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भारतीय विज्ञान विक्षा एिं अनु संधान संस्थान मोहाली

(शिक्षा मंत्रालय भारत सरकार द्वारा स्थाशित)

सैक्टर-81, नााँलेज शसटी, िो. ओ. मनौली, एस. ए .एस. नगर, मोहाली,िंजाब -140306
(Estd. By Ministry of Education, Govt. of India)
Sector – 81, Knowledge City, P.O. Manauli, S.A.S. Nagar, Mohali, Punjab -140 306
● Phone: +91-172-2240086 ● Fax: +91-172-2240124 ●Email:●

Advt. No. IISER M/ NF (16)/Regular/2022-23 Date 15-03-2023

गैर संक ाय पदों के वलए भती / RECRUITMENT FOR NON-FACULTY POSITIONS

The Indian Institute of Science Education and Research (IISER) Mohali, an Institute of National Importance,
established by the Government of India, MoE (erstwhile MHRD) in 2007 to carry out research in frontier areas of
Science and provide quality Science Education & Research at the undergraduate and post graduate levels.
The Institute is looking for dedicated, committed and eligible citizen of India to fill up the following vacancies on
regular basis: -
S. No. Name of the Post Post Code Group Scale of Pay Vacancy Details

1. Principal 01 A Pay Level-12 1 On Deputation***

Technical Officer
2. Senior Technical 02 A Pay Level-11 01 UR
Officer (IT/LAB)
3. Technical Officer 03 A Pay Level-10 01 UR
4. Senior Technical 04 B Pay Level-07 05 (04-UR & 01-OBC)
5. Nurse 05 B Pay Level-07 01 UR
6. Junior Library 06 B Pay Level-06 01 UR
Superintendent (01-PwD*)
7. Office Assistant 07 C Pay Level-05 03 (02-SC & 01-UR Lien
8. Junior Technical 08 C Pay Level-05 **12 (06-UR, 03-SC, 02-OBC
Assistant & 01-EWS)
9. Junior Office 09 C Pay Level-04 02 (01-SC & 01-UR)

1. *Post of Junior Library Superintendent is reserved for Persons with Benchmark Disability (PwD) belonging
a. B-Blind & LV-Low Vision
b. D-Deaf & HH-Hard of Hearing

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c. OA-One Arm, BA-Both Arms, OL-One Leg, CP-Cerebral Palsy, LC-Leprosy Cured, Dw-Dwarfism,
AAV-Acid Attack Victim, SD/SI-Spinal Deformity and Spinal Injury with and without associated
neurological/ limb dysfunction
d. ASD(M)-Autism Spectrum Disability (Mild), MI-Mental Illness
e. MD-Multiple Disabilities (Including Deaf Blindness) involving (a) to (d) above
2. **Out of 12 positions of Junior Technical Assistant, 01 post is reserved for candidates belonging Ex-
Servicemen (ESM) Category
3. **Out of 12 positions of Junior Technical Assistant, 01 post is reserved for Persons with Benchmark
Disability (PwD) belonging to:
a. LV-Low Vision
b. D-Deaf & HH-Hard of Hearing
c. OA-One Arm, BA-Both Arms, OL-One Leg, BL-Both Leg, OAL-One Arm and One Leg, CP-
Cerebral Palsy, LC-Leprosy Cured, Dw-Dwarfism, AAV-Acid Attack Victim, MDY-Muscular
Dystrophy, SD/SI-Spinal Deformity and Spinal Injury with and without associated neurological/
limb dysfunction
d. ASD(M)-Autism Spectrum Disability (Mild), ID-Intellectual Disability, SLD-Specific Learning
Disability, MI-Mental Illness
e. MD-Multiple Disabilities (Including Deaf Blindness) involving (a) to (d) above

4. ***The Deputation will be governed by the terms and conditions contained in the Department of
Personnel and Training’s O.M. No.6/8/2009-Estt.(Pay.II), dated 17.6.2010 as amended from time
to time.

