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Table 1. Energy Efficiencies of Different Technologies for economically competitive with the use of fossil fuels.7,26 They
Hydrogen Production show the highest product costs, whereas the well-developed
technologies, such as steam methane reforming and coal
energy efficiency in energy efficiency
technology transformation (%) with CCS (%) ref gasification, display the lowest product costs (Figure 2). Until
the use of renewable energies is sufficiently expanded,
coal gasification 60 43 22
processes based on fossil resources seem to be fundamental,
steam methane 75 60 28
reforming and thus, cleaner economic technologies need to be developed
biomass gasification 35−50 40 and implemented industrially.
thermochemical 20−45 41 Methane, which is the main component of natural gas, is a
water splitting suitable raw material in terms of availability due to the
water electrolysis 50−70 40 existence of huge natural gas reserves.6 Since SMR leads to
methane pyrolysis 58 58 28 significant CO2 emissions, cleaner processes have to be
investigated. The thermal decomposition of methane, also
intended for the production of syngas, rather than for pure known as methane pyrolysis, is an adequate alternative because
hydrogen, suitable for the synthesis of higher hydrocarbons hydrogen and solid carbon are the only reaction products, and
and oxygenated derivatives.33 Biomass gasification is a mature thus, the formation of CO2 is prevented during the reaction
technology that converts biomass into a hydrogen containing itself.7,9 The CO2 footprint of methane pyrolysis (Figure 2)
gas mixture. Although biomass is considered as a renewable corresponds to the emissions derived from the required
raw material, its limited availability and the complex logistics electricity and those generated during the extraction and
for transportation to decentralized industries are factors that transportation of natural gas. In any case, the CO2 emissions
affect negatively its applicability and the final product costs.30 corresponding to methane pyrolysis are significantly lower than
Moreover, the production of hydrogen is accompanied by those derived from the well-established fossil fuel-based
significant amounts of CO2 that force the implementation of technologies.30 Methane pyrolysis is a one-step process,9
further separation and purification steps.6 For this reason, unlike SMR in which the water−gas shift (WGS) reaction has
biomass gasification is usually intended for direct syngas to be carried out additionally. Via the WGS reaction the CO
production to generate energy or synthesize fuels rather than produced in the reaction between methane and water is
for obtaining pure hydrogen.34 converted into CO2 and additional hydrogen.26,38 Regarding
A great effort is being made to establish industrial strategies the energy efficiency, if the sequestration of CO2 is not
for hydrogen production with near-zero CO2 emissions. considered, SMR is significantly more efficient than methane
Thermochemical water splitting and water electrolysis are pyrolysis (75% vs 58%). However, when the implementation of
developing technologies that generate only hydrogen and CCS systems is taken into account, the net energy efficiency of
oxygen. The most common thermochemical water splitting both processes becomes very similar (60% for SMR and 58%
process consists of redox-active metal oxide cycles, which for methane pyrolysis).28 Methane pyrolysis is more advanta-
require high temperatures (>1300 °C) that can be achieved by geous concerning the energy input requirement as well (Figure
large-scale sunlight concentration systems.35 This technology 3). According to the standard reaction enthalpies, 37.7 kJ are
uses two practically inexhaustibly sources, namely water and needed in methane pyrolysis to obtain one mole of H2,7,42
sun. However, according to the economic evaluation of whereas in SMR coupled with the water−gas shift reaction and
different hydrogen production processes on a large scale, the without taking into account the heat for water evaporation this
metal oxide cycle has the highest product costs and requires a value amounts to 41.4 kJ per mole of H2.43 Nevertheless, if the
high level of investment (Figure 2).30 The integration of solar heat required to evaporate liquid water is considered, then 63.4
energy concentration systems with structures able to split kJ must be applied for the production of one mole of hydrogen
water represents an extensive value and impact on the energy in the steam reforming process.43 The decomposition of
and economy. Nowadays this process is not industrially methane is also energetically much more favorable than water
feasible owing to its relatively poor efficiency and high electrolysis, where 285.8 kJ are required to produce one mole
processing costs.6 Water electrolysis involves the decom- of hydrogen.30 Despite the advantages of methane pyrolysis,
position of water into oxygen and hydrogen by passing an the production of hydrogen from this process is not yet
electric current.36,37 Hydrogen production from water via competitive with the mature steam reforming technology. The
electrolysis is a completely CO2-free alternative only if the estimated product costs from the decomposition of methane
required electricity comes exclusively from renewable range from 2600 to 3200 € per ton of hydrogen depending on
resources.30 If the electricity is not 100% emission-free, water the expected carbon credit. In contrast, one ton of hydrogen
electrolysis can even exceed the carbon footprint of SMR due generated by steam reforming costs 2000 €.30 However, this
to the high energy requirements.38 The problems related to value could increase in the future if higher penalties for CO2
renewable energies, such as solar and wind, are their variability emissions are imposed. Although methane pyrolysis cannot
and unpredictability, which leads to difficulties to match energy compete economically today with the traditional process, and
supply and demand. The storage of energy during periods with even though natural gas is a fossil raw material, this technology
power surplus is often seen as a crucial element of future power seems to be an appropriate temporary alternative for CO2-free
systems, but it is unlikely to be a universal solution for all hydrogen production that can serve as a bridge in a transition
demand−supply imbalance problems.39 In the specific case of period toward renewable energies.
Germany, it seems improbable that a total dependence on
renewable energy will be achieved. Thus, due to the high 3. REACTION MECHANISM OF METHANE PYROLYSIS
electricity consumption, the viability of water electrolysis 3.1. Reaction Mechanism of Noncatalytic Methane
depends on the price and carbon footprint of the required Pyrolysis. Different reaction mechanisms for the noncatalytic
electricity.30 Both water processing technologies are still not decomposition of methane have been postulated since the
Ind. Eng. Chem. Res. 2021, 60, 11855−11881
Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research Review
Figure 3. Enthalpy diagrams of (A) steam methane reforming, (B) water electrolysis, and (C) methane pyrolysis. ΔfH0gas (H2O) = 241.8 kJ mol−1;
ΔfH0liquid (H2O) = 285.8 kJ mol−1; ΔH0vap (H2O) = ΔfH0liquid (H2O) − ΔfH0gas (H2O); ΔfH0gas (CO2) = −393.5 kJ mol−1; ΔH0dis (CH3−H) =
439.6 kJ mol−1; ΔH0dis (CH2−H) = 462.2 kJ mol−1; ΔH0dis (CH−H) = 424.1 kJ mol−1; ΔH0dis (C−H) = 338.7 kJ mol−1; ΔH0dis (H−H) = 436.3 kJ
mol−1; ΔH0sub (C) = 716.7 kJ mol−1. All enthalpies are taken from the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), except the
dissociation enthalpies (ΔH0dis), which were taken from ref 44.
1960s. Pyrolysis tests in shock-tube experiments have allowed reaction between CH3 radicals and other intermediate
measurement of the initial rate of methane dissociation.45−49 hydrocarbon species. In the first step, methane splits into a
Most authors agree that the reaction mechanism involves a methyl radical and a hydrogen atom to subsequently form
free-radical scheme with the initiating reaction step corre- ethane and hydrogen molecules. In the second step, the rate of
sponding to the dissociation of methane into a methyl radical ethane formation falls gradually toward a plateau, and ethylene
and a hydrogen atom.45,48,50−56 A detailed reaction mechanism is obtained as a secondary product via the radical chain
resulting from experiments at low temperatures (<830 °C) was dehydrogenation of ethane. In addition, under certain
proposed in 1976 (Scheme 1).53,54 This mechanism is based conditions ethane can be dissociated into two methyl radicals.
on the cleavage of C−H bonds and the consequent formation In the third step, acetylene and propylene are formed from
of methyl radicals. C2+ hydrocarbons are generated by the ethylene via radical chain dehydrogenation and radical chain
Ind. Eng. Chem. Res. 2021, 60, 11855−11881
Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research Review
Scheme 1. Reaction Mechanism of the Noncatalytic Methane Pyrolysis Proposed by Chen et al.53,54
methylation reactions, respectively. At the same time, a sharp and probably higher condensed aromatics are the main species
increase in the formation rate of ethane is observed. This fact is for carbon growth.56
not explained by the described reaction mechanism, and CH3·+CH4 → C2H6 + H· (1)
autocatalysis is apparently involved. Unlike other works, where
autocatalysis is attributed to the formation of catalytically CH3·+CH4 → C2H5·+H 2 (2)
active carbon, in the present studies the appearance of new
C2H5· → C2H4 + H· (3)
radical sources in the autocatalytic region, probably coming
from acetylene and propylene, may be responsible for the 3C2H 2 → C6H6 (4)
increased formation rates of ethane and the corresponding
products derived from it.53,54 2C2H4 → C4 H8 (5)
This mechanism was extended in 1985 by adding reverse, C4 H8 + C2H4 → C6H12 (6)
isomerization, and abstraction and addition reactions for
radicals up to C3 reacting with primary and secondary C6H12 → C6H6 + 3H 2 (7)
products up to C3.55 The reaction between methane and a
Although it is generally accepted that the rate-limiting step is
methyl radical to produce ethane was taken into account at
the splitting of methane into a methyl radical and a hydrogen
higher temperatures (>1000 °C) (eq 1).45,56 Nevertheless, the atom, another reaction mechanism with an alternative rate-
formation of ethane is unlikely above 1000 °C and the direct determining step has also been proposed. In this case, the
production of ethylene from methane is more probable (eqs 2 controlling stage corresponds to the dissociation of methane
and 3). According to the same study, the formation of benzene into methylene and a hydrogen molecule (Scheme 2):46,47
occurs from acetylene (eq 4) and ethylene (eqs 5−7), and These controversial results in the initiating and rate-
even if both hydrocarbons can form carbon directly, benzene controlling step may be related to the different temperature
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Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research Review
Scheme 2. Reaction Mechanism of the Noncatalytic by the molecular adsorption mechanism. The dissociative
Methane Pyrolysis Proposed by Kevorkian et al.46 and adsorption mechanism emerges from studies on the interaction
Kozlov and Knorre47 of methane with metal surfaces at pressures below atmospheric
using molecular beam techniques with high-resolution electron
energy loss spectroscopy (HREELS) and Auger electron
spectroscopy.76−78 However, this model has also been applied
to methane pyrolysis, which is usually carried out at
atmospheric pressure.
