FAQ Peltier Cooling
FAQ Peltier Cooling
FAQ Peltier Cooling
©2006,Tellurex Corporation
1462 International Drive
Traverse City, Michigan 49684
231-947-0110 • www.tellurex.com
Electron Hole
Flow Flow
- +
Absorbed Absorbed Absorbed Absorbed Absorbed Absorbed
Heat Heat Heat Heat Heat Heat
Figure 6
11. Are there situations where compressor-based systems make more sense?
Yes. Generally, whenever a small compressor-based system would clearly be “overkill” in providing a cooling
solution, TE systems become the most viable choice. You find a “gray area” amidst the medium-sized cooling
jobs; here decisions ultimately come down to critical cost/benefit or design engineering considerations which
are unique to each application. Given the present state of technology—unless there are unique overriding
concerns—the compressor-based approach has distinct advantages in larger cooling systems such as standard-
sized refrigerators and air-conditioning systems for buildings & vehicles. However, ongoing research into
materials may one day make thermoelectrics practical for many of these larger applications.
18. Does ZMax® offer any performance advantages over other thermoelectric
Definitely! The technology behind the patented ZMax®, offers performance which is unachievable with the
more conventional processes employed by other manufacturers. Tellurex is the only company in the world that
is currently producing these unique hybrid devices—thus it is the world’s “performance leader”.
Positive (+)
This is the temperature at the hot-side mounting surface
of the Peltier device. Pellets
Semiconductor Negative (-)
24. How can I measure THot or TCold in
a thermoelectric assembly?
This is somewhat challenging because you have to get Figure 9
the measuring device as close as possible to the outer
ceramic of the Peltier device while it is in operation. The best choice of sensor here is typically a non-sheathed
thermocouple fabricated from fairly fine wire. One way to approach the placement of the thermocouple,
is to take the heat sink or block which will be mounted to the TE device and cut a shallow groove at the
interface. The thermocouple wire can then be placed so that it will be in close proximity to the module’s center
once the system is assembled. Of course, except for the exposed end of the thermocouple, the wires should be
electrically insulated along the length of the groove to prevent shorting. The thermocouple should be potted into
32. Are there any advantages to connecting modules in series vs. parallel or vice
Under ordinary circumstances, no. The amount of heat pumped by each module will be a function of the voltage
and current delivered to it; whether this delivery is a result of series, parallel, or series-parallel connections is
of little consequence. Parallel wiring does, however, offer some protection against a TE device or connection
failure—with parallel TE modules there will still be some cooling capacity even if part of the circuit becomes
dysfunctional. With series connections, if anything in the current path opens, all cooling power will be lost.
34. In varying power to these devices, should I change the voltage or the current?
According to Ohm’s Law, I = V / R. Current is the dependent variable here—while you can have voltage
without current, you cannot have current without voltage. Any time you apply voltage to a resistive load,
current will flow, and if you vary the level of voltage, you will vary the level of current which results—Ohm’s
Law must be obeyed! In most cases, you will choose a voltage level which gives you the desired results. There
are some application niches where “current sources” are commonly used, but in reality, these current sources
electronically control the applied voltage in order to guarantee a particular level of current; it only seems like the
voltage results from the amount of current put through the TE device.
37. If I have an available power source which exceeds VMax, can I pulse-width
modulate it to reduce the effective DC level?
No! No! No! Because this sort of approach usually works with resistive heaters, a significant number of
designers seize upon this idea to avoid having to translate their available DC supply voltage to a more suitable
level. The only problem is that it doesn’t work with thermoelectrics. Why not?
Let’s say that we want to apply a pulsed DC at twice VMax with a duty cycle of 50%. If this was powering a
conventional resistor, we would simply look at the effective power dissipation over the full cycle of the pulsed
DC and proceed accordingly. Unfortunately, Peltier devices present some extra complexities which cannot be
overlooked. The crux of the matter is that the Peltier device can only pump heat when current is flowing. We
thus have to look at what is happening in each separate phase of the cycle.