1. पोस्ट कोड /POST CODE 01

2. पद का नाम /NAME OF THE प्रधान तकनीकी अवधकारी (ग्रे ड- II)/ PRINCIPAL TECHNICAL
3. पदो कक संख्या /Number of 01 On Deputation
4. अकिकतम आयु सीमा / 56 वर्ष /Years
Maximum age Limit
5. वे तनमान /Scale of the Pay वे तन स्तर -12 - समूह " ए "/ Pay Level-12– Group “A”

6. आवश्यक योग्यता और अनुभव / आवश्यक /Essential:

Essential Qualifications and B.E. / B.Tech. or M.Sc. Degree / BS-MS, in relevant field with first class or
Experience equivalent grade (6.5 in 10-point scale) and consistently excellent Academic

अनुभव / Experience:
5 years of relevant experience in scientific / technical / ICT / other relevant
areas in the post carrying Pay Level 11 or equivalent post.

1. पोस्ट कोड /POST CODE 02

2. पद का नाम /NAME OF THE िररष्ठ तकनीकी अवधकारी (आईटी/लै ब) / SENIOR TECHNICAL
3. पदो कक संख्या /Number of 01 अनारक्षित /(UR)
4. अनारकित पद के किए 50 वर्ष /Years
अकिकतम आयु सीमा /

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Maximum age Limit for UR
5. वे तनमान /Scale of the Pay वे तन स्तर -11- समूह " ए "/ Pay Level-11 – Group “A”

6. आवश्यक योग्यता और अनुभव / आवश्यक /Essential:

Essential Qualifications and B.E. / B.Tech. or M.Sc. / BS-MS Degree, in relevant field with first class or
Experience equivalent grade (6.5 in 10 point-scale) and consistently excellent Academic

अनुभव / Experience:
5 years of relevant experience in Scientific / Technical / ICT / other relevant
areas in the post carrying Pay Level-10 or equivalent post.

1. पोस्ट कोड /POST CODE 03

2. पद का नाम /NAME OF THE तकनीकी अवधकारी (आईटी/लै ब )/ TECHNICAL OFFICER (IT/LAB)
3. पदो कक संख्या /Number of 01 अनारक्षित /(UR)
4. अनारकित पद के किए 40 वर्ष /Years
अकिकतम आयु सीमा /
Maximum age Limit for UR
5. वे तनमान /Scale of the Pay वे तन स्तर -10 - समूह " ए "/ Pay Level-10 – Group “A”
6. आवश्यक योग्यता और अनुभव / आवश्यक /Essential:
Essential Qualifications and B.E. / B.Tech. / MCA or M.Sc. / BS- MS Degree, in relevant field with first
Experience class or equivalent grade (6.5 in 10 point-scale) and consistently excellent
Academic record.

अनुभव / Experience:
IT: 5 years of proven experience in relevant fields in Software development
/ Hardware / System Administration / IT & Networking / AI / Data Science
and Engineering etc. in Reputed Pvt. Ltd. companies /Organisations
Lab: 5 years of proven research / laboratory experience in relevant field, e.g.,
operation of scientific / technical equipment and support to academic and
research framework of premier research and academic

The overall research / laboratory experience gained after Master’s Degree

from premier research Institutes in relevant area and the working experience
gained in academic and research Institutes of high repute should be at least 5
years, in total.

1. पोस्ट कोड /POST CODE 04

2. पद का नाम /NAME OF THE िररष्ठ तकनीकी सहायक / SENIOR TECHNICAL ASSISTANT
3. पदो कक संख्या /Number of Total 05 (04-UR & 01-OBC)
4. अनारकित पद के किए 38 वर्ष /Years

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अकिकतम आयु सीमा /
Maximum age Limit for UR
5. वे तनमान /Scale of the Pay वे तन स्तर -7 - समूह " ब "/ Pay Level-7– Group “B”

6. आवश्यक योग्यता और अनुभव / आवश्यक /Essential:

Essential Qualifications and B. Tech / B.E. or M.C.A. / M. Tech. / M.Sc. (CS or IT) with first class or
Experience equivalent grade
Master’s Degree in Science with at least 55% marks or its equivalent grade,
in relevant discipline.

