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MNE/GEN 415/ 515 – Rock Excavation

Spring 2003, MWF 3-3:50

Instructor: Sean D. Dessureault
Mines 241C, office hours: 11-12 AM, M W F

Computer skills: office suite, basic CAD, basic knowledge of rock mechanics & geology

Suggested Textbook: Jimeno, Carlos Lopez, Elimilo Lopez Jimeno, and Francisco Javier Ayala
Carcedo, Drilling and Blasting of Rock. Rotterdam: A.A.Blakema,
Translated by Yvonne Visser De Ramiro, 1995, 391p.

Course Description:
This course focuses on the design and process management of rock excavation for both surface
and underground earthmoving projects. This includes both mechanical methods and drilling and
blasting. The applications covered include civil infrastructure development, quarries, and mines.

Educational Goals:
This course is designed to provide students with the basic theories of rock drilling, rock breakage
by both blasting and mechanical excavation techniques, mechanisms of rock fracture, and the
associated social and environmental issues. An additional goal is to provide students with the
techniques and exposure necessary to engineer drilling, blasting, and mechanical rock
excavation systems for mining and construction applications.

Specific Instructional Goals:

This course is intended to have students use realistic industrial open-ended problems as the
basis for a research project, quizzes, and homework assignments. Multidisciplinary student
teams will be responsible for a research project. The teams are to act as a group of project
engineers responsible for the characterization or improvement of excavation practices. A written
project report and oral presentation of the results are expected. Peer evaluations of team
performance in the oral presentations will also be considered. Written assignments are important
as this course is considered to be a writing emphasis course. All students will undertake field trip
reports, assignments, and a research project while graduate credit will require an additional

This course will be taught through a combination of readings (both prepared and from text books),
lectures, field trips, and assignments:
• readings provide the core technical information required to understand and pass the
course. These readings will provide the methodologies for design through descriptions
and examples.
• lectures are designed to provide a forum for discussion, presentation of new
technologies, product videos, and general information not traditionally found in readings.
Lectures do review some basic materials covered in the readings but not in detail.
• Field trips further enrich the course material by witnessing the processes in an operating

The course is organized into modules. Each module will have several sections that include
assigned readings, lectures, guest lectures, and assignments. As this course is being taught for
only the second time by this instructor, not all material is mentioned below or have been

Module 1: Introduction – The introduction will review rock properties that affect excavation,
fragmentation theory, and rock breakage mechanisms.
Module 2: Mechanical Excavation – This module describes the mechanisms used to excavate
rock using mechanical means and the equipment that undertakes the work.
Module 3: Drilling and Blasting Components – This module will review explosives theory and
products, drilling theory, and equipment.
Module 4: Drilling and Blasting Design – This module will provide the theory and practical
aspects of drilling and blasting in underground and surface environments.
Module 5: Applications – This module will review important issues in blast design in a variety of
applications such as environmental considerations and engineered slope stability.

Note that foreign students may not be allowed to participate in some activities as recent
regulations disallow non-employee aliens to handle explosives. These activities will not be
considered for grades.

Tentative Calendar
The exact dates for specific lectures and assignments can be downloaded from the website –
follow the ‘calendar’ link.

Grading: Likely to change

Pts per Total Points Grade distribution

instance Frequency Und. Grad. Und. Grad.
Assignments 100 5 500 500 26% 23%
Professionalism 100 1 100 100 5% 5%
Term Project 400 1 400 400 21% 18%
Quiz 100 2 200 200 11% 9%
Mid-term 300 1 300 300 16% 14%
Final Exam 400 1 400 400 21% 18%
Graduate Project 300 Grad only 300 0% 14%

Grading is as follows (may be altered at semester end):

A = 90-100% B = 80-89% C = 70-79% D = 60-69% E = < 60%

Do not fall behind in the readings. Approximately 2-3 hours/week for each credit hour is the
official standard for the UA.

Quizzes may have questions from material in the readings and lectures. Hence, attendance of at
lectures are mandatory. Absences may be excused after discussion with the instructor
whereupon a digital copy of the PowerPoint sides will be provided. Students with language
challenges can also arrange to procure a digital copy of the slides.
Assignments are due at the BEGINNING of class time of due dates given. Late acceptance
must be pre-arranged 1 day before the homework is due. The UA library has a mining research
specialist that may help students research topics for assignments and projects, ask the librarian
for help.
Professionalism can be considered a ‘participation’ grade. Behavior such as bullying other
students or disrespecting the instructor or fellow classmates will not be tolerated. After 2
warnings, the student will be excused from the class, only to be re-admitted after a meeting with
the department head. A lack of professionalism includes reading the paper in class, undertaking
an assignment (for this class or any other) or having a cell phone ring during lecture.
Participation points are awarded to students who contribute working experiences or constructive
commentary. Those students too shy to contribute to a class discussion can contribute via email.
Term & Graduate projects: term and graduate projects will be explained in a lecture.
Mid-term exam will be held in March during class-time
Final exam will be held in April due to scheduling issues.

Important notes
• All information on this sheet may change at the discretion of the instructor.
• It is the responsibility of the student to add or drop themselves from this class.
• Absences or extensions must be pre-arranged 2 days prior to test date or assignment
due date. Pre-arrangement must be confirmed by the instructor.

Definition: Writing Emphasis Course;

Every undergraduate degree program includes at least one required writing emphasis course.
Writing emphasis courses are regular junior- or senior-level courses in an academic discipline in
which at least half the grade awarded is determined by written work appropriate to the academic
discipline. Such courses are identified with the phrase "Writing Emphasis Course" in the course
description listed in the Catalog.
January - 2003
29 30 31 1 2 3 4

5 6 7 8 9 10 11

12 13 14 15 16 17 18

Module 1.1 - Module 1.2 - Rock

Introudction Mass Props.
19 20 21 22 23 24 25
Module 1.X - Frac.
Module 1.3 - Rock Mech, Dr. Kemeny.
MLK Day Brkg. Mech. As. 1 (given)
26 27 28 29 30 31 1

Module 2.1 - Mech. Module 2.2 - Field Trip to Library

Excavation Basics Longwall As. 2 (given)

February - 2003
26 27 28 29 30 31 1

2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Module 2.3 - Module 2.3 - Module 2.3 -
Excavation Excavation Excavation
Machines Machines Machines
9 10 11 12 13 14 15
Module 3.1 - Drilling
Module 2.4 - Module 3.1 - Drilling Mechanics As.
Ripping Mechanics 1 due
16 17 18 19 20 21 22
no classes -
Module 3.2 - Drilling Module 3.2 - Drilling eng.week
Equipment Equipment As.2 (due)
23 24 25 26 27 28 1
Module 3.3 -
Explosive Intro As.
SME Conference 3 (given)
March - 2003
23 24 25 26 27 28 1

2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Module 3.4 - Field trip to nitro
Explosive Products Module 3.4 - (confirmed) 1-2PM
Project (given) Explosive Products As. 4 (given)
9 10 11 12 13 14 15
Field Trip to Granite As. 3 (due) -
Module 4.1 - Module 4.1 - presentations &
Drill & Blast Design Drill & Blast Design As.4 (due)
16 17 18 19 20 21 22

March Break
23 24 25 26 27 28 29

As. 5 (given) Mid-term class cancelled
30 31 1 2 3 4 5
Module 4.3 -
Module 4.2 - Patterns and
Geological Effects sequencing

April - 2003
30 31 1 2 3 4 5
Module 4.3 - Field trip to Field trip to
Module 4.2 - Field trip to Sierrita - Patterns and California bring California bring
Geological Effects bring safety stuff sequencing safety stuff safety stuff
6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Module 5.1 - Drift Module 5.1 - Drift Module 5.1 - Drift
Round Design As.6 Round Design As.6 Round Design As.6
(in class) (in class) (in class)
13 14 15 16 17 18 19
Module 5.2 - Module 5.4 – Blast Guest Speaker -
Underg. blasting Results - Guest Bob Cummings Pj.
As. 5 (due) Speaker Split Eng. readings due
20 21 22 23 24 25 26

Module 5.3 & 5.5

Course Eval. Final Exam Final Exam
27 28 29 30 1 2 3

Project Project Project

Presentations Presentations Presentations
May - 2003
27 28 29 30 1 2 3

4 5 6 official end 7 8 9 10

CIM Conference no school

11 12 13 14 15 16 17

APCOM Conference
18 19 20 21 22 23 24

25 26 27 28 29 30 31
University of rizona
Mining and Geological Engineering

415 - Rock Excavation

Course Notes – Spring 2003

Module 1-2

Compiled by:
Dr. Sean Dessureault
MGE 415 – Rock Excavation 2003

Table of Contents
MODULE 1: INTRODUCTION ......................................................................................................... 1
1.1 INTRODUCTION .............................................................................................................................. 1
ADDITIONAL RESOURCES I .................................................................................................................. 1
1.2 GEOLOGICAL PROPERTIES IN ROCK EXCAVATION ......................................................................... 1
1.2.1 Minerals and Rocks .................................................................................................................. 1
1.2.2 The properties of rocks ............................................................................................................. 3
1.2.3 Rock classification.................................................................................................................... 6
1.2.4 Rock Strength............................................................................................................................ 8
ADDITIONAL RESOURCES II............................................................................................................... 16
1.3 ROCK BREAKING PROCESSES....................................................................................................... 16
1.3.1 Primary................................................................................................................................... 17
1.3.2 Secondary ............................................................................................................................... 20
1.3.3 Tertiary ................................................................................................................................... 21
1.3.4 Miscellaneous ......................................................................................................................... 23
ADDITIONAL RESOURCES III ............................................................................................................. 24
MODULE 2: MECHANICAL EXCAVATION ............................................................................... 25
2.1 MECHANICAL EXCAVATION BASICS ............................................................................................ 25
2.1.1 Synopsis .................................................................................................................................. 31
ADDITIONAL RESOURCES IV ............................................................................................................. 31
2.2 LONGWALL .................................................................................................................................. 31
2.2.1 Mining System Description..................................................................................................... 33
2.2.2 Selection of Cutting Machine.................................................................................................. 34
2.2.3 Dimensions of Shearer............................................................................................................ 34
ADDITIONAL RESOURCES V............................................................................................................... 36
2.3 CONTINUOUS MINING MACHINES ................................................................................................ 36
2.3.1 Underground continuous mining machines ............................................................................ 36
2.3.2 Continuous Surface Mining Technology................................................................................. 57
ADDITIONAL RESOURCES VI ............................................................................................................. 64
2.4 DOZERS AND RIPPING .................................................................................................................. 64
2.4.1 Determining Rippability. ........................................................................................................ 68
2.4.2 Operational issues:................................................................................................................. 73
2.4.3 Estimating Ripping Production .............................................................................................. 73
2.4.4 Ripping vs. Blasting................................................................................................................ 76
ADDITIONAL RESOURCES VII............................................................................................................ 77

Table of Figures
FIGURE 1-1: ORIGINS OF VARIOUS ROCKTYPES ............................................................................................... 2
FIGURE 1-2: DRILL RATE INDEX FOR A VARIETY OF ROCKS ............................................................................. 7
FIGURE 1-3: UNCONFINED COMPRESSIVE STRENGTH VARYING BY TIME. ...................................................... 8
FIGURE 1-4: CRACK PROPAGATION ............................................................................................................... 10
FIGURE 1-5: CURVES OF STRESS-DEFORMATION FOR DIFFERENT TYPES OF ROCKS. ....................................... 12
FIGURE 1-6: CLASSIFICATION OF THE ROCK MASSES. .................................................................................... 16
FIGURE 1-7: PRIMARY ................................................................................................................................... 17
FIGURE 1-8: STRESS RELATING TO SIZE OF INDENTER ................................................................................... 18

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MGE 415 – Rock Excavation 2003

FIGURE 1-9: INCREASING ENERGY WITH DEPTH ............................................................................................. 19

FIGURE 1-10: PENETRATION DEPTH OF VARIOUS BUTTON SHAPES................................................................. 19
FIGURE 1-11: SECONDARY BREAKAGE PROCESS ........................................................................................... 21
FIGURE 1-12: TERTIARY BREAKAGE PROCESS .............................................................................................. 21
FIGURE 1-13: TERTIARY BREAKAGE A TENSILE EFFECT ................................................................................ 22
ANGLE, α = RAKE ANGLE).................................................................................................................... 26
FIGURE 2-3: MEAN FORCE VS. DEPTH OF CUT (FC VS. D)............................................................................... 27
FIGURE 2-4: SPECIFIC ENERGY VS. DEPTH OF CUT (ES VS. D) ......................................................................... 27
FIGURE 2-5: MEAN FORCE VS. RAKE ANGLE (FC VS. φ) .................................................................................. 28
FIGURE 2-6: MEAN FORCE VS. BACK CLEARANCE ANGLE (FC VS. β).............................................................. 28
FIGURE 2-7: MEAN FORCE VS. PICK WIDTH (FC VS. W).................................................................................. 29
FC VS. σT)............................................................................................................................................. 30
FIGURE 2-9: CHISEL VS. PICK BITS................................................................................................................. 30
FIGURE 2-10: TYPICAL LONGWALL RETREAT METHOD ................................................................................. 32
FIGURE 2-11: LONGWALL SHEARING SYSTEM ............................................................................................... 33
FIGURE 2-12: SHEARER DIMENSIONS ............................................................................................................. 34
FIGURE 2-13: NOMOGRAPH FOR SHEARER DIMENSIONING ............................................................................ 35
FIGURE 2-14: FOUR-ROTOR BORING MACHINE............................................................................................. 37
FIGURE 2-15: MILLING HEAD CONTINUOUS MINING MACHINE....................................................................... 38
FIGURE 2-16: MILLER-HEAD CONTINUOUS MINER......................................................................................... 38
FIGURE 2-18: MINING IN VARIABLE HEIGHT SEAMS ...................................................................................... 40
FIGURE 2-19: DOUBLE HEAD ROADHEADDER............................................................................................... 41
FIGURE 2-20: MD1100 WITH TRAVERSE BOOM ............................................................................................ 41
FIGURE 2-21: ROCK MASS CUTTABILITY INDEX VS. CUTTING RATE.............................................................. 42
FIGURE 2-22: ROADHEADER PERFORMANCE VS. ROCK CLASS. ...................................................................... 43
FIGURE 2-23: TUNNEL BORING MACHINE ...................................................................................................... 44
FIGURE 2-24: COMPONENTS OF A TBM......................................................................................................... 44
FIGURE 2-25: DISC CUTTERS ON TBM .......................................................................................................... 45
FIGURE 2-26: CROSS SECTION OF DISC CUTTER .............................................................................................. 45
FIGURE 2-27: KERF AND PINAPPLE CUTTERS ................................................................................................. 45
FIGURE 2-28: SPACING VERSUS DEPTH RELATIONSHIP ................................................................................... 46
METAMORPHIC ROCK TYPES ................................................................................................................. 48
TYPES ................................................................................................................................................... 48
FIGURE 2-32: STEPS IN RAISEBORE MINING. .................................................................................................. 50
FIGURE 2-33: RAISEBORING IN OPERATION TOP & BOTTOM .......................................................................... 50
FIGURE 2-34: RAISE BORING DIAGRAM – UP AND DOWNWARD BORING. ....................................................... 52
FIGURE 2-35: BLIND BORING OPERATION ...................................................................................................... 52
FIGURE 2-36: BLIND BORING BIT HEAD. ........................................................................................................ 52
FIGURE 2-37: DIRECTIONAL BORING IN URBAN ENVIRONMENT. .................................................................... 53
FIGURE 2-38: HORIZONTAL BOREHEAD ......................................................................................................... 53
FIGURE 2-39: CROSS SECTION OF THE BOUBLY POTASH MINE STRATA .......................................................... 54
ANGLES................................................................................................................................................. 55
FIGURE 2-41: MARRIETA MINER IN ROCANVILLE .......................................................................................... 56
FIGURE 2-42: MARRIETA DIGGING A TRENCH, BEING MAINTAINED ............................................................... 56
FIGURE 2-43: CROSS SECTIONAL VIEW OF FOUR-ROTOR BORING IN POTASH................................................. 57
FIGURE 2-44: VARIOUS ASPECTS OF A SURFACE MINER................................................................................ 58
FIGURE 2-45: SURFACE MINER IDEAL FOR THIN STRATA ............................................................................... 59

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FIGURE 2-46: CUTTING CAPACITIES FOR VARIOUS WIRTGENAMERICA PRODUCTS ........................................ 59

FIGURE 2-47: SURFACE MINER IDEAL FOR DEFINED THIN VERTICAL OR FLAT SEAMS .................................... 59
FIGURE 2-48: COMPONENTS OF SURFACE MINER ........................................................................................... 60
FIGURE 2-49: BUCKETWHEEL NOMENCLATURE............................................................................................. 61
FIGURE 2-50: BUCKET CUTTING AND DISCHARGE ......................................................................................... 61
FIGURE 2-51: RIPPER IN ACTION ................................................................................................................... 65
............................................................................................................................................................. 65
FIGURE 2-53: RIPPER NOMENCLATURE ......................................................................................................... 66
FIGURE 2-54: NOMENCLATURE FOR RIPPERS (SEE TABLE 2-2) ...................................................................... 66
FIGURE 2-56: SEISMIC VELOCITIES IN RELATION TO RIPPING ......................................................................... 69
FIGURE 2-57: RIPPER PRODUCTION CHART ................................................................................................... 74
FIGURE 2-58: PERFORMANCE CHART FOR D11.............................................................................................. 75
FIGURE 2-59: D11 WITH RIPPER .................................................................................................................... 75

List of Tables
TABLE 1-1: IGNEOUS ROCK ............................................................................................................................. 5
TABLE 1-2SEDIMENTARY ROCKS .................................................................................................................... 6
TABLE 1-3: METAMORPHIC ROCKS.................................................................................................................. 6
TABLE 1-4: FRACTURE TOUGHNESS .............................................................................................................. 11
TABLE 1-5: RELATIVE QUARTZ (COMMON ABRASIVE) CONTENT ................................................................... 13
TABLE 1-6: COMMON ROCK NAMES AND THEIR GEOLOGICAL DEFINITIONS ................................................... 14
TABLE 1-7: ROCK PROPERTIES ACCORDING TO ORIGIN ................................................................................. 14
TABLE 2-1: APPLICATIONS FOR BORING ........................................................................................................ 51
TABLE 2-2: RIPPER SELECTION FOR LARGE CAT DOZERS. ........................................................................... 67
TABLE 2-4: EXCAVATION CHARACTERISTICS IN RELATION TO JOINT SPACING .............................................. 69
TABLE 2-5: VARIABLES IN EXCAVABILITY INDEX ......................................................................................... 70
TABLE 2-6: MASS STRENGTH NUMBER FOR ROCKS (MS) ............................................................................. 70
TABLE 2-7: JOINT COUNT NUMBER (JC) AND JOINT SET NUMBER (JN)............................................................. 71
TABLE 2-8: RELATIVE GROUND STRUCTURE NUMBER (JS)............................................................................. 71
TABLE 2-9: JOINT ROUGHNESS NUMBER (JR) ................................................................................................. 72
TABLE 2-10: JOINT ALTERATION NUMBER (JA).............................................................................................. 72

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MGE 415 – Rock Excavation - Module 1 – Introduction 2003

Module 1: Introduction
1.1 Introduction
The information necessary to pass this course will be presented in these
notes and through other medium such as lectures and field trips. To guide
the student to additional resources either out of interest or mandated by the
course requirements, a list of additional resources are indicated after every
major topic. The appearance of this list will be as seen below:


The above information is additionally supplemented by:
• Readings (Mandatory or Optional)
• Field trip (Always mandatory)
• Assignment
• Lecture

Important note: These class notes borrow heavily from the material
assembled by:
• Dr. Paul Lever, Mr. William Cummings,
• Persson, Per-Anders, Holmberg, Roger, and Lee, Jaimin. Rock Blasting
and Explosvies Engineering. CRC Press: New York. 2000. 534 p.

The above information for module 1 is provided by:
• Module 1.1 Lecture

1.2 Geological Properties in Rock Excavation

A brief review of rock properties is required to provide students without this
background or as a review.

1.2.1 Minerals and Rocksi

The earth's crust consists of a variety of rocks, formed under different
circumstances. Rocks consist of one or more composite minerals. A mineral is
a substance formed by nature. A mineral may be an element or may consist
of chemical compounds containing several elements. There are more than
3,000 different minerals.

Of 103 known elements, oxygen is by far the most common, making up

about 50 per cent of the earth's crust. Silicon, about 25 per cent, aluminum,
iron, calcium, sodium, potassium, magnesium and titanium, together with
oxygen, account for about 99 per cent.

Silicon, aluminum and oxygen occur in our most common minerals, quartz,
feldspar and mica. They form the large group known as silicates, a silicate

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MGE 415 – Rock Excavation - Module 1 – Introduction 2003

being a compound formed of silicic acid and other elements. Also included
are amphiboles and pyroxenes, which contain aluminum, potassium and iron.
Some of the earth's most common rocks, granite and gneiss, are composed
of silicates.

Figure 1-1: Origins of various rocktypes

Oxygen often occurs in combination with metallic elements and forms our
oxidic ores (the iron ores magnetite and hematite). Sulphur readily
combines with metallic elements and forms sulphide ores (galena, sphalerite,
molybdenite, arsenopyrite. Halogenides (fluorite, halite), carbonates (calcite,
dolomite, malachite), sulphates (barite), tungstates (scheelite) and
phosphates (apatite) are other large mineral groups. Gold, silver, copper and
lead are elements that can occur as native metals. Feldspar accounts for
almost 50 per cent of the mineral composition of the earth's crust. Next
come the pyroxene and amphibole minerals, closely followed by quartz and

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MGE 415 – Rock Excavation - Module 1 – Introduction 2003

mica. These minerals make up about 90 per cent of the composition. Some
of the characteristics of the minerals are hardness, density, color, streak,
lustre, fracture, cleavage and crystalline form.

Hardness can be graded according to the Moh's 10-point scale. (example

followed by test)
1. Talc - Easily scratched with the fingernail
2. Gypsum - Just barely scratched with the fingernail
3. Calcite - Very easily scratched with a knife
4. Fluorite - Easily scratched with a knife
5. Apatite - Can be scratched with a knife
6. Orthoclase - Hard to scratch with a knife, can be scratched with quartz
7. Quartz - Scratches glass, can be scratched with a hardened file
8. Topaz - Scratches glass, can be scratched with emery
9. Corundum - Scratches glass, can be scratched with a diamond
10.Diamond - Scratches glass

Molybdenite, hardness 1.5, blackens a thumb that is rubbed against it. The
density of light -colored minerals is for the most part below 3.0. Exceptions
are barite or heavy spar (BaSO4), density 4.5, scheelite(CaWO4), density
6.0, and cerussite (PbCO3), density 6.5 Dark-colored minerals with some
iron, silicates, have densities between 3.0 and 4.0. Ore minerals have
densities over 4.0. Gold has a very high density at 19.3, and tungsten at
19.4. The highest density is shown by osmium and iridium, 22.5. Streak is
the color of the mineral powder produced when the mineral is scratched
against unglazed, white porcelain (e.g. an ordinary electric fuse).

Fracture is the surface produced by breaking off a piece of mineral, not

following a crystallographically defined plane. Fracture is usually uneven in
one way or another.

Cleavage denotes the properties of a crystal whereby it allows itself to be

split along flat surfaces parallel with certain formed or otherwise
crystallographically defined surfaces.

1.2.2 The properties of rocks

In order to be able to forecast the result of drilling in respect of penetration
rate, hole quality, drill-steel costs, etc., we must be able to make a correct
appraisal of the rock concerned. In doing so we distinguish between
microscopic and macroscopic properties. A rock is composed of grains of
various minerals, and among the microscopic properties are mineral
composition, grain size, and the form and distribution of the grains. Taken
together, these factors decide important properties of the rock, such as
hardness, abrasiveness, compressive strength and density. These properties,
in their turn, determine the penetration rate that can be achieved and how
heavy the tool wear will be.

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MGE 415 – Rock Excavation - Module 1 – Introduction 2003

The drillability of a rock depends on, among other things, the hardness of its
constituent minerals and on the grain size and crystal form. Quartz is one of
the commonest minerals in rocks. Since quartz is a very hard material, a
high quartz content (SiO2) makes the rock very hard to drill and causes
heavy wear, particularly on the drill bits. We say that the rock is abrasive.
Conversely, a rock with a high content of calcite is easy to drill and causes
little wear on the drill bits.

As regards crystal form, minerals with high symmetry, e.g. cubic (galena)
are easier to drill than minerals with low symmetry, e.g. fibrous (amphiboles
and pyroxenes).

A coarse-grained structure is easier to drill in and causes less wear than a

fine-grain structure. Consequently, rocks with essentially the same mineral
content may be quite different as regards drillability. For example, quartzite
may be fine-grained, grain size 0.5-1 mm, or dense, grain size 0,05 mm,
while a granite may be coarse-grained, grain size> 5 mm, medium-grained
(grain size 1-5 mm) or fine-grained (grain size 0.5-1 mm).

A rock can also be classified on the basis of its structure. If the mineral
grains are mixed in a homogeneous mass, the rock is massive (e.g. granite).
In mixed rocks the grains are arranged in layers. A slaty rock also has the
minerals arranged in different layers, but in this case pressure and heat have
compacted each layer in plates.

Among the macroscopic properties are slatiness, fissuring, contact zones,

layering, veining and inclination. These factors are often of great significance
in drilling. For example, cracks or inclined and layered formations can cause
hole deviation and can occasionally cause drilling tools to get stuck.

Soft rocks make it difficult to achieve good hole quality, since the walls often
cave in and in extreme cases the flushing air disappears into cracks in the
rock without reaching the surface. The enormous variety of rocks and rock
formations makes it impossible to give the subject adequate treatment in
just a few pages. We must therefore content ourselves with giving a
summary description of the more important rocks and referring interested
readers to the literature of the subject for further study.

Rocks are classified into three main groups on the basis of their origin and
the way in which they were formed:
1. Igneous or magmatic rocks (formed from solidified lava or "magma").
2. Sedimentary rocks (formed by deposition of broken material or by
chemical precipitation).
3. Metamorphic rocks (formed by the transformation of igneous or
sedimentary rocks, in most cases by an increase in pressure and

Dessureault 1/19/2003 4
MGE 415 – Rock Excavation - Module 1 – Introduction 2003 Igneous rock

Igneous rocks are formed when a magma solidifies deep down in the earth's
crust (plutonic rock), or as it rises towards the surface (dyke rock) or on the
surface (volcanic rock). The most important constituents (minerals) are
quartz and silicates of various composition, chiefly feldspars. Plutonic rocks
solidify slowly and are therefore coarse-grained, while volcanic rocks solidify
quickly and become fine grained.

Depending on whether the magma solidifies at depth, or as a dyke rock, or

on the surface, the rock is given different names even if the composition is
the same. This is evident from the table below, which also shows that it is
customary to classify the igneous rocks by their silicon content (SiO2). The
greater the silicon content, the larger the amount of quartz in the rock will

Table 1-1: Igneous Rock

SiO2 Plutonic Dykes Volcanic
Basic Gabbro Diabase Basalt
<52% SiO2
Intermediary Diorite Porphyrite Andesite
52-65% SiO2 Syenite Syneite porphyry Trachyte
Acid Quartz diorite Quartz porphyrite Dacite
>65% SiO2 Granodiorite Granodiorite porphyry Rydodacite
Granite Quartz porphyry Rhyloite Sedimentary rocks

Sedimentary rocks are formed by the deposition of material by mechanical or
chemical action and a consolidation of this material under the pressure of
overlying layers. It frequently occurs that the rock formation is broken down
by mechanical action (weathering), carried away by running water and
deposited in still water. Thus the original rock will determine the
characteristics of the sedimentary rock. The weathering or erosion may
proceed at different rates depending partly on climate and partly on how
easily the rock breaks up.

Sedimentary rocks can also arise as a result of the chemical precipitation of

minerals or by proliferation of organic organisms, as for example in coral
reefs or carbon deposits. Since formation takes place by deposition, several
distinct layers can often be observed in a sedimentary formation.
Sedimentary rocks make up a very heterogeneous family with widely varying

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MGE 415 – Rock Excavation - Module 1 – Introduction 2003

Table 1-2Sedimentary Rocks

Rock Original material
Conglomerate Gravel, stones, boulders
Greywacke Clay, gravel
Sanstone Sand
Argillaceous schist Clay
Aluminous slate Clay plus organisms
Limestone Calcium carbonate or various organisms Metamorphic rocks

The effects of chemical action or increased pressure and/or temperature on a
rock formation can sometimes be so great that it produces a transformation,
which the geologist calls metamorphism. For example, pressure and
temperature might increase under the influence of up-welling magma, or
because the formation has sunk down deeper into the earth's crust. This
results in the recrystallization of the mineral grains or the formation of new
minerals. A characteristic of the metamorphic rocks is that they are formed
without any complete melting. They are also frequently hard or very hard,
and also compact and fine-grained, and are therefore often difficult to drill.

The earth's crust is in a constant state of flux, and the various rock
formations may be subjected to very powerful forces. The result is
deformation in one way or another, and in nature we may therefore observe,
for example, pronounced folding, crushed zones, faults and other phenomena
that can have a telling effect on drilling.

Table 1-3: Metamorphic rocks

Rock Original Rock Degree of
Amphibolite Basalt, diabase, gabro High
Mica-schist Mudstone, greywacke, Medium/high
Gneiss Various igneous rocks High
Greenschist Basalt, diabase, gabbro Low
Quartize Sandstone Medium/high
Lepitte Dacite Medium
Slate Shale Low
Veined gneiss Silicic-acid-rich silicate high

1.2.3 Rock classification

Many attempts have been made to classify rocks on the basis of their
drillability, and various measuring methods have been evolved with the aim

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of making it possible to predict productivity and tool wear by carrying out a

laboratory test before a rock job begins. The term "drillability" is used here to
mean primarily the rate at which the tool penetrates into the rock, but in the
wider sense it extends to the resulting hole quality, the straightness of the
hole, the risk of tool jamming etc. Tool wear is often proportional to
drillability, though it also depends on how abrasive the rock is.

The drillability of a given rock is determined by a number of factors.

Foremost among these are the mineral composition, the grain size and the
brittleness. Attempts are often made to describe drillability by stating the
compressive strength or hardness; these are crude methods but they will
often suffice for rough calculations. The Norwegian Technical University has
developed a more sophisticated method for calculating the DRI and BWI.
DRI, the drilling-rate index, describes how fast the drill steel can penetrate;
it also includes on the one hand a measurement of brittleness and on the
other hand drilling with a small rotating bit into a sample of the rock.

The higher the DRI, the higher penetration rate. Figure 1-2 shows how the
DRI can vary from one rock to another.

Figure 1-2: Drill rate index for a variety of rocks

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BWI stands for "bit-wear index", and gives an indication of how fast the bit
wears down. It is determined by an abrasive test. The higher the BWI, the
faster will be the wear. In most cases the BWI and the DRI are inversely
proportional to each other, so that a high DRI will give a low BWI and vice-
versa. However, the presence of hard minerals may produce heavy wear on
the bit despite relatively good drillability. This is particularly true in the case
of quartz. The quartz content has been shown to exert great influence on
wear, which explains why relatively easily drilled sandstone, for example, can
cause very heavy wear on the bits. In other cases, metamorphic, compact,
quartz-bearing rocks may also prove to be very difficult to drill. Other
examples of hard minerals that impair drillability are certain sulphides in

1.2.4 Rock Strengthii

The compressive strength of many rock materials is a factor of 5 or more
greater than their tensile strength. The scatter of the strength values from a
series of test specimens of the same rock material is considerable. This is a
result of the randomly distributed weak planes, microcracks, or flaws in the
rock which greatly influence the rock strength. The flaws are often so small
and the microcracks so fine that they are difficult to detect by the naked eye.

Figure 1-3: Unconfined Compressive Strength Varying by Time.

There is also an element of creep in the strength and deformation

characteristics of rock, as evidenced by the ability of rock to flow and deform
plastically under tectonic stress over long periods of time (hundreds of
thousands to millions of years). Experiments have shown that the strength
of rock is time dependent, so that the compressive strength when the load is

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applied in 1 msec is a factor of 2 or 2.5 greater than when the load is applied
in 10 sec. (Figure 1-3)

With confinement, that is when lateral expansion is restricted, rock in

compression becomes stronger. This is because deformation to failure takes
place as a shearing of weak planes. The action of confinement is to resist
shearing, partly by creating lateral forces that resist the shear motion, and
partly by increasing the friction on potential shearing surfaces by increasing
the normal load thereby also increasing the rock strength.

Shear strength is composed of two parts: the friction between sliding crack
surfaces characterized by a friction coefficient ,µ; and the fracturing or plastic
deformation of the crystal grains, which approach a limiting shear strength τi
when the deformation is entirely plastic. Microcracks in Rock

The reasons for the strength behavior of rock and other brittle materials can
be sought in the presence of microscopic cracks and flaws in the base
material that is in itself strong. Most rock materials are aggregates in which
separate crystal grains of different strength, different elastic and thermal
moduli, and different size are cemented or grown together. Any deformation
of sufficient magnitude will lead to local cracking or the development of
microscopic flaws, pores, or weakened regions. Such flaws are also nearly
always present in most natural rock materials because of the deformation the
rock has undergone under the influence of tectonic forces and temperature

In tension, microcracks grow, join, and ultimately lead to fracture at a low

load. In compression, the friction on such microcracks that are stressed in
shear leads to increased strength. With confinement, the crack growth is
further restricted and friction is increased. This leads to a further increase in
strength. In the limit, with increased hydrostatic confining pressure, we
approach the real strength of the aggregate base material. It is conceivable,
with a sufficiently high hydrostatic pressure, that the deformation of the
weaker part of the aggregate grains will be plastic, while the hard grains still
only deform elastically.

The random distribution in space, size, and direction of the micro-cracks or

flaws is the reason for both the scatter of experimental strength
measurement data and the dependence of strength on the size of the
specimen. In a large specimen, it is more probable than in a small specimen
that a sufficiently large flaw will have a direction favoring fracture in a given
stress situation. Therefore, a large specimen or rock volume has a lower
strength than a small specimen.

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MGE 415 – Rock Excavation - Module 1 – Introduction 2003 Fracture Mechanics

The most important aspect of the strength of brittle materials is their ability
to break by crack propagation. Because the tensile strength of these
materials is so much lower than the compressive strength, and possibly also
because they already contain micro-cracks, cracks form easily and, once
formed, expand because of the concentration of tensile stresses at the crack
tip (Figure 1-4). We will limit this discussion to cracking under biaxial
stresses, that is, stress situations where two principal stresses are equal and
the third is zero. The stress concentration in front of the crack tip can be
represented by the expression:

σ ( x) ≈

where the stress intensity factor KI is a function of the crack length and the
load σo. The critical value of KI when the crack just starts moving is a
material constant KIC.

As the crack propagates, energy is absorbed by deformation work by the

material at the crack tip or dissipated as elastic wave energy radiating out
through the material from the crack tip. The work done per unit new crack
surface is GIC which is coupled to KIC through the relation:

1 − v2 2

Figure 1-4: Crack propagation

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Where v is Poisson’s ratio1 and E is Young’s modulus.2 GIC is called fracture

toughness and is the fundamental material constant. Some authors refer to
KIC as fracture toughness. Table 1-4 shows fracture toughness of various

Table 1-4: Fracture Toughness Elasticity
The majority of rock minerals have an elastic-fragile behavior, which obeys
the Law of Hooke, and are destroyed when the strains exceed the limit of
elasticity. Depending upon the nature of deformation, as function of the
stresses produced by static charges, three groups of rocks are taken into
1. The elastic-fragile or those which obey the Law of Hooke,
2. The plastic- fragile, that have plastic deformation before destruction,
3. The highly plastic or very porous, in which the elastic deformation is

The elastic properties of rocks are characterized by the elasticity modulus 'E'
and the Poisson coefficient 'v'. The elasticity module is the proportionality
factor between the normal stress in the rock and the relative correspondent
deformation, its value in most rocks varies between 0.03 x 104 and 1.7 x 105
MPa, basically depending upon the mineralogical composition, porosity, type
of deformation and magnitude of the applied force. The values of the
elasticity modules in the majority of sedimentary rocks are lower than those
corresponding to the minerals in their composition. The texture of the rock
also has influence on this parameter, as the elasticity module in the direction
of the bedding or schistosity is usually larger than when perpendicular.

A material stretches when pulled under tensile load and usually contracts
transversely. The Poisson's ratio is the ratio of transverse strain to axial strain during
axial load. For example, if a bar is pulled in the axial direction then the deformed bar
(besides being longer in the axial direction) also contracts in the transverse direction
by the percentage amount indicated by the Poisson's ratio.
Young's modulus is the ratio of longitudinal stress to the resultant longitudinal
strain (stress/strain). Stiffness of the material

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Poisson's coefficient is the factor of proportionality between the relative

longitudinal deformations and the transversal deformations. For most rocks
and minerals it is between 0.2 and 0.4, and only in quartz is it abnormally
low, around 0.07.

Figure 1-5: Curves of stress-deformation for different types of rocks. Plasticity
As indicated before, in some rocks the plastic deformation precedes
destruction. This begins when the stresses exceed the limit of elasticity. In
the case of an ideally plastic body, that deformation is developed with an
invariable stress. Real rocks are deformed and consolidated at the same
time: in order to increase the plastic deformation it is necessary to increase
the effort.

The plasticity depends upon the mineral composition of the rocks and
diminishes with an increase in quartz content, feldspar and other hard
minerals. The humid clays and some homogeneous rocks have plastic
properties. The plasticity of the stony rocks (granites, schistoses, crystallines
and sandstones) becomes noticeable especially at high temperatures.

Dessureault 1/19/2003 12
MGE 415 – Rock Excavation - Module 1 – Introduction 2003 Abrasiveness
Abrasiveness is the capacity of the rocks to wear away the contact surface of
another body that is harder, in the rubbing or abrasive process during
movement. This property has great influence upon the life of drill
steel and bits. In
Table 1-5, the mean amounts of quartz for different
types of rock are indicated. The factors that enhance abrasive capacities of
rocks are the following:
• The hardness of the grains of the rock. The rocks that contain quartz
grains are highly abrasive.
• The shape of the grains. Those that are angular are more abrasive
than the round ones.
• The size of the grains.
• The porosity of the rock. It gives rough contact surfaces with local
stress concentrations.
• The heterogeneity. Polymineral rocks, although these are equally hard,
are more abrasive because they leave rough surfaces with hard grains
as, for example, quartz grains in a granite.

Table 1-5: Relative quartz (common abrasive) content Texture
The texture of a rock refers to the structure of the grains or minerals that
constitute it. The size of the grains are an indication, as well as their shape,
porosity etc. All these aspects have significant influence on drilling
performance. When the grains have a lenticular shape, as in a schist, drilling
is more difficult than when they are round, as in a sandstone. The type of
material that makes up the rock matrix and unites the mineral grains also
has an important influence. As to porosity, those rocks that have low density

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and, consequently, are more porous, have low crushing strength and are
easier to drill. In Table 1-6 the classification of some types of rocks is
shown, with their silica content and grain size. Table 1-7 shows
characteristics properties of different types of rocks according to their origins

Table 1-6: Common rock names and their geological definitions

Table 1-7: Rock Properties according to origin

Dessureault 1/19/2003 14
MGE 415 – Rock Excavation - Module 1 – Introduction 2003 Rock Mass Strength and Structure

A rock mass, as distinguished from a rock strength test specimen, is a body
of rock with its naturally occurring network of flaws and discontinuities,
cracks, joints, and planes of weakness. These are important for a proper
understanding of the real ability of a rock mass volume to withstand load, of
how and why it fails, and of the resulting fragment size and shape.
Recurring discontinuities are easily identifiable in the form of bedding planes,
foliation partings, cracks, fissures, or joints. Intersecting groups are common
such as parallel planes, or random, irregular structures. A description of the
three-dimensional network of intersecting planes, has to include the compass
bearing (called the strike) of its intersection with a reference plane (normally
the horizontal), and the slope angle (dip) between the plane and the
horizontal. For regular or recurring cracks there are two further descriptors,
namely the average crack length and the average distance between parallel

The strength of joints is normally considerably less than that of the adjacent
rock. It is described by two simple measures, the tensile or adhesive
strength (often zero) at right angles to the plane, and the shear strength or
friction angle along the plane. For a detailed understanding of the rock mass
behavior under stress and vibration, we also need a measure of the elastic or

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plastic deformability of the joint (its "spring constant") and the way the shear
strength or friction angle varies with shear deformation and crack separation.

Figure 1-6: Classification of the rock masses.

The above information is additionally supplemented by:
• Lecture module 1.2. (mandatory)

1.3 Rock Breaking Processesiii

This section is concerned with the basic principles of breaking brittle hard
rock. The main considerations in breaking rock are the forces required to
induce fractures in the rock and the energy consumed in breaking rock.
Force is important because it determines the limitation on the type of
machinery that can be used to break the rock and on the materials of
construction that can be used in the machinery. As the breaking mechanism
of the machine changes, so would the energy required to break the rock
since the strength of rock varies depending on the type of stress induced on
the material.

Energy is important because it determines the rate at which rock breaking

can be carried out. All machines are limited in the power that can be applied
to the rock and hardness of the manufactured components of the machine.
Therefore a process that demands substantial energy will result in a slow
rock breaking rate.

The rock breaking process is classified into three major groups: primary,
secondary, and tertiary. Each process is described below.

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1.3.1 Primary
This is the application of a force by means of a hard indenter to a free rock
face much larger than the indenter. This generates chips which are of a size
similar to that of the indenter at the sides of the indenter and a pulverized
zone immediately below the indenter.

