Cs PSPC Beon PTT Group Communications User Manual English
Cs PSPC Beon PTT Group Communications User Manual English
Cs PSPC Beon PTT Group Communications User Manual English
Rev. R, September 2022
Group Communications Services
Android™ Client 14004-0155-01
iOS™ Client 14004-0156-01
Windows® Client (BWC) 14004-0100-01
14221-7100-2010, Rev. R
This manual is published by L3Harris Technologies without any warranty. Improvements and changes to this manual necessitated by
typographical errors, inaccuracies of current information, or improvements to programs and/or equipment, may be made by L3Harris
Technologies at any time and without notice. Such changes will be incorporated into new editions of this manual. No part of this manual may
be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying and recording, for any purpose,
without the express written permission of L3Harris Technologies.
Copyright © 2012-2016, 2018-2022, L3Harris Technologies.
14221-7100-2010, Rev. R
1. SAFETY SYMBOL CONVENTION .......................................................................................... 9
2. INTRODUCTION .................................................................................................................... 10
2.1 BEON DESCRIPTION ................................................................................................. 10
2.2 SUPPORTED FEATURES .......................................................................................... 11
2.3 ICONS ......................................................................................................................... 12
3. INSTALLATION PROCEDURES ........................................................................................... 16
3.1 BEON ANDROID APPLICATION ................................................................................ 16
3.1.1 Google Play Store ............................................................................................ 16
3.1.2 Email Delivery .................................................................................................. 16
3.1.3 BeOn Installer Application ................................................................................ 16
3.1.4 BeOn Application Sideloading Installation ....................................................... 17
3.1.5 Open the Android BeOn App ........................................................................... 18
3.1.6 Manually Import Contact List............................................................................ 19
3.2 BEON IOS CLIENT ...................................................................................................... 20
3.2.1 Installation ........................................................................................................ 20
3.2.2 Open the iOS BeOn App .................................................................................. 20
3.2.3 Manually Import Contact List............................................................................ 21
3.3 BEON WINDOWS CLIENT (BWC) .............................................................................. 21
3.3.1 Installation ........................................................................................................ 21
3.3.2 Manually Import Contact List............................................................................ 27
3.4 LICENSE SERVER ...................................................................................................... 27
4. ANDROID CLIENT ................................................................................................................. 28
4.1 START UP AND SIGN IN PROCEDURES .................................................................. 28
4.1.1 Registration and Provisioning .......................................................................... 29
4.1.2 Device Controls ................................................................................................ 29
4.1.3 Phone and PTT Call Interoperability ................................................................ 29
4.2 ALERT TONES ............................................................................................................ 30
4.3 BLUETOOTH OPERATION ......................................................................................... 31
4.3.1 Configuration .................................................................................................... 32
4.3.2 Covert Operation .............................................................................................. 34
4.4 USER INTERFACE...................................................................................................... 35
4.4.1 Main Display..................................................................................................... 35
4.4.2 Status Bar ........................................................................................................ 36
4.4.3 Adjust Volume .................................................................................................. 36
4.4.4 Home................................................................................................................ 36
4.4.5 Groups ............................................................................................................. 40
4.4.6 Contacts ........................................................................................................... 41
4.4.7 History Tab ....................................................................................................... 44
4.4.8 Profiles ............................................................................................................. 45
4.4.9 Settings ............................................................................................................ 46
4.5 USING THE SOFTWARE ............................................................................................ 49
4.5.1 Group Calls ...................................................................................................... 49
4.5.2 Individual Calls ................................................................................................. 49
4.5.3 Ignore a Call ..................................................................................................... 50
4.5.4 Conversations .................................................................................................. 50
4.5.5 Sending a Text Message ................................................................................. 51
4.5.6 Receiving a Text Message ............................................................................... 51
14221-7100-2010, Rev. R
4.5.7 Presence ........................................................................................................... 52
4.5.8 Scanning ...........................................................................................................52
4.5.9 Distress .............................................................................................................53
4.5.10 Initiating a Distress ...........................................................................................54
4.5.11 Clearing a Distress ...........................................................................................54
4.6 ENCRYPTION ..............................................................................................................55
4.6.1 Voice Encryption ...............................................................................................55
4.6.2 Airlink Encryption ..............................................................................................60
5. IOS CLIENT ............................................................................................................................61
5.1 START UP AND SIGN IN PROCEDURES...................................................................61
5.1.1 Registration and Provisioning ...........................................................................62
5.1.2 Phone and PTT Call Interoperability .................................................................62
5.2 ALERT TONES .............................................................................................................63
5.3 BLUETOOTH OPERATION .........................................................................................64
5.3.1 Pairing the RSM Using iOS Settings.................................................................65
5.3.2 Configure BeOn ................................................................................................65
5.4 SETTINGS ....................................................................................................................66
5.5 USER INTERFACE ......................................................................................................67
5.5.1 Main Display .....................................................................................................67
5.5.2 Status Bar .........................................................................................................69
5.5.3 Adjust Volume ...................................................................................................70
5.5.4 Home ................................................................................................................70
5.5.5 Geographic Mapping ........................................................................................70
5.5.6 Groups ..............................................................................................................74
5.5.7 Contacts ............................................................................................................76
5.5.8 History ...............................................................................................................77
5.5.9 Profiles ..............................................................................................................79
5.5.10 Preferences ......................................................................................................80
5.6 USING THE SOFTWARE .............................................................................................82
5.6.1 Group Calls .......................................................................................................82
5.6.2 Individual Calls ..................................................................................................83
5.6.3 Ignore a Call .....................................................................................................84
5.6.4 Conversations ...................................................................................................84
5.6.5 Sending an Individual Text Message ................................................................84
5.6.6 Sending a Text Message to a Group ................................................................84
5.6.7 Receiving a Message .......................................................................................84
5.6.8 Presence ...........................................................................................................85
5.6.9 Scanning ...........................................................................................................85
5.6.10 Distress .............................................................................................................86
5.6.11 Initiate a Distress ..............................................................................................87
5.6.12 Clear a Distress ................................................................................................87
5.7 ENCRYPTION ..............................................................................................................88
5.7.1 Encryption Overview .........................................................................................88
5.7.2 Configuring System for Encryption ...................................................................88
5.7.3 Airlink Encryption ..............................................................................................94
6. BEON WINDOWS CLIENT (BWC) .........................................................................................96
6.1 START THE BWC ........................................................................................................96
6.2 USER INTERFACE ...................................................................................................... 97
14221-7100-2010, Rev. R
6.2.1 Status Bar ........................................................................................................ 98
6.2.2 Calls Tab ........................................................................................................ 102
6.2.3 Map Tab ......................................................................................................... 105
6.2.4 Groups Tab .................................................................................................... 109
6.2.5 Contacts Tab .................................................................................................. 110
6.2.6 History Tab ..................................................................................................... 111
6.2.7 Text Tab ......................................................................................................... 112
6.3 USING THE SOFTWARE .......................................................................................... 113
6.3.1 Group Calls .................................................................................................... 113
6.3.2 Individual Calls ............................................................................................... 113
6.3.3 PTT Notifications ............................................................................................ 114
6.3.4 Conversations ................................................................................................ 115
6.3.5 Ignore a Call ................................................................................................... 116
6.3.6 Sending a Text Message ............................................................................... 116
6.3.7 Receiving a Message ..................................................................................... 116
6.3.8 Presence ........................................................................................................ 116
6.3.9 Scanning ........................................................................................................ 117
6.3.10 Distress .......................................................................................................... 118
6.3.11 Initiating a Distress ......................................................................................... 119
6.3.12 Clearing a Distress ......................................................................................... 119
6.4 ENCRYPTION ........................................................................................................... 120
6.4.1 Encryption Overview ...................................................................................... 120
6.4.2 Configuring System for Encryption................................................................. 120
6.4.3 Manual Key Loading ...................................................................................... 121
6.4.4 OTAR ............................................................................................................. 122
7. PATCH AND SIMULSELECT CALLS ................................................................................. 123
7.1 SIMULSELECT FEATURE ........................................................................................ 123
7.1.1 SimulSelect ICall ............................................................................................ 123
7.1.2 SimulSelect Group Call .................................................................................. 123
7.1.3 BeOn Device Originated Group Calls ............................................................ 123
7.2 PATCH FEATURE ..................................................................................................... 124
7.2.1 Outgoing Call to a Patch ................................................................................ 124
7.2.2 Incoming Patch Calls ..................................................................................... 124
7.2.3 Talk Back Timer ............................................................................................. 124
7.3 PATCH/SIMULSELECT DISTRESS .......................................................................... 124
8. ERROR MESSAGES ........................................................................................................... 125
9. TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE ................................................................................................. 127
APPENDIX A OPTIMIZING BATTERY LIFE .......................................................................... 128
APPENDIX B VOICE ENCRYPTION IN BEON ...................................................................... 129
APPENDIX C MAPPING FAQ ................................................................................................ 137
APPENDIX D ABBREVIATIONS AND ACRONYMS ............................................................. 145
APPENDIX E TROUBLESHOOTING ..................................................................................... 146
Figure 3-1: BeOn PTT on Google Play Store ................................................................................ 16
14221-7100-2010, Rev. R
Figure 3-2: Permissions for BeOn Android Application .................................................................. 18
Figure 3-3: Setup: Specify Username and Password ....................................................................25
Figure 3-4: Setup: Network Settings ..............................................................................................26
Figure 3-5: Setup: Location ............................................................................................................26
Figure 3-6: Verify Client Configuration ...........................................................................................26