अनुभव / Experience:
The candidate should have worked for at least 5 years in Pay Level-6 of
experience in Central/ State Govt. / Semi- Govt. / PSU / Govt. Autonomous
Organisation/ Govt. Universities/ Govt. Institutes of National Importance /
reputed scientific or technical organizations.

1. पोस्ट कोड /POST CODE 05

2. पद का नाम /NAME OF THE नसस / NURSE
3. पदो कक संख्या /Number of 01 अनारक्षित /(UR)
4. अनारकित पद के किए 38 वर्ष /Years
अकिकतम आयु सीमा /
Maximum age Limit for UR
5. वे तनमान /Scale of the Pay वे तन स्तर -7 - समू ह " बी"/ Pay Level-7– Group “B”
6. आवश्यक योग्यता और अनुभव / आवश्यक /Essential:
Essential Qualifications and Master’s Degree (with 50% marks) in nursing from recognized University /
Experience Institutions.
First Class Degree in B.Sc. (Nursing) (4-year course) from a recognized
Institute/ University.
Should be registered as Nurses & Midwife in Indian Nursing Council / State
Nursing Council.

अनुभव / Experience:
5 years clinical experience in minimum 50 bedded hospital recognized by
Central / State Govt. / Medical Council of India

1. पोस्ट कोड /POST CODE 06

2. पद का नाम /NAME OF THE कवनष्ठ पु स्तकालय अधीक्षक / JUNIOR LIBRARY SUPERINTENDENT
3. पदो कक संख्या /Number of 01 अनारक्षित /(UR) (01-PwD*)
4. अनारकित पद के किए 35 वर्ष /Years
अकिकतम आयु सीमा /
Maximum age Limit for UR

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5. वे तनमान /Scale of the Pay वे तन स्तर -6 - समूह " बी"/ Pay Level-6– Group “B”
6. आवश्यक योग्यता और अनुभव / आवश्यक /Essential:
Essential Qualifications and Master’s Degree in Library Science/Library and Information Science with
Experience 55% marks from a recognized University.
Bachelor’s Degree in Library Science/Library and Information Science
with first class from a recognized University.
Desirable: Diploma / Certificate in Computer Application/ Digital Library
Management/ Library Automation from a recognized Institute or enough
working experience in Library Digitization and Library Networking.

अनुभव / Experience:
5 years of experience in the field of Library & Information Science in
Digital Library Management / Library Automation and Library Networking
in Central / State Govt. / Semi- Govt. / Govt. Autonomous organizations /
Govt. Universities / Institutions of Higher Education.

1. पोस्ट कोड /POST CODE 07

2. पद का नाम /NAME OF THE कायासलय सहायक (बहु-कौिल) / Office Assistant (Multi-Skill)
3. पदो कक संख्या /Number of posts Total 03 (02-SC & 01-UR Lien Vacancy)
4. अनारकित पद के किए अकिकतम 33 वर्ष /Years
आयु सीमा / Maximum age
Limit for UR position
5. वे तनमान /Scale of the Pay वे तन स्तर -5 - समूह " स "/ Pay Level-5– Group “C”
6. आवश्यक योग्यता और अनुभव / आिश्यक /Essential:
Essential Qualifications and Bachelor’s Degree with at least 55% marks in any discipline with
Experience excellent computer proficiency in Office Applications like Word, Excel,
Power Point etc.

अनुभि / Experience:
5 years of relevant experience in handling Office works & equipment /
knowledge of computer applications / hospitality management / in any
Central / State Govt. or similar organized services / Semi-Govt. / PSU /
Govt. Autonomous organization / Govt. Universities / Govt. Institute of
national importance.

