EdGCM Panoply
EdGCM Panoply
EdGCM Panoply
The following Java libraries and classes are used with permisson under the
GNU Lesser General Public License (http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/lesser.
GNU JAXP and AElfred2 parser by the GNU Classpath Extensions Project
Source code and compiled Java bytecode for these libraries and classes are
available at the URLs provided.
Contact Information 1
Installation Notes 2
Vertical Perspective 18
Exporting Plots 20
Saving Preferences 20
Coordinate Variables 21
Boundary Variables 22
Special Values 23
Scale Labels 24
Panoply is a Java application that enables the user to plot raster images
of geo-gridded (geo-referenced) data from datasets in netCDF format (see
Appendix 1). Depending on the type of data available, Panoply can be
used to create displays in a variety of ways:
Panoply also functions as a tool for graphical data analysis and reporting
of results by allowing the user to:
Your computer must have a Java 1.3 virtual machine or better installed
prior to the installation of Panoply. For the latest version of Java, visit
Contact Information
Robert B. Schmunk
NASA Goddard Institute for Space Studies
2880 Broadway, New York, NY 10025 USA
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User’s Guide to Panoply 1
Installation Notes
After uncompressing the Panoply package, you should be able to run it “as
is” from the location where you’ve placed the application.
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User’s Guide to Panoply 3
4 User’s Guide to Panoply Return to Contents
Quick Start Guide
The data browser displays the names and characteristics of the variables within the
datasets selected.
The details of a given variable within the dataset are shown on the right
side of the data browser. If you don’t wish to see these details, simply click
on the “Hide CDL” icon in the upper right corner of the data browser.
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User’s Guide to Panoply 5
Multiple datasets can be opened in the data browser, which is especially
useful if you plan to compare the same variable in different datasets. To
add more datasets, simply open them in the same way you opened the
initial dataset. The new dataset files will appear as new folders within the
data browser. To remove an extra dataset at any point, simply select the
folder name and click on the “Remove” whiskbroom icon in the upper right
corner of the data browser. If you have already made plots and want to
delete any unused datasets at that point, click instead on the “Remove All”
whiskbroom icon.
When you are ready to create a plot, select a single variable from the list.
At that point, the “Create Plot” icon in the upper right corner of the data
browser becomes available. Click once on this icon, or else double-click the
name of the specific variable you want, to create a plot.
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User’s Guide to Panoply 7
Map plots and zonal averages displayed in gridded (top row) and interpolated (bottom
row) form.
Within the Array(s) tab, you can also change the time interval of interest
according to the data available in the dataset. In the example below, you
can select the month of the year you want to see plotted by either typing in
a month number or selecting a month from the drop-down menu.
If you are plotting more than one array in a single plot (e.g., if you are
differencing two datasets), the properties for the second array can be
modified in the same way as for the first array. Make sure that you have
the appropriate array selected in the drop-down menu of the array(s) tab
before you begin changing plot properties.
Units: The unit selection depends upon the units assigned to variables
in the dataset. In the example below, units are given in degrees Kelvin
Divisions: This setting refers to the number of major segments on the
map colorbar scale or the major y-axis labels of a zonal average plot.
There can be between two and six labeled divisions.
Format: This setting refers to the display of numeric labels as real
numbers in decimal form (%f), numbers in scientific notation (%E), or the
option to display in either form (%G). The labels f, E and G are standard
Fortran variable formats; the other choices in the drop-down menu
(ranging e.g. from %.0f to %.6f) denote the number of significant digits
to be displayed for a particular format. For the average user, %G is a
reasonable format selection.
Scaling Factor: For datasets where the range in values is quite small, a
scaling factor, or exaggeration, expressed in exponential form can be
useful in underscoring variability.
Min., Max./Fit to Data: This setting can be used to impose a scale of a
certain range, for example, if a user wanted to have a scale with minima
and maxima rounded to whole numbers. If the “Always Fit” checkbox is
selected, however, the scale will be fitted precisely to the data, and no
modification of the scale endpoints will be possible.
The Scale tab allows flexibility in the labeling of scales for map colorbars and zonal
average plots.
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User’s Guide to Panoply 9
The Colors Tab
This tab is primarily for use with map plots, as it is in this tab that you can
select which colorbar you want to use.
Colorbar: Thirty different colorbars have
been included in Panoply, and each is
listed in the “Colorbar” drop-down menu;
you can, however, use a custom colorbar
if you wish (see Appendix 2 for details).
The “Flip Scale” checkbox allows you to
reverse the order of colors in a colorbar
selected from the list.
