Vocabulary (Crime)
Vocabulary (Crime)
Vocabulary (Crime)
A Different crimes
A crime is an activity that is wrong and not allowed by law. A person who commits a crime is a
1 3
entered the building using force, e.g. broke a used physical violence to hurt him
window 4
left the place to avoid danger; syn
with a value of got away
BREAKING NEWS police officers who try to find information to
solve crimes
Detectives5 arrested6 a man this 6
If you arrest someone, you take them to
morning in connection with the murder
the police station because you believe they
of shop assistant, Tracey Miles.
committed a crime. That person is then under
Read full story arrest.
C Punishment*
If you commit a crime and the police catch you [find you and arrest you], you will be punished. For
minor offences [crimes that are not very important; opp serious], the punishment may only be a fine
[money you have to pay], but for serious crimes, you will have to go to court. If you are found guilty
[the judge, or a jury of 12 people, decides you committed the crime; opp innocent], you may be sent to
prison (syn jail).
court prison
* what a person must suffer if they do something wrong
118 English Vocabulary in Use Pre-intermediate and Intermediate
56.1 Test your knowledge. Can you complete this table without looking at the opposite page?
56.2 Find five more pairs of words that have a similar meaning.
catch – arrest
* A warehouse is a large building for storing goods that are going to be sold.