Figure 1-7: Primary

Primary breakage processes would include the following:
1. Impact or hammering. Dynamic forces are applied
2. Percussive drilling. Application of a hard indenter to the bottom of a
hole. The force is applied from one side only and the bottom of the
hole is the free face. The force applied dynamically and after each
application the hard indenter is moved slightly to break out more chips
on the next application
3. Button type cutters for raise and tunnel borers. The buttons are
loaded slowly (quasi-statically) and are moved away to be re-applied
elsewhere, that is, indexing occurs by rolling to the next button.
Repeated applications over a large surface area maintain the flat face
4. Disc type cutters for raise and tunnel borers. Hard indenter
indexed by rolling. Forces at a point in the rock rise very slowly.
5. Drag –bit. A hard indenter forced onto the rock and indexed by
dragging across the surface.
6. Diamond bits. A very hard surface and very small indenter dragged
across the surface. The real breaking is done by the force thrusting
the diamonds against the rock. Diamonds produce very small
fragments because they are small indenters. Theory
The theory of the forces and energy in the primary breakage process relates
to the confinement of the rock and the energy of the indenter. In the
primary breakage process, the rock surrounding the area immediately under
the indenter provides confinement for the rock so that stresses are very
much greater than the uniaxial compressive strength (confined stresses for
rock is higher than uniaxial). Figure 1-8shows how the size of the indenter is
directly related to the size of the indenter.

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Figure 1-8: Stress relating to size of indenter

The stress to penetrate the rock depends on the size of the indenter (note
that the nomenclature of this process is such that a is the width or diameter
of the implement striking the rock):
σp =

The force to penetrate is therefore is equal to:

F p = stress × area of indentor
Fp = ×a2
F p = k p a 1.5

The energy for primary breaking is directly proportional to the stress

multiplied by the strain. However, considering an elastic behavior, stress is
directly proportional to the strain (Young’s modulus). Therefore the primary
breaking energy is directly proportional to the square of the stress.

E p ∝ stress × strain E p ∝ σε
however, since stress ∝ strain, or σ ∝ ε Ep ∝ σ 2
 constant  Kp
so finally, E p ∝   therefore E p =
 a  a

Note that these formulae are only valid when tools are driven to form the
first chip. As penetration increases, forces and therefore required energy
also increase. This may be due to the increasing confinement of the rock.
Practically speaking, this effect would essentially cause the button/indenter
to be buried. Indexing (moving through rotation of the bit or roller) the
indenter to a new free surface would allow the indenter to penetrate with a
force or stress closer to 1st chip formation.

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3rd chip formed

or 2nd chip formed

1st chip formed

Penetration depth
Figure 1-9: Increasing energy with depth

Side note on indenter shape: From the above, it can be seen that indenter
shape directly impacts the energy required to penetrate the rock. Some drill
bit manufacturers sell drill button bits with ballistic or circular bits. This can
be seen in Figure 1-10 which compares a ballistic shaped bit with a circular
or dulled bit.

Figure 1-10: Penetration depth of various button shapes Example 1
Determine the boring rate of a 75 kW raise boring machine using roller
cutters with buttons of 1 cm diameter and boring head of 2 m diameter.
Assume correct thrusting, that is, a chip forms with every pass. With buttons
of 1 cm the mean chip size will also be about 1 cm.

a = 10 -2 m
Kp 1.5 × 10 6
fracture energy E p = = -2
= 150 MJ/m 3
a 10

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Power = 75 kW = 75 × 10 3 J/s

Power Power
Breaking rate = = m3 / s
energy/volume fracture energy

75 × 10 3 J/s 1 3600 seconds

= 3
= m3 / s × = 1.8 m 3 / hr
150 MJ/m 2000 hour
3 3
breaking rate 1.8 m / hr 1.8 m / hr
Boring rate = = = = 0.57 m/hour
hole area π r2 π (1 m) 2 Example 2
Determine the boring rate of a 75 kW raise boring machine using disc cutters
on a 2m diameter head. Assume correct thrusting. The shape of the
indenter is not very well defined with the disc cutter. However, a few
centimeters of the disc are in contact with the rock as the disc rolls and chips
are long and narrow with a width of about 4 cm. Take the width of the chip
as the value for a.

a = 4 × 10-2 m
Kp 1.5 × 106
fracture energy E p = = = 37.5 MJ/m 3
a 4 × 10 -2

Power Power
Breaking rate = = m3 / s
energy/volume fracture energy

75 × 103 J/s 2 3600 seconds

= 3
= m3 / s × = 7.2 m3 / hr
37.5 MJ/m 1000 hour
3 3
breaking rate 7.2 m / hr 7.2 m / hr
Boring rate = = = = 2.3 m/hour
hole area π r2 π (1 m)2

Note that from the previous 2 examples, the energy for boring with disc
cutters is four times smaller and the boring rate is four times greater than
with the button cutters. This is because the fragment size with the disc
cutters is four times larger.

1.3.2 Secondary
This is the application of forces inside a hole near to the rock face. The
forces inside the hole generate tension at the sides of the hole to which
produces cracks which ultimately run to the free surface.

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Free face


Figure 1-11: Secondary breakage process

Secondary breakage processes includes:

1. Wedging. Wedge driven into a hole which produces crack
2. Blasting. Explosive generates a pulverized zone through compression
but the real breaking process is by driving tensile cracks.

Specific theoretical aspects of energy required for secondary breakage will be

discussed in further blasting aspects of the course.

1.3.3 Tertiary
This is the application of forces from more than one side to a free surface.

Figure 1-12: Tertiary Breakage Process

Tertiary breakage processes include:

1. Breaking boulders by impact or mud blasting
2. Crushing
3. Milling

According to theory, the tertiary breakage process is closely related to

breaking the rock in tension. From Figure 1-13 is can be seen that loading of
a sphere by diametrically opposed forces causes a uniform tensile stress
across the diametrical plane. This causes the sphere to split in tension, that
is, at a stress very much lower than the uniaxial compressive stress.

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F σt F

Figure 1-13: Tertiary Breakage a tensile effect

It has been found that the tertiary stress, σt, is also dependent on the size of
the rock, but not as important as the size of the indenter for primary
breakage. Larger boulders break at lower stresses, hence σt can be
represented as:

σt ≈
a 0.25

Therefore the splitting forces could be calculated as:

Ft = stress × area of sphere = σ t × a = 0.25
× a 2 = k t a 1.75

It should also be noted that F >>Ft

Finally, the energy for tertiary breaking is derived by:

 constant  K
Et = stress × strain = stress squared = σ t
= 0.25  = t
 a  a Example
Milling reduces rock to 70% minus 75 µm. Milling typically consumes 25
kWh/t. Compare this value with that predicted by the simple formula for
tertiary rock breaking processes.

1 kWh = 1000 × 3600 min = 3.6 MJ

Density of rock = 2.7 t/m 3
3.6MJ 2.7t
E milling = 25 kWh/t × × 3 = 243 MJ/m 3
kWh m

According to the formula, tertiary breaking energy requires:

K t 1.5 × 106
Et = =
a a

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If 70% of the rock is reduced to minus 75 µm, then the mean fragment size
is about 50 µm.

a ≈ 50 × 10 -6 m
1.5 × 10 6
Et = = 214 MJ/m 3
50 × 10

The simplified Et formula gives a reasonably good estimate of energy

consumed in milling. Example
A jaw crusher is driven by a 10 kW motor and is set to produce fragments of
1 cm. Determine its ‘crushing’ capacity in tons per hour.

a = 1 × 10 -2 m
1.5 × 10 6
Et = = 15 MJ/m 3
Power 10,000 3600 s
crushing rate = = × = 2.4 m 3 / hr
Et 15 × 10 -6 hr
density of rock = 2.7 t/m 3
crushing rate = 2.4 × 2.7 = 6.5 t/hour

1.3.4 Miscellaneous
Several other breakage processes exist, these include:
1. Thermal spalling. This depends on intense heat (flame) being
applied to the rock and traversed so that a high temperature gradient
is produce in the rock resulting in differential expansion which
produces mechanical strains and ultimately breaking of the rock. It is
used in taconite and certain quarrying operations, usually in cold
climates. Thermal spalling is also used for finishes on rock surfaces
and where high forces must be avoided during breakage. (commonly
used ancient technique)
2. Water jets. The water jets create high stagnation pressures against
the surface it impinges on. Used for drilling in porous hard rock where
water goes into pores and breaks grains out. Water jets are known to
be wasteful on energy and are used only for special applications.

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Table 1-8: Summarizing Theory of Forces and Energy in Breaking Processes

Breakage process Primary Tertiary
Fracture Force (in Newtons) Fp = k p a 1.5
k t a 1.75
Fracture Energy (J/m3) Kp Kt
Ep = Et =
a a
Typical value k kp=108 kt=10

Typical value K Kp=1.5 x 106 Kt=1.5 x 106

Only for a in meters and valid for a << 1.0


The above information is additionally supplemented by:
• Readings – Chapter 9.1 – Mining Engineering Handbook. (Mandatory,
this covers modules 1 and 2)
• Lecture module 1.3. (mandatory)
• Assignment 1

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MGE 415 – Rock Excavation – Module 2 – Mechanical Excavation 2003

Module 2: Mechanical Excavation

This module on mechanical excavation considers the mechanical excavation
basics and theoretical aspects of bits for excavation. Mechanical excavation
can be considered the removal of rock from in-situ by mechanical means.
Several groups of equipment will be considered in this section including
continuous mining machines, roadheadders, longwalls, and rippers.

2.1 Mechanical Excavation Basics

The two main types of mechanical breakage for production purposes include
indenters and drag bits (also known as picks). Both are considered to break
the rock in the primary breaking process. The main difference between
indenters and drag bits is that an indenter breaks rock by applying a force
that is predominantly in a direction normal to the rock surface.
Comparatively, a sharp drag bit applies the main force in a direction
predominantly parallel to the rock surface. The breaking mechanism for both
is actually a tensile fracture.

Intenders are used more widely than drag bits primarily due to the shear
loading of the rock by the drag bit. The cutting edge of a drag bit is
subjected to bending resulting in tensile stresses along the bit edge. As most
cutting tools are made of tungsten carbine, a brittle material weak in tension,
this makes the possibility of catastrophic failure likely. However the tools
can be mounted in a fashion so that the bit contacts with the rock in a mainly
compressive fashion, as seen in the Figure 2-1.

Figure 2-1: Longwall shearing machine whose cutting bits attack the
rock in compression

Various theoretical models have been developed that can compare drag bits
with indenters. Several will be presented with an emphasis on comparison
between drag bits and indenters. This will allow the two modes of the
primary breakage process to be compared. Various theoretical models have
been developed as presented in the SME Mining Handbook (Chapter 9.1) yet
few have admittedly been proven empirically. Furthermore, results from
lab-based rock cutting experiments worldwide have reported variances in
cutting conditions and variables such as pick shape and rock type. However,

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MGE 415 – Rock Excavation – Module 2 – Mechanical Excavation 2003

generalities do emerge from these experiments and are regarded as

fundamental features of rock pick cutting.

Important variables in understanding these generalities include:

FC = Mean force
FN = Peak force
ES = Specific Energy (relates to the cutting force to amount of rock produced

Various picks have been tested, such as; chisel, round bottom, v-front, v-
bottom, and pointed. However, these many picks can be categorized into
three main groups (as seen in Figure 2-2: Pick Shapes);
• Pointed tool.
• Simple chisel,
• Round bottomed tool,

Figure 2-2: Pick Shapes - Pointed tool, simple chisel, and pointed
tool. (β = Back clearance angle, α = rake angle)

Both FC and FN increase with d (depth of cut) for all pick shapes. From Figure
2-3, it can be seen that this relationship is approximately linear. (not linear
when using wide picks at depths much less than their width but machines
such as these do not exist.)

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Figure 2-3: Mean force vs. depth of cut (FC vs. d)

From Figure 2-4, it can be seen that Specific energy varies inversely with
depth of cut for all pick shapes, therefore:

ES =

Figure 2-4: Specific energy vs. depth of cut (ES vs. d)

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MGE 415 – Rock Excavation – Module 2 – Mechanical Excavation 2003

Cutting and normal forces decrease monotonically3 with increasing rake angle
as seen in Figure 2-5. Most of the benefit to pick forces has been achieved at
a rake angle of 20°, beyond which further marginal improvement is at an
increasing penalty to pick strength and its potential to survive.

Figure 2-5: Mean force vs. rake angle (FC vs. φ)

Figure 2-6 shows that increasing back clearance angle reduces pick forces up to about 5°,
beyond which forces are independent of this angle.

Figure 2-6: Mean force vs. back clearance angle (FC vs. β)

monotonic defined for mathematics: Designating sequences, the successive
members of which either consistently increase or decrease but do not oscillate in
relative value. Each member of a monotone increasing sequence is greater than or
equal to the preceding member; each member of a monotone decreasing sequence is
less than or equal to the preceding member.

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Higher productivity will be achieved by cutting slowly and increasing depth

than when cutting at a higher speed yet more shallow cut since:
• Cutting speeds of up to 5 m/s and beyond have no discernible affect
on pick forces or specific energy.
• Hence speed has no direct effect on pick forces
• Cutting efficiency improves with cutting depth

For a chisel shaped pick, FC and FN increase linearly with pick width as seen
in Figure 2-7.

Figure 2-7: Mean force vs. pick width (FC vs. w)

Pick forces increase with rock strength, and it has yet to be determined what
characteristic of rock strength is the predominant influence. Figure 2-8
compares the mean cutting force with both the tensile and compressive
strength of various rocks. A further issue related to cutting forces is the
degree of rock saturation as increased saturation results in a decreasing
mechanical strength of the rock (the reason for this is not clearly

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Figure 2-8: Compressive and tensile strengths upon varying mean

cutting force (FC vs. σc and FC vs. σt)

In terms of pick shape, when operating at the same rake and clearance
angles and depth of cut, the pointed pick requires the least cutting and
normal force. The chisel pick requires the greatest forces. However,
considering that the chisel pick cuts a considerably larger volume of rock
than the other two shapes, it cuts with the lowest specific energy and
therefore is the most efficient shape (pointed pick least efficient). Due to the
increased penetrating capability of the pointed pick, for a given available
normal force, pointed picks operate more efficiently than the chisel bit.
(Hence, pointed picks can but deeper for a given level of force, whereas
chisel bit cut more material for a given depth of penetration. Operationally,
picks are better.)

Figure 2-9: Chisel vs. pick bits.

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2.1.1 Synopsis
Drag bits are an efficient means of breaking rock. Although most are unable
to survive in the hard-rock environment, they require substantially less
energy than other mechanical cutters. Two main problems remain to be
• Drag bit materials that have far improved wear resistance and
• Machines to provide sufficient thrust force to keep drag bits at an
effective depth of cut, especially as bit wear proceeds.

The above information is additionally supplemented by:
• Readings – Chapter 9.1 – Mining Engineering Handbook. (Mandatory,
but this is for modules 1 and 2)
• Lecture module 2.1. (mandatory)
• Readings – Speight, H. E., “Obersvations on drag tool excavation and
the consequent performance of roadheaders in strong rock” AusIMM
Proceedings, No. 1, 1997, pp.17-37 (Optional and available only upon

2.2 Longwall
These lecture notes review the design and operational aspect of the longwall
mining method. Particular focus will be on the cutting mechanism and
design. Important issues related to longwall, such as conveyor design,
ventilation and roof support, are left to materials handling and rock
mechanics courses.

Longwall mining has one of the simplest layouts, provides continuous

production and can provide a safer work environment. The panel layout is
conducive to good ventilation. Therefore this method is considered to be
better than room and pillar methods used to mine similar coal deposits.
Since this system uses full caving, fewer residual pillars remain hence coal
recovery is higher and surface subsidence is relatively uniform and complete.

Longwalls are used to mine flat horizontal coal seams of thicknesses ranging
from 1.1 to 4 meters. The depth of overburden can range from anywhere
between 60 to 820 meters. Figure 2-10 shows a typical plan view of a
longwall layout and the nomenclature of the key design variables. Longwall
panels are flanked by panel entries on both sides of the main entries,
typically excavated by a continuous mining machine. The immediate entries
on both sides of the panel are called the head entry and tail entry. The head
entry is used for air intake and the transportation of coal on conveyors,
personnel, and supplies. The tail entry is used as the air exhaust. Panel
sizes and length are generally determined by:
• Experience
• size and shape of the coal seam

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• geologic conditions
• location of surface structures (buildings can subside horizontally when in
the middle of a panel but would subside differentially if it straddles a
• capacities of the transportation system
• ventilation
• power capacity (of equipment)

Panel widths vary between 120 to 293 meters (centre to centre) and have
lengths between 1220 to 1830 meters. The economic factors pushing for
longer and wider longwalls include:
• Reduction of the development cost as fewer panel entries would be
• Increases in recovery and recovery rate (few longwall assemblies, down-
time between panels)

Other issues that begin to surface in longwalls include:

• Downtime (maintenance & repair) in large panels
• Capital cost of equipment in a single panel

Figure 2-10: Typical Longwall retreat method

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2.2.1 Mining System Description

Figure 2-11 shows a diagram of a coal operation. Coal at the face is cut by a
shearer or plough and loaded onto an armoured flexible conveyor (AFC) and
conveyed to the head entry T- junction. The coal is loaded onto a stage
loader which empties onto the entry belt conveyor. Powered sectional
supports are used to support the roof along the whole face. The AFC and
powered supports are advanced hydraulically after each cutting cycle of the
shear and the roof behind the supports are allowed to cave. The area
between the rear edge of the supports and faceline is called the face area
while behind the supports is called the gob. Panel entries are where the
regular conveyors are maintained by roof bolting or other methods.
However, at the tail entry where ventilation circuits are set up, cribs are
usually required to strengthen the support.

Figure 2-11: Longwall shearing system

Technical factors of longwall mining technology include:

• The longwall width is limited to the power and structural strength of the
face conveyor.
• Increasing panel width increases roof exposure time (when the shearer or
plow moves across the face, an area of roof is opened. This small area
may cave prior to the supports moving forward to secure the back).

Now that the basics of longwall mining have been established, a focus on the
actual rock excavation aspects will be explored in more detail.

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2.2.2 Selection of Cutting Machine

The two main types of longwall machine are the shear loader and the plough.
Shearers are used more widely in the US. Ploughs are simply a large blade
that is thrust into the rock and dragged across the face resulting in the
removal of a slice of coal. Key variables in the selection of the type of
cutting machine are:
• Mining height
• Seam structure
• Roof bonding strength of coal
• Cutting/ploughing resistance of coal.

Since shearers are the most common machine, only shearers are discussed.
Major parameters in shear design are:
• Type of shearer,
• Dimensions,
• Haulage speed,
• Power capacity.

There are several types of shearers:

• Double-ended ranging-drum (DERD): two shearing drums mounted on
cutter, articulated so that coal seams of varying height can be mined. Can
mine thicknesses of 1.47 – 3.96 meters. Is by far the most employed
• Single-ended ranging-drum (SERD) for thicknesses of 1.52 meters.
• Single-ended fixed drum (SEFD) for thicknesses of 1.26 to 1.37 meters

2.2.3 Dimensions of Shearer

Equipment suppliers provide various models with varying dimensions and
power available. The key variables in selecting the shearer can be seen in
Figure 2-12:

Figure 2-12: Shearer dimensions

Where: Hc = Hb − + La sin α +
2 2
And where: Hc - mining height
D - diameter of the drum

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Hb – height of ranging arm

La – length of ranging arm
B - body depth
α– angle of the ranging arm
The maximum cutting height should not exceed 2 D.

A nomograph for determining shearer dimensions and mining height is shown

in Figure 2-13. Note that the conversion factor is 1 inch = 25.4 mm.

Figure 2-13: Nomograph for shearer dimensioning

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Example 1: Shearer dimensioning

Use the nomograph in Figure 2-13 to select the drum diameter D, given the
mining height and major dimension of a shearer: where: Hc =90 in. (2.29m),
Hb =50 in (1270mm), La =70in (1778mm), B = 20 in. (508mm) and α=30˚

The dotted line on the nomograph can be followed from point a through to f
in Figure 2-13. This results in a value of D being 30 inches (762 mm). In
practice, in order to reduce the loading resistance of the drum and to
increase loading efficiency, the drum diameter is selected larger than the
minimum value, typically 75-80% of the mining height, in this example, D
would therefore be equal to 60 inches.

The above information is additionally supplemented by:
• Lecture for module 2.2 – Longwall (mandatory)
• Readings – Chapter 20.1 – Longwall Mining, from SME handbook

2.3 Continuous Mining Machinesiv

Module 2.3 will cover underground continuous mechanical mining technology
and, continuous surface mining equipment. These notes were assembled
directly from the following references:
• Hartman, Howard L. Ed. SME Mining Engineering Handbook. 2nd ed.
• Hartman, Howard L. and Jan M. Mutmansky, Introductory Mining
Engineering, 2nd ed. New York: John Wiley & Sons. 2002, 570p.
• Atlas Copco, The Raise Boring Handbook 2nd ed.
• Stefanko, Robert. Coal Mining Technology Theory and Practice.
Littleton CO.:Society of Mining Engineers. 1983
• McKercher, R.M., Ed. Potash Technology: Mining, Processing,
Maintenance, Transportation, Occupational Health and Safety,
Environment. Pergamon Press: Toronto. 1983
•, search: continuous mining
• Wirtgen America Inc. Surface Mining Manual. Edition 2002

2.3.1 Underground continuous mining machines

Underground continuous mining machines typically operate in room and pillar
mines in coal, salt, Trona, or potash (essentially soft material in horizontal
orebodies). The machines are an alternative to drilling and blasting
operations. Underground blasting however, is undesirable in coal operations
due to the risk of secondary explosions caused by suspended coal dust or
methane gas. Other advantages of continuous mining is combining the
operations of cutting, drilling, blasting, and loading into one operation by a
single machine. The continuous nature of this mining method eliminates the
problems involved in the cycling of equipment. As the number of equipment

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is reduced, so are manpower requirements. However, these advantages are

offset in some part by concentrating the reliance of production on a few
headings. Maintenance issues therefore become more critical.

Continuous mining equipment has evolved significantly over the last 100
years. While most of this equipment attack the solid face, ripping out and
loading the coal in one step, sometimes using very different processes. Only
those machines still in use today are reviewed.

Figure 2-14: Four-Rotor Boring machine Boring Machines

Figure 2-14 shows a boring machine. These machines have rotating arms
equipped with bits that bore out the coal. The boring machine has a cutting
chain on the bottom that creates a flat working bottom and an upper
trimming chain, which when working together, produce a roof configuration
that is arched or ovaloidal opening. The arms revolve relatively slowly,
produce a much coarser product than that of a ripper miner, minimizing gas
and dust problems. Since the machine uses its tracks to provide the thrust,
it cannot be used to bolt simultaneously as advancing. The machine can
have drills mounted on a slide carriages and have met with success at bolting
and mining simultaneously.

The main disadvantage of this type of machine is its size. It typically

occupies the entire stope. The tips of the arms can be extended or
contracted hydraulically over certain limits to provide some machine
clearance during tramming, however, the machine must move considerably
slowly. Ventilation is also an issue when dealing with its size; therefore
these machines are typically used in potash mines, not coal mines. Further
discussions on potash mining will be discussed later.

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Figure 2-15: Milling head continuous mining machine Milling head miner

Milling head miners are the most popular continuous miner in operation in US
coal mines. The machine is a ripper with disks or wheels located on arms.
The disks rotate in a vertical plane. To mine the coal between the disks, the
arms to which the disks are attached oscillate or are provided with a side
splay or horizontal movement. While the machine can be equipped with a
full-face head about 4.6 m (15 ft) wide, usually the width of the head is less
so that two passes are required to mine the width of a room or entry.

Figure 2-16: Miller-head continuous miner.

The usual mode of operation is to push the machine into the face on its
crawler while the head is in an elevated position and the disks are rotating.

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The milling machine sumps (pushes) into the top and shears downward.
Loading arms located under the head load the coal. While the basic machine
had an oscillating feature when it was introduced, most miners use the same
bit attack with a rigid head and the machine is usually referred to as the
Hardhead miner. In this type, bits are spirally wound on a fixed shaft so that
each bit cuts an infinite number of vertical planes during a single revolution,
accomplishing the same purpose without oscillating and with subsequently
fewer maintenance problems. This machine is cheaper as well as requiring
less maintenance, it is, therefore, quite popular today. In addition, its head
can be tapered to provide an arched opening where desired, although the
optimum shape with regard to ground control should be heeded. The usual
procedure is to mine an opening cut the width of the machine [usually 3 m
(10 ft)] then mine the other side of the face. Since this machine cuts by
advancing the crawler to the face, drills for roof-bolting would have to be
attached to the chassis in a flexible manner, negating its widespread use for
concurrent bolting. However, some equipment allows both bolting and mining
simultaneously. Boom-Type Miner

A boom-type miner or road-header consists of a rotary cutter-head mounted
on an articulated boom, a crawler assembly, and a gathering arm system.
The design of the machine permits a concentration of power at a single
cutting bit at a time, enabling it to cut harder rock than drum-type
continuous miners can excavate. While it is used for mining coal and other
minerals, its primary use is for driving mine entries and tunnels in civil
engineering projects.

Roadheaders were introduced in the post World War II era, and at present
there are over 2800 employed worldwide, with the majority outside the US.
However, about 140 road-headers are in use in North America with
approximately 75% of the machines working in mines. Roadheaders can
excavate any size and shape of cross section: circular, horseshoe, arched,
and rectangular. Unlike conventional drilling and blasting, the smooth cutting
action of the cutterhead does not weaken the rock due to overbreak. Thus
lighter support may be used or less concrete, aiding cost. The machine is
being used to enlarge mine entries in a bituminous mine in central
Pennsylvania by removing bottom rock. The wide flexibility in cutting at
various angles also increases the utility of the roadheader when compared to
the continuous miner, as seen in Figure 2-17.

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Figure 2-17: Mining of Steep seams with roadheadder and miller head
(drum-type) miners

Figure 2-18: Mining in variable height seams

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Figure 2-19: Double head Roadheadder

Figure 2-20: MD1100 with traverse boom Performance Analysis

Predicting the cutting rate of these machines requires information on:
• rock properties, both in terms of the rock and rock mass;
• machine properties, including rock-tool interaction models.

A few key measures include:

• ICR: instantaneous cutting rate
• OCR: operational cutting rate (includes utilization)

Typically, the OCR is 0.45–0.60 x ICR, while 0.30(ICR) when trimming

Utilization is affected by:

• Support installation
• Surveying
• Pick replacement,
• Maintenance/repairs
• Haulage delays
• Shift changes

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In the calculation of utilization, boom repositioning and final profiling are not

Advance rate is calculated by:

Advance rate = × utilizatio n × Penetration rate
face area

Be warned: theoretical cutting models for roadheaders vary in applicability

for machine types, and are not good. TBM models work better, however,
TBM performance remains to be calculated empirically, as before:

SE=specific energy

Where: SE = HP / ICR

Most predictions use RMR, RQD and UCS.

The rock cuttability index, in kg/cm = σ c
; can be used in conjunction
with Figure 2-21.

Figure 2-21: Rock Mass Cuttability Index vs. cutting rate

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Note that Figure 2-21 can also be used for predicting road-header
productivity as a function of rock mass properties.

Figure 2-22: Roadheader performance vs. rock class. Tunnel Boring Machine

This type of machine can be used to drive circular tunnels from 5.7 ft (1.75
m) to more than 36 ft (11 m) in diameter in rock types that range from
weak, loosely consolidated to very strong and abrasive. In almost all cases
breakage is effectuated by roller cutters mounted on the cutting head, as
seen in Figure 2-23. Because these cutters break the rock by indentation,
these machines are characterized by very high thrust requirements. This
thrust is provided by hydraulic rams that press the cutterhead into the rock
face. The thrust reaction force is reacted through gripper pads that are
pressed hydraulically against the tunnel walls. The rock broken from the face
by the cutters falls to the floor where it is scooped into buckets mounted
around the gage of the cutterhead. This debris is lifted in the buckets to the
tunnel crown, whereupon it is tipped onto a belt conveyor that runs through
the center of the machine.

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Figure 2-23: Tunnel boring machine

Figure 2-24: Components of a TBM

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Figure 2-25: Disc cutters on TBM

The most common type of cutting tool employed on these machines is the
disk cutter. In some cases the cutting edge of this tool is a hardened steel
surface and in other cases it is a row of cemented tungsten carbide buttons
that are press-fitted into the disk rim. The most common cross section for a
hardened steel disk cutter is seen in Figure 2-26. The advantage of this
design is that the tool area presented to the face is maintained resulting in
relatively constant penetration rate. As the cutters become blunted, it is
necessary to increase both the machine thrust force and torque. Other cutter
types include the kerf cutter, which is simply multiple disks mounted on the
same hub, and the pineapple cutter, which is a frustrum with cemented
tungsten carbide buttons press-fitted onto the surface.

Figure 2-26: cross section of disc cutter

Figure 2-27: Kerf and Pinapple cutters

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A ranking of cutting efficiency of these tool types, in terms of specific energy,

places the steel disk cutter as the most efficient, the disk-button cutter next,
and the pineapple cutter as least efficient. However, the wear resistance, and
therefore the capability of cutting strong abrasive formations. is the reverse
of this efficiency ranking. Consequently, steel disks tend to be used for
cutting weaker, less abrasive rocks, and pineapple cutters are used for
machining the most abrasive and toughest formations. Several other
comments can be made about the cutting behavior of disk cutters. First, in
contrast with drag bits, the efficiency of the rock breakage process does not
decrease when disk cutters are used in a groove deepening (when multiple
passes are made by a tool taking a series of shallow cuts in a kerf before
producing major rock chips) mode. This is fortunate because in practice,
groove deepening is the cutting procedure most commonly employed with
tunneling and with other boring machines. Second, similar to the findings for
drag bits, an optimum spacing exists between an array of disk cutters
working a rock face. The value of this optimum spacing depends on the depth
of cut taken and on the rock type. However, whereas with drag bits an
optimum s/d value of 2 to 3 is typical (see Figure 2-28), with disk cutters this
value is more typically in the range 5 to 10. Third, the efficiency of the rock
breakage process is independent of whether the grooves are cut
simultaneously, with multiple disks on a single hub, or sequentially, with
independent disks.

Figure 2-28: spacing versus depth relationship

Skidding has a major influence on cutter longevity (more will reduce

longevity). This dragging or ploughing action is particularly acute for rollers
as the center of the cutting head.

TBMs are widely used in civil applications. The primary advantage is that this
machine is quasi-continuous, compared with the drill-blast-muck cyclical

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method. Therefore tunnel rates are somewhat more constant and higher
where TBMs are used. Roughly, the speed of advance for a drill-blast-muck
crew would be 10 feet per shift (ideal), whereas on a TBM, the advance rate
would be about 33 feet per shift. A key environmental aspect is the lack of
ground vibrations when compared to blasting. A further considerable
advantage is the lack of secondary damage caused by the machine when
compared to the damage cause by blasting. The disadvantages are:
• High capital costs
• Tunnel cross section is circular
• Large turning radius (100 meters)
• Cumbersome machine and system installation.

Considering these disadvantages, a rule of thumb is that a tunnel of at least

2 km in length to justify the cost of a machine setup. The lack of flexibility,
size, and cost of the equipment has made TBM not fully accepted in mining.
Some attempts have been made to develop hardrock continuous mining
machines that are more flexible, however, the bit wear costs remain
prohibitive. A prototype oscillating disc cutter appears to show promise but
has yet to be fully developed into a working production unit.

The TBM is considered to be the primary equipment in the field of rapid

excavation. Progress in rapid excavation can be measured by several
performance parameters: (1) hardness of the rock, (2) time percentage of
machine availability, (3) diversity of application, (4) rate of advance, (5)
specific excavation rate, and (6) cost of advance. Several of these
parameters deserve to be discussed further here. First, hardness of rock is
an area in which some progress is being made. Tunneling through rocks up
to 30,000 psi (207 MPa) has become fairly common; however, some tunnels
have been driven through rock approaching 50,000 psi (350 MPa) in
compressive strength

TBM specific excavation rates have also gone up over the period of rapid
excavation usage. Case studies dating back to 1980 have resulted in
empirical tables of rock types with corresponding excavation rate. Note that
the metamorphic, granitic, and volcanic rocks have TBM specific excavation
rates of 8 to 360 X 10-6 ft3 of rock extracted per lb of force per cutter per
revolution (0.00005 to 0.0023 m3 of rock extracted per kN per cutter per
revolution) and the rates in sedimentary rocks are 8 to 720 X 10-6 ft3 of rock
per lb of force per cutter per revolution (0.00005 to 0.0046 m3 of rock per kN
per cutter per revolution).

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Figure 2-29: Empirically derived excavation rates of TBMs by diameter for

igneous and metamorphic rock types

Figure 2-30: Empirically deriven excavation rates of TBMs by diameter for

sedimentary rock types

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Although improvements have been made in these parameters, machine

availability is still a problem area. Studies have shown that TBM availability
is 35 to 50%. There are many good reasons that the TBM is not engaged in
the excavation process a greater percentage of the time. Maintenance,
backup equipment, ground control, cutter replacement, and other delays all
contribute to the problem.

One of the major deterrents to applying rapid excavation in underground

mining is the rather massive dimensions of the typical TBM with its trailing
gear. This is evident in the application of a TBM to development in an
underground mine (Stillwater). In this project the mining company had to
work with a TBM manufacturer to reduce the turning radius of its TBM to
about 200 ft (60 m) in order to effectively use the device in mine
development. The original turning radius of the machine (350 ft or 106 m)
was simply too great to be able to effectively maneuver the machine

Another important limitation of the TBM in mining projects is the economics

of conventional versus rapid excavation development, see Figure 2-31). For
tunnels of less than about 22,000 ft (6 km), the TBM normally cannot
provide a cost that is lower than the costs of conventional development
practices. This eliminates its use for many mine development projects.

Figure 2-31Cost comparison between tunnel boring and conventional drill

and blast.

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Although TBMs have been used for development at the Stillwater Complex in
Montana and at the Ray Mine in Arizona, the rapid excavation revolution has
still not established this process as commonplace in providing horizontal
development openings in mines. In the advance of vertical openings, rapid
excavation has greatly improved mine development and civil works,
particularly in the area of raise boring. In many mines, raise borers for
development of stoping operations are routinely used and have replaced
conventional development in all but unusual circumstances. Raise / Blindhole / Shaft Boring Machines

These machines use the same button roller cutter technology as TBMs, but
they drive vertical or steeply inclined holes rather than tunnels.

Figure 2-32: Steps in raisebore mining.

Figure 2-33: Raiseboring in operation top & bottom

Raise Borers are machines used to produce a circular excavation either

between two existing levels in an underground mine or between the surface
and an existing level. The process of raise boring is shown in Figure 2-32.
First, the boring machine is set up on the upper level, and a small-diameter
(of the order of 9 in. or 230 mm) pilot hole is drilled, usually with a tricone

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bit, down to the lower level. When this hole is completed, the drillbit is
removed, at the lower level, and replaced by a reamer head having a
diameter with the same dimension as the desired excavation. Some type of
roller cutters are mounted on the reamer head. This head then is rotated and
pulled back up towards the machine. The rock debris falls by gravity into the
lower excavation where it is removed. These machines are very effective in
driving raises, and they have become very popular, particularly in hard-rock
underground mines. Frequently the direct costs of driving a raise, in terms of
dollars per foot (dollars per meter), are reduced by using these machines. In
addition, however, this raising system offers other significant advantages,
such as:
• safety--conventional drill-and-blast raising is notoriously dangerous.
• improved excavation rates
• improved productivity.
• circular shape combined with the lack of blasting damage results in an
excavation of greater strength and integrity than a hand-driven raise.
• Reduced friction for ventilation raises.

Applications of raise boring are in both civil and mining environments,

specific applications are summarized in Table 2-1.

Table 2-1: Applications for boring

Mining Civil
1. Material 1. Penstocks and surcharge chambers in hydroelectric
Transfers (ore projects
or rock passes) 2. Redirection and retrieval of water in hydroelectric
2. Ventilation projects
3. Personnel 3. Storage of petroleum, pressurized gas, and nuclear
access waste
4. Ore production 4. Road and rail tunnel ventilation
5. Slots for 5. Storm water storage and drainage
longhole 6. Equipment access (pipes, hoses, cables)
7. Water inlets and outlets for fish farms.

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Figure 2-34: Raise boring diagram – Up and downward boring.

Blindhole Borers are machines that will produce a circular excavation without
the need for a pilot hole. The machine is set up on a level in an underground
mine, and a steeply inclined hole, generally several feet (meters) in
diameter, is excavated upward from this level.

Figure 2-35: Blind boring operation

Figure 2-36: Blind boring bit head.

Boring Site Preparation.

Correct site preparation eliminates major delays and adds noticeable
efficiencies to the raise boring operation. Raise boring site preparation
begins with a comprehensive plan of the site layout. Site planning
considerations must include:
• Derrick mounting systems
• Selection of bailing fluid
• Bailing fluid and cuttings discharge

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• Storage and positioning of drill string components

• Overhead clearances
• Floor space and equipment positioning
• Compressed Air
• Water
• Electric power
• Lighting
• Communications
• Ventilation.

Horizontal boring
Use of horizontal raise boring in civil engineering projects is becoming
increasingly popular as compared to alternatives since:
• no trench is to be dug
• no vibration or environmental side-effects of drilling and blasting
• less set-up time and cheaper than TBMs.

Combined with directional drilling (undertaken when drilling the pilot hole), a
directional tunnel can be built.

Figure 2-37: Directional boring in urban environment.

Figure 2-38: horizontal borehead

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MGE 415 – Rock Excavation – Module 2 – Mechanical Excavation 2003 Underground mining case studies

The first case study of an underground continuous mining system is
exploration of the Boulby potash mine in the UK. Note that the shaft had to
be excavated by freezing the surrounding rock mass so that a minimum of
water inflow would occur. A special impermeable lining was then constructed
long the shaft in the section under the aquifer. This can be seen in Figure

Figure 2-39: Cross section of the Boubly potash mine strata

To cope with greater stresses in the ore below 1,200m and to raise output
above 3Mt/y by 2001, CPL converted its continuous miners to remote-
controlled operation (so they can be safely used in shaly sections without
prior blasting). The mine is currently establishing a mine-wide digital micro-
seismic monitoring system and has devised a two-road with stubs (rather
than four-road) stress-relieving room-and-pillar technique which achieves
more mining per shift. Jeffrey and Joy continuous miners discharge to Joy
electric shuttle cars, which run to feeder breakers on the main conveyors to
the hoisting shaft.

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MGE 415 – Rock Excavation – Module 2 – Mechanical Excavation 2003

Figure 2-40: remote operation allows distance mining and the operator to
view from different angles.

Case Study: Rocanville Saskatchewan

Rocanville uses a long room-and-pillar method of mining. Ore is mined from
rooms in three passes, separated by pillars supporting the overlying strata.
Five automated Marietta two- and four-rotor continuous miners, each capable
of extracting 650t/h of ore, form the production fleet. The run-of-mine ore is
loaded on to extensible conveyors attached to the continuous miners. These
connect to the main haulage conveyors, which move the ore to skip-loading
pockets at the shafts, where it is hoisted to surface. In addition to
automating its Marietta miners to measure ore grades and mine selectively,
the company installed a central control room at Rocanville from which the
entire mine, surface and underground, is controlled. The central control
system, supplied by Allen-Bradley, oversees all aspects of the mine and mill
operation, and has maximized ore extraction and recovery since it was

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Figure 2-41: Marrieta miner in Rocanville

Figure 2-42: Marrieta digging a trench, being maintained

Several types of cuts are made in mining potash. These can be seen in
Figure 2-43, which shows various boring type cuts.

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Figure 2-43: Cross sectional view of four-rotor boring in potash

2.3.2 Continuous Surface Mining Technology Surface Miners
Surface Miner combines the individual processes normally associated with
traditional technology, such as drilling, blasting or tearing, extraction,
transportation, crushing and loading. In particular, the fact that blasting is
no longer required leads to a considerable reduction in environmental
pollution from, gasses, dust, noise and flying rocks. Selective mining of thin
or sloping layers results in a clear separation of material (overburden,
minerals etc.). Eliminating dilution increases the efficiency of transportation
and further processing. Surface Miners have reached a rated capacity of
1,250 bm³/h when engaged in lignite mining. This means that layers of up to
approximately 1.2 m thickness can be mined in one step.

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Figure 2-44: Various aspects of a Surface miner

Surface Miners are capable of continuously mining stone with 50 MPa or 100
MPa, irrespective of discontinuities and without blasting.
This includes:
• lignite
• coal
• anthracite
• bauxite
• phosphorite
• marl
• limestone
• hard sediment stone (sandstone,
• certain conglomerates, breccien
• clays, loam

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Figure 2-45: Surface miner ideal for thin strata

Figure 2-46: Cutting capacities for various Wirtgenamerica products

Figure 2-47: Surface miner ideal for defined thin vertical or flat seams

Surface Miners are suitable for:

• Mining for the extraction of minerals and overburden
• Road construction for preparing roads, motorways and waterways
• Earthworks for preparing construction sites etc.

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Figure 2-48: components of Surface miner Bucket wheel excavators

Originally designed for relatively easy digging materials (gravel, sand, loam,
marl, clays, and lignites), bucket wheel excavators (BWEs) can now dig in
relatively hard material. These have included compact sediments such as
shales, black coal, some limestones, and tar sands. One of the most
successful applications of BWEs has been in German and Australian lignite
mines. The machine digs out the material using a large wheel with buckets
that revolve as the wheel turns. The teeth on the individual buckets are the
primary ground engaging tools that break out the material from the ground.
BWEs are most often attached to a conveyor network where waste material
is sent to a spreader or to an ore stockpile.

