Topic 15. Cultural Awareness

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, Cultural awareness Vocabulary Lookat the photos and answer the questions. 11 Where doyou think the photos were taken? Whi? 2 Canyou think of any stereotypes associated with partcularcultures? 3. Have you ever experienced or witnessed a cross-cultural misunderstanding? What happened? 4 What doyou think you should dobefore visiting a culture that may be very cifferent to yours? 2 Match relationships 1-10 with the words in the box. acquaintance brother-inlaw client classmate co-worker distantrelative ex-partner flatmate senior colleague sister-in-law 1 someone you share a flat with uwork with re with ws 2 someone yo! 3 someone your than you 4 someone youknow but not very 5 someone who was your wife/girfriend or husband Language focus boyfriendin the past but not now 6 someone who buys from your company 7. someone wha is marti husband/wife's sister Work in pairs. Read situations 1~4 and discuss the questions. 1 What isyour immediate reaction to the questionsin each text, yes or na? Can you explain why 2. What information do you need to fully understand each situation? o yourbrother ors your 8 someone who you sre related t {tnot closely 9 someone in the same class as you 10 someone who is married to your sister oris your husband/wife's brother ‘a Iborrowed £2 from a classmate, but when Ltried to eit back, he said | was insulting him. In my culture, lam used to always paying back any money | owe. Should | insist on giving it to him? My brother-iniaw has applied for a job in my company. I'm the boss but | don't want to give him the ‘© What do you know about how these people are job. However, he's from a culture where family is the greeted in other countriesand cultures? ‘most important thing and they do everything for each countries en bow ta other. Should | just say 'no’ even though I know he 8, ‘won't understand? . © My co-workers sometimes ask me if'm martied, how t.youx ep formate pesca ‘much | eam, who I vote fo, etc. Those questions are fine in their cuture but I'm not comfortable answering them. Should | answer them anyway? My partner and | are going to get married next year In my culture, as the son | willbe exected to give my parents an allowance every month. In my partner's culture, this is not normal. Should | insist that we give ‘my parents a monthiy alowance? b How do you greet the people in the box in Exercise 2a? Work in pairs and discuss your answers. se) 6 2 Q) 7s Lstenandunderine the stressed words 2 itnot that realy ds mr anything st at esate sage 2 itsotthet dont wnt to goor anthing sist that tea. 3 isot that drt unetstandr anything sist that Ineedoutorepet 4 test at Ne fan in lve orang ss hat ven ay hea b Ustan aga andrapeat 7 2 Complete the sentences about situation 4 in Exercise 3 with the words in brackets. sssauareme ein | DL, | 1 he's worried about it (sound though) 2 —___he'sright and she's wrong ts just that they need to agree, (nat that) 4a Q)72 Listen totwo conversations. Which of 3 —___ they shouldhave taked about this situations 1-4 in Exercise 3 are the people discussing? earlier. (strike) Listen again and complete the sentences. ———— La Yesitstrkes______she'sinaverylficut i ate avold a SaaH situation (look ke) bb Imesn,itamazes. eS epolied for the — tisisacuturectsh.(sem/me) Jobin the fist place 7 they havent sorted this out yet. ¢ itsnot____he's dane something very wrong, Grewia) 8 he hasrit spoken tohis parents. (bother) d Its__it'snot very diplomatic. b Which sentencesin Exercise 7a do you agree/disagree 2 a Itlooks she wants to make friends with her clsagiea! with? Work in pairs and explain your answers. b Itsounds____she finds them too. @ 610 page 1401 yourap ormreintonatonand practice. personal © Itbothers_ these éndsofquestions. Speaking d_Soit follows __ they might not be comfortable with ancther way of being friends, Pe 5 Read the Language focus box and match sentences ta-dand2a-din Exercise 4b with 1- 8 Workinpairs. Student A: Read the situation. Then work with another Student A Take turns describing how the Introductory It situation seems to you Student &: Turn to page168. ‘Sometimes, itis a pronoun that refers forward to ‘My problem s his. My boss fs ne and he's just moved to my cou. In something 2 his culture beng on tne i not ery important btn my cute Ris. As It seems that you're unhappy. . ‘a result he i often late for meetings. He also doesn't listen very well anc Here trefer forward to the clause that you're somes he tks when air peole ae tling At of my cleagues unhappy. Certain verbs often useitas a subject like are string to lose respect for him Isnt normal ny clit tel your this and there are various patterns after the verb. cee weal Wiel EUPATEE 1 t+ verb+ thatdeseribes how a situation seems to you or what the truth of the situationis, eg. D speak ‘appear seem, turn out, follow. It appears that she's new to this. 9.9 Workin A/6 pairs. Take turns summarising your Note: you can also use the verb bein this way, situation. Does your partner have the same thoughts aa ene and feelings as you? Use the Useful phrases tohelp you. It'snot that ike it:ftsjust that don't mind 2 t+ verb ~ person-+ thatdescribes what a situation Useful phrases makes you think or fee. eg, sre. feel occurto, Does itsurprise/alarm/stike you that.7 seen to, bother, concern, surpise, alarm, amaze. Doyou thinkit seemsasit..2 Itoccurs to me that this isa culture cash Do you thinkit soundstike..? 3. t+ verb + likalas it's though describes haw a situation Seems or appears to you, ee feel look, seem, sound b Try toagree on the advice to give each person. It sounds like he wants to make fiends. 4 It verb + person + infinitive with to(+ that) describes Dray ‘what something makes you think or how it makes you Natta feel eg, bother surprise alarm amaze mein It surprises me to see that sho lost

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