1 VALUES A Course Syllabus 2nd Sem

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Course Code MC VED 6 Program BEED Major in Values

and Title: Education

(Filipino Values System)
Term Second Semester, SY 2021- Class Schedule MWF (5:30 - 7:00 PM)
Credit 3 Pre-Requisite/s None
DARAGA COMMUNITY Course BSED Values Education Type of Course Lecture
COLLEGE Placement
Name of CHERYLL L. MAROLLANO Consultation Hours M&W (5:30 – 7:00 PM)
Salvacion, Daraga, Albay Instructor
Contact Details cheryll.marollano002@deped.gov.ph Office Designation Part-time Instructor
Vision Mission

The attainment of globally competitive Filipinos through quality and excellent education, To produce quality, relevant, and productive graduates
relevant and responsive to changing environment, accessible and equitable to deserving by employing best practices, imbued with core values of
students, and efficient and effective in optimizing return and benefits. To be globally competitive competence, commitment and spirituality and uphold
and values-motivated institution for social transformation. excellence instruction, research, extension and production for
sustainable socio-economic growth and development.

Professional Competencies

Professional Role : Manager

Professional Responsibilities : Problem-Solving


Professional Task : Identifying and diagnosing problems

Learning Competencies

Skills : Critical Thinking

Problem Solving Skills

Knowledge : Filipino Values System

Attitudes/Values : Analytical Mindset




 Provide a high-quality education to each student; to fully develop his knowledge, desirable values, and skills of learning.
 Provide a safe, disciplined and stimulating environment in which each individual is challenged and enriched by learning within a culture of mutual
 Prepare each student for a fulfilling happy and successful life as an active citizen in a global and sustainable society.
 Engage in positive partnership with all parents to support and recognize each student’s learning development.
 Network with other internal and external stakeholders to support the needs and professional development of the staff and students.
Course Description

This course enables the students to reevaluate his/her understanding of the Filipino values, how these values are affected by the passage of time with the
introduction of modern technology that gives access to globalization. Moreover, the course allows the students to reflect on the significance and relevance of the
Filipino values to the lives of the modern Filipino.
Objectives of the Course:

General: Enable the students to develop a critical thinking and understanding on the Filipino values vis-à-vis the changes in the modern society.

Specific: 1. Review the values kept by the Filipinos in the olden times;

2. Examine the values which are evident in the present time;

3. Evaluate these values by comparing and contrasting and see their relevance and importance in the human life of every Filipino; and

4. Develop a concrete plan of action in the propagation of Filipino values which could help in nation building.

Methodology and Evaluative Measures:

A. Methodology
1. Oral and written report of the topics
2. Powerpoint presentations
3. Group Dynamics

B. Evaluative Measure

1. Term Exams - 40% 3. Written Report - 10% 4. Quizzes - 20%

2. Oral Report - 10% 4. Reaction Paper - 20% TOTAL - 100%

Course Content


I Introduction

1. The Psychology of the Filipino 3. The Bamboo and The Filipino

2. The Positiveness of Filipino Values
II Filipino Values and the Family

1. Filipino Value-Formation in Children

2. Filipino Values and Today’s Youth

III Filipino Values and Education

1. The Value of “Orgullo Nacional”

2. Technology and National Development
3. Brain Drain

IV Filipino Values and Society

1. The Formation of Philippine Society

2. Human Values for Rural Development
3. Towards a Filipino Political and Social System
4. Development for Filipinos
5. Technology Transfer

V Filipino Values, Women and Relationships

1. The Filipina as a Worker 7. Office Courtship

2. Women Executives
3. Love, Sex and Marriage in the Philippine Context
4. Filipino Values Related to Sex
5. Sexual Practices and Problems
6. Filipino Custom of “No Touch”

VI Filipino Values and Discipline IX Filipino Values and Honesty

1. Some Consideration on Discipline 1. Maintain Honesty

2. How to Discipline the Filipino 2. Filipino Values Related to Stealing
3. The Negative and Positive
VII Filipino Values and Property X. The Filipino Value of Shame

1. The Filipino Psychology of Property 1. “Hiya” – Filipino virtue or Vice

2. Filipino Values Related to Property 2. The Positiveness of the Filipino Shame Culture
3. The “Sakop” Value

VIII Filipino Values and Team-Building XI. The Filipino Value of “Pakikisama”

1. The Role of “Bayanihan” in Team Building 1. The Positive Side of “Pakikisama”

2. Filipino Values of Teamwork 2. “Pakikisama” – A Tool for Leadership
3. The Positive Side of “Barkada”


Andres, Tomas D. 1989. Positive Filipino Values. Quezon, City: New Day Publishers

______________. 1980. Understanding Values. Quezon, City: New Day Publishers

Mercado, Leonardo N. 1994. The Filipino Mind: Philippine Philosophical Studies II. Manila: Divine Word Publications.

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