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Journal of Materiomics
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a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t
Article history: In this work, we present a new piezoelectric solid solution consisting of two typical alkali niobate-based
Received 20 August 2018 materials, K0.5Na0.5NbO3 (KNN) and Li0.15Na0.85NbO3 (LNN). Although KNN and LNN have the same
Received in revised form perovskite structure, they exhibit extremely different electrical properties and mechanical behaviors. The
25 January 2019
phase structures, electrical and mechanical evolutions of the new lead-free piezoelectric materials with
Accepted 8 February 2019
different ratios of KNN and LNN are comprehensively and theoretically investigated. According to the X-
Available online 14 February 2019
ray diffraction patterns and curves of permittivity versus temperature, a series of complicated phase
transitions can be found with varied LNN content. Rietveld refinement results based on XRD patterns
reveal an oxygen octahedron tilting in the LNN-rich crystal structure, and simultaneously the reasons for
Piezoelectric ceramics octahedron tilting are discussed. The distorted crystal structure is accompanied by extremely decreased
Crystal structure electric properties but increased mechanical properties, which reveals electrical and mechanical prop-
Electrical properties erties of alkali niobate-based piezoelectric ceramics strongly depend on their inner structures, and the
Mechanical behaviors enhancement of intrinsic hardness results in the deterioration of piezoelectric properties. Our work
exhibits the detailed evolutions of structure, electrical and mechanical properties from KNN to LNN,
which provides experimental and theoretical basis for development of new alkali niobate-based
piezoelectric materials.
© 2019 The Chinese Ceramic Society. Production and hosting by Elsevier B.V. This is an open access article
under the CC BY-NC-ND license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/).
2352-8478/© 2019 The Chinese Ceramic Society. Production and hosting by Elsevier B.V. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (http://
Z. Tan et al. / Journal of Materiomics 5 (2019) 372e384 373
alkali niobate-based piezoelectric materials, can form the ferro- domain switching behaviors.
ferroelectric phase boundaries at room temperature via ion
doping and component substitution [4,6,9e14]. Specifically, a very 2.3. Electrical properties characterization
high piezoelectric constant of d33 ~ 570pC/N was reported in
modified KNN-based ceramics [15], which is several times larger To evaluate the electrical properties of samples, silver paste
than that of pure KNN ceramics (d33 ~ 80 pC/N). Meanwhile, electrodes are coated on both sides of ceramics (F10 mmh1 mm)
Li0.12Na0.88NbO3-based (LNN) ceramics, as one of the alkali niobate- and burned at 650 C for 10 min. The discs are poled under a DC
based piezoelectric materials, possess low piezoelectric constants electric field of 2e4 kV/mm for 10e30 min at room temperature.
but relative high mechanical quality factor (Qm) as well as better The capacitances of the sintered samples are measured by using an
mechanical properties [16e18]. Qiang Chen et al. reported a kind of LCR analyzer (HP 4980, Agilent, U.S.A. and TH2816A) with a varied
Sb-modified LNN ceramics with d33 of 45 pC/N and high Qm of 1560, temperature between 150 and 500 C. Polarization verse electric
which is very suitable for frequency resonator [16]. Although these field (P-E) hysteresis loops of the ceramics are conducted at 10 Hz
two kinds of piezoelectric materials have similar chemical using a Radiant Precision Work-station (USA). Their piezoelectric
component, their perovskite structures are crystallized in different constant d33, electromechanical coupling factor kp, mechanical
inner space symmetries with different states of oxygen octahedral quality factor Qm, and relative dielectric constant εr etc. are char-
tilting or rotation. When KNN and LNN are mixed together to form acterized by a Belincourt meter (ZJ-3A, Institute of Acoustics, Chi-
KNN-LNN solid solution, structural evolutions of KNN-LNN will be a nese Academy of Sciences, China) and an impedance analyzer (HP
very worthy research topic. What's more, many researches have 4294A, Agilent, U.S.A.) according to the IEEE standards.
proved that structural distortions are directly related to diverse
functionalities such as ferroelectricity, dielectricity, electro- 2.4. Mechanical behaviours determination
conductivity and so on [19e22].
In this work, we prepared the mixture of KNN and LNN ceramics Hardness Hv and fracture toughness KIC of the polished sintered
via conventional solid-solution method with the chemical discs (F10 mmh0.8 mm) are measured by the indentation frac-
component of (K0.48Na0.52)1-x (Li0.15Na0.85)xNb0.98Sb0.02O3 ture technique (IF) using a Vickers diamond indenter (AKASHI AVK-
-0.03Bi0.5Na0.5ZrO3-0.02CaTiO3 (abbreviated as KNNS-xLNNS-BNZ- A, Kanagawa, Japan). The compression strength sc of the sintered
CT) (x ¼ 0, 0.2, 0.4, 0.5, 0.6, 0.8, 1). We have experimentally iden- cylinders (F10 mmh12 mm) and three point bending strength sb
tified the evolutions of phase structure, dielectricity, ferroelec- of the sintered cuboid (L36 mmW4 mmh3 mm) are obtained
tricity, piezoelectricity, and mechanical behaviors in these ceramics through the uniaxial compression loading on a universal testing
with varied compositions. In addition, the discussed mechanism machine (INSTRON 8501, Grove City, PA), and their loading modes
will help us to further understand the relationship between crystal are in the displacement control at a stroke rate of 0.5 mm/min.
