DNV CG 0131
DNV CG 0131
DNV CG 0131
DNV-CG-0131 Edition August 2021
Strength analysis of hull structure in
container ships
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Changes - current
This document supersedes the July 2019 edition of DNVGL-CG-0131.
The numbering and/or title of items containing changes is highlighted in red.
Changes August 2021
Editorial corrections
In addition to the above stated changes, editorial corrections may have been made.
Class guideline — DNV-CG-0131. Edition August 2021 Page 3
Strength analysis of hull structure in container ships
Changes – current.................................................................................................. 3
Section 1 Introduction............................................................................................ 5
1 General................................................................................................ 5
2 Container ship characteristics............................................................. 5
3 Objectives............................................................................................ 6
4 Application and scope..........................................................................6
5 Mandatory scope of calculation/analysis, level 1.................................7
6 Scope for level 2 global analysis......................................................... 7
Changes – historic................................................................................................ 24
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Strength analysis of hull structure in container ships
Section 1
1 General
This class guideline (CG) should be considered in connection with DNV Rules for Classification of Ships, DNV-
RU-SHIP Pt.3 Hull and DNV-RU-SHIP Pt.5 Ch.2 Sec.1 Container Ships.
This CG describes the scope and methods required for structural analysis of container ships and the
background for how such analyses should be carried out. The description is based on relevant rules for
classification of ships.
The DNV rules for classification of ships may require direct structural strength analyses in case of a complex
structural arrangement, or unusual vessel size.
Structural analyses carried out in accordance with the procedure outlined here and in DNV-CG-0127 Finite
Element Analysis will fulfil the requirements to calculations as required by the rules.
Where the text refers to the rules for classification of ships, the references refer to the latest edition of the
rules for classification of ships.
2 Container ship characteristics
2.1 Container ship categories
Container ships are ships designed for the transportation of container cargoes and arranged with cell guides
in holds. Containers are standardised in several sizes, e.g. 20’, 40’, 45’ and 48’ containers are common. The
most common sizes are 20’ (TEU: Twenty-foot equivalent unit) and 40’ (FEU: Forty-foot equivalent unit)
containers. The size of the container ship will be influenced by the characteristics of the route and trade
pattern for which the ship is operating. The ships may be categorised as follows according to the size group:
— Feeder container ship: A container ship which can carry approximately 100 TEU- 3.000 TEU and is
mainly deployed for short voyages between hub ports and small ports in the local area. The ships may be
equipped with cranes for serving smaller ports where gantry cranes are not available.
— Panamax: A container ship which can carry up to about 5.500 TEU. Main dimensions are limited to the
Panama Canal (B = 32.2 m, Loa = 294 m, T = 12.0). Ballast requirements to maintain acceptable stability
are a concern of the Panamax due to its high length to beam ratio.
— Post-Panamax: A container ship exceeding the Panama Canal limits. Post-Panamax container ships
typically have a capacity greater than 5000 TEU.
— NPX, New Panamax: A container ship with dimensions allowing it to pass the new Panama Canal locks,
with Loa = 366 m, B = 49 m and T = 15.2, with a size of 12.500 – 14.500TEU.
— Ultra large container ships (ULCS): designs exceeding the NPX limits. The biggest container ships
deployed have continuously increased in size over the decades.
2.2 Operational patterns that may have impact on the design
Container ships are normally operated on regular routes between designated ports. The time schedule is
extremely important for the operation of container ships. The weather and sea conditions vary, depending on
where the ship is trading.
Variations in the loading conditions will also affect the behaviour of the ship at sea, making it complex to
predict the actual long-term loading on the hull structure.
This classification guideline focuses on typical load combinations established to prevent structural problems
during regular trade around the world.
Ship owners and operators, if they have specific knowledge about possible loading conditions, trade routes,
preferred GM values during operation etc., should give such information to the designers in shipyards and
class as early as possible when planning a new project. By providing such information, the amount of
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Strength analysis of hull structure in container ships
assumptions made during the construction phase may be reduced, giving increased confidence in the validity
Section 1
of the design calculation.
2.3 Torsion response
Container ships having large hatch openings are subject to large torsion response compared to ships having
closed cross-sections. Only considering the vertical hull girder force components is therefore not sufficient to
decide the required hull girder strength.
The torsion (wave torsion induced by oblique wave encounter) and the horizontal wave bending moment
should therefore also be included in the hull girder strength assessments.
The criticality of the torsion response will heavily depend on the ship size. This CG describes two different
levels for longitudinal hull girder strength assessments including torsion analysis as shown in Table 1.
3 Objectives
The objective of this classification guideline is:
— To give a guidance for design and assessment of the hull structures of container ships in accordance with
the rules for classification of ships
— To give a general description on how to carry out relevant calculations and analyses
— To suggest alternative methods for torsion response calculation
— To achieve a reliable design by adopting rational design and analysis procedures.
