No 6
No 6
No 6
Novel current collector and active mass carrier of the zinc electrode for
alkaline nickel-zinc batteries
4 572
5 authors, including:
Vasil Bachvarov
Bulgarian Academy of Sciences
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Novel current collector and active mass carrier of the zinc electrode for alkaline
nickel-zinc batteries
R. Raicheff1*, M. Mladenov1, L. Stoyanov1, N. Boshkov2, V. Bachvarov2
Institute of Electrochemistry and Energy Systems - BAS, G. Bonchev Street, bl.10, 1113 Sofia, Bulgaria
Institute of Physical Chemistry - BAS, G. Bonchev Street, bl.11, 1113 Sofia, Bulgaria
Received January 13, 2015, Revised July 30, 2015
A new current collector and electrode mass carrier based on copper foam is developed and applied in constructing
pasted zinc electrode for alkaline nickel-zinc batteries. It is suggested that the microcellular structure of the foam matrix
assures uniform volume conductivity of the zinc electrode mass, facilitates the electron transport between the
electrochemically active electrode material and the current collector, improves the mechanical stability of the electrode,
also helping to minimize dendrite formation during charging. It is shown that the surface modification of the electrode
foam matrix by duplex tin/zinc coating leads to considerable reduction of gas evolution on the current collector during
the charging process. The investigation on the performance of nickel-zinc battery cells has definitely proved the
possibility of application of the newly developed current collector and active mass carrier for pasted zinc electrodes in
nickel-zinc batteries.
Keywords: current collector, electrode mass carrier, copper foam, zinc electrode, nickel-zinc batteries
R. Raicheff et al.: Novel current collector and active mass carrier of the zinc electrode for alkaline nickel-zinc…
The experimental nickel-zinc prismatic battery The main electrochemical properties of the
cell is assembled with two nickel cathodes and one modified copper foam electrode matrix are
zinc anode, prepared as described above. The cell is demonstrated by the polarization curves of the
subjected to electrochemical charge/discharge test model samples of copper plate with different
using a multichannel automated battery testing coatings (tin and duplex tin-zinc) obtained in the
apparatus type CDT10. The apparatus gives a nickel-zinc alkaline battery electrolyte, as shown in
possibility for a complex control and monitoring of Fig. 2. The working zone of the zinc electrode in
the main cell parameters during charge/discharge the nickel-zinc battery – from the maximal potential
cycling - cell voltage and current, reference of charging (-1.7 V, SCE) to the minimal potential
potential, capacity and temperature. of discharging of the electrode (-1.4 V, SCE) is also
shown on the same figure.
The cellular structure of the copper foam
electrode matrix in “as received” conditions
(without coating), with tin coating only and with
duplex tin-zinc coating is illustrated by SEM
images on Fig.1. As seen, the cellular structure of
the foam matrix practically does not change after
plating of the tin coating and the duplex tin-zinc
coating, and both coatings are uniform. This
microcellular structure of the electrode matrix, as
already noted, not only facilitates the electron
transport between the electrochemically active
electrode mass (based on ZnO – a material
characterized with low electron conductivity) and Fig. 2. Potentiodynamic polarization curves of
the current collector, but it also improves the copper plate (1), copper plate with tin coating (2) and
with tin and zinc coatings (3) in the battery electrolyte.
mechanical stability of the electrode as a whole.
The following conclusions can be made from the
results of the polarization studies: (a) the presence
of tin coating, and especially – of zinc coating on
the copper surface significantly shifts the corrosion
potential of the system in negative direction; (b) as
expected, copper shows high corrosion stability in
the highly alkaline battery electrolyte; (c) the rate
a) of hydrogen evolution on the copper surface in the
working zone of the zinc electrode is much higher
(1-2 orders of magnitude) in comparison to the rate
of hydrogen evolution on zinc coating and
especially – on tin coating, and this difference is
better expressed at more negative potentials (higher
potentials of charging of the zinc electrode); (d) the
anodic dissolution of zinc (cf. curve 3) is active in
b) the whole working zone which suggests that the
deposited zinc layer would not only reduce the
hydrogen evolution on the matrix but it could also
serve as an additional source of active zinc for
anodic reaction on the zinc electrode, especially at
prolonged exploitation of the battery. The surface
modification of the copper foam electrode matrix
by tin and zinc coatings would strongly restrict the
c) gas evolution on the matrix; (e) there is practically
Fig. 1. SEM images of copper foam in “as received” no anodic dissolution of tin in the whole working
condition (a), with tin coating (b) and with tin and zinc zone which means that the tin coating is
coatings (c). cathodically protected by the zinc layer and it
would reliably isolate the copper matrix from the
R. Raicheff et al.: Novel current collector and active mass carrier of the zinc electrode for alkaline nickel-zinc…
battery electrolyte and strongly restrict the gas volume conductivity of the active mass, facilitates
evolution in case of partial uncovering of the the electron transport between the
copper surface of the matrix. Thus, the above electrochemically active electrode material and the
results definitely proved the choice of duplex tin- current collector, improves the mechanical integrity
zinc coating on the copper foam current collector. of the electrode, and helps to minimize formation of
dendrites during charging process.
It is established that the modification of the
copper surface with duplex tin/zinc coating results
in a considerable reduction of the rate of the
hydrogen evolution at charging conditions of the
zinc electrode, thus restricting the gas evolution on
the electrode foam matrix during charging cycle. In
addition, the zinc layer is an additional source of
metallic zinc for the current generation reaction
which would have a beneficial effect on the
magnitude and stability of the electrode capacity,
especially at prolonged cycling of the battery.
The electrochemical testing of pasted zinc
Fig. 3. Dependence of the charge and discharge electrodes constructed with modified copper foam
capacity on the number of cycles of the experimental matrix as current collector and active mass carrier
nickel-zinc battery cell at current load procedure C/5 – in an experimental alkaline nickel-zinc battery cell
C/2.5 (C=1.0 Ah is the nominal capacity of the cell). has demonstrated an excellent performance of the
The electrochemical testing of the zinc electrode electrode – good cycleability, high and stable
constructed with modified copper foam matrix as specific discharge capacity, high charge/discharge
current collector and active mass carrier in the efficiency, etc. Thus, all the results proved
experimental nickel-zinc cell is carried out at definitely the possibility of application of the newly
constant current mode from full charged state of the developed current collector and active mass carrier
electrode to full discharge at room temperature. for pasted zinc electrodes in alkaline nickel-zinc
First, a forming cycle at charge/discharge procedure batteries.
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constructing pasted zinc electrode for alkaline
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microcellular structure of the foam assures uniform
R. Raicheff et al.: Novel current collector and active mass carrier of the zinc electrode for alkaline nickel-zinc…
Нов токов колектор и носител на електродната маса, основан на медна пяна, е разработен и приложен за
конструиране на пастов тип цинкови електроди за алкални никел-цинкови батерии. Микроклетъчната структура
на електродната матрица от медна пяна осигурява равномерна обемна проводимост на цинковата електродна
маса, улеснява преноса на електрони между активния електроден материал и токовия колектор, подобрява
механичната устойчивост на електрода и ограничава образуването на дендрити при зареждане на електрода.
Показано е, че повърхностната модификация на електродната матрица с двуслойно калай/цинково покритие
води до значително намаляване на отделянето на газ върху токовия колектор в процеса на зареждане на
електрода. Изследванията върху работата на никел-цинкови батерии доказват убедително възможността за
прилагане на разработения токов колектор и носител на активната маса на цинкови електроди за никел-цинкови