Figure 4-1: PIN Entry Screen .........................................................................................................28
Figure 4-2: BeOn Application Login ...............................................................................................28
Figure 4-3: Alert Tones ..................................................................................................................31
Figure 4-4: BeOn Sample User Interface .......................................................................................35
Figure 4-5: Home Tab ....................................................................................................................36
Figure 4-6: Access the Layer and Asset Menu ..............................................................................37
Figure 4-7: Normal Call Indication .................................................................................................38
Figure 4-8: Distress Call Indication ................................................................................................38
Figure 4-9: Groups Tab ..................................................................................................................40
Figure 4-10: Group Context Menu .................................................................................................40
Figure 4-11: Group Members .........................................................................................................41
Figure 4-12: Contacts Tab .............................................................................................................41
Figure 4-13: Contacts Context Menu .............................................................................................43
Figure 4-14: History Tab ................................................................................................................44
Figure 4-15: Profiles Tab ...............................................................................................................45
Figure 4-16: Network Settings .......................................................................................................46
Figure 4-17: Incoming Individual Call .............................................................................................50
Figure 4-18: Conversations ............................................................................................................50
Figure 4-19: Enter Password .........................................................................................................57
Figure 4-20: Enter AES Key ...........................................................................................................57
Figure 4-21: KMF Registration Retry Timer ...................................................................................57
Figure 4-22: Successful Encryption with Lock Icons ......................................................................58
Figure 4-23: Confirmation of Loaded Encryption Keys ..................................................................58
Figure 4-24: Enter Password .........................................................................................................59
Figure 5-1: PIN Entry Screen .........................................................................................................61
Figure 5-2: BeOn Application Login ...............................................................................................61
Figure 5-3: Alert Tones ..................................................................................................................64
Figure 5-4: iPhone Home Screen ..................................................................................................67
Figure 5-5: iPad Home Screen ......................................................................................................68
Figure 5-6: Audio Option ................................................................................................................69
Figure 5-7: Status Bar - iPhone .....................................................................................................69
Figure 5-8: Status Bar - iPad .........................................................................................................69
Figure 5-9: Home Screen - iPad ....................................................................................................70
Figure 5-10: Home Screen - iPhone ..............................................................................................70
Figure 5-11: Layer and Asset Menu - iPhone ................................................................................71
Figure 5-12: Layers Menu - iPad ...................................................................................................72
Figure 5-13: Normal Call Indication ...............................................................................................73
Figure 5-14: Distress Call Indication ..............................................................................................73
Figure 5-15: Map Contacts ............................................................................................................73
Figure 5-16: Map Groups ...............................................................................................................73
Figure 5-17: Groups .......................................................................................................................74
Figure 5-18: Group Context Menu .................................................................................................74
Figure 5-19: Groups .......................................................................................................................75
Figure 5-20: Group Context Menus ...............................................................................................75
14221-7100-2010, Rev. R
Figure 5-21: Contacts - iPad ......................................................................................................... 76
Figure 5-22: Contacts - iPhone ..................................................................................................... 76
Figure 5-23: Contacts Context Menu ............................................................................................ 77
Figure 5-24: History and Call Details - iPhone .............................................................................. 78
Figure 5-25: History and Call Details - iPad .................................................................................. 78
Figure 5-26: Profiles - iPad ........................................................................................................... 79
Figure 5-27: Profiles - iPhone ....................................................................................................... 79
Figure 5-28: Preferences - iPhone ................................................................................................ 80
Figure 5-29: Preferences - iPad .................................................................................................... 80
Figure 5-30: Incoming Individual Call ............................................................................................ 83
Figure 5-31: Load Keys from Email ............................................................................................... 92
Figure 5-32: Load Keys from Web Site ......................................................................................... 93
Figure 6-1: BWC Login .................................................................................................................. 96
Figure 6-2: Registration Progress ................................................................................................. 96
Figure 6-3: Sample Main Display .................................................................................................. 97
Figure 6-4: Status Bar ................................................................................................................... 98
Figure 6-5: Distress Status ............................................................................................................ 98
Figure 6-6: Text Status .................................................................................................................. 99
Figure 6-7: Edit Settings .............................................................................................................. 100
Figure 6-8: Calls Tab ................................................................................................................... 103
Figure 6-9: Calls Tab: ICall ......................................................................................................... 104
Figure 6-10: Calls Tab: Groups ................................................................................................... 104
Figure 6-11: Calls Tab: Profile .................................................................................................... 105
Figure 6-12: Map Tab Context Menu .......................................................................................... 106
Figure 6-13: Current User Context Menu .................................................................................... 106
Figure 6-14: Mapped User Details Dialog ................................................................................... 106
Figure 6-15: Mapped User Context Menu ................................................................................... 107
Figure 6-16: New Pin .................................................................................................................. 107
Figure 6-17: Pin Context Menu ................................................................................................... 107
Figure 6-18: Mapped Items ......................................................................................................... 108
Figure 6-19: Mapped Items Context Menu .................................................................................. 108
Figure 6-20: Normal Call Indication ............................................................................................. 108
Figure 6-21: Distress Call Indication ........................................................................................... 108
Figure 6-22: Groups Tab ............................................................................................................. 109
Figure 6-23: Contacts Tab .......................................................................................................... 110
Figure 6-24: History Tab ............................................................................................................. 111
Figure 6-25: Call Details .............................................................................................................. 112
Figure 6-26: BWC Text Tab ........................................................................................................ 112
Figure 6-27: Conversations ......................................................................................................... 115
Figure 6-28: Calls Tab during Distress ........................................................................................ 119
Figure 6-29: Select Key File ........................................................................................................ 121
Figure B-1: Key ID Range Settings in UAS ................................................................................. 129
Figure B-2: Voice End User Settings in UAS .............................................................................. 129
Figure B-3: Subscriber Unit Settings in UAS ............................................................................... 130
Figure B-4: Crypto Officer Settings in UAS ................................................................................. 130
Figure B-5: KMF Settings in UAS ................................................................................................ 131
Figure B-6: Admin Class Settings for Crypto Officer in UAS ....................................................... 131
Figure B-7: KMF Settings in UAS ................................................................................................ 131
Figure B-8: Crypto Net Settings in UAS ...................................................................................... 132
14221-7100-2010, Rev. R
Figure B-9: Talk Group and End User Settings in a Crypto Net ..................................................132
Figure B-10: Warm Start Operation in UAS .................................................................................133
Figure B-11: Event Log in Network KMF Management Console .................................................133
Figure B-12: Task View Tab in Network KMF Management Console ..........................................134
Figure B-13: End Users Tab in Network KMF Management Console .........................................134
Figure B-14: Binding Report in Network KMF Management Console ..........................................135
Figure B-15: OTAR Value for End Users in Network KMF Management Console ......................135
Figure B-16: Exporting UKEK File in Network KMF Management Console .................................135
Table 2-1: BeOn Features that can be Enabled/Disabled .............................................................11
Table 2-2: Icons .............................................................................................................................12
Table 4-1: BeOn Alert Tones .........................................................................................................30
Table 4-2: Tone Frequencies and Durations .................................................................................30
Table 5-1: BeOn Alert Tones .........................................................................................................63
Table 5-2: Tone Frequencies and Durations .................................................................................64
Table D-1: Abbreviations and Acronyms .....................................................................................145
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14221-7100-2010, Rev. R
14221-7100-2010, Rev. R
The BeOn® solution is a Voice over IP (VoIP) based, Push-to-Talk (PTT) communications system
operating over public or private wireless networks. The solution extends traditional Land Mobile
Radio (LMR) services onto the broadband capable third generation (3G) and 4G/LTE cellular
networks. This includes the ability to provide highly integrated interoperability services between
BeOn users on the cellular network and users of traditional LMR networks. L3Harris’ VIDA® IP
core network switching technology is the foundation for the BeOn application infrastructure. As a
result, the application and product suite provide many advanced features not found in competing
technologies and provide internetworking of those services between public and private
communications networks.
BeOn is available on Android™, Windows® PC, and iOS™ platforms and supports managed group
and push-to-talk communications utilizing most consumer smart phones. All platforms support
geographic mapping and utilize Google® Mapping data. The application identifies BeOn users
who are talkgroup members of the LMR system and forwards transmissions to their BeOn device.
Using a PTT function on the BeOn device, the application receives and sends transmissions to
the server. The BeOn server can handle thousands of users and recognizes logical talkgroups
established in the digital radio system, allowing designated users to communicate over managed
channels, much like a traditional digital radio.
The BeOn Windows Client (BWC) allows any administrator to listen to LMR traffic from a PC at a
desk, or in a command and control vehicle, as well as talk to BeOn and P25 radio users in the
field. The administrator can participate in PTT traffic and view the location and presence state of
users on a map.
14221-7100-2010, Rev. R
14221-7100-2010, Rev. R
Supports console-initiated patch calls and console-initiated SimulSelect calls.
Contact Management BeOn contacts allow users to maintain individual aliases for BeOn users.
License File Contains assignment server/user ID and APN connection information.
Individual Text
Send Text Messages to selected groups and individuals.
Geographic Mapping
See Sections and 5.5.5.
Real-Time Presence
The ability to track presence and location of users in the system.
Announcement Group Dispatch-originated calls which span a select number of groups as configured
Calls by the administrator.
P25 Encryption Supports 256-bit Advanced Encryption Standard (AES).
Airlink encryption is enabled at the LAS. When enabled, a DTLS connection
Airlink Encryption must be established for the phone to successfully connect to the LAP. If the
connection is lost, the client will not try to connect with an unencrypted link.
User ID Support BeOn clients support 10 million user IDs.
Contact List
BeOn clients support Contact List Provisioning from the UAS via the LAP.
Table 2-2 describes the icons displayed by the BeOn clients.
Table 2-2: Icons
Android and iOS: Colorful logo indicates the BeOn application is registered with
the system.
Android and iOS: Non-colorful logo indicates the BeOn application is not
registered with the system.
Android and iOS: Indicates that the airlink is encrypted.
BWC: Colorful icon indicates the BeOn application is registered with the system.
BWC: Non-colorful icon indicates the BeOn application is not registered with the
iPad: Displays the Contacts action menu.
14221-7100-2010, Rev. R
iOS: Displays License Agreement, application details, and copyright information.
Talk Group.
Individual Call.
14221-7100-2010, Rev. R
Talk Group with Scan Priority 3 (Non-Supervisor).
Android and BWC: Presence Icon for LMR radios - Available (GPS current).
Android and BWC: Presence Icon for LMR radios - Silent/muted (GPS current).
Android and BWC: Presence Icon for LMR radios - Available (GPS out of date).
Android and BWC: Presence Icon for LMR radios - Silent/muted (GPS out of
Home/Map Tab.
Group List.
Event History.
