The Oven Manual en
The Oven Manual en
The Oven Manual en
The Oven
Plugin Manual
The Oven
Plugin Manual
The Hardware: Vibes & Mojo in a Box Maor Appelbaum Mastering & Hendyamps
What happens when Internationally Acclaimed Mastering Engineer The OVEN is the first of an entire line of studio gear that is intended to
Maor Appelbaum teams up with Hendyamps? Something good is become a game changer in the new generation of creative sonic tools for
„Cooking“ for sure! those involved in every stage of musical production. Imagined, concep-
Welcome THE OVEN - A tool that can seriously enhance ANY track you tualized and brought to life by the collaboration between mastering
put into it. As the name states it‘s the device to „Cook, Bake & Broil“ engineer Maor Appelbaum and Chris Henderson of Hendyamps, their
any sound source, stem, group, stereo sub group, stereo mixbuss and collective experience which includes decades of recording, mixing,
mastering chain. This is not a typical eq, Its a Vibe / Coloration / Mojo mastering, music production, as well as numerous awards and nomina-
box with tonal shaping options It will add Warmth, Size, Depth, Mojo, tions across the world (Grammy, Juno, Multi Platinum/Gold certified,
Vibe, Color, Saturation and Sizzle to your tracks. etc.), and further enhanced by deep knowledge and experience in audio
Anything from subtle HiFi enhancement that you barely hear (until gear design and application, this collaboration has already taken the
you bypass and feel something is missing) to saturated and driven musical world to the next level.
aggressive sounds, and everything in between.
Taken from Maor Appelbaum‘s personal creative mastering concepts Maor Appelbaum, not only being recognized as a world renowned
and built with HendyAmps‘ impeccable knowledge of creating some of mastering engineer (Yes, Faith No More, Meatloaf, Eric Gales, Dream
today‘s most unique analog processors, we bring you a creative and Theater etc.), has also become a staple in the industry at large, assisting
versatile tool for the current Composer / Producer / Engineer / Mixer and collaborating in the development of numerous pieces hardware
and Mastering Engineer. and software plugins as well as presenting/giving lectures at various
So when they ask What‘s Cooking??? We can proudly say events and trade shows such as NAMM and AES and numerous audio
„THE OVEN“! and film schools across the United States.
The Oven
Plugin Manual
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The Oven
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Plugin Manual
Features 5 Cook
The COOK control is GOLDEN ! It allows the user to drive the pentode
1 Headroom tube stage for an overall thick saturation that will enhance literally
Headroom adjusts input gain and compensates output gain to give you anything that runs through it. It can feel bigger without adding much
“More” or “Less” headroom, depending on the level and dynamic of level, thus staying in the same „ Zone“ but warmer & rounder with rich
your input signal. harmonics that are easy on the ears and create a sense of fullness with
not much effort.
2 Calibration
Adjusts the gain of the unit at its default setting, depending on the 6 Bake / Broil
amount of saturation you want as a starting point. The BAKE/BROIL switch allows the user to change the voicing of the
tube and how it responds to transients. In BAKE it will operate with
3 Temp full dynamic response whereas in BROIL it will naturally compress the
The TEMP Control Knob alters the drive circuit, allowing you to push signal and increase the saturation complexity. That‘s where you can
the Tube and SolidState sections for extra saturation. make it HIFI, MOJO-FI, and anything in between to be VIBE-FI.
7 9
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3 5 8
The Oven
Plugin Manual
The LOW BURN, MID BURN, TOP BURN controls (as we call them: THE 5 Top Burn
BURNERS), give the user the ability to drive certain bands for more Increases or decreases the amount of high frequency saturation.
saturation when desired. Each band operates in a way that engages
the entire circuit as a whole processor in order to give an incredible 6 Top Burn Type
diversity of options and tone enhancing saturation. This maximizes the Modifies the frequency band affected by the Top Burner.
versatility of the unit in a way that is quite rare. You can boost and cut
the saturation and tonal shaping in creative ways like using big brush 7 Bunsen
strokes in a painting. The BUNSEN switch alters the TOP BURN control so that it provides
more range to work with. That gives the user four different tonal options
1 Low Burn on the TOP Burner - The area where its very important to get the right
Increases or decreases the amount of low frequency saturation. harmonics to make the track get its presence in the mix and master.
Plugin Manual
1 Flow
The FLOW knob is what regulates the amount of signal coming from the
first tonal shaping section into the last gain stage. As such, it operates
as two functions, each useful in it‘s own right. The first is obvious as
it acts as an output attenuator (in value 10 is non attenuated and as
the numbers go down there is more attenuation applied). The second
function is the more interesting and subtle one for it can control the
saturation and harmonics of the overall sound of the unit. So when at
full (value 10) the harmonics and saturation curve will be maximized
on the second stage (the output stage) thus the sound will be very
rich and full with lots of energy and depth and it can even distort at
some settings based on the TEMP, COOK, and BURNER knob settings,
including the input gain in the chain. In the case it distorts, you can
lower it from 10 towards 9 (which will still be rich and full but have
less push) or to 8 which will lower more but still get a very rich and full
sound. The tonal structure will subtly change as you change the FLOW
knob down as well as it is not an invisible gain change, though once it is
below 7 the tonal shift is minimized.