4 Application and scope
4.1 Overview of different analysis levels
In order to achieve the objectives described in [3], two different analysis levels are defined. The two different
analysis levels are applicable for the design of container ships according to the vessel characteristics as
described in Table 1.
Level 1 analysis must be carried out as part of the mandatory procedure for the class approval for all
container ships.
Findings from the more comprehensive level 2 analysis may result in additional strengthening.
Table 1 Analysis levels versus calculation/analysis scope
Level 1 Level 2
— hull girder strength calculation and local rule scantlings
— rule check of hull girder ultimate strength
Mandatory scope of
calculation/analysis — rule fatigue strength calculation for longitudinal end connections and selected details of
upper hull
— cargo hold analysis based on rule-defined loading conditions.
Supplementary scope of Global FE analysis with EDW’s from direct
analysis wave load analysis
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Strength analysis of hull structure in container ships
Level 1 Level 2
Section 1
Required for large ships and/or novel
Suitable for ships up to Panamax size and with Required with full analysis scope for ships
Remarks conventional design for which the Society and with L > 230 m
designer have experience
Optional with reduced analysis scope for
ships with
5 Mandatory scope of calculation/analysis, level 1
5.1 Rule check of hull girder strength and local scantlings
Longitudinal strength of the vessel and local scantlings must be verified by the rule-defined calculation
procedure as described in DNV-RU-SHIP Pt.3 Ch.5 under consideration of vertical & horizontal bending and
torsion moments and vertical & torsional shear forces. Hull Section Scantlings shall be utilised for a suitable
number of cross-sections along the length of the ship. Special attention should be given to sections where
the arrangement of longitudinal material changes. Sections close to the aft and forward quarter-length and at
the transition between the engine room and cargo hold area need to be specially considered.
5.2 Rule check of hull girder ultimate strength
A ultimate hull girder criterion is given in DNV-RU-SHIP Pt.3 Ch.5 Sec.4. This implies that the whole length of
the ship is verified to have sufficient ultimate hull girder strength to resist an extreme vertical wave hogging
moment without suffering hull girder collapse.
5.3 Rule fatigue strength calculation for longitudinal end connections
For container ships it is mandatory (see DNV-RU-SHIP Pt.5 Ch.2 Sec.7 [1.1.2]), to assess the fatigue
characteristics of longitudinal end connections and of selected details in the upper hull using the prescriptive
method as given in DNV-CG-0129 Fatigue assessment of ship structures.
5.4 Cargo hold analysis based on rule-defined load cases
Strength of primary structural members particularly in way of the double bottom, is to be assessed through
a cargo hold analysis for the midship area as specified in DNV-RU-SHIP Pt.5 Ch.2 Sec.6 [2] and in DNV-
CG-0127 Finite Element Analysis.
For typical fuel oil deep tank arrangements, i.e., tanks are below the deck house in a twin-island design or
tanks are below one 40’ container bay in a single-island design, an additional strength analysis must be
carried out in order to determine the required scantling of primary structures. For deep tanks inside a double
skin transverse bulkhead the strength is to be presented by the cargo hold analysis for midship area.
6 Scope for level 2 global analysis
A Level 2 global analysis includes a FE model covering the entire ship length, typically modelled with girder
spaced mesh or alternatively with a stiffener spaced mesh. The objective is to obtain a reliable description
of the overall hull girder stiffness and to calculate and assess the global stresses and deformations of all
primary hull members for specified load cases resulting from realistic loading conditions and equivalent
design waves determined by direct wave load analysis. In particular the scantlings of members which are
influenced mainly by the torsional moment, i.e. the radii of the hatch corners as well as face plates and
horizontal girders of the transverse bulkheads, shall be checked by a global analysis.
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Strength analysis of hull structure in container ships
For the full analysis scope following global response evaluation is to be carried out over the entire ship
Section 1
— Yield check of nominal stresses in way of all structural members as required in DNV-RU-SHIP Pt.6 Ch.1
Sec.8 [3.7.1].
— Buckling check due to bi-axial nominal stresses of all structural members as required in DNV-RU-SHIP Pt.6
Ch.1 Sec.8 [3.7.2].
— Fatigue assessment of hatch corners and other welded details as required in DNV-RU-SHIP Pt.6 Ch.1
Sec.8 [3.5] and DNV-RU-SHIP Pt.6 Ch.1 Sec.8 [3.6].
— Assessment of hatch opening deflections and hatch cover movements, as guidance to the hatch cover
manufacturer, see Sec.2 [3].
In case of an optional global analysis for container ships with a reduced scope shall be applied in
accordance with DNV-RU-SHIP Pt.6 Ch.1 Sec.8 [3].