14221-7100-2010, Rev. R
Android and iOS: Displays the Satellite view of the map.
Android and iOS: On the map, adjust zoom level to display all members of
the group; reverts to default zoom level with self at the center of the map.
Android and iOS: Map Contacts.
Android: Free-form Map Navigation is enabled; user can pan and zoom freely.
14221-7100-2010, Rev. R
There are three methods to get the BeOn application onto the Android device for installation:
• Google Play™ Store
• Email delivery
• BeOn Installer Application (e.g., local website download)
14221-7100-2010, Rev. R
4. At the “Application installed” screen, tap Open to run the BeOn PTT application right away, or
tap Done to close the installer and run the PTT application later.
14221-7100-2010, Rev. R
3. When you run BeOn for the first time (or after you have upgraded the application), accept the
end user license agreement.
14221-7100-2010, Rev. R
4. If you are running the application for the first time, enter the User ID, WACN, and the IP
address/Port and for LAS 1 as provided by your system administrator. If a second (optional)
LAS is used in the system, enter the User ID, WACN, and the IP address/Port and for LAS 2.
Tap Update. You can access this screen and make changes at any time from the Network
Sign In screen (Figure 4-2).
If the User ID is updated to one that does not match the last successfully
registered User ID, the application will shut down, and the user must restart the
NOTE application.
14221-7100-2010, Rev. R
In the 3.0.1 release and later, BeOn iOS is delivered as a single application,
supporting encrypted and unencrypted voice. Prior to upgrading from the AES
version of BeOn, uninstall the existing “BeOn AES” application. The following
“BeOn AES” data will be lost:
• Network settings
• Saved Password
• Call History and recorded calls
• Text Messages
• Emergency Events
• Contacts
• User Preference settings; e.g., Call Settings
Upgrading from the existing “BeOn PTT” application will preserve user data.
2. Read the End-User License Agreement (EULA), scroll all the way down to the end terms, and
tap ACCEPT at the end.
14221-7100-2010, Rev. R
3. Enter Network Settings starting with your unique User ID and the setup information sent to
you. Do not enter the settings in the examples below:
4. Tap the Test circle to test each of the network connections. The text will turn green showing
“passed.” Tap Save Settings.
Uninstall any previous installation of the BeOn Windows Client before installing
a newer version. Data files are not removed during the uninstall process and
NOTE can be used by the newer version.
The application installation file is named BeOnClient.exe. Depending on the system installation,
this file may be available via CD, URL, or other means. In any case, execute the install program
as you would any other Windows application.
To install the BeOn Windows Client properly, you must have administrative
rights for the PC on which the application is being installed. On Enterprise
machines, this may require the use of third-party application to elevate rights.
On a non-domain machine, Windows will ask if you want to elevate rights, to
NOTE which you should respond “Yes.” You may be prompted to enter your password.
Additionally, for an “All Users” installation, individual users must have access to
write to the %PROGRAMDATA% directory while the application is running.
14221-7100-2010, Rev. R
3. Click I Agree to accept the license agreement. The following window appears:
14221-7100-2010, Rev. R
4. Select whether to install for all users or the current user. Click Next and the following window
5. The first three components (the application, Java, and the Start Menu shortcuts) are required.
The Desktop Shortcut is optional. Click Next and the following window appears:
7. If there are any errors, they show up in the window. Click Close to complete the installation.
14221-7100-2010, Rev. R
The directories where data is stored have changed with version R2D. When
upgrading from R2C or earlier to R2D or later, data directories must be manually
moved to preserve user data if desired. If an “only for me” installation was
performed, copy all files from: %PROGRAMDATA%\BeOn\Client to
NOTE %USERPROFILE%\BeOn\Client. Otherwise, if an “all users” installation was
performed, copy all subdirectories from: %USERPROFILE%\BeOn\Client to
8. The BeOn Windows Client is now ready to run and is available in the Start Menu:
9. The BeOn Windows Client can be uninstalled by running the Uninstall BeOn Client
application in the BeOn folder of the Start Menu, or through the “Program and Features” option
of the Windows Control Panel.
10. The BeOn Windows Client uses a couple of directories to store program files and application
data. The application installation directory is:
• %PROGRAMFILES(x86)%\BeOn\Client (for “All Users” installation)
• %LOCALAPPDATA%\BeOn\Client (for single user installation)
All third-party software, including the Java SE Runtime Environment, is also installed in this
directory. There are no other third-party applications or frameworks installed outside of this
The application data directories are:
• %PROGRAMDATA%\BeOn\Client (for “All Users” installation)
• %USERPROFILE%\BeOn\Client (for single user installation)
14221-7100-2010, Rev. R
The BeOn Windows Client also uses Windows Registry keys to store information about the
installation. This information is used for re-installation and uninstallation. The registry keys for
an “All Users” installation on a 64-bit machine are:
• HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVers
The registry keys for an “All Users” installation on a 32-bit machine are:
• HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\Be
The registry keys for a single user installation (32- or 64-bit machine) are:
• HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\BeOn\Client
• HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\BeOn
11. The first time you run the BWC, specify a username and password. Check Remember Me if
you want the application to remember your username and password. This dialog can also be
accessed from the Login dialog (see Figure 6-1) and allows you to create a new user. The
BWC supports multiple users, but only one user may be logged in at a time.
The password must be eight characters or less. If the password is more than
eight characters, you will receive an error stating that “The Password is invalid.”
This password provides “application lock” protection. It is NOT the VIDA
NOTE network password.
Ensure the proper firewall port settings are in place on the IP network to allow
BeOn traffic to pass.
14221-7100-2010, Rev. R
14221-7100-2010, Rev. R
If the License Server is down, the user might receive a message stating
“Connection Error.”
If a newer (e.g., R3A/R4A) BeOn PTT application registers with an older LAP
version (e.g., R2B/R2C/R2D), a “Connection Error” occurs because the older
NOTE LAP cannot process the newer protocol version presented to it by the UE.
14221-7100-2010, Rev. R
If a BeOn-enabled smartphone is plugged into a computer via USB and “USB
Connection Mode” is enabled, the BeOn application cannot function. This is due
to the storage required by the BeOn Group Communications application being
NOTE unavailable for use while in “USB Connection Mode.”
1. Start the BeOn application software by tapping the BeOn PTT option from the phone’s main
display. The application proceeds to:
• The Network Sign In screen (Figure 4-2) if Application lock is set to “No Lock” in the
settings menu (see Section 4.4.9).
• The Enter PIN screen (Figure 4-1) if Application lock is set to PIN Lock in the Settings
menu (see Section 4.4.9). There is no limit on login attempts and the user will not be
locked out if the PIN is entered incorrectly. After correctly entering the PIN, the Network
Sign In screen is displayed.
Figure 4-1: PIN Entry Screen Figure 4-2: BeOn Application Login
2. On the Network Sign In screen, tap Network Config if you need to make any changes to the
User ID, WACN, or LAS 1/LAS 2. Tap the “i” icon to display the About screen.
3. Enter your password. Each character of the password is displayed briefly as it is typed.
Contact your System Administrator if you have forgotten your password.
4. Tap Save Password to skip this step in the future. Press Sign In when finished.
5. “Registering” is displayed on the screen during sign in, and “Updating Personality” is displayed
while user information is updated from the system (if applicable).
14221-7100-2010, Rev. R
14221-7100-2010, Rev. R
Some networks still have cells that do not support simultaneous voice and data; for example,
some EDGE cells:
• If a PTT call is received during an ongoing circuit switched call:
The data connection to BeOn is suspended, no information about the PTT call is received,
and BeOn is unaware of the PTT call. Nothing is recorded in the history tab.
When the circuit switched call is over, the user hears the PTT call if it is still in progress.
BeOn records the portion of the PTT call that occurs after the circuit switched call ends.
• If a circuit switch call is received during an ongoing PTT call:
Once the phone switches over to the Phone app, BeOn stops playing and recording the
current PTT call.
During the circuit switched call, the data connection to BeOn is suspended, no information
about incoming PTT calls is received, and BeOn is unaware of any PTT calls. Nothing is
recorded in the history tab.
When the circuit switched call is over, the user hears the PTT call if it is still in progress.
BeOn records the portion of the PTT call that occurs after the circuit switched call ends.
If the user ignores or dismisses the circuit switched call, the PTT call continues to play if
it is still in progress.
14221-7100-2010, Rev. R
Call Removed
50 50 50
50 50
Incoming Call on
Selected Group
50 50
Incoming Call on
Scanned Group
Individual Call
14221-7100-2010, Rev. R
4.3.1 Configuration
Perform the following to configure the Android BeOn client to use the Bluetooth Microphone:
1. In the Android settings, enable Bluetooth.
2. Turn the 12082 0684-01 Covert Bluetooth Microphone on and initiate pairing by pressing and
holding the power button until the light blinks blue and red.
To initiate pairing on Bluetooth Speaker Mic 12082-0800-01, power on the speaker mic. If the
mic is not already paired, it automatically enters pairing mode. If it is already paired with a
different device, perform a software reset on the speaker mic (refer to manual 14221-1600-
1010 for more information).
3. Select the “Harris” device from the list once it appears.
4. The light on the Bluetooth Microphone blinks blue when connected to the phone.
5. Tap the gear icon next to the Harris entry.
14221-7100-2010, Rev. R
7. In the BeOn PTT app, select Preferences from the application menu and scroll down to the
“Bluetooth Settings” section. Make sure the “Use Bluetooth” option is checked.
8. The 12082 0684-01 Covert Bluetooth Mic shows a steady blue light when connected and
ready to use with BeOn. The 12082-0800-01 Remote Speaker Mic’s LED blinks blue when
connected and ready to use.
14221-7100-2010, Rev. R
• Bluetooth Audio is always available and allows incoming audio to be played by the covert
• Covert operation can be achieved by choosing the Wired Headset option. This option is
available if a wired headset is plugged into the phone. When selected, audio is sent to the
headset/ear buds that are plugged into the phone, and outgoing calls are captured by the
ear bud microphone if present.
• If no wired headset is plugged into the phone, Phone Speaker is available. When
selected, audio is played out of the phone’s external speaker.
