(Revised 2021)
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Session 1
Session 2
Session 3
Session 4
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The IFP Modules 2021 for students (Grades 3 to 12) are designed as a
series of ten modules with four (4) sessions to be given by year level.
The time frame for each session is one (1) hour, however if the school
allows, the facilitator may extend the time to have more activities,
reflection and faith sharing. The modules focus on the family
background, vocation, mission, qualities, virtues and values of Mother
Ignacia and its relevance to the present reality in our society and
concerns of our students.
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This revised IFP modules 2021 follow the acronym of IGNACIAN as its
format adopted from the templates of holiness presented by M. Ma.
Coranzon D. Agda, RVM in her inspirational talk during the Christian
Formation Coordinators’ National Convention 2020 with some
modifications to harmonize with the RVM Pedagogy.
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It involve participants in real life situations in
the community, reach out and apply their
theories in real situations, and find out how
students internalize theory and practice.
N Application of
It is a lasting impression in relation to life,
Insights Gained
leading to possible and positive change in
ways of looking at things and in their way of
May this revised IFP modules 2021 continue to nurture the Students and
Lay Personnel’s Ignacian Spirituality in their participation in the RVM
mission of spreading the fragrance of God’s unconditional love,
compassion and mercy amidst these challenging times.
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INTRODUCTION (Preliminaries)
Opening Activity/Prayer:
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NEW KNOWLEDGE (facts, primary and broadened concept)
A. Concept
“Anyone among you who aspires to greatness must
serve the rest, and whoever wants to rank first among
you must serve the needs of all. (Mt. 20:26-27).
The poor and humble Christ was her model and
teacher in prayer and practices of penance and
mortifications. (A Lamp to our Path, page 39)
Mother Ignacia’s simplicity was manifested by leaving
the comfort of her family and obeying the call of God
bringing with her a pair of scissors and a needle.
Mother Ignacia was steadfast in her decision to follow
Christ in poverty and humility. (A Lamp to our Path,
page 43)
Excerpts from the 1726 rules of M. Ignacia del Espiritu
Santo, in charity and ideal community living, II.6- the
peacemakers are called children of God; they are
those who live united among themselves with genuine
charity, mutually bear with shortcomings, and strive to
correct each other with meekness, not in order to
avenge the offense but to avoid that of God. II.18-
Conquer yourself in all things and you will quickly
attain the perfection of virtue. Do not complain of
nothing, but of the small extent that you progress and
advance and in the service of God.
The deep humility when she step down her position as
superior of the community allowing the new member
to rule the Beaterio while remaining a simple member.
B. Broadened Concept:
In a papal decree dated July 6, 2007, Pope Benedict XVI
accepted the findings of the prefect of the Congregation
for the Causes of Saints and declared that the Servant of
God Ignacia, foundress of the Religious of the Blessed
Virgin Mary, is found to possess to a heroic degree the
theological virtues of Faith, Hope and Charity toward God
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and neighbor, as well as the cardinal virtues of Prudence,
Justice, Temperance and Fortitude.
How can Mother Ignacia’s cardinal and theological
virtues encourage us Marians and the Filipino people
to live a life of holiness?
Is Mother Ignacia’s virtuous life still significant in
today’s highly advanced technological society? Why
or why not?
Imagine you have reached the end of your life.
Write your own epitaph, the description of how you
have lived your life.
What do you think others say about you?
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INTRODUCTION (Preliminaries)
Opening Activity/Prayer:
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Terminal Objectives (Goal): At the end of the session, the
students will be able to imitate Mother Ignacia’s way
of life, its impact to the young and sustain it by living
out a virtuous life.
D. Broadened Concept:
There are two great women in ninetieth Mother Theresa
and Princess Diana. Mother Teresa saw the suffering
around her and sought to reach out to the poorest of the
poor making them feel a sense of dignity in their most
abject condition. Princess Diana experienced suffering
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herself and opened her heart to the pains and afflictions
of other people, especially the handicapped. Unlike
Mother Teresa and Princess Diana, Mother Ignacia was a
hidden figure, an elusive personality, whose story we
want to recover from the dustbin of history. Yet, like
these two women of our times, Mother Ignacia worked
for the uplifment of woman’s dignity. Like their deaths,
hers brought about meeting of peoples of different
classes, statuses, races. Murillo Vellarde tells us that
Mother Ignacia was “honored at her burial… by some
ecclesiastics and Spaniards who carried her coffin”. The
throng of people at her burial were composed of natives,
Chinese, mestizas, Spaniards of whatever rank or status
in society. The recognition that was denied Mother
Ignacia while she was alive was given her at her death.