Different rate-limiting steps have been proposed in the
molecular adsorption mechanism. Some works consider the
abstraction of the first hydrogen atom from molecularly
adsorbed methane to form an adsorbed methyl group as the
initiation and rate-limiting step of the decomposition of
methane.59,63 Nevertheless, the removal of the second
hydrogen from the adsorbed methyl fragment58 or the
adsorption of methane on the catalyst surface60,61 has also
been suggested as rate-determining steps. In the dissociative
adsorption mechanism, there is also no agreement on the rate-
controlling step of the reaction. Some authors confirm that the
dissociation of methane giving rise to a methyl group and a
ranges used in methane pyrolysis experiments. The decom- hydrogen atom controls the overall mechanism.74,75 On the
position of methane into a methyl radical and a hydrogen atom other hand, according to various works on the kinetics of
is observed in experiments at lower temperatures (<1400 °C), carbon nanotube formation, the dissociative adsorption of
whereas the dissociation into methylene and a hydrogen methane followed by the removal of hydrogen from the
molecule derives from reactions at higher temperatures (>1400 adsorbed methyl group limits the catalytic decomposition of
°C).57 methane.70,72,73 The kinetic models presented in the latter
3.2. Reaction Mechanism of Catalytic Methane works differ in the number of active site types. The kinetic
Pyrolysis. Several reaction mechanisms have been postulated models for double-70 and single-walled72 carbon nanotube
to explain the catalytic pyrolysis reaction of methane. Some synthesis are based on the presence of only one type of active
works have proposed a molecular adsorption mechanism sites, whereas that developed for the formation of multiwalled
(Scheme 3A),58−63 whereas a dissociative adsorption model carbon nanotubes73 considers two different types of active
has been described in other studies (Scheme 3B).64−75 In the sites. Here, CHx* and H* species are adsorbed on different
molecular adsorption mechanism, methane is first adsorbed on kinds of active sites.
the catalyst surface and then dissociates following a series of Other possible mechanisms arise from studies on the
stepwise surface dehydrogenation reactions. Nevertheless, decomposition of hydrocarbons focused on the synthesis of
according to the dissociative adsorption model, methane carbon nanostructures via chemical vapor deposition. The
dissociates upon adsorption on the catalytic active sites vapor−liquid−solid (VLS) model was initially developed in
generating chemisorbed CH3 and H fragments. This step is 1964 to explain the crystal growth of silicon whiskers.79 Some
followed by the same surface dissociation reactions described years later this mechanism was applied to the growth of
(A) Molecular adsorption mechanism. (B) Dissociative adsorption mechanism.
Ind. Eng. Chem. Res. 2021, 60, 11855−11881
Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research Review
filamentous carbon, which includes carbon nanotubes and is maintained by the exothermic decomposition of the
nanofibers, over a nickel catalyst using acetylene as a carbon hydrocarbon on the front face of the catalyst particle and the
precursor.80 The general VLS mechanism for the decom- endothermic precipitation of the carbon at the backside.
position of hydrocarbons comprises several steps (Figure However, this hypothesis cannot explain the diffusion of
4).80,81 First, the hydrocarbon is adsorbed on the catalyst carbon when the decomposition of the hydrocarbon is
endothermic, as happens in methane pyrolysis. To overcome
this limitation a different driving force is suggested.83−85 In this
case, the diffusion of carbon through the metal particle derives
from a carbon concentration gradient due to the different
carbon solubility at the metal−gas and the metal−carbon
Studies using high-resolution electron microscopy techni-
ques have led to a new carbon growth mechanism.86,87 This
mechanism does not involve the bulk diffusion of carbon
species but the diffusion on the surface of the catalyst particle.
The carbon species start to dissociate at the contact angle
between the metal particle and the catalyst support. The
accumulation of carbon at the rear part of the metal particle
and the subsequent formation of lateral layers following the
contour of the metal surface cause the metal particle to move
away from the support, resulting in the formation of a carbon
filament. The surface diffusion of carbon would also explain the
hollow channel in the center of the carbon filaments.87 Since
these studies were performed with ex situ analytical methods,
the microscopy images correspond to the “cold” or even
deactivated catalyst. The use of in situ analytical techniques
becomes thus crucial to understand the growth of carbon
Figure 4. VLS mechanism for the growth of filamentous carbon from nanotubes and nanofibers. Images of the formation of carbon
hydrocarbon decomposition over metal catalysts. Figure adapted with nanofibers from methane decomposition over nickel supported
permission from refs 80 and 81. Copyright 1972 and 1989, catalysts provided by time-resolved high-resolution in situ
respectively, Elsevier. transmission electron microscopy demonstrate that carbon
atoms do not necessarily diffuse into the bulk of the metal
particle surface and dissociates into elemental carbon (Figure particles.88 Unlike the VLS mechanism, which proposes the
4A). Then, carbon is taken into solution, diffuses through the carbon diffusion through the metal particles as the rate-limiting
bulk of the metal particle and precipitates at the backside of the stage, this model suggests that the surface transport of carbon
catalyst particle (Figure 4B). Excess carbon accumulates at the atoms controls the rate of the nanofiber growth. This
exposed catalyst faces and is transported by surface diffusion mechanism was later corroborated by other authors for the
around the catalyst particle to form the outer part of the growth of nanocarbons89−91 and extended to the growth of
filament. The accumulated carbon deposits force the metal graphene.91 The growth rate of carbon nanofibers over nickel,
particle away from the support, giving rise to the formation of cobalt, and iron catalysts by plasma-enhanced chemical vapor
the carbon filament (Figure 4C). Finally, the particle is deposition shows that the activation energy for carbon surface
completely encapsulated by carbon, and the filament growth diffusion is much lower than for bulk diffusion. This would
ceases because there is no longer contact between the confirm the carbon diffusion on the catalyst surface as the rate-
hydrocarbon and the active catalyst particle (Figure 4D). determining step for plasma-enhanced carbon growth.89
During the third step (Figure 4C) the metal particle is The above-described mechanisms for the growth of carbon
distorted and elongated, and the metal is assumed to have filaments involving bulk or surface carbon diffusion correspond
properties of a liquid. When the metal particle is detached from to a tip-growth model. In this growth model the metal particles
the support, an initial hollow channel appears because the are located at the tip of the carbon filaments since the carbon
carbon does not have enough time to deposit in this region. accumulated at the rear part of the catalyst particle causes its
The formation of filamentous carbon from the decomposition detachment from the support. The formation of carbon
of acetylene was also studied over iron, cobalt, and chromium filaments can also follow a base-growth mechanism. Here,
catalysts.82 The apparent activation energies for carbon growth carbon precipitates on the apex part of the metal particle as far
over iron, cobalt, chromium,82 and nickel80 are in agreement as possible from the support and crystallizes as a hemispherical
with those for the diffusion of carbon through the bulk of the dome. Subsequent hydrocarbon decomposition occurs on the
corresponding metal. This suggests that carbon diffusion lower surface of the particle and carbon diffuses upward,
through the metal particle is the rate-determining step in the leading to the formation of carbon filaments above the metal
filament growth process.80,82 A thermal gradient may be the particle, which remains attached to the support.92 The base-
driving force for the bulk carbon diffusion.80 Carbon diffuses growth mechanism of carbon nanotubes is favored by strong
from the hotter front face, on which the carbon precursor metal−support interactions.93,94
decomposition occurs, to the cooler backside of the catalyst The formation of an intermediate metastable carbide phase
particle, on which the carbon precipitates. This theory is valid during the nanostructure growth may also take place.95 Here,
when the decomposition of the carbon precursor is metal particles undergo partial carburization. The metal is first
exothermic, as in the case of acetylene. The thermal gradient transformed into a metal carbide, which is subsequently
Ind. Eng. Chem. Res. 2021, 60, 11855−11881
Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research Review
decomposed during the synthesis of carbon filaments. The surface graphiticC → carbon nanotubes (11)
carbide cycle mechanism, that is, the decomposition of
hydrocarbons through intermediate carbide-like compounds, Contrary to the previous results, studies on iron and nickel
has been reported for the growth of carbon filaments over iron catalysts based on environmental transmission electron
and nickel catalysts.96−99 According to this mechanism, a microscopy (ETEM) and in situ time-resolved XPS demon-
metastable carbide-like intermediate compound is formed at strate that a carbide phase would not be necessary for the
the surface of an active catalyst particle as a result of the formation of carbon nanotubes.120 The carbide formation only
decomposition of the hydrocarbon. Then, the dissociation of occurs during the carbon nanotube growth over iron catalysts,
the intermediate carbide results in the formation of carbon while nickel carbide is not detected. Therefore, the growth of
atoms that enter the bulk metal and lead to the supersaturation carbon nanotubes would not require the presence of a carbide
of metal by carbon. When a critical supersaturation is attained, phase.
