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InfoPrint 75 and InfoPrint 100

IPDS Technical Reference

InfoPrint 75 and InfoPrint 100
IPDS Technical Reference
This edition applies to the InfoPrint 75, the InfoPrint 100, and to all subsequent releases and modifications until
otherwise indicated in new editions.

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© Copyright InfoPrint Solutions Company 2008, 2009.
This manual contains detailed instructions and notes on the operation and use of this machine. For your safety and benefit,
read this manual carefully before using the machine. Keep this manual in a handy place for quick reference.

Contents of this manual are subject to change without prior notice. In no event will the company be liable for direct, indirect,
special, incidental, or consequential damages as a result of handling or operating the machine.

This manual covers all models, and therefore contains functions and settings that may not be available for your model.
Functions and supported operating systems may differ from those of your model.

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InfoPrint, InfoPrint and Ricoh are trademarks or registered trademarks of Ricoh Co., Ltd., in the United States, other coun-
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IBM and the IBM logo are registered trademarks of International Business Machines Corporation in the United States,
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IPDS and Intelligent Printer Data Stream are trademarks owned by Ricoh Company, Ltd.
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Other product names used herein are for identification purposes only and might be trademarks of their respective compa-
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Revision Table for manual

Rev. for Machine Page No.(Contents) Date

manual Rev.
00 - First Edition Oct. 2008
01 - 62(01): Modified reply value of Sense Type and Mar. 2009
Manuals for the IPDS...........................................................................................................5
How to Read This Manual...................................................................................................6
Symbols ....................................................................................................................................6
About This Book...................................................................................................................7
Audience ...................................................................................................................................7
Terminology .............................................................................................................................7
About IPDS ...........................................................................................................................8
Capabilities of IPDS .............................................................................................................9
Printing a Letter .................................................................................................................10
Using Overlays....................................................................................................................12
Using Page Segments..........................................................................................................13
Using Images and Graphics...............................................................................................14
IM and IO Images...................................................................................................................14
Using Bar Codes .................................................................................................................15

1. IPDS Overview
About the IPDS Feature.....................................................................................................17
IPDS Operating States .......................................................................................................18
Home State..............................................................................................................................18
Overlay State ..........................................................................................................................18
Font State ................................................................................................................................18
IPDS Command Format ....................................................................................................19
Reserved Bytes .......................................................................................................................21
Flag Byte.................................................................................................................................21
Correlation ID (CID) ..............................................................................................................21
Error Processing......................................................................................................................22
Page and Copy Counters.........................................................................................................23
Data Types...........................................................................................................................24
Text .........................................................................................................................................24
Image ......................................................................................................................................24
Bar Code .................................................................................................................................25
Coordinate System .............................................................................................................26
Xm, Ym Coordinate System (Medium Presentation Space) ..................................................26
Xp, Yp Coordinate System (Logical Page Presentation Space) .............................................26
I, B Coordinates System (Text) ..............................................................................................26
Other Text Positioning Terms ................................................................................................27
Notation Conventions .............................................................................................................28
Color Simulation.................................................................................................................29
Simulation Modes Supported .................................................................................................29
Color Simulation Processes and Algorithms ..........................................................................30
Logical Page and Object Area Coloring.................................................................................32
Presentation Space Reset Mixing ...........................................................................................34

2. Summary of IPDS Commands

IPDS Initialization Defaults...............................................................................................35
Page Printer Initialization Sequence ................................................................................38