If at any point you would like to see
the spectrum of colors that would be
displayed for a given color bar, go into
the Panoply Windows menu and select
“Colorbars Browser” (shown at right).
Background: This setting can be used for both map plots and zonal average
plots. It allows you to make the plot background either white or black.
Invalids: This setting allows you to indicate areas without data in a map
plot by selecting a particular color (black, dark gray, gray, light gray, or
white) that will contrast appropriately with your Colorbar selection.
The Maps tab provides the major control for the appearance of your map.
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User’s Guide to Panoply 11
Some of the more commonly used map projections are:
Equirectangular: This is a cylindrical map projection, which means
it has straight meridians and parallels that intersect at right angles.
Scale is true at the equator, and along any pair of parallels equidistant
from the equator. While is useful for comparison of narrow regions at
similar latitudes, the increasing distortion of scale toward the polar
regions makes it a less-than-ideal choice for world maps.
Mercator: This projection is perhaps the most famous of the cylindrical
map projections. It differs from other types of cylindrical projections
in that it is conformal: it preserves angles, so that any two lines in the
map follow the same angle as the corresponding original lines on the
Earth, even though shapes become increasingly distorted toward the
poles. For this reason, the Mercator projection is often used in marine
Mollweide: This is a pseudocylindrical map projection, which means
that it has straight and parallel latitude lines and equally spaced
meridians, but all but the centermost meridian are curved. This
projection is often used for world maps.
Orthographic: This azimuthal projection is used for perspective views
of hemispheres, and so is especially useful for viewing polar regions.
Area and shape are distorted, but distances along lines of latitude are
Azimuthal Equal Area: This azimuthal projection has the distinction
of being able to show areas in true proportion to the same areas on
Earth. Scale decreases gradually away from the center point, while
distortion increases. This projection is useful for displaying large
regions, such as the Pacific Ocean, that extend equally in all directions
from a center point.
Stereographic: Yet another azimuthal projection, this one is also
useful for polar regions, and in fact is often used for navigation
there. Directions are true from the center point and scale increases
away from the center, and area and shapes are increasingly distorted
toward the outer edge of the map.
Center on: You can select a particular point on the globe to be placed at
the center of the map, a useful feature for highlighting locations that are
typically close a map edge.
Grid color: The default selection is black, but you can select from a range
of colors to emphasize grid lines or to make them more subtle. You can
also adjust the opacity of the grid lines by typing a different percentage
in the adjacent box.
The Zonal Grid tab permits limited customization of your line plot.
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User’s Guide to Panoply 13
The Data Window
Tucked behind the map tab in the plot window is the array of data used
to generate the map and zonal average plots, appropriately called the
data window (shown below). Metadata (including the dataset name, long
variable name, units, grid numbering and time slice) are listed at the top
of the window.
Values for individual grid cells are listed by lat/long or lat/vert coordinates,
with the zonal average value listed in a separate column to the right. The
value “NaN” (“not a number”) is given for grid cells that have no available
data (i.e., the “invalid” cells that are assigned a color outside the colorbar
spectrum). The format of the numeric values can also be changed at the
bottom of the window, in lieu of making a selection on the scale tab in the
map window.
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User’s Guide to Panoply 15
Adding a second array to an existing plot creates a new data window behind the first
one, and enables the comparison drop-down menu in the Array(s) tab.
Once you have a second array opened, you will see that the comparison
drop-down menu has become enabled in the Array(s) tab of the map
plot. The menu allows you to examine each array individually as well as
difference them (array 1 – array 2 and vice versa), add them, multiply
them, and average them.
When plotting differences, always choose a colorbar (in the Colors tab)
that has white in the exact center of the bar (e.g., panoply_diff PAL-1). In
this way, white = no difference. Then, within the Scale tab, uncheck the
“Always fit” box and set your scale so that the Max = -1 x Min (e.g., Max =
5.0 when Min = -5.0). This creates a color bar with a symmetric scale, so
that it is easy to distinguish positive anomalies (e.g., colors to the right of
white are regions that warmed) and negative anomalies (e.g., colors to the
left of white are regions that cooled).
The vertical plot you create shows the changes in the variable “u-wind”
with altitude for each latitude between the north and south poles. The
controls in the tabs across the bottom of the vertical plot window are
similar to those for a zonal average plot, with the exception of the Array(s)
tab. For vertical plots, the “Longitude” control allows you to specify which
meridian slice you would like to see displayed (in degrees east), or zonal
average for each line of latitude (the choice “Average” from the “Longitude”
drop-down menu).