14221-7100-2010, Rev. R
14221-7100-2010, Rev. R
4.4.4 Home
The Home tab is displayed when the application starts and hosts
the map. The map defaults to showing members of the currently
selected group on the map. The map is centered on the location
of your device; other members may not be visible on the map.
The following sections describe the mapping feature in detail.
14221-7100-2010, Rev. R
Lists the watched users that have provided GPS coordinates and allows for users to
be shown/hidden independently.
Re-zooms the map to allow all users on the map to be within the current viewable area.
Re-zooms the map to make the current user the central focal point.
Enables street view when the user taps and drags this icon to a desired street location;
streets on the map which support this feature are highlighted in blue.
Wherever possible, User IDs are displayed as descriptive alias names if the User ID has a contact
entry. When a VPS (Status Aware) is available in the system, the BeOn client receives information
about the type of equipment an individual is carrying (e.g., BeOn, LMR, etc.). This affects the
displayed icon.
Four map options are available. Select the desired view from the Layer and Assets menu,
accessed by tapping the right-hand tab (see Figure 4-6).
• Streets - displays the default road map view.
• Hybrid - displays a mixture of normal and satellite views.
• Satellite - displays Google Earth™ satellite images.
• Physical - displays a physical map based on terrain information.
14221-7100-2010, Rev. R
Figure 4-7: Normal Call Indication Figure 4-8: Distress Call Indication
14221-7100-2010, Rev. R
• If the currently tracked entity is a contact and you select Map Group, a warning is
displayed. This makes the user aware that the currently tracked content will be removed
from the map. This warning is only displayed once.
3. Check the contacts or group that you want to map (up to 38 contacts OR a single group with
up to 38 of its registered users can be mapped). If no group/contacts are selected, only self
is mapped.
4. Tap OK to map the selected users/group, tap Clear All to clear all selected, or tap Cancel to
close the selection dialog.
14221-7100-2010, Rev. R
4.4.5 Groups
Tap the Groups tab to view the configured talk groups. Tapping one
of the group rows selects the talk group. Selecting a new group
updates the Status bar for the next PTT.
14221-7100-2010, Rev. R
4.4.6 Contacts
The Contacts screen contains one entry for each of the contacts in
the PTT address book. If the list is longer than the screen allows, a
scroll bar appears. The first and last name, VIDA user ID, display
name, and current presence (if applicable) of each contact is
displayed. Refer to Table 2-2 for a description of the icons displayed
for each contact.
14221-7100-2010, Rev. R
2. Enter the contact’s name and the Region, Agency, and User
3. Tap Add Contact.
14221-7100-2010, Rev. R
14221-7100-2010, Rev. R
14221-7100-2010, Rev. R
4.4.8 Profiles
View available profiles from the Profiles tab. Every BeOn subscriber
has a personality which can contain up to 16 profiles. Profiles allow
the BeOn subscriber to quickly change the organization associations
of the device for different roles, activities, or regional
communications. Each profile can contain up to 16 groups. When a
profile becomes the ‘active’ profile, the device scans all groups
contained in that profile. A check mark indicates the ‘active’ profile.
Only one profile is active at a time.
Each profile is characterized by the following:
• Can contain 0 or 1 Scan Priority 1 (P1) group.
• Can contain 0 or 1 Scan Priority 2 (P2) group. Figure 4-15: Profiles
• Can contain 0 to 16 Scan Priority 3 (P3) groups. Tab
• Distress behavior:
None - Distresses are not permitted.
Current Group, User Clears - Distress initiated for self and
on current group, user must clear the distress.
Current Group - Distress initiated on current group.
Fixed Group - Distress initiated for self and on fixed group
(set by agency administrator), user must clear the distress.
Fixed Group - Distress initiated on fixed group (set by agency
• Supervisor flag for each group in the profile.
A user can change the ‘selected’ group of an active profile by
choosing a different group to be the Target or ‘Next Call.’ Selecting
an individual contact as ‘Next Call’ does not have any effect on the
active profile.
To view the details of a Profile, tap and hold the Profile row and tap
View Profile. “Supervisor” displayed to the right of the group name
indicates that the user has supervisory privileges for that group.
Supervisor privileges for a group mean that the user can:
• Cancel group distress for that group.
• Preempt calls made by other users with non-supervisory
privileges when initiating a call on that group.
14221-7100-2010, Rev. R
4.4.9 Settings
To access the Settings Menu, press the phone’s Menu button and tap Preferences.
14221-7100-2010, Rev. R
The “High (1 meter)” option allows for very accurate location but consumes a
large amount of battery power. The “Medium (100 meters)” option is relatively
accurate but consumes a smaller amount of battery to function. The “Low (10
CAUTION kilometers)” option consumes the least battery power.
• Max update frequency - Range: 1 sec to 1 hour in second increments. Default: 30 seconds.
• Distance Units - Specify the units (Metric or English) used for “Distance interval.”
• Location timeout - Specify the time which should elapse before BeOn considers the location
of users on the map to be too old or stale. Range: 30 to 9,999 seconds. Default: 5 minutes. Security
Application lock - Allows the BeOn application to be locked, requiring a PIN to use the application.
The PIN does not have to match any user password in the VIDA system and can consist of a
number ranging from 4 digits to 16 digits. Default: No Lock.
14221-7100-2010, Rev. R
BeOn supports the L3Harris Covert Bluetooth Microphone which provides PTT
and distress functionality. BeOn also works with off-the-shelf Bluetooth devices,
NOTE but may have limited functionality. Logging
Send Logs - Allows the user to send BeOn internal debug logs via email to the L3Harris BeOn
development team for investigation of issues as they arise. Once “Send Logs” is selected, a list
of email providers is displayed to the user. Select the email provider to use. The email form that
appears has the individual debug files attached. About
• About - displays information about the BeOn installation.
• Device Usage Tutorial - displays an informational screen showing the user the appropriate
distance the phone should be held from the face for best PTT experience.
• License Agreement - displays the End User License Agreement.
14221-7100-2010, Rev. R
14221-7100-2010, Rev. R
4. Press PTT to initiate the call. If the dialed number is in the Contact list,
the alias is displayed. Call information is displayed in the Status Bar.
4.5.4 Conversations
Group and individual calls are consolidated into conversation entries in the History tab based on
the Conversation Timeout value in Call Settings (Section 4.4.9). If any call is either placed or
received and its source (group or individual) matches the last call placed or received, the previous
and current calls are placed into a conversation and the conversation entry is displayed in the
History tab (see Section 4.4.7).
14221-7100-2010, Rev. R
Tap to play the entire conversation. A tone is heard between each call (refer to Section 4.2).
Once playback of a conversation has begun, tap to stop playback for that conversation. The
individual calls in the conversation can be viewed by tapping the conversation entry in the History
tab. The usual group and contact menus are available in the context menu, based on the source
and destination of the conversation. Tap Delete to delete the conversation and all the calls
associated with it.
14221-7100-2010, Rev. R
4.5.7 Presence
User and group presence services support the transmission of the status of users and groups to
interested users.
Perform the following to set your presence options:
1. Tap the Presence icon (e.g., ).
2. Select the desired option:
• Available - The BeOn user is registered in the system.
• Silent - Indicates that the provider is not presently listening to PTT calls. The BeOn client
records incoming calls during the Silent/Vibrate state but plays neither received audio nor
floor control tones.
Agency specific states can also be set up by the System Administrator (for example, “In
Transit” or “Out to Lunch”).
In addition to presence options available to the user, two more states are utilized by the system,
but are considered automatic states:
• Busy - In systems that support simultaneous voice and packet data services, “Busy” reflects
if the provider is in a circuit switched call and is thereby temporarily unavailable to listen to or
respond to PTT communications. In the Busy state, the BeOn client creates call-log records
for all talk-spurts that were not played and records received audio. See the following note.
• Unavailable - The BeOn user is not registered in the system. See the following note.
“Busy” and “Unavailable” cannot be set by the user; they are automatic
states that kick in when the user is taking a circuit switch (normal phone)
NOTE call and when they are not registered in the system, respectively.
Users can query the presence of other users to determine if they are available for BeOn group
and individual calls (see Sections and 4.4.7).
4.5.8 Scanning
When a profile becomes ‘active,’ the device is scanning all the groups contained in that profile.
Only one profile is active at a time. Refer to Section 4.4.8 for more information on profiles.
14221-7100-2010, Rev. R
4.5.9 Distress
Distress behavior is defined by the currently active profile. The following distress behaviors are
• None.
• Distress alert only. The user must clear the alert.
There is no group state, only an individual state.
The declaring user can clear the individual distress state.
A console user can clear the individual state at the VNIC, but not the user’s local state.
• Distress alert and distress call on the default distress talk group. Tapping Cancel Distress
clears both. The user must clear the alert locally.
The declaring user or console can clear the individual distress state on the network.
Only the declaring user can clear the local state.
An authorized entity such as a console, supervisor, or network management system can
clear the group distress.
Declaring users who are authorized to clear group distresses can clear both the individual
and group distress.
14221-7100-2010, Rev. R
• Distress alert and distress call on the selected talk group. Tapping Cancel Distress clears
both. The user must clear the alert locally.
The declaring user or console can clear the individual distress state on the network.
Only the declaring user can clear the local state.
An authorized entity such as a console, supervisor, or network management system can
clear the group distress.
Declaring users who are authorized to clear group distresses can clear both the individual
and group distress.
• Distress call on the default distress talk group. Tapping Cancel Distress clears the group
An authorized entity such as a console, supervisor, or network management system can
clear the group distress.
Declaring users who are authorized to clear group distresses can clear the group distress.
• Distress call on the selected talk group. Tapping Cancel Distress clears the group distress.
An authorized entity such as a console, supervisor, or network management system can
clear the group distress.
Declaring users who are authorized to clear group distresses can clear the group distress.
Only a supervisor can clear a distress for a group. Non-supervisors can only
clear a distress for themselves.
14221-7100-2010, Rev. R
4.6.1 Voice Encryption Overview
BeOn supports P25 encrypted communication using 256-bit Advanced Encryption Standard
(AES). Encryption keys are loaded manually or by using Over-the-Air-Rekeying (OTAR) methods.