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Strength analysis of hull structure in container ships
Section 2
1 EDWs from direct wave load analysis
1.1 General
Equivalent design waves are determined by a wave load analysis to calculate hull girder forces and moments
corresponding to the rule requirements. The numerical simulation of wave and acceleration forces ensures a
realistic superposition of the different hull girder load components.
1.2 Loading conditions
The required loading conditions for level 2 global analysis are given in DNV-RU-SHIP Pt.6 Ch.1 Sec.8 [3.2] for
strength and fatigue assessment.
1.3 Mass model
The inertia loads and external pressures need to be in equilibrium in the global FE-analysis, keeping the
reaction forces at a minimum. The sum of local loads along the hull needs to give the correct global response
as well as local response for further stress evaluation. Since the inertia and wave pressures are obtained and
transferred from the hydrodynamic analysis, using the same mass-model for both structural analysis and
hydrodynamic analysis ensure consistent load and response between structural and hydrodynamic analysis.
This means that the mass-model used need to ensure that the motion characteristics and load application is
properly represented.
In the hydrodynamic analysis the mass needs to be correctly described to obtain correct motions and
sectional forces, while global/local stress patterns are affected by the mass description in the structural
analysis. The mass modelling therefore should represent the relevant loading condition from the trim and
stability booklet., i.e. have the same:
— total weight
— centre of gravity in longitudinal, vertical and transverse direction
— radius of gyration for roll and pitch.
Experience shows that the hydrodynamic analysis will give some small modification to the total mass and
centre of gravity, where the buoyancy is decided by the draft and trim of the loading condition in question.
Each loading condition analysed needs an individual mass-model. The lightship weight components such
as hull structure, machinery and equipment, outfitting, etc. are consistent for all models, but other weight
groups such as cargo, ballast water and fuel oil is different from one loading condition to another.
To obtain the correct mass-distribution in the FE model, an iteration process for tuning the mass distribution
has to be carried out in the initial phase of the load application.
1.3.1 Light ship weight
Light weight is defined as the weight that is fixed for all relevant loading conditions, e.g. steel weight,
equipment, machinery, etc. The steel weight of the hull structure is obtained by applying a material density
to the FE-elements. Missing steel weight for structural components not included in the model can be
represented by nodal masses or by an increased material density for the modelled structural members. To
match a specified centre of gravity position for the hull structure weight, different material densities can be
used for the individual element groups.
The remaining lightship weight such as machinery, hatch covers, outfitting, etc. will be represented by
a nodal masses in relevant regions. According to extent and centres of gravity of the different weight
components the masses are to be distributed on the corresponding nodes. The use of negative nodal
masses is not acceptable. The whole mass model shall be in compliance with the considered lightship weight
distribution from the trim and stability booklet.
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Strength analysis of hull structure in container ships
1.3.2 Water ballast and tank contents
Section 2
For small tanks it is sufficient to represent the liquid mass by distribution of nodal masses to the surrounding
For greater tanks such as deep fuel oil and water ballast tanks it is necessary to apply the local pressure
distribution on the tank boundaries.
1.3.3 Container loads
For the container forces following assumptions are to be included:
— Centre of gravity for every container is to be assumed at 45% of the container height.
— No explicit wind force needs to be considered for deck containers.
— The number of tiers in each stack based on the specification in the trim and stability booklet for the
relevant loading condition.
— The container masses shall be redistributed between starbord and portside in each bay, such that the
required static torsion moment, as given in DNV-RU-SHIP Pt.3 Ch.4 Sec.4 [2.3], is achieved over the
entire cargo hold region(s).
The inertia forces of the containers have to be transferred to appropriate nodes at structural intersections
considering the following:
— Deck container loads should be applied to the hull structure as concentrated forces at X, Y and Z stoppers
of hatch covers. Alternatively the hatch cover geometry can be disregarded and all load components
will be applied at the 40’ container corners into the transverse coaming. In case of 20’ containers an
appropriate distribution of the forces into the coaming in front and behind the 40’ bay, as shown in Figure
1, must be considered. For simplification the vertical forces may be assumed as a uniform distributed line
load along the transverse hatch coamings instead of the concentrated loads.
— For deck containers with direct fixation on deck or stanchions all load components are to be applied at the
20’ or 40’ container corners.
— The tipping moment induced by deck containers accelerated in longitudinal or transverse direction must
be considered by corresponding z-forces at the vertical contact points into the hull structure, see Figure 2.
— For containers in holds the vertical forces are transferred into the inner bottom at the corner points of 20’
or 40’ containers.
— For 40’ hold containers in hold, the transverse and longitudinal forces are to be applied to the transverse
bulkhead members in way of the cell guide.