2 Power
Activates the plugin or switches into bypass.
The Oven
Plugin Manual
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BX Module - Features not found in the hardware channel will produce a pleasing, analog sound, as though one were
working between two adjacent channels on an actual console. With the
1 TMT Section button switched to DIGITAL, the two Stereo channels will be identical in
The The Oven offers 20 different channels, made possible by TMT. circuitry, providing a theoretically perfect, digital Stereo sound.
TMT is Brainworx´s patent-registered Tolerance Modelling Technology
(TMT) (US Patent No. 10,725,727), originally found in the bx_console 3 Channels
line of plugins. It takes the real-world tolerances of audio components TMT, switches between 20 different channels. In a Stereo instance, two
found in audio circuits into account, and offers various channels of adjacent channel numbers will be displayed. Each channel has its own,
analog audio which have realistic variances in frequency response, different sonic character and can give your mixes an analog feeling!
time constants in dynamic sections, etc. The result is digital audio
that sounds as analog as possible, whereas even the L/R channels of 4 Random Channel
a stereo instance will react slightly different. For more information Whenever you instantiate a The Oven plugin on a channel, it will start
please check with the Default setup, which is Channel 1 in a flat setting. You can now
randomize a channel by clicking the Random Channel button. Only the
2 Stereo Mode plugin instance you click on will switch to any unused channel number
Toggles between using the same TMT channel for both units (Digital) in that session randomly. The plugin will remember which channel
and using two adjacent TMT channels (Analog). numbers are already used in a session and activate an unused channel
This button is only available on Stereo instances, and is the heart of number, unless you engage more than 20 channels. At that point the
Brainworx´s patent-registered Tolerance Modelling Technology (TMT) plugin obviously would have to use a channel number that has already
(US Patent No. 10,725,727). When ANALOG is activated, small inherent been used.
differences between the modeled componentry in each left and right
The Oven
Plugin Manual
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The Oven
Plugin Manual
Bottom Toolbar
The Oven
Plugin Manual
Tested with Logic Pro X, Protools, Cubase and For latest System Requirements & Supported Platforms
Presonus Studio One Mac/Win.
Fine Control = Command (Mac), Ctrl (Win)
Jump between Default / Last Setting = Option (Mac), Alt (Win)
The Oven
Plugin Manual
Artist Presets
The The Oven includes artist presets from prominent Plugin Alliance Chris Henderson
users. The artist presets are accessed via the DAW application’s Chris Henderson has made a name for himself as an „ Out Of The Box
preset menu. „ designer of custom boutique audio gear company „Hendyamps“ as
well as a mastering engineer (Chase Rice, Elvie Shane, etc.) and owner
Note: Switching through presets can occur sonic artifacts while the of Hendyamps Studios. As a tone obsessed studio addict, Chris has
presets are loading. produced records and video content for various artists as well as
original music that has been featured in films and an assortment of live
Maor Appelbaum performances across the world.
Maor Appelbaum is a mastering engineer and musician. He has an
extensive background with the international music industry - He is well Kane Churko
aware of the various music styles and sounds that are developing vastly Kane Churko is a multi-platinum, Juno award-winning and Grammy
as today‘s technology develops. Maor has had the pleasure of mastering nominated record producer/songwriter/mixer best known for his work
recordings for major international acts such as: Faith No More, Yes, with artists such as In This Moment, Papa Roach, Skillet, Five Finger
Walter Trout, Eric Gales, Starset, Ill Nino, Dokken, Fates Warning, Death Punch, Ozzy Osbourne, Bad Wolves and many more. He currently
William Shatner, Gus G, Common Kings, Sepultura, Yngwie Malmsteen, resides in Las Vegas NV where he works out of his family owned facility
Halford, Fight, Armored Saint, Lita ford, Seven The Hardway , Marco The Hideout Recording Studio.
Mendoza, Angra, Treponem Pal, Wayne Hussey, Therion, Cynic, Nekro-
mantix, Butcher Babies, Billy Sherwood, The Top Chops and more...
The Oven
Plugin Manual
The Oven
Plugin Manual
Yoram Vazan
A New-Yorker currently residing in Israel. Veteran audio engineer since
1982. Owner of the legendary Hip-Hop Mecca Firehouse Studio in New
York City. Worked with Wu-Tang Clan. Method Man. Mob Deep. Gang
Starr. Finley Quaye…
Geoff Swan
Is a UK based mixing engineer who has mixed records for the likes of
Charli XCX, Caroline Polachek, Yungblud, Anne-Marie, Rina Sawayama
and many more. He is an avid user of The Oven hardware unit, which
has become an essential part of his mixing process.