structure and electrical/mechanical properties in alkali niobate-
based lead-free piezoelectric materials. 3. Results and discussion
2. Experimental procedure Fig. 1(a) displays the room temperature XRD patterns of bulk
KNNS-xLNNS-BNZ-CT ceramics in the range of 2q ¼ 20e60 , which
2.1. Preparation of ceramics describes all ceramics with a typical perovskite structure. In addi-
tion, the principal crystalline phase of the ceramics is evolved from
KNNS-xLNNS-BNZ-CT lead-free piezoelectric ceramics are syn- KNN to LNN with increasing x from 0 to 1, which is identified by the
thesized via a conventional solid reaction process. Na2CO3 (99.8%), gradual appearance of discriminative peaks. The discriminative
Li2CO3 (98%), Nb2O5 (99.5%), Sb2O3 (99%), Bi2O3 (99%), K2CO3 (99%), peaks are some of the high-index facets in P21ma or R3c space
ZrO2 (99%), TiO2 (98%) and CaCO3 (99%) are used as raw powders, groups caused by the tilted oxygen octahedrons (these space
weighed according to stoichiometric ratio of the ceramics. The groups will be mentioned in Rietveld refinement part). Hence, the
powders are mixed in ethanol for 12 h by planetary ball mill, then discriminative peaks can be used to detect the presence of oxygen
dried and calcined at 850 C for 4h. The dried powders are mixed octahedron tilting in the samples and further to identify the
with poly vinyl alcohol (PVA, 8%) and press into difform green changed crystalline phase. In Fig. 1(b), the enlarged XRD patterns in
bodies by using different forming dies to meet the experimental
tests. After burning out the PVA, all samples are sintered at a certain
temperature for 2h in air. In order to obtain the best piezoelectric
properties for each composition, the samples with 0 x 0.4,
0.5 x 0.6, x ¼ 0.8 and x ¼ 1 are sintered at 1040 C, 1060 C,
1080 C and 1140 C, respectively.
The fresh sintered discs (F10 mmh1 mm) are selected as the
testing samples. X-ray diffraction (XRD) (DX 2700, Dandong, China)
is used to measure the phase structure of all samples. The scanning
electron microscopy (SEM, S-3400 N, HIYACHI, Japan) is employed
to study the surface morphologies of sintered ceramics. Energy-
dispersive spectrometry (EDS) was used for elemental mapping of
the ceramics. The piezoresponse force microscopy (PFM) experi-
ments are carried out by using a commercial atomic force micro-
scopy (MFP-3D). The nanosensors PPP-EFM conductive probes with Fig. 1. (a) XRD patterns of KNNS-xLNNS-BNZ-CT ceramics, the subscript of pc repre-
a spring constant around 2.5 N/m and a resonance frequency in air sents the pseudocubic plane, (b) enlarged XRD patterns in the 2q range of 21.5e23.5
of around 70 kHz are used to obtain the vertical PFM images and and 45e47.5 .
374 Z. Tan et al. / Journal of Materiomics 5 (2019) 372e384
the range of 21.5e23.5 and 45e47.5 clearly reflect the phase P4mm co-existing) are found in KNNS-xLNNS-BNZ-CT ceramics
structure evolutions of ceramics. The right-shift of diffraction peaks with x ¼ 0, which are reflected by the ferro-ferroelectric phase
with varied x could be attributed to the gradual distortion of lattice transition peak observed in Fig. 2(a). The schematic diagrams of
caused by the substitution of Liþ at A-site. Moreover, the phase these three ferroelectric phases have been shown in Fig. 3. All
transition behaviors in KNNS-xLNNS-BNZ-CT ceramics are further ferroelectric phases exhibit lattice distortion caused by the
expounded by the temperature-dependent dielectric constant displacement of oxygen atoms and niobium atoms along different
curves as shown in Fig. 2(a)e(g). The dielectric permittivity values directions. In R3m space group, the lattice distorts along [111] with
of KNNS-xLNNS-BNZ-CT ceramics exhibit a strong temperature d1 ¼ d2 ¼ d3<d4 ¼ d5 ¼ d6 [Fig. 3(a)]. In Amm2 space group, the
dependence on the existence of multiple phase transition in the perovskite-type (ABO3) orthorhombic structure includes mono-
temperature range of 90e380 C. Two dielectric abnormal peaks clinic subcells with lattice parameters of am ¼ cm > bm, while bm is
can be clearly observed in Fig. 2(a)-(e), which represent the ferro- perpendicular to (a-c)m plane with angle b of 89.57. The distortion
ferroelectric and ferro-paraelectric phase transition, respectively. of subcell is along the [101]m as shown in Fig. 3(b). In P4mm space
The ferro-ferroelectric phase transition temperature reaches the group, the displacement of both oxygen and niobium atoms is
smallest value around 20 C at the sample of x ¼ 0.2, and then produced along [001] (c-axis), leading to the formation of tetrag-
increases with increasing x. In contrast, in both Fig. 2(f) and (g), only onal phase as shown in Fig. 3(c). The three phases are typical
one dielectric peak can be observed, indicating no ferro- ferroelectric phases in KNN-based ceramics, and many high-
ferroelectric phase transition or an independent-temperature performance KNN-based piezoelectric ceramics are synthesized
phase transition in these two samples. The variations of Curie by constructing the coexistence of two or three ferroelectric phases
temperature (TC) and polymorphic phase boundary temperature near room temperature [4,6,9e12]. Subsequently, the sample with
(TPPB) with x are shown in Fig. 2(h). It is generally believed that Li- x ¼ 0.2 shows the tetragonal structure as the predominant phase,
doping is a good way to increase TC values of KNN-based ceramics which is in good agreement with the low ferro-ferroelectric phase
[23,24]. In this work, KNNS-xLNNS-BNZ-CT ceramics exhibit the transition temperature [about 20 C, as shown in Fig. 2(b)]. In
similar results. When x 0.5, TC increases with increasing Li con- addition, some different space groups (rhombohedral-R3c and
tent. However, when x > 0.5, TC present an opposite tendency with orthorhombic-P21ma) have been introduced into the refinement
further increasing x, which may be attributed to the change of for the samples with x 0.5. The results show that the sample with
principal crystalline phase. Additionally, from Fig. 2(f) and (g), x ¼ 0.5 presents three-phase coexistence (R3c, P21ma and P4mm).