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Figure 2-49: Bucketwheel nomenclature

Figure 2-50: Bucket cutting and discharge

BWE considerations:
• Hard consolidated materials, large boulders or blocky material cannot be
• Sticky material build up in buckets and can gum up the conveyor
(although, with modern systems, sticky material can be handled);

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• Abrasive material produces excessive wear on the teeth (some modern

tooth design can significantly increase tooth life).
• The digging face should be stable
• Actual output is usually only 45-110% of theoretical
• Very limited flexibility (can be flexible in certain geological and equipment
• High capital costs but may be the most economical method of mining weak
flat tabular deposits.
• Some advantages in direct reclamation (environmental benefit);
• Relatively little manpower
• Must closely match downstream equipment (as in all mining operations)
• Low total costs
• Long life
• There must be a matched system linking BWE, side-slewage conveyor belt
system and spreaders

Advantages of Continuous Excavators

• Have lower impact loading than comparable single-bucket machines
• Tends to reduce dynamic stresses, machine mass, maintenance costs,
power consumption
• Reduced slewing (swing) speed, reduced digging impacts, reduction in
ground bearing pressure
• BWE can mine both thin overburden and deeper overburden
• Conditions possible where single bucket (dragline) is impossible

Theoretical output of machine is:

60 Fs
Qth =
Swell Factor
where Q is theoretical output in yd3/hr (or m3/hr) bank,
F is capacity of single bucket
S is number of bucket discharges per minute
Swell factor is that of the material being excavated.

The theoretical output of BWEs range between 200 to 20,000 m3/hr.

Largest disadvantage is their size, which limits flexibility. Therefore the mine
must have strict discipline in terms of the mine plan, such as:
• Sufficient reserves to justify the capital cost
• Relatively horizontal stratification over a wide area of the deposit
• Uniform geologic conditions (i.e. absence of major faulting, severe
undulations, large variations in overburden thickness

Specific cutting force

The digging resistance of the material being excavated is limited by:
• The bucket wheel drive power
• The mechanical strength of the bucket
• Machine mass (service weight)

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Despite empirical research, no direct relationship mathematical model for

prediciting specific cutting force between the key variables has been
established. These key variables include:
• Digging resistance
• Intact rock strength
• jointing
• Bedding
• Tooth shape and sharpness
• Angle of attack
• Wedge angle of the bucket cutting lip

Hard Ground operation is possible with large, modern BWEs that have high
wheel rotation speeds with slower slewing speeds. Material that cannot be
dug out with a cable shovel such as hard clays, phosphates, sandstones, and
frozen Tar Sands, can be excavated economically with BWEs. Provided that
rock does not contain large hard boulders, and that the ground’s strength
ranges between 15-18 MPa.

Case Study: Big Brown Mine, Texas

• The Big Brown Mine, located near Fairfield in Freestone County, is
composed of two active mining areas that supply fuel to the Big Brown
Steam Electric Station.
• Big Brown Mine fuel is used to generate approximately 7% of TU Electric's
total electricity generation.
• TXU Mining receives about 17% of its total lignite production from the Big
Brown Mine.
• About 12,000 acres have been mined at since mining began in 1971.
• The Mine areas have a combined total pit length of approximately 7 miles.
• Approximately 72 million cubic yards of overburden are moved per year.
The total amount of overburden have been excavated since mining
operations began is approximately 1.4 billion cubic yards.

BWE Specifications:
Height.................................41 feet
Width..................................33 feet
Length................................144 feet
Weight................................374 tons
Bearing Pressure .............14.5 P.S.I.*
Wheel Diameter.................26 feet
Wheel Speed.....................5.125 R.P.M.***
Number of Buckets...........12
Bucket Size.......................1.08 yd³
Belts..................................2 (1 receiving, and 1 discharge)
Belt Width..........................60 inches
Belt Speed.........................885 F.P.M.**
Boom Length.....................49 feet (receiving) 82 (discharge)
Crawler Size......................8 feet (width) 29 feet (length)

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Design Digging Height......49feet

Design Digging Width........60 feet BWE will dig 3 feet below level of tracks
Ground Speed.................. 32.8 F.P.M.**
Personnel Required......... 1 operator and 1 oiler

The above information is additionally supplemented by:
• Assignment 2
• Lecture for module 2.3
• Reading – Chapter 13.5 – Continuous Excavators, SME Handbook,

2.4 Dozers and Rippingv

Dozers can be utilized for ground preparation when using a ripper, which is
mounted to the rear of the tractor. Rippers are used widely in civil
engineering projects to excavate slopes and wide swaths of surface area.
Rippers are used in quarries to excavate sand and gravel deposits. Rippers
are also used to some extent in mining for surface preparation and in coal

In the ripping process, the ripper shank is pulled through the soil or rock to
loosen or fragment the material, which can then be loaded by a scraper or
front-end loader, or handled by the dozer blade. Ripping is an inexpensive
method of breaking discontinuous ground or soft rock masses. Figure 2-51
shows a ripper in action (back of dozer). In this operation, the dozer
excavates the exposed coal and pushes the loosened material into windrows.
Front-end loaders then load the material into haul trucks.

Rippability is determined by:

• Compressive strength
• Bedding planes, joints and fractures;
• Brittleness;
• Softness (from weathering).

There are three ripper types, as seen in Figure 2 through Figure 4

• Radial;
• Parallelogram;
• Adjustable parallelogram.

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Figure 2-51: Ripper in Action

(a) (b) (c)

Figure 2-52: (a) Radial ripper, (b) Parallelogram ripper, (c) Adjustable
Parallelogram ripper

In a Hinge-type ripper, the linkage carrying the beam and shank pivots about
a fixed point at the rear of the tractor. As the shank enters the ground and
penetrates to maximum depth, the tooth angle is constantly changing.
Hinge-type rippers offer the advantage of an aggressive entry angle, but
cannot be adjusted to compensate for varying conditions. A Parallelogram-
type ripper allows the linkage carrying the beam and shank to maintain an
essentially constant tip-ground angle regardless of tooth depth. This type of
ripper has advantages over the hinge-type when ripping above maximum
depth, but does not provide the aggressive tooth angle necessary for hard-
to-penetrate materials. The Adjustable Parallelogram ripper combines the
features of both the hinge- type and parallelogram rippers. It can vary the tip
angle beyond vertical for improved penetration and can be hydraulically
adjusted while ripping to provide the optimum ripping angle in most
materials. The ripper may have a multishank arrangement where multiple
shanks are pulled by a single dozer (typically up to three).

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Figure 2-53: Ripper Nomenclature

Other ripper nomenclature includes:
• Pryout, also known as breakout – the maximum sustained force
upwards generated by the lift cylinders
• Penetration force – the maximum sustained downward force,
generated by the ripper lift cylinders measured at the ripper tip.

Figure 2-54: Nomenclature for rippers (see Table 2-2)

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Table 2-2: Ripper Selection for Large CAT Dozers.

Good penetration is essential for high production and depends on:

• Material;
• Down pressure;
• Point or tip angle with ground;
• Ripping direction (material bedding planes, slopes)

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Cost comparison: Blasting vs. ripping:

• Higher repair costs;
• Ripper tip replacement should be included in hourly costs;
• Machine life average 8000 hrs (continuous ripping)
• May be 1/3 to ½ of blasting, in proper application.

2.4.1 Determining Rippability.

Ripping is an inexpensive method of removing discontinuous ground or soft
rock masses. Some weaker fragmented sedimentary rocks (less than 15 MPs
compressive strength, example: mudstone) are not easily removed by
blasting as they are pulverized in their immediate vicinity of the blasthole or
may lift along bedding planes then fall back when gas pressure has been
dissipated. Figure 2-55 shows a rough chart of various excavation methods
considering several ground types. Table 2-3 provides excavation
characteristics for a wide variety of material.

Figure 2-55: Rock quality classification in relation to excavation processes.

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Table 2-3: Excavation Characteristics in relation to rock hardness and


Table 2-4: Excavation Characteristics in relation to joint spacing

Figure 2-56: Seismic velocities in relation to ripping

The most common method for determining if a rock mass is economically

rippable is seismic refraction. Figure 2-56 shows the seismic velocity of

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various rock types and their rippability. The upper limit of ripper operations
is ground with a seismic velocity approximately 2 km/s. However, this
generalized measurement only provides a very limited view of the issues in
ripping operation. Seismic velocity can vary as much as 1 km/s in identical
materials. Rippability assessments based on rock classification is far more
accurate. An adapted Q system of rock classification can be used to define
an excavability index, N, which ca be calculated by the equation below, and
supplemented by Table 2-5. Table 2-6 through Table 2-10 provide
comparative tables from which an excavability index can be calculated.

( RQD) J
N = MS × Js × r
(J n ) Ja
Table 2-5: Variables in excavability index

Ms mass strength number (amount of effort needed to excavate dry,

homogeneous material with no discontinuities
RQD Rock quality designation
Jn Number of joint sets
Js Reducing effect which the block shape and orientation has on the force
needed to break out the material
Jr Roughness of the most unfavorable joint sets
Ja Degree of alteration

Table 2-6: Mass Strength Number for Rocks (Ms)

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Table 2-7: Joint count number (Jc) and Joint set number (Jn)

Table 2-8: Relative ground structure number (Js)

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Table 2-9: Joint roughness number (Jr)

Table 2-10: Joint Alteration number (Ja)

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2.4.2 Operational issues: Ripping technique:
Using hydraulic force to help fracture rock is an effective technique for
ripping hard rock seams or pockets is to combine tractor drawbar power and
hydraulic force. When the ripper has contacted the hard rock, the following
procedure is undertaken:
1. The decelerator is used to control trackslip.
2. The ripper shank is controlled to adjust shank angle back slightly.
3. Engine speed is maintained high enough to allow the tractor to continue
moving forward as the ripper shank angles back.
4. While the tractor moves forward, the ripper shank is returned to its
original position (forward), combining ripper hydraulic force with tractor
drawbar pull. Ripping Downgrade

Ripping downgrade can increase production. If the job layout permits, the
downgrade approach can be helpful when working a hard spot or seam.
There are several key issues to be aware of when ripping downgrade.
• Traction on rock is less than on dirt.
• Avoid ripping on or creating slopes the tractor cannot climb.
• Avoid sideslopes.

2.4.3 Estimating Ripping Production

Ripper production rates: can be determined empirically by:
• Determining the average cycle time, measure average rip distance, rip
spacing, and depth penetration, calculate production rate; or
• Record time spent ripping, remove and weigh (through surveying &
volume calculations), then calculate production rate.

Since ripping is primarily compared to drilling and blasting, on a per ton or

volume basis, an estimate of ripper production in these terms is needed. The
simplest method is to record the time spent ripping, then remove the weight
of the material. For example, consider an example where a CAT D10R dozer
equipped with a single shank ripper excavates a path every 90 cm (width of
tear) at an average speed of 1.6 km/h. After every 91 meters, the machine
must turn (takes 0.25 minutes to raise shank, pivot dozer, and lower shank
again). This is the equivalent of 1 pass. Consider that the ripper shank has
a penetration depth of 61 cm.

1.6 km/h = 26.7 m/min. Therefore = 3.41 min
26.7m / min
3.41 + .25 (turn time) = 3.66 min/pass

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• if operator works 45 min/h, is would be possible to make

45/3.66=12.3 passes per hour.
• The volume ripped can be estimated by: 91m x 0.61m x 0.90m = 49.1
BCM per pass
• Therefore the volume per pass is equivalent to 12.3 x 49.1 = 604
Note that these estimates are approximately 10-20% higher than what would
be expected on-site.

Productivity can also be estimated using the ripper production charts, such as
those seen in Figure 2-57. However, it should be recognized that in these
• Rip full time (does not doze simultaneously)
• Power shift tractors with single shank rippers
• 100% efficiency (60 min/hr)
• For all classes of material.
Figure 2-58 also provides estimates for ripper productivities for various
material type.

Figure 2-57: Ripper Production Chart

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Figure 2-58: Performance chart for D11

Figure 2-59: D11 with ripper

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2.4.4 Ripping vs. Blasting

Improvements in ripping tractor capabilities have made ripping a viable
alternative to blasting. As mentioned before, environmental factors will
undoubtedly play an important role in reaching this decision. For example,
in an urban area there may be restrictions prohibiting the use of explosives,
making ripping a necessity. Political factors or the threat of terrorism
severely restrict the use of explosives in some countries. But in most
situations, where there is equal opportunity for the use of either method, the
first consideration is probably one of cost - will it be cheaper to rip or blast?
This initial-cost consideration must then be weighed with other influencing
factors: the economics of fully utilizing equipment; the end use of the
material; and transporting and loading methods.

Full utilization of the equipment available or already on the job can help
determine the best method of loosening the material. This is because many
earthmoving jobs already involve track-type tractors and scrapers for a
sizable portion of the total yardage. If this equipment can be used to finish
the job - rather than bring in a rock crew with drills, explosives, loaders and
hauling units - it's not difficult to appreciate the savings involved. It's soon
apparent that considerable effort can be expended to rip the material in
order to keep scrapers on the job.

End-use of the material also influences the ripping vs. blasting decision.
There are few size limitations when the rock is simply moved by a bulldozer
and "wasted." If the material is used to form an embankment, however, very
definite limitations are usually placed upon the size of the rocks to be
accepted. Optimum compaction cannot be obtained if there are large rocks in
the fill. Variations in ripping depth, spacing, and direction of passes usually
can produce the desired material size. Blasting is at times unpredictable, as
the desired rock fragmentation may be difficult to obtain and even require
expensive secondary blasting (in effect, reblasting). Appreciable increases in
crusher production have been realized by cement plants and aggregate
quarries after switching from a blasting to a ripping operation.

The final comparison of ripping vs. blasting can be made in terms of how the
material is to be moved. As we stated, dozed material presents few
problems. Material top loaded into hauling units cannot be larger than the
loading bucket. Scrapers can inexpensively haul materials which are well
broken up and loosened. Elevating loaders and conveyors are high capacity
systems. Their greatest advantage - high production - can be achieved only if
the material is in small pieces and easy to handle. Generally, ripping is the
most cost- effective method to achieve these requirements.

A cost analysis will indicate the economics of ripping over drilling blasting.
This comparison indicates how ripper tip life is an important factor in
deciphering the production needed for ripping to be cost effective. Ripper tips
are the most expensive variable in the operating costs of ripping tractors,
accounting for approximately 30 to 40 percent of total operating costs on the

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MGE 415 – Rock Excavation – Module 2 – Mechanical Excavation 2003

largest tractors. In the final analysis, a ripping vs. blasting decision will
depend on the total volume of material to be loosened and moved, on the
production capabilities and costs of the ripping tractor(s) used, and on the
size and relative efficiency of drilling and blasting techniques.


The above information is additionally supplemented by:
• Lecture for module 2.4 (Mandatory)
• Assignment XX?
From SECOROC’s Geology Drilling Theory. Document S-96174
Persson, Per-Anders, Roger Homberg, and Jaimn Lee. Rock Blasting and Explosives
Engineering. New York: CRC Press. 1994. 50p.
From Dr. Paul Lever’s 415 course notes.
These notes were assembled directly from the following references:
• Hartman, Howard L. Ed. SME Mining Engineering Handbook. 2nd ed. 1992
• Hartman, Howard L. and Jan M. Mutmansky, Introductory Mining Engineering,
2nd ed. New York: John Wiley & Sons. 2002, 570p.
• Atlas Copco, The Raise Boring Handbook 2nd ed.
• Stefanko, Robert. Coal Mining Technology Theory and Practice. Littleton
CO.:Society of Mining Engineers. 1983
• McKercher, R.M., Ed. Potash Technology: Mining, Processing, Maintenance,
Transportation, Occupational Health and Safety, Environment. Pergamon
Press: Toronto. 1983
•, search: continuous mining
• Wirtgen America Inc. Surface Mining Manual. Edition 2002
This lecture and its notes were complied using sources from:
• Bell, F. G. ed. Engineering in Rock Masses. Butterworth-Heinemann: London.
1992. ISBN: 0 7506 1063 8
• Caterpillar Performance Handbook, 28th Ed.
• Caterpillar Ripping Handbook, 12th Ed.
• 2001 Class notes, from Bob Cummings
• 1997 Class notes, from Sean Dessuresult’s Surface Mining Course Notes for
UBC’s Mining and Mineral Processing Department.
Students are welcome to view these sources in my office.

Dessureault 1/19/2003 77
University of rizona
Mining and Geological Engineering

415 - Rock Excavation

Course Notes – Spring 2003

Module 3

Compiled by:
Dr. Sean Dessureault
MGE 415 – Rock Excavation 2003

Table of Contents
MODULE 3: DRILLING AND BLASTING COMPONENTS......................................................... 1
3.1 DRILLING MECHANISMS ................................................................................................................ 1
3.1.1 Percussive Drilling ................................................................................................................... 2
ADDITIONAL RESOURCES I................................................................................................................. 5
3.1.2 Rotary Drilling ......................................................................................................................... 6 Rotary drill string components........................................................................................................ 8 Rock drillability / Penetration rate ................................................................................................ 12 Rotary Drill Pulldown Weight ...................................................................................................... 14 Flushing medium........................................................................................................................... 16 Operational tips ............................................................................................................................. 18 Safety Tips .................................................................................................................................... 18 Chip Sampling .............................................................................................................................. 20 Single pass .................................................................................................................................... 20 Capacities...................................................................................................................................... 21 Productivity Estimate .................................................................................................................... 21 Drilling technology ....................................................................................................................... 23
ADDITIONAL RESOURCES II ............................................................................................................. 28
3.2 DRILLING EQUIPMENT .................................................................................................................. 28
ADDITIONAL RESOURCES III............................................................................................................ 28
3.3 EXPLOSIVES INTRODUCTION ........................................................................................................ 28
3.3.1 Detonation Theory.................................................................................................................. 28 C-J Plane ....................................................................................................................................... 30 Quick note on Shock Wave Propagation....................................................................................... 32
3.3.2 Comparative Explosive Properties ......................................................................................... 33 Fume Class.................................................................................................................................... 33 Density .......................................................................................................................................... 33 Water Resistance........................................................................................................................... 34 Temperature Effects ...................................................................................................................... 34 Detonation Velocity ...................................................................................................................... 34 Detonation Pressure ...................................................................................................................... 35 Borehole Pressure ......................................................................................................................... 35 Sensitivity ..................................................................................................................................... 36 Strength......................................................................................................................................... 36
3.3.3 Thermochemistry of Explosives and the Detonation Reaction. .............................................. 38 Oxygen Balance ............................................................................................................................ 38 Explosive Energy .......................................................................................................................... 39
ADDITIONAL RESOURCES IV............................................................................................................ 39
3.4 EXPLOSIVE PRODUCTS ................................................................................................................. 40
3.4.1 History of Explosives .............................................................................................................. 40
3.4.2 Energetic material .................................................................................................................. 42
3.4.3 Explosives and Propellants..................................................................................................... 43
3.4.4 Single Molecule and Composite Explosives ........................................................................... 43
3.4.5 Primary, Secondary, and Tertiary explosives......................................................................... 46
3.4.6 Commercial Explosives .......................................................................................................... 46
3.4.7 Nitroglycerin-based Explosives .............................................................................................. 47
3.4.8 Dry Blasting Agents................................................................................................................ 48
3.4.9 Wet Blasting Agents................................................................................................................ 49 Slurries .......................................................................................................................................... 50 Emulsions...................................................................................................................................... 50 Heavy ANFO ................................................................................................................................ 51
3.4.10 Primers and Boosters-........................................................................................................ 52
3.4.11 Initiators and Initiation Systems......................................................................................... 52
3.4.12 Electric Caps...................................................................................................................... 52
3.4.13 Non-electric caps ............................................................................................................... 53
3.4.14 Electronic Detonators ........................................................................................................ 54
3.4.15 Detonating cord ................................................................................................................. 54

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MGE 415 – Rock Excavation 2003

Table of Figures
FIGURE 3-1: THE DRILLING PROCESS ............................................................................................................... 2
FIGURE 3-2: COMPONENTS OF A PERCUSSION DRILL – PISTON AND STEEL ....................................................... 3
FIGURE 3-3: PISTON MOVING TOWARD STEEL ................................................................................................. 3
FIGURE 3-4: COMPRESSIVE WAVES IN BOTH PISTON AND STEEL ...................................................................... 3
FIGURE 3-5: REFLECTIONS AND WAVE TRANSMISSION. ................................................................................... 4
FIGURE 3-6: DYNAMICS OF SURFACE BLASTHOLE DRILL ................................................................................. 6
FIGURE 3-7: FLOOR PLAN FOR ROTARY DRILL P&H 100XP ............................................................................ 7
FIGURE 3-8: SELECTION OF DRILLING METHOD............................................................................................... 7
FIGURE 3-9: COMPONENTS IN ROTARY DRILLING ............................................................................................ 8
FIGURE 3-10: BLADE AND ROLLER STABILIZER ............................................................................................... 9
FIGURE 3-11: SWIVEL MOUNT SHOCK SUB..................................................................................................... 10
FIGURE 3-12: VIBRATION REDUCING EFFECTS OF USING SHOCK SUBS ........................................................... 11
FIGURE 3-13: BLASTHOLE COMPONENTS WITH RESPECT TO DRILL RIG .......................................................... 12
FIGURE 3-14: PENETRATION RATE VS. ROCK STRENGTH ............................................................................... 13
FIGURE 3-15: RECOMMENDED PULLDOWN WEIGHTS PER INCH OF BIT DIAMETER.......................................... 14
............................................................................................................................................................. 14
FIGURE 3-17: ROTARY DRIVE TYPES............................................................................................................. 15
FIGURE 3-18: PULLDOWN MECHANISMS ........................................................................................................ 15
FIGURE 3-19: RACK AND PINION PULLDOWN ................................................................................................. 15
FIGURE 3-20: AIR BAILING CHART ............................................................................................................... 17
FIGURE 3-23: COST PER TON OF MATERIAL EXCAVATED ............................................................................... 23
FIGURE 3-24: DM-1 PRODUCTION MONITORING SYSTEM ............................................................................. 24
FIGURE 3-25: DM-2 MATERIAL RECOGNITION SYSTEM................................................................................ 24
FIGURE 3-26: DM-3 DRILL CONTROL SYSTEM ............................................................................................. 25
FIGURE 3-27: OPERATOR’S VIEW WHEN NAVIGATING ................................................................................... 26
FIGURE 3-28: GPS RECEIVERS....................................................................................................................... 26
FIGURE 3-29: DETONATION PROCESS OF EXPLOSIVE CARTRIDGE .................................................................. 29
FIGURE 3-30: DETONATION PROCESS FOR CYLINDRICAL EXPLOSIVE ............................................................ 31
GAS VOLUME ........................................................................................................................................ 31
FIGURE 3-32: SHOCK WAVE PROPAGATION ................................................................................................... 32
FIGURE 3-33: GENERALIZED RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN VOD AND DIAMETER ............................................... 35
FIGURE 3-35: EXPLOSIVES FAMILY TREE ...................................................................................................... 42
FIGURE 3-36: EXPLOSIVE CLASSIFICATION SCHEME ..................................................................................... 43
FIGURE 3-40: GENERIC DESIGN DETONATORS ............................................................................................... 54

List of Tables
TABLE 3-1: COMPARISON OF HYDRAULIC AND PNEUMATIC DRILLS................................................................ 5
TABLE 3-2: COMPARATIVE TABLE ................................................................................................................... 5
TABLE 3-4: STANDARDS FOR FUME CLASS ................................................................................................... 33
TABLE 3-6: SINGLE CHEMICAL EXPLOSIVE SUBSTANCES............................................................................... 44
TABLE 3-7: MORE SINGLE CHEMICAL EXPLOSIVES ...................................................................................... 45
TABLE 3-8: TYPICAL COMPOSITIONS OF SELECTED SLURRIES AND EMULSIONS ............................................ 50
TABLE 3-9: TYPICAL DELAY TIMES FOR DONATORS ...................................................................................... 53

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MGE 415 – Rock Excavation – Module 3 – Drilling and Blasting Components. 2003

Module 3: Drilling and Blasting Componentsi

The following notes provide a summary of the tools and theory involved in
drilling and blasting. This covers basically drills and explosives. This module
is organized into four main sub-modules:
1. Drilling mechanisms
2. Drilling equipment
3. Explosives Introduction
4. Explosives Products

3.1 Drilling Mechanisms

Drilling is used in several industries and purposes. These various sectors are
briefly listed:
• Mining : drilling and blasting of rock
• Exploration: diamond core drilling, percussive, churn, hammer, rotary
(collect chips as samples)
• Quarrying: including specialized, small diameter (to create slabs)
• Construction: Intermediate drill sizes (typically to reduce excess damage,
to maintain slope)

In focusing on mining applications, several features can be remarked:

• May need different drills for ore and waste, due to the variances in
hardness and for grade control
• May need different drills depending on the location of drilling (air
• Underground typically uses smaller holes
• Surface mines typically use very large diameter holes
• Drill selection can depend on bench height (surface) or direction of drilling

The four main components in drilling include:

• Energy source (drill and compressed air) – where the drill converts energy
(such as the potential energy in compressed air) into mechanical energy.
• Energy transmitter – (steel) – the steel is the primary mover of the bit
• Energy applicator – (bit) – the bit attacks the rock mechanically
• Fluid – cleans hole, lubricates bit & hole wall, controls dust, cools bit,
stabilizes hole. The fluid can be water, air, or mud.

There are several losses of energy once the drill has converted the original
energy into mechanical energy:
• Compression of steel • Internal friction in the drill
• Bending • Heat
• Elastic strain @ couplings • Side friction of cuttings

The two primary rock drilling functions are:

• Penetration – where the fracturing or breaking of the material from in-situ

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• Circulation – where the debris is ejected.

Figure 3-1 shows the drilling process. Three components of the drilling
process should exist at all times. If any one of these components is
ineffective, the drilling process will deteriorate rapidly and the information
obtained from the hole will be invalid.

Figure 3-1: The drilling process

3.1.1 Percussive Drilling

Percussive drill bits break rock by indentation. The peak stress applied to the
bit by the drilling machine causes the bit to strike the rock at a stress
calculated by:

σ p = ρcv
Where: v - bit velocity at the rock face
ρ - density of the impacting body, steel = 7850 kg/m3
c - compression wave velocity of the impacting body (~5000 m/s)

Hence, σp=39.25v MPa for units of m/s

Figure 3-2 shows the mechanical components and the nomenclature of a

typical percussion drill. Either compressed air or water pushes the piston in
the drill to strike the steel in a repetitive manner. The energy to break the
rock is imparted through the drill bit by the compressive stress wave
imparted by the piston to the steel.

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Figure 3-2: Components of a percussion drill – piston and steel

Issues of drill efficiency and energy losses associated to coupling, the

mechanics of energy along the drill steel are presented by the following
discussion. The process of imparting energy into the rock begins with the
piston being forced at high speed into the drill steel as seen diagrammatically
in Figure 3-3.

Figure 3-3: Piston moving toward steel

When the piston strikes the steel the kinetic energy is transformed into a
compressive wave imparted to both the steel and piston as seen in Figure

Figure 3-4: Compressive waves in both piston and steel

These waves travel at a velocity c, to the ends of the piston and drill steel
where they are reflected. The nature of the reflected wave depends on the
boundary condition at the ends. For a bar with a free end (piston), the wave
is reflected as a tensile wave, whereas at a fixed end it is reflected as a
compressive wave. The piston remains in contact with the steel until the
tensile wave returns to the steel-piston interface and causes the two to
separate. This ends the pulse upon which the hammer imparts energy onto
the steel. Calculating the duration time of the pulse has been used to
calculate the yield strength for the drill before the machine would break. The
reflection and separation effect is shown diagrammatically in Figure 3-5.
Since the drill steel is in contact with the rock (not directly fixed), some of
the energy is imparted into the rock to break out chips and the remaining
energy returns as a compressive or tensile wave. The type of wave depends
on the rock type, and contact between the drill steel and the rock.

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Figure 3-5: Reflections and wave transmission.

Consider the case where the piston has a length l1, and the drill steel has a
length l2, and where the diameters of the piston and drill steel are the same.
The length of the compressive wave set up in the steel would therefore be
equal to 2l1 divided by the speed of the piston.
ts =
Some have observed that the yield strength of steel used for the piston and
drill steel limits the stresses that can be applied to the rock by using the
piston-type devices. The maximum stress in the piston σh and the drill steel
σt are given by:
At Ah
σ h = ρcv σ t = ρcv
( At + Ah ) ( At + Ah )
Where: v - bit velocity at the rock face
ρ - density of the impacting body, steel = 7850 kg/m3
c - compression wave velocity of the impacting body ~5000 m/s
At is the cross-sectional area of the drill steel
Ah is the cross-sectional area of the piston

Therefore, where At and Ah are equal, σh = σt = ρcv/2 = 19.63v MPa. If it

is generally desirable to limit the stresses in these steel components to about
212 MPa, the maximum piston velocity is equal to about 10.8 m/s. However,
these velocity limits are only for hydraulic drills as pneumatic drills cannot
generate such high velocities.

Not all the energy in the fluid in drilling is expended in breaking the rock.
Sources of energy loss include:
• Friction at coupling and other contact points,
• Bit wear
• Noise
• Vibration.

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• Flushing (positive work)

• Rotation of steel (positive work)

Machine mounted drills are known as drifters but most commonly as jumbo
drill rigs. Most of the drills in service are pneumatic, meaning compressed
air provides the energy to move the piston. Hydraulic, using water as the
energy transmission method, drills are also used but are technically more
sophisticated and are typically found on jumbo drill rigs. The advantages and
disadvantages of the hydraulic and pneumatic drills are listed below.

Table 3-1: Comparison of Hydraulic and Pneumatic drills

Advantages Disadvantages
Pneumatic • Low cost • Very low efficiency (less than
• Traditional, well established 5% of the input power to the
technology compressor is delivered to the
• Simple mechanical components rock)
• Most mines have compressed • Poor environment for the
air lines through the drifts machine operator (machine is
noisy and lubrication causes a
Hydraulic • More efficient (25-30% of • Components more complex
energy input power delivered to • More capital outlay
• 8-10 decibels less than
pneumatic drills (quieter)

Table 3-2: Comparative table

Drill type Typical Hole Sizes Typical Hole Lengths

Inches mm Ft m
Jacklegs / 0.75 – 1.25 19 - 32 1–4 0.3 – 1.2
Drifter / Jumbo 1.50 – 2.25 38 – 57 4 – 100 1.2 – 30.5

The above information is additionally supplemented by:
• Lecture module 3.1 (mandatory)
• Readings, Chapter 2: Rotary Percussive Drilling, from: Jimeno, Carlos
Lopez, Emilio Lopez Jimeno, and Francisco Javier Ayala Carcedo.
“Drilling and Blasting of Rocks” translated by Yvonne Visser De
Ramiro. Rotterdam: A.A. Balkema. (Mandatory)

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3.1.2 Rotary Drilling

In rotary drilling, the bit attacks the rock with energy supplied to it by a
rotating drill stem. The drill stem is rotated while a thrust is applied to it by
a pulldown mechanism using up to 65% of the weight of the machine. The
bit breaks and removes the rock by either a ploughing-scraping action in soft
rock, or a crushing and chipping action in hard rock, or a combination of the
two. Compressed air or water is supplied to the bit via the drill stem. The
air cools the bit and provides a flushing medium for the cuttings. The drills
typically operate in the vertical position although many types can drill up to
25 to 30 degrees horizontal. Figure 3-6 provides the nomenclature and
dynamic movement for rotary surface blasthole drills. Figure 3-7 provides
the deck plan for a P&H 100 rotary drill.

Figure 3-6: Dynamics of surface blasthole drill

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Figure 3-7: Floor plan for rotary drill P&H 100XP

Rotary drilling is one of the most popular drilling techniques for large surface
mines where large diameter holes are used in blasting. Figure 3-8 shows
how rotary tri-cone bits are the ideal application in hardrock surface mines.

Figure 3-8: Selection of Drilling method

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MGE 415 – Rock Excavation – Module 3 – Drilling and Blasting Components. 2003 Rotary drill string components

The drill string consists of three main systems:
• The suspension and drive that connect the string to the rig and power
• The drill pipe that transmits power, fluid, and cuttings
• The drill tools and bit that advance and shape the hole and provide

Figure 3-9: Components in rotary drilling Stabilizers

The efficiency of rotary cutting is lost when the drill pipe is allowed to bounce
around or when it fails to run smoothly in the center of the hole. The bit is
steadied and hole maintained on grade by the use of stabilizers. There are
two primary types of stabilizers, blade and roller (Figure 3-10).

Blade stabilizers are designed to center the drill collars in the hole. They are
run between or above the drill collars. Blade stabilizers come in many forms,
some have spiraled blade arrangements, other run blades vertically along the
stabilizer length.

Roller stabilizers have throwaway or replaceable rollers. They have the

advantage over blade stabilizers by providing better stabilization, longer life,
and lower torque requirements than blade types.

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Figure 3-10: Blade and roller stabilizer

The advantages of using stabilizers should be considered when designing or

selecting a drilling process. The primary reason is costs. These costs include
reduced cost per ton of rock removed, the more efficient use of expendable
items such as rock bits and drill steel can be achieved. Rock Bits are
designed to rotate about their own center. Stabilization assures that the bit
will do this and thus cause the energies and forces exerted on it to be most
efficiently utilized in an axial direction. Lateral movement or stumbling is
restricted and hole is produced in the direction intended. More footage per bit
and an increased penetration rate is achieved by proper utilization of the
forces applied to the bit. Dull conditions of bits give evidence of this effective
stabilization. Gage wear is uniform and less severe. Shirt-tail wear problems
are reduced. The inner row cutting structure is more uniformly worn and
inner and outer flank wear is reduced.

Stabilizers also affect drill stem life. Without stabilization, rough spiral bores,
ledges and other unconformities are obtained. The possibilities of crooked
hole are enhanced. Drill steel rotating in these rough and crooked bores
scrubs and scrapes against the bore wall and thereby abrades.

Stabilizers also affect drill availability. The smooth bore produced with
adequate stabilization permits faster rock bit and drill steel retraction from
the bore hole. Furthermore, the smooth bore sloughs less than a rough bore.
This means that less rock particles fall to the bottom of the hole. Re-drill time
required is normally eliminated or drastically reduced.

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In the selection of a stabilizer, one must take into account the adequate
stabilization. Unless the guiding elements of a stabilizer are very near the
bore wall, adequate stabilization of the bit is not achieved. Theoretically, the
guiding elements should have the same diameter as the bit. Unfortunately
this is not practical because of the normal attrition of rock bit gage wear
surfaces. The stabilizer should therefore be held at the largest diameter
practicable. Concentricity (the quality of having the same center - as circles
inside one another) of guiding elements with the axis of the bit and steel is
also quite important to proper stabilization. Eccentricities (different centers)
of these elements tend to void any hope of reducing drilling costs with a

The stabilizer which maintains guiding elements close to hole wall is most
efficient. The conventional welded rib or cast rib stabilizer (also known as
blade) does an adequate job when new and unworn, provided the ribs are
concentric. The problems with this type of stabilizer are wear rate and
maintenance cost. Rib-type stabilizers, due to their construction, necessarily
drag and scrape against the bore wall and abrade rapidly. Due to the cost in
maintaining close-to-hole wall contact these stabilizers are left in the drill
string long after adequate stabilization has been lost. The most efficient
stabilizer is one with true-rolling centralizers that are in rolling contact with
the bore wall. Scraping and gouging of the guiding elements are eliminated
and co-centricities are maintained. Roller-stabilizers provide adequate
stabilization without imposing additional torque Substitutes (Subs)

Substitutes (known as subs) are used as adapters where threads of one size
or type must be coupled with threads of another size or type. They are also
used at points of heavy wear to provide a readily replaceable thread.

Shock absorber subs are run above hammers or above the bit or rod in rough
drilling situations, thus reducing drill string vibration and increasing bit life.
A swivel mount shock sub is also used to dampen vibration effects on the rig
structure thereby reducing maintenance on the rig and mechanisms for
pulldown and rotation.

Figure 3-11: Swivel mount shock sub

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Shock and vibratory energy transferred between drill and bit are absorbed
through a series of rubber bonded segments. The absorbed energy is
released to the atmosphere in the form of heat.
A. The pulldown or drilling weight to the bit is transferred through the
segment rubber placed in shear.
B. The rotational torque (or torsional loading) to the bit is transferred
through the segment rubber placed in compressive loading.
C. The accelerated changes in axial and torsional loadings are minimized by
the segment rubber.

Figure 3-12: Vibration reducing effects of using shock subs

The shock absorber is most beneficial when drilling in fractured formations,

intermittent hard and soft layers or hard formations. The benefits include:
• Reduces drilling machine maintenance by dampening torsional and
axial shock loads.
• Increases drilling rates by keeping bit in more uniform contact with
formation. Allows use of more weight and higher rotary speeds in
rough drilling areas.
• Increases bit life by dampening cyclical shock loading normally
transmitted to the bit bearings and cutting structure.
• Decreases operator noise level by eliminating the metal to metal
contact between rotary drive and drill pipe.

Normally, no modification of the drill is required and installation can be

completed in a short time. On multi-pass drills where length is not critical, a
saver sub is recommended for use between rotary shouldered connection and
drill pipe. Rotary Drill Stems

Factors involved in selecting drill stems (aside from bailing requirements)
• Fabricated (welded) or integral (machined from single steel bar) drill
• Thread size and type
• Wall thickness
• Types of connections

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Figure 3-13: Blasthole components with respect to drill rig Rock drillability / Penetration rate

Rock drillability is defined as the penetration rate of a drill bit into the rock.
It is a function of several rock properties such as:
• Mineral composition;
• Texture;
• Grain size;
• Degree of weathering.

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As is obviously important to costs and productivity, penetration rate is one of

the most important factors in drilling. Some empirical equations have been
developed from extensive rotary tests in iron ore. The Bauer and Calder
method states that penetration rate, P, can be calculated using the following

W rpm
P = (61 − 28 log10 S c ) •
φ 300

where p = penetration rate in ft/hr

Sc = uni-axial compressive strength, in thousands of psi
W/φ = weight per inch of bit diameter, in thousands of pounds
Rpm = revolutions of drill per minute

The adjustable factors in the above equations are the variables controlled by
the operators. Rock compressive strength is not but can be estimated using
the graph in Figure 3-14.

Figure 3-14: Penetration rate vs. Rock strength

Several other indices exist for rock drillability which include:

• Drilling Rate Index;
• Classification of rock types based on the drillability of Barre granite
• Mohr’s test
• Indices (sensor-measured), e.g. AQUILA’s drill performance monitoring

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MGE 415 – Rock Excavation – Module 3 – Drilling and Blasting Components. 2003 Rotary Drill Pulldown Weight

A portion of the machine weight is applied by the pulldown motor via the
pulldown chain or chains, rotary head and drill stems to the drill bit. Figure
3-15 illustrates recommended bit loadings for different bit sizes. As the bit
diameter increases, the bearing size increases thus allowing an increase in
the tolerable load. Overloading the bit results in severe loss of bit life as
illustrated in Figure 3-16.

Figure 3-15: Recommended pulldown weights per inch of bit diameter.

Figure 3-16: Bit life vs. pulldown weight for 9 1/4 inch diameter rotary bits
in hard formation

There are several method of rotary drive. The bit may be turned by:
1. rotating a rotary table which turns the pipe as it slides through.

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2. rotating the pipe directly by a drive unit which moves down with the
3. rotating the bit, using a down hole turbine drive.

Figure 3-17: Rotary drive types

Figure 3-18: Pulldown mechanisms

Figure 3-19: Rack and pinion pulldown

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MGE 415 – Rock Excavation – Module 3 – Drilling and Blasting Components. 2003

General parameters for drill penetration can be seen in Table 3-3.

Table 3-3: Average Drill Bit Footages (from large Iron Ore mine in Canada) Flushing medium

Air is used to bail the drill cuttings from the hole as well as cool the bit
bearings and, when used, roller stabilizer bearings. Approximately 20% of
the air is forced through the roller cones for cooling purposes by adjusting
the air pressure across the bit using the bit nozzles. The air volume is the
primary requirement for bailing cuttings from the hole. Air velocity up the
hole is dependent on the air volume per minute as well as the hole annulus
(ring-shape where hole and stem meet). The velocity of the drill cuttings in
this air is dependent on the chip size, density, and shape. Experimentally,
the balancing air velocity in feet per minute is given by:

Um = 264p½d½

Where: d = diameter of the chip in inches

p = density of chip in Ib/ft3

At air velocities above this balancing value, the chips begin to move, their
velocity being approximately one half the excess air velocity above the
balancing value. A bailing velocity of 1800 mpm/s (6000 fpm) is usually
adequate to bail 13 mm (1/2 in.) chips. Figure 3-20 illustrates a typical air
requirements chart.