a graphite phase is formed at the surface of the metal particle Iron carbide may serve as an active catalyst for carbon
and carbon filaments start to grow. The diffusion of carbon growth94,113,115−117,121 and methane dissociation.94,118,119 A
atoms from the surface through the bulk of the metal particles study on carbon deposition on polycrystalline iron catalysts
to the sites of crystallization into a graphite phase takes place describe different mechanisms for fresh samples and after the
by a carbon concentration gradient. The decomposed deposition of some carbon, as well as depending on the
intermediate carbide is restored as a consequence of the reaction temperature.121 Below 600 °C the rate-determining
continuous dissociation of the hydrocarbon. Therefore, this step on fresh samples is the diffusion of carbon in iron, whereas
cyclic process is maintained as long as there is a carbon gas after the deposition of some carbon the rate is determined by
source and available catalytic active sites. The presence of the carbide-catalyzed hydrocarbon decomposition. Above 600
carbide species has been revealed for nickel catalysts in °C the surface decomposition of the hydrocarbon is assumed
different studies.98,100−103 The characterization of the samples to be the limiting step for the carbon formation. In this case,
in these works was carried out using ex situ analytical the geometry of the catalyst surface affects the carbon
techniques, such as transmission electron microscopy (TEM) formation rate on fresh samples. However, after the deposition
or X-ray diffraction (XRD), after catalyst cooling. Therefore, of some carbon the rate is influenced by the iron carbide active
the observed metal carbide phase could be a result of the sites instead of the geometry. The formation of γ- and α-Fe
precipitation of excess carbon on the nickel particle upon phase mixtures takes place in oxide supported iron catalysts
catalyst cooling.104 Thus, it cannot be assured that nickel during the reduction step prior to the chemical vapor
carbide is formed as an intermediate compound during the deposition of carbon nanotubes using acetylene as a carbon
carbon growth. In addition to this, the formation of nickel source.117 This variation in the iron crystal structures is due to
carbide phases is not confirmed by in situ time- and depth- carbon contamination prior to hydrocarbon exposure. Two
resolved X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) and XRD different growth mechanisms occur depending on the phase
measurements.105,106 This would support the fact that an composition. For γ-rich iron catalyst mixtures, metallic Fe is
intermediate carbide is not involved in the formation of carbon the active phase for the growth of carbon nanotubes, whereas
nanostructures over nickel catalysts. the formation of an iron carbide is not a prerequisite. However,
In the case of iron catalysts, the formation of intermediate for α-rich iron catalyst mixtures, the formation of Fe3C is
iron carbide phases has been extensively re- dominant and takes part in the carbon growth process. An
ported.94,100−103,107−119 Many of the works on iron catalysts investigation on nanocarbon growth over iron-based catalysts
were performed using in situ measure- by plasma-enhanced chemical vapor deposition identifies α-Fe
ments.108,110,112,113,115,117,119 In situ electron microscopy and Fe3C phases depending on the growth temperature.116
images reveal that the carbide phase, which decomposes into Although at low temperatures (600 °C) only Fe3C acts as a
metal and carbon, is an intermediate phase in the formation of catalyst for the growth of carbon nanotubes both, α-Fe and
graphite layers constituting multiwalled carbon nanotubes.110 Fe3C, are active at higher temperatures. A recent study on
Therefore, iron carbide (Fe3C) would be involved in the methane pyrolysis over iron catalysts confirms that not only
growth of carbon nanotubes. The following eqs (eqs 8−11) metallic Fe but also an iron carbide phase (Fe3C) is active for
describe the carbon nanotube growth using methane and iron the decomposition of methane.119 The proposed reaction
catalysts.100 The decomposition of metal carbides into surface mechanism is summarized by eqs 12−15:
graphitic carbon (eq 10) is regarded as the crucial step. (a) Decomposition of methane on the Fe0 surface into
(a) CH4 decomposition on the catalyst surface leading to amorphous carbon and hydrogen:
surface carbon and hydrogen: Fe 0
CH4 ←
→ Camorphous + 2H 2 (12)
CH4 → surface‐C + 2H 2 (8)
(b) Carbon diffusion through the catalyst particles leading to (b) Reaction between the amorphous carbon and Fe0 to
carbide formation: form Fe3C or a mixture of Fe0 and Fe3C, which acts as a
catalyst of the reaction itself:
surface‐C → carbide‐C (9)
Fe 0 + Camorphous ↔ Fe3C (13)
(c) Formation of graphitic carbon on the catalyst surface
from the metal carbide: Fe3C/Fe 0
CH4 ←⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯→ Camorphous + 2H 2 (14)
carbide‐C → surface graphitic C (10)
(c) Diffusion of the formed carbon into Fe3C to form
d) Carbon nanotubes formation from surface graphite: supersaturated Fe3C.
Ind. Eng. Chem. Res. 2021, 60, 11855−11881
Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research Review
Table 2. Initial Activity of Nickel, Iron, and Cobalt Catalysts in the Decomposition of Methane for Hydrogen Production
catalyst T [°C] P [atm] CH4/N2 [vol vol−1] flow rate [mL min−1] space velocity [mL h−1 gcat−1] H2 yield [%] ref
Ni/CeO2 700 1 1/0 150 4500 53 139
Ni/La2O3 700 1 1/0 150 4500 60 139
Ni/SiO2 700 1 1/0 60 7200 73 140
Fe/CeO2 700 1 1/0 150 4500 51 141
Fe/La2O3 700 1 1/0 150 4500 40 141
Fe/SiO2 700 1 3/7 70 42000 20 94
Ni/SiO2 800 1 1/0 250 5000 74 134
Fe/SiO2 800 1 1/0 250 5000 39 134
Co/SiO2 800 1 1/0 250 5000 48 134
(d) Decomposition of supersaturated Fe3C to stoichiometric nickel and iron, cobalt catalysts have not received much
Fe3C and transformation of amorphous carbon to attention lately.6 Reasons for that are the lower activity133,134
graphitic carbon: and higher price than nickel, as well as toxicity prob-
lems.122,124,135 However, cobalt is commonly used in small
Camorphous ←→
⎯ Cgraphite (15)
amounts as a promoter of different metal-based cata-
From all these results, it can be concluded that different 4.1.1. Nickel Catalysts. Nickel catalysts show the highest
controlling steps have been proposed for the decomposition of initial activity among metal catalysts,142,143 although above 600
methane. There is no general agreement, and the reaction °C they deactivate rapidly due to carbon coking and poisoning,
mechanism involved in methane pyrolysis as well as the overall so that the active metal sites are encapsulated within the
rate-limiting step is still unclear. Additionally, the formation of carbon formed during the reaction.6,93,124,131,136,144−148 The
metal carbides and their role in the decomposition of deactivation of the catalyst occurs when the carbon production
hydrocarbons and nanocarbon growth is a matter of debate rate, i.e., the conversion of methane, is faster than the carbon
today. Most research on the reaction mechanism focuses on diffusion rate through the metal particles. This imbalance
the decomposition of hydrocarbons over metal catalysts and no between the carbon production and carbon diffusion rates
in-depth studies over carbon catalysts have been found. For results in the accumulation of carbon over the metal sites,
this reason, the reaction mechanism over carbon catalysts is far which prevents the contact of the methane molecules with the
from being clear. Further studies are needed to fully unravel active particles and consequently deactivates the catalyst.22 To
the reaction mechanism and develop enhanced catalysts that improve the stability of nickel materials, the use of suitable
accelerate the kinetics under optimized experimental con- supports and the incorporation of different dopants have been
ditions. It is essential to elucidate the reaction mechanism of extensively investigated.
methane pyrolysis and identify the determining step so that Nickel particles are susceptible to thermal sintering in
future improvements in the catalytic activity can be achieved. unsupported catalysts, and thus, many efforts have been made
to improve their stability by the use of appropriate supports.132
4. CATALYTIC METHANE PYROLYSIS The metal−support interaction affects the reducibility and
In the absence of a catalyst the thermal decomposition of dispersion of metal particles. Although a strong metal−support
methane requires temperatures above 1000−1200 °C to interaction hinders the reduction of nickel oxide species, it also
achieve relevant reaction rates and methane conversions.6,43 decreases the possibility of sintering and agglomeration of
Such high operating temperatures are necessary because the nickel particles, improving their fine dispersion on the support
symmetrical molecular structure and the strong C−H bonds of and enabling the formation of small crystallite sizes.
