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Principles of Construction Management

Prof. Sudhir Misra

Department of Civil Engineering
Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur

Lecture – 11
Economic Decision Making In Construction Projects

Namaskar and welcome to this series of lectures on Principles of Construction Management

and today we will talk about Economic Decision Making in Construction Projects, largely
concentrating on ‘time value of money’. What we had done last time was to understand that in
a construction project, the expenses, as far as the contractor is concerned, are incurred
throughout the project - may it be in procurement of material, hiring charges for equipment,
salaries of the people hired and so on. The payment for those activities is received by the
contractor at different points in time through running account bills.

This idea that expenses are being incurred over a period of time and there is revenue which is
generated at different points in time - this requires us to understand what is called ‘time
value of money’, and that is what our focus in the discussion today will be.

(Refer Slide Time: 01:20)

So now, to get started, the value of an investment or project depends upon the amount of cash
flows expected from the project and timing of these cash flows. This is what we were trying
to address when we said that for a given project the payment can be made all at once at the
end of the project or in installments as the project proceeds. What the timing of these
payments, is what determines what is call the ‘cash flow’.

We must remember that cash flow for one party and the cash flow for the other party can be
different. When I make a payment to someone, it is an expense for me. It goes out from my
system, whereas, it becomes a receipt for the other person who receives that payment.
Continuing the discussion here focuses on using the concept of time value of money for a
better understanding of decision making in construction projects.

(Refer Slide Time: 02:23)

So, what is ‘time value of money’? The value of money changes with time, so what is a
hundred rupees today may not be hundred rupees tomorrow. It would have gained some
money, if there was an interest application. We are not, in this discussion, including the
concept of inflation at all, where the value is actually getting eroded on account of factors
which are not governed by this concept of interest. We are largely concentrating on the
concept of interest. Now, what is the interest? Interest basically represents the earning power
of money, and, can be looked upon as a premium paid to compensate the owner for the
foregoing the use of the loaned money.

So if I keep a hundred thousand rupees in the bank, I get an interest of 3 percent, 4 percent,
whatever is the prevailing rate, because I forego the right to use that money at that point in
time. The bank, however, gives me 3 percent or 4 percent of an interest because with that
money, it generates more money by giving out a loan to different investors. Now, they could
charged 7 percent, 8 percent, or 15 percent, whatever it is, by the bank. Therefore, there
exists a present value and a future value for any investment. So, we can talk in terms of
present value, or, we can talk in terms of future value. In the discussion today, we would
largely concentrate on the concept from the point of view of present value.

(Refer Slide Time: 03:54)

Now, let us look at cash-flow diagrams, which are basically a visual representation of inflow
and outflow of funds - those that are either received or spent during the project’s lifetime. So
what we are looking at – let’s say this as an example - we plot on the x-axis, which is this line
here, time; and plot the outflow of funds below this line here, and the inflow of funds above
this line. So, what it is showing is that there is an outflow of funds that occurs at points 0, 4
and 6, and,inflow of funds occurs at points 1, 2, 3, 5 and 7 to the extent that the inflow is
2,00,000, 50,000, 3,00,000, 1,00,000, and 4,00,000 and the outflow is 10,00,000, 50,000, and

Now, please remember that we will follow the same convention in terms of showing inflow -
which is revenue, and outflow - which is expenditure, throughout this discussion today. Now,
obviously, if this outflow is occurring here, and this inflow is occurring here, we really need
to understand the concept of interest, and try to understand what is the present value of this
2,00,000 or this 3,00,000 or this 50,000, and so on. Similarly, we must understand what is the
present value, for example, of this 50,000, or 1,50,000. On the other hand, as I mentioned in a
previous slide, we can take all of these values here and try to find out what is their value at a
future date and based on the present value or the future value, we can determine whether this
cash-flow diagram or whether this investment which has this kind of an inflow and outflow,
is acceptable to us or not.

