Official Notification - PGCIL Recruitment

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Advt. No: WR-II/01/2018 Date: 05.01.2018

Recruitment for the post of Diploma Trainee - (Electrical/Civil) and Junior Officer Trainee (HR)

POWERGRID, the Central Transmission Utility (CTU) of India and a “Navratna” Public Sector Enterprise under the
Ministry of Power, Govt. of India, is engaged in power transmission business with the mandate for planning, co-ordination,
supervision and control over complete Inter-State transmission system.
POWERGRID owns and operates about 1,42,989 circuit kms of transmission lines at 800/765kV, 400kV, 220kV & 132kV
EHVAC & +500kV HVDC levels and 226 sub-stations and also the transformation capacity of about 3,11,185 MVA as
on 30th September 2017. This gigantic transmission network, spread over length and breadth of the country, is consistently
maintained at an availability of over 99%.
POWERGRID Western Region Transmission System-II covering the states of Gujarat, Madhya Pradesh, UT of Daman
& Diu and UT of Dadra Nagar Haveli requires bright, committed & energetic persons to join its fold as Diploma Trainee
(Electrical/Civil) and Junior Officer Trainee (HR) for filling up current vacancies.

Discipline and Category-wise break up of Vacancies

Post Name of the Post / Vacancy Reservation

ID. Level UR OBC SC ST PwD * Ex-SM *
(NCL) Reserved for Posts Identified
Suitable for
Diploma Trainee
1 40 20 08 07 05 01- HH OH-OL/HH 04

Diploma Trainee
2 05 03 - 01 01 - OA/OL/BL/HH -
Junior Officer
3 03 02 01 - - - OA/OL/OAL/BL, 01
Trainee (HR)

* Horizontal Reservation.
{OH-Orthopedically Handicapped, OA-One Arm, OL-One Leg, OAL-One Arm One Leg, BL-Both Legs, BLOA-Both Legs One
Arm, VH-Visually Handicapped, B-Blind, LV-Low Vision, HH-Hearing Handicapped, PD-Partially Deaf}, Ex-SM.

Job Specification

Post Name of the

ID. Post & Level Qualification (Age as on 25.01.2018)
1 Diploma Trainee Diploma in Electrical Engineering from recognized 27 years for UR.
(Electrical) Technical Board /Institute with minimum of 70% marks 30years for OBC (NCL).
in aggregate for GEN/OBC (NCL) candidates or 32 years for SC/ST.
equivalent CGPA & Pass Marks for SC / ST / PwD (HH)
2 Diploma Trainee Diploma in Civil Engineering from recognized Technical 27 years for UR/ OBC (NCL).
(Civil) Board / Institute with minimum of 70% marks in 32years for SC/ST.
aggregate for GEN/ OBC (NCL) candidates or equivalent
CGPA & Pass Marks for SC / ST candidates.

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3 Junior Officer Two years full time Post Graduate Degree / Post Graduate 27 years for UR/SC/ST
Trainee (HR) Diploma/ MBA in Human Resource/ Personnel 30years for OBC (NCL)
Management/ Industrial Relation/ MSW (with
specialization in Personnel Management & Industrial
Relations) or Equivalent from recognized Institute with
minimum of 55% marks in aggregate or equivalent CGPA

Job Description

ID. Name of the Post Job Description

1 Diploma Trainee The candidate shall have to work in supervisory capacity for foundation & erection of
(Electrical) equipments in EHV Sub-Stations, Testing and Commissioning of equipments, Operation
& Maintenance of Sub-Stations including overhead equipments, protection system,
foundation and erection of towers, stringing of EHV transmission lines, earthing and
insulation of lines, preventive/breakdown maintenance of Transmission Lines.