methane give this molecule great stability.6 In order to reduce Consequently, the stability of the catalysts is improved.127,149
the reaction temperature and improve the hydrogen yield In some cases hardly reducible nickel solid solutions
different metal and nonmetal catalysts (generally carbon (NixMg1−xO)140,149−152 or spinel structures (NiAl2O4)153,154
materials) have been developed for this process over are formed between the nickel particles and the support as a
years.6,7,42,122 Moreover, the use of different molten metals consequence of strong metal−support interactions. The d-
and salts has recently attracted particular attention. Further orbitals of nickel in these species are completely filled and
details on the application of molten media to methane cannot accept electrons from the C−H bonds, inhibiting the
pyrolysis are described in section 6.31 adsorption and dissociation of CH4.153 Additionally, the
4.1. Metal Catalysts. Transition metals, mainly nickel, difficult reducibility of nickel species prevents the formation
iron, and cobalt, have been widely investigated as active species of active metal particles.140,149−151,153,154 The introduction of a
for methane pyrolysis. Their partially filled 3d orbitals can second oxide to the catalyst support prevents the formation of
accept electrons from the C−H bonds of methane, which nickel structures hardly to reduce.153,154 For instance, the
facilitates its decomposition.6,42,93,123−127 In addition, tran- addition of TiO2153 or CeO2154 to the support of Ni/Al2O3
sition metals offer relatively high solubility and capacity for catalysts inhibits the formation of NiAl2O4 and increases the
carbon diffusion through their crystalline structure.128 Another reducibility and dispersion of nickel species, which leads to
advantage of metal catalysts is the possibility of obtaining improved activity and stability. Contrary to these findings, Ni/
valuable carbon nanotubes as coproduct. Nickel, iron, and Al2O3·MgO shows worse catalytic performance than Ni/Al2O3,
cobalt are very active under moderate operating temper- associated with the formation of an inactive Ni−Mg solid
atures.129 In particular, their activity exhibits the following solution.152 Therefore, the performance of nickel catalysts is a
trend: Ni > Co > Fe (Table 2).93,124,125,130−132 Compared to compromise between the metal−support interaction and the
Ind. Eng. Chem. Res. 2021, 60, 11855−11881
Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research Review
reducibility and dispersion of the metal particles. The the formation of large, poorly dispersed nickel crys-
interaction between the metal and the support has to be tals.125,146,167
strong enough to avoid the aggregation of the particles and 4.1.2. Iron Catalysts. Although iron is less active than nickel
allow their fine dispersion on the support. Nevertheless, too for the decomposition of methane, iron catalysts are more
strong metal−support interactions impede the reduction of resistant to carbon coking and poisoning at high temper-
nickel species either by increasing the reduction temperature of atures.136,144,169 At low reaction temperatures (<600 °C)
the nickel oxide precursors or by the formation of hardly nickel-based catalysts exhibit superior catalytic performance,
reducible species between the metal and the support that whereas iron materials are still active at higher temperatures at
prevent the formation of active metallic nickel.155 In addition which nickel catalysts deactivate very fast. Unlike nickel, iron
to this, a strong metal−support interaction can inhibit carbon materials are stable up to 700−1000 °C.6,119,144,170 The higher
diffusion, leading to a faster catalyst deactivation.156 Therefore, stability is related to the carbon diffusion rate, which is 3
a suitable metal−support interaction has to result in well- orders of magnitude higher through iron compared to
dispersed and easily reducible nickel particles and, at the same nickel.130,131,149 Thus, iron catalysts keep a better balance
time, allow an appropriate carbon diffusion through them. between the rates of carbon production and diffusion, leading
The role of promoters in metal catalysts is to create a to a longer catalyst lifetime. Compared to cobalt- and nickel-
balance between the rates of methane dissociation and carbon based materials, iron catalysts are inexpensive and non-
diffusion, that is, to modulate the dissociation rate of methane toxic.119,171−175 Furthermore, the carbon coproduct in iron-
and increase that of carbon diffusion.157 The addition of a catalyzed reactions is free of harmful metals and thus has the
second metal as a promoter, such as palladium or copper, potential to be traded or safely stored. For these reasons, iron
allows working at higher temperatures without rapid catalyst catalysts are the preferred option to industrialize the pyrolysis
deactivation. Since the decomposition of methane is an process of methane.174,176
endothermic reaction, the possibility of operating at higher Metal promoters influence different catalyst properties
temperatures results in better methane conversions and (reducibility, surface area, metal dispersion, carbon capacity)
hydrogen yields.128,158 Palladium and especially copper are and lead to the formation of bimetallic materials that are
the most common promoters of nickel catalysts. These metals catalytically more active and stable compared to the
are not active for methane dissociation because of their filled corresponding monometallic iron catalysts. An adequate
3d orbitals, but they can significantly affect the electronic promoter enhances the reducibility of iron oxide species into
properties of nickel.157,159−161 Ni−Cu and Ni−Pd catalysts metallic iron by decreasing the reduction temperature,
deactivate above 700 °C, although their stability and the probably due to the hydrogen spillover effect created by the
deactivation temperature can be increased with increasing the promoter. A better reducibility of iron catalysts is observed
promoter loading.125,158,162 The good stability of promoted after the addition of cobalt, copper, palladium, molybdenum,
catalysts is due to the formation of metal alloys with high and nickel.136,177−180 Another advantage of catalyst doping is
lattice constants, which are able to accumulate larger carbon the increase in the surface area, which takes place over Fe−
amounts without deactivation.128,158 Additionally, the higher Mo179,181,182 and Fe−Co123,182 catalysts. Furthermore, the
carbon diffusion rate through the corresponding alloys rather greater metal dispersion in different bimetallic materials (Fe−
than through the pure nickel particles prevents the formation Co, Fe−Ni) affects positively the catalytic performance.137 The
of encapsulating carbon on the active sites.125,128,156,158 As a incorporation of a second metal (Ni, Co) also leads to higher
result, the generation of filamentous carbon is favored over the carbon capacities and decreases the carbon deposition rate
formation of encapsulating carbon, which consequently over the active sites due to the balance between the carbon
extends the catalyst lifetime.125 In addition to this, promoters atom formation, diffusion, and precipitation. Consequently, the
improve the fine dispersion of nickel particles on the catalyst promoted iron catalysts are more stable and exhibit longer
support131,163−166 and the reducibility of nickel oxide species. catalyst lifetimes.123,136,147,183
The better reducibility is associated to the hydrogen spillover Supported and nonsupported iron catalysts as well as
effect induced by the promoter. Copper and palladium are different iron organometallic precursors have been investigated
active sites for the dissociation of hydrogen molecules, and in the decomposition reaction of methane. Nonsupported and
thus, facilitate the conversion of nickel oxide species into highly iron-loaded materials have a low catalytic activity and
metallic nickel during the reduction step prior to the deactivate quickly due to the small iron surface area.184 Bulk
reaction.127,128,165−167 The presence of a larger number of iron catalysts are highly susceptible to deactivation also
weakly interacted nickel species on the support after doping because of their large particle size.170 Additionally, the poor
may also benefit the reducibility156,158,165,166 and prevent the dispersion of metal particles and the formation of a solid
formation of hardly reducible nickel structures.131,163 solution between the metal and the support are responsible for
The dopant loading in nickel catalysts is a crucial parameter. the low methane conversion over highly metal-loaded
Catalysts with higher promoter loadings are stable at higher catalysts.184 Thus, the support plays a crucial role in the
temperatures, and thus, the deactivation temperature grows suitable dispersion of the iron particles and the maintenance of
with the content of the dopant.125,158,162 The higher lattice an effective metal surface during the reaction.184 The
constants of highly doped catalysts might explain this incorporation of a support reduces the sintering effect, so
fact.158,162,168 Nevertheless, there is an optimized promoter that supported catalysts present a remarkably higher
loading for a given reaction temperature.125,131,145,146,162,167 stability.170 For these reasons, iron catalysts prepared on a
The addition of small dopant amounts results in stable suitable support are preferred over nonsupported materials.
materials with a good metal dispersion and small crystallites Al2O3 is the most common support of iron catalysts. The
that inhibit nickel sintering.146 However, excessive promoter combination of Fe0 and Al2O3 keeps a balance between the
loadings lead to faster deactivation and worse thermal stability rate of methane decomposition, and thus, the carbon
of the catalyst due to the dramatic decrease in surface area and formation, and the diffusion rate of carbon through the
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catalyst particles, avoiding the fast formation of encapsulating A hydrocarbon is often injected as an additional carbon source.
carbon.119 The formation of some spinel structures (FeAl2O4, The hydrocarbon decomposes on the iron particles and
MgFe2O4, Fe2SiO4) between the metal and the support may produces extra carbon for the formation of larger nanotube
also take place.119,126,147,149,174,177,181 Nevertheless, their role amounts.186 The experimental setup for this process usually
in the catalytic activity is still unclear. FeAl2O4 species are consists of a low and a high temperature furnace.72,73,187−190
detected in some Fe/Al2O3 catalysts. Although FeAl2O4 is Ferrocene sublimes in the first oven at low temperature (>150
inactive for methane decomposition, the interaction between °C). Then, ferrocene as a vapor is carried by a gas stream (Ar,
the metallic iron particles and FeAl2O4 may play a positive role H2, N2 and/or hydrocarbons such as acetylene, methane,
as the FeAl2O4 species can enhance the catalytic activity by benzene) into the second furnace at a higher temperature
preventing the agglomeration of metal particles through the (800−1100 °C). In the second oven ferrocene and the
strong bonding between Fe and FeAl2O4.119,174,177 Different additional hydrocarbon decompose, giving rise to the growth
iron species are found in several Fe/Al2O3 catalysts depending of carbon nanotubes. Ferrocene and Fe(CO)5 have also been
on the reduction temperature. Here, the samples with a employed as iron catalyst precursors for the pyrolysis of
combination of Fe0 and FeAl2O4 are more active than those methane with the aim of producing hydrogen, although this
containing Fe0 and Fe3O4.119,174 The formation of FeAl2O4 application has been rarely reported.71 In this case, the iron
spinel structures is not observed in other works, but the strong clusters derived from the decomposition of the organometallic
interaction between iron and the alumina support is also compound act as an in situ generated catalyst. Since different
beneficial because it prevents metal particles from agglomer- gaseous products result from the breakdown of Fe(CO)5 (eq
ation.94 Contrary to these results, the strong metal−support 16) and ferrocene (eq 17), the outlet gas must be cleaned to
interaction and the spinel formation are reported to be remove the undesirable impurities (CO, C5H6) and obtain
unfavorable.147 Different iron species, and hence, different high quality hydrogen. The poisoning of the outlet gas with
catalytic activities may be observed depending on the catalyst unwanted compounds may explain the scarce application of
preparation method. For example, Fe/Al2O3 catalysts synthe- these organometallic catalyst precursors in the decomposition
sized by impregnation are more active and stable than those of methane for hydrogen production.
