The document outlines the vision, mission, program educational outcomes, program outcomes, and program specific outcomes of the Department of Petrochemical Technology at UCE BIT Campus, Anna University Trichy. The vision is to be an excellent department in petrochemical technology. The mission includes crafting students with practical skills, producing competent engineers to address emerging needs, and fulfilling future generations' aspirations. Graduates will be successful in careers or higher education. They will have the ability to apply engineering principles and address environmental and ethical concerns in petrochemical problem solving.
The document outlines the vision, mission, program educational outcomes, program outcomes, and program specific outcomes of the Department of Petrochemical Technology at UCE BIT Campus, Anna University Trichy. The vision is to be an excellent department in petrochemical technology. The mission includes crafting students with practical skills, producing competent engineers to address emerging needs, and fulfilling future generations' aspirations. Graduates will be successful in careers or higher education. They will have the ability to apply engineering principles and address environmental and ethical concerns in petrochemical problem solving.
The document outlines the vision, mission, program educational outcomes, program outcomes, and program specific outcomes of the Department of Petrochemical Technology at UCE BIT Campus, Anna University Trichy. The vision is to be an excellent department in petrochemical technology. The mission includes crafting students with practical skills, producing competent engineers to address emerging needs, and fulfilling future generations' aspirations. Graduates will be successful in careers or higher education. They will have the ability to apply engineering principles and address environmental and ethical concerns in petrochemical problem solving.
The document outlines the vision, mission, program educational outcomes, program outcomes, and program specific outcomes of the Department of Petrochemical Technology at UCE BIT Campus, Anna University Trichy. The vision is to be an excellent department in petrochemical technology. The mission includes crafting students with practical skills, producing competent engineers to address emerging needs, and fulfilling future generations' aspirations. Graduates will be successful in careers or higher education. They will have the ability to apply engineering principles and address environmental and ethical concerns in petrochemical problem solving.
1. To be a Department of Excellence in the field of Petrochemical Technology.
1. To craft the students as potential technologists endowed with pragmatic skills.
2. To produce competent engineers to identify the emerging industrial, societal needs and address the same through innovative and eco-friendly solutions. 3. To fulfil the aspirations and expectations of the future generation by designing suitable academic, research and extension program.
After 3 years of graduation, our graduates will be 1. Successful in their careers in the diversified sectors of the Petrochemical Technology. 2. A successful entrepreneur, manager or occupy higher positions. 3. Pursuing higher studies and research programmes in India and abroad.
The graduates of the petrochemical technology will be
1. Able to apply knowledge of science and engineering 7. Able to understand the impact of petrochemical to analyze petrochemical technology problems. technology solutions in environmental context and adopt suitable methods for sustainable 2. Able to Understand and interpret the problems in development. petrochemical processes. 8. Able to meet the professional and ethical duties. 3. Able to Design and develop appropriate solutions for the petrochemical systems. 9. Able to function effectively as an individual and in multidisciplinary teams. 4. Able to Identify, formulate and solve complex petrochemical technology problems. 10. Able to communicate effectively both in verbal and written forms. 5. Able to Use the modern engineering skills. 11. Able to apply principles of management. 6. Able to understand the global and societal impact of Petrochemical engineering practice. 12. Able engage in lifelong learning.
Graduates of Petrochemical Technology will: PSO1: Strong foundation in chemical, petroleum & petrochemical processes and effectively describe various units of modern petroleum refining and petrochemical industries. PSO2: Effectively describe, analyze, develop appropriate solutions for chemical, petroleum & petrochemical industrial problems using innovative research & development skills with continuous learning efforts.