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3. Device Control Command Set
About Device Control Command Set ...............................................................................39
Acknowledgement Reply ...................................................................................................40
Activate Resource ...............................................................................................................42
Resource ID example with RIDF = GRID .............................................................................44
Resource ID example with RIDF = MVS Host Unalterable Remote Font Environment.......45
Resource ID example with RIDF = Coded Font ....................................................................46
Begin Page ...........................................................................................................................47
Deactivate Font ...................................................................................................................48
End Page..............................................................................................................................50
Load Copy Control.............................................................................................................51
Load Font Equivalence ......................................................................................................53
Logical Page Descriptor .....................................................................................................56
Logical Page Position .........................................................................................................59
Presentation Fidelity Control ............................................................................................60
Text Fidelity Control ..............................................................................................................60
Finishing Fidelity Control.......................................................................................................61
Sense Type and Model .......................................................................................................62
Execute Order Any State (XOA) ......................................................................................68
XOA Mark Form ....................................................................................................................68
XOA Exception Handling Control .........................................................................................69
XOA Request Resource List...................................................................................................70
XOA Control Edge Mark (CEM) ...........................................................................................73
Execute Order Home State (XOH) ...................................................................................74
XOH Obtain Printer Characteristics .......................................................................................74
Printable Area Self-Defining Field.........................................................................................74
XOH Select Input Media Source ............................................................................................83
XOH Set Media Origin...........................................................................................................84
XOH Set Media Size ..............................................................................................................84
XOH Page Counter Control....................................................................................................85
XOH Define Group Boundary................................................................................................85
XOH Specify Group Operation ..............................................................................................87

4. Presentation Text Command Set

Presentation Text Commands ...........................................................................................89
Load Equivalence ...................................................................................................................89
Write Text...............................................................................................................................90
Temporary Baseline Move ...................................................................................................103

OG L 00
5. IM Image Command Set
IM Image Commands ......................................................................................................105
Write Image Control ........................................................................................................106
Write Image ......................................................................................................................108

6. IO Image Command Set

IO Image Commands .......................................................................................................109
Write Image Control 2 ..........................................................................................................110
Image Output Control ...........................................................................................................111
Image Data Descriptor..........................................................................................................113
Write Image 2 .......................................................................................................................115

7. Graphics Command Set

Graphics Commands........................................................................................................119
Write Graphics Control.........................................................................................................119
Write Graphics .................................................................................................................125
Write Graphics Defaults .......................................................................................................125
Begin Segment Introducer ....................................................................................................126
Set Process Color..................................................................................................................133
Drawing Order Summary .....................................................................................................135

8. Bar Code Command Set

Bar Code Commands .......................................................................................................137
Write Bar Code Control ..................................................................................................138
Bar Code Area Position ........................................................................................................138
Bar Code Output Control......................................................................................................139
Bar Code Data Descriptor.....................................................................................................140
Write Bar Code.................................................................................................................146

9. Overlay Command Set

Overlay Function Set Commands ...................................................................................147

10.Page Segment Command Set

Page Segment Function Set Commands.........................................................................149

11.Loaded Font Command Set

Loaded Font Function Set Commands ...........................................................................151
Load Code Page....................................................................................................................151
Load Code Page Control.......................................................................................................152
Load Font..............................................................................................................................153
Load Font Character Set Control..........................................................................................156
Load Font Control.................................................................................................................157
Load Font Index ...............................................................................................................159

OG L 00
12.Exception Reporting, Sense Data, and Recovery
About Exception Reporting, Sense Data, and Recovery...............................................161
General Reply Rules .............................................................................................................161
Exception-Handling Control (EHC) .....................................................................................162
Classes of Data Stream Exceptions ......................................................................................163
Sense Byte Information ........................................................................................................164
Exception-Reporting Codes..................................................................................................166
TCP/IP Sense Data ...............................................................................................................169
IPDS Exceptions Reported ...................................................................................................170
Page Counter Adjustments ...................................................................................................182
Page and Copy Counter Adjustments for Data-Stream Exceptions .....................................185

13.Code Page and Font Identification

About Code Page and Font Identification......................................................................187
RRL RT’06’ Code Page (CPGID)........................................................................................187
RRL RT’12’ Specific Code Pages (GCSGID/CPGID) ........................................................187
RRL RT’11’ Graphic Character Sets (GCSGID SUB/SUPERSETS) .................................187
RRL RT’07’ Font Character Sets (GCSGID/FGID/FW) .....................................................188
RRL RT’01’/’03’/’10’ RIDF’03’ (GCSGID/CPGID/FGID/FW = GRID) ..........................189