(Refer Slide Time: 05:55)

So now, let’s move forward and try to understand how do we do interest computations. So,
basically, two classifications that I have taken - one is a single payment, where we talk in
terms of a compound amount factor and a present worth factor, and there is a system of equal
payments, where we are talking about the compound amount factor, the present worth factor,
the sinking fund deposit, the capital recovery factor, and so on.

So these are very simple factors which can be determined from first principles, but instead of
determining them from first principles all the time, there are tables which are readily made
available to engineers, who can immediately find a factor - a number by which a certain
income or an expenditure is multiplied to get the present worth, and so on and so forth, as we
shall see in subsequent examples.
(Refer Slide Time: 06:48)

So now, coming to the single payment compound factor. Let us not bother so much about the
nomenclature, but try to understand what is the physics, and, what is the principle involved.
In this case here, what we are saying is, that given a principal P, a rate of interest i, for a
period of n years, what is the final amount that is accruing? This is something which we
know from our understanding of the whole concept of compound interest and we know that
this is nothing but, (1+i)n. So, in this course, how we will read this particular situation is -
what is the F given P, i and n?

If we take an illustrative example, how much does a deposit of INR 10,00,000 grow into, in 5
years at a rate of 8 percent compounded annually. If we use this formula, we find the number
to be INR 14,69,328. So, we now have a factor which could be 1.469 or something like that
and this is what we multiplied by this amount here to get this value. So, what we have here is
- P is known to be INR 10,00,000, the interest or the rate of interest is known to be 8 percent,
the n is 5 years and we find this growth in the investment made.
(Refer Slide Time: 08:18)

Similarly, a single payment present worth factor represents what is the P if we want an F for
a given i and n. So, like last time, this single payment present worth factor is represented as 1
/ (1+i)n, which is just the reciprocal of the previous discussion and the illustrative example
which I can give you is, what is the present value in INR or the Indian rupees, of an asset
which is expected to have a worth of INR 20,00,000 after 10 years, assuming that the interest
is compounded annually at the rate of 10 percent.

If we do that and use this given formula, we find the number to be 7,71,086. Basically what
we are saying is that, if we have this amount of money here, it will grow to an amount of
money which is required at the end of a given period of time if we assume a certain rate of
interest. So, in these two cases - in one case, we have this value known to us and we find this
value, whereas, in the present slide what we are showing is - we are given this value and we
are trying to find out how much we should have in hand today so that, it grows to that
required amount of money at a certain point in time later on.
(Refer Slide Time: 09:47)

So, now coming to those more distributed investments, let’s talk about the equal payment
compound amount factor, which basically says that if we keep depositing or setting aside an
amount A for a period of n years at a rate of interest i, what would be the final F? So this is
what is the equation which turns out to be. We are not deriving these equations. You can
derive those equations from first principles, and I am leaving that part out. As an illustrative
example, let’s talk in terms of what is the worth in rupees at the end of 10 years for an
ordinary annuity of INR 20,000 operated at an annual compounding rate of 8 percent?

So what we are saying is that we will set aside INR 20,000 every year for a period of 10
years, and, if the rate of interest is 8 percent, what would this final amount be? So if we
operate this equation, we find that the amount is INR 2.89 lakhs. So if we look at our
investment directly, what we are doing is we are investing 20,000 for 10 years which is,
basically, we are investing 2,00,000. Now this 2 lakh is growing to 2.89 because this 20,000
is earning an interest for 9 years, the next 20,000 is earning an interest for 8 years, this one is
for 7 years and so on, and this total interest is 89,732.
(Refer Slide Time: 11:38)

So this is the way to look at an equal payment compound amount factor. Continuing with our
discussion, there is an equal payment sinking fund deposit factor and like I said, let’s not
bother about the nomenclature, what we should understand is the principle involved. How is
the cash flow being modeled and how to calculate the present value or the future value of that
particular investment? So, coming to this factor here, what it says is that, if we want a certain
amount at the end, then what amount should we be setting aside every year for n years at a
rate of interest of i?