The candidate must be physically fit to work in difficult terrain and to climb towers for
carrying out maintenance duties on the towers and conductors and should be thoroughly
conversant with various safety procedures required for working on EHV transmission
2 Diploma Trainee The candidate shall have to work in supervisory capacity for civil works related to
(Civil) foundation and erection of equipment in EHV Sub-stations, operation & maintenance of
EHV sub-station including roads, water supply, sanitation and horticulture development
works, Transmission line survey works, foundation and erection of towers, construction
and maintenance of Telecommunication network.
3 Junior Officer The candidate shall have to work in supervisory capacity, in various areas of HR such as
Trainee (HR) recruitment and selection of employees, training and development, time office, Human
Resource Information System, processing of advances, employee benefit, compliance of
statutory requirements under various Acts, Industrial Relations, Welfare facilities,
general administration, postretirement benefits, etc.

The candidate shall have to efficiently maintain employee data, processing of employees
claims and preparation of reports, maintain Employees personal file and subject file and
look after miscellaneous administrative jobs. The candidate should be well versed with
basic HR systems & should have working knowledge of various applications of Microsoft

Compensation Package

Post Name of the Stipend during Designation & Level on Basic Pay & Pay Scale on
ID. Post& Level training period of successful completion of regularization (Due for pay
One Year training period revision w.e.f. 01.01.2017)

Diploma Trainee Junior Engineer Gr-IV (S1) in In the Pay Scale: Rs. 16000–35500
1 Rs.16,500/- P.M.
(Electrical) Supervisory category (IDA) (Pre-revised)

2 Diploma Trainee Junior Engineer Gr-IV (S1) in In the Pay Scale: Rs. 16000–35500
Rs.16,500/- P.M.
(Civil) Supervisory category (IDA) (Pre-revised)

Junior Officer Junior Officer (HR) Gr-IV (S1) In the Pay Scale: Rs. 16000–35500
3 Rs.16,500/- P.M.
Trainee (HR) in Supervisory category (IDA) (Pre-revised)

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Besides the above, compensation package also includes DA, HRA, Perquisites and allowances as per Cafeteria Approach,
benefits such as monthly conveyance reimbursement, medical facilities, various insurance covers, PRP, leave encashment,
PF, Gratuity and various low-interest short/ long term advances etc. in addition to Basic Pay to its employees as per rules in
force from time to time.

Relaxations & Concessions

1. Reservation, relaxation and concession to SC/ST/OBC-NCL/PwD/Ex-SM/ J & K Domiciled/ Victims of riots shall be as
per Govt. of India Directives.

2. Persons suffering from not less than 40% of the relevant disability shall only be eligible for the benefit of PwD subject
to submission of Disability Certificate issued by a Government Medical Board in the format prescribed by Govt. of
India (For prescribed format please see “Important formats” links on our Career section → Job Opportunities).

3. Relaxation in percentage of marks in required qualification: Requirement of 70% marks in Diploma is relaxed to pass
marks in case of SC/ST/ PwD (HH) candidates subject to reservation of posts as indicated in Vacancies & Reservation
section on Page-1 of this advertisement.

4. Relaxation in Upper Age Limit: As per Govt. of India directives.

5. SC, ST, Person with Disability, Ex-Servicemen and Departmental candidates are exempted from payment of
examination fee.

6. Wherever posts are not reserved for PwD but are identified suitable for PwD as per Govt. Notification, they can also
apply subject to meeting eligibility requirement at par with Unreserved Category. Age Relaxation in such cases shall
be as applicable under rules.

7. Reservation/ Relaxation/ Concession for SC/ ST will be subject to submission of relevant Caste certificate in the
prescribed GOI format issued by competent authority along with application and also at time of document verification
& joining, if called for. (For prescribed format please see “Important formats” links on our Career section → Job

8. Relaxation/ Concession for J&K Domiciled/ Ex-Servicemen/ Victims of riots will be subject to submission of
relevant Age relaxation cum Domicile Certificate/ Discharge certificate etc. in the prescribed GOI format issued by
competent authority along with application and also at time of document verification & joining, if called for.

