Eng7 Q3W4
Eng7 Q3W4
Eng7 Q3W4
1. Cultural influence – it may 1. Cultural influence – it may 1. Cultural influence – it may 1. Cultural influence – it may 1. Cultural influence – it may
be demonstrated through be demonstrated through be demonstrated through be demonstrated through be demonstrated through
human behavior, vocabulary human behavior, vocabulary human behavior, vocabulary human behavior, vocabulary human behavior, vocabulary
or language used, human or language used, human or language used, human or language used, human or language used, human
emotions or perspectives, emotions or perspectives, emotions or perspectives, emotions or perspectives, emotions or perspectives,
and material items. It also and material items. It also and material items. It also and material items. It also and material items. It also
shows common beliefs and shows common beliefs and shows common beliefs and shows common beliefs and shows common beliefs and
actions within a group or actions within a group or actions within a group or actions within a group or actions within a group or
society. society. society. society. society.
2. Historical influence – it 2. Historical influence – it 2. Historical influence – it 2. Historical influence – it 2. Historical influence – it
can be expressed through can be expressed through can be expressed through can be expressed through the can be expressed through
the presentation or the presentation or the presentation or presentation or connection the presentation or
connection of the literary connection of the literary connection of the literary of the literary text on the connection of the literary
text on the actual important text on the actual important text on the actual important actual important events that text on the actual important
events that happened in the events that happened in the events that happened in the happened in the past. It events that happened in the
past. It expresses the past. It expresses the past. It expresses the expresses the happenings in past. It expresses the
happenings in the life or happenings in the life or happenings in the life or the life or development of a happenings in the life or
development of a country, a development of a country, a development of a country, a country, a group of people, development of a country, a
group of people, an group of people, an group of people, an an institution, etc. group of people, an
institution, etc. institution, etc. institution, etc. institution, etc.
3. Environmental influence –
3. Environmental influence – 3. Environmental influence – 3. Environmental influence – it shows how the surrounding 3. Environmental influence –
it shows how the it shows how the it shows how the circumstances, such as it shows how the
surrounding circumstances, surrounding circumstances, surrounding circumstances, collective of social and surrounding circumstances,
such as collective of social such as collective of social such as collective of social cultural conditions affect the such as collective of social
and cultural conditions affect and cultural conditions affect and cultural conditions affect development of the text. It and cultural conditions affect
the development of the text. the development of the text. the development of the text. can facilitate or discourage the development of the text.
It can facilitate or discourage It can facilitate or discourage It can facilitate or discourage interactions among people. It It can facilitate or discourage
interactions among people. It interactions among people. It interactions among people. It can also influence people’s interactions among people. It
can also influence people’s can also influence people’s can also influence people’s behavior, mood, and can also influence people’s
behavior, mood, and behavior, mood, and behavior, mood, and motivation to act. behavior, mood, and
motivation to act. motivation to act. motivation to act. motivation to act.
4. Economic influence – it
4. Economic influence – it 4. Economic influence – it 4. Economic influence – it shows how the financial 4. Economic influence – it
shows how the financial shows how the financial shows how the financial status or economic shows how the financial
status or economic status or economic status or economic experiences of the author or status or economic
experiences of the author or experiences of the author or experiences of the author or the writer affect the experiences of the author or
the writer affect the the writer affect the the writer affect the development of the the writer affect the
development of the development of the development of the selection. development of the
selection. selection. selection. selection.
E. Discussing new
concepts and
practicing new skills
F. Developing
(Leads to Formative
Assessment 2)
G. Finding practical
applications of
concepts and skills
in daily living
H. Making Is it important to learn Is it important to learn Is it important to learn Is it important to learn Is it important to learn
generalizations and these various influences these various influences these various influences these various influences these various influences
abstractions about in literary selections? in literary selections? in literary selections? in literary selections? in literary selections?
the lesson Why? Why not? Why? Why not? Why? Why not? Why? Why not? Why? Why not?
I. Evaluating learning
J. Additional
activities for
application -
Reflect on your teaching and assess yourself as a teacher. Think about your student’s progress this week. What works? What else needs to be done to help the students
VI. REFLECTION learn? Identify what help your instructional supervisors can provide for you so that you can ask them relevant questions when you meet them.
A. No. of learners
who earned 80% in
the evaluation.
B. No. of learners
who require
additional activities
for remediation who
scored below
C. Did the remedial
lessons work? No. of
learners who have
caught up with the
D. No. of learners
who continue to
require remediation.
E. Which of my
teaching strategies
worked well? Why
did these work?
F. What difficulties
did I encounter that
my principal or
supervisor can help
me solve?
G. What innovation
or localized
materials did I
use/discover that I
wish to share with
other teachers?
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