IBM Font Structure..........................................................................................................191
Coded Font............................................................................................................................191
Character Set.........................................................................................................................192
Code Page .............................................................................................................................192
Operating System/400 Terms ...............................................................................................194
Font Terms............................................................................................................................195
Font and Code Page Selection ..............................................................................................196
Resident IPDS Fonts ........................................................................................................197
Resident Font Activation Methods .......................................................................................197
IBM Core Interchange Resident Scalable Font Set (IPDS only)..........................................198
IBM Core Interchange Resident Code Page Set...................................................................210
4028 Compatibility Resident Font Set ............................................................................218
4028 Compatibility Resident Code Page Set........................................................................221
IBM Coordinated Font Set (IPDS) .......................................................................................222
IBM Coordinated Font Set Code Page Set ...........................................................................223
IPDS Default Font ............................................................................................................224
Factory Setting......................................................................................................................224
Selectable IPDS Default Font ..........................................................................................225
Selectable Code Pages ..........................................................................................................225
Selectable Fonts ....................................................................................................................228
4028 Selectable Fonts ...........................................................................................................229
Selectable Font Widths .........................................................................................................230
IPDS Bar Code Printing........................................................................................................230
IPDS Font Bolding ...............................................................................................................231


OG L 00
Manuals for the IPDS
Refer to the manuals that are relevant to what you want to do with the IPDS.
• Adobe Acrobat Reader/Adobe Reader must be installed in order to view the manuals as PDF

* IPDS Printing Configuration Guide for InfoPrint 75/100 -

(550-1194-00 pn:55Y6983) *English Only
Explains about environment necessary for connecting the mainframe to the machine, and
performing IPDS printing.

* IPDS Technical Reference for InfoPrint 75/100 -

(S550-1193-00 pn:55Y6982) *English Only
Explains about commands necessary for IPDS printing.

* InfoPrint 75/100 User’s Guide

Explains about how to configure the IPDS for the InfoPrint 75/100, and about items selecta-
ble from the Web browser and the printer’s operator control panel.
• For details about the necessary environment, and installation of the IPDS and machine, con-
sult your sales or service representative.

OG L 00
How to Read This Manual

This manual uses the following symbols:

Indicates important safety notes.

Ignoring these notes could result in serious injury or death. Be sure to read these notes. They
can be found in the “Safety Information” section of About This Machine.

Indicates important safety notes.

Ignoring these notes could result in moderate or minor injury, or damage to the machine or to
property. Be sure to read these notes. They can be found in the “Safety Information” section of
About This Machine.

Indicates points to pay attention to when using the machine, and explanations of likely causes
of paper misfeeds, damage to originals, or loss of data. Be sure to read these explanations.

Indicates supplementary explanations of the machine’s functions, and instructions on resolving

user errors.

This symbol is located at the end of sections. It indicates where you can find further relevant
Indicates the names of keys that appear on the machine’s display panel.
Indicates the names of keys on the machine’s control panel.

OG L 00
About This Book
This book provides technical reference information about how printers support the IPDS data

This publication is intended for the system programmers, application programmers, and sys-
tems engineers who are familiar with data streams and are writing or modifying programs to
operate your printer with the IPDS data stream.


Paper Input and Output Receptacles

Input receptacles are called trays. Output receptacles are called stackers or bins.

Related Publications
This book refers to the following:
• PostScript Language Reference Manual, second edition, by Adobe Systems, Inc.
• PCL 5 Printer Language Technical Reference Manual by Hewlett-Packard, Inc.
• PCL 5 Comparison Guide by Hewlett-Packard, Inc.
• Printer Job Language Technical Reference Manual by Hewlett-Packard, Inc.
• Presentation Text Object Content Architecture (PTOCA) Reference, by IBM
• Graphic Object Content Architecture (GOCA) Reference, by IBM
• Image Object Content Architecture (IOCA) Reference, by IBM
• Bar Code Object Content Architecture (BCOCA) Reference, by IBM
• Font Object Content Architecture (FOCA) Reference, by IBM
• Intelligent Printer Data Stream Reference, by IBM