9. Relaxation and Concession for OBC (NCL) will be subject to submission of a copy of latest OBC (NCL) certificate in
the prescribed GOI format issued by competent authority along with application and also at time of document
verification &joining, if called for. Candidates claiming reservation under OBC (NCL) should belong to OBC – Non-
creamy layer as on last date of submission of application. (For prescribed format please see “Important formats” links
on our Career section → Job Opportunities).

10. Reservation/Relaxation/ Concession for PwD will be subject to submission of medical certificate in the prescribed
GOI format in support of disability issued by the Government Medical Board along with application and also at time
of document verification & joining, if called for. (For prescribed format please see “Important formats” links on our
Career section → Job Opportunities).

11. Trainees working in POWERGRID shall not to be considered as Departmental Candidate. Benefits admissible to
departmental candidates shall be extended to personnel engaged on Contractual/Fixed Tenure Basis (FE/FS) on the
date of application.

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12. Relaxation/Concession for Candidates:

For Posts Reserved for various categories

Relaxation in
Sl. Age-relaxation permissible beyond the Concession in
Category percentage (%) of
No. upper age limit application fees
marks in qualification.
1 OBC (NCL) 03 years No Relaxation Not Exempted

2 SC/ST 05 years Pass Exempted

3 years after deduction of the military
3 Ex-SM – UR No Relaxation Exempted
service rendered from the actual age
6 years (3 years + 3 years) after deduction
4 Ex-SM – OBC(NCL) of the military service rendered from the No Relaxation Exempted
actual age
8 years (5 years + 3 years) after deduction
5 Ex-SM – SC of the military service rendered from the Pass Exempted
actual age

6 PwD-(UR) 10 years Pass Exempted

7 PwD-OBC(NCL) 10+3 Years Pass Exempted

8 PwD(SC/ST) 10+5 Years Pass Exempted

Candidates who had ordinarily been domiciled in the State of J&K during the period from 1st Jan., 1980 to 31st
Dec., 1989 OR Children and dependent of Victims of Riots.

9(a) UR 5 years No Relaxation Not Exempted

9(b) OBC (NCL) (5+3) = 8 years No Relaxation Not Exempted

9(c) SC/ST (5+5) = 10 years Pass Exempted

For Posts Not reserved for various categories

OBC (NCL) candidates applying

10 No Relaxation No Relaxation Not Exempted
for UR post for Post ID 2

SC/ST candidates applying for

11 No Relaxation No Relaxation Exempted
UR post, for Post ID 3
PwD candidates applying for UR/OBC
12 10 years No Relaxation Exempted
posts, for post ID 2 (NCL)
PwD candidates applying for
13 UR/SC/ST 10 years No Relaxation Exempted
Posts, for post ID 3
UR 3 yrs.
No Relaxation
Ex-SM candidates applying for OBC[NCL] 3+3 =6 yrs.
14 Exempted
Posts, for post ID 3
SC/ST 3 yrs.. No Relaxation

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13. For SC/ST/PwD candidates: Reimbursement of Sleeper Class/bus fare by the shortest route for to and fro travel for
the purpose of appearing in test, on production of railway ticket/number/bus ticket for onward journey and self-
attested copy of SC/ST/PwD certificate, is admissible, restricted to distance between the address for communication
and the nearest Test Centre.

14. If any Caste/Category certificate etc. is issued in a language other than Hindi/ English, candidates are advised to
produce a certified translation of the same in either Hindi or English language.

15. Category (SC/ ST / OBC (NCL) / Persons with Disability/ Ex-SM) should carefully fill-up the application form, as
changes in the same are generally not entertained.

Selection Process

The selection process shall consist of Scrutiny of Applications and Written Test (Written Test/Computer Based Test) of
shortlisted candidates. In addition, a computer skill test shall be held for the post of JOT (HR). Applications of candidates shall
be scrutinized based on the Job Specification, Relaxation and Concession given as per the uploaded documents. Hence
Candidates are requested to be very careful while uploading the relevant documents.