— For 20’ hold containers loaded in 40’ bays, it is assumed that 1/3 of the total transverse force is
transferred into inner bottom in the middle of the hold at the free end of the 20’ containers. At the other
container end at top and bottom corners the remaining 2/3 of the total transverse force are to be applied
to the transverse bulkhead members in way of the cell guide. Longitudinal forces are to be applied to the
transverse bulkhead members in way of the cell guide.
The load transfer can be carried out in different ways:
— direct application on the ship interface nodes according to the definitions above
— use of temporary beams between the container mass points and the ship interface nodes
— use of auxiliary systems to account for the containers itself during the calculation of the global FE-model
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Strength analysis of hull structure in container ships
Section 2
Figure 1 Forces of a vertical accelerated 20’ deck container
Figure 2 Forces of a longitudinal accelerated 20’ deck container
If auxiliary systems are used for load application and load transfer, they shall not influence the stiffness
of the global FE model. This shall be checked by test calculation without loads on the auxiliary systems.
Deformations of the hull have to result into stresses and strains within the auxiliary systems equal to zero.
On-deck containers can be modelled by using plane stress, shell or solid elements, which may be connected
directly or via the hatch covers to the hull structure by either truss elements. The containers or the hatch
covers have to be supported on the coaming by use of a vertically oriented truss element. At the location
of the transverse and longitudinal stoppers the structure of the hatch covers will be supported either in
transverse direction only or in transverse and longitudinal direction, respectively. The centre of gravity for the
on-deck containers has to be correctly represented to get realistic heeling moments. If the containers in the
holds are modelled by an auxiliary system, again special attention shall be paid to the vertical and horizontal
force transfer to the appropriate nodes in the hull structure in order not to influence the stiffness of the ship.
1.4 Wave load analysis
The ship motions and the pressure distribution on the shell shall be calculated for different wave lengths,
heights and heading angles. The design wave approach is based on the following assumptions:
— For every loading condition the hydrodynamic pressure and ship motions are calculated for different
heading angles by a linear analysis. Application of the so-called strip theory is sufficient. In this approach
pressure distribution is determined by linear analysis up to the still water line only.
— For different waves the hydrodynamic pressure is then adjusted to the real wave contour by a non-linear
correction. The load magnitude including non-linear effects differs considerably from the linear response.
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Strength analysis of hull structure in container ships
— Since the ship motions are based on the results of the linear analysis, the imbalances of forces due to the
Section 2
non-linear correction of pressures shall be compensated by adjustment of the ship accelerations. Inertia
forces of the ship and hydrodynamic pressure shall be in equilibrium.
— In regular design wave approach, numerous wave situations are systematically analysed varying wave
lengths, wave crest positions and headings. With these load cases the hull girder loads according to DNV-
RU-SHIP Pt.3 Ch.4 Sec.4 [3.3], DNV-RU-SHIP Pt.3 Ch.4 Sec.4 [3.4] and DNV-RU-SHIP Pt.5 Ch.2 Sec.3
[2.2] shall be covered.
— Consideration of pressure and acceleration loads caused by free (resonant) rolling shall be included. The
additional torsional moment due to inertia forces from the cargo during rolling may play an important
part. The maximum rolling angle shall be determined on the basis of a refined ship motion analysis
including rolling in a realistic way or on design values given in this document.
— For every loading condition around 20 load cases are finally selected for the finite element analysis.
Selection of these load cases generally results in envelope curves of bending and torsional moment
over the ship length, approximating the curves found in the systematic variation of wave situations and
considering also other design load parameters such as acceleration and rolling.
The applied tools for calculation of wave loads shall be based on recognised software. All wave load programs
that can show results to the satisfaction of the Society will be considered recognised software. The wave load
analysis should be carried out for a ship’s speed corresponding to 2/3 of the service speed. Additionally, non-
linear effects shall be included in the wave load analysis.
1.5 Load cases for strength assessment
1.5.1 Design wave amplitude
The height of the design wave shall be chosen with respect to the vertical design bending moment given in
DNV-RU-SHIP Pt.5 Ch.2 Sec.3 [2.2.3] and with a probability factor fp as defined in DNV-RU-SHIP Pt.6 Ch.1
Sec.8 Table 3.
As a first step, the most sensitive wave length for the vertical wave bending moment shall be found for
the wave crest condition (hogging) and the wave trough condition (sagging). The most sensitive wave
configuration (length and crest position) is defined as the condition where the vertical bending moment
according to the rule is achieved with a wave height as small as possible. This wave configuration is the
design wave.
For head and following seas a variation of the wave length from 0.8 to 1.2 LW/LPP shall be considered. During
this variation process and during the systematic simulation in regular waves, the relevant wave amplitude A
depends on the considered wave length.