prepared by coprecipitation. Catalysts synthesized by copreci- 4.1.3. Regeneration of Metal Catalysts. Different regener-
pitation contain Fe2O3 and Fe species, whereas the catalysts ation methods can be employed to remove the carbon deposits
prepared by impregnation present spinel species (FeAl2O4) from metal catalysts and restore their activity. The reactivation
and Fe3O4 in addition to some Fe2O3 and Fe species.126 The techniques include combustion with oxygen or air of the
activity is related to the presence of Fe2+ in FeAl2O4 and Fe3O4 carbon byproduct191−197 and gasification with
phases but not to the formation of a spinel structure itself, as steam191,195,198,199 or carbon dioxide.195,196,200 During oxy-
stated in other works.119,174,177 The appearance of Fe2+ in the gen/air regeneration the carbon deposits are burned with
samples synthesized by impregnation may be positive for the oxygen, giving rise to CO2 in a complete combustion and CO
formation of catalytic active sites via in situ reduction during if the oxidation is incomplete. This technique has been used to
methane decomposition. The impregnation method may also restore the activity of nickel catalysts. All the carbon on the
be suitable due to the low interaction between iron and Al2O3 catalyst surface is eliminated after combustion in air at 550−
and the easier reduction of the resulting catalysts.147 The 600 °C.191,192,195 The initial activity for hydrogen production is
appearance of the MgFe2O4 spinel phase is detected in some restored after regeneration192,193,195 but the deactivation rate
Fe/MgO catalysts as well.149,181 The existence of MgFe2O4 of the regenerated catalyst is much faster compared to the fresh
indicates a strong metal−support interaction, which hinders catalyst.192,194,197 This fact is attributed to the increase in the
the reduction of the iron oxide precursor.181 The low surface crystallite size due to particle sintering,192 the disintegration of
area of the catalyst and the difficult reduction of the metal the catalyst into fine powder, and the change in the face planes
particles may be the reasons for the poor activity of Fe/MgO. of the metal atoms occurring during the regeneration.194 The
Different organometallic compounds, such as iron penta- disintegration of the catalyst may also be related to the
carbonyl (Fe(CO)5) and ferrocene (iron dicyclopentadienyl, destruction of the porous support during the filament
Fe(C5H5)2), have mainly been intended for the production of growth.194 The combustion of carbon involves an exothermic
carbon nanotubes. Fe(CO)5 decomposes at temperatures reaction so that the release of heat can give rise to high
higher than 300 °C (eq 16),71 whereas the decomposition of temperatures in the reactor and harm the catalyst.194 To avoid
ferrocene takes place above 500 °C (eq 17):71,185 damaging the catalyst the regeneration with air should be
Fe(CO)5 → Fe + 5CO accomplished in a fluidized-bed reactor since in a fixed-bed
reactor some hot spots may be formed.195 Using a low oxygen
Fe(C5H5)2 → Fe + H 2 + CH4 + C5H6 + ... concentration can also help to avoid high temperatures in the
reactor.197 The heat released during the oxidation of the
Ferrocene has been more widely used than Fe(CO)5. This is carbon can be used to thermally sustain the endothermic
probably due to the low cost, innocuousness, and nontoxicity reaction of methane decomposition.193,195 The regeneration
of ferrocene in contrast to Fe(CO)5.185 Ferrocene is a suitable with air is much faster than with steam or CO2,195,196 but
organometallic compound for carbon nanotube growth since it unlike these techniques, the initial metallic nickel is converted
not only gives rise to small iron metal particles but also acts as to nickel oxide during air combustion and the catalyst has to be
a carbon source upon its thermal decomposition. The formed reduced again before the next reaction cycle.191,192,195,196 In
iron particles agglomerate into clusters that serve as a catalyst the gasification process with steam, carbon reacts with water
for the decomposition of the reactive carbon species produced steam, and a gaseous mixture composed of COx and H2 is
in the gas phase (eq 17). The carbon resulting from these obtained. One advantage of this procedure is the avoidance of
species constitutes the source for the subsequent formation of a new reduction step because the metallic nickel form is
carbon nanotubes that nucleate and grow on the iron clusters. preserved.191,195 Furthermore, additional hydrogen can be
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produced by steam gasification, which leads to higher global be required only for the initiation of the reaction, and the
hydrogen yields.191,198 However, the regeneration with steam separation of the carbon product from the carbon catalyst may
requires long times and not all carbon species can be not be essential. Consequently, CO2 emissions resulting from
removed.195 Although a small amount of carbon deposits is the regeneration process could be prevented. Carbons are also
not eliminated with steam, neither structural changes in the resistant to sulfur and other impurities contained in natural gas,
nickel particles nor a significant loss of catalytic activity occur and hence, it would not be necessary to purify the feed gas
after several successive decomposition−regeneration cycles.198 before entering the reactor. The nontoxicity of the resulting
The reactivation process by CO2 gasification results in the carbon after reaction and the possibility of its subsequent use
formation of CO. This method preserves the reduced state of or secure storage are additional determining factors for the
the metal195,196 but also requires long regeneration times.195 industrial implementation of methane pyrolysis based on
The application of CO2 regeneration is limited by the low carbon catalysts.
carbon removal rate and the high endothermicity of the Activated carbons and carbon blacks are the most common
reaction.196 carbon materials, but some others, such as graphite, diamond
All the regeneration methods described above lead to the powder, carbon nanotubes, glassy carbon, fullerene soot,
formation of COx products, which is an important drawback fullerenes C60/70, acetylene black, coal char and ordered
taking into account the clean nature of methane pyrolysis. In mesoporous carbons (CMK materials), have also been
addition to this, the carbon byproduct is destroyed, and the investigated.68 Amorphous carbons (activated carbon, carbon
carbon nanotubes cannot be recovered. An additional black, acetylene black, coal char) have a disordered structure
technique to overcome these problems is catalyst regeneration with a large number of high-energy sites (HES) on their
by using an acid or a base.94 This procedure enables not only surface. HES include dislocations, low-coordination sites,
the separation, purification, and generation of highly pure and vacancies, atoms with free valences, discontinuities, edges,
crystalline carbon products, but also the reactivation of metal defects, and other energetic abnormalities. It is generally
catalysts. The formation of base-grown instead of tip-grown accepted that HES constitute the main fraction of active sites
carbon nanotubes is required to avoid catalyst damage. If the in carbon catalysts so that the number of HES determines their
metal particles were located at the tip of the carbon nanotubes, catalytic activity. For this reason, amorphous carbons, which
they would be dissolved in the acid or base and the catalyst have a high defect concentration, are usually more active than
would be destroyed. Contrary to tip-grown carbon nanotubes, well-ordered materials. The carbon atoms in HES react with
base-grown carbon nanotubes, where the metal particles methane molecules in order to compensate their charge and
remain attached to the support, can be easily harvested stabilize themselves energetically, giving rise to the decom-
without sacrificing the catalyst. Nevertheless, the use of position of methane.
homogeneous acids to remove the carbon deposits is Among the amorphous structures, activated carbons and
contraindicated at the industrial level and should be avoided. carbon blacks are the most used materials due to their high
The regeneration of the spent catalyst may improve the activity.6,7,9,33,201 Although activated carbons are initially more
economics of the process, but constitutes a real challenge for active than carbon blacks, carbon blacks are more stable and
scaling-up. The reactivation technique should be energy show longer catalyst lifetimes.68,69,144,202−211 Different catalyst
efficient and environmentally friendly, with short regeneration properties determine the activity and stability of carbon
times, and generate a catalyst with good catalytic performance. materials, as shown in Table 3.
Nevertheless, none of the state-of-the-art methods meet these 4.2.1. Activity of Carbon Catalysts. The threshold temper-
requirements22 and more in-depth studies are essential to ature, which defines the temperature at which hydrogen starts
advance the development of the pyrolysis process on a large- to be produced, has been used as a measure of the initial
scale. activity of carbon catalysts.69,144,207,209,212 Low threshold
4.2. Carbon Catalysts. Carbon materials are usually less temperatures are equivalent to high catalytic activities.
active than metal catalysts and require higher reaction Activated carbons (mesoporous and microporous), carbon
temperatures, normally between 800 and 1000 °C, depending blacks (black pearls 2000 and Vulcan XC72) and CMK
on the type of carbon.6,9,176 However, carbon catalysts are catalysts (CMK-3 and CMK-5) exhibit the lowest threshold
more stable and exhibit longer catalyst lifetimes. The temperatures, and hence, the highest initial activity. Their high
application of carbon materials in methane pyrolysis has initial activity is linked to the large density of graphene defects,
been widely investigated in recent years due to their significant which are preferential sites for methane adsorption and
advantages over metal catalysts for the industrialization of the dissociation. A direct linear relationship exists between the
process. Compared to metal catalysts, carbon materials are amount of defects on the graphene layers and the threshold
significantly cheaper. In addition, the resulting carbon product temperature69,144 as well as the initial reaction rate.213 This fact
may also have catalytic effects so that the decomposition of strongly supports that the surface defects are the main active
methane could be sustained for longer times without an sites of carbon catalysts. Additionally, the defect concentration
important activity decay. In this case, the carbon catalyst would and the degree of order, that is, the crystallinity of the carbons,
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are correlated parameters. Disordered structures, such as influence.208 The exponential decay of the reaction rate during
activated carbons and carbon blacks, usually have a high defect the initial period of the reaction may be due to the decrease of
concentration and low crystallinity.68,129,144,206,209,214 How- the surface oxygenated groups219 but also to the partial
ever, CMK materials present a special behavior since, despite coverage of defects (active sites) by the carbon formed during
having a high density of carbon defects, they show an the first stages of methane decomposition.129 Most of the
intermediate crystallinity.69 The initial activity has not only oxygenated groups should be removed during the heating
been related to the threshold temperature but also to the initial process before the reaction begins,129 so that the initial activity
methane decomposition rate at constant temperature. Despite cannot be attributed exclusively to them.69,129 Although
this difference in the measure of initial activity, there is general oxygen groups may have an impact on the initial activity,
agreement that carbons with a greater number of surface surface defects constitute the main part of active sites.68
defects are catalytically more active.68,201,203−206,210,211,213−215 4.2.2. Stability and Deactivation of Carbon Catalysts.