So that is what the question is, that how much should be invested in a bank every year to
make a sum of INR 20,00,000 at the end of 20 years assuming that the bank offers an interest
of 8 percent compounded annually. If we do this, the answer is 43,705. If we keep setting
aside INR 43,705 for 20 years and the rate of interest applicable is 8 percent compounded
annually, the amount payable to us at the end will be INR 20,00,000 or 2 million or 20 lakhs.
This again is the same idea where this first investment earns an interest for 19 years, the
second investment earns for 18 years, third investment earns for 17 years and so on..
(Refer Slide Time: 13:30)

So we are investing surely a lesser amount of money here. I’m leaving it to you compute that
and the final amount that we get. There is another very interesting and a very important
factor, call the equal payment present worth factor, which basically something like this, that
if we make this investment for n years every year at a certain rate of interest, what is the
present worth of that entire investment?

So we would be investing an amount A over a long period of time and the present worth of all
these A’s would be different, because they would have different periods of time where the
locking is occurring and that can be determined using this formula and as an illustrative
example, let’s say that what is the present worth of an ordinary annuity of INR 20,000
invested for a period of 10 years, being operated at an annual compounding rate of 8 percent?

So if these were the conditions being applied, the present worth of this investment is INR
1,34,260. Now please see the difference. We are talking of the present worth being 1,34,260
for a total amount which is 20,000 and 10 years which would make it, let’s say, 2,00,000. So
the difference between 2 lakh and 1.34 lakhs is arising because that 1.34 is the present worth
of this entire investment, which is being distributed over a period of 10 years. I would also
like to mention that for sufficiently large n, the factor becomes 1/i, that is, if the investment
continues for a long period of time, then the factor can be taken to be 1/i as a thumb rule.
(Refer Slide Time: 15:18)

Now, equal payment capital recovery factor which is EPCRF - again not bothering about the
nomenclature, what we are talking about is, given a P, what should be the A for n years, at a
rate of interest of i, and this is the formula which comes out of this, and the illustrative
example would be - what should be the annual installment for a period of 6 years that the
lender has to fix to recover a total amount of INR 200,000, at an operating interest
compounded annually for 4 percent? So, if there is a INR 2,00,000 which is occurring here,
what should be the annual installment which is to be taken. In this case, it turns out to be INR

So, what is being said is that for INR 2,00,000, if it has to be recovered in a manner that the
rate of interest is 4 percent and the period of recovery is 6 years, then the installment should
be INR 38,150. So, effectively, what is being paid is 38,150 multiplied by 6 and what was
lent was 2,00,000. So the difference between these two is effectively the interest component.
What I would like to leave you as a thought would be that try to do it on a spreadsheet and try
to find out that if there was a loan which was taken and an interest at any rate accrues in the
first year, or the second year and so on and so forth, then, if a certain amount of money is
returned to the lender, whether that money should be going towards servicing the interest or it
should service the capital or it should be both.

So, depending on this exercise, there would be some very interesting results that you would
see, and in fact, that is the kind of thought process which we have when we talk in terms of
soft loans, banks try to induce people to take loans by playing with this distribution of the
servicing. So, what I am leaving to you to find out is as far as how this particular 38,150 is
concerned, whether it is going towards the payment of the interests or whether it is going
towards the payment of the capital - those are things which I am leaving out from the
discussion at present because of the simple reason that this is not a course in economics. We
are trying to just show you different parts of a construction management course, where we are
trying to explain to you or get you interested in what it entails to be a construction manager.

(Refer Slide Time: 18:24)

So, going forward, let us talk of economic decision making now. Construction management
involves cost comparisons between different alternatives and this very commonly happens
when we are trying to buy an equipment and we have options which have different capital
costs and they may have different maintenance costs. As an illustrative example, consider
two options of equipment, let us say A and B, where A has a high initial cost and low yearly
maintenance, but B has a low initial cost but high annual maintenance.