Data Encryption Standard (DES) is not currently supported in BeOn.
Encryption options are available under Preferences Security Settings. See Section 4.4.9. A
icon indicates an encrypted call.
Refer to Appendix B for information on configuring and enabling voice encryption for a BeOn user.
Also, refer to the following documentation as required:
MM-008069-001 L3Harris OTAR Overview Manual
MM-008070-001 Network Key Manager Installation and Configuration Manual
L3Harris Unified Administration System (UAS) Key Management Application
MM1000019423 L3Harris Key Manager Key Admin Overview and Operation Manual
MM1000019424 L3Harris Key Manager Key Loader Overview and Operation Manual
The “Delete Key” operation on an End User in the “Manage Crypto Nets” section
of the UAS is not currently supported in BeOn. The user must use the “Zeroize”
function in Preferences of the BeOn client application to remove key material.
In the UAS, define a Crypto Net that contains the users and groups targeted for encrypted
• Users and groups must be added to the Crypto Net to participate in encrypted
• Make a note of Crypto Net SLN and Active Key IDs.
• The SLN binding number must match the key number entered in the Key Admin tool.
14221-7100-2010, Rev. R
• The Active Key ID in the UAS must match the Key ID in the Key Admin tool.
Refer to the L3Harris UAS Key Management Application manual (MM-008068-001) for
instructions on how to configure a Crypto Net.
14221-7100-2010, Rev. R
14221-7100-2010, Rev. R
14221-7100-2010, Rev. R OTAR
OTAR operations are supported in the BeOn application. Prior to enabling OTAR in BeOn, an
administrator must follow the instructions above in Section
Once the UAS has provisioned the KMF with group information, crypto net information, and key
bindings, the KMF generates a set of Traffic Encryption Keys (TEKs) for each of the crypto nets
and for other traffic. The KMF also generates Key Encryption Keys (KEKs) and Unique Key
Encryption Keys (UKEKs) for each user. There are two types of encryption files: UKEK and
UKEKX. The difference between the two is that UKEKs have no password set and UKEKX has
a password set when created via the KMF. After the UKEK is transferred to the BeOn device’s
SD card and the BeOn app is launched, there is no popup. When you launch the BeOn app with
UKEKX, there is a popup screen asked you to enter the password.
An administrator uses the KMF to generate a UKEK file for each user and distributes these files
to the appropriate users.
Follow these steps to load the UKEK file into the BeOn application on the phone:
1. Enable USB storage on the BeOn PTT device to allow copying of files between the computer
and the BeOn device’s SD card.
2. Transfer the UKEK file to the BeOn device’s SD card and disable USB storage mode once
the file is confirmed to have been transferred successfully. Refer to your phone’s
documentation on how to disable USB storage mode, as this mode is adjusted differently from
phone model to phone model.
3. Start the BeOn application. If a UKEK file is detected in /mnt/sdcard, a list of available key
files is displayed. Select the UKEK file.
4. If the UKEK File is password-protected (i.e., *.ukekx), a password entry box appears:
14221-7100-2010, Rev. R
14221-7100-2010, Rev. R
1. Start the BeOn application software by tapping the BeOn option from the phone’s main
display. The application verifies that there is a valid license. If the license is valid, the
application proceeds to:
• The Network Sign In screen (Figure 5-2) if no PIN is configured.
• The PIN entry screen (Figure 5-1) if a PIN is configured. After correctly entering the PIN,
the Network Sign In screen is displayed.
Figure 5-1: PIN Entry Screen Figure 5-2: BeOn Application Login
2. On the Network Sign In screen, tap Network Settings if you need to make any changes to
the User ID, WACN, or LAS 1/LAS 2.
3. Enter your password. Each character of the password is displayed briefly as it is typed. It then
turns into a dot (obscured). Contact your System Administrator if you have forgotten your
4. Tap Save Password to skip this step in the future. Press Sign In when finished.
14221-7100-2010, Rev. R
5. Tap Allow or Don’t Allow when prompted whether “Allow BeOn PTT to access your location
even when you are not using the app.”
14221-7100-2010, Rev. R
14221-7100-2010, Rev. R
Incoming Call On Scanned
2 short high-frequency tones.
Incoming Individual Call 1 long low-frequency tone.
Outbound Call 1 long high-frequency tone.
Call Removed
50 50 50
50 50
Incoming Call on
Selected Group
50 50
Incoming Call on
Scanned Group
Individual Call
14221-7100-2010, Rev. R
14221-7100-2010, Rev. R
When BeOn is in the background, a red banner is displayed at the top of the iPhone. This is an
expected behavior associated with the RSM device.
Select BeOn from the device’s Settings menu to access the following:
• About:
Version - Version of BeOn currently installed.
Build - Date that this build of software was created.
• General Settings:
Network sign in automatically - When turned on, the device will automatically sign into the
network when you start the BeOn application.
• Call Settings:
Play audible grant tone - When this option is turned on, a tone is generated once the call
has initiated and the user is free to speak.
14221-7100-2010, Rev. R
Incoming call tone - When this option is turned on, a tone is generated during an incoming
• Text Message Settings:
Enable read receipt - Turn this option on to receive a confirmation that the text message
recipient read the message.
Play tone on receipt - When turned on, the device plays an audible tone when a text
message is received.
14221-7100-2010, Rev. R
14221-7100-2010, Rev. R
14221-7100-2010, Rev. R
5.5.4 Home
The Home screen is displayed when the BeOn application starts. The iPhone Home screen
features a large PTT button and the distress button. The iPad Home screen hosts the map.
14221-7100-2010, Rev. R
Four map options are available. Select the desired view from the Layer and Assets menu,
accessed on the iPhone by tapping the right-hand tab (see Figure 5-11) or select the Layers
menu option from the top of the iPad Home Screen.
• Streets - displays the default road map view.
• Hybrid - displays a mixture of normal and satellite views.
• Satellite - displays Google Earth satellite images.
• Physical - displays a physical map based on terrain information.
14221-7100-2010, Rev. R
The Smart Location Update feature allows the user to configure time and distance
intervals to settings which could be detrimental to the devices battery life if values
are used with very short elapsed time or distance between location updates. Each
CAUTION location update requires power from GPS, Wi-Fi, Cell, and other radios.
Maps are updated when notified by the platform that the location has changed. The Smart
Location Update feature allows the user to specify the frequency of location updates sent to the
network. The VNIC presence service provides location updates to subscribers in the same
enterprise/agency. Smart Location Update parameters are configured via the Preferences menu
(see Section 5.5.10).
The Time interval, Distance interval, Distance units, and Maximum update frequency parameters
are selectable even if Smart Location Update is disabled. These parameters are used for normal
location requests for local use. When Smart Location Update is disabled, location updates are
only sent to the network in the following circumstances:
• Initiation of a Group Call, Individual Call, or Distress Call.
• With Text Messages.
• When sending SDS acknowledgements in response to location queries.
• With presence state changes.
14221-7100-2010, Rev. R
Figure 5-13: Normal Call Indication Figure 5-14: Distress Call Indication
14221-7100-2010, Rev. R
5.5.6 Groups iPhone
Select Groups from the menu to view the configured talk groups.
Tap the icon next to the group name to select the group. Selecting
a new group updates the Status bar for the next PTT.
14221-7100-2010, Rev. R iPad
Select Groups from the menu to view the configured talk
groups. The column on the left displays groups; the column on
the right displays group members. Tap the icon next to the
group name to select the group. Selecting a new group
updates the Status bar for the next PTT.
14221-7100-2010, Rev. R
5.5.7 Contacts
The Contacts screen contains one entry for each of the contacts in the PTT address book. If
the list is longer than the screen allows, a scroll bar appears. The first and last name, VIDA
user ID, display name, and current presence (if applicable) of each contact is displayed. Refer
to Table 2-2 for a description of the icons displayed for each contact.
14221-7100-2010, Rev. R
Most of these options are also available in the right-hand column of the iPad
Contacts screen.
5.5.8 History
The History screen (Figure 5-24 and Figure 5-25) lists incoming and outgoing calls, conversations,
text messages, location (GPS) requests, distress initiations, and distress cancellations. Up to
200 events can be stored in the history. After reaching 200, new events will overwrite existing
events, starting with the oldest first. Tap an event to playback audio if available. On the iPad, the
Call Details are displayed in the right-hand column of the History screen. On the iPhone, tap an
event to display the Call Details screen.
14221-7100-2010, Rev. R
To select messages for deletion on the History screen, tap Edit, tap the records you want to
delete, and tap Delete. You can also tap Delete from the Call Details screen to delete the
selected record.
14221-7100-2010, Rev. R
5.5.9 Profiles
View available profiles from the Profiles screen. Every BeOn subscriber has a personality which
can contain up to 16 profiles. Profiles allow the BeOn subscriber to quickly change the
organization associations of the device for different roles, activities, or regional
communications. Each profile can contain up to 16 groups. When a profile becomes the ‘active’
profile, the device scans all groups contained in that profile. A check mark indicates the ‘active’
profile. Only one profile is active at a time. Tap a profile to make it active.
Each profile is characterized by the following:
• Can contain 0 or 1 Scan Priority 1 (P1) group
• Can contain 0 or 1 Scan Priority 2 (P2) group
• Can contain 0 to 16 Scan Priority 3 (P3) groups
• Distress behavior (see Section 5.6.10)
• Supervisor flag for each group in the profile
A user can change the ‘selected’ group of an active profile by choosing a different group to be
the Target or ‘Next Call.’ Selecting an individual contact as ‘next call’ does not have any effect
on the active profile.
On the iPad, groups belonging to the profile are displayed in the right-hand column of the
Profiles screen. On the iPhone, tap > next to a profile to view its groups. Tap > next to a group
to view its users.
14221-7100-2010, Rev. R
5.5.10 Preferences
Tap to open the menu. Tap Preferences.
14221-7100-2010, Rev. R
14221-7100-2010, Rev. R
• Security key details - Displays OTAR Enabled status, KMF Status, provisioned Storage
Location Number (SLN) bindings and key presence.
OTAR Enabled:
Yes = RSI from the UAS matches the RSI included in the ukek file.