When power is on (voltage high), we are driving the TE device at twice its rated VMax; what happens during
this interval is no different than what happens when powering a module at twice VMax continuously. With so
much power dissipated (V2/R) within the device, there is no capacity left for pumping any heat from the thermal
load—in fact, some of the excessive heat within the module will flow back into the load. When power is turned
off in the other part of the cycle, it is true that no power is being dissipated within the Peltier device, but without
current flow, it’s not pumping any heat either. Thus when power is on, you are operating a bad thermoelectric
system which creates heat rather than removing it from the load; when power is off, no active cooling work is
being done. Nothing good is achieved in the process.
38. Can I use pulse-width modulation to control my Peltier device if I keep the
voltage at VMax or below?
Yes, and this is one of the most electrically-efficient ways to control voltage to your device—although you must
observe some precautions. As long as you keep the voltage at VMax or below, you will effectively pump heat
whenever the duty cycle applies voltage to your system; when the power is turned off, the heat pumping will
stop. By pulse-width modulating a suitable voltage, you can easily control the extent of heat pumping by simply
varying the duty cycle of the pulses. The great thing about this approach, is that it allows you to minimize power
dissipation in your control circuit—especially if you use power MOSFET’s for switching (a subject which goes
beyond this particular question).
Significant precautions must be employed with PWM, however. First of all, the PWM should be at a high
enough frequency to minimize thermal stresses to the TE devices. The “Rule Of Thumb” recommended by
Tellurex, is that thermoelectric devices should be pulsed at a frequency of 2000 Hz or higher. Another important
issue is the potential for generating electro-magnetic interference (EMI) in the wiring to the TE device. If you
are using PWM, always shield your power wiring and keep it away from any sensitive electrical signals.
39. If I use enough TE devices in series, can I just rectify voltage from the wall
socket to get 120 VDC?
This is, indeed, a “frequently asked question” when dealing with large-capacity systems. Unfortunately, the
answer is not as straightforward as it might seem.
First of all, the only way that you will get “120 VDC” from a wall socket (assuming that your electrical service
is 120 VAC) is if you leave the rectified voltage unfiltered (i.e., at 100% ripple). It is important to note that the
120-volt rating is the RMS equivalent of the sinusoidal waveform; this is equal to about 70.7% of the peak
VDC (less diode drops and losses). Given the current 100 Avg. V = 108.8
demands for a typical TE device, however, this would 60
Of course, some people would be tempted to simply use Conduction Angle (in degrees)
the 120 VAC unfiltered, but this is not a good idea. As Figure 10
stated earlier, the fluctuating voltage at low frequency
puts the devices under appreciable thermal stress. It is important to remember, as well, that the series circuit
must still have a combined VMax rating of at least 170 VDC or heat-pumping performance will suffer greatly
(just as it does when pulse-width modulating an excessive voltage—see Figure 10).
The potential problems go beyond the mathematics and filtering, however. One of the biggest concerns is
safety. Thermoelectric modules are typically sandwiched between heat exchangers fabricated from electrically-
conductive metals. While ordinarily this should not cause a problem, with the close proximity of components,
there is a genuine risk that hazardous situations can develop when the circuit is connected directly to an AC
line. It is always possible that a wire lead can get pinched or debris can cause a short between a module and
the heat exchangers. With low-voltage DC, this is seldom a problem; however, when you have a series of TE
modules connected to the AC line (or high voltage DC for that matter), one of the exchangers can become
dangerously “live”. If a designer pursues this approach in spite of the risks, a ground fault interrupter is
essential; an isolation transformer is also highly recommended.
40. Can I use linear drive (either voltage or current) to regulate the temperature of
my thermoelectric system?
