3 Unit Three Set All Items in Order

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Web Development and Database

Level I
Based on March 2022, Curriculum Version 1

Module Title: Applying 5S Procedures

Module Code: EIS WDDBA1 M01 1022
Nominal Duration: 4 Hours
Unit Three:- Set All Items In Order

3.1. Preparing Plan For Set-In Order Activities

3.1.1. Definition of set in order

Set in order means arranging necessary items so that they are easy to use and labelling them so that
anyone can find them and put them away. The key word in this definition is “anyone”. Set in order
can be implemented only when the first pillar- sort is done first. No matter how well you arrange
items, set in order can have little impact if many of the items are unnecessary and not sorted.
Similarly, if sorting is implemented without setting in order, it is much less effective. Where necessary
items should be placed should be made clear for anyone to immediately find them and return them
easily. Hence, Sort and Set in order work best, when they are implemented together.

Example of Set in order

Figure 3.1: Set in order of tools

3.1.2. Benefits of set in order

Setting in order is important because it eliminates many kinds of waste from operations in a
workplace. These include searching time waste, waste due to difficulty in using items, and waste due
to difficulty in returning items. In general, the following problems and wastes are avoided when set in
order is well implemented.
1. Motion wastes
2. Searching time wastes
3. The waste of human energy
4. The waste of excess inventory
5. The waste of defective products
6. The waste of unsafe conditions

The set in order step is actually at the core of so many important business principles such as safety,
ergonomics, quality, inventory control, productivity, standard work, the visual workplace and

employee morale. Also it is the core of standardization. This is because the workplace must be
organized before any type of standardization can be implemented effectively. Standardization means
creating a consistent way of doing or carrying out tasks. When we think of standardization, we have to
think about anyone. For example, machinery standardization means anyone can operate the machinery.
Also if we have operation standardization this means anyone can perform the operation. Even for
people to get along together, they need to standardize their behaviors, at least to some extent

Set in order is the core of standardization.

Figure 3.2: Set in order is the core of standardization

In implementing set in order pillar, we use visual controls so that communications became easy and
smooth. For example, we can visually know where items are placed and where to return them and so
on. A visual control is any communication device used in the workplace that tells us at a glance how
work should be done. Through visual controls, information such as where items belong, how many
items should be placed there, what the standard procedure is for doing something, the status of work in
process etc can be communicated.

3.2. Performing General Cleaning Activities

3.2.1. Plan and procedures for set in order

Set in order activity plan sheet (sample)

Procedures for Set in order

There are some principles for deciding best locations for tools and equipments. Jigs, tools and dies
differ from materials, equipments, machinery and parts in that they must be put back after each use.
Some of the principles for jigs, tools and dies also apply to parts, equipments, and machinery. These

 Locate items in the workplace according to their frequency of use. Place frequently used items
near the place of use. Store infrequently used items away from the place of use.
 Store items together if they are used together, and store them in sequence in which they are

Figure 3.3: Tools kept at hand and stored in the order used.

 Device a “just let go” arrangement for tools. This approach involves suspending tools from a
retractable cord just within reach so that they will automatically go back in to their correct
storage position when released.
 Make storage places larger than the items stored there so that they are physically easy to
remove and put back.
 Eliminate the variety of jigs, tools and dies needed by creating a few jigs, tools and dies that
serve multiple functions.
 Store tools according to function or product. Function-based storage means storing tools
together when they have similar functions. This works best for job-shop production. Product-
based storage means storing tools together when they are used on the same product. This works
best for repetitive production.

There are principles helpful in deciding the best locations for parts, equipments, and machinery, as
well as tools by removing motion wastes. Motion wastes are unnecessary movements created when
people move their trunks, feet, arms, and hands more than needed to perform a given operation. These
wastes lead to waste of time, energy and effort. These motion wastes can be minimized by locating
parts, equipments, and machinery in the best locations possible. More important than removing motion
wastes is asking why it occurs. By asking ‘why’ we can find the methods of manufacturing that work
and approach the zero-waste mark. Eliminating the unnecessary motions from existing operations is

called Motion improvement. And finding ways to eliminate the whole operations to remove the wastes
is called Radical improvement.

The principles that are helpful to eliminate or reduce motions that operators make are:
 Principle 1: Start and end each motion with both hands moving at once.
 Principle 2: Both arms should move symmetrically and in opposite directions.
 Principle 3: Keep trunk motions to a minimum.
 Principle 4: Use gravity instead of muscle.
 Principle 5: Avoid zigzagging motions and sudden changes in direction.
 Principle 6: Move with a steady rhythm.
 Principle 7: Maintain a comfortable posture with comfortable motions.
 Principle 8: Use the feet to operate on and off switches for machines where practical.
 Principle 9: Keep materials and tools close and in front.

Figure 3.4: Guidelines for locating parts, equipments, and machinery to maximize motion efficiency.

 Principle 10: Arrange materials and tools in the order of their use.
 Principle 11: Use inexpensive methods for feeding in and sending out materials.
 Principle 12: Stand at a proper height for the work to be done.
 Principle 13: Make materials and parts easy to pick up.
 Principle 14: Make handles and grips in efficient, easy-to-use shapes and positions.

Figure 3.5: Motion wastes Figure 3.6: No waste of motion

Example of eliminating motion wastes

Improving the retrieval of parts
The figure below shows an improvement in picking up parts in an assembly work. Before
improvement, the worktable was so large that the assembly worker had to stretch to pick up parts.
Also, the parts boxes were laid flat at table level, making it difficult to reach inside them. After
improvement, the decreased width of the worktable enabled the assembly worker to reach the parts
without stretching his arm too far. Also the parts boxes set on an inclined surface to make their
contents more accessible.