Although the defect concentration of the carbon structure Although carbon materials usually display longer catalyst
seems to be the most important parameter affecting the lifetimes and higher resistance to carbon coking and poisoning
catalytic activity, other factors, such as the specific surface area than metal catalysts, they also become gradually deactivated.
and the concentration of oxygenated groups, can also influence The long-term efficiency and stability of carbon catalysts are
the catalyst performance. For instance, carbons with higher often evaluated from their capacity for carbon accumulation
surface areas usually exhibit superior catalytic activities than before deactivation.217 Catalysts able to accumulate larger
poor surface area materials.68,204,215 An approximately linear carbon amounts provide a more stable and sustained hydrogen
relationship in logarithmic scale has been established between production for longer times. The stability of carbon catalysts
the initial activity of different carbon samples and their surface may be determined by a combination of pore size distribution
areas. In other cases, despite the greater catalytic activity of and specific surface area. Mesoporous carbons with high
carbons with larger surface areas, the relationship between surface areas often lead to a more sustainable hydrogen
both parameters is not linear.69,211−213 Hence, the surface area production because of their larger capacities for carbon
cannot be the only determining factor, and the number of deposition. On the contrary, the catalytic activity over
defects also plays a crucial role. The increase in surface area microporous carbons decays more rapidly due to the lower
results in an increment of the number of active sites (defect carbon capacity and the greater mass transport limitations
concentration).68,69,205 However, the catalytic activity corre- occurring in micropores. Even if the pores are not completely
lates quantitatively better with the defect concentration in the filled with carbon deposits, the narrowing of the pore mouth
graphene layers rather than with the surface area.69 Contrary to can also prevent the diffusion of methane molecules into the
these results, different activated carbons exhibit similar initial pores leading to the decrease of the catalytic activity.68,201
activities regardless of the surface area. This suggests that only Additionally, a more or less linear relationship exists between
a part of the surface area is involved in the decomposition of the surface area of the fresh catalyst and the stability, that is,
methane.214 In other studies, carbons with comparable surface catalysts with higher surface areas can accommodate higher
areas show very different catalytic activities, which also carbon amounts before deactivation, and thus, provide long-
indicates an apparent nonrelationship between the surface term efficiency and sustainability.217,218 According to the
area and the activity.68,204,215 This was observed when evolution of the conversion of methane and the surface area
comparing carbons of a different nature. For instance, activated over time, which show the same trend (initial drop followed by
carbon from hardwood displays a higher activity than carbon shallow decline),68 the catalyst deactivation may occur as a
black (black pearls 2000) despite their similar surface areas. consequence of the loss in surface area.68,201,202,217 Contrary to
The same tendency was detected with structurally close these results, no relationship was found between the surface
carbons with the same surface area, such as carbon black and area and the long-term sustainability in other works. Therefore,
acetylene black.68,204,215 The higher activity of carbon black is catalysts with similar surface areas would not necessarily
attributed in this case to the larger amount of oxygenated accumulate the same amount of carbon deposits.206,213 In this
surface groups. Different trends were observed when analyzing case, the pore size distribution plays a decisive role.213 Carbon
the activity of several coal chars and activated carbons.216 catalysts may also lose their activity by the progressive filling
When only coal chars are compared, an increase in the surface and blockage of the pores.144,209,217,220 For this reason, the
area leads to an increase in the initial activity for methane pore volume is an important parameter that affects the catalyst
decomposition, although the relation is not linear. However, lifetime since a bigger pore volume offers a larger space to
coal chars and activated carbons with very different specific accommodate carbon deposits.201,208,213,221 The pore volume
surface areas can show similar activities. Here, the nature of the defines the maximum amount of carbon deposits before
carbon plays a decisive role. deactivation and determines the maximum hydrogen produc-
The concentration of oxygenated groups on the surface of tion per mass of catalyst.221 There is actually a linear
carbon catalysts may also have an effect on the initial activity. correlation between the catalyst pore volume and the mass
Two different mechanisms explain their influence. Oxygenated of carbon accumulated until deactivation208 as well as the total
groups can react directly with methane, or can be released as hydrogen production.213 Furthermore, the deactivation of
CO and/or CO2, which are active reaction sites for methane carbon catalysts may be partly explained by the loss of
decomposition.217 An approximately linear correlation be- oxygenated groups on the surface over reaction time.221 Before
tween the initial methane conversion rate and the concen- catalyst deactivation the carbon product derived from methane
tration of oxygenated groups desorbed as CO and CO2 has decomposition may also have some catalytic effects. This fact is
been reported.206,217,218 Also, a good correlation has been revealed by several kinetic studies, in which the carbon
established between the initial reaction rate and the deposition rates are calculated throughout the reac-
concentration of oxygenated groups desorbed only as CO, tion.129,208,219 Three different zones are identified along the
whereas those groups released as CO2 do not show any reaction rate curves from the start of the reaction to catalyst
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Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research Review
deactivation. The first zone corresponds to an exponential oxygenated groups would reduce the initial methane
decay of the catalytic activity, attributed to the removal of decomposition rate, and the lower surface area would decrease
oxygenated groups from the catalyst surface,208,219 or to the the capacity for carbon accumulation and shorten the catalyst
partial coverage of defect sites by the carbon product.129 The lifetime. Concerning the steam gasification process, this
second zone is characterized by an increase in the reaction rate. method significantly increases the surface area of the
This fact denotes an autocatalytic effect, which indicates that deactivated carbon catalyst, which allows almost complete
the carbon produced from methane is also catalytically active. restoration of the original activity.225,226 Even after several
Nevertheless, the activity of these new active sites is clearly reaction−regeneration cycles the initial activity is completely
lower than the active sites in the fresh sample. In the last part recovered by means of the steam activation procedure.225 In
of the kinetic curve, the reaction rate decreases until the this case, the disordered and highly reactive pyrolytic carbon
catalyst completely deactivates. This zone may correspond to deposits obtained during methane decomposition are more
the deactivation of the new active sites129 or the drop in the easily oxidized than the catalyst itself.226 Therefore, steam
effective surface area and pore volume.208,219 gasification seems to be the most suitable regeneration
CMK materials, which are ordered mesoporous catalysts, technique to recover the initial catalytic activity of carbon
and carbon blacks show the highest stability among carbon catalysts. Furthermore, additional hydrogen is produced during
catalysts. Carbon blacks have well-defined concentric graphene the reactivation with steam, and thus, the overall hydrogen
layers that generate large interparticle spaces.144 In addition to yield is enhanced.6 The activity of carbon catalysts is partially
this, although some carbon blacks have a significant or completely recovered by the previous regeneration
contribution of micropores to the overall surface area, they procedures. Nevertheless, COx emissions are generated in all
possess a high external surface area.207,209,212 Depending on cases. Therefore, the commercialization or storage of the
the catalyst nature and pore structure, the carbon product resulting mixture of catalyst and carbon coproduct are the
remains within the pores, causing their blockage and leading to most suitable options to prevent any CO2 emissions. Unlike
catalyst deactivation, or leaves the pores and grows to the outer nickel and cobalt catalysts, carbon materials are cheaper and
part of the catalyst particles.69 The latter mechanism is nontoxic, which are important advantages over these metal
expected to occur in catalysts with a high proportion of catalysts to industrialize the process.
external surface area (carbon blacks)69,129,207,209,212 or an 4.2.4. Co-feeding as a Way to Extend the Lifetime of
ordered and interconnected mesoporosity Carbon Catalysts. Co-feeding of methane with minor amounts
(CMKs).69,129,207,209 The ability of carbon deposits to move of other hydrocarbons can improve the catalytic activity of
and grow toward the outside part of the particles avoids pore carbon materials and partially overcome deactivation problems.
blockage and improves the accessibility of methane molecules The addition of a second compound to the methane feed gas
even after the deposition of significant amounts of carbon. All aims to generate a catalytically active carbon product to keep a
this explains the higher resistance of CMK materials and good activity for longer times.68,202,227−232 Methane has been
carbon blacks to carbon deactivation. Activated carbons have co-fed with saturated (propane), aromatic (benzene), and
been widely investigated for methane pyrolysis due to their unsaturated (acetylene, ethylene) hydrocarbons.68,202 An
high initial activity. However, they show a poor long-term accelerating effect on the decomposition rate of methane
stability. Microporous activated carbons are quickly deacti- takes place when aromatic and unsaturated hydrocarbons are
vated due to the micropore blockage caused by carbon introduced. Moreover, a steady-state hydrogen production is
deposits.69,207,209,212 Mesoporous activated carbons exhibit achieved. Carbons produced from ethylene and especially from
longer lifetimes than microporous materials, but the activity acetylene and benzene are catalytically more active for the
decay is relatively faster in comparison to carbon blacks.144,209 decomposition of methane than the carbon derived from
The reasons for the low stability of mesoporous activated methane itself. There is a good correlation between the activity
carbons despite the high contribution of mesopores and the and the crystallite size of the carbon product. The smaller
high share of external surface area remain unclear. crystallites produced from benzene, acetylene, and ethylene
4.2.3. Regeneration of Carbon Catalysts. Different possess a higher surface concentration of HES and
regeneration methods can restore the original activity of consequently lead to greater catalytic activities. Nevertheless,
carbon catalysts. The regeneration techniques include carbon deposits from propane display a similar activity to that
combustion with oxygen or air222 and gasification with of methane-derived carbon and its incorporation does not
CO2218,223,224 or steam.225,226 The activity of carbon catalysts result in a significant stability improvement.68 This may be due
can be partially recovered by burning the carbon deposits with to the comparable size and structure of the carbon products
highly diluted oxygen in nitrogen. Nevertheless, the catalyst derived from the same family of saturated hydrocarbons
itself can also react with oxygen because it is usually more (methane and propane).202 In contrast, a beneficial effect of
reactive than the carbon byproduct, resulting in the loss of a adding alkanes, such as ethane, has been observed in the
part of the original catalyst.222 Via a CO2 gasification noncatalytic methane pyrolysis.233 Here, the activation of
regeneration process, the initial catalytic activity and the methane and the subsequent formation of methyl radicals
carbon accumulation decrease after each reactivation occur by the attack of radical species generated from the
cycle.218,224 The reduction of the surface area and the pyrolysis of ethane. These methyl radicals are successively
concentration of surface oxygenated groups occur after each incorporated into the pyrolysis products via radical reactions.