KNNS-xLNNS-BNZ-CT ceramics (especially at x ¼ 0.8 and 1) exhibit However, the two samples of x ¼ 0.8 and 1.0 only include two
diffuse phase transition around TC, which has been indicated as a phases (R3c and P21ma). The coexistence of two ferroelectric phases
typical characteristic of relaxor ferroelectric based on their broad- is consistent with the formation of the vertical rhombohedral and
ening dielectric abnormal peaks. In addition, the frequency- orthorhombic boundary in LNN ceramics (when Li content is
dependent dielectric peak can be found in Fig. 2(f) and (g). 0.12e0.14), which has been reported by several previous works
Further detailed discussion has been provided as supplementary [18,25]. It is worthy of note that R3c and R3m or P21ma and Amm2
information (Fig. s1 and Fig. s2). belong to the same crystal system but different space groups. Fig. 4
In order to verify the detailed phase structure, Rietveld refine- shows the two kinds of crystal structures of sample with x ¼ 1.0.
ment on the high precision XRD patterns (2q ¼ 10e120 ) of KNNS- The lattice parameters of R3c are characterized by a hexagonal unit
xLNNS-BNZ-CT ceramic powders is carried out by MAUD software. with a ¼ b ¼ 90 and g ¼ 120 . The tilting of oxygen octahedron
The detailed experimental data and fitting curves of their Rietveld could be clearly observed in both Fig. 4(a) and (b), which is very
results have been provided as supplementary information (Fig. s3). different with that in the R3m and Amm2 space groups. Actually, the
The calculated crystal structure parameters and phase structure origin of the oxygen octahedron tilting is highly related to the
information with reliability factors are listed in Table 1. Three tolerance factor:
phases (rhombohedral-R3m, orthorhombic-Amm2, and tetragonal-
Fig. 2. (a)e(g) Temperature-dependent dielectric constant of the KNNS-xLNNS-BNZ-CT ceramics, measured at 1 kHz, 10 kHz and 100 kHz in the temperature range of 90e380 C,
insets in (f) and (g) are their enlarged Curie peak, (h) Curie temperature and polymorphic phase boundary temperature as a function of x.
Z. Tan et al. / Journal of Materiomics 5 (2019) 372e384 375
Table 1
Crystal structure parameters of KNNS-xLNNS-BNZ-CT ceramics powders.
Fig. 3. Crystal structures of the KNNS-xLNNS-BNZ-CT ceramics with x ¼ 0, (a) rhombohedral - R3m, (b) orthorhombic - Amm2, (c) tetragonal - P4mm.
376 Z. Tan et al. / Journal of Materiomics 5 (2019) 372e384
Fig. 4. Crystal structures of the KNNS-xLNNS-BNZ-CT ceramics with x ¼ 1, (a) rhombohedral (characterized by hexagonal unit) - R3c, (b) orthorhombic e P21ma.
are attributed to the smaller radii of Liþ and Naþ than that of Kþ.
Fig. 5 can help us to understand why oxygen octahedron tilts in
r þ rO
t ¼ pffiffiffi A ; (1) the perovskite structure. It is well known that potential energy is a
2ðrB þ rO Þ function of the distance in two atoms system, whose relationship is
shown in Fig. 5(b) (r0 is the equilibrium distance corresponding the
where rA, rB and rO denote radii of A, B cations and O anions, lowest value of potential energy). There is a similar situation be-
respectively [26]. Generally, for a centrosymmetric perovskite, the tween cation and anion. When the distance is large, the ions will be
tilting of oxygen octahedron will not occur when t is around 1 [21]. attracted each other electronically. Conversely, the ions will be
However, if t is smaller than 1 and the deviation is relatively large, repulsive when the ions are too close due to the restriction of ion
A-O bonds are tensed while B-O bonds are compressed, resulting in size. Fig. 5(a) illustrates the crystal structure of KNN, where the O2
the tilting of oxygen octahedron and the bending of B-O-B bonds is located at the center of four A-site atoms, and d is the distance
[17]. Such distortion will give rise to stacking along rotate direction from A1 to A2. Obviously, the potential energy u(r) is symmetric
[27]. It was reported that the tilting usually happens when along d direction from A1 to A2. Therefore, there are two cases for
t 0.9825 in some perovskite compounds [21]. In this work, the the curves of u(r) vs. r. The u(r) gets local minimum in the middle
calculated values of t are 1.010, 1.000, 0.984, 0.969, 0.959 for x ¼ 0.0, point (d/2) when d 2r0 as shown in Fig. 5(c), which refers to the
0.2, 0.5, 0.8, 1.0, respectively. The continuously decreased values of t
Fig. 5. Illustration for the oxygen octahedral tilting, (a) crystal structure of KNN, d is the distance between A1 and A2; (b) potential energy u(r) as a function of interatomic separation
r in the two atoms system, r0 is the equilibrium internuclear distance; (c) the potential energy distribution for O2 from A1 to A2 in the case of d 2r0; (d) the potential energy
distribution for O2 from A1 to A2 in the case of d > 2r0.