So what we are looking at, as far as option A is concerned, this outflow is very high, but
subsequently this is lower. Whereas, in case of B, if this was A, B - this is lower, but these
are, let’s say, higher. So, how do we compare this option with this option? This can easily be
done if we follow some of the principles that we have discussed so far.
(Refer Slide Time: 19:21)

Now, this slide lists some of the common decision making criteria -the Payback Period, the
Return on Investment, Discounted Payback, Net Present Value, Internal Rate of Return,
Equivalent Annual Charge, and the cost-benefit ratio. These two do not consider the time
value of money, but these four consider the time value of money. In our discussion today, we
would not touch upon the Return on Investment, the Equivalent Annual Charge and cost-
benefit ratio, but we will talk about other things.

(Refer Slide Time: 19:51)

So the first thing that we need to talk about is the Payback Period. Now, it is the period at
which the investor gets the investment back and as we mentioned in the previous slide, this
does not consider the time value of money, and therefore, out of the various alternatives, a
project or an investment with shorter payback period is preferable. What we are saying is that
if we make an investment today and we keep getting something out of this, at what point in
time - this is our time axis - at what point in time, this amount here becomes equal to the sum
of these amounts here. So, that is my Payback Period and since we are not talking of the time
value of money, we can simply, algebraically sum these revenues.

(Refer Slide Time: 20:39)

So as an example, let us consider two alternatives - A and B, the initial investments for both
projects is estimated to be INR 50,000. Option A is estimated to give INR 10,000 in the first
year, INR 20,000 in the second year and INR 15,000 in the next four years, whereas, Option
B gives you INR 10,000 for all the six years. Which is a better alternative?
(Refer Slide Time: 21:01)

So for that, we simply draw the cash-flow diagram for A, which is 50,000 of an investment,
10,000, 20,000, 15,000, 15,000, 15,000 and 15,000. Whereas, for option B, it is 10,000 for all
the six years. So what is the period, in which this 50000 is being recovered in the two cases?
The payback period for A is 3 years and 4 months because 3 years gives you a recovery of 10
and 15, i.e.- 25, and 20 that is 45, and all that you need to recover is 5,000 out of this 15,000.
Assuming that it is happening linearly, it is one-third of that year, which is 4 months. In the
case of B, the situation is simple. It’s 10,000 for every year and therefore, the payback period
is 5 years. Which of them is better? Project A is preferable than B as the payback period for
A is lower than that of B.
(Refer Slide Time: 22:02)

Now let’s talk in terms of a Discounted Payback Period. It is similar to the Payback Period
except that it considers the time value of money and that is something which I am leaving out
of the discussion today, I am not taking it up for solution. I’ll leave it to you to find out the
payback periods, assuming that the discount rate is 10 percent.

(Refer Slide Time: 22:27)

Now let’s talk about the Net Present Value - the NPV. Now this is the sum of all cash flows
discounted to the present, using the concept of time value of money. So let us try to see what
happens. What we are doing is, for all the CFt - the CFt is the cash flow at year t, n is the life
of the project, k is the interest rate - for all the CF t that occurs, we bring all of this down to a
value at present. That is what I said that in this discussion today, we would concentrate on the
present value. We can do the same exercise for the future value as well, but once we
understand how to do it for the present value, we can easily do it for the future value as well.

So now, NPV, mathematically, is represented like this –

C Ft
NPV =∑ t
t =0 ( 1+ k )

(Refer Slide Time: 23:21)

And if the NPV is greater than 0, then the project creates a value to the investor and usually
alternatives can be assessed based on their NPV. And let’s try to understand the importance
of time value of money in cash flows.
(Refer Slide Time: 23:35)

Let us take an illustrative example where there is a table which shows you the different cash
flow parameters. It gives you a cash flow of minus 200 initially and then a positive cash flow
for 7 years and for the eighth year the cash flow is a +37 and what we are asked to do is to
calculate the payback period and the NPV of cash flow at an interest of 15 percent
throughout. We have to find out whether the project is worth executing or not. We have to
basically find out what is the NPV, whether it is greater than zero or less than zero, and by
how much and so on and so forth.

If we translate this information given in the table to a cash flow diagram, this is what we are
looking at. We are look at 200,000 going out and 35 coming in for 7 years and 37 coming in
the 8th year.
(Refer Slide Time: 24:35)

With this, if you simply calculate the payback value, without considering the time value of
money and that is what is the definition of the payback period, we find that the period is 5
years and 9 months. So, in 5 years and 9 months, this plus something would total to 200.