1. पोस्ट कोड /POST CODE 08

2. पद का नाम /NAME OF THE कवनष्ठ तकनीकी सहायक / JUNIOR TECHNICAL ASSISTANT
3. पदो कक संख्या /Number of Total 12 (06-UR, 03-SC, 02-OBC & 01-EWS) (01-PwD*) (01-ESM*)
4. अनारकित पद के किए 33 वर्ष /Years
अकिकतम आयु सीमा /
Maximum age Limit for UR
5. वे तनमान /Scale of the Pay वे तन स्तर -5 - समूह " स "/ Pay Level-5– Group “C”

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6. आवश्यक योग्यता और अनुभव / आवश्यक /Essential: Bachelor’s Degree in Science / Technology /
Essential Qualifications and Engineering in relevant field with at least 55% marks.
अनुभव / Experience:
5 years relevant experience in a laboratory / Academic / Research /
Establishments of National / InternationalRepute in handling scientific
equipment related to the laboratories of Biological Sciences / Veterinary
Sciences / Chemistry / Physics / Earth & Environmental Sciences /
Computer Sciences / Electrical Engineering / Data Sciences / Chemical
Engineering / Chemical Effluents treatment labs, Virtual classroom /
Computer Networking and IT / E-Classroom / Audio Visual
equipment/CCTV Networking etc.

1. पोस्ट कोड /POST CODE 09

2. पद का नाम /NAME OF THE कवनष्ठ कायासलय सहायक (बहु-कौिल) / Junior Office Assistant (Multi-
POST Skill)
3. पदो कक संख्या /Number of Total 02 (01-SC & 01-UR)
4. अनारकित पद के किए अकिकतम 33 वर्ष /Years
आयु सीमा / Maximum age
Limit for UR position
5. वे तनमान /Scale of the Pay वे तन स्तर -4 समूह " स "/ Pay Level-4 – Group “C”
6. आवश्यक योग्यता और अनुभव / आिश्यक /Essential:
Essential Qualifications and Bachelor’s Degree with 50% in any discipline with excellent computer
Experience proficiency in Office Applications like Word, Excel, Power Point etc.

अनुभि / Experience:
4 years relevant experience in office environment.

Last date of submission of application forms is 04-04-2023 up to 5.30 p.m.

1. The applicant must be a citizen of India.
2. All the above positions are regular.
3. The selected candidate(s) will be covered under the New Contributory Pension Scheme as notified by the
Government of India, Ministry of Finance.
4. All applicants must fulfill the essential requirements of the posts and other conditions stipulated in the
advertisement as on the last date for receipt of the application. They are advised to satisfy themselves before
applying that they possess at least the minimum essential qualifications laid down for the post which are
compulsory even if a candidate has some other higher qualifications. No enquiry asking for advice as to eligibility
will be entertained.
5. The prescribed Essential Qualification/Experience indicated are bare minimum and mere possession of same will
not entitle the candidates to be called for test/interview. Where number of applications received in response to an
advertisement is large, it may not be convenient or possible for IISER Mohali to conduct test and/or interview of
all the candidates, IISER Mohali may restrict the number of candidates to be called for written test/ skill test/
interview to a reasonable limit, on the basis of qualification and experience higher than that of the minimum
prescribed in the advertisement. The candidates should, therefore, furnish details of all the qualifications and
experience possessed in the relevant field, over and above the minimum qualifications prescribed along with
documentary evidences. Institute also reserves the right to adopt any other additional shortlisting criteria over and
above the advertised criteria to restrict the candidates for the written Test/Interview. The period of experience
rendered by a candidate on part time basis, daily wages, etc. will not be counted while calculating the valid