Z. Tan et al. / Journal of Materiomics 5 (2019) 372e384 377
case that A-site atoms have a larger size (a larger A-site cation will polarizability (ai) is proportional to the cube of the sum of the
give rise to a larger r0). However, once d > 2r0, u(r) has two local radius concerning positive ions and negative ions [33]. Since the
minimums which are symmetrically distributed around the middle radius of (Li0.15Na0.85)þ is smaller than that of (K0.5Na0.5)þ, the
line. This result shows the middle state is a non-equilibrium posi- dielectric permittivity of KNN-based ceramics decreases with
tion for the O2. The O2 tends to shift left or right to meet the increasing doping content of LNN (x). In addition, the ionic
condition and then get the lowest local potential. For the displacement polarizability of solid dielectric is also related to the
perovskite-type compounds, a smaller A-site ion results in a ionic polarizability of constituent ions. (Li0.15Na0.85)þ has a lower
smaller tolerance factor t, and the tilting of oxygen octahedron can polarizability than (K0.5Na0.5)þ
þ 3 þ 3
be confirmed experimentally at t 0.9825 in the perovskite (a(Li ) ¼ 0.029 Å <a(K ) ¼ 0.839 Å ), which contributes to the
structure [19]. Therefore, as expected, the space symmetry of decrease of dielectric permittivity based on the analysis of the
KNNS-xLNNS-BNZ-CT changes at x ¼ 0.5 because t is close to Clausius-Mossotti Equation [34]. Additionally, the microstructure,
0.9825. The oxygen octahedron of R3c shows an antiphase tilting particularly to the grain size, have a huge influence on dielectric
described by Glazer notation a-a-a- tilt system [28]. On the contrary, permittivity [35]. It is well known that dielectric permittivity of
the space group of P21ma shows the antiphase tilting at the a-c ceramics with the Schottky barrier of the grain boundary can be
plane, but an inphase tilting pattern can be found along the b-axis affected by the grain size and the barrier width as [36].
(described as a-a-cþ) [29e31]. All the large tilting angle of oxygen
octahedron can be seen clearly in Fig. 4. 0 d
ε ¼ εB ; (3)
In Fig. 3, the relative ionic displacements of R3m, Amm2 and tB
P4mm are easily observed, showing some different directions of
spontaneous polarization (Ps) for the three kinds of phase struc- where the d is the grain size and the tB is the internal permittivity of
tures, which have been indicated in their structure diagrams. barrier boundary. Therefore, the decrease of grain size will result in
However, the structures of R3c and P21ma are relatively complex the decline of the dielectric constant, which is consist with the
and it is difficult to directly define the direction of spontaneous change of the average grain size in Fig. s5.
polarization. Considering that the spontaneous polarization (Ps) is Further, the frequency-dependent ac conductivity could be
mainly attributed to the ion pair of Nb5þ/O2, the distances be- given by
tween Nb5þ and O2 in some oxygen octahedron can be measured
to determine the directions of Ps. In R3c, Fig. 4(a) shows that Ps is sac ¼ ε0 ε utand; (4)
along [001] direction due to d1 ¼ d2 ¼ d3>d4 ¼ d5 ¼ d6. On the one
hand, in P21ma, the adjacent oxygen octahedral with respect to here, sac is the real part of ac conductivity and u is angular fre-
(020) plane is mirror-symmetric. Therefore, there is no component quency [37]. Fig. 6(b) displays the frequency dependence of sac of
of Ps along b-axis even though d1sd2. On the other hand, the O KNNS-xLNNS-BNZ-CT ceramics with different x at room tempera-
atoms occupy the internal coordinates of z, -z, 1-z and 1 þ z, while ture. It can be seen that sac decreases with varied x at a certain
the Nb atoms occupy the internal coordinates of z and 1-z in c di- frequency, especially a decrease of two orders of magnitude in the
rection. The above facts show the direction of Ps along a-axis [100]. ceramics with x ¼ 0.8 and 1, which may be attributed to the
According to the refinement results, the obtained atomic positions increasing oxygen octahedral tilting. The tilting can reduce the
and lattice parameters are taken to calculate the octahedron tilting overlap between the Nb d and O 2p orbitals, therefore, leading to a
angle u and the spontaneous polarization Ps (Table 1) for the KNNS- higher bandgap for the perovskite oxides [19]. Consequently, the
xLNNS-BNZ-CT ceramics with x ¼ 0 to 1. The spontaneous polari- ceramics with x ¼ 0.8 and 1 present a lower intrinsic conductivity.
zation is estimated by Fig. 7(a)-(g) show the hysteresis loops of KNNS-xLNNS-BNZ-CT
ceramics. These ceramics are measured under different electric
fields according to their different dielectric breakdown strength
e X 00 (DBS) and coercive electric field (EC). Generally, the DBS of dielectric
Ps ¼ z Di; (2)
V i i bulk ceramic materials is related to their microstructure features,
including grain size, porosity, grain boundary and so on [38].