The decision of POWERGRID regarding scrutiny of application and short listing shall be final and binding.
Details of selection process as per post after scrutiny of applications is as follows –

Post Name of The Post Selection Process after Mode of Selection

ID. Scrutiny of Applications
1 Diploma Trainee - (Electrical) Written Test Written/ Computer Based Test (CBT)

2 Diploma Trainee - (Civil) Written Test Written/ Computer Based Test (CBT)

Written/ Computer Based Test (CBT) &

Computer Skill Test (for only those who
3 Junior Officer Trainee - (HR) Written Test
will qualify in Written/CBT Exam.
Computer Skill Test is Qualifying in Nature)

Written Test shall be of Objective Type (each question shall have four answer options) of two hours’ duration consisting of
two parts –

1. Part-I consists of Technical Knowledge Test with 120 questions having specific questions from respective discipline.

2. Part-II consists of Aptitude Test with 50 questions on vocabulary, verbal comprehension, quantitative aptitude,
reasoning ability, data sufficiency and interpretation, numerical ability etc.

3. All questions carry equal marks (1 mark). Wrong and multiple answers would result in negative marks of ¼.

4. There will be no interview as interview system has been eliminated in recruitment to Group-C and D categories.

5. The qualifying criteria in Written Test:

Vacancy Reservation Qualifying Criteria

Unreserved Vacancies Minimum 30% in each: Part-I & Part-II separately and Minimum 40% marks in
Reserved Vacancies Minimum 25% in each: Part-I & Part-II separately and Minimum 30% marks in

Candidates qualified in Written Test, the top scoring candidates shall be shortlisted category-wise for empanelment,
proportional to the number of vacancies in the respective category. Final merit for selection will be decided based on
marks secured by the candidates in Written Test (100% weightage) for Diploma Trainee (Electrical/Civil) and for
Junior Officer Trainee (HR) selection will be decided based on marks secured by the shortlisted candidates in
Written Test (100% weightage) subject to qualifying in Computer Skill Test (Qualifying in Nature).

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The offer of Appointment to the suitable candidates shall be issued in the order of merit and based on the requirement.
Selected candidates shall be notified through their login in online application system and/or their registered Email ID.
Appointment of selected candidates will be subject to their being found medically fit in the Pre-Employment Medical
Examination to be conducted as per POWERGRID Norms and Standards of Medical Fitness.

Test Centers

The Written Test shall be held at the following centers:

01. Vadodara 02. Ahmedabad 03. Bhopal 04. Jabalpur

Candidates have to choose the test center nearest to their address for communication. The efforts will be made to allot city
of Written Test to the candidates in order of the choice opted by them in their application. However, in exceptional
circumstances, a nearby different city may be allotted.



Applicants should have sound health. No relaxation in health standard is allowed. Appointment of selected candidates will
be subject to their being found medically fit in the Pre-Employment Medical Examination to be conducted as per the Norms
and Standards of Medical Fitness (Please visit our website: → Career section → Health for details
of medical standards.)

Service Agreement

Candidates selected as Diploma Trainee - (Electrical/Civil) and Junior Officer Trainee (HR) shall undergo training
for a period of one (1) year. They will be required to execute a Service Agreement Bond for the amount detailed below to
successfully complete the training period and thereafter serve the organization for at least three (3) years.

Post ID. Name of The Post Service Agreement Bond

Rs. 50,000/- for General/ OBC (NCL)
1 Diploma Trainee - (Electrical)
Rs. 25,000/- for SC/ST/ PwD
Rs. 50,000/- for General/ OBC (NCL)
2 Diploma Trainee - (Civil)
Rs. 25,000/- for SC/ST/ PwD
Rs. 50,000/- for General/ OBC (NCL)
3 Junior Officer Trainee - (HR)
Rs. 25,000/- for SC/ST/ PwD

How to Apply

1. Eligible candidates should apply only through online registration system of POWERGRID. To apply, logon to → Career Section → Job Opportunities → Regional Openings: WR-II Recruitment →
Candidate Log-In Section. No other means/ mode of application shall be accepted.