(Refer Slide Time: 24:57)

Now, moving to the next part of the problem, which is to calculate the NPV using the time
value of money at the rate of 15 percent, for this diagram, we have these discounted factors
for each year.
So each of these numbers here gets multiplied by these factors - that these factors are
reducing as time goes on, because these amounts of money are available to us for longer
periods of time. If we sum up all these numbers here, we get the net NPV which turns out to
be –43,610 and since it is negative, the project is not recommended. Now this is not
recommended at a rate of 15 percent. If this rate of interest was to change, how will the
situation change? And that is something we can always do as a simple exercise. So having
done this exercise at 15 percent,

(Refer Slide Time: 25:56)

what I am asking you to do is to carry out the exercise of computing the NPV at 10 percent
and 5 percent. You will find that the NPV, obviously, changes. Try to see how it changes and
then plot the variation of the net present worth - the NPV - with the rate of interest that you
have used, and what you will be able to determine what is called the Internal Rate of Return,
which is IRR.
(Refer Slide Time: 26:20)

Now, let us see what IRR is. It is the discount rate at which the NPV of the cash flow is zero.
Effectively what it means is, we are looking at a situation - if NPV is plotted against the
discount rate, there will be a point of intersection like this, and that is what will be the IRR or
the internal rate of return, and that is what I am asking you to plot and see. Once you plot the
example for 15 percent, 10 percent and 5 percent, I think you should be able to find out the
internal rate of return for the example that we are working on. Please note that an alternative
with a higher IRR is preferred for an investment.

(Refer Slide Time: 27:09)

Now if we talk in terms of how to make a choice between alternatives using NPV, let us try
to look at an example where there are two brands of equipment A and B, whose cost is
different.. There is an initial investment of INR 7,00,000 in one case and INR 4,00,000 in
another and the annual maintenance cost of these two equipment are given here for A and B.
A has a maintenance cost of INR 3,00,000 every year, whereas, B has the maintenance cost
of INR 5,00,000. Which of these equipments should be chosen?

(Refer Slide Time: 27:45)

So if we look at the cash flow diagram for A, this is the representation. Similarly, for B, the
representation is given like this and using this equation that we already talked about, the Net
Present Value for A is INR 14.77 lakhs, whereas, for B, it is INR 16.95 lakhs. So, given these
two NPVs, the NPV of A is lower and therefore, A is preferred. This is how we have used the
time value of money and the Net Present Value kind of concepts to find out which of the
alternatives makes more sense.
(Refer Slide Time: 28:32)

(Refer Slide Time: 29:02)

However, till now, we have taken examples in a manner that they had equal lives. So, for
example, what we are talking about just now was, in both cases, we are talking of 3 years was
the service life of the equipment. But there is always the possibility that the alternatives may
not have equal lives, they may not have equal maintenance cost at different points in time, but
those are things which we can incorporate in our thought process fairly easily and evaluating
alternatives with unequal lives - in most situations the alternatives do not have equal lives and
to be fair with the ranking process of alternatives, the lives should be modified such that they
become equivalent because that is the only way to be able to make a fair comparison.

The two commonly used approaches are common multiple method and a study period

(Refer Slide Time: 29:27)

What these approaches really mean is that in the common multiple method the least common
multiple of life periods of alternatives is chosen as the co-terminus life period. So, what we
are saying for example, is the following: if there is an equipment which has a service life of 3
years and another one which has a service life of 4 years, we can say that over a period of 12
years we will need 4 replacements for this, and 3 replacements for this, and then try to do the
exercise that we have carried out just now and we will have an answer to our question as to
whether equipment A or B should be preferred. So, what happens in the study period method
is given here and with this we come to an end of our discussion today.
(Refer Slide Time: 30:18)

The references, like one by K N Jha, F K Crundwell and H Kerzner would probably help you
understand the concepts that we have gone over.With this we come to an end of the

Thank you.

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