Yes. Typically this is done by placing a bipolar junction transistor (BJT) in series with the TE device(s). Of
all the options for regulating power to TE’s, linear control (done properly) is the one which imposes the least
thermal stress on Peltier devices. On the downside, a lot more power is dissipated in the linear BJT drivers
than with MOSFET’s in a PWM controller—and this will translate into greater costs for semiconductor heat
management. However, when PWM cannot be easily accommodated in a system because of EMI or power
conditioning considerations, linear control may be the only viable option.
41. Can I cycle the device on and off for temperature control?
Thermostatic operation (on-off) is one of the more affordable modes of control and is a tempting option. With
this approach, cooling (or heating) power is turned on at one temperature and off at another. This means that
the system will continually bounce back and forth between two temperature limits; as a result, it is not a good
alternative if steady-state performance is desired. An additional issue here is cycle time. Slow cycle times are
just like low-frequency pulse-width modulation (PWM) in their potential for thermally stressing TE devices—
and we ideally want to keep PWM above 2000 Hz. If thermostatic control is to be employed, therefore, it is
probably best to keep the cycle time in the range of tens of minutes or more.
42. Can I use a mechanical device like a snap switch for thermostatic control?
Yes, but make sure that you check that device’s DC ratings. Most snap switches are designed for AC
applications; with DC, the potential for arcing and damaging switch contacts is much greater. Usually,
mechanical switching devices of any sort (including relays and toggle switches) will have much shorter life
45. Can I control the temperature of my load by just using a variable power supply
to set a fixed DC level?
Not usually. This can only work if there is absolutely no change in your thermal load or the ambient
environment. The hallmark of temperature control is keeping the temperature steady despite disruptions caused
by varying load or environmental conditions. To accomplish this, you must employ some type of temperature
sensor in a closed-loop controller that will provide just enough power to the Peltier devices to hold thermal load
at the desired temperature. In a cooling application, if the room temperature increases, the closed-loop control
circuit will detect this change and provide extra cooling power to keep your thermal load where you want it. If
the thermal load (in terms of watts) changes, the controller can detect this condition and vary cooling power
as required. Without a temperature sensor and a closed-loop control circuit, any variance in your operating
conditions will be reflected in a change of the temperature of your thermal load. If you want stability, you must
use a “real” control circuit.
points per module (if possible) and keep them in close Figure 12
proximity to the device (usually within 0.25”). Naturally, the
two compression points should be along the center line of the Screw Driver
With multiple device deployment, it is not always possible to use two screws per device, and sometimes the
space between the compression points will span more than one module. Here, the user must watch out for
bowing of the mechanical interface; this can not only damage the Peltier devices, but compromise the thermal
interface, as well. In these instances, it is usually best to decrease the amount of compression to insure flatness.
Q = DT•K•A where
Q is the amount of heat conducted (it can be expressed in either BTU/hour or watts, although in the
themoelectric industry, most support documentation is based on wattage);
DT is the temperature difference between the thermal load and the ambient environment (in F° for BTU/hour
calculations, in C° for watts);
K (Kappa) is the thermal conductivity of the material expressed in either BTU/hour-feet-F° or watts/meter-
L is the thickness of the material (in feet for BTU/hour calculations, meters for watts); and
A is the exposed surface area of the material (in square feet for BTU/hour calculations, square meters for
If you want to include both the conductive and convective components of the load, you can use this equation:
Q = LA•DT where
K h
Q is the amount of heat conducted and convected (expressed in either BTU/hour or watts);
K (Kappa) is the thermal conductivity of the material expressed in either BTU/hour-feet-F° or watts/meter-C°;
h is the heat transfer coefficient (in still air, this ranges between 4-5 BTU/hour-feet2-F° or 23-28 watts/
meter2-C°; in turbulent air, h falls in the range of 14-20 BTU/hour-feet2-F° or 85-113 watts/meter2-C°);
L is the thickness of the material (in feet for BTU/hour calculations, meters for watts); and
A is the exposed surface area of the material (in square feet for BTU/hour calculations, square meters for
DT is the temperature difference between the thermal load and the ambient environment (in F° for BTU/hour
calculations, in C° for watts).