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Figure 3-20: Air Bailing Chart

Factors involved with choosing the air velocity are that higher velocities:
1. give higher bailing velocities;
2. will bail larger chips;
3. tend to give higher bit life;
4. will help cater for hole cavities, etc.;
5. will help cater for drill stem wear;
6. may give higher penetration rates and possibly lower cost per ft; and
7. reduce the volume of cuttings in the hole for a given penetration rate;

The drawbacks of increased bailing velocities include:

1. will give increased stabilizer and pipe wear;
2. increased dust deflector and deck bushing wear
3. may damage borehole walls in soft drilling

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MGE 415 – Rock Excavation – Module 3 – Drilling and Blasting Components. 2003 Operational tips

The following are some operational tips on bit and rig for top performance
when using air circulation bits.
1. Use straight drill steel with properly maintained threaded connections.
2. Use a good grade of thread grease and maintain connections properly.
3. Use care attaching and removing a bit from the drill pipe.
4. Open air valves before starting to drill with a bit and keep the air on
until the bit is out of the hole.
5. Break in a new bit by drilling at reduced down pressure and rotational
speed for a short period.
6. To collar or start new hole, reduce down pressure and rotation.
7. Re-establish bottom hole pattern with reduced down pressure and
rotation when drilling is interrupted.
8. Never finish an old hole with a new bit. This can pinch the cones,
damaging the bearings. and gauge teeth.
9. Always maintain drilling air pressure at appropriate levels.
10.Rotary speed should be decreased as down pressure increases.
11.Do not use more water than is necessary to control dust and maintain
hole wall.
12.Maintain rotation while tripping into or out of a hole.
13.In wet holes, maintain as high an air pressure and volume as is
14.Guard against dropping the bit and drill steel to the bottom of the hole
at high speed. High speed impact is a common cause of damage.
15.Periodically inspect the bit for damage or impending failure. Non-
uniform cone temperatures may indicate obstructed air courses and
potential bearing failure.
16.Before an idle period, clean the bit by passing air or water through it
while rotating the cutters by hand. After an idle period and before re-
using a bit, make sure all cones turn freely by hand. Safety Tips

The following safety tips should be taken into account around large surface
blasthole drills: Moving the Drill

As with all heavy equipment, care must be taken when blasthole drills are
moved around the job site. Watch for people, overhead electrical power lines,
other equipment, low or narrow clearances, ground-bearing limits, and steep
hills or uneven terrain. Use a signal man when traveling and use an audible
warning signal to alert people in the area before traveling. Know the height,
width and weight of the machine. Always secure on-board equipment before
traveling. Do not travel with people riding on the outside of the machine or
inside the machinery house. High Voltage dangers

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Hazardous voltage from the machine contacting power lines can cause
electrocution and burns to anyone near the blasthole drill. MSHA and OSHA
regulations require at least ten (10) feet of clearance form overhead lines
carrying 50,000 volts or less. Greater clearances are required for lines with
higher voltages. Some local regulations require greater distances than OSHA
or MSHA. Trailing Cables

Blasthole drills with electric tail cables can break the cable connection or
crush the cable when traveling. Maintain cable slack while operating and
traveling. Use signalmen during traveling to prevent damage to the cable or
cable connection.

Rotational Dangers
During drill operation, keep all people off the drilling platform and drill mast,
and away from drill stems. Moving components or rotating drill stems can
entangle clothing and can crush, pinch or strangle personnel. Tipping Dangers

Exceeding the slope or grade limitations given for your specific machine and
machine configuration can cause machine tip-over. Prior to propelling, always
determine the slope limitations for your specific machine and never travel or
operate on site slope conditions which exceed these limitations. When
propelling with the mast elevated, always position the machine with the mast
on the uphill side of the machine. When the mast is down, propel the
machine with the operator's cab on the downhill side of the machine.
Sudden tip-over can occur when raising, lowering, or leveling the machine
with jacks. Always level the machine at the lowest practical height that will
unload the crawler belts. Inspect the ground for lifting support and add
cribbing or support mats before lowering jacks. When lowering the machine
to the ground, always lower the machine slowly and in stages, maintaining a
level condition until the crawler belts contact the ground and are supporting
the machine. Use a signal person to assist in watching the jacks, crawlers
and machine during the process. Crushing Danger from Lowering Mast

Before lowering the mast, notify personnel to evacuate the roof and drill deck
and inspect mast storage area for obstructions. After storing the mast, check
for secure mast attachment on the front jack caps. Chips and Dust

Drilling produces flying debris and dust which can cause serious respiratory
disease. Always lower dust curtains before drilling and inspect the curtains to
make sure all dust curtains are installed and in the lowered position. Curtains

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should not be lifted to remove cuttings while the drill is drilling in the hole.
Keep personnel off drilling platform and away from the drill hole while drilling
is in process. Avoid dust contamination from work cloths, eating or drinking.
Follow mine procedures for air monitoring, exposure limitations, and
protection methods for crystalline silica exposure.

Specific design/plan-related safety issues to consider

• Where and when the blasting is scheduled for the day
• The other equipment, powerlines, or structures which must be moved
or avoided during movement of the drill.
• The ground surface strength in terms of having adequate weight
bearing ability for the drill mass
• The grade of the slope which the drill will be working on (too sloped-
will cause a tip-over)
• Steps necessary to keep unnecessary people and equipment at a safe
distance from drill area. Chip Sampling

Penetrating always involves" chip making". Usually penetration efficiency is
improved when large chips are produced and cleared quickly. The best chips
are large chips; large chips often make better samples. Large chips need:
• bits with sharp cutting edges.
• large amounts of energy per chip.
• rapid clearing and transport up the hole to prevent regrinding of the

Although larger amounts of energy are required for each large chip, fewer
chips are produced and the total energy used per metre of hole drilled is less
(less surface area produced.

Many rigs produce good chips at the bottom of the hole but fail to clear them
or lift them out of the hole before they are broken up. For best chips, the
operator should use the drill as follows:
• Use sharp blade bits or long toothed roller bits with bottom clearing
• Use high thrust or feed.
• Keep hydrostatic head to a minimum.
• Use high flushing flow of low viscosity, low solids fluid (must be
balanced against erosion of hole wall).
• Use reverse circulation techniques for broken, fractured, cavernous or
other formations prone to lost circulation problems. Single pass

Most drills in surface mines use single pass drilling, either by blast design or
through purchasing equipment with taller masts. Single pass drilling is

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where the entire length of the hole is drilled without having to add more drill
stem. The advantage to single pass drilling includes:
• Eliminates adding stems
• Reduces associated thread damage
• Reduces machine downtime for rod changing equipment and tool racks
• Facilitates the cleaning of boreholes
• Permits a continuous air flow through the bit at all times.

Disadvantages of single pass are:

• High masts make the drill more instable
• Extra care is needed in moving drill long distances
• Pulldown chains become long and may require special attention Capacities.
Key operating capacities for a drill rig includes:
• Maximum mast loading capacity
• Maximum hoist or hook load capacity
• Head torque capacity. Productivity Estimate

Figure 3-21 shows a generalized productivity estimate for various materials.
Productivity calculations would be site-specific and should take into account:
• set-up time,
• movement time,
• idle periods,
• bit and stem changes
• penetration rate
• Burden and spacing
• bit diameter (alters the penetration rate)
• bit life (changes the frequency of bit and stem changes)
• hole depth (changes the frequency of the movement time)
• number of holes (changes the frequency of set-up time)

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Figure 3-21: Tons drilled per operating hour for rotary drills for various hole

Figure 3-22 shows an estimate of the cost per meter. The drilling costs are
made up of two different parts, the drill consumables per unit length of
drilled hole and the balance of the drill cost. The balance of the drill cost is
converted to the drill cost per unit length of hole using the drill penetration
rate as the drill cost would be time dependent. The reason for this split is
that the drill consumables cost, predominantly the drill bit cost, is
independent from the drill penetration rate, assuming correct operating
methods (poor operation can cause increased bit wear life), whereas all other
costs are penetration rate dependent. Drilling records or statistics are
therefore important to record so that accurate budgeting can be undertaken
both in terms of costs that are incurred along with the output from the drill.

Determining the drilling costs must take into account, the following factors:
Ownership costs: include amortization and depreciation, interest on borrowed
money (if not purchased out of cash-flow, and taxes and insurance.
Operating costs: includes power, maintenance, direct and indirect labor,
warehousing, and consumables. These consumables are dependant on
penetration rate and wear rate and would include items such as stabilizers,
drill stems, and drill bits (at times one of the most significant cost).

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MGE 415 – Rock Excavation – Module 3 – Drilling and Blasting Components. 2003

Figure 3-22: Rotary Drilling costs estimates by meter drilled and diameter of

Figure 3-23: Cost per ton of material excavated Drilling technology

Most advanced modern drilling technology focuses around the navigation and
positioning of the drill. GPS based navigation systems are available from
companies such as AQUILA (Caterpillar owned). The company has a both a
drill and shovel product line that uses GPS and PLCs to enhance drilling
productivity and provide susbstantical information from which better mine
planning can be undertaken. AQUILA DM systems are available in two ways:
as factory installs on new drills, or can be installed as retrofits. There are
five main options for the drilling systems:
DM-1: Production Monitoring System
DM-2: Material Recognition System
DM-3: Drill Control System
DM-4: Guidance system for vertical drilling
DM-6: Guidance system for inclined drilling

Dessureault 2/12/2003 23
MGE 415 – Rock Excavation – Module 3 – Drilling and Blasting Components. 2003 DM-1 Production Monitoring System

DM-1 uses AQUILA's Advanced Monitoring Platform (AMP) with Graphical
User Interface (GUI) software to give the operator immediate feedback on
drilling productivity and performance. The DM-1 is designed to minimize the
amount of operator effort, which means faster work with fewer errors. For
example, the start of drilling can be automatically detected, so the operator
doesn't have to zero the bit depth. Steel changes are also automatically
sensed, eliminating errors in determining hole depth.

Figure 3-24: DM-1 production Monitoring System DM-2 Material Recognition System

DM-2 uses a vibration sensor and pattern recognition software to
automatically process and analyze drill variables, and determine hole geology
while drilling. DM-2 pinpoints the location of ore and waste interfaces, then
delivers real-time information via a color LCD screen. The result is
immediate, accurate-to-the-centimeter information for both the operator and
planning engineers in the mine office.

Figure 3-25: DM-2 Material Recognition System

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DM-1 and DM-2 functioning in tandem would enable the following:

• Detailed, real-time geological information on a location-by-location
• Improved explosives usage, better fragmentation and reduced ore
• Wireless connectivity to and from the mine office.
• Comprehensive production reporting. DM-3 Drill Control System

DM-3 delivers consistent drill operation and performance in all kinds of
conditions, for operators of all skill levels. By interfacing the DM-1 or DM-2 to
Programmable Logic Controller (PLC) modules and electrohydraulic actuators,
DM-3 makes automatic hole drilling possible - from collar to design depth. It
regulates pulldown pressure and rotary speed within the most productive
limits for torque and vibration. This means more consistent performance,
with optimized penetration rates for changing downhole conditions. And the
ultimate benefits of longer drill bit life and more productivity.

Figure 3-26: DM-3 Drill Control System DM-3 provides:

• Reduced maintenance and consumables costs.
• Optimized operation for overall productivity.
• More consistent hole depths and more even benches. DM-5 Guidance System

The DM-5 Guidance System for Vertical Drilling combines high-resolution,
Real-Time Kinematic (RTK) GPS receivers and an AMP platform. This allows
the operator to place a blasthole within centimeters of his target, without the
need for traditional surveying or staking. Once the drill is leveled and the
hole started, the DM-5 automatically determines collar elevation, calculates
the required drilling depth and displays the information on an easy-to-read
LCD screen. And all the information on blasthole positions is stored by the
DM-5 and transmitted to the mine office for use in blast design and updating
the geological model. This technology allows the operator to navigate to each
blasthole via a navigation screen. The figure below shows the view provided

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to the operator during the navigation phase of drill positioning and the
second picture shows the operator’s view when within 1 meter of the
designed hole location (the view automatically zooms-in).

Figure 3-27: Operator’s view when navigating

The location where the drill finally punched the hole, along with sensor data
(that can be interpreted as geological information) can be recorded and sent
back to the engineering office. The positioning information is provided by
differential GPS, from two receivers on the head of the mast of the drill.

Figure 3-28: GPS receivers DM-6 Guidance System for Inclined Drilling

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DM-6 has the same basic features as the DM-5, but is specifically designed
for use on machines that routinely drill inclined blastholes with angles
between five and 30 degrees from the vertical. For inclined drilling, the DM-6
uses a servo-controlled Automatic Leveling System (ALS) that automatically
maintains the GPS antennas level with the horizon. The DM-6 also uses
software designed to facilitate drill setup and improve alignment accuracy
when drilling inclined holes. And like the DM-5, this system also stores all
blasthole positions, which are transmitted to the mine office for updating the
design file.

Using both DM-5 and DM-6 allow:

• Greater hole location and depth accuracy for both inclined and vertical
• Time and money savings from no-stake marking and better blast
• The elimination of pre- and post-blast pickups. Case Study: Highland valley Copper mine

A post-audit was undertaken in 1998 of the implementation of AQUILA
technology on three B&E 49Rs at the Highland Valley Copper mines. The
benefits achieved after only 1 year of utilization are listed below. It should
be noted that further development or utilization of the the data provided by
the drill were used in other initiatives.

1. By designing the blast pattern on an office computer (as opposed to

on-site by the surveyors), engineering considerations can more readily
be taken into account.
2. HVC was able to place up to five surveyors (who formerly would be
marking blast patterns) on other revenue generating projects within
3. The creation of a pattern no longer requires a large amount of survey
4. Adverse climatic conditions no longer impede the blast design and
5. There is consistency in blast design (only one technician does all of the
6. Design time has been reduced (no surveying is required).
7. Much less skilled drill operators can operate the drill, since positioning
the drill is made easy through the ‘video game’ type navigation
interface. This has also tended to increase the productivity of the drill
through a reduction in tramming and positioning time.
8. Supervision was increased as the productivity and delays are recorded
and delivered in the log file.
9. Any need to re-survey the drilled pattern was eliminated (according to
mine regulation, the position of each hole must be known so that
bootlegs are avoided.)
10. The most important change incurred by the implementation of the
technology was the increase in collaring accuracy (previously, errors of

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MGE 415 – Rock Excavation – Module 3 – Drilling and Blasting Components. 2003

up to a meter in an X & Y direction were common, the current average

error is 10 cm in X & Y). The misalignment of the blastholes induced
poor fragmentation. Engineering staff consider that such oversize
caused increased wear on shovels, trucks, and crushers. It was also
observed that poor fragmentation would adversely affect the mill.
Throughput would fluctuate when processing such ore, resulting in
decreased recovery.

The above information is additionally supplemented by:
• Lecture module 3.1 (mandatory)
• Readings, Chapter 4: Rotary Drilling with Tricone Bits, from: Jimeno,
Carlos Lopez, Emilio Lopez Jimeno, and Francisco Javier Ayala
Carcedo. “Drilling and Blasting of Rocks” translated by Yvonne Visser
De Ramiro. Rotterdam: A.A. Balkema. (optional)
• Assignment 4: Drill selection

3.2 Drilling equipment

This sub-module will familiarize students with the equipment that, as
engineers, they will manage as part of a wider fleet to ensure system


The primary component of this sub-module is provided by:
• Lecture module 3.2 (mandatory)
• PowerPoint presentations: material developed for 2002’s 415 Rock
Excavation course. Available upon request

3.3 Explosives Introduction

The physics and chemistry behind explosives and their detonation are
introduced in this first sub-module on explosives. The second sub-module
will cover the properties of explosives products.

3.3.1 Detonation Theory

Blasting theory is one of the most controversial topics in the rock excavation
industry. No single concept has been developed and accepted that fully
explains the mechanisms of rock breakage in every situation, yet a vast
amount of research work has contributed valuable information and insight
into blasting theories. Some of the theories and findings are discussed in this

An explosion is a self-propagating, exothermic reaction. The stable end

products are gases that are compressed, under elevated temperature and
very high pressures. It is the sudden rise in temperature and pressure from

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ambient conditions that results in a shock wave, or a detonation traveling

through the un-reacted explosive. The velocity of detonations (VOD) lies in
the approximate range of 5000 to 30,000 fps (1500 to 9000 m/s), well above
the speed of sound in the explosive material. Deflagration is the chemical
burning of explosive ingredients at a rate well below the sonic velocity. It is
associated with heat only and carries no shock due to its much slower
reaction rate. Deflagration occurs when less than ideal hole-loading
conditions or explosive formulation are involved.

The maximum energy release upon detonation occurs when the explosive
mix is formulated for oxygen balance. An oxygen-balanced mixture is one in
which there is no-excess or deficiency in oxygen, such that the gaseous
products formed are chiefly H2O (water vapor), CO2 (carbon dioxide), and N2
(nitrogen). In actual blasting practice, small amounts of noxious gases such
as NO (nitric oxide), CO (carbon monoxide), NH4 (ammonia), CH4
(methane), and solid carbon, are formed resulting in nonideal detonations
and somewhat less than ideal pressures and energies. Commercial explosive
formulation attempts to achieve an oxygen-balanced mixture. The work done
by chemical explosives in the fragmentation and displacement of rock
depends on the shock energy as well as the energy of the expanding gases.

The self-sustained shock-wave produced by a chemical reaction in a gaseous

medium was described by D.L. Chapman and E. Jouquet as a space. This
space of negligible thickness is bounded by two infinite planes - on one side
of the wave is the un-reacted explosive and on the other, the exploded
gases, as seen in Figure 3-29.

Figure 3-29: Detonation Process of explosive cartridge

There are three distinct zones: (a) the undisturbed medium ahead of the
shock wave; (b) a rapid pressure rise at Y leading to a zone in which
chemical reaction is generated by the shock, and proceeds until complete at
X; and (c) a steady state wave where pressure and temperature are
maintained. This condition for stability exists at hypothetical X, which is
commonly referred to as the Chapman-Jouquet (C-J) plane. Between the

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two planes X and Y there is a conservation of mass, momentum, and energy.

A simplified and approximate velocity of detonation (VOD) can be obtained
from the following empirical relation:

C d = J (1 + 1.3 ρ )

Where: Cd is the VOD in m/s

J is heat of reaction in MJ/kg
ρ is the specific gravity

The detonation pressure Pd in N/m2 which exists at the C-J plane can be
estimated with comparable accuracy using the equation below:

ρC d2
Pd =

Explosion pressure, pa, is the pressure when the product gases have the
same density as the unreacted explosive. The explosion pressure is
approximately half the detonation pressure. C-J Plane

A deeper exploration of the individual zones in the C-J theory should be
undertaken. Note Figure 3-30 as being the idealized detonation wave
traveling through a cylindrical explosive shape, producing an increase in
pressure. The steady-state chemical reaction takes place behind the shock
front within the reaction zone. At the end of this zone, a nonsteady-state
region exists. It is created by a flow of expanding gases in a direction
opposite to that of the traveling wave front. Once again, the C-J plane is
seen as the boundary between the steady and non-steady state, where the
reactions are considered complete. This is also the plane where all the
thermodynamic properties are calculated. These are:
p – pressure
V – velocity
T – temperature
E – internal energy or
Q – heat of formation and
ρ – density

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Figure 3-30: Detonation Process for cylindrical explosive

The maximum pressure and duration of a wave pulse is directly proportional

to the shock energy and gas pressure of the explosive, respectively. High
explosives such as military explosives or highly sensitive commercial
explosives are characterized by an intense shattering effect upon detonation
(known as brisance). They liberate gaseous products very quickly. The
distance between the shock front and the C-J plane is very short and results
in a pressure pulse of high amplitude and short duration. The pressure pulse
for less-sensitive commercial explosives shows a decreased pressure
amplitude and a longer pulse length. In this case, the reaction is slower and
the gas volume is greater, as seen in Figure 3-31.

Figure 3-31: Pressure shape for A-high explosive and B-commercial

explosive containing high gas volume

Dessureault 2/12/2003 31
MGE 415 – Rock Excavation – Module 3 – Drilling and Blasting Components. 2003 Quick note on Shock Wave Propagation

As the stress wave front generated from a blast travels outwards, it has a
tendency to compress the material at the wave front through a volume
change. There is a tangential or hoop stress at right angles to the
compression wave front. If this tangential stress is strong, then radial failure
from the explosive source is evident. When the compression wave front
travels from one material to another, there could be three possibilities at the
interface as seen in Figure 3-32. These possibilities depend on the material's
acoustic impedance Ir which is defined as the product of the material's
density ρ and sonic velocity V. As seen in the figure, the material in which
the energy wave originates is labeled A, and the material into which the
wave travels, B. When the ratio of acoustic impedance of material A to
material B is less than 1, some of the energy is transferred to material B as
compression waves, whereas the rest is reflected back as compression waves
as well. When the acoustic impedance ratio is 1, all the energy is
transmitted into material B as compression waves. When the impedance ratio
is greater than 1, some of the energy travels through the interface as
compression waves and the rest is reflected back as tension waves. When a
compression wave traveling through a rock medium encounters an interface
such as a free face, nearly all of the energy will be reflected back as a
tension wave. If the distance between the free face and the explosive charge
is relatively small, most of the energy will be spent in peeling off layers of
rock at the free face.

Figure 3-32: Shock wave propagation

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3.3.2 Comparative Explosive Properties

Explosives and blasting agents are characterized by various properties that
indicate how they will perform under field conditions. These properties
include fume class, density, water resistance, temperature effects,
detonation velocity, detonation pressure, borehole pressure, sensitivity, and
strength. Each of these properties will be covered. Fume Class

Class-Fumes are noxious gases that are produced from the detonation of
explosives. The production of these gases is most critical in underground and
other confined workings. Many factors affect the volume of poisonous gas
produced including oxygen balance and adverse loading of explosives. The
fume class is a measure of the toxic gases in cubic feet per 0.44 lb (200 g) of
un-reacted explosive. Institute of Makers (IME) has developed a fume class
classification scheme as seen in Table 3-4. The now-disbanded US Bureau of
Mines (USBM) limits the volume of poisonous gases produced by permissible
explosives (those used in underground coal and other gaseous mines) to 2.5
lb (1.14 kg).

Table 3-4: Standards for Fume Class

Class Volume of poisonous gas per 200g of

explosive, in ft3
1 0.16
2 0.16-0.33
3 0.33-0.67 Density
The density of an explosive is defined as the weight per unit volume or the
specific gravity. Commercial explosives range in density from 0.5 to 1.7.
Explosives with a density less than 1 will float in water. Therefore, in water-
filled holes, an explosive with a density greater than 1 is required. For certain
granular explosives such as dynamite, density correlates to the energy
released in a given borehole volume. However, for water-based explosives,
this is not the case, and often the reverse is true. Density is most useful in
determining the loading density or the weight of explosives one can load per
unit length of borehole (in pound per foot or kilogram per meter). Note that
knowledge of loading density is required for blast-design calculations, and is
calculated in English units as:

LD = 0.3405 ρ D2

Where: ρ is density
D is explosive column diameter in inches.

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The ability of an explosive to withstand exposure to water for long periods of
time without loss of strength or ability to detonate defines the water
resistance. A numerical rating is used based on the results of tests performed
on the explosive. However, explosive manufacturers individually rate
products based on a relative basis as good, fair, or poor rating. The presence
of moisture in amounts greater than 5% dissolves chemical components in
dry blasting agents and alters the composition of gases produced,
contributing to the formation of noxious fumes and lower energy output.
Gelled granular products have good water resistance, and certain water-
based mixtures have an excellent rating. Temperature Effects

Extreme low temperatures affect the stability as well as the performance of
explosives. The sensitivity and detonation velocity are hampered for certain
water-based explosives at low temperatures while dynamites can become
dangerously unstable below freezing temperatures. Explosives manufacturers
recommend the appropriate range of temperature for storage and use. Detonation Velocity

The detonation velocity is the speed at which the detonation front moves
through a column of explosives. For high explosives such as dynamite, the
strength of an explosive increases with detonation rate. For dry blasting
agents and water-based explosives, field loading conditions greatly affect
detonation velocity. Such conditions include (not exclusive list):
• borehole diameter
• density
• confinement within the borehole
• the presence of water

The speed of detonation is important when blasting in hard, competent rock

where a brisance effect is desired for good fragmentation. For most
explosives, there is a minimum diameter Dmin below which detonation
velocity increases nonlinearly with increasing borehole diameter as can be
seen in Figure 3-33. Above Dmin the explosive has reached its steady-state
velocity. At this point, all thermodynamic properties are at a maximum as
the reaction front approaches a plane shock front. At diameters less than
Dmin, complete reactions do not take place, and less than ideal energy and
pressure evolve from the slower detonation rates. This represents a loss in
terms of dollars spent on explosive energy.

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Figure 3-33: Generalized relationship between VOD and Diameter Detonation Pressure

The detonation pressure is the maximum theoretical pressure achieved within
the reaction zone and measured at the C-J plane in a column of explosives.
The actual pressure achieved is somewhat less than this maximum due to
non-ideal loading conditions always present in practice and due to certain
explosive formulation. Most commercial explosives achieve pressures in the
range of 0.29 to 3.48 x 106 psi (2 to 24 GPa). Although detonation pressure
is related to the temperature of the reaction, a number of simplifying
formulas are available for estimating detonation pressure for granular
explosives based on detonation velocity and density, for example (in English

P = 0.00337 ρ V2

where P is detonation pressure in psi,

ρ is density XXX
V is detonation velocity in fps. Borehole Pressure

Borehole pressure is the maximum pressure exerted within the borehole
upon completion of the explosive reaction measured behind the C-J plane.
Such measurements cannot be made directly and are done during
underwater tests performed for energy and strength determinations. With
the use of hydrodynamic computer models, theoretical calculations of
borehole pressures are made. There is little agreement in the literature
regarding specific estimates of actual borehole pressures. In general,
pressures after detonation within the borehole are estimated to be less than
30% of the theoretical detonation pressure.

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MGE 415 – Rock Excavation – Module 3 – Drilling and Blasting Components. 2003 Sensitivity
The definition of explosive sensitivity is two-fold. It includes sensitivity
against accidental detonations in addition to the ease by which explosives
can be intentionally detonated. From the standpoint of safety and accidental
detonations, the sensitivity of an explosive to shock, impact, friction, and
heat determine its storage and handling characteristics. Standardized tests
for high explosives have been adapted for commercial explosives that include
the friction (pendulum), impact (fallhammer), and projectile tests, among

The term properly used to define the propagating ability of an explosive is

sensitiveness. In this respect, tests such as the No.8 strength blasting cap
test, air-gap test, and the minimum critical diameter test are used. The cap
sensitivity test measures the minimum energy required for initiation and is
used to classify explosives (e.g., cap sensitive vs. noncap sensitive products)
or the ability to initiate an explosive directly with a standard cap.

The No.8 cap is an industry standard cap of specific dimensions and charge
characteristics. The air-gap test measures the distance between the ends of
adjacent cartridge explosives for which reliable initiation can be propagated
from one cartridge to another. The critical diameter of an explosive is the
smallest diameter at which an explosive will maintain a steady-state
detonation. Below this critical diameter, explosives may deflagrate or "dead
press." Dead pressing occurs when an explosive is densified to a point that
no free oxygen is available to ensure the start or progression of detonation. Strength
The strength of an explosive is a measure of its ability to break rock. The
terms "weight strength" and "bulk strength" were useful many years ago
when explosives were primarily comprised of nitroglycerin cartridges,
packaged in 50 lb (23-kg) boxes. In recent years, with the development of
bulk blasting agents and less sensitive ingredients, new testing methods
have been established to determine relative energies for all commercial
products regardless of ingredients or packaging. The performance potential
of an explosive is a function of the detonation velocity and density, as well as
the volume of liberated gases and the heat of the reaction. A number of
methods are used to establish this energy including the use of theoretical
computer models and tests such as crater, ballistic mortar, and underwater
tests. Of these methods, underwater tests give the best correlation to rock-
breakage performance. Underwater tests were developed to measure both
the shock energy and the gas (bubble) energy released during the detonation
of standard test samples. These energy values have been useful in
predicting the rock-breaking capabilities of explosives for comparative

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Other terminology widely used by manufacturers is based on the theoretical

heat of reaction determined by explosive formulation. Absolute bulk strength
(ABS) in calories per cubic centimeter and absolute weight strength (AWS) in
calories per gram are computed from the heat liberated during the
detonation and formation of gaseous end products. Note ABS and AWS can
be computed from one another if density is known, and it is the volumetric
basis of reaction heat which correlates with energy. Most manufacturers of
explosives will include either value with technical product literature.

A mixture of ammonium nitrate and fuel oil (ANFO) is by far the most widely
used commercial blasting product. Depending on the proportions of the mix,
the heat of reaction is approximately 850 cal/g. As a dry, free-running
blasting agent, ANFO is capable of being loaded or packaged at varying
densities. For a typical density of 0.85 and an AWS of 850 cal/g, the ABS =
(850 cal/g) (0.85) = 723 cal/cm3. Other common strength terms are the
relative weight strength (RWS) and relative bulk strength (RBS) in which the
relative measure of energy available per unit weight or volume of an
explosive is compared to an equal weight or volume of the standard
commercial explosive ANFO. The RWS and RBS are computed as a
percentage of that available from ANFO.

Example 1
Determine the relative strengths of explosives A (ABS 645 cal/cm3 and
density of 0.8) and B (ABS 980 cal/cm3 and density 1.25)

Relative Bulk Strength

ABS A 645 cal 3

RBS A = = cm = 89.2%
ABS ANFO 723 cal 3
ABS B 980 cal 3
RBS B = = cm = 135.5%
ABS ANFO 723 cal
cm 3

Relative Weight Strength

AWS A 645 cal 3

RWS A = = cm = 94.9%
AWS ANFO (0.8)850 cal
cm 3
AWS B 980 cal 3
RWS B = = cm = 92.2%
AWS ANFO (1.25)850 cal 3

Therefore on a volume basis, explosive A is less powerful than ANFO while

explosive B is more powerful.

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3.3.3 Thermochemistry of Explosives and the Detonation Reaction.

In order to achieve maximum rock-breaking efficiency from an explosive, an
oxygen-balanced mixture is formulated to ensure the formation of
nonnoxious gases upon detonation. With an oxygen-balanced formula, it is
assumed that optimum values of thermodynamic properties such as energy,
temperature, and pressure are achieved, and that these values are not
affected by changes in the reactants (explosive mixture). This is the case for
ideal reactions. Unfortunately, commercial explosives are non-ideal
materials. Changes in the physical nature rather than the chemistry of the
explosive mixture, such as particle size and borehole diameter, vary the rate
of detonation and hence affect thermodynamic variables. Furthermore, many
granular explosives, such as ANFO and nitroglycerin, do not completely react,
whereas water-based blasting agents react more efficiently, releasing
optimum energy as predicted by formulation.

It is possible, however, to estimate the thermodynamic properties of an

explosive reaction, assuming an oxygen balance. The following calculations
are made to illustrate the methods used to estimate explosive properties of
interest. Although there are a number of methods available, the procedures
selected herein are the least difficult to apply. Thermodynamic data used for
these calculations are found in Table 3-5.

Table 3-5: Thermodynamic data for some explosive components and gases. Oxygen Balance

As previously explained, an oxygen-balanced explosive formula is one in
which the amount of oxygen O2 is sufficient to form the desired detonation
gases CO2, HO, and N2 but not noxious fumes such as CO, NO, and CH4 (if
the mix is oxygen deficient), or free oxygen (if the mix has an excess of
oxygen). Oxygen balance for an explosive component or a mixture of
components is usually reported in percentages or as moles of monatomic
oxygen. It is computed using the mass balance relationship for a reaction of
1 kg of explosive, assuming the formation of ideal gaseous products.

Example 2
Determine the oxygen balance for nitroglycerin, C3H509N3.

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The mass-balance equation is:

C13.21H22.02O39.62N13.21 Æ 13.21 CO2 + 22.02/2 H2O + 13.21/2 N2 +
(39.62/2 – 13.21 – 11.01/2) O2

from the above equation the O2 is (19.81 – 13.21 – 5.505) = 1.095,

therefore the reaction has an unbalance total of 2.19 moles of oxygen.
Hence, the oxygen balance (OB) can be calculated by:
OB = (O excess ) / (O available) = 2.19 / 39.62 = 0.0553 = 5.53%
Note that the OB for an oxygen deficient component is:

OB = (O deficient) / (O deficient – O required)

Note that some authors (Persson) consider that oxygen balance is given as
the mass of oxygen which needs to be removed or added to the composition
to achieve oxygen balance. In this case, it is expressed as a fraction or
percentage of the explosive formula mass, for example grams O2/100 grams
of explosives. A simpler method of calculating oxygen balance for explosives
that contain only carbon, oxygen, nitrogen, and oxygen, is given by:

 y w
32 x + − 100
 4 2
oxygen balance = −
explosive molecular weight

Where CxHyNzOw

Therefore, consider the previous example where nitroglycerin = C3H509N3.

 5 9
32 3 + − 100
4 2
oxygen balance = −  = 3.5228% or + 0.0352 gO/g of C 3 H 5 0 9 N 3 .
227.09 Explosive Energy

Other parameters of explosive thermodynamics are best described in the
readings assigned with this lecture.

The material in the above submodule is further supplemented by:
• Readings: Hustrulid, William. Blasting Principles for Open Pit Mining.
Vol. 2 – Theoretical foundations. Rotterdam: A.A. Balkema. 1999.
• Lecture Module 3.3: Introduction to Explosives.
• Readings: “Chapter 9: Thermochemistry of explosives and the
detonation process.” Jimeno, Carlos Lopez, Emilio Lopez Jimeno, and
Francisco Javier Ayala Carcedo. “Drilling and Blasting of Rocks”

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translated by Yvonne Visser De Ramiro. Rotterdam: A.A. Balkema.


3.4 Explosive Products

Note that section 3.4.1 (below) is optional. Those interested in the history of
explosives are welcome to become more informed. The remainder of this
sub-section is mandatory readings.

3.4.1 History of Explosives

The history of explosives is interesting from its profound influence on world
development. The key developments are summarized and described below:

Black Powder
• Saltpeter or “Nitre”
• Probably originated with the Chinese around the 10th Century (mostly for
fireworks, rockets, etc.)
• Roger Bacon published a formula for Black Powder around 1242
o In the 13th century Roger Bacon, a European, was interested in the
new knowledge from far east.
o He studied fireworks it and tested it over and over again. After
many months he found the perfect ratio of saltpeter, sulfur, and a
new ingredient, charcoal.
o After he found out the perfect ratio he wrote the ingredients and
the amounts in code in his diary.
o Roger Bacon had made, and recorded, the first black powder (the
early form of gunpowder).
o Bacon did not get credit for the making of black powder because he
didn't use his invention. Berthold Schwarts saw this and exploited
• Berthold Schwartz invented the gun around 1300 which resulted in further
refinement of black powder.
o Schwarts used the black powder to launch a pebble at high speed
out of a metal tube.
o Gunpowder also sped up the very slow process of digging up
o With gunpowder they could blow the stones out of the ground.
o Now even some poor people cold have a house of stone. This was a
great technological step.
• Blasting with powder replaced “fire setting” for loosening rock around the
beginning of the 17th Century.

Mercury Fulminate
• Discovered by Howard in 1800
• Later used as detonator for dynamite by Alfred Nobel.


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• Nitroglycerin (NG) and Nitrocellulose (NC) discovered by Ascanio

Sobrero in 1846 in Switzerland
• He was afraid of it, destroyed his notes and warned against its use

• Alfred Nobel and his father built a NG small factory in 1861 in Sweden
• Loading and transporting nitroglycerin was dangerous (liquid poured in to
holes and ignited with various types of black powder igniters.
• NG proved to be very dangerous and resulted in the death of many people
including his brother Emil.
• Nobel discovers dynamites by accident (Dynamite is derived from the
word Dynamis, meaning power):
o When ‘blasting oil’, NG spilled into kieselguhr (NG was packed in
it), Nobels saw that the kieselguhr abosrobed about 3 times its
weight of NG.
o Nobel began to sell the 75/25 NG/kies., the first of the dynamites.
Eventually went to wood pulps which increased the energy output
of the NG.
o This development allowed the relatively safe transport
transportation of NG.
o Patented in 1867
• Nobel knew the amount of destruction his invention would cause and he
did not want to be associated with thousands of deaths, so he left a large
amount of money to the awarding of prizes in science, literature, politics,
etc… every year.
• Pros: more powerful than black powder, higher detonation velocity and
more effective in breaking rock (not only moved, but broke them apart)
• Cons: Would freeze, nitro fumes and nitro headaches

Safety Fuse
• William Bickford of England devised the safety fuse, originally a textile-
wrapped cord with a black powder core, which for the first time enabled
safe, accurately timed detonations.
• In 1865 Nobel invented the blasting cap, providing the first safe and
dependable means for detonating nitroglycerin and thereby considerably
expanding its use for industrial purposes.
• Electrical firing, first used successfully in the late 19th century, allows
greater control over timing.

Ammonium Nitrate
• First synthesized in 1659 by J. R. Glauber by combining ammonium
carbonate and nitric acid.
• Two major uses: Fertilizer and Blasting
• Initially used to replace a portion of nitroglycerin in dynamite
• Dupont introduced NITRAMON in 1935
• Dupont called his products “Blasting Agents” due to their safe
handling, low cost and non-headaches

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• Two disastrous shipload explosions resulted in development of ANFO

(Ammonium Nitrate & Fuel Oil) Texas City, Brest France
• In 1955, Ammonium nitrate/fuel oil (ANFO) was discovered to greatly
increase the energy output of AN prills.
• Watergel slurries invented simultaneously by Dupont USA and CIL
• Further sensitized by powered aluminum
• ANFO eventually replaced dynamite in dry holes
• Pros: easier to load, cheaper and safer than dynamite
• Cons: desensitized by water

• What can be concluded about the history of explosives are the key
aspects in the design of commercial explosives:
o Explosive power
o Safety in transportation and handling
o Cost
o Controllable and predictable detonation.

3.4.2 Energetic material

Energetic materials are all materials that can undergo exothermal chemical
reaction releasing a considerable amount of thermal energy. An explosion is
basically any rapid expansion of matter into a volume much larger than the
original. An explosive is a material that can undergo an exothermal chemical
reaction resulting in a rapid expansion of the reaction products into a volume
larger than the original. Figure 3-34 shows a simplified version of an
explosives family tree.

Figure 3-34: Explosives Family Tree

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Figure 3-35: Explosive Classification Scheme

3.4.3 Explosives and Propellants

The difference between an explosive and a propellant is often functional
rather than fundamental. Explosives are intended to function by detonation
following shock initiation by a detonator or a booster charge. Propellants are
intended to burn steadily at a rate determined by the design pressure of the
rock or gun breech, and they are ignited to burning by a flame that provides
a spray of hot burning particles.

3.4.4 Single Molecule and Composite Explosives

There are two fundamentally different kinds of explosive materials, namely
single explosive substances and composite explosive mixtures. Single
explosives are chemical substances that contain in one well-defined molecule
all that is needed for an explosion. The molecule decomposes into mainly
gaseous reaction products, such as CO2, N2, and H2O. The solid explosive
trinitrotoluene, TNT (C7H5(NO2)3), and nitroglycerine, are examples of single
explosive substances.

A composite explosive can be mixture of two single explosive substances, a

mixture of a fuel and oxidizer, or an intermediate mixture containing one or
more single explosive substances together with a/or oxidizer ingredients.

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Table 3-6: Single chemical explosive substances.

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Table 3-7: More Single Chemical Explosives

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3.4.5 Primary, Secondary, and Tertiary explosives.

Single molecule explosives range with respect to the strength of the stimulus
required for initiation or a self-supporting chemical decomposition reaction:
from primary explosives, such as lead azide (PbN6), which are used as
igniting charges in detonators; through the secondary explosives, of which
NG, NM, and TNT are examples; to tertiary explosives, of which ammonium
nitrate, AN (NH4NO3), is an example.

The primary explosives are able to transit from surface burning to detonation
within very small distances. A 0.2 mm thick grain of lead azide when ignited
will transit from burning to detonation within a distance less than the grain
thickness. This is because the lead azide molecule is very simple,
decomposing in a very simple two-step reaction, and also because the
reaction products have a high molecular weight. Reaction products are
generated at the surface faster than they can expand away from the surface,
which results in a quick build-up of pressure at the burning surface.

The secondary explosives, too, can burn to detonation, but only in relatively
large quantities. For example, a stick of dynamite can burn as a candle,
slowly, if ignited with a flame (it is strongly advised against performing a
demonstration of this without due precautions against the chance event of a
detonation), whereas a truckload of dynamite may burn to detonation.

Under normal conditions, tertiary explosives are extremely difficult to

explode and are in fact officially classed as non-explosives provided that
certain conditions are observed (such as that an oxidizer not be mixed with
fuels or sensitizers, and that the grain size exceeds a certain minimum size.)
They are nonetheless explosive, as demonstrated by some of the largest
accidental explosions in history, such as the (April 16, 1947) Texas City
explosion of ammonium nitrate. A more detailed classification scheme for
explosive material can be seen in Figure 3-35 which shows primary,
secondary, and tertiary explosives and the differences between single and
composite explosives.

3.4.6 Commercial Explosives

Figure 3-34 shows the breakdown of commercial explosive categories. This
classification scheme shows how military explosives are often segregated
from military applications. Examples of military explosives include TNT,
PETN, RDX (cyclonite), Tetryl, and compositions such as A3, B, B4, C4, which
are mixtures of RDX, TNT, and additives to provide a moldable consistency.
These explosives are chiefly used in the weapons industry. However, small
amounts of HE are added to commercial explosives to increase strength and
sensitiveness. Many commercial or industrial explosives are classified as HE
because they contain critical amounts of military explosives or nitroglycerin,
and usually they are cap sensitive. Others, such as dry blasting agents, are
not classified as HE, and require boosters or primers of HE for initiation.

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Industrial explosives are classified as one of the following:

• nitroglycerin-based,
• dry blasting agents,
• water gels,
• emulsions,
• permissibles, (for underground coal and will not be discussed)
• primers, and boosters.

Two-component explosives, a common category, actually contain mixtures or

characteristics that fall in other classifications. Often the difference among
these products is formulation; however, product packaging and consistency
can also change a classification

Explosive components are referred to as:

• Oxidizers: Oxidizers contribute oxygen for oxygen balance, and include
nitrated salts such as ammonium nitrate (AN), sodium nitrate (SN),
and calcium nitrate (CN).
• Fuels: include fuel oil, carbon, granular aluminum, TNT, black powder,
or any carbonaceous material that produces heat. Many of these
components are also referred to as sensitizers and can also act as
• absorbents, are products, such as wood pulp, sawdust, cotton, and
cellulose, that incorporate liquid explosive components such as
• Stabilizers: include flame retardants, gelatins, densifiers, water, gum,
emulsifying agents, and thickeners.