To compare the relevant amplitudes from different wave lengths, they shall be scaled on the wave length
LW/LPP = 1.
For each wave length, a full period is considered. Therefore, 50 equidistant positions of the wave crest along
the ship length are recommended.
The reference wave amplitude is the corresponding amplitude of the design wave scaled on the wave length
LW/LPP = 1. The ratio of the reference wave amplitude for sagging and hogging condition corresponds to a
correction factor for the sagging amplitude.
For positions of the wave crest between amidships (hogging condition) and the ship ends (sagging condition)
following formula is used to adjust the wave amplitude Adyn.
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Strength analysis of hull structure in container ships
Section 2
For oblique and beam sea (30° – 150°) the sagging correction of the amplitude shall be neglected in case of
1.5.2 Additional roll angle
Situations in oblique waves and by free rolling have been found to be decisive for several structural
Conventional wave load analysis cannot simulate the roll motion adequately. To solve this problem, the
Society uses the method of additional roll angle to simulate realistic distribution of the torsional moment over
the ship length.
In order to avoid severe load combinations, which are unlikely to occur, the additional roll angle shall
be applied under the assumption that maximum wave amplitude A and extreme roll angle θ do not act
This interaction formula assumes statistical independence between wave amplitude and additional roll angle.
Generally one combination of additional roll angle and wave amplitude shall be considered.
The maximum roll angle θmax in degrees may be taken as:
f(GM0) = 1.0 – exp (–GMdyn/GMmin)
GMdyn = GM0 + 0.01 · B
GMmin = B /(8 · Lpp)
GM0 = metacentric height of the actual loading condition
fp = probability factor according to DNV-RU-SHIP Pt.6 Ch.1 Sec.8 Table 3
θmax shall not be less than fp*20 degree, reflecting the increased sensitivity in beam wind loads at low
metacentric heights.
1.5.3 Variation of the wave parameters
In the regular design wave approach, a large number of waves is systematically analysed with different
wave lengths, wave heading angles, additional roll angles and wave crest positions. Each additional roll
angle, positive (starboard side immersed) and negative (port side immersed), is combined with 6 wave
heading angles. The necessary wave length depends on the wave heading angle. Table 1 shows the relevant
combinations of the wave parameters, which have be to analysed for each loading condition. Head and
following seas correspond to 180 and 0 degrees respectively. Due to the symmetry of the ship geometry,
it is sufficient to consider wave directions from one side. The heading angles 30, 60, 120 and 150 degrees
correspond to waves from starboard.
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Strength analysis of hull structure in container ships
Table 1 Variation of the wave parameters
Section 2
additional roll angle θ 0° ±θmax
For each combination of additional roll angle and heading angle a full wave period is considered. Also here
50 equidistant positions of the wave crest over the entire ship length are recommended. The resulting
wave amplitude shall be based on the design wave amplitude and the corrections for wave length and wave
crest position, as defined in [1.5.1]. Furthermore, for load cases with an additional roll angle, the relevant
amplitude is reduced to 25% as defined in [1.5.2]. In total, 5700 situations of the vessel in regular waves
shall be analysed.
1.5.4 Load case selection
The relevant load cases for FE analysis shall be selected by evaluating sectional forces and moments along
the ship’s length for all analysed wave situations. For these load combinations, vertical and horizontal wave
bending and the torsional moments have to match design values defined in the rules.
Table 3 shows the moment’s distribution of the dominant sea conditions. Table 2 shows the ratio of the
maximum considered moments to the design values. For the torsional moments the zero-crossing point is
also of primary importance. In upright conditions the torsional moment has a zero-crossing about at 0.5 x/L.
In conditions of free rolling (with additional roll angle θmax) the point of zero-crossing depends on the loading
condition. For the max SWBM it is positioned about at 0.3 x/L and for the min SWBM at 0.7 x/L. The applied
bending and torsional moments shall approximately represent the envelope curves according to DNV-RU-
SHIP Pt.3 Ch.4. Therefore it is necessary to select several load combinations of the dominant sea conditions.
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Strength analysis of hull structure in container ships
Load case selection shall be done in a way to obtain the largest stress values.
Section 2
For each loading pattern about 20 load combinations are finally selected for the finite element analysis.
A detailed description of the load case selection process is given in /1/.
