5 Unit Five Standardize 5S

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Web Development and Database

Level I
Based on March 2022, Curriculum Version 1

Module Title: Applying 5S Procedures

Module Code: EIS WDDBA1 M01 1022
Nominal Duration: 4 Hours

Unit Five:- Standardize 5S

5.1. Preparing And Using Plan To Standardize 5S Activities
5.1.1. Definition of the Fourth Pillar
Standardize, the fourth pillar of our visual workplace, differs from Sort, Set in Order, and Shine. This is
because it is the method- you use to maintain the first three pillars of 5S. Building on this definition, we
may define Standardize the result that exists when the first three pillars-Sort, set in order and Shine-are
properly maintained.
Benefits from Standardize
1. Lead to workplace standardization
 prevent setbacks in the first three pillars
 Make implementing them a daily habit
 Ensure that all the three pillars are maintained in their fully implemented state.
2. Lead to work standardization
 Muda elimination
 Quality improvements
 Cost improvements
 Delivery time improvements
 Process improvements
Here are some of the problems that result when we do not implement Standardization well:
 Conditions go back to their previous and undesirable levels even after a companywide 5S
implementation campaign.
 At the end of the day, piles of unneeded items are left from the day's production and lie scattered
around the production equipment.
 Tool storage sites become disorganized and must be put back in order at the end of the day.
 Cutting shavings constantly fall on the floor and must be swept up.
 Even after implementing Sort and Set in order, it does not take long for office workers to start
accumulating more stationery supplies than they need.

These problems and others reveal backsliding in gains made from implementing Sort Set in Order, and
Shine Activities. The basic purpose of the Standardize pillar is to prevent setbacks in the first three
pillars, to make implementing them a daily habit, and to make sure that all three pillars are maintained in
their fully implemented state.
How to Implement Standardize
The three steps to making Sort, Set in Order and Shine activities (the three pillars or 3S) a habit are:
Step 1: Decide who is responsible for which activities with regard to maintaining 3S conditions.
Step 2: To prevent backsliding, integrate 3S maintenance duties in to regular work activities.
Step 3: Check on how well 3S conditions are being maintained.
As you read this section, you will discuss some of the tools for implementing Standardize of the Sort,
Set in Order, and Shine activities. This is because in order to standardize we must use these same tools
in a more systematic way to make sure that the first three pillars are maintained.

5.2. Preparing And Implementing Tools And Techniques To Standardize 5S

Common Tools and Techniques to standardize 3S are:
 5S Job Cycle Charts  The five Whys and one How
 Visual 5S approach(5W1H)
 The Five Minute 5S  Suspension
 Standardization level checklist  Incorporation
 5S checklist  Use Elimination

The Three Steps to Make the 3S Activities a Habit/Standardize using the Tools and Techniques of 3S

5.2.1. Assign 3S Responsibilities

When it comes to maintaining three pillar conditions, everyone must know exactly what they are
responsible for doing and exactly when, where and how to do it. If people are not given clear 3S job
assignments based on their own workplaces, the Sort, Set in Order, and Shine activities will not have
much meaning. Similarly, clear 3S instructions must be given to the people who deliver goods from
outside suppliers. The delivery sites should be clearly marked and a 5S Map posted to show where each
supplier's goods are to be unloaded. At each unloading site, signboards should make it clear whose things
go where and in what amount. The suppliers should be made responsible for maintaining 3S conditions at
their own unloading sites and encouraged to join in full 5S implementation.

Tools for assigning 3S responsibilities include:

 5S Maps
 5S schedules
 5S job cycle charts, which list the 5S jobs to be done in each area, and set frequency cycle for
each job (see the figure below). In the example shown in the figure below, 5S duties are sorted
out according to the first three pillars and the scheduling cycle. In the figure, code letters are used
for the various cycle periods:
A is for 'continuously," B for "daily (mornings)," C for "daily (evenings), " D for "weekly," E for
"monthly" and F for "occasionally." Each 5S job assignee can then use these charts as 5S
Checklists. This particular example shows clearly who is responsible for each job, which area,
what to do, and when to do it.