Note that the result that you get for Q with this equation, will be lower than that obtained for the formula based
only upon conduction. This is because the convection/conduction equation accounts for two sources of thermal
resistance to heat flow. With the calculation reflecting a slightly greater series resistance to heat leakage, it
logically follows that fewer watts will be indicated to compensate for passive load.
When you are dealing with an uninsulated load, or an uninsulated portion of one (e.g., a cold plate), then it
becomes very important to explore the convective part of thermal load. In these situations, convection may offer
the primary resistance to the leakage of heat. Remember that in some situations (e.g., an uninsulated enclosure),
you will have air movement on both the inside and outside; as a result, your DT will be split between the two
boundary layers (based on the relative convectivity of each). As you will find in using the equation below to
estimate your convective load, without insulation, you will need to pump a lot more wattage with your TE
Q – h • A• DT 3 where
Q is the amount of heat conducted and convected (expressed in either BTU/hour or watts);
h is the heat transfer coefficient (in still air, this ranges between 4-5 BTU/hour-feet2-F° or 23-28 watts/
meter2-C°; in turbulent air, h falls in the range of 14-20 BTU/hour-feet2-F° or 85-113 watts/meter2-C°);
58. Do I have to insulate between the hot and cold sides of the system?
While there is no law requiring it, insulation is highly recommended to minimize heat leakage between the hot
and cold sides. For best results, use two-part, closed-cell foam; one-part mixtures do not generally produce good
60. If Peltier devices can be used for power generation, will they run in a self-
powered mode?
There is no such thing as a free lunch. The amount of Seebeck voltage generated by a TE device at a given DT,
is a fraction of the voltage it takes to create that DT with the Peltier effect. Furthermore, the voltage which is
generated, opposes the applied TE voltage and, therefore, has an attenuating effect on TE current.
61. What happens if I use a device with more cooling power than I need?
That depends. You can just let your system settle to a colder temperature than was originally targeted. If this is
unacceptable, you essentially have three choices: 1) if possible, you can decrease the amount of voltage in your
system to bring the TE response in line with your needs; 2) you can squander some of your excess capacity
by using a less optimal heat sink (which might save you money, as well); or 3) you can employ a temperature
controller to limit TE power as necessary. Remember, if it is critical to maintain your load at the desired
temperature, the third option is the only one which can insure this result.
66. I need to route wiring through the Peltier device; can I drill a hole anywhere in
the module to facilitiate this?
Semiconductor pellets are used in a rectangular array throughout the device and are connected to one another
through copper tabs. There are small spaces between the rows and columns. While drilling is not recommended,
it is theoretically possible to put holes in these areas; this requires precision drilling and great care must be taken
to avoid creating electrical problems such as shorts or opens. If you fracture a pellet or sever a tab connection,
the module will become inoperable.
It is possible, on the other hand, to manufacture devices with holes in them. These modules do require extra
machining and special processing, however, so the cost is significantly greater than a standard device.
67. I need to cool a tubular shape; can I get a custom device made in a cylindrical
Given the present state of technology, this is an exceptionally challenging proposition. Just finding a way
to configure the device so that it could adequately manage thermal expansion and contraction, would be
demanding enough. If you could satisfy that objective, you would then have to find a means of coping with
tolerance variations in interfacing the device to a cylindrical heat sink. The biggest hurdle, however, would be
creating manufacturing equipment and processes to assemble such a module. Can it be done? Yes, but the cost
would be extraordinary—well beyond the bounds of viability for most projects.
The solution in most situations like this, is to machine a thermally conductive block (usually aluminum or
copper) to create an interface between the tubular load and the flat surface of the thermoelectric device. While
this is not as elegant, conceptually, it generally works very well and is affordable.