2. Online Application window against Advertisement No. WR-II/01/2018 shall be open from 05.01.2018 (10.00
Hrs.) to 25.01.2018 (23.59 Hrs.). Candidates have to register themselves online at
→ Career Section → Job Opportunities → Regional Openings: WR-II Recruitment → Candidate Log-in with valid e-mail

3. Candidate are advised to keep following ready for submission of online application as they have to upload them in the
space earmarked in the on-line application: -
a. Valid Self e-mail ID, Alternate e-mail ID and Mobile No.
b. Scanned copy of their recent passport size color photograph max. (50kb) in .JPG format
c. Scanned copy of their signature max. (30kb) in .JPG format
d. Date of Birth Proof: Matriculation/Birth Certificate (wherein DOB is mentioned) (1MB) in.pdf format
e. Qualification Certificate (Diploma/Degree) along with Mark Sheets of all years/semesters (10MB) in .pdf format
(All Qualification Certificate & Mark Sheets should be scanned as single file in.pdf format)

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f. Experience Certificate (if applicable) (for Present as well as Previous employment indicating start date, end date,
designation, pay scale/emoluments & area of experience) issued by authorized/ appropriate signatory of the
organization(1MB) in.pdf format
Candidates working in Govt./PSU are required to apply through proper channel and need to produce “No Objection
Certificate” from the present employer along with Experience Certificate at the time of Document Verification.
g. Caste Certificate in the prescribed GOI format issued by competent authority (if applicable) (1MB) in .pdf format.
h. Disability Certificate in the prescribed GOI format issued by competent authority (if applicable) (1MB) in .pdf
i. Ex-Service Man Discharge Certificate (if applicable) (1MB) in .pdf format.
j. Domicile Certificates for Candidates from J&K State/Riots Victim in the prescribed GOI format issued by competent
authority (if applicable) (1MB) in .pdf format.
k. Employment Exchange Registration Certificate/Receipt (if applicable) (1MB) in .pdf format.

4. Candidates should ensure that all important details like name and date of birth as mentioned in their Birth Certificate
or Matriculation Certificate, address, category, qualification and experience etc. are duly & correctly filled in. The same
will be verified with original at the time of Document verification & Pre-employment Medical Examination.

5. On submission of valid application, the system will generate a “Resume” with a Registration number. Candidates
belonging to UR and OBC (NCL)(i.e., other than SC/ST/PwD/Ex-SM/Departmental Candidates) are required to pay a
non-refundable Registration fee through Candidate login link available after generation of Resume with registration
number, non-payment of fee is liable to rejection of candidature. Candidate should take a print out of the completed
application and keep with him/her safely for future reference. Candidates shall also receive an e-mail with details of
their Login ID, Password and other information. POWERGRID will not be responsible for bouncing back of any email
sent to the candidate.

6. Candidates belonging other than SC/ST/PwD/Ex-SM/Departmental Candidates category are required to pay a non-
refundable Registration fee as follows:

Application Fees for Candidates other than

Post ID. Name of the Post
SC/ST/PwD/Ex-SM/ Departmental
01 Diploma Trainee - (Electrical) Rs.300/-
02 Diploma Trainee - (Civil) Rs.300/-
03 Junior Officer Trainee (HR) Rs.300/-
The SC/ST/PwD/Ex-SM/Departmental Candidates need not pay the registration fee regardless of the post being
reserved for them or not.