Figure 3.7: Improvements in picking up parts

Improving the layout of parts

The following figure shows an improvement in how plastic packaging sheets are used. The sheets are
moved from a rack behind the operator to a hook in front of the operator and above the production
line. This improvement eliminates four seconds of motion waste from each unit of packing work.

Figure 3.8: Improvement in parts layout
Evaluating current locations and deciding best locations
The 5S Map is a tool that can be used to evaluate current locations of parts, jigs, tools, dies,
equipment, and machinery, and to decide best locations. 5S Map involves creating two maps ‘before
map’ and ‘after map’. The ‘before map’ shows the layout of the workplace before implementing set in
order. The ‘after map’ shows the workplace after implementing set in order. The 5S Map can be used
to evaluate the locations in a small or large workplaces, like in a single workstations, on a production
line, or in a department.
The steps of using the 5S Map:

1. Make a floor plan or area diagram of the workplace you wish to study. Show the location of
specific parts, inventory, tools, jigs, dies, equipment and machinery.
2. Draw arrows on the plan showing the work flow between items in the workplace. There should
be at least one arrow for every operation performed. Draw the arrows in the order that the
operations are performed, and number them as you go.

Figure 3.9: 5S Map of old layout in machining operations (‘before map’)

3. Look carefully at the resulting “spaghetti diagram”. Can you see places where there is
congestion in the work flow? Can you see ways to eliminate waste?
4. Make a new 5S Map to experiment with a better layout for this work place. Again, draw and
number arrows to show the flow of operations performed.
5. Analyze the efficiency of the new layout (the after map), based on the principles explained in
the above.
6. Continue to experiment with possible layouts (after maps) using the 5S Map until you find one
which you think will work well.

Figure 3.10: 5S Map of new layout (the after map) in machining operations.
7. Implement this new layout in the work place by moving parts, tools, jigs, dies, equipment, and
machinery to their new locations.
8. Continue to evaluate and improve the layout in the workplace.
3.2.2. Set in order strategies

Once best locations have been decided, it is necessary to mark these locations so that everyone knows
what goes where, and how many of each item belongs in each location. There are several strategies for
marking or showing what, where and how many.

A. Motion Economy strategy

Following the principles explained in the above, we can remove motion waste from existing operation.
By using human body appropriately, by organizing the workplace and by redesigning of tools and
equipments, we can minimize motion waste.

B. Visual control Strategy

A visual control is any communication device used in the work environment that tells us at a glance
how work should be done. There are several strategies for setting in order items so that to easily
identify what, where and how many (visual control). These visual control strategies are discussed in
the next contents.

Signboard strategy: uses signboards to identify what, where, and how many. The three main types of
signboards are:
 Location indicators that show where items go.
 Item indicators that show what specific items go in those places.
 Amount indicators that show how many of these items belong there.

Figure 3.11: Amount indicators
Signboards are often used to identify:
 Names of work areas
 Inventory locations
 Equipment storage locations
 Standard procedures
 Machine layout
For example, in order to identify inventory stored on shelves in a warehouse, a whole system of
signboards may be used. Every section of shelving may have a signboard identifying the section.
Within that section, vertical and horizontal addresses on shelves can be identified with additional
signboard. Each item stored on the shelve may also have a signboard showing the “return address” for
that item. The “return address” allows the item to be put back in the proper location once it has been

Figure 3.12: Location indicators on shelves

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The ‘after 5S Map’ discussed before is a kind of signboard. It shows the location of parts, tools, jigs,
dies, equipment, and machinery in a given work area after set in order is implemented. When posted in
the work place, it is useful in communicating the standard for where items are located.

Painting strategy: is a method for identifying locations on floors and walkways. It is called the
Painting strategy because paint is the material generally used. But also plastic tape, cut in to any
length, can be used. Plastic tape, although more expensive, shows up just as clearly as paint and can be
removed if the layout is changed.

The painting strategy is used to divide the factory’s or workshop’s walking areas (walkways) from the
working areas (operation areas). When putting lines to divide walkways from operation areas, the
following factors should be considered:
 U-shaped cell designs are generally efficient that straight production lines.
 In-process inventory should be positioned carefully for best production flow.
 Floors should be levelled or repaired before we put lines.
 Walkways should be wide enough to avoid twists and turns and for safety and a smooth flow of goods.
 The dividing lines should be between 2 and 4 inches in width.
 Paint colors should be standardized. For example
o operation areas are painted by green;
o walkways are fluorescent orange or red;
o Lines that divide the walkways from operation areas are yellow in color.

Dividing lines can be used to show:

 Cart storage locations,
 aisle directions,
 door range, to show which way a door swings open,
 for worktables,
 Tiger marks, to show areas where inventory and equipment should not be placed, or to show
hazardous areas.

Figure 3.13: Aisle direction line Figure 3.14: Door-range line

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Color-code strategy : is used to show clearly which parts, tools, jigs and dies are to be used for which
purpose. For example, if certain parts are to be used to make a particular product, they can all be color-
coded with the same color and even stored in a location that is painted with that color. Similarly, as
shown the picture in below, if different types of lubricants are to be used on different parts of a
machine, the supply containers, oil cans, and machine parts can be color-coded to show what is used

Figure 3.15: Color-coding for lubrication

Outlining strategy: is used to show which jigs and tools are stored where. Outlining simply means
drawing outlines of jigs and tools in their proper storage positions. When you want to return a tool, the
outline provides an additional indication of where it belongs.

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Figure 3.16: Outlining of tools to show their locations

Figure 3.17: Outlining of tools and equipments to show their locations

Visual Management Board (Kaizen board) Strategy

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