Logiccal Quiz
Logiccal Quiz
Logiccal Quiz
Translate the following statements into symbolic form using capital letters to represent affirmative
English statements:
9. ImClone’s earnings will improve given that Erbitux cures cancer . I⊃E
10. The Colts’ winning the Superbowl implies that Peyton Manning is a great quarterback. C ⊃ P
11. Mary-Kate Olsen does not appear in a movie unless Ashley does . ~M ˅ A
12. Alabama restricts abortion rights only if Georgia and Mississippi do. A ⊃ (G•M)
13. The President supports campaign reform and either the House adopts universal health care or the
Senate approves missile defense. P • (H ˅ S)
14. Either the President supports campaign reform and the House adopts universal health care or the
Senate approves missile defense. (P • H) ˅ S
21. If Canada subsidizes exports, then if Mexico opens new factories, then the United States raises
tariffs. C ⊃ (M ⊃ U)
22. If Canada’s subsidizing exports implies that Mexico opens new factories, then the United States
raises tariffs. (C ⊃ M) ⊃ U
23. DMX abandons explicit lyrics if and only if neither Columbia nor BMG stops advertising.
D = ~(C v B)
24. If Iraq launches bioterrorist attacks, then either Peter Jennings or Brian Williams will report them.
I ⊃ (P v B)
25. Either Oregon does not allow same-sex marriages or if Nevada legalizes prostitution then so does
Arizona. ~O v (N ⊃ A)
26. If either Eminem or Dr. Dre attend the charity concert, then neither Britney Spears nor Christina
Aguilera will attend. (E v D) ⊃ ~(B v C)
27. If the New York Times and the Washington Post suppress free speech, then either CNN or MSNBC
will get higher ratings. (N•W) ⊃ (C v M)
28. Panasonic or Samsung introduces a new widescreen TV given that both Hitachi and Toshiba do not
do so. P v S ⊃ ~(H v T)
29. Jennifer Capriatti wins tournaments, and Barry Bonds hits homers or Marshall Faulk runs
touchdowns. J • (B v M)
30. Jennifer Capriati wins tournaments and Barry Bonds hits homers, or Marshall Faulk runs
touchdowns. J • (B v M)
Write the following compound statements in symbolic form, then use your knowledge of the historical
events referred to by the simple statements to determine the truth value of the compound statements.
1. It is not the case that Hitler ran the Third Reich. ~H False
2. Nixon resigned the presidency and Lincoln wrote the Gettysburg Address. N • L True
4. Hitler ran the Third Reich and Nixon did not resign the presidency. H ● ∼ N False
5. Edison invented the telephone, or Custer was killed by the Indians. E v C True
8. Lincoln wrote the Gettysburg Address if and only if Caesar conquered China. L ≣ C False
9. It is not the case that either Alexander the Great civilized America or Washington was assassinated.
~(A v W) True
10. If Hitler ran the Third Reich, then either Custer was killed by the Indians or Einstein discovered
aspirin. H ⊃ (C v E) True
11. Either Lindbergh crossed the Atlantic and Edison invented the telephone or both Nixon resigned the
presidency and it is false that Edison invented the telephone. (L● E) v (N● ~E) True
12. Lincoln’s having written the Gettysburg Address is a sufficient condition for Alexander the Great’s
having civilized America if and only if Washington’s being assassinated is a necessary condition for
Custer’s having been killed by the Indians. (L⊃J) ≡ (C⊃W) True
13. Both Hitler ran the Third Reich and Lindbergh crossed the Atlantic if neither Einstein discovered
aspirin nor Caesar conquered China. ∼(E v C) ⊃ (H ● L) True
14. It is not the case that Custer was killed by the Indians unless both Nixon resigned the presidency and
Edison invented the telephone. ~C v (N●E) False
15. Custer was killed by the Indians, and Lincoln wrote the Gettysburg Address only if either Washington
was assassinated or Alexander the Great civilized America. [L ⊃ (W v A)] False
Determine the truth values of the following symbolized statements. Let A, B, and C be true and X,Y, and
Z be false. Circle your answer.
1. A • X T F F False
2. B • ~Y T T T F True
3. X v ~Y F T T F True
4. ~C v Z F T F F False
5. B ⊃ ~Z T T T F True
6. Y ⊃ ~A F T F T True
7. ~X ⊃ Z T F F F False
8. B ≡ Y TFF False
9. ~C ≡ Z F T T F True
11. ~B v (Y ⊃ A) F T T F T T True
When possible, determine the truth values of the following symbolized statements. Let A and B be true,
Y and Z false. P and Q have unknown truth value. If the truth value of the statement cannot be
determined, write “undetermined.”
1. A v P true
2. Q v Z undetermined
3. Q • Y false
4. Q • A undetermined
5. P ⊃ B true
6. Z ⊃ Q true
7. A ⊃ P undetermined
8. P ≡ ~P false
9. (P ⊃ A) ⊃ Z false
10. (P ⊃ A) ≡ (Q ⊃ B) true
11. (Q ⊃ B) ⊃ (A ⊃ Y) false