Amigo Dev Milestone V1

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Proposed Planning on Project Milestone and Progress Mapping:

Total: 5 milestones (Proposed)

Sprint 1: Home Page Integration & Employer

UI/UX HTML design, integration, Coding, development, Testing & QA in first phase/sprint:

Task List Estimated Hour

1.1 Integration with our exiting code base with the designed UI/UX 12
1.2 How Amigo Works 4
1.3 Workers in our Pool 10
1.4 Search Option and integrate SMS feedback 14
1.5 Amigo Matching 8
1.6 Employer Registration & Further Info form, SMS/Email verification Forgot Password 16
1.7 Meet our Project manager 8
1.8 About Us 10
1.9 Blog 8
1.10 Services 5
1.11 Clients 4
1.12 Testimonials 4
1.13 Job categories 4
1.14 Employer Job Post, Job Description preparation 120
1.15 Employer Dashboard 64
Total Working Days = 267h / 8 = 34 days.
Sprint 2: Jobseeker/Worker
UI/ UX HTML design, integration, Coding, development, Testing & QA in first phase/sprint:

Task List Estimated Hour

2.1.1 Integration with our exiting code base with the designed UI/UX of Job Seeker
Registration 12
2.1.2 Basic Profile 32
2.1.3 Detail Profile 96
2.1.4 Registration, SMS/Email Verification 16
2.1.5 Social Medial Registration: LinkedIn, Facebook, Gmail 80
2.1.6 Apply for a Job 16
2.1.7 Job Seeker Dashboard 32
2.1.8 Forgot Password 4
2.1.9 Manage Resume ---
2.1.10 Manage Cover Letter 4
Total Working Days = 292h / 8 = 37 days.
Sprint 3: Employer Requirement & Reporting
UI/ UX HTML design, integration, Coding, development, Testing & QA in first phase/sprint:

Task List Estimated Hour

3.1 Employer Resources Requisition Form 18
3.2 Attendance with location, time etc. 10
3.3 Employer KPI Settings by Supervisor 24
3.4 Employer Reporting 15
3.5 Worker Assignment 17
3.6 Admin Perspective 23
3.7 Invoicing and Reporting 26
3.8 Worker wise reporting: Attendance, earnings etc. 17
3.9 Worker ratings 13
3.10 Worker daily reporting Timeline and Experience with Amigo 19
Total Working Days = 182h / 8 = 23 days.

Sprint 4: Payment Integration & Service Package

UI/ UX HTML design, integration, Coding, development, Testing & QA in first phase/sprint:

Task List Estimated Hour

4.1 Payment Integration with Credit Card, MFS etc 104
4.2 CV Bank Search, detail search with each field 40
4.3 Design Service Packages along with CV Bank packages 56
4.4 Jobseeker job analytics 40
Total Working Days = 240h / 8 = 30 days.

Sprint 5: Admin
UI/ UX HTML design, integration, Coding, development, Testing & QA in first phase/sprint:

Task List Estimated Hour

5.1 Admin Role Creation, access control 144
5.2 Admin Panel design 120
5.3 Dashboard for Admin 64
5.4 Employer Job dashboard, analytics 64
Total Working Days = 392h / 8 = 49 days.
Total 5 Milestones 1,2,3,4,5 = 34 + 37 + 23 + 30 + 49 = 173 days / 30 days/Month = 5 Months 7
Note: (Only working days, 5 Day/Week)

Technology we will use:

1) UI Design : Figma/ illustrator/photoshop

2) UX/Front end: React, HTML5, CSS3, JS, jQuery etc

3) Backend development : PHP, Laravel, mySQL, Ajax

Note: We will provide UI Illustrator file

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