Table 2 Moment factors
Still water static moments Wave-induced dynamic moments
Head and follow sea 1 1 fp 0 0
Oblique sea 1 1 0.7*fp fp fp
Free rolling 1 1 0.35*fp fp fp
Table 3 Load case selection
Max stillwater bending moment Min stillwater bending moment
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Strength analysis of hull structure in container ships
Max stillwater bending moment Min stillwater bending moment
Section 2
sea in
wave crest
Oblique sea
in wave
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Strength analysis of hull structure in container ships
Max stillwater bending moment Min stillwater bending moment
Section 2
rolling, StB
rolling, PS
1.5.5 Loads on bow and stern structures
Consideration of slamming loads is crucial for ships with excessive bow flare and stern overhang. Since direct
calculation of slamming loads is extensive and time consuming, a simplified method based on rule defined
impact pressures is recommended for global strength analysis. The concept used to obtain balanced load
cases comprises the following steps:
— Consideration of static weight loads and stillwater pressures. No hydrostatic loads are applied to elements
where impact pressures are at least as large as the static pressure.
— Dynamic pressures on shell elements are computed from DNV-RU-SHIP Pt.3 Ch.10 Sec.1 and DNV-RU-
SHIP Pt.3 Ch.10 Sec.3 for bow area and stern areas, respectively.
— Mean impact pressures of 0.375 PFB on bow or mean slamming pressure of 0.375 PSS on stern areas are
applied in a way that, in combination with dynamic weight loads, the resulting vertical wave bending
moment does not exceed the rule wave sagging bending moment. This restriction is required between
10% and 90% of the ship’s length. For typical vertical bending moment distributions, see Figure 3.
— For this purpose, bow and stern areas with at least 10° flare angle are divided into several vertical areas
parallel to waterline. Load cases are generated by adding slamming loads, area by area, until the required
vertical bending moment is reached. If necessary, the impact pressure on the last added area is scaled
by a factor less than one, so that the resulting vertical bending moment does not exceed the rule bending
— In this way, several load cases are generated until at each z-position above the ballast waterline the mean
bow impact or mean stern slamming pressure is applied.
Each slamming load case results from the combination of impact pressure, hydrostatic pressure, and weight
loads. These loads are balanced by adjusting the dynamic acceleration factors for the weight loads. This
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Strength analysis of hull structure in container ships
procedure represents the slamming condition for global strength analyses in a simple but realistic way and
Section 2
enables dimensioning of fore and aft ship areas.
The evaluation is limited to permissible stresses and buckling strength only. The fatigue criteria are ignored
for slamming load cases.
Figure 3 Vertical wave bending moments for slamming load cases
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Section 2
1.6 Load cases for fatigue assessment
Equivalent design waves (EDW) for fatigue load cases as defined in DNV-RU-SHIP Pt.3 Ch.4 Sec.2 [3] shall
be selected from a set of systematic varied load cases. Each EDW shall maximise or minimise a dominant
load component at a given location.
Due to the symmetry of the ship geometry, it is sufficient to consider wave directions from one side. The
heading angles 60 and 90 degrees correspond to waves from starboard.
For the relevant heading angle of the considered EDW and the use of a unit wave amplitude of 1.5 m, wave
conditions with different lengths and crest positions are analysed to find the condition with highest response
on the dominant load component. In a second step the wave amplitude shall be adjusted in a linear way, until
the dominant load component reached the rule value at relevant location. For the rule value the coefficient fp
shall be taken as defined in DNV-RU-SHIP Pt.3 Ch.4 for fatigue assessment.
Contrary to load case selection forstrength assessment, here for fatigue strength the relevant wave
amplitude is determined for each EDW individually and no corrections in dependence of the wave length and
wave crest location are applied. Furthermore no additional roll angle is applied, roll motions are represented
by conditions in the natural roll period only.
1.6.1 Head and following sea (HSM & FSM)
For one set of conditions with head (HSM) and following (FSM) seas a variation of the wave length from 0.8
to 1.2 LW/Lpp shall be carried out with a step size of 0.05 LW/Lpp. For each wave length a scan at least
over 50 equidistant wave crest positions is necessary to find the condition with the highest response on the
vertical bending moment at midship in hogging and sagging wave. For the most sensitive hogging condition
either in head or following sea the amplitude shall be adjusted, until at the location with maximum vertical
bending moment the rule value is fulfilled. Same amplitude shall be used for the less sensitive heading angle
in hogging condition, so that the amplitude for the EDWs HSM2 and FSM2 is identical.
In the same way a separate adjustment of the wave amplitude in the sagging condition shall be carried out
to fulfill the minimum vertical bending moment. This amplitude shall be applied for the EDWs HSM1 and
1.6.2 Oblique sea (OST)
For conditions in oblique sea (OST-S) a variation of the wave length from 0.35 to 0.65 LW/Lpp shall be
carried out for a heading angle of 60°. For each wave length a scan at least over 50 equidistant wave crest
positions is necessary to find the condition with the highest response on the torsion moment in way of x/L
= 0.25 - 0.35 in hogging (OST-2S) and sagging (OST-1S) wave. For the most sensitive condition of OST-1S
the amplitude shall be adjusted, until at the location with maximum torsion moment the rule value is fulfilled.