3.4.7 Nitroglycerin-based Explosives

Dynamite is a trade name introduced by Alfred Nobel. It is comprised
primarily of a stable yet powerful mix of nitroglycerin (nitrostarch). Since its
invention, a number of nitroglycerin (NG)-based products have been
developed of three basic types: granular, gelatin, and semigelatin, which are
all considered HE.

Gelatins and semi gelatins contain nitrocotton that combines with NG to form
a gel structure whose consistency is controlled by the percentage of
nitrocellulose. Dynamites are packaged in cylindrical cartridges from 'Is in.
(22 mm) in diameter and 8 to 24 in. (203 to 610 mm) in length. The quality
of the waxed paper wrapping is important for:
• water resistance,
• fume production,
• ease and safety of loading.

Straight dynamite derives its energy source from NG, SN, and AN, including
absorbants such as wood pulp and flour that also act as combustibles.

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• Ammonia dynamite (or "extra" dynamite) is a granular mix that

contains a smaller quantity of NG mixed with AN and SN.
• Gelatin dynamites are either straight gelatin or ammonium (extra)
gelatin. Each has similar mixtures as straight and ammonia (extra)
dynamites with the addition of nitrocellulose for a gel consistency.
• Semigelatins are ammonia gelatin with a small amount of
nitrocellulose and a 65% weight strength. They are also used as
primers and boosters.

3.4.8 Dry Blasting Agents

Dry blasting agents are one form of a general category of blasting agents. A
blasting agent is, by definition, a mixture of fuel and oxidizer. It is not
classified as an explosive, and cannot be detonated with a No.8 blasting cap.
A dry agent is a granular, free-running mix of a solid oxidizer (usually AN),
prilled into porous pellets onto which a liquid fuel oil or propellant is
absorbed. ANFO is the most widely used blasting product, with approximately
94.5% industrial-grade ammonia nitrate and 5.5% fuel oil. Figure 3-36
shows the varying effect of the addition of fuel oil. No.2 grade diesel fuel oil
is used for a nearly oxygen-balanced mix.

Figure 3-36: Energy output vs. percent fuel oil added to ammonium nitrate

Typical values of specific gravity range from 0.75 to 0.95. The properties of
dry blasting agents vary significantly with borehole diameter, density,
confinement, particle size, water conditions, and size of primer used for
initiation. Figure 3-37 shows the varying effect of diameter confined on
various explosives. The steady state detonation velocity of ANFO is over
15,000 fpS (4500 m/s) and is achieved in borehole diameters greater than
15 in. (381 mm). The critical diameter of ANFO is between 2 and 4 in. (51
and 102 mm) and is a topic of controversy among blasters and, in particular,
those who blast underground using small-diameter holes. The exact values of

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the critical diameter depends on the loading conditions; however, ANFO does
not detonate reliably within the range cited above.

Figure 3-37: VOD vs. borehole diameter for selected industrial explosives

Aluminum in granular form can be added to ANFO to increase the heat or

energy output. For increasing percentages of aluminum by weight up to 6%,
a measurable increase in fragmentation energy is noted. The cost of
additional aluminum beyond 6% does not result in proportionally increased
work output and, therefore, is not cost effective.

3.4.9 Wet Blasting Agents

Blasting agents that contain more than 5% water by weight are referred to
as wet blasting agents. Within this category are:
• water gels or slurries,
• emulsions, and
• heavy ANFO.

Heavy ANFO is a combination of prilled ANFO and emulsion. The development

of wet blasting agents, led by slurries in the 1950s, came about in response
to the disadvantages of ANFO in certain applications. These were:
• lack of water resistance
• low bulk strength due to low density.

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Table 3-8: Typical Compositions of selected slurries and Emulsions

Table 3-8 shows some typical compositions of water gels and emulsions. The
critical diameter of wet blasting agents is often less than 1 in. (25 mm).
Three varieties of wet blasting agents are in common use in the mining
industry: slurries, emulsions, and Heavy ANFO. Slurries
Slurries, or water gels, are a colloidal suspension of solid AN particles
suspended in a liquid AN solution that is gelled, using cross-linking agents.
The gels (guar gum) effectively surround the solid AN, rendering the oxidizer
water resistant while thickening the explosive mix. Fuels and sensitizers such
as TNT, nitrostarch, Composition B, ethyl alcohol, fuel oil, and glass bubbles
(microspheres) are dissolved or added to the liquid phase. Granular
aluminum, added as a sensitizer, increases weight and bulk strength. Up to
18% aluminum by weight has been found to provide increased energy
output. In general, 20% water is used. Certain mixtures, containing high-
explosive sensitizers, are cap sensitive and hence should not be classified as
a blasting agent, but rather as a slurry explosive.

Slurries are characterized by:

• excellent water resistance,
• high density and bulk strength,
• good oxygen balance, confinement, and coupling within the borehole. Emulsions
Definition of emulsion: A suspension of small globules of one liquid in a
second liquid with which the first will not mix. Emulsion explosives and

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blasting agents are the latest development away from ingredients that are in
themselves explosive substances. Emulsions are a two-liquid phase
containing microscopic droplets of aqueous nitrates of salts (chiefly AN)
dispersed in fuel oil, wax, or paraffin using an emulsifying agent. The water-
in-oil structure depends on entrapped air or microspheres for sensitivity,
thereby eliminating the need for expensive explosive compounds.
Microspheres, microscopic glass, or plastic air-filled bubbles and the AN
droplets form the oxidizer, while the fuel oil exists as the oil phase. . In the
resulting margarine- or Vaseline-like, smooth mixture, the AN solution stays
as a super cooled liquid without crystallizing even upon cooling to sub-zero
temperatures. By distributing in it finely dispersed voids in the form of glass
microballoons or gas bubbles, that can act as hot spots to initiate the
chemical reaction upon shock compression, a variety of emulsion explosives
or blasting agents of different sensitivity levels can be produced. As they
contain no ingredient that is an explosive in itself, and also because of the
desensitizing effect of the water content, all such emulsions have a high
degree of inherent safety.

In contrast to ANFO which cannot be used in water-filled drillholes because of

the high water solubility of AN, emulsion explosives have excellent water
resistance since each AN/water droplet is surrounded by a thin film of oil
which repels water. The extremely small droplet size, and the sub micron
thickness of the oil film gives a very large contact area between the fuel and
the oxidizer solution; the intimacy of mixing of the fuel and oxidizer
approaches that of a solution. Over time, the oil phase migrates, and
droplets combine to form larger particles sizes whose bulk surface area is
reduced. Less fuel is in contact with the oxidizer, and less than ideal
explosive properties are achieved.

Emulsions provide high detonation pressures of 1.45 to 1.74 x 106 psi (10 to
12 GPa). Densities range from 1.15 to 1.45. Emulsions have excellent water-
resistant properties regardless of packaging. The cost of emulsion products is
within the range for slurries.

Emulsions can be mixed on site and pumped from bulk trucks. Premixed
emulsions are available in plastic tubes in a variety of diameters and lengths.
Depending on product diameter and sensitizers used, emulsions can be cap
sensitive Heavy ANFO

Heavy ANFO is a product comprised of up to 45 to 50% ammonium nitrate
emulsion mixed with prilled ANFO. It was developed in an attempt to
increase the bulk density of ANFO. The only fuel component is in the ANFO
(or a liquid fuel), while the emulsion contains no solid fuel, making the
mixture a "repumpable" consistency. The final product has improved strength
and provides good water resistance in comparison to ANFO, with a price

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range between that of ANFO and emulsions. Research has shown, however,
that the ability of emulsion to prevent ANFO from being dissolved in the
presence of water, thereby reducing blasting efficiency, is questionable.

3.4.10 Primers and Boosters-

A primer charge is an explosive ignited by an initiator, which, in turn,
initiates a noncap-sensitive explosive or blasting agent. A primer contains
cap-sensitive high explosive ingredients. Often cartridges of dynamites,
highly sensitized slurries, or emulsions are used with blasting caps or
detonating cord. Other primers are cast into specific shapes and weights,
using TNT and PETN, designed with wells for initiator acceptance.

Boosters are highly sensitized explosives or blasting agents, used either in

bulk form or in packages of weights greater than those used for primers.
Boosters are placed within the explosive column where additional breaking
energy is required. Often-times, cartridge or plastic-bagged dynamites or
sensitized wet blasting agents are used as primers as well as boosters.
Boosters are often used near the bottom of the blasthole at the toe level as
an additional charge for excessive toe burden distances. They are also placed
within the explosive column adjacent to geological zones that are difficult to
break or intermittently within the main explosive charge to ensure
continuous detonation.

3.4.11 Initiators and Initiation Systems

Initiators are devices containing high explosives that, upon receiving an
appropriate mechanical, or electrical impulse, produce a detonation or
burning action. Initiators are used as components within a system of
explosives and other devices to start the detonation of all other components.
Initiation systems are either electric or nonelectric, and include blasting caps,
safety fuse, detonating cord, or non-electric shock tubes.

3.4.12 Electric Caps

Electric blasting caps are a commonly used method of initiation. Electrical
energy (ac or dc) is sent through copper or iron legwires to heat an internal-
connecting bridgewire. This heat, in turn, starts a chain reaction of explosives
burning within the metal cap shell, through a powder delay train. This
process detonates a high-explosive base charge, igniting a cap-sensitive
explosive. They are manufactured with an instantaneous (no delay train)
time of initiation, or time delays (in milliseconds) used in delayed blasting
practices. Time delays with intervals of 25, 50, 100, 500, and 1000 ms are
available for short- (ms) or long-period (LP) delays. Table 3-9 summarizes
typical delay time intervals available for electric and non-electric initiating
systems. Short delays are used in surface blasting operations, while longer
delays are used underground where blasting conditions are more confined.

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The use of time delays in blasting enhances fragmentation and the control of
ground vibrations. In recent years, improvements have been made in the
manufacturing of blasting caps that increase the accuracy in detonation time.
The next generation of high-precision detonators will contain an electronic
circuit instead of pyrotechnical delay elements. The integrated circuits will
permit microsecond rather than millisecond timing accuracy and allow
programmability for onsite selection of each cap detonation timing. Ac power
lines and capacitor-discharge dc power sources approved for blasting are
used to energize caps. Precise calculations are needed to determine the
entire blasting circuit resistance, including all accessory connecting wires.
This is to ensure that the power source supplies the correct current to each
cap in the circuit. Safe blasting practices dictate that precautions are used to
avoid blasting in the vicinity of extraneous electricity such as stray current,
static electricity, electrical storms, and radio frequency energy when using
electric caps.

Table 3-9: Typical Delay times for donators

3.4.13 Non-electric caps

Non-electric initiation systems include a cap similar to that of an electric cap,
but they are connected to plastic tubing or a transmission line that carries an
initiation (shock and heat) to initiate the cap. The energy source in the
tubing is either a gas mixture or an internal coating of special explosive.
Non-electric tubing is not used in underground coal or gassy mines as it
carries an open flame. The plastic tube itself does not detonate; therefore,
the only noise source is the cap itself. Caps and tubes of varying lengths are
connected with special connectors between holes to configure unique blast
pattern arrays. Surface delay elements, when used in conjunction with in-

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hole delays, provide nearly infinite numbers of delays in blasting patterns.

Delays are available in short and long periods as well as in-hole and surface
delays. The advantage of non-electric systems over electric systems is the
ability to design blasts with a greater number of holes than traditional
electric blasting. In addition, concerns about the effects of accidental
detonations of electric caps due to stray currents are eliminated with the use
of non-electric systems.

Figure 3-38: Generic Design detonators

3.4.14 Electronic Detonators

Electronic detonators have an electronic counter on a microchip in place of
the pyrotechnic delay charge, and a capacitor to supply the discharge energy
for ignition. Advantages compared to regular electric or nonel detonators:
• Higher timing precision (10 µs instead of 1-10 ms delay scatter)
• Same high timing precision at long delay times (10 µs at 5 second
• Increased control over time delay
• Greater safety against accidental ignition (coded firing signal)

Current disadvantages include:

• Higher price because of chip and capacitor cost
• Back to electric wiring – risk of ground faults or poor contacts

3.4.15 Detonating cord

Detonating cord is a flexible but strong continuous detonator that can be
several hundred meters long. A detonator is required to initiate a length of

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detonating cord which cannot be normally initiated by fire. Detonating cord

has two functions:
• to provide simultaneous detonation of several interconnected blasthole
charges, thus avoiding the need for multiple electric or plain
• to provide continuous initiation of the full length of an explosive
column in a blasthole, as distinct from point initiation with individual

Detonating cord (sometimes known as Cordtex) consists of a core of PETN

enclosed in a tape wrapping that is further bound by counter-laced textile
yarns. The cord is either reinforced or completely enclosed by strong
waterproof plastic. Detonating cords are available with a variety of charge
weights, tensile strengths and protective coatings, depending on the
application. Their energy release depends on the amount of PETN in the core,
which generally varies from 1.5 g/m to 70 g/m. However, 10 g/m is the PETN
weight of standard detonating cord whose VOD is about 7000 m/s.

Additional Resources:
The material for this sub-module is additionally supplemented by:
• Lecture module 3.4: Explosive products.

These notes were assembled directly from the following references:
• From Dr. Paul Lever’s 415 course notes Hartman, Howard L. Ed. SME Mining
Engineering Handbook. 2nd ed. 1992
• Hartman, Howard L. and Jan M. Mutmansky, Introductory Mining Engineering,
2nd ed. New York: John Wiley & Sons. 2002, 570p.
• Atlas Copco, The Raise Boring Handbook 2nd ed.
• Stefanko, Robert. Coal Mining Technology Theory and Practice. Littleton
CO.:Society of Mining Engineers. 1983
• McKercher, R.M., Ed. Potash Technology: Mining, Processing, Maintenance,
Transportation, Occupational Health and Safety, Environment. Pergamon
Press: Toronto. 1983
•, search: continuous mining
• Bell, F. G. ed. Engineering in Rock Masses. Butterworth-Heinemann: London.
1992. ISBN: 0 7506 1063 8
• Caterpillar Performance Handbook, 28th Ed.
• 2001 Class notes, from Bob Cummings
• 1997 Class notes, from Sean Dessuresult’s Surface Mining Course Notes for
UBC’s Mining and Mineral Processing Department.Wirtgen America Inc.
Surface Mining Manual. Edition 2002
• Hartman, Howard L. Ed. SME Mining Engineering Handbook. 2nd ed. 1992
• Kennedy, B.A. Editor. Suface Mining 2nd Edition. SME: Port City Press, ML.
• Persson, Per-Anders, Holmberg, Roger, and Lee, Jaimin. Rock Blasting and
Explosvies Engineering. CRC Press: New York. 2000. 534 p.
• Cook, Melvin A. The Science of Industrial Explosives. IRECO Chemicals: Salt
Lake City, Utah. 1974. 449p.
• Sen, Gour C. Blasting Technology for Mining and Civil Engineers. Sydney:
University of New South Wales Press. 1995. 146 p.

Dessureault 2/12/2003 55
MGE 415 – Rock Excavation – Module 3 – Drilling and Blasting Components. 2003

• The History of Explosives.
• Hustrulid, William. Blasting Principles for Open Pit Mining. Vol. 2 –
Theoretical foundations. Rotterdam: A.A. Balkema. 1999.

Dessureault 2/12/2003 56
University of rizona
Mining and Geological Engineering

415 - Rock Excavation

Course Notes – Spring 2003

Module 3 addendum

Compiled by:
Dr. Sean Dessureault
MGE 415 – Rock Excavation 2003

Module 3: Drilling and Blasting Components

The following notes provide added material deemed important.

3.1.1 Drilling Components

Note in the mandatory readings: Readings, Chapter 4: Rotary Drilling with
Tricone Bits, from: Jimeno, Carlos Lopez, Emilio Lopez Jimeno, and Francisco
Javier Ayala Carcedo. Section 2.9.3, where penetration rate can be
calculated by the equation:

note: it is the same equation using imperial units.

Note that Ev can be calculated by the equation:

Ev = 13,900 x CRS + 15,500 in in-lb / in3

Where CRS is the coefficient of rock strength and is available for various rock
types in Table 3-1.

Table 3-1: Coefficient or rock strength and other mechanical properties of


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Therefore, to combine the concepts of section 2.9.3, and 2.9.1, follow the
example below:

Consider you have to drill a Duluth Basalt with a 1.5 inch diameter drill.
Assume the work rate for the drill is 175,000 ft-lb/min and the energy
transfer rate is 0.7. Calculate the penetration rate.

First step: calculate the Ev: from Table 3-1, we can see the CRS = 2.11.
Therefore, Ev = 13,000 x (2.11) + 15,000 in in-lb / in3 = 44,829 in-lb/in3.

Next step: calculate penetration rate:

48 × 175,000 × 0.7
= = 18.56in / min
π × 44,829 × 1.52

Calculation of production rate

Note that calculating production rates is one of the key functions of an
engineer. Considering basic knowledge of mathematics and Table 3-2, follow
the example below:

Consider you have just purchased a used 2 boom drill jumbo (i.e. it has 2
percussion drills that can be used simultaneously), that you want to use for
an underground development drift. The heading is 15ft wide and 15 ft high.
To meet the necessary explosive design you need 2.0 inch holes of 10ft in
length. This drill was used by the previous owner in Limestone (Davenport)
with a 1.5 inch diameter bit and achieved 45 inches per minute per drill. The
rock you have in your heading is similar to Granite from Bulgaria (Table 3-2).
Calculate how long it will take to drill a round if 45 holes are required.
Assume that collaring and retraction time is .25 minutes and repositioning
time 1.5 minute.

First, using the drillability index from Table 3-2, calculate the new
penetration rate if you were using the same diameter bit:

= where DRI is the drillability index and PR is the penetration
DRI b × PRa 0.45 × 45
rate, therefore solving for PRb, PRb = = = 11.3in / min
DRI a 1.79

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MGE 415 – Rock Excavation – Module 3 – Drilling and Blasting Components. 2003

D 
Using equation from section 2.9.1 from the readings where F =  a  acts as
 Db 
a correction factor for changes in diameter, therefore to calculate the final
1.5 1.5
D   1.5 
expected penetration rate, PRb exp ected = PRb  a  = 11.3  = 7.34in / min
 Db   2 
Therefore, to drill 10 feet, we calculate the drilling time to be:
10ft × 12in/ft
drill time = = 16.33 min
7.34in / min

therefore per hole including movement, the drilling time per hole is:

16.33 + 0.25 (collar time) + 0.25 (retract time) + 1.5 (reposition time) = 18.33 min/hole

since there are 45 holes and 2 booms, (18.33 x 45) / 2 = 412 mins/round

Table 3-2: Drillability and Abrasion Index of Various Rocks Compared to

Barre Granite.

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University of rizona
Mining and Geological Engineering

415 - Rock Excavation

Course Notes – Spring 2003

Module 4

Compiled by:
Dr. Sean Dessureault
MGE 415 – Rock Excavation – Module 4 – Blast Design. 2003

Table of Contents
MODULE 4: BLAST DESIGN ............................................................................................................ 1
4.1 BLAST DESIGN BASICS .................................................................................................................. 1
4.1.1 System Approach ...................................................................................................................... 1
4.1.2 Idealized fragmentation curves................................................................................................. 3 Loading ........................................................................................................................................... 4 Hauling............................................................................................................................................ 4 Crushing.......................................................................................................................................... 5 Drilling & Blasting.......................................................................................................................... 5
4.1.3 Preliminary guidelines for blast layout .................................................................................... 6 Spacing to burden relationship........................................................................................................ 7 Burden to hole diameter relationship .............................................................................................. 8 Subdrill to burden relationship...................................................................................................... 10 Stemming to burden relationship .................................................................................................. 11 Bench height to Burden relationship ............................................................................................. 14
4.1.4 Ratios for initial design .......................................................................................................... 15 Ratio Ks ......................................................................................................................................... 15 Ratio KB ........................................................................................................................................ 15 Ratio KJ ......................................................................................................................................... 16 Ratio KT ........................................................................................................................................ 17 Ratio KH ........................................................................................................................................ 17 Summary of Ratios........................................................................................................................ 17
4.1.5 Powder Factor........................................................................................................................ 18
4.1.6 Determination of KB................................................................................................................ 19
4.1.7 Effects to pattern design in changing explosives .................................................................... 20
4.1.8 Effects to pattern design in changing rock types .................................................................... 21
4.1.9 Numerical Examples............................................................................................................... 22 Example 1: Changing diameter of holes ....................................................................................... 22 Example 2: Changing Explosives.................................................................................................. 23
4.1.10 Stemming & Decking.......................................................................................................... 25
4.1.11 Concluding Notes on D, B, and PF .................................................................................... 26
ADDITIONAL RESOURCES I............................................................................................................... 27
4.2 GEOLOGICAL IMPACTS ON BLAST DESIGN ................................................................................... 27
4.2.1 Rock Properties ...................................................................................................................... 27 Dynamic Compressive Strength.................................................................................................... 27 Elastic Moduli ............................................................................................................................... 28 Density .......................................................................................................................................... 28 Porosity ......................................................................................................................................... 28 Internal Friction............................................................................................................................. 28 Water Content ............................................................................................................................... 28 In Situ Static Stress ....................................................................................................................... 29
4.2.2 Structure ................................................................................................................................. 29 Structurally induced Interruption of stress waves ......................................................................... 31 Structure Orientation..................................................................................................................... 34
ADDITIONAL RESOURCES II ............................................................................................................. 36
4.3 PATTERNS AND SEQUENCING ....................................................................................................... 37
4.3.1 Effective Burden and Spacing................................................................................................. 38
4.3.2 Designing the Timing.............................................................................................................. 40
4.3.3 Generalized Timing ................................................................................................................ 41
4.3.4 Skipping a Period ................................................................................................................... 43
4.3.5 Pattern Types.......................................................................................................................... 44 “V” (Vee) Pattern.......................................................................................................................... 44 Echelon Delay Pattern................................................................................................................... 45 Channel Delay Pattern................................................................................................................... 46 Flat-face pattern ............................................................................................................................ 46 Alternating hole delay pattern ....................................................................................................... 47 Sinking Blast Pattern..................................................................................................................... 47 Sequential Pattern Variant............................................................................................................. 48

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4.3.6 Cast Blasting ............................................................................. Error! Bookmark not defined.

ADDITIONAL RESOURCES III............................................................................................................ 48

Table of Figures
FIGURE 4-1: SYSTEMS APPROACH ................................................................................................................... 1
FIGURE 4-2: CASCADING CONSTRAINTS AND GOALS ....................................................................................... 2
FIGURE 4-4: LOADING COST CURVE................................................................................................................. 4
FIGURE 4-5: HAULING COST CURVE ............................................................................................................... 4
FIGURE 4-6: CRUSHING COST CURVE .............................................................................................................. 4
FIGURE 4-7: DRILLING AND BLASTING COST CURVES .................................................................................... 5
FIGURE 4-8: OVERALL COST CURVE. ............................................................................................................... 6
FIGURE 4-9: ISOMETRIC VIEW SHOWING NOMENCLATURE ............................................................................... 7
FIGURE 4-10: PLAN VIEW OF BENCH SHOWING FIRST ROW. ............................................................................. 8
FIGURE 4-11: EFFECT OF HOLE DIAMETER ON BURDEN ................................................................................... 9
FIGURE 4-12: TOE CONFINEMENT .................................................................................................................. 10
FIGURE 4-13: RUN-UP DISTANCE TO ACHIEVE STEADY STATE VOD.............................................................. 10
MINIMUM DISTANCE FROM THE COLLAR ............................................................................................... 11
CHARGES .............................................................................................................................................. 13
FIGURE 4-17: EQUIVALENT SPHERICAL AND CYLINDRICAL CHARGES............................................................ 13
FIGURE 4-18: BURDEN TO DIAMETER RELATIONSHIP..................................................................................... 14
FIGURE 4-19: LIMITING THE CHARGE DIAMETER AND BURDEN. .................................................................... 14
FIGURE 4-20: SQUARE PATTERN .................................................................................................................... 15
FIGURE 4-21: STAGGERED PATTERN.............................................................................................................. 15
FIGURE 4-22: BLASTHOLE PLACEMENT IN RELATION TO JOINT PLANES......................................................... 29
FIGURE 4-23: USE OF POCKET CHARGES ....................................................................................................... 30
FIGURE 4-24: STAB HOLE .............................................................................................................................. 30
FIGURE 4-25: IDEALIZED RADIAL CRACKING SURROUNDING A SINGLE HOLE. ............................................... 31
FIGURE 4-27: MAXIMUM BLOCK DIMENSIONS FOR HOLE PATTERNS.............................................................. 33
FIGURE 4-29: EFFECT OF JOINTING ON FRAGMENTATION .............................................................................. 34
FIGURE 4-30: POSSIBLE BLAST PATTERNS IN JOINTED ROCK ........................................................................ 34
FIGURE 4-31: SHOOTING WITH THE DIP ......................................................................................................... 35
FIGURE 4-32: SHOOTING AGAINST THE DIP .................................................................................................... 36
FIGURE 4-33: SHOOTING ALONG STRIKE ....................................................................................................... 36
PREVIOUSLY BROKEN ROCK.................................................................................................................. 37
INSTANTANEOUS................................................................................................................................... 38
FIGURE 4-36: CORNER AND FACE BLASTS. .................................................................................................... 38
FIGURE 4-37: ECHELON OR HALF CHEVRON. ................................................................................................. 39
FIGURE 4-39: THE EVENTS AND TIMING IN A BLASTHOLE .............................................................................. 42
FIGURE 4-40: BLAST TIMING SEQUENCE SKIPPING PERIODS .......................................................................... 43
MOVEMENT........................................................................................................................................... 45
FIGURE 4-42: ECHELON DELAY PATTERN ..................................................................................................... 45
FIGURE 4-43: CHANNEL PATTERN ................................................................................................................. 46
FIGURE 4-44: FLAT FACE PATTERN................................................................................................................ 46
FIGURE 4-45: ALTERNATING DELAY PATTERN .............................................................................................. 47

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FIGURE 4-46: SINKING SHOTS........................................................................................................................ 47

FIGURE 4-47: SEQUENTIAL FIRING ................................................................................................................ 48

List of Tables
TABLE 4-1: RATIO SUMMARY ....................................................................................................................... 18
TABLE 4-2: POWDER FACTOR........................................................................................................................ 27
(ENERGY DISTRIBUTION)....................................................................................................................... 42

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MGE 415 – Rock Excavation – Module 4 – Blast Design. 2003

Module 4: Blast Designi

The section will cover the basic aspects of blast design in terms of geometry,
explosives, geology, sequencing, and initiation. Note that these are the key
theory, tools and techniques used for most blasting applications. More
unique applications of blasting will be covered in the next module, along with
underground blast design.

4.1 Blast Design Basics

Blast design is a semi-empirical systematic method that involves balancing
numeric and qualitative assessments of rock properties, explosives, and
desired products.

4.1.1 System Approach

The first step in the process of design is to determine the goal or purpose of
the intended design. From a historical perspective, it has been seen that
drilling and blasting has been a process by which the mine has undertaken
full responsibility. Its key goal was to deliver to the mill the least expensive
product. This often limited the blast design to enable the efficient loading
and hauling of the material from the stope to the crushing circuit. However,
the more recent ‘systems design’ approach whereby the scope changes from
simply the mine to the overall mine-mill system, an optimum design for
simply the mine will most likely change when the mill is included.

Figure 4-1: Systems Approach

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In visualizing the system, the variables upon which an engineer is to optimize

based on lowest overall cost can be seen in Figure 4-2. For example, as can
be seen, the internal and external environments specify a minimization of
wall damage, flyrock, noise, and other detrimental aspects of working with
explosives. These aspects of the design are facilitated in that they are often
specified by law. The internal environment is also less limiting as rock
damage to walls that are not permanent are also not to dominate the design.
Other constraints not shown are the limitations posed by pit design, limited
operating room, bench sizes, equipment, etc… The proper fragmentation to
optimize the loading& hauling, crushing, and grinding processes are to be
taken into account. All these factors must be balanced with cost.

Figure 4-2: Cascading constraints and goals

Figure 4-3 shows the numerous controllable variables that can be

manipulated to achieve the optimum design. The uncontrollable variables
and output requirements should be taken into account in the design. This
focus of design assumes that the optimization is to be taken at the blasting

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stage, however, it should be noted that changes in downstream processes

may reduce some of the cost upstream where an expensive aspect of the
design can be removed.

Figure 4-3: Controllable and uncontrollable input variables and output goals.

4.1.2 Idealized fragmentation curves

Some 30 years ago, MacKenzie presented his now classic conceptual curves
showing the cost dependence of the different mining unit operations on the
degree of fragmentation. They are presented in their original form in Error!
Reference source not found. to Figure 4-8. As can be seen some of the
costs decrease with increasing fragmentation while others increase. By

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MGE 415 – Rock Excavation – Module 4 – Blast Design. 2003

adding the curves together one obtains the overall cost versus degree-of-
fragmentation curve presented in Figure 4-8. It has the form of a saddle
indicating that there is a certain degree of fragmentation for which the
overall cost is a minimum. In the particular case shown, the base of the
saddle is quite broad suggesting that the overall costs change little over a
wide fragmentation range. Before discussing the development and
application of these curves it is important to understand the logic behind
them. Beginning with the loading, hauling and crushing curves the logic, as
presented by MacKenzie, is as follows:

Figure 4-4: Loading cost curve Loading
An increase in the degree of fragmentation will give the shovel a higher rate
of productivity. At standard operating costs per hour (for all practical
purposes independent of the production rate) this will result in lower costs
per ton or cubic yard moved. The effect of wear and tear will also decrease,
giving lower operating cost per hour.

Figure 4-5: Hauling Cost Curve Hauling
Under similar conditions of haul, lift, size and type of truck and haul road
conditions, truck production per hour will increase with greater degree of
fragmentation due to faster shovel loading rates and a decrease in bridging
(and hence waiting time) at the crusher. There will be a consequent decrease
in cycle time. At a standard operating cost per hour, this increase in truck
speed or productivity will result in lower unit operating costs.

Figure 4-6: Crushing Cost Curve

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MGE 415 – Rock Excavation – Module 4 – Blast Design. 2003 Crushing
An increase in the degree of fragmentation gives lower crushing costs as
more material passes through as undersize. Liner costs, repair and
maintenance, and bridging time will decrease and the crushing rate per hour
will increase. As indicated decreased bridging time also cuts down on truck
delay time at the crusher which in turn gives higher truck and shovel
productivity. Any increase in degree of fragmentation means less work for
the crusher. The % bridging time is one indicator, along with shovel loading
rate of this degree of fragmentation.

These have been the easiest to explain since the unit costs always decrease
with increasing fragmentation. The same is not true for the drilling and
blasting costs. There are many possible combinations which can occur
depending upon the particular design.

Figure 4-7: Drilling and Blasting Cost Curves Drilling & Blasting

For a given rock type, geologic structure, and firing sequence, an increase in
the degree of fragmentation may be achieved by:
1. increasing the consumed quantity of a given explosive
2. changing to an explosive having greater energy content per unit hole
volume (higher energy content! density)
3. combinations of both.

For blasting case (1.) the associated drilling cost would increase if the
explosive quantity were to be increased by simply drilling the same diameter
drill holes but on a tighter pattern. Thus there would be more drill holes
required to blast a given volume. If larger diameter drill holes were
substituted and the increased hole volume (explosive quantity) achieved in
this way then the rate of increase or decrease would depend upon the
comparative drilling cost per foot of hole. For case (2.), presuming that the
same hole diameter and pattern is used, the drilling costs would remain
constant independent of the fragmentation. For case (3.) the drilling cost
could: remain constant, increase, or decrease depending upon the situation.
If the same fragmentation is desired and a more energetic explosive is
substituted for the one currently in use, then the unit drilling cost could

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decrease due to the possibility of increasing the hole spacing (spreading the

In his original presentation MacKenzie has explained the drilling dependence

as follows:

Generally speaking, for a given type of drilling and of explosive, the cost per
cubic yard or ton will remain constant or increase with the degree of
fragmentation. If higher energy explosives are substituted, the drilling cost
per yard will decrease. The rate of increase or decrease or decrease will be
dependent upon the drilling cost per foot.

Therefore summing all cost curves together, the overall optimum

fragmentation can be assumed to be the lower section of the saddle.

Figure 4-8: Overall cost curve.

4.1.3 Preliminary guidelines for blast layout

The preliminary guidelines for blast layout were taken directly from the
Hustrulid (1999) which in turn were taken directly from Ash (1967). These
preliminary guidelines provide the reasoning (proofs) for the five key
relationships for blast design. The readings prescribed in the additional
readings provide additional theory and equations. Figure 4-9 shows the basic
nomenclature for the key variables discussed here. Note that the basic
guidelines shown here apply to surface mines. However, the same key
variables are also applicable to underground mine blasts, as will be shown in
future modules.

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Figure 4-9: Isometric view showing nomenclature

The key variables for blast design include:

• drilled burden (B) - is defined as the distance between the individual
rows of holes. It is also used to describe the distance from the front row
of holes to the free face. When the bench face is not vertical the burden
on this front row of holes varies from crest to toe.
• spacing (S) - is the distance between holes in any given row.
• Subgrade (J) - Generally the holes are drilled below the desired final
grade. This distance is referred to as the subgrade drilling or simply the
• Stemming (T) - A certain length of hole near the collar is left uncharged.
This will be referred to as the stemming length (T) whether or not it is left
unfilled or filled with drill cuttings/crushed rock.
• Bench height (H) – is the vertical height from the toe to the crest.
• drilled length (L) - is equal to the bench height plus the sub-drill.
• length of the explosive column (Le) - is equal to the hole length minus the
stemming. This column may be divided into sections (decks) containing
explosives of various strengths separated by lengths of stemming

Sometimes the explosive strength is varied along the hole, i.e. a higher
strength bottom charge with a lower strength column charge. As will be seen
in the next section, the different dimensions involved in a blast design are
not arbitrary but closely related to one another. The selection of one, for
example the hole diameter, fixes within rather strict limits, many of the
others. Spacing to burden relationship

As can be seen in Figure 4-10, the hole spacing (S) and burden (B) can be
directly related through the following relationship:

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S = KS B

Where Ks is a constant relating spacing to the burden.

Figure 4-10: Plan view of bench showing first row. Burden to hole diameter relationship

Note Figure 4-10, where it is shown that for a particular burden and spacing,
each hole diameter is expected to break a particular volume of rock.

The volume of rock to be broken by A UNIT of hole length is:

VR = B × S × 1

A particular amount of energy (EV) is required to break the a unit volume of

rock. The total energy for a unit of hole length is therefore

E R = VR × EV = B × S × EV
however, since S = K S B
E R = K S B 2 EV

Since KS and EV are constants, the required amount of explosive energy is

directly proportional to B2.

ER ∝ B 2

The amount of explosive energy available is determined by the explosive

volume that can be loaded into that unit of length of borehole:

Ve = De2

Where De is explosive diameter and Ee is the explosive bulk strength

(strength by unit volume). Therefore the explosive available is determined

EA = De2 E e

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Since Ee is a constant related to explosive type, the De can be seen as

directly proportional to Ea

E A ∝ De

If using packaged explosives, as is sometimes the case at pit perimeters

where perimeter blasting techniques are employed, the charge diameter (De)
may be less than the diameter (D) of the hole. However, where bulk blasting
agents are used, the entire cross-sectional area of the hole is filled with
explosive. Therefore hole diameter (D) is equal to explosive diameter (De).
This would make the explosives available also directly proportional to hole

EA ∝ D2

Furthermore, this would also require that the required explosives and
available explosives to be equal since additional explosives cannot be added
beyond the hole diameter.

E A = ER

however, remember that:

E R ∝ B 2 therefore D 2 ∝ B 2 therefore D ∝ B

therefore the diameter is can be determined from a proportionality constant

KB, relating to the hole diameter:


Therefore as the burden increases, the diameter should also increase

proportionally, as seen in Figure 4-11.

Figure 4-11: Effect of hole diameter on burden

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MGE 415 – Rock Excavation – Module 4 – Blast Design. 2003 Subdrill to burden relationship

The toe region is a highly confined volume. Therefore extra explosive energy
must be applied to assure adequate fragmentation. This extra explosive
power is generally provided by extending the drill hole below the toe
elevation and filling the so-called subdrill length J with explosive. There are
several different rationales used for selecting the appropriate length. Here an
explanation based upon explosive run-up distance will be presented. The
results are essentially the same with all techniques.

Figure 4-12: Toe confinement

There is a certain distance (called the run-up distance) characteristic of the

initiating system/explosive which the shock wave must travel away from the
point of initiation before steady state conditions are reached in the explosive
column. To break the confined toe, the borehole pressure should be as high
as possible. As seen in previous classes, the explosion (borehole wall)
pressure (Pe) is proportional to the square of the detonation velocity:

Pe ∝ VOD 2

The elevation in the hole at which steady state velocity is reached should not
be higher than the bench toe elevation. To be conservative the minimum
run-up distance will be assumed to be 6D.

Figure 4-13: Run-up distance to achieve steady state VOD.

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In addition, the primer is seldom placed directly at the bottom of the

blasthole due to the presence of cuttings and water. A normal offset is of the
order of 2D. Therefore, the distance from the drilled end of the hole to the
toe elevation (the subdrill distance J)
should be:

J ≈ 8D therefore since D ∝ B
J ∝ B resulting in a proportionality relationship J = K J B Stemming to burden relationship

Near the hole collar, the rise of the explosive should be controlled so that the
possibility of breaking upward toward the horizontal free surface should be
‘as difficult’ or more difficult than breaking, as desired, toward the vertical
free face. This can be seen conceptually, by the placement of a spherical
charge having the same distance from the collar as the burden. Therefore
the “as or more difficult” relationship can be summarized as:

V ≥B

a) b)
Figure 4-14: Section view comparing the spherical charge (a) and cylindrical
charge (b) minimum distance from the collar

An initial assumption is made in that the degree of equivalence of the

charges will depend on the proximity to the charge and that this relationship
is linear and expressed as:


From Figure 4-14, the following relationship is evident:

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T =V −
considering the " as difficult" relationship where V = B and considering how TC = K TC B :
K TC B  K 
T = B− = B1 − TC  which can be simplified to
2  2 
T = KT B
where KT = 1 −

Determining KTC is difficult. The other relationships are derived in a later

section however, this relationship proof is explained here. In bench blasting,
Langefors & Kihlstrom (1963) have empirically derived the
spherical/cylindrical charge equivalence is as shown in Figure 4-16. To
explain the significance of the curve, consider a bench containing two vertical
side-by-side blastholes. The burden is the same for both. Rather than
discussing the collar region which is the subject of this portion, this example
will involve the toe region. The reason for this is that the explanation is
easier and the principle is the same. Consider a spherical charge of quantity
Qo placed at the toe elevation in one of the holes. In the second blasthole a
cylindrical charge with a linear charge concentration of 1 kg/m of hole is
emplaced. The bottom of the charge is at toe elevation and then the column
extends upward towards the collar, as seen in Figure 4-15.

Figure 4-15: View facing bench comparing equivalent cylindrical and

spherical charges.

The length of the elongated charge is expressed in multiples of the burden B.

For a cylindrical charge of length B, the total charge would be B x 1
(remember that the explosive volume per length emplaced is 1 kg/m). From
the Figure 4-16 one can see that at the toe this elongated charge has only
the equivalent breaking power of a spherical charge of weight 0.6 x 1 x B.
This is understandable since the energy contained in that part of the
elongated charge near the collar must travel a much longer distance to reach
the toe and in the process the energy is spread over a much larger volume of
rock. The energy density by the time it reaches the toe is much less than
that produced by energy which has traveled a shorter distance.

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Figure 4-16: Langefors & Kihlstrom’s Toe breaking equivalence of spherical

and cylindrical charges

For a linear charge of length 0.3B the total charge has a mass of 0.3 x 1 x B.
From the curve it is seen that this has the same effect at the toe as a
spherical charge placed directly at the toe elevation with a mass 0.3 x 1 x B.
For charges shorter than 0.3B this relationship holds as well, i.e. the
elongated charge of a given weight has the same effect at the toe as a
spherical charge of the same weight. For elongated charges with lengths
greater than 0.3B, the effect at the toe diminishes rapidly with increasing
length. The same effect could be achieved by considering the elongated
charge extending from the toe elevation downward. Thus an elongated
charge extending from 0.3B below the toe to 0.3B above the toe elevation
(for a total explosive weight of 0.6 x 1 x B) would, according to the curve
have the same breaking capacity as a spherical charge with a weight of 0.6 x
1 x B placed directly at the toe elevation. This can be seen in Figure 4-17.

Figure 4-17: Equivalent spherical and cylindrical charges

In transferring this concept to the collar region one finds that

TC ≤ 0.6 B and noting that TC = K TC B

K TC ≤ 0.6 and where KT = 1 − ,
0.6 1.4
KT = 1 − = = 0.7
2 2

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MGE 415 – Rock Excavation – Module 4 – Blast Design. 2003 Bench height to Burden relationship

To this point in the discussion there has been no specific mention of the
bench height. If one continues to increase the scale (hole diameter) as
shown in Figure 4-18, the center of the charge progresses further and further
down the hole. The limiting condition is when the center of charge reaches
the toe elevation (Figure 4-19). This occurs for a hole diameter which yields
a burden just equal to the bench height. The fifth and last of the fundamental
relationships is:

H = KH B

where KH is a constant relating bench height to the burden. The value of KH

is therefore:

KH ≥1

As a rule of thumb, to derive a method of limiting the choice of hole

diameter, note how:

B = K B D therefore H = K H K B D and since K H ≥ 1,

we can derive H ≥ K B D resulting in a limiting

Figure 4-18: Burden to diameter relationship.

Figure 4-19: Limiting the charge diameter and burden.