Figure 5.1: A 5S Job Cycle Chart

5.2.2. Integrate 3S Duties into Regular Work Duties

If people carry out three pillar maintenance duties only when they see three pillar conditions slipping,
then the five pillar implementation has not yet taken root. Maintenance must become a natural part of
everyone’s regular work duties. In other words, the five pillars -centered on maintaining 3S conditions-
must be part of the normal work flow. We sometimes refer to this as "5S line integration" or establishing
a five pillars flow. Visual 5S and Five-Minute 5S are two approaches that help make maintenance work
part of the everyday work routine. .

A. Visual 5S

The Visual 55 approach makes the level of five pillar conditions obvious at a glance. This is particularly
helpful in factories that handle a great variety and number of materials.

The main point of Visual 5S is that anyone should be able to distinguish between abnormal and normal
conditions at a glance.

As a factory example, consider a drill-press process where Set in order has been applied so that the
position and amount of each finished work piece is clearly indicated. As an additional visual aid, the
place where the last batch item goes can be marked with a thick red line to indicate that it is time to stop
and send the batch to the next process.

Figure 5.2: Visual 5s Method for Indicating Maximum Batch Size

B. Five-Minute 5S

When using the Visual 5S approach, instant visibility can act as a trigger for taking immediate three pillar
action(Sort, Set in Order, and Shine activities) against the discovered abnormalities (i.e., overproduction,
disorder, and contamination). We must also deal with the question of how skillfully and efficiently these
actions are carried out. Instead of following two hours for removing all of the cutting shavings from the
floor, we can set up a half-hour or a one-hour Shine procedure that accomplishes the same task. The term
"Five-Minute 5S" is a loose one-the actual time can be three minutes, six minutes, or whatever is
appropriate. The point is to make the five pillar work brief, efficient, and habitual. In figure below shows
a signboard that was made as part of a Five-Minute 5 campaign.

Figure 5.3: Five-Minute 5s Signboard

5.2.3. Check on 3S Maintenance Level
After we have assigned the three pillar jobs and have incorporated the three pillar maintenance into the
everyday work routine, we need to evaluate how well the three pillars are being maintained. For this, we
can use a Standardization-level Checklist as shown in the figure below.

Figure 5.4: Standardization Level Checklist

To evaluate the effectiveness of the maintenance activities, the evaluator ranks the Sort, Set in order, and
Shine levels on a scale of 1 to 5. Such checklists can be made for specific workshop and/or production
processes. One example is shown in the Figure below. 5S Checklists like the one in the figure are used to
check five pillar levels in the factory as a whole. When a company implements 5S Month of intensive
activities, 5S Checklists should be used to make weekly evaluation of five pillar conditions.

Figure 5.5: checklists for an entire factory

5.2.4. The Concept of Prevention
When we find that tools have not been put back correctly, we immediately take care of them. When we
find an oil puddle on the floor, we immediately mop it up. Making these actions habit is the foundation of
Standardize. However, when the same problems keep on happening over and over again, it is time to take
the concept of Standardize to the next level: prevention.

To take this pillar to a higher level, we must ask "why?" Why do unneeded items accumulate (despite
Sort procedures)? Why do tools get put back incorrectly (despite Set in order procedure? Why do floors
get dirty (despite Shine procedures)? When we ask "why" repeatedly, we eventually find the source of
the problem and can address that source with a fundamental improvement. Such improvements can help
us develop Unbreakable standardization, which means:
 Unbreakable sorting
 Unbreakable setting in order
 Unbreakable setting shining

Unbreakable Sorting
Unbreakable +
= Unbreakable Set in order
Standardization +
Unbreakable Shining

A. Prevent unneeded items from Accumulating (Preventive Sort Procedures)

The Red-Tag Strategy described sorting out unneeded items. This strategy is a visual control method that
enables anyone to see at a glance which items are no longer needed. However, we should note that the
Red-Tag Strategy is an after-the-fact approach that deals with unneeded items that have accumulated. No
matter how often we implement this strategy, unneeded items will accumulate in the interim.