7. Payment of Application Fee (Non-refundable):

Online Method – Through Payment Gateway
 After successful completion of online registration, candidates shall receive an email with details of their Login
ID, Password and other information. Candidates are required to login to candidate login link through job
opportunities section available on career page of our website A button shall
be available on the login page which will guide the candidate to payment gateway.
 Online payment can be made through Credit Card, Debit Card, Net Banking.
 If the transaction is successful, the online payment button will disappear and transaction confirmation will
 If the transaction fails and the amount is deducted, the candidates will have to wait for 2 hours to check any
update in status on his/her candidate login home page. In case of no change, he/ she will have to send mail
stating the issue and quoting his/ her POWERGRID Registration No.

Fees once deposited shall be non-refundable under any circumstances including if the candidature is rejected
for any reason whatsoever. Hence candidates are advised not to wait till last date for submission of application
or payment of fees.

8. The last date of application fee submission through online mode is 25.01.2018 (23.59 Hrs.)


10. Candidate should submit only single application and application once submitted cannot be altered. A valid e-mail ID is
essential for submission of the online application. POWERGRID will not be responsible for bouncing of any e-mail or
delivery of any e-mail to junk mail folder of candidates.

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11. Candidates are advised to make a note of their e-mail ID as entered in the application form and Registration Number
generated at the top right corner of the ‘Resume’. These would be required for accessing information during the later
stage of the recruitment process.

12. Once applied, the applicants are advised to check the website as well as their registered e-mail regularly for any updates.

13. Please note that only those applications which are uploaded along with documents (which should be clear &
legible) within scheduled date as mentioned above will be treated as valid for further scrutiny.

General Information and Instructions

1. Only Indian Nationals who have attained the age of 18 years and above are eligible to apply.

2. It is the responsibility of candidate to satisfy that he/she meets the eligibility criteria (as mentioned in this
advertisement) and other norms in this advertisement fully before applying. The online application form will
not be checking the eligibility.

3. Higher qualification of B. Tech./B.E./B.Sc. Engg. in same discipline in engineering with minimum 65% marks or more
shall not be a bar for the post of Diploma Trainee.

4. Qualifications acquired through Correspondence/Distance Mode shall not be considered for any post.

5. The vacancies notified may vary and operation of panel will depend on requirement.

6. Mere submission of application does not guarantee the adequacy of candidature for being considered for further
selection process.

7. Essential qualification should be recognized in India and from a recognized Institution/ Board/ Council.

8. Application Fee is non-refundable even if the candidature is rejected for any reason.

9. Applications in which the essential qualification/ experience cannot be fully ascertained will be liable for rejection.
Hence candidates are advised to properly fill the application and provide necessary documents asked for.

10. All computation of Age, Qualification, Experience etc., shall be as on 25.01.2018. Date of issuance of final mark sheet
shall be taken as the date of acquiring qualification.

11. Wherever CGPA/OGPA/DGPA or Letter Grade in a degree/diploma is awarded, its equivalent percentage of marks must
be indicated in the online application as per norms adopted by University/Institute.

12. Percentage of Marks obtained by the candidate in Degree/ Diploma shall be calculated based on the practice followed
by the University/ Board/ Institution from where the candidate has obtained the degree. In case the University/
Institution does not have any scheme for converting CGPA into equivalent marks the equivalence would be established
by dividing the candidates CGPA by maximum possible CGPA and multiplying the result with 100.

13. If any certificate etc., is issued in a language other than Hindi/ English, candidates are advised to submit a certified
translation of the same in either Hindi or English language at the time of document verification & pre-employment
medical examination, if called for.

14. Candidature is liable to be rejected at any stage of recruitment process or after recruitment or joining, if any information
provided by the candidate is not found in conformity with the criteria mentioned in the detailed advertisement or if
POWERGRID come across any evidence/ knowledge that the qualification, experience and any other particulars
indicated in the application/other forms/formats are not recognized/false/misleading and/or amounts to suppression
of information/particulars which should have been brought to the notice of POWERGRID.