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4.1.4 Ratios for initial design

In the previous section, five relationships were derived for preliminary blast
design. This section will discuss the general values of the constants which is
used as base designs from which to further optimize based on other design
constraints. Table 4-1 provides the summary of this section. The remainder
provides the reasoning and proof behind these initial values. Ratio Ks
As will be covered in a later lecture, the optimum burden and spacing ratio
depends on the energy coverage of the bench (among other variables).
When using a square pattern, the best energy coverage is with Ks=1
however, empirically, there is little difference between Ks=1 to Ks=1.5. For a
staggered drilling pattern, the best energy coverage is with Ks = 1.15. Note
that a staggered pattern provides more uniform energy coverage.

Figure 4-20: Square pattern

Figure 4-21: Staggered pattern Ratio KB
The most critical and important dimension in blasting is that of the burden.
There are two requirements necessary to define it properly. To cover all
conditions, the burden should be considered as the distance from a charge
measured perpendicular to the nearest free face and in the direction in which
displacement will most likely occur. Its actual value will depend on a
combination of variables including the rock characteristics, the explosive
used, etc. But when the rock is completely fragmented and displaced little or
not at all, one can assume the critical value has been approached. Usually,
an amount slightly less than the critical value is preferred by most blasters.

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There are many formulae that provide approximate burden values but most
require calculations that are bothersome or complex to the average man in
the field. Many also require knowledge of various qualities of the rock and
explosives, such as tensile strengths and detonation pressures, etc. As a
rule, the necessary information is not readily available, nor is it understood.

A convenient guide that can be used for estimating the burden, however, is
the KB ratio. Experience shows that when KB = 30, the blaster can usually
expect satisfactory results for average field conditions. To provide greater
throw, the KB value could be reduced below 30, and subsequently finer sizing
is also expected to result.

Light density explosives, such as field-mixed ANFO mixtures, necessarily

require the use of lower KB ratios (20 to 25), while dense explosives, such as
slurries and gelatins, permit the use of KB near 40. The final value selected
should be the result of adjustments made to suit not only the rock and
explosive types and densities but also the degree of fragmentation and
displacement desired.

To estimate the desired KB value one should know that densities for
explosives are rarely greater than 1.6 or less than 0.8 g/cm3. Also, for most
rocks requiring blasting, the density in g/cm3 rarely exceeds 3.2 nor is less
than 2.2 with 2.7 far the most common value. Thus, the blaster can, by first
approximating the burden at a KB of 30 make simple estimations toward 20
(or 40) to suit the rock and explosive characteristics, densities for the latter
exerting the greater influence. As a rule of thumb consider:
• For light explosives in dense rock use KB = 20,
• For heavy explosives in light rock use KB = 40,
• For light explosives in average rock use KB = 25,
• For heavy explosives in average rock use KB = 35. Ratio KJ
The most common value of KJ is 0.3. In certain sedimentary deposits with a
parting plane at toe elevation subdrilling may not be required. In very hard
toe situations, the subdrilling may be increased over that indicated by using
KJ = 0.3. However it is probably better to consider using a more energetic
explosive. It must be remembered that the subdrill region generally forms
the future crest/bench top for the bench below. Unwanted damage done at
this stage may have a long and costly life. In addition excessive subdrill
results in:
• A waste of drilling and blasting expenditures
• An increase in ground vibrations
• Undesirable shattering of the bench floor. This in turn creates drilling
problems, abandoned blastholes and deviations for the bench below.
• It accentuates vertical movement in the blast. This increases the
chances for cutoffs (misfires) and overbreak.

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MGE 415 – Rock Excavation – Module 4 – Blast Design. 2003 Ratio KT
The minimum recommended value for KT for large hole production blasting is
KT = 0.7. Some specialists suggest the use of KT = 1.0.

Collar and stemming are sometimes used to express the same thing.
However, stemming refers to the filling of blast holes in the collar region with
materials such as drill cuttings to confine the explosive gases. But stemming
and the amount of collar, the latter being the unloaded portion of a blasthole,
perform other functions in addition to confining gases.

Since an energy wave will travel much faster in solid rock than in the less
dense unconsolidated stemming material, stressing will occur much earlier in
the solid material than compaction of the stemming material could be
accomplished. Thus the amount of collar that is left, whether or not
stemming is used, determines the degree of stress balance in the region. The
use of stemming material then assists in confining the gases by a delayed
action that should be long enough in time duration to permit their performing
the necessary work before rock movement and stemming ejection can occur.
For stress balance in bench-blasting of massive material, the value of T
should equal the B dimension.

Placing the charge too close to the collar can result in backbreak, flyrock and
early release of the explosive gases with resulting poor fragmentation. On
the other hand, increasing the length of stemming may reduce the energy
concentration in the collar region to the point where large boulders result.

Usually a KT value of less than 1 in solid rock will cause some cratering, with
back break and possible violence, particularly for collar priming of charges.
However, if there are structural discontinuities in the collar region, reflection
and refraction of the energy waves reduce the effects in the direction of the
charge length. Thus the KT value can be reduced under such circumstances,
the amount depending upon the degree of energy reduction at the density or
structural interfaces. Field experience shows that a KT value of
0.7 is a reasonable approximation for the control of air blast and stress
balance in the collar region. Ratio KH
Currently most open pit operations have KH values which are approximately
1.6 or more. Too small a KH value will result in substantial cratering. Summary of Ratios

The table below simply summarizes some of the basic ratio values and

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Table 4-1: Ratio Summary

Name of Relationship Equation Value

Spacing - Burden S = KS B 1-1.5
Burden – Diameter B = KBD ≈25
Subdrill – Burden J = KJ B =0.3
Stemming – Burden T = KT B ≥0.7
Bench height - Burden H = KH B ≥1.6

4.1.5 Powder Factor

The following example is provided to illustrate the relationships developed in
the last two sub-sections. A key indicator of blast design is the specific
charge, also known colloquially as the ‘powder factor’. Design a blast
considering these initial variables:
• Rock = syenite porphyry (SG=2.6)
• Explosive = ANFO (ρ=0.8, SANFO=1)
• Bench Height (H)=15m
• Hole Diameter (D)=381mm (15”)
• Staggered drilling pattern, vertical holes
• 1 blast = 4 rows of holes each containing 6 holes

from the relationship, we see:

• B = K B D , where KB≈25 (assumed), therefore B=(25)(0.381)=9.5 m
• S = K S B , where KS=1.15 (staggered), therefore S=(1.15)(9.5)=11 m
• J = K J B , where KJ=0.3, therefore J=(0.3)(9.5)=3 m
• T = K T B , where KT=0.7, therefore T=(0.7)(9.5)=6.5 m
• L=H+J, hole length therefore equals to 15+3=18 m

H 15
As an assurance, in verifying KH, we find K H = = = 1.6 , considering the
B 9.5
value is usually equal to or greater than 1.6, we find these parameters to be
acceptable. To calculate the powder factor, the volume and weight of the
explosive used is calculated:

π π
Ve = D 2 (L − T ) =
(3.81) 2 (18 − 6.5) = 1.31 m 3
4 4
We = Ve ρ = 1.31 m 3 × 800 kg / m 3 = 1049kg per hole
total weight of explosive TEXP = 1049 kg × 6 × 4 = 25,176 kg

The weight of the rock that will be broken is calculated:

TR = VR × ρ = number of holes n × B × S × H × ρ = 24(9.5)(11)(15)(2.6 t/m 3 ) = 97,812 tons

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Hence, the powder factor using the explosive ANFO is found to be:
TEXP 25,716
PFANFO = = = 0.26 kg
TR 97,812 ton

4.1.6 Determination of KB
As seen in the above discussion, KB is by far the most important constants in
the design of blasts. Selecting the proper burden is therefore a key step in
blast design, and the factor KB allows the selection of an appropriate burden
and diameter as seen in the equation:


As mentioned above, the best initial estimate for KB is 25, when using ANFO
in rocks with an average density. However, consider the requirements for
selecting a new KB when explosives or rock type varies. The approach
described below can be used as an approximation until field results are
available to guide the designed toward more optimal solutions. Note that the
proof below is valid for the metric system. Consider this blast design has
must be designed to other variables, including:
SGE = specific gravity of explosive used
SGR = specific gravity of the rock
PFEXP = powder factor (kg/ton)
TF = tonnage factor (m3/ton)

As seen in a previous example, the total weight that one borehole is

expected to break can be calculated using the following:
TR = = VR × ρ = B × S × H × ρ rock = B 3 K S K H SGR

Once the total amount of rock material to be removed is known, the amount
of energy required is calculated using the powder factor:
E Re qyured = TR × PFEXP = B 3 K S K H SGR PFEXP

The amount of explosive available is defined by the size of the borehole,

which can be given as:
π 2 π 2 π 2
E Avail = De ( H + J − T ) SG E = De ( BK H + BK J − BK T ) SG E = B De ( K H + K J − K T ) SG E
4 4 4

Setting the amount of explosives to the amount required results in:

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π 2
B 3 K S K H SG R PFEXP = B De ( K H + K J − K T ) SG E
π SG E  ( K H + K J − K T ) 
B = De    , and since B = K B D and assuming a bulk agent is being used,
4  SG R PFEXP  KS KH 
π SG E  ( K H + K J − K T ) 
KB =   
4  SG R PFEXP  KS KH 

The powder factor based on the explosive used is replaced with the
equivalent ANFO powder factor, denoted by the variable PFANFO:
PFEXP = , where relative weight strength to ANFO of an explosive, S ANFO is equivalen to
S ANFO = , where Q is the energy per unit weight (usually cal/gm), which results in :
π  SG E  S ANFO  ( K H + K J − K T ) 
KB =    
4  SG R  PFANFO  KS KH 
note that this equation in english units is equivalent to
π  SG  S  ( K + K J − K T ) 
K B = 2000  E  ANFO  H 
4  SG R  PFANFO  KS KH 
where PFANFO = ANFO equivalent powder factor in lbs/ton at 2000 lbs/ton

The above formula can be used for several purposes, as will be seen in the
following examples.

4.1.7 Effects to pattern design in changing explosives

One of the major ways the equation can be used is to study the effect of
changes in the explosive on the blasting pattern while keeping other factors
constant. Note that the bench height, KH, depends on the burden which also
depends on KB. Therefore the burden can change. The approach can be
seen as follows:

π  SGE1  S ANFO   ( K H 1 + K J − K T ) 
Explosive 1: K B1 =    
4  SG R  PFANFO 1  K S K H1 

π  SG E 2  S ANFO   ( K H 2 + K J − K T ) 
Explosive 2: K B2 =     
4  SG R  PFANFO  2  KS KH2 

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In most blast design alternatives, a constant powder factor is maintained. A

ratio between the two KB values, where the powder factor ratio is eliminated,
can be expressed by:

K B2  SG  S (2)  K S K H 1 ( K H 2 + K J − K T ) 
=  E 2  ANFO  
K B1  SGE1  S ANFO (1)  K S K H 2 ( K H 1 + K J − K T ) 

Taking this ratio and for now, ignoring the changes in KH with changing
burden, the equation is reduced to:

K B2 (SGE × S ANFO )2
K B1 (SGE × S ANFO )1
The above is a first approximation of the KB2 and is equivalent to the square
root of the bulk strength ratio for the explosives in question. To refine the
KB2 value, an iterative process is used where:

1) Initial value of KB2 is substituted in the formula:

B2 = K B 2 De

2) Then the new KH2 is derived from the equation

KH2 =

3) This new value of KH2 is then inserted into the equation

K B2  (SGE × S ANFO )2  K S K H 1 ( K H 2 + K J − K T ) 
=  
K B1  (SGE × S ANFO )1  K S K H 2 ( K H 1 + K J − K T ) 

4) If the resulting KB2 is then compared to the original estimate. If they are
the same, the process stops. If not, then the new KB2 is used in step 1 and
the process continues, until the value of KB2 converges.

4.1.8 Effects to pattern design in changing rock types

The effect to the pattern design when rock types change is very similar to
that discussed in the previous subsection. Here, the initial approximation
can be made by the ratio:
K B2 SG R1
K B1 SG R 2

Once again, the iteration process involving three equations is undertaken:

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1) Initial value of KB2 is substituted in the formula:

B2 = K B 2 De

2) Then the new KH2 is derived from the equation

KH2 =

3) This new value of KH2 is then inserted into the equation

K B2  SG R1  K S K H 1 ( K H 2 + K J − K T ) 
=   
K B1  SG R 2  K S K H 2 ( K H 1 + K J − K T ) 

4) If the resulting KB2 is then compared to the estimate at the beginning of

the iteration. If they are the same, the process stops. If not, then the new
KB2 is used in step 1 and the process continues, until the values of KB2

4.1.9 Numerical Examples

Consider the mine where the current design has the following parameters:
• Hole diameter = 12 ¼ inches
• Bench height = 40 ft
• Burden = 25 ft
• Spacing = 29 ft
• Subdrill = 7ft
• Stemming = 17ft
• SGANFO = 0.82
• Q = 912 cal/gm
• Rock: SG = 2.65
• PFANFO = 0.5 lbs/ton

π  SGE  S ANFO  ( K H + K J − K T ) 
K B = 2000     using imperial units
4  SGR  PFANFO  KS KH  Example 1: Changing diameter of holes

What would the pattern be if changing to 15 inch diameter holes?

The first step in this problem is to derive KB. First, the other ratios need to
be derived:
KH = 40/25 = 1.6
KJ = 7/25 = 0.3
KT = 17/25 = 0.7
KS = 29/25 = 1.15

These values are plugged into the following equation:

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π  SG E  S ANFO  ( K H + K J − K T )  π  0.82  1  (1.6 + 0.3 − 0.7) 

K B = 2000     = 2000     = 25.2
4  SG R  PFANFO  KS KH  4  2 . 65  0 . 5   (1 . 6 )(1 . 15) 

This is about what is expected from the recommended ranges discussed

previously. For the 15 inch diameter holes, the first approximation for the
burden would be:
 15 inches 
B = K B DE = 25.2  = 31.5 ft
 12 inches
 foot 

However, this new value for the burden would result in a change in KH.
Therefore the new KH is found to be:
H 40
KH = = = 1.27
B 31.5

This new value is then input back into the original KB equation:
π  SG  S  ( K + K J − K T )  π  0.82  1  (1.6 + 0.3 − 0.7) 
K B = 2000  E  ANFO  H  = 2000     = 24.1
4  SG R  PFANFO  KS KH  4  2.65  0.5  (1.6)(1.15) 

this process is repeated through several iterations until a stable KB is found,

which is:

KB = 24.3

This results in a pattern with the following dimensions:

B = 30 ft
S = 34.5 ft
T = 21 ft
J = 9ft

The resulting powder factor may be slightly different from the original on
account of the rounding off, however note that this pattern would result in
increased coarseness in fragmentation. To maintain fragmentation, the
powder factor would have to be increased. Example 2: Changing Explosives

What would be the change in the pattern in changing the explosive from
ANFO to heavy ANFO with the following properties (original hole diameter of
12 ¼ inches):

SG = 1.10
Q = 815 cal/gm

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We will need to use the weight strength of this explosive product with respect
to ANFO, which is calculated:
S ANFO = = 0.89

We use the initial estimate, as derived in a previous section, and using the
initial KB value from the previous question:
(SGE × S ANFO )2 1.10 × 0.89
K B 2 = K B1 = (25.2) = 27.5
(SGE × S ANFO )1 0.82 × 1.00

The new burden would therefore be:

 12.25 inches 
B2 = K B 2 DE = 27.5  = 28.1 ft
 12 inches
 foot 

The new KH is then calculated to be:

H 40
KH2 = = = 1.42
B2 28.1

This value is then substituted into the equation:

K B2  (SG E × S ANFO )2  K S K H 1 ( K H 2 + K J − K T ) 
=  
 K K ( K + K − K ) 

K B1  ( SG E × S )
ANFO 1  S H2 H1 J T 

 (SG E × S ANFO )2  K H1  ( K H 2 + K J − K T ) 
K B 2 = K B1   
 ( K + K − K )  
 (SG E × S )
ANFO 1  H1 J T  K H2 
 (1.10 × 0.89 )  1.6  ( K H 2 + 0.3 − 0.7) 
K B 2 = (25.2)    
 (0.82 × 1)  (1.6 + 0.3 − 0.7)  KH2 
 (1.10 × 0.89 )  1.6(1.42 + 0.3 − 0.7) 
K B 2 = (25.2)    = 26.95
 (0.82 × 1)  1.42(1.6 + 0.3 − 0.7) 

The new burden is calculated to be:

 12.25 inches 
B2 = K B 2 DE = 26.95  = 27.51 ft
 12 inches
 foot 

this process is repeated until a stable value of KB2 results, which for this
example, the final KB2 = 27.0

The blast pattern would therefore be (in feet):

B = 27.6

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S = 31.7
J = 8.3
T = 19.3

4.1.10 Stemming & Decking

Many blast designs use decked charges formed by dividing the explosive
column into two or more individual charges, initiated on the same or different
delays, separated by inert stemming material. Decking is employed to:
• Reduce explosive use adjacent to weak rock zones, faults or clay
• Reduce charge quantity detonated at one time delay, lowering ground
• Bring the powder column up higher in the hole to assure good
breakage near the collar

Decked charges should be separated by stemming materials at a length

beyond which two adjacent decks do not affect one another. If interdeck
stemming is too small, the deck designed to initiate on the earlier time delay
may prematurely initiate the second deck. This situation is referred to as
sympathetic detonation and may lead to excessively high ground vibrations
or flyrock and a loss of fragmentation due to confinement from improper
timing. A rule of thumb for the design of interdeck stem length is to employ
the hole radius dimension in feet. The following example gives the design
procedures for a blast design in which the explosive charge is limited to
control ground vibrations.

Example of Deck design

Determine the change in layout if decking is needed in the layout by limiting
the weight of explosive to 275 kg/delay, keeping the same powder factor.
Note that the collar stem, bench height, and subgrade drilling remain
unchanged. The basic data is:

• Rock = syenite porphyry (SG=2.6)

• Explosive = ANFO (ρ=0.8, SANFO=1)
• Bench Height (H)=15m
• Hole Diameter (D)=381mm (15”)
• Staggered drilling pattern, vertical holes

from the relationship, we see:

• B = K B D , where KB≈25 (assumed), therefore B=(25)(0.381)=9.5 m
• S = K S B , where KS=1.15 (staggered), therefore S=(1.15)(9.5)=11 m
• J = K J B , where KJ=0.3, therefore J=(0.3)(9.5)=3 m
• T = K T B , where KT=0.7, therefore T=(0.7)(9.5)=6.5 m
• L=H+J, hole length therefore equals to 15+3=18 m

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• A following calculations from section 4.1.5, above, we see that the

powder factor is 0.26 kg/ton and that the amount of explosives per
hole is: 1049 kg.

The amount of explosives per unit length is calculated as:
Wexp lo π π
= D 2 ρ exp lo = (0.381) 2 (0.8) = 91 kg/per unit length
L 4 4

Charge decks per hole is found to be: 275 kg / 91 kg = 3 meters per deck.
Therefore assuming if three decks are used, the overall explosive column
length is 9 meters leaving 1.5 meters of stemming length available meaning
0.75 meters of stemming between each deck.

(n decks)(W per deck) (3)(275 kg)

PF = = = 0.26kg / ton
B × K S B × H × ρ rock B × (1.15) B × 15 × (2.6ton / m 3 )
solving for B, the following is determined :
11.7 B 2 (kg / m 2 ) = 825 (kg) therefore B = = 8 .4 m
11.7(kg / m 2 )
therefore the new S = (1.15)(8.4) = 9.7m

4.1.11 Concluding Notes on D, B, and PF

Drillhole diameter, burden, and powder factor are the most important
variables in blast design. Although this lecture provided the preliminary blast
design layout equations, be aware that blasting is an never-ending process of
fine-tuning and modifications. This approach is necessary due to the many
factors that cannot be controlled such as geology and explosive loading
conditions. Burden should be selected based on geology and explosive
energy output. Hole diameter is usually set by the drill rig capacity which is
matched to the range of hole depths anticipated for the job. It is desirable to
select a size that will provide an adequate powder factor (the ratio of
explosive distributing the explosive evenly throughout the hole depth).
Fragmentation and particle size distribution are a function of hole diameter
and burden. The capacity of the excavation equipment or requirements of
downstream processing dictates the required fragmentation. Higher powder
factors result in fine fragmentation and are therefore required for small
capacity removal equipment such as a front-end loader. Higher powder
factors result in coarser fragmentation and are typically used for rock
removal using draglines and large shovels. Note that since the powder
factors are lower, the drillhole diameters and burden are typically lower for
quarries or mines using smaller equipment in weaker rock.

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Table 4-2: Powder Factor

Additional learning resources include:
• Readings, Chapter 19: Controllable parameters of blasting and Chapter
20: Bench Blasting, from: Jimeno, Carlos Lopez, Emilio Lopez Jimeno,
and Francisco Javier Ayala Carcedo. “Drilling and Blasting of Rocks”
translated by Yvonne Visser De Ramiro. Rotterdam: A.A. Balkema.
(Mandatory for assignment 5) - also considered readings for Module 4.3
– Patterns and sequencing.
• Assignment 5 (you will learn much when doing this assignment.
• Lecture Module 4.1 – Basics of Blast Design

4.2 Geological Impacts on Blast Design

Prior to developing each blast design, care should be taken to review existing
geology and geologic structure. This can be accomplished by simply review
existing outcrops in , around, or adjacent to the blast site. A detailed drill log
indicating discontinuities at various depths, may also be used.

4.2.1 Rock Properties

Blasting performance is usually influenced more by rock properties than by
the properties of the explosive. Rocks show numerous planes of weakness,
natural fissures, and cracks formed as a result of previous blasting. Thus
there are planes of preferential fracture orientation in anyone or more of an
infinite number of directions relative to the blasthole's axis. The following
properties of rock may have a significant influence on blasting results. Dynamic Compressive Strength

If the explosive's outgoing strain wave exceeds the dynamic compressive
breaking strength of rock an annulus of crushed rock is formed around the
charge. This crushed zone is detrimental to the transmission of strain waves
in the surrounding rock. Hence it is important that the dynamic compressive
strength of the rocks in situ be determined, and an explosive of low density
and velocity should be used in rocks with low compressive strength values.

Dessureault 3/21/2003 27
MGE 415 – Rock Excavation – Module 4 – Blast Design. 2003 Elastic Moduli

The elastic moduli give the behavior of rocks under stress and should be
determined by sonic techniques (dynamic moduli) rather than by the use of
mechanical tests (static moduli). It has been found that the explosion
pressure should not exceed 5% of the dynamic Young's modulus in order to
obtain optimum results from blasting. The post-detonation gas pressure
exerted in the cracks between the blasthole and the free face pushes the
burden forward and produces heave. The bulk modulus of a rock has to be
known in order to calculate heave. Density
The density of rock is closely correlated with its strength. An increase in rock
density often results in a decrease in the displacement of a rockmass
fragmented by blasting. Adequate displacement of higher-density rock can be
achieved by following one of three courses:
• increasing the blasthole diameter,
• reducing the blasthole pattern, or
• changing to an explosive which has stronger heave energy. Porosity
Porosity tends to reduce the efficiency of blasting operations. The lengths of
strain-wave-induced cracks in a highly porous rock are calculated to be only
about 25% of those in a non-porous rock of identical mineralogy. This implies
that highly porous rocks are fragmented mainly by heave energy. Hence,
post-detonated gases have to be kept trapped at high pressure until they
have performed their task. This can be achieved by bottom priming and by
having adequate stemming to prevent premature venting of gases. Internal Friction

Internal friction is a relative measure of a rock's ability to attenuate strain
waves by the conversion of some of the mechanical energy into heat. It
increases with a high degree of porosity, permeability, and jointing of the
rock mass. Generally, internal friction values for igneous or metamorphic
rocks are lower than for sedimentary rocks, which require high energy
explosives for satisfactory blasting. However, if the rock pores are filled with
water, the internal friction factor reduces considerably, giving easier passage
of the strain wave and improved fragmentation. Water Content

Water saturation considerably increases the velocity of propagation of strain
waves, owing to the filling of pores with water, which is a good medium for
elastic wave transmission. However, fluids in a porous rock reduce both the
compressive and tensile strengths, owing to the lower friction characteristic
between grain surfaces. If water is present in discontinuities adjoining a
block of rock which is being blasted, strain waves may have a greater ability
to weaken that rock mass by means of water being jetted considerable
distances through interconnected fissures. This has a wedging action which

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will have a considerable influence on overbreak; and hence slope instability.

It is therefore advisable in open-pit mining to dewater a rock mass where a
'permanent' slope, which is intended to remain for several years with
minimum maintenance, has to be formed. In Situ Static Stress

High in situ static stresses often exist well within the rock body and blasting
results can be affected by these stresses. A typical example of such a
phenomenon is where some of the radial cracks from the blasthole tend to
curve off into the direction of the static stress field. There is also a strong
possibility of the closing of microcracks by the static stress in the rock mass
when the confining pressure is above 100-300 MPa. Again, when a stress
field exists in a direction normal to pre-existing radial cracks around a
blasthole, it can be sufficiently strong to prevent extension of these cracks.
Moreover, it may induce the formation of new cracks in the direction of the
stress field. These types of unexpected blast results are often due to in situ
stresses in the rock mass.

4.2.2 Structure
The bedding planes and joints in a rock mass tend to dominate the nature of
the blast-induced fracture pattern. Maximum fragmentation is generally
achieved where the principal joint planes are parallel to the free face. Where
the angle between joint planes and the face is within a region between 30°
and 60°, the blastholes may produce an irregular new face, owing to the
formation of wide cracks behind the blastholes. When the joint planes are at
right angles to the face, each block requires at least one blasthole in order to
obtain satisfactory fragmentation (Figure 4-22).

Figure 4-22: Blasthole placement in relation to joint planes.

If there is a high density of joint planes normal to the face, it is worth while
to consider adopting smaller diameter blastholes at closer spacings.
Pronounced bedding planes can also inhibit the explosive's strain energy
transmission from one stratum to the next. This has particular importance
where the stratum near the collar of the blasthole is hard and is filled with a

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prescribed length of stemming material to avoid fly-rock or early escape of

the explosive's gas energy. This situation can be dealt with in two ways. The
first is to place a small 'pocket' charge centrally within the stemming column
(Figure 4-23). The second method is to drill 'stab holes' half-way between
the drilled burden and spacing, and lightly charge them although this may
not be practical from an operational standpoint.

Figure 4-23: Use of Pocket Charges

Figure 4-24: Stab hole

The physical distance between the structures and how that would affect
blasting should be considered. Pre existing cracks in this area will direct or
even dictate the fragmentation size. The three most negative geological
effects (structurally related) on blast performance include:
• Rock that has open structures
• Zones of incompetence within the rock, in which structures are
• Rock with alternate zone of competent and incompetent rock.

Close and tight rock structure are preferable as the explosive energy is not
lost or vented. The problems arise when the energy is not confined or when
the transmission of stress waves within the rock mass are interrupted. Open
or widely separated structures can result in poor fragmentation due to:

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• Interruption of the explosive generated stress waves. Causes an

inconsistent formation of cracks
• Disruption of confinement resulting in oversize. Venting and
airblast can also occur in weak seams or open layers of rock. This can be
corrected through stemming and decking. These areas can be identified
in the drilling process when the drill experiences slower penetration rates
related to poor hole flushing.

Some solutions to addressing these problems include:

• Closer initiation intervals (achieves desired rock breakage before
allowing existing cracks to open further)
• Altering design (burden, spacing, and hole diameter)
• Selecting more dense explosives or blasting agents (detonate at higher
• Use of multiple decks or cartridged explosives smaller in diameter into
the stemming zone. Structurally induced Interruption of stress waves

Figure 4-25 shows the type of radial cracking which one might expect when
blasting a single hole in a brittle, massive rock formation. There will be a
relatively few long cracks (6-8) spaced uniformly around the hole. As one
approaches the hole the cracks will be shorter and more numerous.

Figure 4-25: Idealized radial cracking surrounding a single hole.

The maximum length (Re) of the radial cracks for a given explosive and rock
type can be shown to be directly dependent on the hole radius. Thus as the
hole diameter is increased from 150 mm to 310 mm the length of the longest
cracks would be expected to about double. This is consistent with the design


presented earlier since the burden should be related to the lengths of the
cracks generated

B ∝ Re

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If the strength of the explosive used in a hole of given diameter is increased

or decreased, the outer crack radius should change accordingly. This is
reflected in the value of KB chosen. Since in general, a larger diameter hole is
less expensive to drill than one of smaller diameter (on a cost/volume basis)
the natural conclusion would be to drill as large diameter holes as possible.
Unfortunately fragmentation considerations would suggest just the opposite,
i.e. the holes should be smaller to better distribute the explosive throughout
the rock mass. To illustrate this some simple geometric reasons will be given.

Figure 4-26 shows two possible blast patterns using different size holes but
the same explosive. The specific energy (powder factor) is the same for both.
A simplified representation of the radial cracks after blasting is shown in
Figure 4-27 for each pattern. As the hole diameter is increased and the
pattern expands, the distance between adjacent crack tips becomes greater.
For the case shown


Thus even though the energy density is the same, the fragmentation is more
coarse. Generally as the pattern is spread, the powder factor (energy factor)
must be increased to maintain acceptable fragmentation.

Figure 4-26: Extent of cracking for two patterns with different hole
diameters and same PF

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Figure 4-27: Maximum block dimensions for hole patterns.

One way of maintaining proper fragmentation is to increase the powder

factor by limiting the pattern spread to some proportion of the theoretical
value. As shown in Figure 4-28, there is now an overlap of the longest
fractures. Another way of accomplishing this would be to increase the energy
of the explosive being used.

Figure 4-28: Fragmentation enhancement achieved by reducing the spacing

Therefore, even in massive rocks, because of the point introduction of energy

into the rock and the fracture geometry, there are limiting hole
diameters/burdens/spacings which yield acceptable fragmentation. It is well
known that an actual rock mass generally contains many discontinuities of
different types. If such structures (joints in particular) are now introduced,
such as is shown in Figure 4-29, the story becomes even more complex.

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Figure 4-29: Effect of jointing on fragmentation

The radius of influence for any given hole is significantly reduced since
• The radial cracks will not cross the gaps formed by the joints.
• The high pressure gasses can be short-circuited by the less resistant
joints compared with the fresh cracks. Therefore the primary fracturing
effectiveness is reduced as well as that produced by a sustained heave
of the fractured material.

Although these pre-existing cracks limit the formation of new cracks and
provide avenues of escape for the explosive gases, mobilization of these is a
major reason why the specific breakage energy in blasting is much lower
than other processes which must attack the intact rock.

Figure 4-30 shows two potential drilling patterns in the jointed rock. The
smaller diameter, closely spaced holes yield almost one hole per block and
the fragmentation would be expected to be good. On the other hand, the
larger holes on wide spacings could yield a large number of substantial blocks
largely isolated from the effect of the explosive by the joints. Pattern (a)
would have higher associated drilling and blasting costs than Pattern (b). By
assigning costs to the degree of fragmentation and knowing the overall ideal
fragmentation requirements, an 'optimum' pattern can be determined.

Figure 4-30: Possible blast patterns in Jointed rock Structure Orientation

The orientation of the major structures can have a significant effect on
blasting results.
There are three cases to be considered:
• Shooting with the dip
• Shooting against the dip
• Shooting along the strike

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In shooting with the dip (Figure 4-31) one finds

• a tendency to get more back break
• less toe problems
• a smoother pit floor
• more movement away from the face and therefore a lower muckpile

Note: less sub-drilling may be required in this case owing to the fact that the
explosive energy may follow the strata downward, eliminating toe problems.
Furthermore, inclination of the drillholes in the direction of dip may reduce
backbreak but will also tend to ‘cast’ (throw) and spread the muckpile. A
slight addition of delay time in the back row may provide relief to the back of
the shot resulting in a more stable highwall.

Figure 4-31: Shooting with the dip

When shooting against the dip (Figure 4-32) one finds

• less backbreak since the strata is dipping into the wall.
• the toe would be more difficult to pull.
• a rougher floor condition.
• the muckpile may be higher with less movement from the face.

In this situation, the rock tends to move upward, parallel to the plane of the
joints. As a result of explosive energies migrating into the strata, a rock unit
may cause back break. This situation may result in the creation of an
unstable highwall. Also the muckpile would tend to be poorly displaced
(creating more work during excavation). If a rock unit is massive, a saw-
toothed effect along the floor and overhand at the crest of the slope could
result. To eliminate toe problems, the blaster may consider:
• a blast using angled drill holes,
• high energy explosives in the toe area and/or additional subdrilling.
• Decking, satellite holes or small diameter explosive charges in he crest
area might help to alleviate an overhang.
• Pre-splitting may also be a highwall stabilization option.

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Figure 4-32: Shooting against the dip

Finally, when shooting along the strike (Figure 4-33) one finds that:
• the floor can be highly sawtoothed due to the different rock types
intersecting the floor.
• for the same reasons the back break is irregular.
• these are some of the worst conditions for those involved in drilling
and blasting. To overcome this, the working face may be reoriented to
a more favorable conditions.

Figure 4-33: Shooting along strike

Additional learning resources include:
• Readings, Chapter 17: Rock and rock mass properties and their influence
on the results of blasting, from: Jimeno, Carlos Lopez, Emilio Lopez
Jimeno, and Francisco Javier Ayala Carcedo. “Drilling and Blasting of
Rocks” translated by Yvonne Visser De Ramiro. Rotterdam: A.A.
Balkema. (Mandatory for assignment 5) - also considered readings for
Module 4.3 – Patterns and sequencing.
• Lecture Module 4.2 – Geological impacts on Blast Design.

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4.3 Patterns and Sequencing

The formations should be examined to identify the strike and dip direction of
the most prominent joints. In igneous and metamorphic rock formations, one
should consider aligning the rows of holes parallel to the alignment of the
dominant joint system. In sedimentary rocks, the drill holes should be placed
in rows drilled parallel to the formation strike line.

When considering the option of altering the blasthole pattern by increasing

the spacing (parallel to joints) and reducing burdens (perpendicular to joints)
or using a staggered pattern, the direction of movement or angle of
movement controlled by delay intervals should be considered. A diagram of
blast hole location and firing time intervals will assist in predicting the true
burden and spacing firing angles relative to existing geologic structure.

Millisecond (MS) delay blasting was introduced in open pit quarry blasting
many years ago. Even when blasting to a free face, the rock movement time
can be an important factor. This is particularly true in multiple row blasts. For
a typical quarry with 15-foot (4.6 m) spacings, the initial movement at the
free face may occur in 10 to 12 milliseconds, but the burden only moves
about 0.5 foot (15 cm) in 10 milliseconds. With one or two rows of holes, the
prime movement is directly out from the face. As the number of rows
increases, the rock movement will tend toward the vertical. This is caused by
the low velocity of the broken rock successively reducing the relief toward
the free face. This can contribute to "tight" bottom as well as flyrock

Figure 4-34: Increasing numbers of rows increases upward movement due

to lower velocity of previously broken rock.

Delay Blasting techniques are employed to improve fragmentation, control of

rock movement, overbreak, and to reduce ground vibrations. Delays are
incorporated into the blast design using electric or nonelectric caps or delay
connectors with detonating cord. The delay patterns used in design will
determine the sequence of hole or deck initiations, thereby, dictate the

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overall direction of blasted rock movement and resulting fragmentation.

Depending on the S/B ratio, the actual timing (in milliseconds) between
detonating charges will determine muck pile displacement height and
distance from the bench.

Figure 4-35: Muckpiles illustrating the difference between millisecond timed

and instantaneous.

Figure 4-35 illustrates the difference between two adjacent blasts. The blast
on the left used millisecond timing and the blast on the right instantaneous

It may also be important to provide additional nomenclature for the various

types of blasts in terms of degree of fixation. Figure 4-36 shows a corner
blast and face blast.

Figure 4-36: Corner and face blasts.

4.3.1 Effective Burden and Spacing

Depending on initiation sequence, an effective burden Be and effective
spacing Se result as shown in Figure 4-37. The figure shows a variation of
timing used for surface blasting called echelon or half chevron. The effective
spacing is the distance between holes in a row defined by adjacent time

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delays (e.g., delays by rows). Effective burden is the distance in the direction
of resultant rock mass movement.

Figure 4-37: Echelon or half chevron.

The “V” (Vee) pattern, also known as chevron, (Figure 4-38) is applicable to
most types of formations. It can be readily adapted to the square or
rectangular pattern. When a V/MS delay pattern is used in conjunction with a
square drill pattern, the angle of movement is 45 degrees to the open face.
Therefore, a 10 by 100 foot (3 by 3 m) square pattern becomes a
rectangular pattern with a 7.07-foot (2.1 m) burden and a 14.14-foot (4.3
m) spacing or the burden is only one-half the spacing. If a rectangular drill
pattern is used, the angle of movement will vary in relation to the relative
(also known as ‘effective) burden and spacing dimensions. The formula to
determine the angle of movement in relation to the open face for a
rectangular pattern is:

tan A = B

where B = burden
S = spacing
A = angle of movement

Therefore effective spacing Se and effective burden Be would be calculated


Se = and Be =
sin A sin A

Determine the effective burden and spacing for a V initiation pattern with an
8 ft drilled burden and 13 foot spacing on a square drilled pattern.

Arctan (8/13) = 31.6˚

Se = 8 / sin(31.6) = 15.26 ft
Be = 13* sin(31.6) = 6.8 ft

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Figure 4-38: “V” (Vee) or Chevron initiation pattern on a square drill


4.3.2 Designing the Timing

The design of initiation timing for multiple-hole blasting is critical to the
blasting effectiveness. If the interhole delay is too short, the movement of
row burdens is restricted and fragmentation is poor. High ground vibrations
result, and backbreak along the new high wall may persist, jeopardizing the
stability of the slope. If interhole delays are too long, cutoffs of surface
delays may occur. The minimum time for design is controlled by the stress
wave travel distance (= 2 Be) in order for radial cracking to begin to develop,
contributing to the detachment of the rock mass in the vicinity of the hole.
This detachment forms an internal free face (or relief) to which successive
detonations will interact with the reflection of stress waves. The minimum
timing is, therefore:

2 Be
t= × 10 3

where t = stress wave travel time in milliseconds (ms)

Be = effective burden or distance form the hole to the free face in feet
Cp is velocity of sound for the rock in fps

The maximum timing is that at which the burden is fully detached and
accelerating as gas pressures build. Research has shown that stress wave
travel time is a fraction of the time required to develop radial cracks.
Furthermore, studies using high-speed photography indicate that the burden
moves within a timeframe which is between 2 to 10 times the wave travel

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time to the face. Other research has shown that the time to burden
movement ranges from 5 to 50 ms, and suggests an optimum range of
timing for design between 1.5 to 2.5 ms/ft of Be.

Timing studies have been performed to investigate resulting fragmentation

and muck pile shapes. Reduced-scale research using a variation in delay
ratios suggests improved fragmentation for timing between 11 to 17 ms/ft of
Be. Even more research has demonstrated improved fragmentation for S/B
ratios of two at timing ratios of 1 ms/ft
of Be or greater.

Subtantial research has been undertaken in production-scale, multiple-row

blasting resulting in recommended timing to improve various aspects of the
resulting muckpile.:
• For optimum fragmentation, some suggest delays of 1 to 5 ms/ft within
rows and 2 to 15 ms/ft of Be between rows (or on the echelon).
• For optimum breakage and forward movement, from measured flyrock
velocity, and gas venting, through the collar stemming, it was established
that 3.4 ms/ft of hole spacing and 8.4 ms/ ft of Be.
• Forward throw and muckpile shape: similar work in which muck pile
profiles were mapped indicates that optimum forward throw and muck
pile height reduction occur for delay ratios of 4.2 ms/ft of Se and 10 ms/ft
of Be while forward throw is minimized, resulting in high muck piles, with
ratios of 1.5 to 2 ms/ft of Se and 5 to 6 ms/ft of Be.
• For single-row production shooting and S/B of 1.2 to 1.6 that timing ratios
greater than 1.2 ms/ft of Be are ideal.
• Rock Types: One researcher recommended 1.2 ms/ft of Be for multiple-
row production blasting in hard rock, while using high powder factors and
short stem lengths. A 2.4 ms/ft of Be was recommended for soft rock with
long stem lengths and low powder factors.
• Ground vibrations: to control ground vibrations, it has been recommended
that a 1.3 ms/ft of Se and 1.2 to 4.3 ms/ft of Be is to be used.

The timing ratios cited are found to vary over a wide range. A great deal of
research on the effects of initiation timing cannot be compared due to the
lack of similar variables such as geology, scale, and explosive type. Some
researchers have recognized the need to qualify delay ratios, in a general
way, based on existing fracture density. Competent dense rock requires
lower delay ratios to achieve fine fragmentation, while weak fractured rock
fragments best with higher delay ratios.

4.3.3 Generalized Timing

When taking both pattern shape and timing into account, the most desirable
overall drilling/initiation pattern would the drilling pattern with the best
energy distribution. Table 4-3Error! Reference source not found.
provides the effect of drilling patterns and S/B ratios on the area covered by
fracture circles. However, the existence of fractured ground where existing

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fracture planes limited the development of new radial cracks would reduce
the efficiencies involved in maximizing the energy distribution, as discussed
in previous lectures. Overall initiation patterns are best where each blasthole
is initiated separately and in sequence. Alternatively, simultaneously
initiated blastholes should be far enough apart to prevent mutual interaction
between their stress fields. This is usually best achieved through the
“chevron” or V patterns.

Table 4-3: Effect of drilling patterns and S/B ratios on the area covered by
fracture circles (energy distribution)

Figure 4-39 provides a summary of events and their timing for a single
blasthole allowing the reader to visualize the chain of events.

