtual hand was either perturbed or not (corresponding to no agency and agency,
respectively), and single pulse TMS was delivered on some trials to the right parietal cortex
during the movement. With stimuli, subjects were more likely to say that they did not have
agency for both types of movement. A similar experiment with 10Hz online rTMS to the
right parietal cortex had similar results.32 A third study used a different type of task where
button presses produced pictures of colored disks and subjects had to judge whether they had
agency for producing the specific color.33 Movements were triggered by visual stimuli after
receiving subliminal primes, and single pulse TMS was delivered to the right parietal area at
different times during the trials. In this case, TMS interfered with the sense of agency only
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during motor preparation, not during motor execution, suggesting an effect on feedforward
signaling rather than feedback.
movement planning and initiation are becoming well known, and no free will force has been
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Movements occur when the motor cortex issues a command. The motor cortex gets its input,
directly or indirectly, from the entire brain. The posterior part of the brain provides sensory
input and helps guide movement related to external stimuli; for example, getting the key in
the lock. The anterior part of the brain provides drives such as hunger, thirst, sex, other
pleasures, and homeostasis, coming from limbic and hypothalamic influences. The anterior
part of the brain is also modulated strongly by reward, both negative and positive, and
reward is mediated in part by dopamine signaling. We tend to do what has been rewarding in
the past. Cortical areas are all modulated by basal ganglia and cerebellar influences. The
basal ganglia in particular appear to play a role in what movement to do and what not to do.
There is also some neural noise that introduces some apparent randomness. All this input
comes to premotor and eventually to motor cortex; the various factors are weighed and the
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output determined by the strongest factors at the time. Movement can be predicted
probabilistically. The more we know about a person and the factors at any time, the better
our prediction can be. If asked why we have made the choice that we have made, we can
always come up with a reason. The reason may indeed to relate to some of these factors, but
likely some important ones are unconscious and hence our explanation might be partly
confabulatory. See Fig. 6 for a diagram of how the brain might be organized to produce
movement and the associated perceptions.
I have previously described the salted peanut problem.25 We sit in front of a bowl of peanuts,
eat some, and then say we have had enough. In less than a minute, our hand is going out for
more peanuts. The peanuts are just too tasty, too rewarding, and motor system goes for the
peanuts despite the content of our consciousness.
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upon the choice. We do not know what consciousness is or how awareness comes about, but
it seems passive, the most prominent brain network operative at a particular time.38, 39
Hence, you are your brain and therefore you are making your movements (or,
synonymously, your brain is making your movements).
Neurologists should care about this topic or, at least, understand about it since we run into
issues of volition with patients regularly. I have called these situations the neurological
disorders of volition.25 They include functional movement disorders, tic, alien hand,
anosognosia, and the passivity phenomena of schizophrenia; we have expanded on them
some stochastic events. Behavior can be explained probabilistically based on past history
and current factors. That is the way the brain works. If the brain is allowed to function this
way, then it is free, and it is likely that this is the sense of freedom that we can appreciate.
The brain is not free if in the midst of a seizure or if a gun is held to the head. In the first
instance, the brain is malfunctioning, and, in the second instance, there is a strong external
factor influencing what the brain will choose to do. In relation to the latter, it has been
recently demonstrated that if persons are coerced to make movements in the intentional
binding experiment, the amount of binding is less.41 Hence, we can have free will if our
brains are free, and this is true most of the time for most people. Remaining to be explained
is conscious awareness itself, what is its physiology, why do we have it, what is its function.
We might need a deeper level of scientific explanation to tackle these interesting questions.
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This work was supported by the NINDS Intramural Program.
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Fig. 1.
Diagrammatic set-up for the experiments of Libet et al.4 and Vinding et al.8 Subjects sit in
front of a “clock” with a ball that moves around the circumference every 3 seconds. They
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make movements whenever they want, and then afterwards report the “time” of distal
intention (thinking about making the movement sometime in future), proximal intention
(willing of the movement, W), or the movement itself (M). In the Libet et al. experiment, the
EEG is backaveraged from the movement; in the Vinding et al. experiment, the EEG is
backaveraged from the time of distal intention.
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Fig. 2.
Diagrammatic set-up for the experiment of Matsuhashi and Hallett.10 Subjects made
movements at freely chosen times as soon as they thought about doing so (time T). They
also listened to tones delivered randomly. If they heard a tone after deciding to move, then
they should veto the movement. Hence, looking at the timing of tones with respect to
movements, in period 1, tones will occur since T had no happened yet, in period 2, there
should not be any tones since the movement will be vetoed, in period 3, tones will occur
again since the point of no return (P) will have been reached and the movement cannot be
vetoed. Diagram is modified from the original paper.
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Fig. 3.
Diagrammatic set-up for the experiment of Schneider et al.12 In the first part of the
experiment, A, subjects made movements freely and when they moved a light went on. EEG
was analyzed during these movements and a prediction algorithm was calculated. In the
second part of the experiment, B, the situation for the subject was the same, but if the
algorithm detected that the subject was going to make a movement, then the computer turned
on the light. After that the subject sometimes did and sometimes did not move. Following
the light and possible move, we asked the subject to report what they were thinking when the
light went on.
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Fig. 4.
Time line for events related to movement initiation and execution with associated subjective
perceptions. BP= Bereitschaftspotential. T=time of thinking about making a movement.
W=time of willing a movement. M=time that a movement is thought to be initiated. W*=end
of the time when the perception of W can be influenced. Note that the time of W is referred
backward in time even though its processing is not completed until after the movement in
already initiated.
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Author Manuscript
Fig. 5.
Diagrammatic set-up for intentional binding experiments. Subjects use a “Libet clock” for
subjective timing. First, A, the timing of button pressing is noted (similar to Libet’s M) and,
B, the timing of a randomly occurring tone. Then, C, the tone is yoked to the button press at
varying intervals, and again subjects are asked to specify when the button press and tones
occurred. In the setting of C, the button press subjectively occurred later and the tone
occurred earlier. Hence, the two events are bound together by the intentional act.
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Fig. 6.
Block diagram of different parts of the brain and how they connect to produce movement
and the perceptions of willing and agency. Movement intention forms in the premotor areas
under internal influences of limbic system, basal ganglia, hypothalamus and frontal lobe and
external influences from parietal lobe. Premotor cortex sends a command to motor cortex
that produces a movement. Feedforward signals come from premotor and motor cortices to
parietal area and such processing can give rise to the sense of willing. Comparing
Author Manuscript
feedforward signals with feedback from the movement generated looks for mismatch. If no
mismatch, then a perception of agency can arise. Note that it appears that the perceptions of
willing and agency both employ a network between parietal and frontal areas.