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experience for short listing the candidates for written test/interview.
7. Only such person who suffer from not less than 40% of relevant disability, would be eligible for reservation of
PwD. Candidate has to submit relevant disability certificate as prescribed under PwD Act, 1995 and subsequent
―The Persons with Disability Act, 2016.
8. Experience for the positions mentioned in the advertisement will be reckoned from the date of acquiring the
qualification prescribed for the position.
9. The decision of the Director, IISER Mohali in all matters relating to eligibility, acceptance or rejection of any/all
applications, fixing the eligibility criteria, equivalence of qualifications, mode of screening/selection, conduct of
examination/interview, not to fill the vacancy, will be final and binding on the candidates.
10. Applicants must disclose as to whether any of their close or blood relatives are employees of IISER Mohali. Close
relations would include wife/ husband/ son/ daughter/ brother/ sister/ son-in-law/ daughter-in-law and those who
could be termed as blood relations.
11. The number of vacancies indicated in the notification is tentative. IISER Mohali reserves the right to increase or
decrease the number of advertised posts at the time of selection. Further, IISER Mohali also reserves the right
NOT to fill any of the post advertised.
13. Canvassing in any form and/or bringing any influence political or otherwise will be treated as a disqualification
for the post.
14. The qualifications prescribed shall have been obtained from recognized Universities/Institutions.
15. Applications received through email/incomplete/not on prescribed format/ unsigned/not having attached
educational qualification/ experience documents will not be entertained/accepted.
16. If it is found at any stage that any information given in the application is incorrect/false, the
candidature/appointment is liable to be cancelled/terminated on that ground.
17. Candidates should keep their email id and mobile number provided in the application form active. Institute will
not be liable to be responsible for non-receipt/delay in receipt of any communication due to deactivation of email
id and or mobile number given or due to change in communication address etc.
18. If there is any corrigendum/addendum, it shall be published on Institute’s website only. Candidates should
check/visit Institute website regularly for any update on recruitment process. Institute will not be responsible for
delay in information in this regard.
19. The last date for receipt of applications shall be the date for determining the upper age limit, qualifications and
20. The Institute may conduct the written test/trade test/skill test for the post, in view of the number of
applications received for the post.
21. Please note that only Online Applications will be entertained. Applications through email will not be considered.
Incomplete applications i.e., applications without photographs, without the required attested copies of certificates,
testimonials etc. without application fee, not in the prescribed application form, missing page of application form,
unsigned or incomplete in any manner will not be entertained and will be summarily rejected.
22. Separate application form should be submitted for each post.
23. Relaxation/concessions of age:
a) The maximum age limit for the post shall be the same as mentioned above against the post. The age shall be
determined as on the last date of the submission of the application form, mentioned in the advertisement.
b) Age is relaxable for 5 years for SC/ST candidates and 3 years for OBC-NCL candidates.
c) Age relaxation is not applicable for reserved category candidates applying against UR category post s.
d) Age relaxation to the departmental candidates will be in accordance with the instructions or orders of the GoI.
e) Candidates belonging to other eligible categories shall have relaxation as per GoI norms.
f) The Institute follows the reservation norms as per GoI rules for SC/ST/OBC-NCL/PwBD/EWS/ESM.
Candidates seeking reservations benefits available for SC/ST/OBC-NCL/PwBD/EWS/ESM must ensure that
they are entitled to such reservation as per eligibility prescribed by GoI in support of their claim at the time
of application. PwBDs will be entitled to all exemptions, relaxations benefit as per GoI guidelines.

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1. It will be mandatory for all the applicants to apply online and to upload all supporting certificates and
documents. The documents uploaded with the online application, will be verified with original testimonials
at the time of skill test/interview, if the applicants are called for the same.
2. Correspondence, if any, from the Institute including interview call letter to the short-listed candidates/offer letter
to the selected candidates shall be sent to the e-mail ID provided by the applicant.
3. Application once made will not be allowed to be withdrawn and fees once paid will not be refunded on any count
nor can it be held in reserve for any other recruitment or selection process.
4. Candidates serving in Government / Semi-Government Organizations / Public Sector Undertakings /Autonomous
Bodies etc. are required to send the printout of online filled application form ―Through Proper Channel OR
submit No Objection Certificate (NOC) at the time of skill test / interview to The Recruitment Cell, Indian Institute
of Science Education and Research, Mohali-140306. In absence of the same, the application will not be considered
for skill test/ interview.
5. Candidates must pay online application fee of Rs. 500/- for GEN/OBC-NCL/EWS/ESM. Fee is exempted
for SC/ST/PwBD/ Women Candidates of any community. Fee by any other mode of payment will not be
accepted. Fee once paid shall not be refunded under any circumstances. The candidates are required to
pay online application fee only in ICICI Bank by NEFT/RTGS/UPI/IMPS. For payment of fee click Ctrl +
Application Fee Payment.

For Technical Help:

Any other query:

कुिसकिव आईआईएसईआर मोहािी/ Registrar IISER Mohali

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