Nowadays, smart companies are shifting from this type of "alter the-fact" sorting to preventive sorting.
Preventive sorting means that instead of waiting until unneeded items accumulate; we find ways to
prevent their accumulation. We could also call this approach "unbreakable' sorting because once sort
procedures have been implemented, having only needed items in the workplace becomes an
"unbreakable" condition.

To achieve unbreakable sorting we must prevent unneeded items from even entering the workplace.
These words- «only what is needed" -have a familiar ring to anyone acquainted with the just-in- time
(JIT) philosophy and program. To prevent the accumulation of unneeded inventory, we must find a way
to procure and produce only those materials that are needed, only when they are needed, and only in the
amount needed.
For example, suppose your company is scheduled to produce a certain number of units of a product
during a particular month. Ideally, at the beginning of this month, only the parts needed to produce the
scheduled number of units would be delivered to you from your suppliers. For any given part, your
company might even receive the part in several deliveries, depending on the type of part and the delivery

Receiving parts just-in-time for production rather than storing large quantities of parts in advance
eliminates many of the potential costs associated with maintaining inventory. As well, receiving parts
just-in- time is a preventive measure that avoids the accumulation of parts that needed to be sorted.

B. Prevent Things from Having to Be Put Back (Preventive Set in Order Procedures)
Preventive setting in order means keeping set in order procedure from breaking down. To achieve
preventive setting in order, we must somehow prevent the inefficiency that results from the lack of
orderly control of any specific item. There are two ways to do this: (1) make it difficult to put things in
the wrong place and (2) make it impossible to put things in the wrong place.

The first method relies heavily on discipline and visual controls. Clearly marked storage sites show at a
glance what goes where and in what amount. When it is obvious what goes where and in what amount.
When it is also obvious that things are not put back properly. As people practice returning things, such
visual setting in order becomes habitual. This condition supports setting in order that is difficult to break.
However, there is still a big difference between setting in order that is difficult to break and setting in
order that is unbreakable. 'Why settle for the first when the second is possible? But how we achieve
unbreakable setting in order?

The 5 Whys and 1How (5W1H) Approach

We begin by asking "why?" until we identify the underlying causes- for every answer we gel we must ask
"why" again. Usually we ask "why" at least five times to get to the root of the problem. When we do find
the underlying cause, we ask "how" we call fix it. Accordingly, this method is called the "5W1H'

When we ask "why" setting in order is breakable, we find that one answer is because people make
mistakes putting things back. At this point, we need to identify what types of items are not being returned
correctly. Once we identify this, the question is how to achieve unbreakable setting in order by making it
impossible to return them to the wrong place. If we can somehow eliminate the need to return items at all,
we can achieve unbreakable setting in order. Three techniques for doing this are:
 Suspension  Incorporation  Use elimination.
a) Suspension

In the Suspension technique, tools are literally suspended from above, just within reach of the user.
Figure above shows this method in practice. Here a weighted pulley device is used to suspend tools from
an overhead rack. When the operator finishes using the tool, he merely releases it and it automatically
returns to its proper storage place.
While this technique does not eliminate the need to return items to a specific place, it does effectively
eliminate the need for people to return them. People may make mistakes in returning things, but
suspension devices do not. This technique achieves unbreakable setting in Order.

Figure 5.6: Tools Suspended from an Overhead Rack

b) Incorporation

Incorporation means creating a flow of goods or operations in a factory process in which (1) jigs, tools,
and measuring instruments are smoothly integrated into the process and (2) such devices are stored
where they are used and therefore do not have to be returned after use. The figure below shows an
example where a measuring gate has been incorporated into a cutting process for an automobile part.
The measuring gate catches any pieces that have not been machined to the correct height. This
measuring procedure is an example of "mistake-proofing’' (or poka-yoke). The incorporation of the
measuring gate into the cutting process means that its storage place is also its place of use. It is therefore
used (for full-lot inspection) without having to be put back anywhere.

Figure 5.7: Incorporating a Measuring Gate into the Process Flow

c) Use Elimination

Suspending or incorporating jigs, tools, or measuring instruments effectively eliminates the need to
return them after each use. However, these items are still being used. The question is whether there is
some way to serve the function of the tool without using the jig, tool or measuring instrument. A set in
order approach that eliminates the use of a particular jig, tool or measuring instrument is in fact
unbreakable setting in order.