OG L 00
About IPDS
This chapter introduces the Intelligent Printer Data Stream (IPDS) and describes some of the
capabilities of IPDS.
IPDS lets you print pages containing an unlimited mix of different types of data: high-quality
text, images, vector graphics, and bar codes.
You can send IPDS data to printers attached to the IBM Application System/400 (AS/400) in-
telligent work stations, local area networks, IBM 3270-family controllers, Ethernet, and
spooled systems. In some of these environments, you can create applications to directly control
IPDS printers such as this printer. For more information about IPDS as a component of printing
subsystems, refer to Intelligent Printer Data Stream Reference.
IBM provides a variety of host software products with components that generate IPDS com-
mands for this printer or other IPDS printers. These software products vary in their use of IPDS
functions. Some of the software products available are:
• Graphical Data Display Manager (GDDM) Release 2.3 or higher
• OS/400 Version 5.1 or higher
• Print Service Facility (PSF/VM) Release 2.1.1 or higher
• Print Service Facility (PSF for z/OS Release 4.1 or higher
• Print Service Facility (PSF/VSE) Release 2.2 or higher
• Print Service Facility (PSF/400) Release 5.3 or higher
• InfoPrint Manager for AIX Release 4.3 PU1 or higher
• InfoPrint Manager for Windows Release 2.3 PU1 or higher
• InfoPrint ProcessDirector for Linux Release 1.3.1 or higher
• Business Graphics Unit (BGU)
• Control Language (CL) and Data Description Specifications (DDS)
• OS/400 Graphics
• AFP Utilities/400 Version 2.2 or higher
These software utilities accept a variety of input data streams from a wide assortment of applica-
tions and transform this data to IPDS. Examples of such applications are:
• DisplayWrite System 370 (DW/370) Version 2
• Document Composition Facility (DCF), including GML/Script, in the VM and MVS envi-
• Overlay Generation Language (VM and MVS)
• Print Services Access Facility (VM and MVS)
• Page Printer Formatting Aid (VM and MVS).
• The capabilities of the printer depend on the host software and the IPDS functions that the
software enables.

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Capabilities of IPDS
A printer controlled by IPDS has a number of advantages over conventional printers. With
IPDS you can:
• Use the printer’s all-points-addressable printing to print text, graphics, images, or bar codes at
any point on a page or that is within the printers printable area.
• Print text in a variety of type styles and switch fonts within a printed page.
• Use both images and vector graphics (explained later in this chapter) to print line drawings,
pie charts, bar charts, graphics, logos, tables, and signatures.
• Combine text with images and graphics on the same page (creating what is known as a com-
posite document).
• Electronically store and later print forms and letterheads that are always printed in the same
predetermined type style.
• Electronically store and later print text where the type style printed is the same as that used in
the rest of the text.
• Print any of 16 different kinds of bar codes in many sizes and with a number of variations.
• Print either portrait (upright, letter orientation) or landscape (printing “on the side”, with the
page wider than it is tall).

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Printing a Letter
IPDS lets you print a letter in just one step. In conventional printing, you must load letterhead pa-
per into your printer, print the text of your letter, and then manually sign the letter.

Using IPDS, you can temporarily store your letterhead and signature in the printer’s memory
and then merge the letterhead, text, and signature with additional data to form a complete letter.
You can also include graphics, such as a line chart or bar chart, in your letter, creating a com-
posite document.

OG L 00
An IPDS-driven printer offers flexibility. For example, you can highlight a list of items by
printing the list in a different type style from the rest of the text; or you can print your letterhead
in one font and your text in another font.
You can electronically store your letterhead so it is always printed in the same type style. This
printing concept is discussed in p.12 "Using Overlays".
You can store your printed signature block so it is printed in the type style used in the rest of
the letter or memo. That way the signature block’s type style matches the letter in which it ap-
pears, no matter how many different fonts you use for different kinds of letters. This printing
concept is discussed in p.13 "Using Page Segments".
You can include bar charts or line graphs in your letter. Such graphic material can be generated
through either the Image function or the Graphics function. See p.14 "Using Images and Graph-

OG L 00
Using Overlays
Overlays are stored constructs (text, graphics, images, and bar codes), often in complex config-
urations, with all the instructions needed to print. An overlay always prints in the type style
used when it was stored and can be positioned anywhere on the page.
Overlays are useful for letterheads and for forms, as shown below.