Same amplitude shall be used for further wave crest positions to reflect the torsional envelope curve in
way of x/L = 0.20 - 0.45 at least by three load cases. In the same way a separate adjustment of the wave
amplitude for OST-2S shall be carried out, to represent the minimum envelope curve of torsion moment.
1.6.3 Beam sea roll (BSR)
For conditions in beam sea with large roll angles (BSR-S) in a heading angle of 90° such wave lengths shall
be scanned, where it is expected that the wave period match with the roll period. At least 50 equidistant
wave crest positions shall be checked for each wave length, to find the condition with the highest response
on the torsion moment in way of x/L = 0.65 - 0.75 due rolling to starboard (BSR-1S) and to portside
(BSR-2S). For the most sensitive condition of BSR-1S the amplitude shall be adjusted, until at the location
with maximum torsion moment the rule value is fulfilled. Same amplitude shall be used for conditions where
the ship rolls to portside in BSR-2S and the resulting torsion moment reach his minimum value.
On basis of the roll period according to DNV-RU-SHIP Pt.3 Ch.4 Sec.3 [2.1.1] and the wave period with :
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Strength analysis of hull structure in container ships
2 2
the critical wave lengths LW in [m] can be expected between 6.5 kr /GM and 9.0 kr /GM.
Section 2
1.6.4 Beam sea pressure (BSP)
For conditions in beam sea with high pressure on starboard side (BSP-S) a variation of the wave length from
0.25 to 0.55 LW/Lpp shall be carried out for a heading angle of 90°. For each wave length a scan at least
over 50 equidistant wave crest positions is necessary to find the condition with the highest hydrodynamic
pressure amidships on starboard side 5 m below waterline. For the most sensitive condition of BSP-1S the
amplitude shall be adjusted, until the rule value is fulfilled. In the same way a separate adjustment of the
wave amplitude for BSP-2S shall be carried out, to find the condition with minimum pressure on starboard
2 Fatigue assessment
The global finite element analysis allows for the consideration of fatigue aspects. The fatigue strength
assessment is to be carried out as described in DNV-CG-0129 Fatigue assessment of ship structures.
2.1 Fatigue stress range and mean stress
For each loading condition the maximum and minimum stress has to be determined. Port side and starboard
side are to be combined to determine the maximum stress range, because wave directions are considered
from only one side in the load case selection. In general, the mean stress is to be taken as the arithmetic
mean of the maximum and minimum stress that yield the maximum stress range.
The fatigue stress range including correction factors, e.g. for mean stress, is to be determined according to
DNV-CG-0129 Sec.3 [2].
2.2 Fatigue assessment of hatch corners
2.2.1 Local model
Fatigue assessment of hatch corners is to be carried out by fine mesh analysis by means of a local model.
This model shall extend at least one web space aft and forward of the considered hatch corner in the
longitudinal direction, and one container height above and below. Secondary stiffeners may be represented
by truss elements as in the global model. Alternatively, hatch corners may be modelled with a fine mesh
directly in the global finite element model.
A maximum stress range is to be derived within each loading condition. The results are sensitive to the mesh
arrangement in way of the hatch corner area. Therefore, it is required that an arc equal to a quarter of a
circle is divided into at least 10 elements. To evaluate the edge stresses of the hatch corner it is sufficient to
arrange truss elements along the free edge with a zero cross sectional area.
2.2.2 Load application
The deflections obtained from the global analysis will be applied to the relevant nodes of the local model as
forced deformations. If the size of the local model is greater than in the description above, local loads like
container loads and sea pressures shall be applied on the local model if relevant.
2.3 Fatigue assessment of longitudinal stiffener end connections
For the fatigue assessment of end connections of longitudinal stiffeners in the side shell and bilge, the
global longitudinal hull girder stress, the local external pressures, and the relative deflections of supporting
transverses can be evaluated by the global strength analysis.
The longitudinal hot-spot stress due to hull girder wave loads is to be taken for each load case equal to the
nominal uniaxial dynamic hull girder stress from the global strength analysis, multiplied by the hot-spot
stress concentration factor Ka according to DNV-CG-0129 App.A. Similarly, the hot-spot stress due to still
water hull girder bending moment is to be taken equal to the nominal uniaxial static hull girder stress from
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Strength analysis of hull structure in container ships
the global strength analysis, multiplied by the hot-spot stress concentration factor Ka according to DNV-
Section 2
CG-0129 App.A.
The hot-spot stress due to stiffener bending from dynamic pressure shall be calculated according to DNV-
CG-0129 Sec.4 [6.1]. The dynamic wave pressure PW for each load case is to be taken equal to the external
dynamic pressure from the wave load analysis and the factor fNL is to be taken equal to 1.0. The dynamic
liquid tank pressure, Pld, is to be taken equal to zero. The hot-spot stress due to stiffener bending from static
pressure shall be calculated according to DNV-CG-0129 Sec.4 [6.2]. The static wave pressure PS is to be
taken equal to the external static pressure from the global strength analysis. The static liquid tank pressure,
Pls, is to be taken equal to the prescriptive static tank pressure.