Another minor difference between the controls for zonal average plots
and vertical plots is in the Grid tab. For vertical plots, you can use the
controls here to adjust the Y-axis units and numeric format, and the grid
color and opacity, in addition to the X-axis orientation (North or South
Pole to left).
Just as with map plots, you can open a second array of lat-vert data to
create difference plots comparing a variable along two different meridians
in the same dataset, or a variable along the same meridian in two different
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User’s Guide to Panoply 17
Vertical plots al-
low you to display
data along a
single meridian
(in this case, the
Prime Meridian).
Recentering the
map and limit-
ing the height and
width of the map
produces a regional
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User’s Guide to Panoply 19
Vertical Perspective
To create a bird’s-eye view of your map plot, select the Maps tab and choose
the “Vertical Perspective” projection. Note that when you do, a new setting
appears: “Center Distance (R),” which alters the map viewer’s perspective
to varying “heights” above a point that you select.
Saving Preferences
If you would like to have your plots default to a particular set of
characteristics, you can set these within the Panoply preference windows.
Any of the characteristics you previously set in the tabs within the plot
window can also be set here.
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User’s Guide to Panoply 21
22 User’s Guide to Panoply Return to Contents
Appendix 1
netCDF Data Files
The netCDF (network Common Data Form) file format was developed to
assist in the creation, access and sharing of scientific datasets. A detailed
description of the netCDF format is available from the UCAR Unidata
Program Center (http://my.unidata.ucar.edu/content/software/netcdf/
index.html). The following discussion concerns what information Panoply
requires in order to work with the contents of a netCDF dataset.
In general, Panoply works best with netCDF datasets that have been tagged
according to one of the more common defined netCDF conventions, such
as CF, COARDS, and GDT.
Coordinate Variables
When examining the variables in a netCDF dataset, Panoply looks for
certain information to determine whether each variable is “plottable,” and
if so, how to plot it.
For longitude-latitude plots, the variable must have at least two dimensions,
and the last two dimensions must be the latitude and longitude (in that
order). In addition, the latitude dimension must be named either lat or
latitude, and the longitude dimension named lon or longitude.
Values of the longitude coordinate variable must run eastward and be
monotonically increasing. They should have units of “degrees_east.” For
example, a grid that has 10° spacing and is centered on the prime meridian
might have longitude values running from -175.0 up to 175.0. Alternatively,
a grid that has the prime meridian as its left edge would have longitude
values that run from 5.0 to 355.0.
Values of the latitude coordinate variable may run either north to south or
south to north, but they should have units of “degrees_north.” Northern
hemisphere latitudes must be positive, and southern hemisphere latitudes
must be negative.
For latitude-vertical plots, the variable must again have at least two
dimensions. The vertical and latitude dimensions need not be the last two
dimensions of the variable, as Panoply is capable of dealing with variables
that have three dimensions in the vertical, latitude and longitude.
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User’s Guide to Panoply 23
There are two ways of tagging the vertical dimension so that it may be
recognized by Panoply. The easiest to recognize is when the dimension has
units of pressure, and the units should be a string recognized by UDUNITS
(the Unidata units library). If the dimension has units of bars or millibars,
the full unit name should be spelled out rather than abbreviated.
The alternative form of vertical dimension that may be recognized is a
dimension that has a positive attribute, with value of either “up” or “down.”
In the case of a vertical dimension with units of meters, the positive attribute
is necessary to identify that the units indicate either altitude or depth.
Similarly, a vertical dimension which has units of “level” needs the positive
attribute to indicate whether the first level is the top or bottom.
Additionally, for each variable dimension there must be an associated
coordinate variable which has the same name as the dimension. In other
words, if the latitude dimension is called lat then the dataset must have a
variable called lat.
Boundary Variables
In addition to using the coordinate variables to identify the grid points on
which the data are placed, Panoply needs to determine the area each point
in the latitude-longitude grid represents. Consequently, it also checks the
netCDF dataset for associated boundary variables. This checking is done
by testing whether the pertinent coordinate variable has an attribute called
bounds, which identifies another variable containing the boundaries of
the grid cells. A boundary variable will have one more dimension than
its associated coordinate variable, with the second dimension having two
possible values, i.e., the two boundaries.
If a coordinate variable does not have an associate boundary variable,
Panoply will use values halfway between the grid points.
Special Values
If a variable has invalid or missing values, then the appropriate attributes
valid_min, valid_max, valid_range, and/or missing_value should be specified
so that Panoply treats them correctly.
Panoply treats all missing or invalid values the same and, when rendering
a plot, draws them all using a single “invalids color.”