No = RSIs do not match (could be an RSI=0 problem; do a force update).
KMF Status:
Configured = KMF IP address is present.
Not Configured = App does not have KMF IP address.
Registered = KMF has completed registration process with client.
Unregistered = Client has not registered with the KMF.
• Load Encryption Keys - Select this option to manually load keys.
14221-7100-2010, Rev. R
14221-7100-2010, Rev. R
5.6.4 Conversations
Group and individual calls are consolidated into conversation entries in the History screen based
on the Conversation Timeout value in Call Settings. If any call is either placed or received and its
source (group or individual) matches the last call placed or received, the previous and current
calls are placed into a conversation and the conversation entry is displayed in the History screen.
14221-7100-2010, Rev. R
5.6.8 Presence
User and group presence services support the transmission of the status of users and groups to
interested users.
Perform the following to set your presence options:
1. Tap the Presence icon (e.g., ).
2. Select the desired option:
• Available - The BeOn user is registered in the system.
• Silent - Indicates that the provider is not presently listening to PTT calls. The BeOn client
records incoming calls during the Silent/Vibrate state but plays neither received audio nor
floor control tones.
Agency specific states can also be set up by the System Administrator (for example, “In
Transit” or “Out to Lunch”).
In addition to presence options available to the user, two more states are utilized by the
system, but are considered automatic states:
• Busy - In systems that support simultaneous voice and packet data services, “Busy”
reflects if the provider is in a circuit switched call and is thereby temporarily unavailable to
listen to or respond to PTT communications. In the Busy state, the BeOn client creates
call-log records for all talk-spurts that were not played, and records received audio. See
the following note.
• Unavailable - The BeOn user is not registered in the system.
“Busy” and “Unavailable” cannot be set by the user; they are automatic
states that kick in when the user is taking a circuit switch (normal phone)
NOTE call and when they are not registered in the system, respectively.
Users can query the presence of other users to determine if they are available for BeOn group
and individual calls.
5.6.9 Scanning
When a profile becomes ‘active,’ the device is scanning all the groups contained in that profile.
Only one profile is active at a time. Refer to Section 4.4.8 for more information on profiles.
14221-7100-2010, Rev. R
5.6.10 Distress
Distress behavior is defined by the currently active profile. The following distress behaviors are
• None.
• Distress alert only. The user must clear the alert.
There is no group state, only an individual state.
The declaring user can clear the individual distress state.
A console user can clear the individual state at the VNIC, but not the user’s local state.
• Distress alert and distress call on the default distress talk group. Tapping Cancel Distress
clears both. The user must clear the alert locally.
The declaring user or console can clear the individual distress state on the network.
Only the declaring user can clear the local state.
An authorized entity such as a console, supervisor, or network management system can
clear the group distress.
Declaring users who are authorized to clear group distresses can clear both the individual
and group distress.
• Distress alert and distress call on the selected talk group. Tapping Cancel Distress clears
both. The user must clear the alert locally.
The declaring user or console can clear the individual distress state on the network.
Only the declaring user can clear the local state.
An authorized entity such as a console, supervisor, or network management system can
clear the group distress.
Declaring users who are authorized to clear group distresses can clear both the individual
and group distress.
14221-7100-2010, Rev. R
• Distress call on the default distress talk group. Tapping Cancel Distress clears the group
An authorized entity such as a console, supervisor, or network management system can
clear the group distress.
Declaring users who are authorized to clear group distresses can clear the group distress.
• Distress call on the selected talk group. Tapping Cancel Distress clears the group distress.
An authorized entity such as a console, supervisor, or network management system can
clear the group distress.
Declaring users who are authorized to clear group distresses can clear the group distress.
Depending on the distress behavior defined by the system administrator, you may not be able to
change the next call, profile, or scanning until the distress is cleared.
Only a supervisor can clear a distress for a group. Non-supervisors can only
clear a distress for themselves.
14221-7100-2010, Rev. R
2. Tap Clear to clear either the distress for yourself and/or for the group
in distress (if you have supervisor privileges). If you are not the
supervisor, you can only clear the distress for yourself.
5.7.1 Encryption Overview
The BeOn iOS application is delivered as a single application, supporting encrypted and
unencrypted voice. The single application is available on the Apple App Store as “BeOn PTT.”
Encrypted talk groups display a lock icon on their call status area to indicate whether the current
call is encrypted or if an outgoing call will be encrypted.
Refer to Appendix B for information on configuring and enabling voice encryption for a BeOn user.
Also, refer to the following documentation as required:
MM-008069-001 L3Harris OTAR Overview Manual
MM-008070-001 Network Key Manager Installation and Configuration Manual
L3Harris Unified Administration System (UAS) Key Management Application
MM1000019423 L3Harris Key Manager Key Admin Overview and Operation Manual
MM1000019424 L3Harris Key Manager Key Loader Overview and Operation Manual
The “Delete Key” operation on an End User in the “Manage Crypto Nets” section
of the UAS is not currently supported in BeOn. The user must use the “Zeroize”
function in Preferences of the BeOn client application to remove key material.
In the UAS, define a Crypto Net that contains the users and groups targeted for encrypted
• Users and groups must be added to the Crypto Net to participate in encrypted
• Make a note of Crypto Net SLN and Active Key IDs.
• The SLN binding number must match the key number entered in the Key Admin tool.
14221-7100-2010, Rev. R
• The Active Key ID in the UAS must match the Key ID in the Key Admin tool.
Refer to the L3Harris UAS Key Management Application manual (MM-008068-001) for
instructions on how to configure a Crypto Net. iTunes
Perform the following to copy the key file to the iOS device via the iTunes desktop application:
1. Connect the iOS device to a computer with iTunes installed. Open iTunes, select the iOS
device, and then select the Apps Tab. Scroll down until you seen the File Sharing area:
14221-7100-2010, Rev. R
2. Select the BeOn AES app. Drag and drop the ukek file into the top-level directory.
3. If the user is already logged into the BeOn application, the file is available to load manually
via the PreferencesSecurity SettingsLoad Manual Keys option.
If the user is not logged into the BeOn application:
a. The user can load the key file by pressing the Load Encryption Keys button on the main
login screen.
14221-7100-2010, Rev. R
d. Dismiss the popup and sign in as usual. If the key file is encrypted, upon attempting to
sign in, the user is presented with a popup requiring the password for the key file, as
14221-7100-2010, Rev. R
14221-7100-2010, Rev. R
4. Tap OK to dismiss the pop-up and sign in. If the key file is encrypted, a dialog is displayed
prompting the user for the password as shown below:
14221-7100-2010, Rev. R
If the user is not already logged into the BeOn application, the following is displayed:
Tap OK to dismiss the pop-up and sign in. If the key file is encrypted, a dialog is displayed
prompting the user for the password as shown below:
It is the user’s responsibility to ensure that the key file is stored and transferred
in a secure manner (e.g., via secure Web server or email service).
14221-7100-2010, Rev. R
The establishment of an encrypted connection is indicated to the user by the presence of the lock
icon to the right of the BeOn logo, as circled below.
14221-7100-2010, Rev. R
14221-7100-2010, Rev. R
The BWC supports tool tips, which are displayed when the mouse is hovered
above a control.
14221-7100-2010, Rev. R
• The History tab lists received and transmitted calls, conversations, text messages, and
distress calls. It also allows you to playback audio from the call if available. See Section
6.2.6 for more information about the History tab.
• The Text tab allows you to send text messages. See Section 6.2.7 for more information
about the Text tab.
14221-7100-2010, Rev. R
14221-7100-2010, Rev. R
14221-7100-2010, Rev. R
• Show PTT notifications - If the Show PTT notification feature is enabled, a popup window
displaying recent PTTs appears on top of all other application windows. The popup remains
until the operator has acknowledged all notifications. See Section 6.3.3 for more information
on PTT notifications.
Show while window active - When checked, the PTT notification popup appears no matter
the state of the BWC application window. When unchecked, restoring the BWC
application window while the PTT Notification popup is displayed hides the popup.
Click selects next ICall - When checked, the source of the PTT notification just clicked is
made the next ICall target. This lets the operator talk back to the source of a PTT without
having to first find them in a list.
• Enable read receipt - Check this option to receive a confirmation that the text message
recipient read the message. This setting applies only to text messages sent to Individuals.
• Play tone on receipt - When checked, the device plays an audible tone when a text message
is received.
• Latitude/Longitude - Specify the latitude and longitude for your location.
• Hide My Location - When this option is checked, your icon no longer appears on the map and
your name is displayed in italics on the Map indicating your location is being published as
• Enable smart location - When smart location is enabled, the BeOn client updates its location
every x minutes (Time Interval) or y meters (Distance Interval), whichever happens first but
no more than z seconds (Max Update Frequency). While this option is intended for mobile
devices, it may be useful for a Windows Client user to keep their location “fresh” on theirs as
well as other users’ maps.
• Location Timeout (sec) - Specify the time which should elapse before BeOn considers the
location of users on the map to be too old or stale. Range: 30 to 9,999 seconds. Default: 300
• Proxy Host/Proxy Port - Because the BeOn Windows Client must be Internet connected to
use the Google Maps feature, a proxy configuration has been added to allow customers who
deploy the client behind a firewall to operate.
The Network Settings tab of the Edit Settings dialog allows you to modify your User ID, WACN,
Password, LAS IP address, and LAS port.
14221-7100-2010, Rev. R
The Security tab is only present in the voice encrypted version of the BWC. See Section 6.4 for
more information on encryption.
• Zeroize - Removes all encryption keys.
• Reset message numbers - Reset message numbers to zero for this UE.
• Request rekey - Requests a rekey from the KMF (OTAR).
• Secure mode - When checked, outgoing individual calls are encrypted.
• Security key details - Displays OTAR Enabled status, KMF Status, provisioned Storage
Location Number (SLN) bindings and key presence.
OTAR Enabled:
Yes = RSI from the UAS matches the RSI included in the ukek file.
No = RSIs do not match (could be an RSI=0 problem; do a force update).
KMF Status:
Configured = KMF IP address is present.
Not Configured = App does not have KMF IP address.
Registered = KMF has completed registration process with client.
Unregistered = Client has not registered with the KMF.