The hot-spot stress due to dynamic relative displacement shall be calculated for each load case according to
DNV-CG-0129 Sec.4 [7.5] based on dynamic relative displacement taken from the global strength analysis.
Similarly, the hot-spot stress due to static relative displacement shall be calculated according to DNV-
CG-0129 Sec.4 [7.6] based on static relative displacement taken from the global strength analysis.
Stresses due to double hull bending are already included in the global longitudinal hull girder stress taken
from the global strength analysis.
2.4 Fatigue assessment of other welded details
For the fatigue assessment of welded details, e.g., transverse butt welds, hatch cover resting pads,
equipment holders etc. in the upper part of the hull girder the evaluation of permissible stress concentration
factors or required FAT classes according to DNV-CG-0129 Sec.3 [5], based on nominal stress from the global
FE analysis, may be convenient. Also for the fatigue assessment of flange intersections of stringers and
vertical girders of transverse bulkheads this method may be chosen.
Knuckles and discontinuities of longitudinal structural members in the upper part of the hull girder shall
be assessed using local models as described in DNV-CG-0129 Sec.6. Alternatively, these details may be
modelled with a fine mesh directly in the global finite element model.
3 Hatch cover movements
One important result of the global strength analysis is the determination of the deformed hatch diagonal
dimension and the determination of the hatch cover movements relative to the hatch coaming and relative to
the adjacent hatch covers. In Figure 4 the different positions are shown.
The evaluation values depend on the deformation of the coaming and on the stopper positions. Any
clearances in the stopper are neglected in the evaluation. These values shall be added to the calculated
values accordingly.
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Section 2
Figure 4 Hatch cover movements
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Strength analysis of hull structure in container ships
Section 2
4 Embedded cargo hold analysis
4.1 General
The cargo hold FEA according to DNV-RU-SHIP Pt.5 Ch.2 Sec.6 can be carried out with the global FE-model,
when the mesh size in mid ship area corresponds with the stiffener spacing as described in DNV-CG-0127
Sec.3 [2.2.4] .
4.2 Direct wave load analysis
Based on the load procedure described in [1] the required load combinations according to DNV-RU-SHIP
Pt.5 Ch.2 Sec.6 Table 1 and DNV-RU-SHIP Pt.5 Ch.2 Sec.6 Table 3 are to be generated by direct wave load
analysis for a 10 probability level of exceedance. Inside the investigated cargo hold and the two adjacent
holds the loading patterns shall be in alignment with the required ones of Table 1 or Table 2. Outside of these
three holds the loading patterns can be adjusted in such a way, that the required draught and still water
bending moment can be fulfilled on an even trim. To achieve the deepest equilibrium waterline TDAM for LC7
“Flooded damaged condition”, all compartments shall be filled in the global FE-model as described for the
selected damaged scenario.
4.3 Yield acceptance criteria
Verification against the yield criteria shall be carried out according to DNV-RU-SHIP Pt.3 Ch.7 Sec.3 [4.2].
4.4 Buckling acceptance
Verification against the buckling criteria shall be carried out according to DNV-RU-SHIP Pt.3 Ch.8 Sec.4.
5 References
/1/ Eisen, H., Rörup, J., Scharrer, M. (2009); Automatic Selection of CFD-based Design Loads for the
FEM Analysis of Ship Structures 10th International Marine Design Conference, Trondheim.
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Strength analysis of hull structure in container ships
Changes – historic
July 2019 edition
Changes July 2019
Topic Reference Description
Sec.2 [1.3.3] Explanations for application of the static torsion moment.
Sec.2 [1.5.1] Requirements are updated with reference DNVGL-RU-SHIP Pt.6
Ch.1 Sec.8.
Sec.2 [1.5.2] Requirements are updated with reference DNVGL-RU-SHIP Pt.6
Ch.1 Sec.8. The abbreviation ULS is deleted to avoid confusion.
Sec.2 Table 2 Requirements for the consideration of the static torsion moment
are updated.
Sec.2 Table 3 Consideration of the static torsion moment. Correction of the
rolling conditions.
Sec.2 [1.5.5] Clarified requirements and referred to DNVGL-RU-SHIP Pt.6
Ch.1 Sec.8.
January 2018 edition
Changes January 2018, entering into force as from date of
Topic Reference Description
October 2015 edition
Amendments February 2016
Only editorial corrections have been made.
October 2015
This is a new document.
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Strength analysis of hull structure in container ships
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