15. Applications that are not in conformity with the requirements indicated in the advertisement, incomplete applications,
unsigned, without photograph, application fee or necessary document proofs will be rejected.

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16. In case of more than one online registration by same candidate, the application (or registration ID) against
which fee is deposited shall only be considered for further scrutiny. Similarly, where application fees are not
applicable (SC/ST/Ex-SM/PwD), the last registered application shall only be considered for further scrutiny.

17. Management reserves the right to cancel/ restrict/ enlarge/ modify/ alter the recruitment / selection process, if need
so arises, without issuing any further notice or assigning any reason thereafter.

18. The candidates found eligible based on the information submitted by them only can download their admit card
indicating roll number, name of the test venue and guidelines for the test from our website
> Career Section->Job Opportunities->Regional Openings: WR-II Recruitment->Candidate Log-In. Please note
that the admit card will not be sent by post to the Online Registered candidates.

19. Candidates should keep sufficient copies of their same photograph in reserve for future use, which they are using in the
Online Registration. Candidates should ensure that the same colour passport size photograph is used throughout this
recruitment process.

20. Email ID and Mobile number to be entered in online application form is mandatory. In case a candidate does not have a
valid personal e-mail ID, he/she should create his/her new e-mail ID before applying online. Candidates are advised to
keep the e-mail ID and mobile number entered compulsorily in the online application form active for at least one year.
No change in the email ID or mobile number will be allowed once entered.

21. POWERGRID will not be responsible for bouncing of any e-mail or delivery of any e-mail to junk mail folder of

22. In case of Written Test, details of Test Centre, Venue shall be intimated to candidates. Only SC/ST/PwD Candidates shall
be reimbursed sleeper class rail/ bus fare by shortest route for appearing for written test, provided they meet the laid
down criteria.

23. The Vacancies are for WR-II Region. However, selected candidates are liable to be posted anywhere in India and Abroad.

24. Legal jurisdiction will be Vadodara in case of any cause/ dispute.

25. It is mandatory that eligible candidates go through the full text of the advertisement and agree to all the
conditions given, while applying for the post.

26. Applicants can send their Query related to Recruitment to email ID: Please write WR-II
Recruitment Advt. WR-II/ 01/2018- <subject matter>in the subject line of email.

27. Complaints attributable to the incompatibility of the Client Systems, ignorance of users, non-availability of internet
connectivity or any other aspects beyond the direct control of POWERGRID employees or systems will not be
entertained in the Complaint Management System of POWERGRID.

28. Applicants are advised to check the web site periodically for updates. No correspondence made in Complaint
Management System of POWERGRID, in this recruitment will be entertained by POWERGRID. Once registered with
POWERGRID WR-II for this recruitment, all correspondences shall be made through their registered email ID or
candidate login only.

29. Information regarding this recruitment process shall be made available in the career section of POWERGRID website and no separate communication shall be made. Candidates must remain in constant
touch with website for information regarding date of written test, downloading of
admit card, result of written test, medical standards etc.

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Important Date

Sl.No. Particulars Date

1. Commencement of Online Submission of Application and online

05.01.2018 (10.00 Hrs.)
payment of Application Fee
2. Last Date of receipt of Online Submission of Application and online
25.01.2018 (23.59 Hrs.)
payment of Application Fee
3. Cut-Off Date for following purpose:
a. Upper Age limit
b. Acquiring Qualification
c. NCL status for OBC candidates
4. Availability of Admit Cards on website Will be notified separately

5. Date of Written Test Will be notified separately.

All the important notification & updates regarding this recruitment shall be hosted in the POWERGRID website in
the Careers Section and accordingly all the applicants are advised to visit the site regularly.

In order to avoid last minute rush, the candidates are advised to apply early enough. POWERGRID will not be
responsible for network problems or any other problem in submission of online Application.

Driven by Technology – Powered by Professionals

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