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User’s Guide to Panoply 25
Scale Labels
Panoply uses the variable’s long_name and units attributes, if they are
provided, for the default labeling of the scale in a plot. If the long_name
is missing, Panoply checks to see if a standard_name has been provided
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User’s Guide to Panoply 27
Panoply as corresponding to the first color value, then the matching RGB
color value is found by combining bytes 1, 257, and 513 of the file.
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User’s Guide to Panoply 29
30 User’s Guide to Panoply Return to Contents
Appendix 3
Map Projections
Panoply can plot a global map of longitude-latitude data using numerous
different projections. Although the average user may only ever avail
themselves of one or two of the most common projections, a different map
projection can literally provide a different perspective on the graphical
interpretation of data.
The projections available in Panoply can be classified by aspect (layout) as
Azimuthal: Azimuthal maps can be thought of as projections to a plane
placed tangent to the globe at a given point, with distortion increasing
away from the tangent point. Projections in this category include Aitoff,
Azimuthal Equal-Area, Azimuthal Equidistant, Eckert-Greifendorff,
Hammer, Orthographic, Stereographic, Vertical Perspective, Wagner VII,
Wagner VIII, and Winkel Tripel.
Cylindrical: Maps of this type have straight and parallel lines of latitude
as well as meridians, and the parallels and meridians meet at right
angles. Panoply projections in this category include Equirectangular,
Gall, Mercator, and Miller Cylindrical.
Pseudocylindrical: Maps of this type have straight and parallel lines of
latitude, but the scale along them varies such that meridians are no
longer perpendicular to latitude, and may not even be straight lines.
Panoply projections in this category include Apian Globular II, Eckert III,
Eckert IV, Eckert V, Eckert VI, Hölzel, Kavraisky VII, McBride–Thomas Flat-
Polar Parabolic, McBride–Thomas Flat-Polar Quartic, McBride–Thomas
Plat-Polar Sinusoidal, Mollweide, Nell-Hammer, Parabolic, Putninš P1,
Putninš P1’, Putninš P3, Putninš P3’, Putninš P4’, Putninš P5, Putninš P5’,
Quartic-Authalic, Sinusoidal (equal area), Wagner I, Wagner II, Wagner
IV, Wagner V, Wagner VI, and Winkel I.
Some Panoply projections do not fit a particular classification, and are
grouped together in a Miscellaneous category. These projections include
Ortelius Oval and Van Der Grinten I.
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32 User’s Guide to Panoply Return to Contents
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34 User’s Guide to Panoply Return to Contents
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User’s Guide to Panoply 35
36 User’s Guide to Panoply Return to Contents
For further reading:
Bugayevskiy, Lev M. and John P. Snyder. 1995. Map Projections: A Reference
Manual. London: Taylor and Francis.
Muehrcke, Phillip C. and Juliana O. Muehrcke. 1998. Map Use: Reading-
Analysis-Interpretation, 4th ed. Madison, WI: JP Publications.
Snyder, John P. 1987. Map Projections: A Working Manual. USGS Professional
Paper 1395. Washington, DC: United States Government Printing Office.
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User’s Guide to Panoply 37
38 User’s Guide to Panoply Return to Contents
Panoply Software License
Although Panoply was produced at a U.S. Government research institute,
the complete Panoply application cannot be considered public domain
software because it includes libraries provided by third parties which have
individual copyrights and licenses. See the acknowledgments on the front
inside cover of this manual for further information about these third-party
Scope of License. Subject to all the terms and conditions of this license
and of the individual licenses of any third-party libraries, NASA Goddard
Institute for Space Studies grants the user royalty-free, nonexclusive,
nontransferable, and worldwide rights to reproduce, modify, reverse
engineer, and distribute the Panoply software package, herein referred to
as the Product.
Conditions and Limitations of Use. Neither the U.S. Government, nor any
agency or employee thereof, makes any warranties, expressed or implied,
with respect to the Product provided under this License, including but not
limited to the implied warranties or merchantability and fitness for any
particular purpose.
Liability. In no event shall the U.S. Government, nor any agency or employee
thereof, be liable for any direct, indirect, or consequential damages flowing
from the use of the Product provided under this License.
Non-Assignment. Neither this License nor any rights granted hereunder
are transferable or assignable without the explicit prior written consent of
NASA Goddard Institute for Space Studies.
Names and Logos. User shall not substitute its name or logo in identification
of the Product.
Export of technology. User shall comply with all U.S. laws and regulations
restricting the export of the Product to other countries.
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User’s Guide to Panoply 39