Music K-12 Curriculum

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Music in the K-12 Curriculum

lesson 1: rhythm, notes and rest

Is the combination of long and short sound
that convey a sense of movement

Duration depend on the note’s length (or value),

which is specified by its color, stem or flag (s).

I - Barline
II - Double Barline


SPE 124 1
Music in the K-12 Curriculum
lesson 2: notes on the staff

 A grand staff combining the bass clef
staff and the treble clef staff. These
two staves are connected physically
by systematic bar lines and musically
by a brace.
 The brace indicates that one
performer plays the two staves

 A short line placed above or below a
staff to accommodate notes higher or
lower than the range of the staff.
Notes above or below a staff are
placed on ledger lines.


C-------------------------- Do
D-------------------------- Re
E-------------------------- Mi
F-------------------------- Fa
G------------------------- Sol
A------------------------- La
B------------------------- Ti

SPE 124 2
Music in the K-12 Curriculum
lesson 3: the keyboard / piano

A PIANO KEYBOARD is an instrument that is

played by depressing keys that cause hammers
to strike tuned strings and produce sounds. A
keyboard consists of white and black keys.
Black keys are grouped in twos and threes.
There are several ocatves on Piano/Keyboard.
An OCTAVE consist of 8 notes.

SPE 124 3
Music in the K-12 Curriculum
lesson 3: the keyboard / piano
Presto — extremely fast (168-177 BPM)
Presitissimo - even faster than Presto (178 BPM
TEMPO and over)
 Tempo is the speed of music
 Metronome markings are absolute
and specific. Other tempo markings
are verbal descriptions which are
more relative and subjective. Both
types of markings usually appear
above the staff, at the beginning of a
musical piece, and then at any part of
the piece where the tempo changes.
 Tempo Markings that ask the player
to change slightly from the main
tempo, such as ritardando may
appear either above or below the


Larghissimo — very, very slow (19 BPM and
Grave — slow and solemn (2o-4oBPM)
Lento — slowly (40-45 BPM)
Largo — broadly (45-50 BPM)
Larghetto — rather broadly (50-55 RPM)
Adagio — slow / at ease (55-65BPM)
Adagietto — rather slow (65-69 BPM)
Andante Moderato — a bit slower than andante
(690-72 BPM)
Andante- at a walking pace (73-77 BPM)
Andantino — slightly faster than andante
( although in some cases it can be taken to mean
slightly slower than andante) (78-83 BPM)
Marcia moderato- moderately, in manner of a
march (83-85 RPM) Moderato — moderately
(86-97 BPM)


Accelerando - gradually accelerating
Allegretto — moderately fast (98-1o9BPM)
Allegro — fast, quickly and bright ((109-132
Vivace -lively and fast ((132-140 BPS)
Vivacissimo — vary fast and lively (140-150
Allegrissimo — very fast (150-167 BPM)

SPE 124 4
Music in the K-12 Curriculum
Mezzo Soprano
TIMBRE Heavier darker tones than sopranos
 The quality of a sound or musical Lyric soprano
tone determined by its overtones and High vocal range, youthful, bright quality, with
different for each voice or instrument. full timbre and primary strength in higher
 It is also recognized as the colour or registers
the quality, and tone of a sound that Dramatic Soprano
makes it unique. Powerful, rich , emotive voice that can sing over
a full orchestra
Hamonic - A concert where all the musicians Can sing dramatic climaxes without ut strain,
are playing their instruments in the same and have a somewhat darker timbre
Polyphonic - In this case, independent musical
parts overlap.
Monophonic - In this scene, a single musical
line is played.
Accompanimental - It means accompanying a
good quality.

This is the highest singing voice, with the
highest tessitura. It is also the most common
female voice
Coloratura Soprano
It has the fastest, most agile, and highest voice
extension. She can sing several notes above the
soprano’s tessitura.
Mezzo – Soprano
It is the voice that stands between the soprano
and the contralto.
This is the lowest female voice

Coloratura Soprano
Specializes in music that is distinguished by
agile runs, leaps and trills.
Lyric Coloratura Soprano
Very agile light voice with a high upper
extensions capable of fast notes
Dramatic Coloratura Soprano
Great flexibility in high passages yet with great
sustaining power

SPE 124 5
Music in the K-12 Curriculum
Time signature

 Indicate how many beats are in each
measure of a piece of music, as well
as which note value is counted as a

 A whole note is a single note that

covers the entirety of a 4-beat measure
 A half note is a single note that covers
half of a 4-beat measure
 A quarter note is a single note that
covers one-quarter of a 4-beat measure
 An eighth note covers 1/8th of a 4-beat
 A sixteenth note covers 1/16th of a 4-
beat measure

3 6
4 8

4 2
4 2

SPE 124 6

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