AnnualReportEnglish2020 21 22 31

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Institute of Animal Health and Veterinary Biologicals and Clinical Laboratories

Name of the Scheme and Year of Institute of Animal Health and Veterinary Biologicals
a) and clinical laboratories , Bangalore 1978-79
b) Budget Head 2403-00-101-0-06
c) If Plan, the Central and State Share is State Sector Scheme
Production of various Biologicals and Vaccinations and
Strengthening of infrastructure facility, Research and
d) Scheme and Objectives training. Identification of disease, Prevention and control
of diseases. Improving economic conditions of the
Estimated Benefit and Number of
estimated beneficiaries from the Farmers/Livestock owners in the state.
e) Programme / Project / Scheme
(Measurable output at the end of the

f) Financial (Rs. in lakhs)

Revised Estimate
Accounts 2018-19 Budget 2019-20
Capital Revenue Capital Revenue Capital Revenue
- 3503.00 - 3379.22 - 1866.03

g) Expenditure (Rs. in lakhs)

Revised Estimate
Accounts 2018-19 Budget 2019-20
Capital Revenue Capital Revenue Capital Revenue
- 3503.00 - 3179.22 - 1865.95

h) Physical Achievements (Units: Vaccine Produced in lakhs doses)

2018-19 2019-20 2020-21

Target Achievement Target Achievement Target Achievement

760.00 731.75 800 682.66 590.00 529.28

IV. Civil Works

Name of the Scheme and Year of

a) Civil Works 2010-11(This scheme is dropped)

b) Budget Head 2403-00-101-0-18

If Plan, the Central and State
c) State Sector Scheme
Share is
Providing infrastructure at veterinary institutions of the
d) Scheme and Objectives department.
Estimated Benefit and Number of
estimated beneficiaries from the
e) Programme/Project/Scheme Farmers in the state.
(Measurable output at the end of
the Year)

f) Financial (Rs. in lakhs)

Revised Estimate
Accounts 2018-19 Budget 2019-20
Capital Revenue Capital Revenue Capital Revenue
- 32.00 - 32.00 - -

g) Expenditure (Rs. in lakhs)

Revised Estimate
Accounts 2018-19 Budget 2019-20
Capital Revenue Capital Revenue Capital Revenue
- 32.00 - 32.00 - -

h) Physical Achievements (civil works on need based)

2018-19 2019-20 2020-21

Target Achievement Target Achievement Target Achievement

- - - - - -

V. Amrithmahal Kaval

Amrithmahal Kaval: 2010-11

Name of the Scheme and Year of
a) (This scheme is merged under Livestock Farms and
Training (2403-00-102-1-06) )
b) Budget Head 2403-00-102-0-09

c) If Plan, the Central & State Share is State Sector Scheme

The funds will be utilised to develop and improve the
Amrithmahal Kaval in Chikkamagalore District, Hassan
and Tumkur districts [through KVAFSU and
Department of AH and VS through Social Forestry
d) Scheme and Objectives Corporation] Development of grass land through
silvipasture in 2000 acre land of backward region and
establishment of Amruthmahal Breed Development and
Research Centre (Konehalli, Tiptur Tumkur Dist) are
being taken up .
Estimated Benefit and Number of
estimated beneficiaries from the
e) Programme/Project/Scheme Farmers in the state.
(Measurable output at the end of the

f) Financial (Rs. in lakhs)

Revised Estimate
Accounts 2018-19 Budget 2019-20
Capital Revenue Capital Revenue Capital Revenue
- 50.00 - - - -

g) Expenditure (Rs. in lakhs)

Revised Estimate
Accounts 2018-19 Budget 2019-20
Capital Revenue Capital Revenue Capital Revenue
- 50.00 - - - -

h) Physical Achievements (Institutions: in number)

2017-18 2018-19 2019-20

Target Achievement Target Achievement Target Achievement

4 4 - - - -

VI. Livestock Farms

Name of the Scheme and Year of

a) Livestock Farms 2004-05
b) Budget Head 2403-00-102-1-06

c) If Plan, the Central and State Share is State Sector Scheme

Fodder Production. Male and Female calf production.