Figure 4-39: The events and timing in a blasthole

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4.3.4 Skipping a Period

It is a common practice of many blasters to double the delay time on the last
row. This provides additional time for the rock ahead of the last row to move
forward so that the relief on the last row will be increased. This practice,
called "skipping a period", will also reduce the upward ripping action and
materially reduce the backbreak on the face. When the blast consists of as
many as eight or nine rows, the timing on MS delays should provide the
additional time without skipping a period. As shown in Figure 4-40, the No.1
through No.8 periods (25 through 200 MS) provided a nominal 25
milliseconds between each period. No.8 through No.15 (200 MS through 500
MS) provided a nominal 50 milliseconds between each period. No. 15 through
No. 19 (500 MS through 1,000 MS) provided a nominal 100 milliseconds
between each period. This sequence is provided only as an example for
discussion: the actual sequences and intervals of detonator timing vary with

Figure 4-40: Blast timing sequence skipping periods

Always base timing designs on the limitations of detonator accuracy since
delays of a given period have a range of actual firing times. Check with the
suppliers to avoid overlap or crowding. Even with additional time between
rows, the tendency still exists for the rock to stack if the number of rows is
excessive. The hole diameter, burden and spacing, and height of face all
have a pronounced effect on the number of rows that can be fired
successfully without excessive stacking or without encountering high bottom.
When the rock is broken, it will occupy on the average 30 percent more
volume (swell factor) than it did in the solid. Remember that swell factor will
vary with the type of rock.

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In most cases the material has only two directions to move, to the front and
vertically. Obviously, excessive movement in either direction will result in
dangerous flyrock. If the number of rows is excessive, forward movement is
limited, thus additional space for forward expansion cannot be provided.

4.3.5 Pattern Types

The next few sections will provide general guidelines for a few blast designs
which can be altered by mine planners to meet needs and conditions.
Remember that there are three basic drill pattern types into which these
patterns can be designed: square; staggered; and rectangular. Note that
various initiation systems can be used to achieve the various timing options.
The specific numerical dimensions and timining of the figures reflects only
suggestions or possible options. The shape, direction of movement and
relative timing are what the figures are intended to represent. “V” (Vee) Pattern

The V pattern (Figure 4-38) is applicable to most types of formations. It can
be readily adapted to the square or rectangular pattern. It may be used with
a staggered pattern, but is not as practical for ease of loading under field
conditions. If a rectangular drill pattern is used, the angle of movement will
vary in relation to the relative burden and spacing dimensions. Note that this
pattern results in a high concentrated and centralized rockpile. Another
advantage may be that the impacts between rock in different rows may
additionally fragment the muck. The forward movement is controlled within
reasonable limits and the broken muck is deposited in a windrow 90 degrees
to the open face. Depending on the formation and the number of holes per
row, it is sometimes desirable, as seen in Figure 4-41, to open the blast
using two holes on the first delay. This will result in slightly more forward
movement in the muckpile. Note that his type of drill pattern also results in
an effectively staggered initiation sequence.

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Figure 4-41: Chevron or V pattern with double hole initiation for slightly
more forward movement. Echelon Delay Pattern

When the blast area is open on two adjacent sides in an external corner, the
blast should be designed to take advantage of the reduced degree of fixation.
Note that these patterns would result in a lower, flatter muckpile. Other
advantages include a minimization of tight toe problems and an easier
connect-up (pattern tying) since the paths can be easily seen. Figure 4-42 is
an example of an echelon delay pattern and is also known as a half-chevron.

Figure 4-42: Echelon Delay Pattern

Dessureault 3/21/2003 45
MGE 415 – Rock Excavation – Module 4 – Blast Design. 2003 Channel Delay Pattern

Operations are frequently opened on side hill terrain where there is not
sufficient area opened in front of the blast for forward movement associated
with the V or echelon patterns. In these cases a channel delay pattern can
be used to confine the broken rock to the blast area. The design of the blast
must be relatively narrow, in certain formations it may be desirable to skip a
delay period to allow additional time for rock movement because only the
direction of movement for the initial holes is vertical. The channel pattern
will not hold all the broken rock within the blast area if the terrain is steep.

Figure 4-43: Channel pattern Flat-face pattern

The flat face pattern will move the broken material farther from the face and
usually will result in rock of larger size. This pattern should only be used for
special conditions. It is almost always used with a staggered pattern unless
large blocky material is desired.

Figure 4-44: Flat face pattern

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MGE 415 – Rock Excavation – Module 4 – Blast Design. 2003 Alternating hole delay pattern

This pattern has been used with limited success in thinly laminated
formations on very wide spacings. It is not recommended for most

Figure 4-45: Alternating delay pattern Sinking Blast Pattern

When opening a new pit or starting a new lift in an existing pit, it may be
necessary to make a sinking blast, also known as a sinking shot or sink. A
sinking blast varies from most blasts because there is no open face or relief,
and the direction of blasted rock movement must be vertical. Since the
entire blast will be ‘in the tight’, which levels of vibrations and the generation
of flyrock are more likely. In most formations it is necessary to decrease the
burden and spacing of the initial holes in the delay pattern in order to open
an area of relief to which the remaining holes may break.

Figure 4-46: Sinking shots

Dessureault 3/21/2003 47
MGE 415 – Rock Excavation – Module 4 – Blast Design. 2003 Sequential Pattern Variant

Note that considering that various initiation products (det. cord, det. cord
delays, shock tubes, electric detonators, programmable detonators, etc…)
can provide any timing sequence possible, variants of the timing can be
created allowing movement planes not directly aligned along drill holes. Note
each hole in Figure 4-47 is initiated at different times yet is similar to the
movement plane of an echelon blast. Blasting each hole individually may
also aid in reducing vibrations from the blast as less explosive material is
initiated simultaneously.

Figure 4-47: Sequential Firing


Additional learning resources include:
• Readings, Chapter 27: Initiation Sequence from: Jimeno, Carlos Lopez,
Emilio Lopez Jimeno, and Francisco Javier Ayala Carcedo. “Drilling and
Blasting of Rocks” translated by Yvonne Visser De Ramiro. Rotterdam:
A.A. Balkema. (optional)
• Lecture Module 4.3 – Patterns and Sequencing

These notes were assembled directly from the following references:
• From Dr. Paul Lever’s 415 course notes Hartman, Howard L. Ed. SME Mining
Engineering Handbook. 2nd ed. 1992
• Hartman, Howard L. and Jan M. Mutmansky, Introductory Mining Engineering,
2nd ed. New York: John Wiley & Sons. 2002, 570p.
• Atlas Copco, The Raise Boring Handbook 2nd ed.
• Stefanko, Robert. Coal Mining Technology Theory and Practice. Littleton
CO.:Society of Mining Engineers. 1983
• McKercher, R.M., Ed. Potash Technology: Mining, Processing, Maintenance,
Transportation, Occupational Health and Safety, Environment. Pergamon
Press: Toronto. 1983
•, search: continuous mining

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MGE 415 – Rock Excavation – Module 4 – Blast Design. 2003

• Bell, F. G. ed. Engineering in Rock Masses. Butterworth-Heinemann: London.

1992. ISBN: 0 7506 1063 8
• Caterpillar Performance Handbook, 28th Ed.
• 2001 Class notes, from Bob Cummings
• 1997 Class notes, from Sean Dessuresult’s Surface Mining Course Notes for
UBC’s Mining and Mineral Processing Department.Wirtgen America Inc.
Surface Mining Manual. Edition 2002
• Hartman, Howard L. Ed. SME Mining Engineering Handbook. 2nd ed. 1992
• Kennedy, B.A. Editor. Suface Mining 2nd Edition. SME: Port City Press, ML.
• Persson, Per-Anders, Holmberg, Roger, and Lee, Jaimin. Rock Blasting and
Explosvies Engineering. CRC Press: New York. 2000. 534 p.
• Cook, Melvin A. The Science of Industrial Explosives. IRECO Chemicals: Salt
Lake City, Utah. 1974. 449p.
• Sen, Gour C. Blasting Technology for Mining and Civil Engineers. Sydney:
University of New South Wales Press. 1995. 146 p.
• The History of Explosives.
• Hustrulid, William. Blasting Principles for Open Pit Mining. Vol. 2 –
Theoretical foundations. Rotterdam: A.A. Balkema. 1999.

Dessureault 3/21/2003 49
University of rizona
Mining and Geological Engineering

415 - Rock Excavation

Course Notes – Spring 2003

Module 5

Compiled by:
Dr. Sean Dessureault
MGE 415 – Rock Excavation – Module 5 – Applications. 2003

Table of Contents
MODULE 5: BLASTING APPLICATIONS...................................................................................... 1
5.1 DRIFT DESIGN................................................................................................................................ 1
5.1.1 Cuts........................................................................................................................................... 2 Burn Cut (Hopler) ........................................................................................................................... 3 Angle Cut ........................................................................................................................................ 3 Cylindrical cut................................................................................................................................. 4
5.1.2 Blast Layout.............................................................................................................................. 5
ADDITIONAL RESOURCES I................................................................................................................. 5
5.2 PRODUCTION BLASTING ................................................................................................................ 6
5.2.1 Short-hole Production .............................................................................................................. 6
5.2.2 Longhole Production Blasting.................................................................................................. 7 Ring Blasting .................................................................................................................................. 7 Bench Blasting .............................................................................................................................. 10 Vertical crater retreat (VCR)......................................................................................................... 11
ADDITIONAL RESOURCES II ............................................................................................................. 13
5.3 CONTROLLED BLASTING .............................................................................................................. 14
5.3.1 Line Drilling ........................................................................................................................... 15
5.3.2 Pre-splitting............................................................................................................................ 16
5.3.3 Smoothwall blasting ............................................................................................................... 19
5.3.4 Trim Blasting .......................................................................................................................... 20
5.3.5 Blasting Ornamental Rock...................................................................................................... 21
5.3.6 Underwater Rock Excavation ................................................................................................. 24
5.3.7 Controlled Blasting Rules of Thumb - Supplemental.............................................................. 26
ADDITIONAL RESOURCES III............................................................................................................ 27
5.4 ENVIRONMENTAL ISSUES ............................................................................................................. 27
5.4.1 Airblast ................................................................................................................................... 28
5.4.2 Fly-Rock ................................................................................................................................. 30
5.4.3 Disturbance of the Natural Ground Profile............................................................................ 32
5.4.4 Dust ........................................................................................................................................ 32
5.4.5 Fumes ..................................................................................................................................... 33
5.4.6 Ground Vibrations.................................................................................................................. 33
5.4.7 Vibration reduction................................................................................................................. 37
5.4.8 Cooperating Charges – Ground vibration.............................................................................. 38
5.4.9 The effect of Delayed Explosion ............................................................................................. 39
5.4.10 Effect of Geological Factors .............................................................................................. 40
5.4.11 Risk Assessment.................................................................................................................. 40
5.4.12 Sustainable Development Issues in Rock Excavation......................................................... 41
5.5 EVALUATION OF BLAST RESULTS ................................................................................................ 41
5.5.1 Fragmentation and Swelling of the Muckpile......................................................................... 42 Qualitative visual analysis............................................................................................................. 42 Photographic method .................................................................................................................... 42 Photogrammetric method .............................................................................................................. 43 High-speed photography ............................................................................................................... 43 Digital processing of images ......................................................................................................... 46 Studies of loading equipment productivity.................................................................................... 46 Boulder count and secondary breakage......................................................................................... 47 Bridging delays at the crusher....................................................................................................... 47 Screening ...................................................................................................................................... 47
5.5.2 Geometry of Muckpile, Its Height and Displacement ............................................................. 47
5.5.3 Condition of the Remaining Mass........................................................................................... 48
5.5.4 Analysis of the Bench Floor.................................................................................................... 49
5.5.5 Boulders.................................................................................................................................. 49
5.5.6 Vibrations and Airblast .......................................................................................................... 50
5.5.7 Blast Evaluation in Underground Mining .............................................................................. 50
ADDITIONAL RESOURCES IV............................................................................................................ 50

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Table of Figures
FIGURE 5-1: SYSTEMS FOR ADVANCING LARGE FACES .................................................................................... 1
FIGURE 5-2: DIFFERENT ZONES IN A DRIFT ROUND .......................................................................................... 1
FIGURE 5-4: VARIOUS TYPES OF BURN CUTS (SOLID DOTS ARE LOADED HOLES) ............................................. 3
PYRAMID, BOTTOM LEFT; AND A DRAW CUT, BOTTOM RIGHT) ................................................................ 4
FIGURE 5-6: CYLINTRICAL CUT ....................................................................................................................... 4
FIGURE 5-7: SEQUENCING DRIFTS ................................................................................................................... 5
FIGURE 5-8: SHORT-HOLE PRODUCTION BLAST. .............................................................................................. 7
FIGURE 5-9: RING BLASTING........................................................................................................................... 8
FIGURE 5-10: SPACING CONSTRUCTION FOR RING BLAST DESIGN.................................................................... 9
FIGURE 5-11: STEMMING LENGTH FOR RING BLASTING ................................................................................. 10
FIGURE 5-12: BENCH BLASTING ................................................................................................................... 11
FIGURE 5-13: VCR........................................................................................................................................ 12
FIGURE 5-14: VCR LOADED EXPLOSIVE COLUMN ......................................................................................... 13
FIGURE 5-16: DBT FOR A TWO ROW PRODUCTION BLAST .............................................................................. 15
FIGURE 5-17: BDT AFTER BLASTING TWO PRODUCTION ROWS. .................................................................... 15
FIGURE 5-19: PRESPLIT BLAST COUPLED TO A 250MM PRODUCTION BLAST.................................................. 17
RESEARCHERS....................................................................................................................................... 18
FIGURE 5-21: SMOOTHWALL DAMAGE ZONES ............................................................................................... 19
FIGURE 5-22: TRIM HOLE ROW TRIMMING THE FRACTURED AND INFLUENCED ROCK. ................................... 20
FIGURE 5-23: ORNAMENTAL STONE MATERIALS HANDLING – CRANES.......................................................... 22
FIGURE 5-24: SEQUENCE OF OPERATIONS IN UNDERWATER ROCK EXCAVATION. .......................................... 25
FIGURE 5-25: AIRBLAST WAVES IN VARIOUS CONDITIONS............................................................................. 30
FIGURE 5-26: CAUSES OF FLY ROCK. ............................................................................................................. 31
FIGURE 5-27: OBTAINING SITE FACTORS FOR GROUND VIBRATIONS.............................................................. 35
FIGURE 5-29: COOPERATING CHARGE RELATED TO DISTANCE. ..................................................................... 39
FIGURE 31: HIGH SPEED CAMERA BENCH BLAST ........................................................................................... 45
FIGURE 32: DIFFERENT GEOMETRIES OF THE MUCKPILE ................................................................................ 48

List of Tables
TABLE 5-1: POWDER FACTORS FOR RING BLASTING ........................................................................................ 9
TABLE 5-2: BDT CHARACTERIZATION .......................................................................................................... 14
TABLE 5-3: FACTORS FOR DETERMINING HOLE SPACING ............................................................................... 16
TABLE 5-5: AIRBLAST EFFECT ON STRUCTURES ........................................................................................... 29
TABLE 5-6: FACTORS THAT INFLUENCE GROUND MOTION ............................................................................. 36
TABLE 5-7: RECOMMENDED MAXIMUM PEAK PARTICLE VELOCITIES. ........................................................... 37
220M. ................................................................................................................................................... 39
TABLE 9: LEVELS OF DAMAGE TO PIT WALLS ................................................................................................ 49

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Module 5: Blasting Applicationsi

The section will cover the more advanced aspects of blast design in terms of
its various applications.

5.1 Drift Design

The blasts in tunnels and drifts are characterized by the initial lack of an
available free surface towards which breakage can occur; only the tunnel
heading itself. Note that for tunnel rounds that are too large to be drilled in a
single pass (as seen in many civil applications), can be developed in multiple
stages as seen in Figure 5-1.

Figure 5-1: Systems for advancing large faces

The principle behind tunnel blasting is to create an opening by means of a

cut and then stoping is carried towards the opening. The opening usually has
a surface of 1 to 2 m2, although with large drilling diameters it can reach up
to 4 m2. In fan cuts, the cut and cut spreader blastholes usually occupy most
of the section. Stoping can be geometrically compared to bench blasting
although it requires powder factors that are 4 to 10 times higher. This is due
to drilling errors, the demand made by swelling, the absence of hole
inclination, the lack of co-operation between adjacent charges and, in some
areas, there is a negative action of gravity as happens in lifter holes.

Figure 5-2: Different zones in a drift round

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Contour holes are those which establish the final shape of the tunnel and are
placed with little spacing and directed towards the interior of the mass to
make room for the drills in collaring and advance, as seen in Figure 5-3.

Figure 5-3: Orientation of the contour blastholes to maintain tunnel profite-


The position of the cut has influence on rock projection, fragmentation and
also on the number of blastholes. Of the three positions, comer, lower center
and upper center, the latter is usually chosen as it avoids the free fall of the
material, the profile of the broken rock is more extended, less compact and
better fragmented.

5.1.1 Cuts.
The blasts in tunnels and drifts are much more complex than bench blastings
owing to the fact that the only free surface is the tunnel heading. The powder
factors are elevated and the charges are highly confined. On the other hand,
burdens are small, which requires sufficiently insensitive explosives to avoid
sympathetic detonation and at the same have a high enough detonation
velocity, above 3000 ms, to prevent channel effects in the cartridge
explosives placed in large diameter blastholes. This phenomena consists of
the explosion gases pushing the air that exists between the column charge
and the wall of the blasthole, compressing the cartridges in front of the shock
wave, destroying the hot spots or excessively increasing the density of the

Cuts can be classified in two large groups:

• Parallel hole cuts
• Angled hole cuts.

The first group is most used in operations with mechanized drilling, whereas
those of the second have fallen in disuse due to the difficulty in drilling. They
are only applied in small excavations. In the following, the different types of
cuts are explained in their order of importance, as well as calculation of the
patterns and charges in the rest of the sections which are, generally
speaking, independent from the type of cut applied.

The primary function of the cut remains the same regardless of the type of
cut or its variations. To be successful, it must break the rock and move it

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forward. This creates a void which provides additional relief for the remaining
holes to be fired later in a predetermined sequence. Burn Cut (Hopler)

This is a closely spaced group of boreholes drilled parallel to the direction of
advance and perpendicular to the existing face. They are blasted at or near
the center of the face to break a roughly cylindrical opening to the intended
depth of the round. The boreholes that surround this cut area are sequenced
to fire later and break to this newly created opening. It is important that the
bum cut holes be drilled accurately and parallel to each other. Improper
location of the burn cut holes may result in "bootlegs," (lengths of borehole
left after the blast that may contain un-exploded explosives. Bootlegs may
be caused by:
• sympathetic detonation from propagation between holes that are too
close, thereby destroying the delay sequence
• excessive burdens between the bottom of the holes.

Figure 5-4: Various types of burn cuts (solid dots are loaded holes)

The varied rock types and structures determine the drill spacings, detonator
delays, and types of explosive that will successfully fragment and remove the
rock to the full depth of these boreholes. Angle Cut

An angle cut is a group of boreholes drilled at various angles inclined to the
free face to provide as much freedom of movement for the rock as possible.
Types of angle cuts include the Vee, the pyramid, and the drnw or hammer.
Angle cuts generally require fewer holes and less powder-per-round than
burn cuts. However, they are generally more difficult to drill and require
more experienced miners. Usually the angle cut will move the rock further
down the heading and produce coarser fragmentation out of the cut area.

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Longer drill steel is required in the cut holes to achieve the same depth as
the surrounding boreholes in the round. In narrow headings it is difficult to
drill a sufficiently wide angle to insure "pulling" the cut.

Figure 5-5: Angle cuts (Vee or wedge, top left; double Vee or baby cut, top
right; three-hole pyramid, bottom left; and a draw cut, bottom right) Cylindrical cut

The cylindrical cut can be considered a parallel hole cut, and is the most
frequently used in tunnelling and drifting, regardless of their dimensions. It is
considered to be an evolution or perfection of the bum cuts which will be
discussed later on. This type of cut consists of one or two uncharged or relief
blastholes towards which the charged holes break at intervals. The large
diameter blastholes (65 to 175 mm) are drilled with reamer bits which are
adapted to the same drill steel which is used to drill the rest of the holes.

All the blastholes in the cut are placed with little spacing, in line and parallel,
which explains the frequent use of jumbos which come with automatic
parallelism. The type of cylindrical cut most used is the four section, as it is
the easiest one to mark out and execute. The calculation method for patterns
and charges of this cut and for the rest of the tunnel zones, uses the Swedish
theories and empirical updates.

Figure 5-6: Cylintrical cut

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5.1.2 Blast Layout

Designing the actual blast is considerably difficult. Beginning with an initial
design, an experienced miner would modify the pattern as ground conditions
change or as assessing blast results point to necessary changes. Design
specifications are typically made for a ‘standard’ for each rock type in a mine,
to be modified depending on the cut location, ground conditions, or other
factors that may improve the results. Note that in most countries, drilling
into bootlegs is not permitted. Therefore cuts usually alternate from side to

There are two mechanisms used to sequence the holes, some blast the back
last, other the floor (ostensibly, to ‘fluff-up’ the muck that has compressed
from downward blasting). Figure 5-7a shows the general areas that are
initiated in order based on blasting the floor last while Figure 5-7b shows a
layout when blasting the back last.

Figure 5-7: Sequencing drifts

Follow the mandatory readings to determine the charge lengths, densities,

hole spacing, and lengths of the blast.

Additional learning resources include:
• Readings, Chapter 22: Blasting for tunnels and drifts from: Jimeno, Carlos
Lopez, Emilio Lopez Jimeno, and Francisco Javier Ayala Carcedo. “Drilling
and Blasting of Rocks” translated by Yvonne Visser De Ramiro.
Rotterdam: A.A. Balkema. (mandatory)
• Lecture Module 5.1 – Drift Development (mandatory)
• Assignment 6 – in class (part of lecture)

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5.2 Production Blasting

Metal-bearing orebodies are extracted in underground mines by various
methods, depending on the size, orientation, depth and geological
characteristics of the deposit. However, the excavation work is usually
divided into two broad categories; development and production.
Development involves tunnelling, shaft sinking, cross cutting, raising, etc., so
that the ore bodies are easily accessible and transportable after excavation.
The production work can be subdivided into two categories: short-hole and
long-hole blasting.

5.2.1 Short-hole Production

In short-hole blasting the diameter and length of shotholes are usually
limited to 43 mm and 4 m respectively. Short-hole blasting can be used in
both stope and room-and-pillar mining. Short-hole 'breast stope' blasting is
most commonly applied in narrow, tubular orebodies such as gold or
platinum reefs. The usual blast pattern in a South African narrow reef of
about 1.0 to 1.2 m stope width (or height) comprises staggered rows of 35
mm diameter blastholes. The length of the blastholes is about 1.2 m. Both
rows are drilled at 70° to a line parallel to the stope face and close to the
hanging wall and footwall, the burden of each hole being 0.5 to 0.6 m.

The most common types of explosive used include a cartridged

nitroglycerine-based semi-gelatine or emulsion explosive with a composition
density of 1.25 g cm-3 and a column of pneumatically loaded ANFO with a
density of between 0.8 and 0.9 g cm-3. In an average stope, there are about
120 shotholes per panel and, to prevent the hanging wall and footwall being
damaged, the present practice is not to detonate two or more shotholes
simultaneously. Many mines use a pyrotechnic system of initiating explosives
in the shotholes. Capped safety fuse and igniter cord (burning speed of about
18 s m-1) make up the carrier of the initiating system. The ends of the safety
fuses protruding from the charged blastholes are connected sequentially with
a trunkline of igniter cord, as seen in Figure 5-8.

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Figure 5-8: Short-hole production blast.

The igniter cord itself is usually fired by an electric starter for igniter cord
(ESIC). The ESIC consists of a plastic capsule into which a standard electric
fusehead (fitted with short lead wires to energise the system with an
exploder) and a pigtail of fast igniter cord which has been crimped. If a
correct combination of burning speeds of safety fuse and igniter cord is
achieved the shotholes are detonated in sequence at 4 s to 8 s intervals. The
distance separating a detonating shothole and the flame front in the igniter
cord is known as the burning front, and is usually between 3 m and 5 m.
Experience has established that the likelihood of igniter cord trunkline cut
offs from rock projectiles decreases as the burning front increases. The
powder factor varies between 1 to 2 kg/m3.

5.2.2 Longhole Production Blasting

Basically there are three long-hole blasting systems: ring blasting, bench
mining and vertical crater retreat. Ring Blasting

Ring blasting has wide application in massive are bodies with their high rate
of extraction at low unit costs. The method requires three distinct operations
• The formation of a tunnel, called the ring drive, from a sublevel along
the axis of the proposed excavation.
• The excavation of an empty space, called the slot, at the end of the
ring drive, to the full width of the excavation.
• The drilling of sets of radial holes, called Rings, parallel to the slot at
appropriate spacing and burden.

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Figure 5-9: Ring Blasting

In ring drilling, the distance between two consecutive rings is called the
burden, whereas the term spacing refers to the ends of the adjacent holes in
the same ring, measured at right angles to one, and straddling the outline of
the are block, using construction lines (Figure 5-10). Normally, the
spacing/burden ratio is about 1.3, but it can be as high as 1.5.

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Figure 5-10: Spacing construction for ring blast design.

When blasting into a confined slot, an allowance of at least 30% expansion

from the solid is recommended, in order to achieve good fragmentation. Also
the stemming length should not be more than two-thirds of blasthole length.
A guide to the powder factor for some types of rocks is given in Table 5-1.

Table 5-1: Powder factors for Ring blasting

Since the blastholes in a ring radiate from a centre point of the ring drive,
the collars of these blastholes will be fairly close to each other. Hence the
blastholes need to have a variable stemming length (Figure 5-11) in order to
avoid serious overcharging in the ore body close to the ring drive.

It should be noted that the degree of success in ring blasting depends on the
degree of accuracy in designing and drilling the blasting holes. The blasthole

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in each ring could be drilled upward as well as downward. If conditions

permit, it is preferable to use one delay per ring, but this may generate a
shattering effect in the adjacent rock. This phenomenon can be avoided by
using two or even three different delays per ring. These delays are not
alternated between holes but are apportioned to whole sections of the ring.

Figure 5-11: Stemming length for ring blasting Bench Blasting

Bench blasting is essentially similar to surface excavation. First a
development heading is excavated at the top sublevel to provide drilling
space. Then, depending on the thickness of the ore body and/or the
availability of drilling machinery, either vertical or horizontal blastholes are
drilled to increase the height of the excavation (Figure 5-12). The blastholes
can be from 32 mm up to 250 mm in diameter, depending on the amount of
pull (which could be 6.0 m or more) and other factors such as quality of rock,
fragmentation requirement, etc.

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Figure 5-12: Bench Blasting Vertical crater retreat (VCR)

Essentially, vertical or subvertical blastholes are drilled downward from the
top level to the bottom level. A cuboid of ore body can be excavated from the
lower level upward by a number of horizontal slices using the same

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Figure 5-13: VCR

It is imperative that the first set of charges in the blastholes breaks through
into the undercut. Theoretically, spherical charges should be placed, to obtain
maximum cratering effect. In practice, however, this is achieved when the
deviation from the true spherical charge is not greater than a 1:6 diameter to
length of explosive column ratio. In the vertical crater retreat method,
gravity enlarges the crater dimensions by excavating the whole rupture zone.
The size of this cavity can exceed the optimum distance of the charge from
the back many times and its extent depends on rock properties and the local
structural geology. The optimum distance for positioning the explosive
charge should be determined through small-scale crater tests using the same
explosive-rock combination.

The blasthole charging details have been well described in a case study
where the blastholes were of 159 mm diameter and average length 35 m.
First a square section wooden plug (100 X 100 X 200 mm) was lowered down
the hole, using a 6 mm diameter polypropylene cord, to the desired depth of
blockage, about 1.8 m above the free face (Figure 5-14). Then a small
amount of 16 mm crushed rock was poured into the hole to obtain a seal.
The average explosive charge length was 0.8 m, in the middle of which was a
primer attached to a 10 g/m detonating cord down line. The explosive charge
was first stemmed by 1 m of sandfill, followed by 1 m of crushed rock.
Finally, two detonators of the same delay were used to initiate the down line.
The average depth of slice achieved was 3.4 m.

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Figure 5-14: VCR loaded explosive column

The main advantage of the VCR technique is the decreased possibility of

damaging the surrounding rock which in turn reduces the risk of dilution.
This technique has been applied successfully in blasting out pillars between
cemented cut and fill stopes. It is important to use an explosive of high
energy and high-detonation velocity in the VCR method to achieve maximum
advance with minimum drilling costs.

Additional learning resources include:
• Readings, Chapter 24: Underground production blasting in mining and
underground tunneling, from: Jimeno, Carlos Lopez, Emilio Lopez Jimeno,
and Francisco Javier Ayala Carcedo. “Drilling and Blasting of Rocks”
translated by Yvonne Visser De Ramiro. Rotterdam: A.A. Balkema.

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• Lecture Module 5.2 – Production blasting (mandatory)

5.3 Controlled Blasting

The following discusses more of the theoretical aspects of blasting design in
avoiding damage control. To facilitate the discussion, consider an area in the
blast called the blast damage transition zone (BDT), as seen in Figure 5-15.
The extent of each zone is characterized by a radius from the center of the
production change. The zones, their extent (expressed as hole diameter)
and the corresponding peak particle velocity (PPV values resulting when
ANFO in medium strength rock are assumed can be similar to the value in
Table 5-2.

Figure 5-15: Diagrammatic representation of the BDT of a fully charged


Table 5-2: BDT Characterization

These zones have been drawn on Figure 5-16 for a blast containing 2 rows of
production blast holes (9-7/8" diameter). As seen, it is a square pattern with
5 holes in each row, a burden of 20' and spacing of 20'. In this example it
has been assumed for simplicity that

Rf= 12 D = 10 ft
Ri = 55 D = 45 ft

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Figure 5-16: DBT for a two row production blast

After blasting, the situation is shown in Figure 5-17. In the BDT zone there
exists a crushed and a fractured zone surrounding each production hole.
Although the crushed zone as well as a small portion of the fractured zone
may have been loaded out along with the rock from production rows 1 and 2,
here the rock will be assumed to still be in place. The zone lying between
the fracture zone and the boundary of the BDT consists of an inner portion
which has been influenced by both rows of blastholes (to a distance of about
25') and an outer portion (20' in extent) influenced by just one row of
production holes.

Figure 5-17: BDT after blasting two production rows.

Therefore in the design and implementation of any blast damage control

techniques, one should take into account the BDT limit into account.

5.3.1 Line Drilling

Line drilling, as the name implies, involves the drilling of closely spaced holes
along the limit of the excavation. This is shown with respect to the example
case in Figure 5-18. The object is to create an artificial plane of weakness
which serves to limit the extent of the fracture and influence zones from both
the production holes and any buffer (helper) holes placed between the final
production row and the perimeter. Generally, these line-drilled holes are not
charged with explosive but, if charged, it is with detonating cord or a highly
decoupled charge. The purpose for lightly charging the holes is to destroy the

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integrity of the rock web. As can be appreciated, close drilling control is

essential for the method to succeed. The holes must be drilled so that they
all lie in one plane corresponding with the dip of the final pit wall. Some
recommendations for hole spacing as provided in Table 5-3. To get hole
spacing one multiplies the values in the table by the hole diameter expressed
in the same units. When line drilling 6" diameter holes in copper ore, the hole
spacing (c-c) should be 12".

Figure 5-18: Line drilling positioned along the planned final perimeter

Table 5-3: Factors for determining hole spacing

In the example there is 45 ft wide zone between hole row 2 and the
perimeter. To excavate this rock one might consider using another row of
production holes at normal burden and spacing and then one or two rows of
smaller diameter buffer holes. For line drilling to be most effective:
• It must be used in conjunction with a buffer row
• The main excavation charges should be 1 to 3 rows from the pit limit.

Line drilling produces one of the best final surface - a smooth, clean face with
no backbreak or crest fracture. However because of its high drilling cost, the
method has not been commonly used in open pit work.

5.3.2 Pre-splitting
The pre-splitting technique also involves the careful drilling of relatively
closely spaced parallel holes along the final perimeter. Now however the
holes are lightly charged and shot instantaneously. The objective is to
generate a line of cracks connecting the holes. In this way, it is intended to
achieve nearly the same effects:
• Terminate the growth of the radial cracks
• Act as a barrier to the shock wave
• Provide an escape route for the explosive gases.

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It attempts to produce the same effect as with line drilling but at a

significantly lower cost. Obviously to be of any use the presplit line must be
created prior to the blasting of any holes lying closer than I-BOT distance

Figure 5-19 illustrates typical presplit blast layout using 102-mm (4-in)
diameter presplit holes for 250-mm (9y'-in) diameter production holes. For
this type of blast, presplit holes would normally be drilled first, ahead of main
production holes. The choice can then be made between loading and firing
the presplit line or infilling the main blast. In the latter case, the presplit line
would be fired instantaneously 100 to 150 millisecond before the main blast.
As shown in the figure, the presplit line is formed ahead of the main blast
and allows the gas being driven back from the buffer row through the radial
cracks to terminate at the presplit line.

Figure 5-19: Presplit blast coupled to a 250mm production blast

The presplit row in Figure 5-19 has a spacing of 2 m for a 102-mm (4-in.)
diameter hole and is inclined at 15° to the vertical. The presplit angle is
somewhat dictated by rock structure although a slight angle is preferred
regardless of structure for long-term stability as well as for best initial results
with large production holes. The figure illustrates the upper bench where two
benches will finally run together to form the final face between berms.

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Presplit drill requirements become clear when presplit holes needed for the
next bench are considered. The drill must be capable of drilling close to the
previously produced bench face at an angle of 15° beneath itself so the face
can be continued to depth. Currently, this means some form of drifter drill is
required limiting the hole size to 102 to 127 mm (4 to 5 in.) diameter. The
back row of the main production blast, termed the buffer row, must also be
carefully designed with respect to standoff distance from the presplit row and
spacing as well as explosives load. The inset sketch on the right side of
Figure 5-19 shows how the top portion of the buffer row hole charge acts as
a spherical crater charge breaking to the bench surface. Subsequently, main
blastholes after the buffer row are designed at regular spacing, burden, and
loading for the type of material blasted. One further point to note from
Figure 5-19 is the subgrade or, more accurately, lack of subgrade used on
the presplit and buffer row holes. This is to prevent damage to the bench
below or to the wall at that point.

Figure 5-20 is a graph of recommended hold spacings used in presplitting as

a function of hole diameter. These data cover various types of material, but
are not fully specified in the open literature.

Figure 5-20: Relationships between hole diameter and spacing for

presplitting from various researchers.

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5.3.3 Smoothwall blasting

In smoothwall blasting, as opposed to line drilling and pre-splitting, the final
pit perimeter lies in the zone of influence from the final row of production
holes. This is shown diagrammatically in Figure 5-21. Since the final row of
holes lies in the influenced zone, some minor crest fracturing or backbreak
may result but the amount of damage is much less than would be produced
by the main production blast if no control blasting was used.

Figure 5-21: Smoothwall damage zones

There are five general followed in the design of the smoothwall row:

Rule 1
The burden, spacing and charge concentration of the smoothwall line of holes
are selected so that the extent of the associated influence region does not
exceed that of the production holes. The hole size for the smoothwall and
buffer row holes may be the same as in the production round with the
required reduction in influence zone dimension occurring through pattern
adjustments and decoupling or smaller diameter holes may be used with or
without decoupling.

Rule 2
The hole spacing is less than the burden. Often the relationship S/B= 0.8 is

Rule 3
The holes in the smoothwall row are shot on the same delay with detonating
cord downlines to assure as simultaneous detonation as possible.

Rule 4
The delay time between the helper row (that adjacent to the smoothwall
row) and the smoothwall row should be chosen so that the smoothwall holes
can shoot to a free face.

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Rule 5
All of the smoothwall and buffer row holes are shot together with the main
production round.

Today, smoothwall blasting is much more common to use than most other
methods in mining operations because the method involves less drilling and
less complicated blasting.

5.3.4 Trim Blasting

Trim blasting, as the name implies, involves trimming away some of the
fractured and influenced rock from the pit perimeter after the production
blast has been shot and cleaned up. The trimming may be accomplished
using one or several rows of blast holes depending on where in the BDT zone
it is desired that the final crest should fall. The design process differs from
the smoothwall technique in that the layout begins at the actual pit perimeter
and works outward toward the desired final pit limit rather than vice versa.
This is shown diagrammatically in Figure 5-22. Some rules for selecting the
burden, spacing and charge concentration as a function of hole diameter are
presented in Table 5-4. As in all other types of perimeter control, accurate
drilling is important. To achieve the best results, the holes should be drilled
at the final pit slope angle. The boreholes are drilled in a line along the
planned excavation limits, loaded lightly, and blasted to remove the
undesired material. As noted earlier, a reduced explosive load can be
obtained in various ways. The use of low density, bulk-loaded explosives in
larger diameter holes is one way of improving the economics of the method.

Figure 5-22: Trim hole row trimming the fractured and influenced rock.

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Table 5-4: Recommended charge loads and blast geometries for trim

5.3.5 Blasting Ornamental Rock

Ornamental rock is all stone that is used, in blocks or slabs, for its aesthetic
characteristics such as color, texture, shine, grain, etc. and technical such as
strength, facility of elaboration, polish, etc. The most common types of rock
can be generically classified in three large groups: granites, marbles and
marmoreal limestones.

Granite is cut from the "bed" of the quarry with a jet piercing machine that
produces a flame burning at approximately 3,000 degrees Fahrenheit. This
high-velocity flame, created by burning oxygen and fuel oil, is directed at the
granite to be removed, causing a continuous flaking action. As the flame
nozzle is moved up and down, a channel is created around large sections in
the quarry.

In some quarries, diamond wire saws are used. A long loop of small steel
cable, impregnated with industrial diamond segments, cuts the sections free
from the bed of the quarry. After a section has been completely wiresawed or
channeled by the burner, it is separated from the bottom by explosives.

Likewise, when high-speed drills are used, rows of drilled holes are loaded
with explosives. The explosives are detonated to free the sections of granite
on all sides and on the bottom by explosives. The large sections are then
broken into workable sizes by wedging. In this process, steel wedges are
driven manually into holes previously drilled along the desired line of
cleavage. The sections are readily forced apart and cross-wedged into
rectangular blocks. Large cranes, or derricks, lift these blocks to the quarry's
rim (Figure 5-23). Requirements for monumental granite are exacting, and
only about 50 percent of the granite removed from the quarries finds its way
into finished monuments. The remainder is consigned to commercial
applications such as street curbing and gravel, or is sent to "grout piles" as
waste products.

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Figure 5-23: Ornamental stone materials handling – cranes.

Case studies show that the cutting methods consist in primary separation
from the rock mass of a large block (100 to 4000 m3), in parallel piped form,
which is subdivided afterwards to achieve sizes that are easily handled and
within the ranges that the transformation industries require, generally
lengths of 1.8 to 3.5 m, widths of 1 to 1.50 m and heights of 0.9 and 1.2 m.
The cutting technique is usually with explosives, although not exclusively,
because cutting systems with helicoidial and diamond wire, with mounted
rock cutters, with flame torching and with water jet kerfing are often applied.
The blasting techniques are a special type of presplitting, but with slight
variations as it is of maximum importance not to damage the rock and at the
same time take into account the properties: strength, homogeneity,
schistocity, fissurization, etc. Although it is difficult to give general
recommendations for design in this type of blasting, as there are many
different rock types and exploitation conditions, the following criteria should
be of use:

Drilling diameters. They depend upon the phase of excavation and the type
of rig used, but generally around 25 to 45 mm.

Spacing. It is established as a function of the rock properties and explosive

charge characteristics. The usual interval is between 4 and 8 D. To be able to
make an analytic calculation, the formula suggested by Berta can be applied:

2 × PE S × ρ e × d 2
S= +D
RT × D

where: PEs = Specific pressure (MPa),

ρe = Density of the explosive (g/cm3),
d = Diameter of the explosive charge (m),
D = Diameter of the blasthole (m),
RT = Tensile strength (MPa).

Explosives. In the vertical benching planes detonating cords with a core of

pentrite are usually used, while for the horizontal planes explosives of low
detonation velocity are also used, as they generate a large volume of gases.

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In these last planes of the cut, the structural properties of the rock mass
should be used to advantage. In some countries, there is extensive use of
charges prepared in connecting plastic tubes that contain powdery explosives
with low density and detonation velocity, made up of nitroglycerine, sodium
nitrate and other ingredients.

Powder factors. These vary greatly depending upon the type of rock,
explosive and extraction phase.

Charge configuration. The explosive columns are generally designed to be

continuous and decoupled with an air chamber although, in some cases such
as in hard rock, to increase the energy transmitted to the rock by the
detonating cords, the blastholes are filled with water. Also, if a blackening by
explosion smoke of the cut surfaces is to be avoided, the holes can be filled
with sand or drilling waste.

Distribution of the charge in the borehole. In order to eliminate

breakings or fracturation in the corners of the blocks, it is suggested that
empty holes be used at the end of the line or next to the free surfaces. Apart
from this, in vertical blastholes there is no subdrilling and they are usually
drilled to a few centimeters above the horizontal plane.

Stemming. They are necessary to use the maximum pushing power of the
gases. As the rock characteristics become poorer, the heights are usually
shortened to assure that the pressure of the gases do not act upon the rock
for a long period and therefore produce damage. In general, with the
detonating cords the stemmings are small, whereas with powder a larger
confinement is necessary.

Initiation. As in contour blasting, instantaneous initiation of all the

blastholes with detonating cord is recommended.

A block of granite is to be extracted by drilling blastholes and blasting with
detonating cord. What should the spacing between boreholes be when the
initial data is:
• Tensile rock strength RT = 10 MPa.
• Drilling diameter D = 0.032 m.
• Diameter of the detonating cord core of pentrite
• d = 0.0034 m.
• Density of the pentrite charge ρe = 1.3g/cm3.
• Specific pressure PEs = 1200 MPa.