• Load Keys - Opens a dialog allowing the user to select and load key files.
PTT Shortcuts
The PTT Shortcuts tab allows you to configure a button on the keyboard as a PTT button for that
The Tone tab allows the user to enable/disable tones and to choose what the application tones
sound like by selecting another audio file to play instead of the default tones. The allowed audio
file formats include .pcm or .wav, 8 kHz sample rate with 16-bit signed little-endian samples.
The About tab of the Edit Settings dialog displays copyright information, the software version, the
enabled features, and the End User License Agreement.
14221-7100-2010, Rev. R
14221-7100-2010, Rev. R
14221-7100-2010, Rev. R
14221-7100-2010, Rev. R
The individual icons on the map show the current presence state, if known. The icon is blue when
the last received location is within the timeout period configured in the Settings dialog (see Section If the location is not received within this time, the icon changes to gray. This feature
instantly shows which individuals are active.
When a VPS (StatusAware) is available in the system, the BWC receives information about the
type of equipment an individual is carrying (e.g., BeOn, LMR, etc.). This affects the displayed
Right-click anywhere on the map (not occupied by a BeOn icon) to bring up a context menu. This
context menu provides the ability to center the map, set your location, or add a pin.
14221-7100-2010, Rev. R
14221-7100-2010, Rev. R
Figure 6-20: Normal Call Indication Figure 6-21: Distress Call Indication
14221-7100-2010, Rev. R
14221-7100-2010, Rev. R
14221-7100-2010, Rev. R
14221-7100-2010, Rev. R
14221-7100-2010, Rev. R
14221-7100-2010, Rev. R
If a PTT is received with the same source and target as an existing notification, a badge is added
to the notification indicating the number of PTTs received as shown below:
14221-7100-2010, Rev. R
The background color reflects the state (green for normal or red for distress) of the last PTT made
between a specific source and target. If a normal PTT follows a distress PTT, the background
color reverts to green, but the badge indicating the number of PTTs remains red as show below:
PTT notifications are added to the popup in the order they arrive (oldest at top). Subsequent PTTs
with the same source and target do not affect the ordering.
The popup will not disappear until the operator acknowledges every notification. There are two
ways to acknowledge notifications:
• Click the notification itself. This removes the notification from the PTT Notification popup,
hides the popup, and brings the BWC application to the foreground. This lets the operator
easily respond to the PTT. The popup reappears if another PTT is received or if the BWC
application window is minimized.
• Click the ‘X’ on the notification. This removes the notification from the PTT Notification popup
but does not hide the popup or activate the BWC application window. This lets the operator
easily dismiss a PTT notification without having to take further action.
In either case, if no more notifications are in the PTT Notification popup, the popup is closed. It is
not possible to close the PTT Notification popup without clicking each notification or its ‘X.’
6.3.4 Conversations
Group and individual calls are consolidated into conversation entries in the History tab based on
the Conversation Timeout value configured in Call Settings (Section If any call is either
placed or received and its source matches the last call placed or received, the previous and
current calls are placed into a conversation and the conversation entry is displayed in the History
tab (see Section 6.2.6).
14221-7100-2010, Rev. R
6.3.8 Presence
User and group presence services support the transmission of the status of users and groups to
interested users. The BWC supports real-time presence on the Groups tab and Map tab.
Perform the following to set your presence options:
1. Click the Presence icon in the Status bar.
2. Select the desired option:
• Available - The BeOn user is registered in the system.
• Silent - Indicates that the provider is not presently listening to PTT calls. The BeOn client
records incoming calls during the Silent/Vibrate state but plays neither received audio nor
floor control tones.
Agency specific states can also be set up by the System Administrator (for example, “In
Transit” or “Out to Lunch”).
14221-7100-2010, Rev. R
In addition to presence options available to the user, two more states are utilized by the
system, but are considered automatic states:
• Busy - In the Busy state, the BeOn client creates call-log records for all talk-spurts
that were not played and records received audio. See the following note.
• Unavailable - The BeOn user is not registered in the system.
“Busy” and “Unavailable” cannot be set by the user; they are automatic
Users can query the presence of other users to determine if they are available for BeOn group
and individual calls.
6.3.9 Scanning
When a profile becomes ‘active,’ the device is scanning all the groups contained in that profile.
Only one profile is active at a time. Refer to Section 4.4.8 for more information on profiles.
14221-7100-2010, Rev. R
6.3.10 Distress
Distress behavior is defined by the currently active profile. The following distress behaviors are
• None.
• Distress alert only.
There is no group state, only an individual state.
The declaring user can clear the distress alert at the VNIC.
A console user can clear the distress alert at the VNIC.
• Distress alert and distress call are declared on the default distress talk group.
The declaring user clears the individual distress state on the network and the group
distress state on the network.
An authorized entity such as a console, supervisor, or network management system can
clear the group distress. In doing so, all individual distress states on the network are also
cleared. Local states are cleared as well.
• Distress alert and distress call on the selected talk group.
The declaring user clears the individual distress state on the network and the group
distress state on the network.
An authorized entity such as a console, supervisor, or network management system can
clear the group distress. In doing so, the individual distress states on the network are also
cleared. Local states are cleared as well.
• Distress alert and distress call on the default distress talk group. The user must clear the alert
The declaring user or console can clear the individual distress state on the network.
Only the declaring user can clear the local state.
An authorized entity such as a console, supervisor, or network management system can
clear the group distress.
Declaring users who are authorized to clear group distresses can clear both the individual
and group distress.
• Distress alert and distress call on the selected talk group. The user must clear the alert locally.
The declaring user or console can clear the individual distress state on the network.
Only the declaring user can clear the local state.
An authorized entity such as a console, supervisor, or network management system can
clear the group distress.
Declaring users who are authorized to clear group distresses can clear both the individual
and group distress.
14221-7100-2010, Rev. R
Only a supervisor can clear a distress for a group. Non-supervisors can only
clear a distress for themselves.
14221-7100-2010, Rev. R
6.4.1 Encryption Overview
The BWC supports P25 encrypted communication using 256-bit Advanced Encryption Standard
(AES). Encryption keys are loaded manually or by using Over-the-Air-Rekeying (OTAR) methods.
Data Encryption Standard (DES) is not currently supported in BeOn.
Encryption options are available on the Security tab of the Edit Settings dialog. See Section Encrypted talkgroups display a icon on their call status area to indicate whether the
current call is encrypted or if an outgoing call will be encrypted.
Refer to Appendix B for information on configuring and enabling voice encryption for a BeOn user.
Also, refer to the following documentation as required:
MM-008069-001 L3Harris OTAR Overview Manual
MM-008070-001 Network Key Manager Installation and Configuration Manual
MM-008068-001 L3Harris Unified Administration System (UAS) Key Management Application Manual
MM1000019423 L3Harris Key Manager Key Admin Overview and Operation Manual
MM1000019424 L3Harris Key Manager Key Loader Overview and Operation Manual
The “Delete Key” operation on an End User in the “Manage Crypto Nets” section
of the UAS is not currently supported in BeOn. The user must use the “Zeroize”
function in Preferences of the BeOn client application to remove key material.
In the UAS, define a Crypto Net that contains the users and groups targeted for encrypted
• Users and groups must be added to the Crypto Net to participate in encrypted
• Make a note of Crypto Net SLN and Active Key IDs.
• The SLN binding number must match the key number entered in the Key Admin tool.
• The Active Key ID in the UAS must match the Key ID in the Key Admin tool.
14221-7100-2010, Rev. R
Refer to the L3Harris UAS Key Management Application Manual (MM-008068-001) for
instructions on how to configure a Crypto Net.
14221-7100-2010, Rev. R
6.4.4 OTAR
OTAR operations are supported in the BeOn application. Prior to enabling OTAR in BeOn, an
administrator must follow the instructions above in Section
Once the UAS has provisioned the KMF with group information, crypto net information, and key
bindings, the KMF generates a set of Traffic Encryption Keys (TEKs) for each of the crypto nets
and for other traffic. The KMF also generates Key Encryption Keys (KEKs) and Unique Key
Encryption Keys (UKEKs) for each user. There are two types of encryption files: UKEK and
UKEKX. The difference between the two is that UKEKs have no password set and UKEKX has
a password set when created via the KMF. After the UKEK is placed in the BeOn Client user
directory (%USERPROFILE%\BeOn\Client\<BeOn user name>) and the BeOn app is launched,
there is no popup. When you launch the BeOn app with UKEKX, there is a popup screen asking
you to enter the password.
An administrator uses the KMF to generate a UKEK file for each user and distributes these files
to the appropriate users.
14221-7100-2010, Rev. R
The Call Status Bar on the device displays a SimulSelect icon ( ) as well as an 'Ss' string
indicating that this is a SimulSelect call. Since there could be multiple SimulSelects established
on the same devices at the same time, each SimulSelect gets an assigned ID for this device. This
ID has no meaning beyond the device; i.e., each device assigns its IDs independently from any
other device. The call recipient is the registered device user. The call source is the contact
associated with the Console ID. If a contact for the console originating the SimulSelect was never
added to the Contacts on the device, then the ID (i.e., region/agency/user number) of the console
is displayed.
The Call Status Bar on the device displays an icon ( ) as well as an 'Ss' string indicating that
this is a SimulSelect call. The call recipient is the highest priority group scanned by the device
that is part of this SimulSelect call. The call source is the contact associated with the Console ID.
14221-7100-2010, Rev. R
14221-7100-2010, Rev. R
This section provides information regarding error messages for the BeOn application. For other
hardware or software failures, refer to the manufacturer’s documentation supplied with your
Appears in place of the list in the Groups tab when no profiles and groups
You are not a member of any have been assigned to a user’s personality.
See your agency administrator to correct this.
Appears in bottom left of screen when scanning parameters have not been set
at startup.
No Next Call
Verify that the phone’s data connection is established and working.
Appears in the call Status Bar when there are no call events in the BeOn
No Recent Calls
Attempt to inform the VIDA system of current scan parameters failed.
Scan Parameters update failed
Verify that the phone’s data connection is established and working.
The BeOn application could not initialize its internal components.
