Educ 206
Educ 206
Educ 206
Organizational Leadership
Philosophical positions and statements of purpose
personally contribute to the forward
“The roots of education are bitter, but the momentum of the organization as a whole.
fruit is sweet.”
– Aristotle 2. Allows for a problem-solving and decision-
making mindset. In a psychologically safe
EDUCATION atmosphere where people are not afraid to
Encompasses teaching and learning specific speak upgreat ideas can emerge. When a
skills, and also something less tangible but leader entrusts the individuals hired into
more profound. their roles to develop solutions and make
decisions, exponential growth is possible.
3. Promotes communication, ethics, inclusion,
Group of people whose members interact,
and respect. The leader shares the
reside in a definable area, and share a culture.
organization's values and models the
communication, ethics, inclusion, and
COMMUNITY respect expected of each individual.
Social group of any size whose members
reside in a specific locality, share government, 4. Allows organizational leaders to remain
and often have a goal-oriented.The organizational leader may
common cultural and historical heritage. focus on the larger picture: moving the
mission forward with an eye on navigating the
CULTURE challenges ahead.
culture includes the group’s shared practices,
values, beliefs, norms, and artifacts.
EXPERIMENTALISM Essentialism is a conservative view of
Experimentalism is associated with a curriculum that holds schools
very broad but shallow curriculum. responsible for only the most
Experimentalism is friendly to immediately needed instruction.
educational research, and many new An approach assuming that people
ideas come from it. and things have natural and essential
Experimentalist teachers like to tinker common characteristics which are
or experiment, They don’t like to inherent, innate and unchanging.
leave things the same all the time. Avoids some of the waste inherent
CLASSROOM MANAGEMENT FOR with experimentalism, But it can
EXPERIMENTALISTS become so conservative that it fails to
Prefer more constructivistic approaches truly educate.
such as Discipline with Dignity.
The Teacher and the Community, School Culture and
Organizational Leadership
Not every new idea is a good one, or one
WHAT EXPERIMENTALISTS WOULD that will even be effective.
TEACH? Perennialism plays well to traditional
Everything--anything that had any relation to communities.
students’ possible futures.
WHERE EXPERIMENTALISM SHINES ? Behaviorism believes in a science of
When essentialism or perennialism have behavior that would shape the world
been in power for so long, school into a better place to live.
programs have become stagnant They rely heavily on scientific studies
When school has become all work and of mbehavior and how behavior is.
no play Behaviorists are at least as concerned
When traditional methods have become about how people behave as what
ineffective they know.
Existentialists celebrate the human
WHERE PERENNIALISM SHINES? Existentialists believe in the
consciousness of the self.
Perennialism does help to dampen the
They would emphasize self-esteem
uncertain effects of the fads that come to
and a feeling of.
PHILO means “love”
SOPHOS means “wisdom”
A philosophy of education is a set of
statement that identifies and clarifies the
beliefs, values, and understandings of an
“Education without philosophy is blind and
individual or group with respect to education.
philosophy without education is invalid”
-Thomas, 1968
The Teacher and the Community, School Culture and
Organizational Leadership
The Teacher and the Community, School Culture and
Organizational Leadership