2 × 1200 × 1.3 × 0.0034 2

S= + 0.032 = 0.14m
10 × 0.032

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The ratio S/D is equal to 4.37, which is within the practical interval of 4 to 8
D. If the rock were of worse quality with a tensile strength of 5 MPa, the
spacing should be increased to S = 0.26 m.

5.3.6 Underwater Rock Excavation

Underwater blasting of rock is usually done to deepen the sea bed in and
around a harbor to allow the passage of larger vessels, or excavate trenches
for pipelines. The technique can also be extended to winning underwater
mineral deposits. The most important factor is the placement of the charges
in the designated area. This is accomplished in a number of ways:
1. Using divers to drill and to charge the blastholes.
2. Using shaped explosive charges fastened in a predetermined pattern
onto a metal frame or high explosives packed in boxes and connected
to a line of detonating cord and then lowered onto the sea bed.
3. Using a barge or platform to drill and charge the shots.

Method 1 is only economical if the water is shallow and the area of

excavation is small. The procedure is then the same as for land excavation.

Method 2 is fairly labor intensive but economical for excavating selected

small areas. Its success depends on the intimacy of the contact between the
explosives and the rock, whose thickness to be removed by blasting in one
pass is generally limited to one meter. In deep water (say >10 m) this is the
only method that can be applied economically in the present state of
technical knowledge. Moreover, in deeper water, a charge becomes
effectively tamped by the pressure of the water, and consequently the
efficiency of the explosive in breaking rock is increased. Individual charges
are normally 10 to 25 kg, depending on rock type, and the corresponding
charge ratio varies between 3.5 and 7 kg/m3.

Most underwater blasting is done by method 3, that is, from a platform,

which may be of either the floating or the jack-up type. Overburden drilling
(0D) rigs are used by both types and the blastholes are normally between 51
and 102 mm in diameter. 0D rigs are fitted with chucks so that the
equipment can drive a hollow outer casing of steel tubing through soft
material, as well as drill rock through the casing. Strict control on positioning
each blasthole at its designed place is extremely important for the success of
this method.

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Figure 5-24: Sequence of operations in underwater rock excavation.

The sequence of operations is shown in Figure 5-24 and can be described as:
• The outer casing, fitted with a hollow ring bit with serrated edges, is
driven through the water until the ring bit, by rotating, grips firmly into
the top part of the bedrock (a).
• Then the casing is uncoupled from the drill chuck and the normal drill
string is inserted through the hollow casing for blasthole drilling (b).
• When the required depth is reached (Note: normally, the subgrade length
is the same as the burden), the drill string is withdrawn (c) and the
charging procedure takes place through the hollow casing as follows: the
primer cartridge with detonating cord or signal tube is pushed through the
hole first by using a string of stemming rods with a flat-ended wooden
coupling for easy handling of explosives (d).
• The length of the cord or tube should be adequate to allow for rise and fall
of the tide when it is brought up to deck level inside the casing. The
required cartridges are then added. When charging is complete, a slip-
ring attached to a hemp rope is lowered to the bottom. Then as the outer
casing is withdrawn, the tube or cord is retrieved from inside the tube (e)
and brought up to deck level.
• A weight is attached to the end of the cord or tube, and the latter is
placed on a roller away from the drilling activity. The gantry is then
moved to the next line of holes and the operation repeated.

The explosive used in this type of operation should have high velocity of
detonation and high density. It should have a good degree of water
resistance so that 24-hour immersion does not affect its performance, yet its
properties should be such that it would be made inert by a long period (say

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one month) of immersion. The powder factor for this type of operation varies
between 0.5 and 2.0 kg/m3 depending on rock conditions. The waterborne
blast-induced overpressure P (kPa), can be calculated approximately from

m 3
P = 55 × 10

where m is mass of explosives in kg, and R is the distance from the charge to
the point affected by pressure, in meters. It is estimated that a peak
waterborne overpressure not exceeding 40 kPa is safe for humans and

5.3.7 Controlled Blasting Rules of Thumb - Supplemental

The following points are controlled blasting – presplitting and trim blasting –
additions that blasting consultants consider important.

1. Critical geometric parameters are hole diameter, decoupling ratio

(dpowder/dh), spacing/diameter ratio (S/dh, charge density (charge/unit
length) and drill accuracy.
2. Critical geologic parameters are rock brittleness, rock strength, fracture
density, and fracture orientation.
3. Typical S/dh = 10-14 for pre splitting, 16 (to 18) for trim blasting, with
the lower values necessary under less ideal conditions. S/dh is more likely
to be too large than too small. If the ratio is too high a more rugged,
more damaged slope will develop, and there is essentially no way to
compensate through loading or timing adjustments.
4. Typical decoupling ratios = 0.1-0.3, the higher ratios being necessary in
rock of higher tensile strength. Decoupling avoids shattering and reduces
gas penetration.
5. Typical charge densities 0.2-0.4 lb/ft in-hole, face coverage 0.10 - 0.18
lb/sq ft, the higher values associated with stronger rock and/or larger
hole diameters.
6. Use linear, distributed charges with cord (50 to 400 grain most common),
presplit powder (skinny segmental or linkable cartridges), cartridges
taped to cord at intervals, air decked loads, or mass decked loads, in
order of increasing potential for rock damage.
7. Presplit works best in brittle, homogeneous rock, trim blasting in
fractured, weaker rock.
8. Rock with closed fractures spaced less than 0.3S, or open fractures
spaced 0.6S or less, will dissipate presplit elastic stresses. Compensate by
closer hole spacing.
9. Fracturing striking less than 15 degrees to a presplit line is very difficult
to overcome. Fracturing striking 15-45 degrees is less difficult, but may
require decreasing spacing by 25-50%. Unless the fractures are very tight
and the rock is very weak, even closely-spaced presplit will tend to break
to such fractures. Trim blasting may be more cost-effective in such cases.

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10.Presplit shot together with production must be timed at least 50 ms ahead

of small-diameter (<4") production holes, at least 100 ms ahead of
medium-diameter (4"–8”) production holes, and at least 200 ms ahead of
large diameter (>8") production holes. More time is better. The shot
width should be at least 3 S (spacing lengths) for presplit confinement.
11.Presplitting: simultaneous firing is ideal. However, if the resulting charge
weight exceeds vibration/scaled distance criteria, presplit holes can be
delayed as much as 25 ms hole-to-hole, but with less effectiveness. To
meet vibration concerns, start by grouping presplit in as many
simultaneously-fired holes as possible, delaying 9 ms between holes or
groups of holes, and then add time as necessary. Trim blasting: hole-to-
hole timing is best; add an extra delay period or two for trim hole relief.
12.Standoff between presplit and buffer (if used) or production holes should
be 0.3-0.5 x BaProduction (0.5-0.75 if trim blasting). The back break from
production or buffer holes is needed for additional fragmentation in front
of controlled holes. Refine standoff according to the buffer/production
13.Presplit holes ideally are not stemmed, to permit release of gases. To
control noise, they can be stemmed, 0.5S < T < S. Stem trim holes 0.7S
- 1.0S.
14.Angled controlled holes perform best, but seldom are drilled flatter than
50 degrees or so.


Additional learning resources include:
• Lecture Module 5.3 – Controlled Blasting (mandatory)
• Guest Lecture – Bob Cummings

5.4 Environmental Issues

The use of explosives is probably the most widely used means of fracturing
rock. Rock can also be excavated by methods other than blasting such as the
use of rippers, hydraulic bursters, plugs and feathers, etc. Techniques
involving explosives differ from other available systems in that the energy
applied is released in a matter of milliseconds. If the energy release process
is not adequately controlled, there is a potential danger of environmental
disturbance. Environmental disturbance includes the effects of airblast, fly-
rock, changes in the natural profile of the ground, dust, fumes, and ground

The blasting engineer should be aware of the need for defense against
allegations of damage caused by the above factors. Before any explosives
are used, it is good practice to carry out a detailed survey of all properties
that might conceivably be considered at risk of damage, and then to keep
meticulous records of all blasts.

It is now appropriate to analyze the energy distribution after the detonation

of a quantity of explosives. The explosive's potential energy can be

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manifested as heat, rock fragmentation, fly-rock, airblast, and ground

vibration. Depending on the placement of the explosive charge, the
percentage distribution of the above factors may vary, except for heat
emission, which will be constant in all situations. For example, if a quantity of
explosive is detonated on the ground surface, the major part of the
explosive's energy will be converted into airblast, whereas if the same
quantity of explosive is buried very deep in the rock, the majority of the
explosive's energy will be manifested as ground vibration. Each aspect which
can cause environmental problems is now discussed.

5.4.1 Airblast
Air overpressure due to an explosive charge (for a given amount) increases
rapidly as the confinement decreases. Severe airblast is caused either by
inaccurate charging, with the consequent wastage of explosive energy in the
air, or by the firing of exposed detonating cord in a sensitive area.

The ideal blasting condition for minimum airblast effect is where temperature
decreases with increasing altitude, causing a decrease in the sound wave
velocity, inducing the waves to bend upward away from the ground. On the
other hand, if the air becomes warmer with increasing altitude, an increase in
sound wave velocity results, causing the waves to be returned to ground by
refraction. Moreover, if there is a strong wind in a particular direction the
refracted sound waves are channeled into the wind path. This phenomenon
greatly increases the airblast pressure at focal points.

The most damaging cases of airblast are caused by unconfined surface

charges. The resulting airblast overpressure may be estimated from the
following formula:

 
 R 
p = 185 1 
 3 
m 

where p = pressure (kPa),

m = explosive charge (kg)
R = distance from charge (m).

For confined borehole charges, airblast overpressure may be estimated from

 
 R 
p = 3.3 1 
 3 
m 

When assessing the effect of airblast it is usual to correlate this with the
possibility of cracking panes of glass. The pressure waves generated by

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explosives consist of energy over a wide range of frequencies, some of which

are audible, but most of which occur below 20 Hz frequency in the
concussion range, which is not detectable by the human ear, but can damage
structures. While the most frequently mentioned complaint resulting from
airblast is cracked plaster, research has shown that window panes fail before
any structural damage results. Certain well-known symptoms caused by the
peak overpressure levels are given in Table 5-5.

Table 5-5: Airblast Effect on Structures

Symptoms Peak Overpressure (dB)

Rattle of loose windows 0.03 140
Failure of poorly-mounted window 0.69 150
Damage to strongly-mounted window 6.9 170
Cracking plaster >6.9 >170

Noise from drilling and blasting can be annoying, and sometimes even
painful. The technology for reducing noise and vibration from pneumatic and
hydraulic drill operations without losing performance does not yet exist. On
the other hand, close attention to the design of the canopy for compressors
can bring about almost silent machines. The engine should be fitted with twin
silencers and the inside of the canopy should be coated with sound-absorbing
plastic foam to eliminate natural panel resonances.

The sources of objectionable blast noise are:

• the use of lay-on or plaster charges often used in secondary blasting;
• poorly stemmed holes;
• blown-out shots resulting from poorly designed blast patterns;
• exposed surface lines of detonating cord. In sensitive areas, a covering
of 20 cm of stemming material over detonating cord will bring about a
significant reduction in noise.

Atmospheric conditions such as temperature inversion and wind can lead to

the phenomenon of focusing. Normally, temperature decreases with height;
correspondingly, the velocity of sound in air also decreases with height,
causing the sound waves to curve away from the surface. However, in a
temperature inversion (air temperature increasing with height), sound
velocity increases with height, causing the sound waves to bend downward
towards the surface. The above conditions apply on the assumption that
there is no appreciable wind. A combination of wind and temperature
inversion can take place several kilometres from the blast and the
overpressure due to airblast may increase by a factor of 100. Usually ideal
atmospheric conditions for blasting exist in the early afternoon. These
airblast wave effects can be seen from Figure 5-25.

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Figure 5-25: Airblast waves in various conditions

5.4.2 Fly-Rock
Fly-rock is the term for undesirable projectiles of blasted material. In a
particular type of rock there is a compatible relation between the height of
the explosives column in the holes, drilling pattern, and charge ratio. When
this is compromised, the explosive's gas energy is vented violently into the
atmosphere and propels rocks in front of it. Moreover, deviation of blastholes
in surface mining operations can effectively reduce the burden, causing fly-
rock. Proper stemming has an important role in trapping explosive gases in
the blasthole to do useful work such as rock fragmentation and throw.
Crushed angular rock is recommended as the ideal stemming medium and
the stemming length should not be less than the burden distance. The major
causes of fly-rock in mining are shown in Figure 5-26.

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Figure 5-26: Causes of fly rock.

Moreover, an out-of-sequence shot has the same effect as an overburdened
hole and is liable to cause fly-rock. In excavation work close to buildings,
special precautions may be taken such as placing a thick rubber mat (such as
heavy conveyor belting.

Some very limited field studies reported by various researchers that suggest
that for granite the maximum throw (L) as a function of the hole diameter
(d) and specific charge is as shown in Figure 9.12. When the specific charge
(q) is q ≤ 0.2 kg/m3 there is no throw. For other values of q the maximum
throw is expressed by

L=143 d (q-0.2)

where d = hole diameter (inches),

q = specific charge (kg/m3),
L = maximum throw (m).

A typical specific charge in bench blasting is 0.6 kg/m3. In this case the
maximum throw expression becomes:


For a 10 inch hole diameter the maximum expected throw would be L = 570
m. There are a number of different situations in which the actual conditions
depart markedly from the ideal:
• The explosive extends too high in the hole so that cratering to the
upper surface occurs.
• An irregular face brings the explosive column too close to the free face
resulting in cratering.

The lack of confinement offered by both of these situations provides a weak

link for the gas to exploit. The rock plug involved is pushed out in an early

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stage of the gas expansion process and the expansion energy is expended in
propelling a relatively small volume of rock at high velocity. Hence the throw
distance can be very great. Of all various types of flyrock, the most
dangerous situation occurs when cratering occurs on the top part of the
bench near the collar. If the weakest link in the system is the column of
stemming and not the collar rock, this can be ejected much like a projectile
from a cannon barrel. Some empirical and computer simulation have
examined the maximum throw and boulder size as a function of hole
diameter. It was found that for granite with a specific gravity of 2.6, the
relationships for the maximum throw (L) involving rocks of diameter φ

Lmax = 260 d2/3

φ= 0.1 d2/3

where d = hole diameter (inches),

φ = boulder diameter (m).

Thus for a 10 inch diameter borehole the boulder size would be φ = 0.1 (10)
2/3 = 0.47 m.

5.4.3 Disturbance of the Natural Ground Profile

In an open-cut mining operation by blasting, a turmoil of the natural
surroundings is often experienced with the end result of residual benches of
bare rock. This can resemble a deep scar in the immediate environment. If
the mine working is below the natural profile of the surrounding country the
void can be infilled with waste material, or can be filled with water to form a
recreation area. However, if the workings are in elevated ground where
older workings are actively eroding with rock fall and spalling onto the mine
floor or benches beneath, the problem requires different treatment. A
method of restoration blasting has recently been adopted in various areas,
and has proved to be successful in providing an aesthetically pleasing
landscape. This is the application of a carefully designed blast pattern in the
berm (bench), initiated to reproduce a predicted sloping profile with infilled
materials. The screen blast piles will mask the earlier scorch marks, and this
will be the medium for selective establishment of vegetation.

5.4.4 Dust
Dust is mainly produced while drilling and could be a considerable nuisance
in high winds. Apart from incorporating a dust collecting unit in the drill rig
itself, or using wet drilling, very little can be done to suppress dust from this
operation. Clearly the driller should wear a protective anti-dust mask. In a
properly designed shot for rock blasting, very little dust is scattered.
However, in demolition work, particularly of a tall structure, dispersal of fine
dust is inevitable. This could be partly controlled by sprinkling a jet of water,
and thereby creating an artificial curtain of fine mist to contain the falling

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dust in a limited area. Jets of water are also sprayed in some surface mining
operations where dust has caused problems in nearby habitats.

5.4.5 Fumes
The detonation of a commercial explosive in ideal conditions produces water
vapor, carbon dioxide and nitrogen. However, in addition a small amount of
undesirable poisonous gases, such as carbon monoxide and oxides of
nitrogen, known as fume or toxic gases, are hazardous in confined spaces
such as underground mines, tunnels, etc. Careful thought must be given to
mechanical ventilation of such areas with fans so that fumes are diluted to a
harmless level. This aspect is adequately safeguarded by legal requirements
laid down by the relevant authorities. The fume characteristics of a cartridge
explosive relate to the conditions where the explosive is fired in its cartridge.
Removal of explosive from its cartridge will upset the oxygen balance and
unfavorably affect the explosive's fume qualities. The presence of water in
the blasthole may also adversely affect the fumes produced by a blast.

5.4.6 Ground Vibrations

When an explosive charge is detonated in a borehole, a pressure wave will be
generated in the earth surrounding the hole. As the pressure wave travels
away from the borehole it forms a seismic or vibration wave by displacing the
particles around it. This excursion or oscillation of the individual particles is
measured to determine the magnitude of the blasting vibration.

For elastic wave transmission the strain is directly proportional to particle

velocity. Since structural damage, in general, is strain related, the use of
peak particle velocity is accepted as the principal parameter for vibration
measurement. The longitudinal, vertical, and transverse components of the
seismic waves caused by blasting are generally measured by instruments.
Calculation of the resultant of these three components is sometimes
preferred and countries have different standards as regards the suitability of
measuring planes, or the resultant. The same amount of charge at a fixed
distance does not necessarily produce the same magnitude of vibration. The
vibration is largely influenced by the prevailing constriction and by certain
physical site factors. The peak particle velocity (ppv) of ground motion can
be related to distance and instantaneous explosive charge by the following

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 
 R 
ppv = K  1 
 2 
m 

where R = distance in meters,

m = explosive charge in kg,
K = site factor constant, and
P = site exponent constant.

 
 R 
The ratio  1  is commonly known as scaled distance (SD). SD is a useful
 2 
m 
parameter for comparing one set of vibration results to others. Obviously, as
the value of SD increases, the magnitude of ppv decreases. When blasting
has to be done close to a sensitive structure, the following procedure
determines the optimum charge. In a given situation when the same blasting
is further away (the SD is more than 12), several (at least 6) vibration
recordings are taken. On the other hand, if there is any possibility of causing
damage to the structure by normal production blasts, a test shot (using a
small amount of explosives so that the SD value is well over 12) has to be
monitored at various distances.

The simplest method of establishing the site constants is to use log-log graph
and put the measured values straight onto the axes, that is, vertical
(ordinate) for ppv and horizontal (abscissa) for SD. Such a graph is known as
a regression curve. Allowing for a certain amount of scatter due to the
variation in blasting constriction, the graph is a straight line. The constants K
and P are obtained, respectively, from the intercept of the regression line on
the ppv axis, and by calculating the slope of the regression line. Figure 5-27
is such a graph obtained by plotting ppv against SD for 10 monitored results.
After drawing the best fitting line, two other lines parallel to the first one are
also drawn to encompass all points in the graph.

Consider that there is a sensitive structure where maximum ppv is stipulated
as 5 mm s-1, and this structure is 300 m from the blast area, what will be the
maximum instantaneous charge?

By drawing a horizontal line from ppv = 5, three values of SD can be

obtained: 30, 40, 50. From this, it can be assumed determined that
SD = 1
= 50
m 2

will be the best solution. The safest maximum charge per delay becomes 36
kg from:

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2 2
R  300 
m=  =  = 6 = 36

 50   50 

Figure 5-27: Obtaining site factors for ground vibrations.

It is essential for the blasting operator to know and to be able to control what
will happen when an explosive charge is detonated. The factors listed in
Table 5-6 identify the phenomena important in blasting.

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Table 5-6: Factors that influence ground motion

Figure 5-28: Ground vibrations results from 2500 blasts in 40 different


A collection of scaled distance data for determination of peak particle velocity

of some 2500 blasts from 40 mines, quarries and construction sites in the
USA is shown in Figure 5-28, the graph being drawn from a considerable
amount of scatter. The factors responsible for this scatter are the changes of
geological conditions, differences between types of explosives, difference in
the geometry of the blasts, and experimental error. The line labeled 50 is the
best-fit line, whereas the other two are bounds below which 84% and 95% of

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the data fall. The maximum ppv recommended by Standards Australia is

given in Table 5-7.

Table 5-7: Recommended maximum peak particle velocities.

Type of building or structure Particle velocity mm s-1

Houses and low-rise residential buildings; commercial 10
buildings not included in description below
Commercial and industrial buildings or structures of 25
reinforced concrete or steel construction

This table does not cover historic buildings, particularly if they are in an
indifferent state of repair, or some sensitive structures such as reservoirs and
buildings with long-span or suspended floors. In the absence of particular
site-specific data, a working recommendation is a maximum ppv of 5 mm/s.

5.4.7 Vibration reduction

By adapting the blasting method, drilling pattern, charging scheme, and
ignition pattern, the size of the vibrations can be controlled. Among other
things, the size of the vibrations depends on:
• Cooperating charge
• Confinement conditions
• The character of the rock
• The distance from the blasting site
• The geology, e.g., overlay soil types

Practical methods to reduce the ground vibrations by limiting the cooperating

charging weight per interval are:
• Adapt the ignition pattern so that the charging level is spread over
more intervals and the scattering in the delay elements of the
detonators is utilized
• Reduce the number of holes and the hole diameter
• Use decked charges by dividing up the necessary charge level in a
drillhole into more ignition intervals by means of sand plugs
• Use decoupled charges; charge diameter smaller than hole diameter
• Divide the bench into more benches Do not blast to the final depth at

At the moment of detonation, there should be as little confinement as

possible. This can be obtained by:
• A carefully adapted ignition pattern, so that all the holes will break the
burden in the easiest way
• Increased hole inclination (of the drillhole)
• A voiding too large burdens and choke blasting

For blasting at a shorter distance than 100 m, the risk for interaction
between the different intervals is small. The risk for cooperation between the

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intervals increases with large blast in quarries: for instance, where any
structures sensitive to vibrations are situated a large distance away. The size
of the vibrations is then influenced by:
• Charging level
• Interval times
• The resonance frequency of the ground (which depends on the depth
and the character of the ground)
• The local geology

The cost for careful blasting near built-up areas increases very rapidly with
decreasing permissible vibration level. The increase in costs primarily
depends on the following factors:
• Drilling - smaller or greater number of drillholes.
• Charging - more detonators and higher cost of labor
• Blasting - more rounds and longer stand-up time

The costs of planning and control work will also increase in:
• Blasting
• Visual inspection
• Vibration measurement
• Blasting record
• Insurance administration

5.4.8 Cooperating Charges – Ground vibration

In the preceding section, it was shown how the maximum detonating weight
of charge can be estimated when the vibration level and the distance are
known. The weight of the charge in question is the maximum total weight of
charges that can be initiated at the same time. Using delay detonators, it is
possible to blast rounds with considerably higher total charge weights per
delay interval. The higher the interval number, the larger a total charge
weight per interval can be used because the scatter of the delay time
increases with the nominal delay time. The cooperating charge is defined as
the total charge per interval, multiplied by the reduction factor appropriate
for the interval used.

In the USA, the USBM states that the delay interval should be equal to, or
greater than, 8 ms in order that the two charges be considered separate

The expression cooperating charge is somewhat inappropriate as it is only

applicable at certain distances. When blasting two separate charges with
detonators having the same interval number (Figure 5-29), if the vibrations
are observed at a short distance (A), the charges do not cooperate; while at
a long distance (B), interference and reinforcement of the two vibrations may
occur. Whether two charges, initiated one after the other, cooperate or not
depends on the following factors:
• Time interval between initiations

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• Velocity of propagation of the vibrations in the bedrock

• The decay time of the vibrations
• Distance from the observation point to the charge
• The geometry of the charge
• Velocity of detonation
• Confinement.

Figure 5-29: Cooperating charge related to distance.

5.4.9 The effect of Delayed Explosion

Reduction of explosive weight per delay is perhaps the greatest factor in
reducing the probability of structural damage due to ground vibration. Table
5-8 highlights this point for a situation where the total charge is 2900 kg, the
ground vibration monitoring distance is 220 m, and the expected ground
vibration is given in three different situations.

Table 5-8: Effect of delayed charges on ppv for a total charge of 2900 kg at
a distance of 220m.

Mode of Detonation ppv in mm s-1

Instantaneous 75
Two delays with equal charges 43
Four delays with equal charges 25

Each delayed charge generates its own seismic wave which is separated from
the subsequent delayed wave. However, precise timing for the detonation of
each hole is imperative for effective delay blasting. The cardinal point for
successful delay blasting is that the seismic waves from any detonating
blasthole shall pass all other blastholes before any of them are initiated. If
two seismic waves resulting from two blastholes meet at a point, the
resultant motion will be the sum of the two motions and the vibration level
will be significantly increased. Moreover, the seismic wavelength of the
composite motion varies from a single wavelength to nearly twice the length
of a single wave. At the point of maximum overlap, the period and frequency
are those of the single wave. Since the period may approach twice that of a
single wave, the frequency will be reduced by half. This condition may

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produce a region of high seismic risk due to increased motion and reduced
frequency of vibration.

5.4.10 Effect of Geological Factors

The intensity of ground vibration is often influenced by the following
properties of rock:
• the elastic properties of the medium, which determine the propagation
velocity of the seismic waves (predominant range and type of waves);
• the moisture content of the medium and the ground-water level;
• the topography and the geological structure, which may have an
influence in focusing seismic waves;
• the absorption characteristics of the medium.

5.4.11 Risk Assessment

Near most sites where blasting is necessary, there are structures whose
sensitivity will limit the maximum permissible vibrations. Client or contractor
must then decide on the maximum charge that can be detonated without
causing damage in the neighborhood. Where small-diameter holes are used,
this maximum charge may be the charge having the same vibration effect as
that from several holes detonated with detonators having the same nominal
time delay. It is called the maximum cooperating charge. Because the cost
increases considerably if the maximum cooperating charge has to be
reduced, the economy of the blasting job is greatly influenced by that
decision. Too large a cooperating charge may result in damages to
neighboring buildings, damage claims, and even court disputes. Too
conservative a decision on the size of the maximum cooperating charge will
result in excessively increased costs and project time. To optimize the
blasting work, it is necessary to carry out risk analysis in order to determine,
first, what size vibrations the environment will accept and second, how large
a charge can be blasted at a certain distance without exceeding that
vibration limit. Before the blasting operations can begin, a risk analysis
should be made involving a careful examination of the factors that can affect
the blasting operations. The probability that a correct decision will be made
increases as more information is made available. The decision data should be
based on as many points as possible in the list below.

Checklist for risk analysis:

1. Has a geological examination been made regarding working site as a risk
2. Is there a potential risk for lowering the groundwater level?
3. What is the nature of foundations and underground parts of buildings in
the area?
4. What is the type of construction and the condition of buildings within the
risk zone?

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5. Is there any equipment (such as computers, electron microscopes, laser

equipment, relays…) which are sensitive to vibrations in the
6. Are there any underground objects (tunnels, cable trenches, telegraph
cables, oil cisterns, district heating culverts,...) that might be damaged by
7. What connections are there between vibration values, cooperating
charges, and distances?
8. How are the inhabitants in the neighborhood influenced?
9. Has information about the blasting job been distributed to the neighbors?

5.4.12 Sustainable Development Issues in Rock Excavation

Sustainability issues in rock excavation, aside from esthetics of the
excavation and implications of the operation itself, deal primarily with
communities around the explosives consumers and
manufacturers/transporters. Communities can be exposed to noise, fly-rock,
ground vibration, fumes, transportation or storage accidents, and dust. As
the importance of the community’s concerns continue to rise, engineers
should be more sensitive and knowledgeable of the needs of the community.
Adequate information is key. In some regions, the issue of explosive theft is
important as criminal elements can obtain explosives for illicit purposes.
Adequate storage and compliance with all licensing and transportation safety
protocols should be taken.

Additional learning resources include:

• Readings, Chapter 33: Land Vibration, air blasts and their control from:
Jimeno, Carlos Lopez, Emilio Lopez Jimeno, and Francisco Javier Ayala
Carcedo. “Drilling and Blasting of Rocks” translated by Yvonne Visser De
Ramiro. Rotterdam: A.A. Balkema. (optional)
• Lecture Module 5.4 – Vibrations (mandatory)
• Assignment 6 – in class (part of lecture)

5.5 Evaluation of Blast Results

Once the blast has been carried out, it is necessary to analyze the obtained
results, as its interpretation will give the successive modifications of the
design parameters for the following rounds. This is the basis for the
optimization process. To achieve a global evaluation, the following aspects
must be analyzed:
• Fragmentation and swelling of the muckpile.
• Geometry, height and displacement of the muck pile.
• State of the remaining rock and bench floor.
• Presence of boulders in the pile.
• Vibrations, fly rock and airblast produced by the blast.

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5.5.1 Fragmentation and Swelling of the Muckpile

Apart from the classification of size distribution or screening of the muckpile
in treatment plants, there is no method which enables a quantitative
evaluation of fragmentation in conditions that would be trustworthy. Size
distribution is the basic tool within the optimization process of blasting, as it
is the only means of comparing the fragmentation obtained when a study is
to be done on the sensitivity of the design parameters. Due to high costs and
necessary time to achieve the complete size distribution curve, in mining
operations the following approximate methods are used:
• Qualitative visual analysis
• Photographic methods
• Photogrammetry methods
• High-speed photography
• Study of loading equipment productivity
• Volume of material that requires secondary blasting
• Bridging delays at the crusher
• Partial screening
• Image analysis by computer. Qualitative visual analysis

This is the most widely used and usually the only analysis applied. The
muckpile and the general aspect of the blast is observed immediately
afterwards and the engineer responsible for the evaluation makes a
subjective assessment. However, changes in fragmentation can only be
distinguished when the differences are great, even if the person in charge
has vast experience. The application of this technique is not very precise; it
does not allow an exact distribution of the sizes and very frequently there is
no written report on the results. In general, it is only good for an initial
contact with the blast results so that the specialists can later make a
complete study. Photographic method

This technique has been used in various ways and methods of analysis.
Some researchers used photographs of the muckpile and chose at random
around 15% of the total to analyze sizes and number of the fragments with a
superimposed grid. After studying five blasts under similar conditions, the
results showed a deviation of more or less 9.6% in the mean fragment size.

The most important source of error was in assuming that the surface
fragment distribution was representative of the total mass. Reid used a
series of photographs of the muckpile at different moments of digging,
placing scaled targets in the field of vision for dimensional purposes, as seen
in Figure 30.

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Figure 30: Gird method of evaluating fragmentation and field environment

This system is one of the most useful 'and also gives a graphic
documentation for analysis and comparison of different rounds. The only
inconveniences are:
• Time consuming in preparation and study, and
• It is difficult to quantify the small sizes. Photogrammetric method

The photogrammetric methods give more precision than in conventional
photographs. As the investment in equipment and accessories is relatively
high, it is only used as a complement to the main applications such as
topographic control of the cuts and muckpiles, geological studies, etc.

The advantage of the photogrammetry is that it allows a tri-dimensional

study of the muckpile, thereby aiding in the calculation of each fragment size
and the volume and swelling of the pile. The drawbacks, apart from cost, are
the need for qualified personnel to use and interpret the method. High-speed photography

The use of high-speed photography in the evaluation, design and, above all,
control of the blasting has been widely undertaken. Some have considered it
as a technique for the evaluation of fragmentation. The main problem is that
the gases and dust in the environment obscure the vision of crack formation
and muckpile displacement.

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The information taken from the analysis of the high peed photographs can be
classified as:
• Qualitative:
o First rock movements
o Confinement of the stemming
o Trajectory of the muckpile movement.
• Quantitative:
o Exit time of the blast accessories
o Time and efficiency of the gas confinement
o Acceleration, direction and velocity of the fragments
o Velocity of stemming ejection
o Projection and displacement of the muckpile.

The study of these data, along with detailed information of the design
parameters of the blast and of the whole of the operation, is very useful for
the detection and definition of:
• The existence of misfires and their causes
• Incorrect explosive charges
• The effect of sub-drilling, of the presence of water and of the
• Determination of the best initiation sequence
• Yield of the chosen initiation system
• Global movement of the muckpile
• Source of oversize at the face
• Muckpile displacement and
• Profile geometry of the muckpile.

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Figure 31: High speed camera bench blast

Dessureault 4/8/2003 45
MGE 415 – Rock Excavation – Module 5 – Applications. 2003 Digital processing of images

Computer technology has opened the door to image analysis of the
evaluation of muckpile fragmentation. The modem methods of image
analysis quantify geometric aspects with images in two dimensions, such as
the area, number, perimeter, shape, size and orientation. The procedures
take in the following stages:
1. Image input. The image is captured by a camera, usually video, and
subjected to an automatic digitization process. This means the conversion
of the optic image to a digital format of picture points pixels, and giving
each one a certain brightness, or grey level value from 0 (black) to 255
2. Scaling. The scale of the image is defined, normally using a marker placed
on the muckpile as a reference.
3. Image enhancement. This stage uses digital filters which permit an
enhanced viewing of the fragments. For example, low pass or Gaussian
filters which eliminate noise, a shading filter which corrects illumination
defects, etc.
4. Image segmentation. At this stage, the fragments are separated from the
rest of the background to produce a binary (black and white) image. A
grey level is defined, then the pixels with values above this level are
turned to white (fragments), and they will be taken into account whereas
the pixels below this level will be darker (back-ground) and are turned to
5. Binary image manipulation. The segmentation process is never perfect, as
the contours of some segments will bridge together and others will be
confused with the background. To correct this, an iterative process of
dilation, erosion and line thinning is used.
6. Measurement. This system, after identifying each object in the binary
image as an independent fragment, measures the diameter of an
equivalent area circle and classifies them.
7. Stereometric interpretation. In this step the distribution of two
dimensional size is converted into volumetric sizes or tri-dimensional. This
conversion demands the use of stereometric principles along with some
empirical relationships. Studies of loading equipment productivity

This technique of fragmentation evaluation is based upon the assumption
that the digging rates are an inverse function of the coarseness of the
muckpile and a direct function of the swelling of the same. The presence of
oversize, reduced swelling and poor toe condition will be immediately
reflected in productivity. If the technique is applied correctly, a precise
evaluation can be obtained.

The lost time that is not directly related to the condition of the muckpile,
such as waiting for the trucks, mechanical breakdowns, shifting the shovel or
clean-up operations, should all be taken into account. The studies should be

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made with the same machines and operators to eliminate the experience
factor or erroneous estimates.

Studies have been undertaken to monitor the continuous current motors of

the rope shovels, recording the signals on magnetic tape and processing the
data on the computer. The call for extra power can be caused by the
• Defective floor breakage with toe appearance.
• Insufficient swelling of the muckpile.
• Excessive displacement of the pile, and
• Coarse size distribution. Boulder count and secondary breakage

Any fragments of rock produced by blasting that cannot be handled by the
mining equipment is referred to as boulders or oversize. The sizes of these
blocks depend upon each operation and during the same should be set aside
for fragmentation, with the procedures described in the following chapter.

The relative volume of the oversize should be maintained at a minimum, not

only because of the high fragmentation cost, but because they affect the
whole of the operation by giving low digging yield due to lost time dedicated
to taking them aside and also delays at the crusher. Bridging delays at the crusher

The production of any crusher depends basically upon the coarseness of the
material that enters, and indirectly this can be an index of fragmentation
taken from the yield and the energy consumed per treated ton. The
interruptions at the crusher due to oversize should be controlled, as well as
the wear of the steel plates. Screening
This is the only precise method of quantitative fragmentation evaluation. In
small operations this technique can be used with representative samples, but
in large open pit mines, it would be impractical because of the high cost and
time involved.

5.5.2 Geometry of Muckpile, Its Height and Displacement

The configuration of the muckpile is governed by:
• The geometric design parameters: height of bench, blasthole
inclination, burden, spacing and stemming.
• Powder factors.
• Initiation sequences and delay timing.

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The optimum geometry depends upon, in each case, the digging and haulage
system used.
• Profile I represents the ideal situation for front end loaders, but if the
available equipment are rope shovels, the yield will be low and time
consuming in collecting the material and cleaning up around the
• Profile 2 requires minimum cleaning labor and the productivity is high,
but there can be safety problems involved for the operators due to the
fall of rock from great height.
o Excessive clean up area, low productivity for rope shovel, high
safety conditions.
o Low clean up area, high productivity, dangerous.
o Low clean up area, good productivity, safe.
• Profile 3 reflects optimum conditions for rope shovels. This control
procedure can be done with topographic equipment, aided by
transversal photographs.

Figure 32: Different geometries of the muckpile

5.5.3 Condition of the Remaining Mass

Once the muck pile has been loaded, it is possible to observe if there has
been overbreak, and the quantity of damage to the remaining mass. The
evaluation of the damage caused by the blasts to the remaining rock can be
carried out by any of the methods of geomechanic characterization of the
rock mass, but for what is wanted, the system in table below is one of the
most used for its simplicity and pragmatism

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Table 9: Levels of damage to pit walls

5.5.4 Analysis of the Bench Floor

Once the blast has been evacuated, the bench floor can show the following:
• Toe in front of holes,
• Toe between holes,
• High floor,
• Low floor.

The toe between blastholes is due to overspacing and this should be

decreased. The appearance of a high floor systematically could be due to a
plane of weakness or to insufficient subdrilling and bottom charge. When the
floor level is lower than was designed, the bottom charge and subdrilling
should be diminished and the loading operation observed.

5.5.5 Boulders
Large sized blocks can appear in the muckpile in the following areas:
• On the top or crest,
• On the floor (usually occurs with toe problems),
• Within the pile, and
• In front of the pile.

The boulders on top could be caused by a hard level or poor fragmentation of

the top part of the bench. This is corrected by increasing the explosive
column or by placing a small pocket charge in the stemming. The boulders at
floor level are due to a weakness plane in the lower part of the bench. They
are eliminated by the same method as for toes: decreasing the burden and
increasing the bottom charge, the subdrilling and the between-row delay.

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The boulders in the interior of the pile are due to incorrect drilling, a poor
blast yield because of defective priming or an alteration of the explosive such
as local dampening of ANFO, and to a pernicious effect of the inner joints
with respect to the opening of the grid. The boulders in front of the pile could
originate in an excessive breakage of the previous blast in the same zone.

5.5.6 Vibrations and Airblast

If the delay timing and the initiation sequence of a blasting are not adequate,
the following results will come about:
• Poor fragmentation and insufficient swelling of the muckpile
• Uncontrolled fly rock
• High vibration levels, and
• Low frequency vibrations.

By analyzing the vibrations registered with a seismograph and later

modifying the indicated parameters, a better use of the explosive energy can
be obtained, giving a better size distribution of the muckpile and lower
vibration intensity and frequency, which are potentially less dangerous.

As to airblast, there are different mechanisms that cause it, but one of the
most important is a premature escaping of the gases to the atmosphere after
stemming ejection. For this reason, the studies with high-speed cameras can
help define the optimum stemming height and the ideal type of material so
as to achieve a larger confinement of the explosive without negatively
affecting the fragmentation in the zone where the inert material is placed.

5.5.7 Blast Evaluation in Underground Mining

In underground mining, characterizing the quality of the resulting excavation
is a key method of evaluating the blast results, especially for development.
Overbreak is commonly calculated by comparing the planned excavation with
the resulting excavation. Hard toes, bootlegs, and oversize is also a common
method of characterizing the quality of a blast. Dilution, a factor of both the
design and execution of a blast may also be used as a sign of blast
evaluation. In certain methods, such as VCR, cratering at the top of the
blasthole is a common indicator of a lack of stemming. Damage to ventpipe
or other utilities can also be a sign of inadequate stemming or improper blast
preparation procedures.

Additional learning resources include:
• Lecture Module 5.5 – Blast Results (mandatory)

These notes were assembled directly from the following references:

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MGE 415 – Rock Excavation – Module 5 – Applications. 2003

• From Dr. Paul Lever’s 415 course notes Hartman, Howard L. Ed. SME Mining
Engineering Handbook. 2nd ed. 1992
• Hartman, Howard L. and Jan M. Mutmansky, Introductory Mining Engineering,
2nd ed. New York: John Wiley & Sons. 2002, 570p.
• Atlas Copco, The Raise Boring Handbook 2nd ed.
• Stefanko, Robert. Coal Mining Technology Theory and Practice. Littleton
CO.:Society of Mining Engineers. 1983
• McKercher, R.M., Ed. Potash Technology: Mining, Processing, Maintenance,
Transportation, Occupational Health and Safety, Environment. Pergamon
Press: Toronto. 1983
•, search: continuous mining
• Bell, F. G. ed. Engineering in Rock Masses. Butterworth-Heinemann: London.
1992. ISBN: 0 7506 1063 8
• Caterpillar Performance Handbook, 28th Ed.
• 2001 Class notes, from Bob Cummings
• 1997 Class notes, from Sean Dessuresult’s Surface Mining Course Notes for
UBC’s Mining and Mineral Processing Department.Wirtgen America Inc.
Surface Mining Manual. Edition 2002
• Hartman, Howard L. Ed. SME Mining Engineering Handbook. 2nd ed. 1992
• Kennedy, B.A. Editor. Suface Mining 2nd Edition. SME: Port City Press, ML.
• Persson, Per-Anders, Holmberg, Roger, and Lee, Jaimin. Rock Blasting and
Explosvies Engineering. CRC Press: New York. 2000. 534 p.
• Cook, Melvin A. The Science of Industrial Explosives. IRECO Chemicals: Salt
Lake City, Utah. 1974. 449p.
• Sen, Gour C. Blasting Technology for Mining and Civil Engineers. Sydney:
University of New South Wales Press. 1995. 146 p.
• The History of Explosives.
• Hustrulid, William. Blasting Principles for Open Pit Mining. Vol. 2 –
Theoretical foundations. Rotterdam: A.A. Balkema. 1999.

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