BeOn Application Failed to Start
Attempt to restart the application or contact L3Harris TAC if this problem
Attempt to register with the system failed.
Registration timed out
Verify that the phone’s data connection is established and working.
Attempt to inform the VIDA system of current scan parameters failed.
Request has timed out
Verify that the phone’s data connection is established and working.
Attempt to register with the system failed.
Registration failed
Verify that the phone’s data connection is established and working.
User identified in the license file is not a valid user in the system.
Invalid login credentials
Obtain a correct license from the agency administrator for the user.
Registration could not complete during initialization of the application.
You are logged in de-registered
Verify that the phone’s data connection is established and working.
The active profile could not be initialized at startup.
Active profile was not found
Contact L3Harris TAC for assistance.
Attempt to inform the VIDA system of current scan parameters failed.
Unstable network connection
Verify that the phone’s data connection is established and working.
Appears in the notification window when there are unprocessed BeOn
Unread BeOn Notification(s)
Tap the top bar and drag downwards to expose the notifications window on
mobile devices. Tap on the BeOn notification row to see the pending
Attempt to get presence status for members of a group failed.
Show group members request
timed out
Verify that the phone’s data connection is established and working.
14221-7100-2010, Rev. R
14221-7100-2010, Rev. R
The Technical Assistance Center's (TAC) resources are available to help with overall system
operation, maintenance, upgrades and product support. TAC is the point of contact when answers
are needed to technical questions.
Product specialists, with detailed knowledge of product operation, maintenance and repair provide
technical support via a toll-free (in North America) telephone number. Support is also available
through mail, fax and e-mail.
For more information about technical assistance services, contact your sales representative, or
call the Technical Assistance Center at:
North America: 1-800-528-7711
International: 1-434-385-2400
Fax: 1-434-455-6712
E-mail: PSPC_tac@l3harris.com
14221-7100-2010, Rev. R
14221-7100-2010, Rev. R
The following prerequisites are required to ensure the tools and system elements needed to
configure and enable voice encryption for a BeOn user are present and available:
• The UAS and KMF are installed and configured.
• In the UAS, ensure the Key ID Ranges are defined under Region scope for System Admin.
14221-7100-2010, Rev. R
If a subscriber unit has not been created for each BeOn user, create one and make sure the
Protocol Type is “BeOn” (see Figure B-3).
14221-7100-2010, Rev. R
14221-7100-2010, Rev. R
5. Create crypto nets for end users and talk groups, utilizing the Key ID ranges added when you
configured your agency:
Figure B-9: Talk Group and End User Settings in a Crypto Net
14221-7100-2010, Rev. R
7. Configuration of the data elements needed for voice encryption on the administration side is
now complete. Issue a “Warm Start” on the users configured for voice encryption:
14221-7100-2010, Rev. R
2. Check the Task View tab to make sure the warm start process is complete:
14221-7100-2010, Rev. R
4. Generate a binding report to use later to compare against keys displayed in the BeOn app.
Do this on the Binding Report tab, as shown below. The report is in XML format.
Figure B-15: OTAR Value for End Users in Network KMF Management Console
6. Export the ukek or ukekx file for each end user on the UKEK File tab:
14221-7100-2010, Rev. R
7. With all the key files generated for the end users, transfer the files to the BeOn clients based
on instructions found in Section for Android clients, Section 6.4.3 for iOS clients, or
Section for Windows clients.
8. Verify that the key file was loaded successfully and that the BeOn client has successfully
communicated with the KMF by accessing the Security Key Details screen in the client’s
Preferences menu (see Section, Section, or Section
If “OTAR Enabled” is “No” or the “KMF Registered” fields are not what you expected, consider
these troubleshooting tips:
1. Ping the KMF IP address from the LAP.
If not reachable, check firewall rules.
2. Warm Start Failed?
Check “Enable P25 AES OTAR” and “Manually-Keyed” options for the end user under agency
administrator; one or the other should be checked, not both.
14221-7100-2010, Rev. R
14221-7100-2010, Rev. R
How can I add multiple groups to the map (Windows Client only)?
You can add as many groups as you like to the map by the methods described in the answer to
“How can I add a group to the map?”
On the BeOn mobile clients, only a single group may be mapped at one time.
14221-7100-2010, Rev. R
Mapped Items panel (multiple users may be selected with the Shift and Ctrl keys). Right-click on
a selected user and select “Subscribe.”
Because of system limitations, only 36 combined users and group subscriptions are available.
On the BeOn iOS Client, you must un-map the user to unsubscribe.
14221-7100-2010, Rev. R
A presence status of “Available” means the user is on the network and can receive voice
communications; “Silent” means they are on the network, can receive voice communications, will
not hear any audio; “Busy” means they are on the network, but will not receive voice
communications; and “Unavailable” means they are not on the network and will not receive any
Normally, the body of the icon is blue. If the location becomes stale (i.e., the time the last location
received exceeds the Location Timeout specified on the Map tab of the Settings Dialog), the body
of the icon turns gray. If the user (or group) is currently highlighted, the body of the icon turns
green, regardless of the age of the last received location.
Mobile clients do not offer a way to highlight a user on the map, but the Android
client does support indication of stale location.
How can I highlight a user (or group) on the map to make them stand out?
On the Mapped Items panel (to the right of the map), select one or more users or groups (multiple
users may be selected with the Shift and Ctrl keys). Right-click on a selected user or group and
select “Highlight.” Select “Unhighlight” to stop highlighting the user or group.
Highlighting a group has the same effect as individually highlighting each member of the group.
Icons of highlighted users have green bodies. Highlight as many users as you would want.
14221-7100-2010, Rev. R
14221-7100-2010, Rev. R
What do the various text formats mean in the Mapped Items panel (Windows Client
The Mapped Items panel uses color, italics, and a bullet character to convey information about
users’ location, real-time subscription status, and visibility on the map. The table below
summarizes the various formats currently in use.
John Smith ● Y Y Y
John Smith ● Y N N
John Smith N Y Y
John Smith N N N
John Smith ● Y n/a N
John Smith N n/a N
14221-7100-2010, Rev. R
How are users who have initiated a distress displayed on the map?
When a user places a distress call, either because he initiated a distress or because he is talking
on a group which has been placed in distress, his icon on the map will change as described in
the answer to “What happens when a mapped user places a distress call?” His icon will not be
displayed any differently if he is not transmitting.
What happens when a mapped user stops scanning the group under which he or
she is mapped?
When you are real-time subscribed to a group and a user stops scanning that group, he is
removed from the group membership and removed from the map. However, if the user has been
individually added to the map, he is only removed from the group membership, but continues to
be displayed on the map.
On the BeOn mobile clients, the user is removed from the map immediately after
being removed from the group, unless that user is mapped explicitly with the
NOTE “Map Contacts” action.
On BeOn mobile clients, the user is removed from the map once they deregister
from the system, but the icons may remain on the map if they lose their data
NOTE connection or exit BeOn in an unexpected way (e.g., battery loss).
Why must I real-time subscribe to groups and users after adding them to the map?
Due to system limitations, only a limited number of real-time subscriptions (approximately 38) can
exist for the application at any time. With group size variability and subscriptions needed for group
membership, this limit could be exhausted quickly. To provide the greatest flexibility and allow
complete control over what appears on the map, you must specify precisely which users and
groups you want to track.
How can I remove my user’s icon from others’ maps (e.g., at the end of my shift)?
To remove your icon from other’s maps, stop scanning the groups that are being mapped or sign
out of BeOn. If a BeOn Windows Client is mapping the user as part of the group only, the user is
removed from the map and the Mapped Items panel. However, if the user is mapped as an
individual, they remain on the map. The rationale for this is that mapped individuals have higher
precedence and should not be removed from a map due to someone’s remote action.
14221-7100-2010, Rev. R
In earlier releases of the Windows Client (before R2A), users were NOT removed from the map
if they signed out. Instead their icon was changed to “Unavailable.”
Alternatively, check the “Hide My Location” checkbox on the Map Tab of the Settings Dialog and
then click Save. This may not affect the remote clients immediately; however, the next time that
the remote client attempts to map you, it will not have a valid location, and therefore will not be
able to do so.
On the BeOn iOS Client, you must stop scanning the groups that are being
mapped or sign out of BeOn. Alternatively, you may hide your location as
NOTE explained previously.
14221-7100-2010, Rev. R
14221-7100-2010, Rev. R
The BeOn app on Android, by default, writes a limited amount of information to its log files. The
following files are created by the Android app for purposes of further analysis should the need
• beonptt.log – primary log file
• beonptt.log.1
• beonptt.log.2
All log files are stored in the app’s private storage area. They can be retrieved and sent via email
using the “Send Logs” option in the BeOn Preferences screen:
Selecting this option presents the user with various email-based options. The user should add
detail to the email as to what was happening when the problem occurred and any other
information that would inform the BeOn team during their analysis:
The email is sent directly to the BeOn team and, in most cases, an L3Harris Technical Assistance
Center (TAC) case will be opened to track the issue.
14221-7100-2010, Rev. R
The About screen can be accessed either from the Sign In screen or in the Preferences screen.
Once in the “Development Preferences” screen, you can adjust various components of the BeOn
PTT app:
14221-7100-2010, Rev. R
For each of these components, the log level can be adjusted. The default is INFO but can be
changed to other levels, thereby increasing the amount of output in the log files. For instance,
the “CallProcessor” component is related to the processing of all types of PTT calls:
Adjusting the level to “Debug” or “Trace” increases the level of logging for the CallProcessor
component. To ensure the right logging is captured for the issue or question at hand, consider
adjusting the components based on the associated categories listed below:
App Startup MainActivity
Registration/Deregistration P3000Factory
PTT P3000Factory
Encryption KmtLibImpl
14221-7100-2010, Rev. R
Text Messaging
PTT Audio/Tones AudioRecordingThread
Once you have adjusted the correct components, attempt to reproduce the problem and use the
“Send Logs” option to send the logs.
About L3Harris Technologies
L3Harris Technologies is an agile global aerospace and defense technology innovator, delivering end-to-end solutions
that meet customers’ mission-critical needs. The company provides advanced defense and commercial technologies
across air, land, sea, space and cyber domains.