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Using Page Segments
Page segments are similar to overlays, except that the construct is stored without specific in-
structions for type styles and position on the page. Page segments are printed in the type style
in use at print time. You can place a page segment anywhere on the page.
One way to use a page segment is as text under a signature, as shown below.

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Using Images and Graphics
Graphic material - charts, engineering drawings, and line drawings - can be sent to the printer
as IM Images, IO Images, or Graphics. In all-points-addressable printing by the printer, a page
can consist of 300 points per inch, 7.8 million printable points, each one of which is individu-
ally addressable. These addressable points are called picture elements or pixels.

IM and IO Images
Images are figures on the page created by explicitly specifying each pixel in the figure. There is
one bit of image data per pixel, so a large quantity of data is needed to create an image.
IM images are uncompressed raster data images. A raster pattern is composed of a series of pix-
els arranged in scan lines.
IO images are compressed or uncompressed raster data images. Compression generally reduces
the amount of data sent to the printer and should significantly save transmission time. IO im-
ages may be arbitrarily scaled and corrected for resolution differences between the scanner and
the printer.

Graphics are line drawings created from separate lines, arcs, and markers. With vector graphics,
only control information such as the end points of a line are sent to the printer. This process lets
you create complex figures with a minimum of data.
For details on graphics commands, see IBM Data Stream and Object Architectures Graphics
Object Content Architecture (GOCA) Reference, SC31-6804. For details on IO image com-
mands, see IBM Data Stream and Object Architectures Image Object Content Architecture (IO-
CA) Reference, SC31-6805.

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Using Bar Codes
Bar code data is encoded information that is recognized by optical scanning devices. The print-
er can print the bar code types as shown below in many sizes and variations, such as with or
without the human-readable characters.

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1. IPDS Overview

About the IPDS Feature

The Intelligent Printer Data Stream (IPDS) is a structured field data stream designed to manage
and control All Points Addressable (APA) printers. APA is a printing concept that allows users
to position text, images, graphics, and overlays at any defined point on a printed page.
IPDS allows both data and commands to be streamed to the printer via channels, controllers or
any type of networking link which supports the transparent transmission of data to print proc-
esses that are resident in the device.
Commands within the data stream also allow the “Host” process to control the media handling
capabilities of the device, select source drawers, jog output and other operations dealing with
paper. In addition, the commands provide the means for managing the down-loading of fonts
and other stored resources such as overlays and page segments that are required at presentation
time to construct the printed page. Finally, the commands provide the means for returning error
information and performing recovery actions. The source IPDS architecture document is the In-
telligent Printer Data Stream Reference.
InfoPrint75/100 supports the following IPDS Architecture command sets.
• Device Control (DC1)
• Text (TX1 with PTOCA PT1 and PTOCA PT2)
• IM Image (IM1 with IMD1)
• IO Image (IO1 with IOCA FS10 + 8-bit Grayscale via halftoning)
• Graphics (GR1 with GOCA DR/2V0)
• Page Segments (PS1)
• Overlay (OL1)
• Loaded Font (LF1 and LF3)
• Bar Code (BC1 with BCD1)

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IPDS Operating States
If the host sends a command inappropriate for the printer state, the printer returns an error code
identifying the error and follows Exception Handling Control processing.

Home State
The following actions can force the printer to home state, regardless of the current state of the
1 The Set Home State (SHS) command
2 The Execute Order Anystate--Discard Buffered Data (XOA/DBD) command
3 The printer’s transmission of a NACK to the host
4 The Arctic link-level Clear command
5 Any non-IPDS print order in NDS (New Display System)
6 An NDS Reset order
7 An NDS System Status Available No Mode order
All these actions will also force the printer to an IPDS command boundary if it is not already on
one. To interpret SHS or XOA/DBD, the printer and the host must already be in agreement as to
where the IPDS command boundaries are.
Deactivation of fonts with the DF command occurs in Home State.

Overlay State
Overlays can be nested to a depth of 6 as indicated in the STM Overlay Command-Set Vector,
see p.147 "Overlay Command Set".