d) Scheme and Objectives Production of Semen straws. Purchase of Breeding Bulls
and liquid nitrogen
Estimated Benefit and Number of
estimated beneficiaries from the Farmers/Livestock owners in the state.
e) Programme/Project/Scheme
(Measurable output at the end of the

f) Financial (Rs. in lakhs)

Revised Estimate
Accounts 2018-19 Budget 2019-20
Capital Revenue Capital Revenue Capital Revenue

- 3017.35 - 5921.42 - 4635.41

g) Expenditure (Rs. in lakhs)

Revised Estimate
Accounts 2018-19 Budget 2019-20
Capital Revenue Capital Revenue Capital Revenue
- 2996.55 - 5841.68 - 4367.32

h) Physical Achievements (Number of Semen Straws Produced – in lakhs)

2018-19 2019-20 2020-21

Target Achievement Target Achievement Target Achievement

35.00 25.83 35.00 32.51 32.00 36.98

VII. Support to Pinjrapol and Other Goshalas at Mysore

Name of the Scheme and Year of Support to Pinjrapol and Other Goshalas at Mysore
a) 2009-10

b) Budget Head 2403-00-102-2-40

If Plan, the Central and State Share
c) State Sector
Protection and conservation of unproductive and abandoned
livestock.Grants-in aid to non government organizations for
d) Scheme and Objectives
maintenance, water supply, fodder development and health
care of animals in the farm .
Estimated Benefit and Number of
estimated beneficiaries from the
e) Programme/Project/Scheme Protection and conservation of local breeds.
(Measurable output at the end of the

f) Financial (Rs. in lakhs)

Revised Estimate
Accounts 2018-19 Budget 2019-20

Capital Revenue Capital Revenue Capital Revenue

- 400.00 - 450.00 - 411.00

g) Expenditure (Rs. in lakhs)

Revised Estimate
Accounts 2018-19 Budget 2019-20

Capital Revenue Capital Revenue Capital Revenue

- 399.02 - 450.00 - 409.00

h) Physical Achievements :

2018-19 2019-20 2020-21

Target Achievement Target Achievement Target Achievement

40 37 55 55
Goshalas Goshalas Goshalas Goshalas
188 138
and and and and
Goshalas Goshalas
30 30 30 19

VIII. State Poultry Farms

Name of the Scheme and Year of

a) State Poultry Farms 2009-10

b) Budget Head 2403-00-103-0-01

c) If Plan, the Central and State Share is State Sector

Production of day old chicks to encourage backyard poultry
d) Scheme and Objectives in rural areas of the state. Payment of salaries and
allowances of the officers/staff.
Estimated Benefit and Number of
estimated beneficiaries from the Farmers in the state
e) Programme/Project/Scheme
(Measurable output at the end of the

f) Financial (Rs. in lakhs)

Revised Estimate
Accounts 2018-19 Budget 2019-20

Capital Revenue Capital Revenue Capital Revenue

- 697.49 - 811.15 - 801.96

g) Expenditure (Rs. in lakhs)

Revised Estimate
Accounts 2018-19 Budget 2019-20

Capital Revenue Capital Revenue Capital Revenue

- 696.04 - 737.75 - 740.95

h Physical Achievements (Number of Chicks )

2018-19 2019-20 2020-21

Target Achievement Target Achievement Target Achievement

600000 605394 708000 324050 386000 501918

IX. Sheep and Wool Development Corporation

Name of the Scheme and Year of

a) Sheep and Wool development Corporation 2007-08

b) Budget Head 2403-00-104-0-02

c) If Plan, the Central and State Share is State Sector

Towards staff salary and for the development of various
breeds of sheep and goat, infrastructure to existing Sheep
d) Scheme and Objectives
Farms, strengthening of wool co-operative societies,
training and education of farmers.
Estimated Benefit and Number of
estimated beneficiaries from the
e) Programme/Project/Scheme Farmers in the state.
(Measurable output at the end of the

f) Financial (Rs. in lakhs)

Revised Estimate
Accounts 2018-19 Budget 2019-20
Capital Revenue Capital Revenue Capital Revenue

- 2577.53 - 2110.25 - 1685.51

g) Expenditure (Rs. in lakhs)