The effect of her death can be compared to that of
Princess Diana’s-the coming together of different kinds of
people, the breaking of age-old traditions that put
barriers between people in terms of social status,
privilege and rank. Mother Ignacia poses a challenge in
much the same way as Mother Teresa and Princess
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How can you as digital natives relate your life to
Mother Ignacia’s life?
What is the possible effect in your life if you imitate
the examples of Mother Ignacia?
List down at least two issues to which you can respond
Issues Response
Social Integration:
In the midst of example hunger, difficulties and pain
and struggling economy, how can you be an
instrument of being a good role model to other
people especially to your fellow youth?
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Faith Reflection/Faith Sharing
Using your journal notebook, write an essay of your
appreciation and a prayer of gratitude on how you
have been influenced and challenged by the life of
Mother Ignacia.
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INTRODUCTION (Preliminaries)
Opening Activity/Prayer:
Song Analysis: Mother Ignacia and the Beatas (SAP #361)
What struck you from the song?
What is the message of the song?
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NEW KNOWLEDGE (facts, primary and broadened concept)
A. Concept
Mother Ignacia’s goal of living in the service of God is not
an easy task. But because she has a great love for the
good of souls, she and her beatas overcame the
difficulties they met from the very foundation of the
Beaterio. They blazed the trail for religious women by
serving the Lord not just through contemplation inside
the convent but by engaging in apostolic activities. They
taught home arts and religion to women and basic
Christina Education (Cartilla) and Catechism to children.
They helped the Jesuits in giving retreats to women
including Spanish ladies. They also took care of women
whose husbands were away or widows who wanted to
lead a quiet life (recogidas). They went to the barrios and
conducted “mission” to the poor, they also took care of
orphans like those from Tamontacca. Mother Ignacia’s
pioneering works/ service continued to flourish despite
the challenges of the new millennium. Her works became
organized ministries that provided significant
contributions not only in the Philippine society but also in
other parts of the world.
B. Broadened Concept:
How do Mother Ignacia’s selfless giving of life
encourage us to share our self in the service of our
fellow humans?
What are the noble contributions of Mother Ignacia’s
life of service to our society today?
How can Mother Ignacia’s love for service be an
example to all Filipinos in taking care of God’s
Make a PLAN OF ACTION of how you can be of help in the
household chores, to each member of the family and in the
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Faith Reflection/Faith Sharing
Compose a short prayer asking God’s grace to emulate
Mother Ignacia’s life of service. Then share afterwards.
(with instrumental background music).
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INTRODUCTION (Preliminaries)
Opening Activity/Prayer:
Reflection on an inspiring video on leadership:
Loving God and Father, in every age You call leaders to
serve Your people by drawing them to true knowledge of
You and Your plan for the human community and the
whole world. Enable each one of us to serve You through
leadership. Help us to lead with a servant’s heart. May
Mother Ignacia be our example and guide. Amen.
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Terminal Objectives (Goal): At the end of the session, the
students will be able to emulate Mother Ignacia’s
example of leadership by voluntarily sharing their
time, talents/gifts, and treasures in the service of
others especially those in need.
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B. Broadened Concept:
Guide questions:
What could have happened if Mother Ignacia did
not respond to the call of her time especially by
being a leader?
How can Mother Ignacia’s style of leadership
transform our society today?
Like Mother Ignacia, how will you lead in order to
bring transformation in your family, school and
Essay writing: Make an essay on how you can be an effective
leader in your own way.
Social Integration:
How can the leadership example of Mother Ignacia
influence other leaders in order to uplift the dignity of
women, children, the poor and the underprivileged?
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Faith Reflection/Faith Sharing
Journal writing: “I lead. I serve. I inspire.”
Co, S. Ma. Anicia, RVM. Mother Ignacia del Espiritu
Santo, A Lamp to Our Path, 1998
Ignacian Formation Program Module for High School,
Ignacian Formation Program Module for the Youth, 2008
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