where V is the unit cell volume; e is the electron charge; Di is the Among these factors, the grain size plays a major role in the DBS of
shifts of ith atom along the ferroelectric axis; zi is the nominal ionic dielectric ceramics. The smaller grain size usually presents a higher
valence [32]. DBS. In this work, the details about grain sizes and their distribu-
In Fig. 6(a), the frequency dependence of dielectric properties of tion of KNNS-xLNNS-BNZ-CT ceramics have been provided in sup-
KNNS-xLNNS-BNZ-CT ceramics are investigated at room tempera- plementary information (Fig. s4 and Fig. s5). The grain size
ture. It is found that the dielectric permittivity of KNNS-xLNNS- decreases gradually with increasing x, so that the hysteresis loops of
BNZ-CT ceramics depends on not only composition but also fre- KNNS-xLNNS-BNZ-CT ceramics could be measured under a higher
quency. The ceramics with lower LNN content exhibit higher electric field when the value of x becomes larger. To further
dielectric permittivity but poorer frequency stability. In contrary, investigate the ferroelectric properties of KNNS-xLNNS-BNZ-CT
relatively low but almost frequency-independent permittivity ceramics, the plotting of remanent polarization (Pr) and coercive
curves (ε0 ) are observed in the ceramics with higher LNNS content electric field (EC) vs. x are depicted in Fig. 7(h). As can be seen, Pr
(x ¼ 0.8 and 1). The decrease of dielectric permittivity with firstly decreases from x ¼ 0 to 0.4, and then increases from x ¼ 0.4
increasing x can be attributed to several reasons. Generally, for to 0.8, finally drops down at x ¼ 1. The Pr is given to a minimum
ferroelectric ceramics, the static dielectric permittivity derives from value of 15.1mC/cm2 at x ¼ 0.4, which mainly be attributed to its
electronic displacement polarization, ionic displacement polariza- unique crystal structure. As shown in Table 1, the tetragonal phase
tion, and dipole orientation polarization (temperature-indepen- of P4mm usually has a lower polarization value than orthorhombic
dence) [33]. At the constant temperature, the replacement of and rhombohedral ones. The internal physical mechanism is that
(Li0.15Na0.85)þ for (K0.5Na0.5)þ tends to decrease the electron the displacement of Nb5þ is just along z-axis and only two oxygen
displacement polarizability (ae) because of their small electron atoms contribute to the polarization in an oxygen octahedron. The
orbital radius. And for isovalent ions, the ionic displacement ceramics with x ¼ 0.2 and 0.4 contain the most of tetragonal
378 Z. Tan et al. / Journal of Materiomics 5 (2019) 372e384
Fig. 6. Frequency dependences of (a) real part ε0 of dielectric permittivity and (b) real part of ac conductivity of KNNS-xLNNS-BNZ-CT ceramics at room temperature.
Fig. 7. (a)e(g) Hysteresis loops of KNNS-xLNNS-BNZ-CT ceramics, measured at room temperature and 10Hz, (h) is the Pr and EC values vs. x.
structure (showing low PBB in Fig. 2), resulting in the lower po- effect. The mobility of domain wall will be restricted by the grain
larization. This change of polarization is also in good agreement boundary, so that the decreased grain size gives rise to an
with the variation of calculated spontaneous polarization (Ps, increasing EC [39,40]. (Ⅱ) Crystal symmetry. High symmetry of
shown in Table 1). The EC increases monotonically with increasing crystal structure can reduce the anisotropy of crystal, and decrease
x, which may be probably due to the following factors: (Ⅰ) Grain size the energy barrier between two polarization directions. In this
Z. Tan et al. / Journal of Materiomics 5 (2019) 372e384 379
work, all space groups of R3m, Amm2, and P4mm have a higher of the two ceramics, the PFM images marked with rectangle and
symmetry than P21ma and R3c. (Ⅲ) The more distorted and com- circle in Fig. 8(b) are amplified as shown in Fig. 8 (c). For the KNN
pacted crystal lattice make ions become tighter and difficult to ceramics, one can see that a large number of lamellar domains with
move. As a result, the higher external electric field is required to lengths of several micrometers and widths of hundreds of nano-
rearrange the polarization. meters dominate the domain structures. Besides, some nano-
The piezoelectric properties of KNNS-xLNNS-BNZ-CT ceramics, domains can also be observed in the sample. This kind of sub-
with 5 samples for each composition, have been investigated using micron domain and nanodomain structures have widely been
the quasi-static method (d33) and piezoelectric resonance method found in several piezoelectric materials, especially for some ma-
(kp and Qm) as shown in Fig. 8. Both d33 and kp values decrease with terials at the MPB composition [41e43]. The lamellar domain
the increase of x, exhibiting the maximum value at x ¼ 0 structure is considered to present lower domain wall energy and
(d33 ¼ 350 pC/N and kp ¼ 0.412) and the minimum value at x ¼ 1 favorable polarization rotation under an external field [44], which
(d33 ¼ 45 pC/N and kp ¼ 0.148). The high d33 and kp of x ¼ 0 can be contributes to a high piezoelectric performance of ceramics. To
attributed to the large grain size and the formation of PBB at room illustrate the domain switching behaviors of ceramics, the