Revised Estimate
Accounts 2018-19 Budget 2019-20
Capital Revenue Capital Revenue Capital Revenue

- 2577.53 - 2109.75 - 1685.51

h) Physical Achievements ( Units: Supply of Sheep Units 10+1)

2018-19 2019-20 2020-21

Target Achievement Target Achievement Target Achievement

500 500 500 238 399 399

units of units of units of units of units of units of
Sheep/ Sheep/ Sheep/ Sheep/ Sheep/ Sheep/
Goat Goat Goat Goat Goat Goat

X. Ex-gratia to Sheep Owners for Accidental Death of Sheep and Goat

Name of the Scheme and Year of Ex-gratia to Sheep Owners for Accidental Death of
a) Sheep and Goat 2007-08.
b) Budget Head 2403-00-104-0-12

c) If Plan, the Central and State Share is State Sector

An Ex-gratia is paid to shepherds at rate of Rs.5000/-
per adult sheep/goat and Rs. 2500/- per sheep/goat
d) Scheme and Object0ives below age of 6 months for the accidental death, that
are not covered under any other insurance schemes or
calamity relief funds.
Estimated Benefit and Number of
estimated beneficiaries from the
e) Programme/Project/Scheme Farmers in the state.
(Measurable output at the end of the

f) Financial (Rs. in lakhs)

Revised Estimate
Accounts 2018-19 Budget 2019-20
Capital Revenue Capital Revenue Capital Revenue
- 2200.00 - 1711.00 - 3918.00

g) Expenditure (Rs. in lakhs)

Revised Estimate
Accounts 2018-19 Budget 2019-20
Capital Revenue Capital Revenue Capital Revenue
- 2200.00 - 1711.00 - 3918.00

h) Physical Achievements (In numbers)

2018-19 2019-20 2020-21

Target Achievement Target Achievement Target Achievement

44000 45018 34220 32297 - -

XI. Pig Breeding Stations

Name of the Scheme and Year of

a) Pig Breeding Stations 2005-06
b) Budget Head 2403-00-105-0-01
State sector
c) If Plan, the Central and State Share is
Encouragement for pig rearing and economic
d) Scheme and Objectives upliftment of farmers.
Estimated Benefit and Number of
estimated beneficiaries from the
e) Programme/Project/Scheme Farmers in the state.
(Measurable output at the end of the

f) Financial (Rs. in lakhs)

Revised Estimate
Accounts 2018-19 Budget 2019-20
Capital Revenue Capital Revenue Capital Revenue

- 157.00 - 188.52 - 181.81

g) Expenditure (Rs. in lakhs)

Revised Estimate
Accounts 2018-19 Budget 2019-20
Capital Revenue Capital Revenue Capital Revenue

- 158.80 - 162.20 - 145.11

h) Physical Achievements (Units: Number of piglets distributed)

2018-19 2019-20 2020-21

Target Achievement Target Achievement Target Achievement

1275 1246 1825 1590 1670 1305

XII. Livestock Development Farms

Livestock Development Farms

Name of the Scheme and Year of
a) (This scheme merged under the Livestock Farms and
Training (2403-00-102-1-06)
b) Budget Head 2403-00-106-0-01

c) If Plan, the Central & State Share is State sector

Training to farmers for animal husbandry activities
d) Scheme and Objectives ( Livestock, Poultry, Piggery, and Rabbit rearing), economic
upliftment of farmers.
Estimated Benefit and Number of
estimated beneficiaries from the
e) Programme/Project/Scheme Farmers in the state.
(Measurable output at the end of the

f) Financial (Rs. in lakhs)

Revised Estimate
Accounts 2018-19 Budget 2019-20
Capital Revenue Capital Revenue Capital Revenue

- 2686.65 - - - -

g) Expenditure (Rs. in lakhs)

Revised Estimate
Accounts 2018-19 Budget 2019-20
Capital Revenue Capital Revenue Capital Revenue
- 2753.52 - - - -

h) Physical Achievements (Units: Number of farmers trained)

2018-19 2019-20 2020-21

Target Achievement Target Achievement Target Achievement

4380 6900 - - - -


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