reaction−CO2 regeneration cycle.218 This may be due to the Thus, methane can be activated by radicals generated from
removal of a part of the initial catalyst, which is less resistant to coexisting molecules without the use of a catalyst or operation
CO2 gasification than the carbon deposits. In fact, after several at extremely high temperatures. The incorporation of an inert
reaction−regeneration cycles the carbon catalyst consists gas causes an analogous effect.56 In this case, the activation of
mainly of carbon derived from the reaction itself, whereas methane molecules occurs upon collision with the molecules of
the initial catalyst has been gasified. The decrease of surface the inert gas, which accelerates the overall reaction. The co-
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Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research Review
Figure 7. Hydrogen mole fraction (in the gas phase excluding carbon and nitrogen) and methane conversion in the thermodynamic equilibrium of
methane pyrolysis at 600 °C at (A) different total pressures and (B) different methane partial pressures (total pressure = 1 bar, pressure balanced
with nitrogen) (calculated using Aspen Plus software).
suitable experimental conditions for the implementation of an carried out at 900 °C over carbon catalysts.250 The resulting
economic process on a large scale. gas product is only composed of unconverted methane and
hydrogen, indicating the complete conversion of ethane and
6. INDUSTRIALIZATION OF METHANE PYROLYSIS propane and the prevention of secondary gaseous products. In
comparison to the experiments conducted with methane/
The implementation of methane pyrolysis on an industrial
nitrogen mixtures (85/15), the hydrogen concentration at the
scale requires the use of natural gas as a feed gas instead of
pure methane. Research is usually limited to the use of outlet improves using the simulated natural gas due to the
methane as a single component, and the challenges associated additional hydrogen obtained from the decomposition of
with the operation with natural gas are not addressed in ethane and propane. The most important implication derived
depth.43 Therefore, the first issue to be elucidated is how the from this study is that the carbon product from these alkanes
minor components of natural gas can affect the catalytic does not deactivate the carbon catalyst and the pyrolysis of
activity and stability. If they have a negative effect, a methane is not negatively affected. Moreover, no extra
purification pretreatment will be necessary. Depending on purification post-treatments to remove ethane and propane
the origin of natural gas, the minor compounds as well as their are required since their decomposition is complete under such
concentration may vary. Some of these impurities include reaction conditions. However, it should be noted that a
ethane, propane, ethylene, H2S, CO2, and nitrogen.250 cleaning process may be necessary to remove possible minor
Experiments with mixtures simulating a natural gas composi- compounds obtained as reaction intermediates. The presence
tion (85% methane, 10% ethane, 5% propane) have been of H2S impurities in natural gas may also be favorable.250,251
Ind. Eng. Chem. Res. 2021, 60, 11855−11881
Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research Review
Figure 8. Potential reactor configurations for the industrial implementation of methane pyrolysis. (A) Fluidized-bed reactor with a catalyst
regeneration unit according to refs 204 and 215. (B) Parallel reactors operating in a cyclic reaction-regeneration mode according to ref 199. (C)
Moving-bed reactor according to ref 265. (D) Liquid bubble column reactor according to ref 263.
Carbon catalysts are not deactivated by small amounts of H2S catalyst performance, reaction kinetics, and the effect of
(up to ca. 1 vol %), but such impurities have a positive catalytic different operating conditions.264 However, the main drawback
effect on the methane decomposition rate. The intermediate is the filling of the reactor with the carbon product during
HS· radicals formed are able to attack methane molecules. This long-term experiments. This increases the pressure drop and
results in the formation of methyl radicals, which is followed by eventually blocks the gas flow.7,9
the stepwise decomposition to hydrogen and solid carbon. The Fluidized-bed reactors overcome this problem and provide
resistance to H2S deactivation is an important advantage of additional advantages that are crucial for the industrial
carbon materials over metal catalysts. Metal catalysts undergo operation. For instance, a continuous addition and withdrawal
severe deactivation in the presence of sulfur compounds and a of catalyst particles is possible in a fluidized-bed reactor.
purification treatment of natural gas becomes essential prior to Therefore, the pressure drop does not increase significantly
the reaction. and the operation for longer times is possible. Additionally, the
6.1. Process Concepts for Industrial Application. vigorous movement of the particles allows the efficient heat
Concerning the technical implementation of methane pyrolysis and mass transfer between the gas and the solid catalyst.
on an industrial scale, different configurations may be possible, Consequently, the temperature can be successfully controlled
such as fluidized-bed reactors,204 moving-bed reactors,252 or and the formation of hot spots is prevented.7,9 A potential
liquid bubble column reactors.29,31,253−263 Fixed-bed reactors configuration for the industrial operation with a carbon catalyst
are usually the preferred option on a laboratory scale. They are using a fluidized-bed reactor is presented in Figure 8A.204,215
simple to operate and provide a better understanding of Natural gas is introduced at the bottom of the reactor
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Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research Review
containing the carbon catalyst particles. The outlet gas, which (Figure 8D). This kind of reactor operates with molten media,
is composed of unconverted methane and hydrogen, is passed such as molten metals (Ti, Pb, Sn, Ga), molten metal alloys
first through a cyclone to remove the possible entrained carbon (Ni−Bi, Cu−Bi) or molten salts (KBr, NaBr, NaCl, NaF,
particles. Afterward, the gaseous product stream flows through MnCl2, KCl).29,31,253−263,268 Molten metals and salts act as
a membrane to separate methane and hydrogen. The recovered heat transfer fluids254,256,259,263 and avoid temperature losses
methane is recirculated and fed back to the reactor together or gradients along the reactor.263 Furthermore, they could also
with a fresh natural gas stream. The carbon catalyst and carbon serve as potential catalysts for the reaction.254,260,263 The main
deposits are collected at the reactor bottom, cooled, and advantage of liquid bubble column reactors is the easy
stored. A small part of the carbon product can be introduced separation of the carbon byproduct from the liquid medium
into the reactor after grinding and/or reactivation via a due to density differences.29 Moreover, the low volatility and
regeneration method. Another possible configuration consists the solubility of carbon in liquids enable its deposition on the
of two parallel reactors (Figure 8B).199 These reactors operate top of the molten medium and facilitate its separation and
in a cyclic mode by switching the natural gas feed and the handling.263 The preferred liquid medium is based on molten
regeneration agent stream (air, steam) between the two metals since their density is very different from that of carbon,
reactors. Methane pyrolysis takes place in the first reactor, and thus, the carbon separation is more feasible.31 However,
whereas the catalyst in the second reactor is regenerated. After compared to molten metals, molten salts are less expensive,
a certain time natural gas is fed into the second reactor, where and are being further investigated in this field.263 The
the pyrolysis occurs over a regenerated catalyst. In the same operation of liquid bubble column reactors is based on the
way, the regeneration agent is introduced in the first reactor to formation of bubbles by the contact between the uprising
recover the activity of the corresponding spent catalyst. methane gas and the liquid medium. The pyrolysis reaction
Therefore, the operation in both reactors alternates between occurs at the gas−liquid interface between the bubbles and the
methane pyrolysis and catalyst regeneration. Despite the molten metal or salt. The bubbles ascend through the reactor
promising results obtained after catalyst reactivation, the and their size increases as a consequence of the molar
existing regeneration techniques result in undesirable COx expansion caused by the production of hydrogen and due to
emissions and should be avoided industrially. For this reason, bubble coalescence. At the same time the resulting carbon is
the resulting carbon product should be intended for further deposited at the gas−liquid interface. When the bubbles reach
applications or stored until other regeneration methods are the surface of the molten medium, they open and release both,
available. In any case, obtaining a safe carbon product has to be hydrogen and carbon. Hydrogen leaves the reactor, whereas
guaranteed, and thus, toxic metal catalysts such as nickel or carbon is accumulated in layers on top of the molten metal/salt
cobalt must be avoided. Iron and carbon catalysts are therefore bath. High residence times of the gas in the liquid and the use
the best choice to industrialize the pyrolysis process of of a porous plate distributor are key parameters in the design of
methane. liquid bubble column reactors. The porous plate distributes
An interesting reactor concept from the industrial point of homogeneously the gas phase along the reactor and produces
view is the moving-bed reactor (Figure 8C) developed by small bubbles that increase the gas−liquid interfaces for the
different partners in a recent BMBF-funded joint project.265 In reaction, and consequently, the conversion of methane is
a moving-bed reactor natural gas and carbon granules flow in improved.263 The constant removal of carbon from the liquid
countercurrent throughout the reactor. Natural gas is fed at the medium is possible in a bubble column configuration, so that
bottom of the reactor, and carbon particles are fed at the top. blockage of the reactor due to carbon agglomeration is
The carbon is electrically heated by a direct current in the avoided.31,254,261 Additionally, the molten metal/salt is neither
reaction zone. This heat is released and transferred to the feed contaminated nor deactivated with the carbon prod-
gas. Consequently, the pyrolysis of methane takes place. The uct.29,260,262 This is an important advantage over solid
carbon originating from the reaction is accumulated on the catalysts. Solid catalysts deactivate, and to be reused a
carbon particles and continuously removed at the reactor regeneration process to burn the carbon deposits is needed,
bottom. The gaseous product is cooled down at the reactor top which generates undesirable CO2 emissions.29 According to a
upon contact with the cold fresh carbon. As a consequence, the life cycle assessment to evaluate the environmental impacts of
carbon is preheated by the outlet gas before entering the the liquid-metal technology, the pyrolysis of methane could
reaction zone and being electrically heated. The moving-bed reduce the global warming impact by up to 64% compared to
reactor has important advantages. This kind of reactor provides the steam reforming process.269 Although this technology
a very good heat transfer between the gas and the solid catalyst. bears good prospects for the future and may be competitive
In addition, there is no back-mixing, and the residence time with steam methane reforming,263 the industrial scale
can be controlled for both phases. The counterflow operation implementation is still a challenge. One important drawback
allows the energy integration of the reactor, and the excellent is the limited stability of the molten media at the required high
heat transfer between the gas and the solid particles guarantees operating temperatures (>900−1000 °C). 31 Also, the
a thermally efficient process.252 Although methane pyrolysis for corrosion at such high temperatures, especially in steel-based
hydrogen production is still not industrialized,43 BASF plans to material reactors, limits the applicability of molten metals and
build a large-scale plant by 2030. They have investigated salts.257
methane pyrolysis since 2010, and between 2013 and 2017 6.2. Perspectives of the Carbon Coproduct. The
were part of the mentioned BMBF joint project based on a quality and sale of the carbon coproduct are aspects that
moving-bed reactor. Currently BASF is working on a test may improve the economic efficiency of the industrial pyrolysis
facility, the results of which will determine if methane pyrolysis of methane. The characteristics of the carbon depend on the
can also succeed on an industrial scale.266,267 catalyst used and the reaction conditions. The formation of
A reactor design that is gaining importance for methane carbon nanotubes and nanofibers usually occurs over metal
pyrolysis in recent years is the liquid bubble column reactor catalysts. At high operating temperatures the diameter and
Ind. Eng. Chem. Res. 2021, 60, 11855−11881
Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research Review
length of the carbon nanofilaments decrease,125,130,131 and product resulting from the pyrolysis process to meet the
their crystallinity and graphitization degree increase.238 corresponding hydrogen demand.270 If the annual global
Carbons with different morphologies are obtained in carbon- production of hydrogen (ca. 60 million tons in 2017) comes
catalyzed reactions. The morphology of carbon deposits over from methane pyrolysis, close to 180 million tons of carbon
carbon materials depends on the catalyst nature. The would be generated.271 From a different point of view, if only
formation of carbon blacks takes place over activated carbons, the hydrogen production from steam methane reforming (ca.