There are three techniques for eliminating the use of certain tools:
i. Tool unification
ii. Tool substitution
iii. Method substitution

i. Tool unification

Tool unification means combining the functions of two or more tools into a single tool. It is an approach
that usually reaches back to the design stage. For example, we can reduce the variety of die designs to
unify dies or make all fasteners that require a screw-driver conform to the same kind of screw-driver,
flat-tip or Phillips.

ii. Tool substitution

Tool substitution means using something other than a tool to serve the tool's function, thereby
eliminating the tool. For example, it is sometimes possible to replace wrench-turned bolt with hand-
turned butterfly-grip bolts, thereby eliminating the need for a wrench.

iii. Method substitution

If we substitute ordinary wrench-turned bolts with hand-turned butterfly-grip bolts, we have eliminated
the wrench, but we have not eliminated the method (bolt fastening).

Bolt fastening is just one way to fasten things. Fastening pins, clamps and cylinders can also be used for
this purpose. We may find we can improve efficiency even more by replacing one method with another.
This is "method substitution."

Figure 5.8. Standards for Location Indicators

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Indications on Shelves

Prevent Things from Getting Dirty (Preventive Shine Procedures)

Preventives shine Procedures will prevent things from getting dirty to begin with. Anyone has
participated in 5S implementation can tell you that the initial cleanup is very hard work. To
minimize the drudgery of cleaning up, the key is to treat contamination problems at their source. The
5Why approach can be applied In figure out why dirt is being generated, and how this problem can
be fixed. For example, instead of mopping up oil puddles, figure out where the oil is leaking from
and repair the leak.
1. Question: Why mop the floor every day?

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Answer: Because oil collects on the floor.
2. Question: does oil collect on the floor every day?
Answer: Because there's a leak from the drill press machine
3. Question: Why is there a leak from the drill press machine?
Answer: Because oil is leaking from a valve.
4. Question: Why is oil leaking from a valve?
Answer: Because it's broken.
5. Question: Why hasn’t the valve been replaced?
Answer: because we didn’t notice it was broken
6. Question: How can we coordinate getting the valve fixed?
Answer: The maintenance team will order the part and the operator will replace it.

Figure 5.9: A Preventive Cleanliness Device of a Drill Press

The fourth pillar is Standardize, which is the result of properly maintaining the first three pillars Sort,
Set in Order, and Shine. The basic purpose of Standardize is to prevent setbacks in the first three pillars
to make them a daily habit, and to make sure they are maintained in their fully implemented state.

The first part of implementing the fourth pillar involves making sort, Set in Order, and Shine a habit.
The three steps in this process are:
(1) Assigning the three pillar job responsibilities;
(2) Integrating three pillar duties in to regular work duties; and
(3) Checking on the maintenance of the three pillars. When it comes to maintaining three pillar
conditions, everyone must know exactly what they are responsible for doing and exactly when,

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where, and how to do it. The five pillars must become part of the normal work flow. And 5S
work must be brief, efficient, and habitual. Some of the tools in making sort, set in order, shine
procedure habit are: 5S Job Cycle Charts, Visual 5S, Five –Minute 5S, a Standardization Level
Checklist, and 5S Checklist for factories.

The second part of implementing the fourth pillar involves taking standardize to the next level:
prevention. Unbreakable standardization means making Sort, Set in Order, and Shine procedure
unbreakable. The three aspects of unbreakable standardization are preventive sort procedures,
preventive set in order procedures, and preventive shine procedures.

Preventive sorting means that instead of waiting until unneeded items accumulate we find ways to
prevent their accumulation. To do this, we must prevent unneeded items from even entering the work
place. Preventive setting in order means keeping the set in order procedure from breaking down. We do
this by making it difficult or impossible to put things back in the wrong place. Several techniques for
accomplishing this are: the 5W and 1H approach, suspension, incorporation, and use elimination.
Finally, preventive shining means preventing things from getting dirty. The key to preventive shining is
treating contamination problems at their source. The closer you can get to the source of contamination,
the better you will be able to implement preventive shining.

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