temperature in KNN-based piezoceramics. The low piezoelectric switching spectroscopy PFM (SSPFM) with a DC voltage (20V) is
properties of x ¼ 1 can be attributed to the intrinsic characteristic of performed as shown in Fig. 8(d). Expectedly, the typical and satu-
LNN-based ceramics, as the some reports [16e18]. However, a rated PFM hysteresis and butterfly loops are observed, which in-
contrary change tendency could be observed for Qm, exhibiting the dicates that the ferroelectric domain has been switched under an
minimum value at x ¼ 0 (Qm ¼ 49) and the maximum value at x ¼ 1 external field and present a better piezoelectric properties. As for
(Qm ¼ 473). The vertical PFM is carried out to investigate the the LNN ceramics, the domains with size of around 3 mm are
microstructural evolution mechanism. The contact mode is used distributed into the grains. Generally, such irregular domains are
firstly to obtain a better topography image (20 20 mm), and then disadvantaged of the polarization switching of ferroelectric mate-
this area is scanned with an AC voltage (1V) to get the piezoelectric rials, which can be manifested by the unsaturated PFM hysteresis
response images as shown in Fig. 8(b). Obviously, the two typical and butterfly loops obtained from the SSPFM results of LNN ce-
ceramics with x ¼ 0 (KNN) and x ¼ 1 (LNN) present the totally ramics in Fig. 8(d). The ferroic domains of LNN ceramics are hard to
different PFM results. To further characterize the domain structures be switched under an external field, which is also agreement with
Fig. 8. Piezoelectric properties and PFM mappings of the KNNS-xLNNS-BNZ-CT ceramics, (a) Piezoelectric constant d33, electromechanical coupling factors kp, and mechanical
quality factor Qm with error bars as a function of x, (b) the PFM images of ceramics with x ¼ 0 (KNN) and x ¼ 1 (LNN), (c) the local amplified PFM images marked with rectangle and
circle in Fig. 8(b), (d) the SSPFM images.
380 Z. Tan et al. / Journal of Materiomics 5 (2019) 372e384
the result of its largest coercive electric field obtained from P-E considered as the plastic deformation zone, while the crack growth
loops in Fig. 7. Besides, in terms of the inner physical mechanism, outside is related to the elastic deformation according to the me-
the ions are bound by deeper potential well because of compact chanical model of sharp indenter of brittle materials [46]. This kind
crystal lattice (per pseudo-cubic unit cell) and larger tortuosity of of reversible (elastic deformation) and residual (plastic deforma-
oxygen octahedron of LNN ceramics, and then the domains are tion) part play a significant role to the hardness (H) and fracture
pinned at macroscopic level, which extremely weakens the con- toughness (KIC) of materials, which can be determined by following
sumption of domain motion at the AC field and depresses the formulas [47],
piezoelectric properties [45]. As a result, the piezoelectric proper-
ties are deteriorated compared with the more KNN content P
ceramics. H ¼ 0:4636 ; (5)
Additionally, an abnormal value at x ¼ 0.5 can be found in Fig. 8
(a), which might result from the formation of new ferro-
ferroelectric phase boundary at room temperature. The ferro- Y P
ferroelectric phase boundary makes lower potential barrier be- KIC ¼ 0:016 ; (6)
H C 3=2
tween different polarization directions, the easier orientation can
not only improve d33 value but also increase the consumption of where, P is applied load (here it is 19.6 N), a is the average radius of
domain motion (corresponding to the relatively low Qm). The more rhombic indentation, Y is the Young's modulus shown in Table. s1
detailed piezoelectric and elastic parameters are listed in supple- (Y E11 ), and C is the length of crack measured form center of the
mentary information (Table s1 and s2), which provide a reference indentation. The detailed geometry pattern of cracks are depicted
for the future theoretical analysis and practical applications. in Fig. 9(a). According to Eqs. (5) and (6), the hardness and fracture
Fig. 9 shows the mechanical properties of KNNS-xLNNS-BNZ-CT toughness of KNNS-xLNNS-BNZ-CT ceramics as a function of x are
ceramics. The typical pattern of the indentation and cracks pro- shown in Fig. 9(b). Obviously, the ceramic with x ¼ 1 obtains the
duced beneath the Vickers diamond indenter are displayed in highest hardness of 4.88 GPa, while the lower hardness is given to
Fig. 9(a). It can be seen that the symmetric rhombic indentation is those ceramics with coarse grains, which can be explained by the
formed on the surface of ceramics and four cracks extend straightly Hall-Petch equation (H ¼ H0 þ kd1=2 , where H0 and k are material
along the diagonal direction of rhombic indentation simulta- constants, d is the grain size of materials) [48], indicating that the
neously. Generally, the area within the rhombic indentation is fine-grained materials are supposed to have a high hardness
Fig. 9. The mechanical properties of KNNS-xLNNS-BNZ-CT ceramics as a function of x, (a) indentation pattern (x ¼ 1), (b) the hardness and fracture toughness, (c) Stress-strain
curves and ferroelastic deformation, (d) bending strengths and compression strengths.