whereas carbon blacks produce amorphous turbostratic 48% of the total hydrogen production) is replaced by methane
structures. The use of carbon nanotubes as a catalyst favors pyrolysis, approximately 86 million tons of carbon would be
the growth of their walls, leading to the formation of obtained yearly.263 Since the current world consumption of all
multiwalled carbon nanotubes.144 Carbon products derived carbon products is only 15−20 million tons per year,271 in
from methane pyrolysis, such as carbon black, carbon fibers, none of the previous cases would the market be able to
and carbon nanotubes, have different applications and markets accommodate such amounts of carbon. The only realistic
(Table 4).270 Carbon black is mainly composed of carbon application for such quantities of carbon is its use in the area of
soil amendment and environmental remediation, although its
Table 4. Global Market and Price for Potential Carbon suitability has yet to be proven.27 The use of carbon for the
Products270 amelioration of soil may accommodate large amounts of
carbon28 and provide a virtually unlimited market for the
carbon product global market (metric tons) expected price ($/ton)
methane pyrolysis carbon coproduct.27 The addition of
carbon black 12,000,000 (2014) 400−2,000 carbonaceous products to soil can significantly improve seed
16,400,000 (2022) germination, plant growth and crop yields. The application of
carbon fibers 70,000 (2016) 25,000−113,000 carbon to soil increases the nutrient and water retention
100,000 (2020) capacity as well as the microbial abundance. Carbon can store
carbon nanotubes 5,000 (2014) 100,000−600,000,000 nutrients from the soil and serve as a potential slow-release
20,000 (2022) fertilizer. For this reason, the amount of fertilizers applied to
soil could be significantly decreased. Furthermore, the addition
(≥97 wt %) in the form of colloidal particles. Approximately of carbon to soil may reduce the CO2 in the atmosphere by
90% of the total carbon black is used in rubber applications (as enhancing its sequestration and by reducing the CO2 emissions
a filler and a strengthening/reinforcing agent in the from the soil to the environment. Therefore, carbon would act
manufacture of tires and other rubber and plastic products), as a long-term CO2 sink.23,27 The structure of the amorphous
9% as a pigment (to enhance formulations and coatings) and carbons obtained in methane pyrolysis under certain operating
the remaining 1% for diverse applications. Carbon black is also conditions is similar to that of the carbons commonly used for
a valuable product for the metallurgical industry and can be soil amendment, and thus, they are expected to have a positive
used as a reducing agent for the production of SiC and as a effect on plant growth. Nevertheless, further investigations are
carbon additive/carburizer in the steel industry.202 Although required to validate the suitability of the carbon coproduct of
the price of carbon black depends on its features, a range can methane pyrolysis for soil amendment and environmental
be established depending on the quality and final use.270 For cleanup.27 The application in this area requires that the carbon
instance, the price of ASTM-grade carbon black for use in tires from the decomposition of methane is not poisoned with toxic
ranges from 400 $ to over 1000 $ per ton, whereas the price of metals, such as nickel or cobalt. Consequently, the use of iron
specialty grade carbon black can exceed 2000 $ per ton. The and carbon catalysts is the only possibility to obtain a carbon
global demand for carbon black, which was nearly 12 million product free of harmful compounds with a potential
metric tons in 2014, is expected to increase up to 16.4 million application for soil improvement and environmental remedia-
metric tons by 2022. In the case of carbon fibers, they are tion. Carbon storage as a back-up energy source for the future
polycrystalline, two-dimensional planar hexagonal networks of is another alternative solution for the carbon byproduct.263
carbon containing 92−100% carbon by weight. They have Unlike the CO2 capture and sequestration systems required in
applications in many fields, such as aerospace, automobiles, the steam methane reforming process, no significant energy
carbon-reinforced composite materials and textiles. Carbon consumption is expected from carbon storage.215 Furthermore,
nanofibers are also used as hydrogen storage materials and for the same hydrogen production the volume required for the
have applications in nanoelectrical devices, nanowires, and storage of CO2 in liquid form obtained via SMR would be 10
nanosensors.151 The global market demand for carbon fibers times larger than the volume needed to store the carbon
was 70 000 t in 2016 and is projected to exceed 100 000 t in produced by methane pyrolysis.22
2020.270 Carbon nanotubes (single-walled and multiwalled Methane pyrolysis has a good outlook for future as a zero-
carbon nanotubes) find applications in polymers, electronics, emission technology for hydrogen production. Nevertheless, at
plastics, and energy storage. They are mostly intended to present there are still many open questions for its industrial
improve the thermal, electrical, and mechanical properties of implementation. For instance, the role of the impurities of
polymers, although they are getting special attention for their natural gas in the catalytic performance needs to be unraveled.
applications in lithium-ion batteries and renewable energy In addition, a suitable experimental setup must still be found to
storage. The global market demand for carbon nanotubes was industrialize the process, and the possible commercialization or
slightly over 5000 tons in 2014 and is projected to surpass storage of the carbon product, as well as its impact on the
20 000 tons by 2022.270 economics of the process, must be ascertained.
The commercialization of the carbon byproduct may
positively influence the economics of the global process by 7. CONCLUSIONS
reducing the hydrogen costs. This would be possible if the The present strict regulations to reduce greenhouse gas
global market could absorb the huge amounts of the carbon emissions are forcing the development of a sustainable low-
Ind. Eng. Chem. Res. 2021, 60, 11855−11881
Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research Review
into the atmosphere. Most of the current global hydrogen
production comes from coal gasification and steam methane
reforming. However, both processes are accompanied by large
CO2 emissions and must be avoided to comply with The authors would like to thank the Max Planck Society for
restrictions on GHG emissions. Water electrolysis based on financial support as well as the Federal Ministry of Education
renewable energies is the greenest technology for hydrogen and Research (Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung,
production, but the total dependence on renewables is not BMBF, Verbundvorhaben Carbon2Chem, support code:
possible, at least, in the near future. Consequently, alternative 03EK3037C) for funding.
fossil fuel-based processes with a low carbon footprint become
essential. Methane pyrolysis is a suitable technology for
converting natural gas into hydrogen without CO2 emissions.
BMBF = Bundesministeriums für Bildung and Forschung
Although methane pyrolysis is not a sustainable process due to CCS = carbon capture and storage
the depletion of natural gas reserves, it can be an appropriate ETEM = environmental transmission electron microscopy
temporary solution until renewable energies are well GHG = greenhouse gas
established. The decomposition of methane has been GHSV = gas hourly space velocity
extensively studied over different metal (Ni, Co, Fe) and HES = high-energy sites
carbon catalysts. From an industrial point of view, only the use HREELS = high-resolution electron energy loss spectrosco-
of iron and carbon catalysts is viable due to their nontoxicity. py
This allows a safe storage of the carbon product or its potential NIST = National Institute of Standards and Technology
application, for example, for soil amendment and environ- SMR = steam methane reforming
mental remediation. Nevertheless, severe temperatures are TEM = Transmission electron microscopy
required to obtain satisfying hydrogen yields over iron and VLS = vapor−liquid−solid
carbon catalysts. Although the reaction mechanism has been WGS = water-gas shift
widely investigated, no clear conclusions have been drawn on XPS = X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy
the elementary reactions and the rate-limiting step. Therefore, XRD = X-ray diffraction
further research is needed to elucidate these issues. This will
enable the development of suitable catalysts to optimize the
activity under milder operating conditions. Furthermore, the
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