Biopesticides PDF
Biopesticides PDF
Biopesticides PDF
TO BE ANSWERED ON 10/02/2023
(a) the details of the market share of biopesticides in the pesticide market in the country:
(c) if so, the details thereof along with the various steps taken by Government to encourage
the use of biopesticides during the last three years?
(b) to (c): The Registration Committee (RC) constituted under section (5) of the
Insecticides Act, 1968 registers the pesticides including biopesticides, for use in the country
after evaluation of their safety and efficacy. RC while registering the pesticides provides the
details of doses, crops, precautionary measures, antidotes etc. on Label and Leaflets. The
registered pesticides if used as per Label and Leaflets do not pose any harm to human beings,
animals, living organisms, other than pests.
The Government of India has taken various steps to promote the use of bio pesticides.
Simplified guidelines have been formulated by RC for the registration of bio pesticides. For
bio-pesticides provisional registration is being granted under Section 9(3B) of the Insecticides
Act, 1968 alongwith the permission for commercialization during the provisional registration
period of two years. Thereafter, extension is also granted thrice on yearly basis, to generate
requisite data to be submitted for permanent registration under section 9(3). Besides this, if the
strain of a bio-pesticide is already registered for use in the country, no data generation is
required by the subsequent registrants, except for confirmation of molecular identity of the
strain from ICAR-National Bureau of Agriculturally Important Microorganisms (ICAR-
NBAIM), MaunathBhanjan (UP) and quality verification of the product from Central
Insecticide Laboratory (CIL).
Further, Ministry of Agriculture and Farmers Welfare through its KVKs, ICAR and CIPMCs
located in 28 States and 2 UTs, etcconduct various training programmers such as Farmers Field
Schools, two/five days HRD programmers, Kisan Goshthis, IPM Exhibitions and Seed
Treatment Campaigns where awareness is created amongst farmers, NGOs/Pesticide
dealers/State agriculture functionaries on use of bio pesticides, bio control agents and botanical
formulations as an alternative to chemical pesticides for pest management, safe and judicious
use of chemical pesticides, usage, dose and label claim instructions as approved by RC.
Registration Committee has registered Entomo-pathogenic fungus Verticillium lecanii which is
approved for the management of insect pest on various crops. Presently, CIPMC’s are
successfully producing many biopesticides such as Metarhizium, Beauveria, Pseudomonas,
Bacillus, Trichoderma spp., Isariafumosorosea; biocontrol agents such as Trichogramma spp.,
Chilonusblackburni, Reduviid bug, Rhynocorismarginatus, Chrysoperlazastrowisillemi,
Cryptolaemus montrouzeri, Goniozusnephantidis, Sycanuscollaris, Psuedomallada astur and
releasing the same in fields for management of various pests and pathogens. In Rabi season
2021-22CIPMCsalso demonstrated importance of seed treatment by using
Biopesticides.Details of various IPM activities carried out during last three year is enclosed as
Annexure - I.