Z. Tan et al. / Journal of Materiomics 5 (2019) 372e384 381
corresponding to the weak plastic deformation of rhombic inden- degeneration and unable to bear further crack propagation and
tation. On the other hand, the fracture toughness presents a sig- eventually fractures as shown by inserted picture (Ⅱ) in Fig. 9 (c).
nificant variation trend with the content of x. The highest fracture The compression strengths of KNNS-xLNNS-BNZ-CT ceramics
toughness of 3.04 MPa m1/2 is obtained for ceramics with x ¼ 0.8. obtained from stress-stain curves are shown in Fig. 9(d). The lowest
The fracture toughness, as a characterization of the ability to value of compression strength of 318 MPa is obtained for the typical
impede cracks growth of materials, is related to both of elastic KNN ceramics, while the typical LNN ceramics have the highest
deformation (Young's modulus) and plastic deformation (Hard- compression strength of 788 MPa, which is over twice times than
ness). The higher Young's modulus and Hardness of ceramics with the former. As we know, the micro defects including microcracks
x ¼ 0.8 contribute to its highest fracture toughness. Besides, the and pores have vital effects on the compression strength, and less
coarse grains in the ceramics with x ¼ 0.8 [Fig. s4(d)] are also defects lead to higher compression strength. Besides, the
related to another toughen mechanism of materials. Coarse grains compression strength also depends on the grain size of brittle
existing in the matrix tend to resist the crack propagation and materials. Fine grain size expects to exhibit large compression
toughen the materials based on the mechanism of crack deflection strength [53]. Therefore, the ceramic with x ¼ 1 presents the best
[49], which is illustrated by the model of inserted figure in Fig. 9 (b). compression strength benefited from its least defects (low dielec-
The crack will change the previous route of approximately straight tric loss) and smallest grain size. On the other hand, the bending
extending when runs into the coarse grains, which could absorb strengths of KNNS-xLNNS-BNZ-CT ceramics are also displayed in
much energy of crack propagation leading to the crack thinner and Fig. 9(d). It can be seen that the bending strength presents an up-
decrease the length of crack propagation (L) as well as improve the trend with the increasing content of x. Similarly, the typical LNN
fracture toughness. However, the ceramic with x ¼ 1 with the ceramic gains the highest bending strength of 125 MPa, while the
highest Young's modulus and Hardness obtains a lower fracture typical KNN ceramic obtains the lowest bending strength of
toughness of 1.99 MPa m1/2, which may be attributed to lacking 36 MPa. In fact, the bending strength of ceramics can be described
toughening mechanism of coarse grains due to its small and uni- by the following equation [54],
form grains or unfavorable and unstable local microstructure
leading to the local failure shown in Fig. 9 (a) when subjected to the K
sb ¼ p
ffiffiffi ; (7)
crack propagation of indentation cracks. j c
Fig. 9(c) describes the stress-strain curves of KNNS-xLNNS-BNZ-
CT ceramics under a uniaxial compression loading. For each stress- where, j is the parameter dependent on the crack or sample ge-
strain curve, nonlinear region and linear region are formed during ometries; c is the critical crack length, which generally is propor-
subjected to the compressive load, corresponding to the ferroelastic tional to the grain size in ferroelectric ceramics [50]. The equation
deformation and elastic deformation of materials, respectively [50]. manifests that the reduction in grain size can improve bending
The nonlinear ferroelastic deformation could be induced by the strength, and fracture toughness also has a great influence on
ferroelastic domains switching when the compression loads bending strength. Therefore, the typical LNN ceramic with x ¼ 1.0
exerting on the samples surpass the coercive stress of domains. In with the smallest grain size are supposed to obtain higher bending
order to further expound these, a dramatic model is shown by the strength. However, the ceramic with x ¼ 0.8 with the highest
inserted picture (Ⅰ) in Fig. 9 (c), which based on the fact that the fracture toughness and relative smaller grain size could not obtain
spontaneous polarization direction of ferroelastic domains would the highest bending strength, which may mainly be attributed to
be forced to be lying on the plane normal to the compression di- the effect of coarse grain in the matrix and a sort of competition
rection due to certain ions rescheduling the new equilibrium po- mechanisms between fracture toughness and inhomogenous grain
sitions as the ferroelastic deformation happened [51]. Therefore, a sizes for dominating the bending strength of ceramics.
small stress increment in this process could give rise to the large The KNN ceramic can obtain excellent electrical properties but a
strain because of the domain switching and reorientation, which is feeble mechanical strength, while the LNN ceramic presents con-
also the reason why domain switching is regarded as another trary properties. The huge differences between electrical and me-
toughen mechanism for piezoceramics materials. It can be seen chanical properties of KNNS-xLNNS-BNZ-CT ceramics can be
that the ceramics with x ¼ 0.8 seems to have the largest macro- explained through the constitutive relationship of stress-stain in
scopic remnant strain induced by domain switching, which may piezoelectric physical mechanism. Generally, the polarization of
result from an easy switching process of its unique domain struc- alkali niobate-based piezoelectric materials is mainly contributed
tures, and the preeminent domain toughen behaviors also by the pairs of Nb5þ/O2 because of their larger ionic charge than
contribute to its best fracture toughness shown in Fig. 9 (b). In that of A-site ion. However, this work shows that even isovalent A-
addition, several microcracks could be formed due to the inner site replacement can also affect the piezoelectric and mechanical
stress mismatch (such as discordant twinning shear) induced properties significantly. The substitution of (Li0.15Na0.85)þ with
during the process of domain switching [52]. On the other hand, lower ionic radius decreases the lattice volume per pseudocubic
more or less curve discontinuity (load drop) behaviors are shown in unit cell (Table 1) and gives rise to the oxygen octahedron tilting.
certain stress-strain curves, which may be attributed to the local These changes make the crystal become more compact, and the
failure when subjected to a larger external stress. After the inner ions will be restricted by shorter and stronger bonds, which
nonlinear ferroelastic deformation is completed, the material starts are supposed to lead to a better intrinsic mechanical strength.
to express more stiffness and presents a linear elastic deformation Hence, in this kind of compact structure, a constant stress s will
with the increase of stress. In this section, the intrinsic microcracks yield a smaller strain h, and their relationship can be expressed by
(formed during sintering process), the extrinsic microcracks (pro- Hook's law,
duced by domain reorientation), and other defects (such as impu-
rities or pores) as the potential crack initiation origins play X
si ¼ Cij hj ; (8)
important roles to the failure of materials. Then, the crack initiates
and propagates rapidly to form the main crack, and sequentially the
sample occurs to the axial flurry due to the mechanical strength where Cij is the elastic stiffness tensor. The equation shows that Cij
382 Z. Tan et al. / Journal of Materiomics 5 (2019) 372e384
Fig. 10. Illustration for the influence of A-site replacement and the results that applying constant stress for different structures. DP3 is the change value of polarization along z
will be increased and ceramics become harder with increasing LNN by conventional solid-state reaction method. Their phase struc-
content, which is consistent with our results in Table s1 of tures, microstructures, dielectricity, ferroelectricity, piezoelectricity
supplementary information and Fig. 9(b). We also use first- and mechanical properties have been comprehensively studied.
principle method to check the relationship of Cij and lattice pa- Rietveld refinement results on XRD patterns suggest the ceramics
rameters. The results of calculation support our inference (the undergo several ferro-ferroelectric phase transitions with
related computational method and results are shown in increasing LNN content. Moreover, the oxygen octahedron tilting
supplementary Table s3 and s4). On the other hand, although the occurs when x > 0.5 and the tilting angle increases with further
ceramics with high LNN content show higher spontaneous polari- increasing LNN content, which can be attributed to the potential
zation shown in Table 1, the piezoelectric constant d33 gradually energy field changing caused by the gradually decreased grain size
decreases with increasing x. The piezoelectric stress constant d33 is of A-site atom. Although multi-phase coexistence can be found in
described by differentiating equation as certain composition, the compressed crystal lattice still gives rise to
the decreased dielectric constant at high level of LNN content. The
vP3 change of piezoelectric constant is similar to dielectric constant
d33 ¼ ; (9)
vs 3 except for the one with x ¼ 0.5, the abnormal piezoelectric constant
owes to the formation of ferro-ferroelectric phase boundary.
where P3 is polarization along z direction; s3 is the stress along z Moreover, the strongly restricted ions make the pinned domains, so
direction and applied on the plane normal to the z direction. For the that the Qm increases rapidly when x > 0.5. As for mechanical be-
ceramics with higher LNN content, a constant stress s3 just yield haviors, ferroelastic deformation is observed in these samples, and
smaller strain in z direction because of higher elastic stiffness the mechanical properties such as hardness, fracture toughness,
constant. Subsequently, the smaller strain leads to smaller change bending strength, and compression strength show a significant
in the P3, so that the smaller d33 can be found. The related illus- change tendency with increasing content of x, while KNN ceramic
trations have been shown in Fig. 10, which can help us to better presents a feeble mechanical strength in all. The decreased lattice
understand the relationship of structural, mechanical and piezo- parameters and titled oxygen octahedron result in a compact
electric properties in the alkali niobate-based piezoelectric ce- structure at high LNN level because of the small radius of
ramics. This research demonstrates that the small A-site cation can (Li0.15Na0.85)þ. Then the shorter and stronger bands could greatly
compress the lattice volume and improve the intrinsic mechanical prevent the deformation when the sample is under the pressure, so
strength in niobate-based piezoelectric materials. Meanwhile, the that the large intrinsic hardness could be found when x increases.
improved intrinsic mechanical properties also suppress the piezo- This increased hardness, in turn, yields the small change of polar-
electricity. This result also shows the high piezoelectric properties ization when sample is under a constant stress. In other words, the
and good mechanical properties are hard to obtain simultaneously increased intrinsic hardness gives rise to the suppressed piezo-
in the same materials, and it may be found that their balance is electric constant d33.
more reasonable for practical piezoelectric applications. In short, our work reveals there are strongly relationship be-
tween crystal structure, piezoelectric properties and mechanical
properties in niobate system piezoelectric ceramics. The evolutions
4. Conclusion of phase structure, dielectricity, piezoelectricity and mechanical
properties from KNN to LNN-based ceramics have been
A series of KNNS-xLNNS-BNZ-CT ceramics have been prepared
Z. Tan et al. / Journal of Materiomics 5 (2019) 372e384 383
demonstrated in this paper, and the inner physical mechanism also behaviors in perovskite oxides by oxygen octahedral tilting. Sci. China. Mater.
has been discussed. We hope it can help us to further understand
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Prof Jianguo Zhu Jianguo Zhu received his MS degree in lowed by postdoctoral experience in Faculty of Engineer-
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ated professor and professor, respectively. His research He received the Excellent Young Teachers Program Award
interests mainly focus on the controllable-synthesis, char- in 2003, New Century Excellent Talents Program Award in
acterization and properties of ferroelectric, piezoelectric 2005, First class Natural Science Award of Research in
and dielectric functional materials. Zhu is the author of 2006 from National Ministry of Education, and the special
over 300 peer-reviewed articles, 9 books and over 20 Chi- award of Chinese Central Government in 2008.
nese patents and has given about 50 invited lectures in
various meetings and conferences.