Font State
An operating state for downloading single-byte Coded Font patterns, Font Character Sets, and
Code Pages.

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IPDS Command Format
All IPDS commands are encoded in the following pattern:
Data Area Value Description Error Code
Byte 0-1 X’0005’ - LENGTH X’0202..02’
Byte 2-3 COMMAND X’8001..00’
X’D601’ Manage IPDS Dialog
X’D603’ No Operation
X’D60F’ Load Font Index
X’D619’ Load Font Character Set Control
X’D61A’ Load Code Page Control
X’D61B’ Load Code Page
X’D61D’ Load Equivalence
X’D61F’ Load Font Control
X’D62D’ Write Text
X’D62E’ Activate Resource
X’D62F’ Load Font
X’D633’ Execute Order Anystate
X’D63D’ Write Image Control
X’D63E’ Write Image Control 2
X’D63F’ Load Font Equivalence
X’D64D’ Write Image
X’D64E’ Write Image 2
X’D64F’ Deactivate Font
X’D65D’ End
X’D65F’ Begin Page Segment
X’D66D’ Logical Page Position
X’D66F’ Deactivate Page Segment
X’D67D’ Include Overlay
X’D67F’ Include Page Segment
X’D680’ Write Bar Code Control
X’D681’ Write Bar Code
X’D684’ Write Graphics Control
X’D685’ Write Graphics
X’D68F’ Execute Order Homestate

OG L 00
Data Area Value Description Error Code
Byte 2-3 X’D697’ Set Home State
X’D69F’ Load Copy Control
X’D6AF’ Begin Page
X’D6BF’ End Page
X’D6CF’ Logical Page Descriptor
X’D6DF’ Begin Overlay
X’D6E4’ Sense Type and Model
X’D6EF’ Deactivate Overlay
Byte 4 FLAGS (Active when Bit value = 1) X’0204..02’
Bit 0 0/1 Acknowledgement Required (ARQ)
Bit 1 0/1 Correlation Number Present
Bit 2 0/1 Acknowledgement Continuation
Bit 3-6 000 Reserved
Bit 7 0/1 Persistent NACK (DSC non-SNA ONLY) Other-
wise Reserved)
Byte 7 DATA - The specific operands,
parameters and/or data fields as appropriate for the
given command.

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Reserved Bytes
Throughout the command descriptions in the following chapters, some data fields, bytes, and
bits are specified as reserved.
When the description for a reserved field, byte, or bit specifies “should be zero,” the printer does
not check the contents of the bytes or bits. The reserved data should be set to zero, because they
could be defined in future changes to the printer. However, non zero values do not cause an error
and are ignored by the printer.
When the description for a reserved field, byte, or bit specifies it “must be zero,” the printer
checks the contents of the bytes or bits and will return error status to the host if the field contains
a non zero value.

Flag Byte
Bit 7 is the Persistent NACK bit for 3270 Non-SNA DSC (Data Stream Compatability) Mode
NACKs. This bit has no meaning in other attachment environments. Valid values for the Ac-
knowledge Reply Flag byte are described in the Intelligent Printer Data Stream Reference.

Correlation ID (CID)
The correlation ID (CID) is an identifier of a specific instance of an IPDS command. It is used
to correlate errors with the command that generated them.
It is not possible to correlate all errors with particular IPDS commands. Mechanism errors (for
example, out of paper position checks and unpopulated character positions in resident fonts) are
never correlated.
Therefore, it is possible for some NACKs to be returned without correlation numbers even if
all downstream commands had correlation numbers.

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Error Processing
InfoPrint75/100 supports Page Continuation Action error processing. See Intelligent Printer
Data Stream Reference for details.
The printer stops if there is a probability that it is not parsing commands correctly. This means
that, regardless of the setting of the Exception Handling Control (EHC) the printer will stop
processing, send a NACK, and enter home state immediately if one of the following conditions
1 The command length is less than 5 (No correlation number present).
2 The command length is less than 7 (Correlation number present).
3 The command length is greater than 32767.
4 The command does not have X’D6’ as the first byte of the command code.
5 The command does have X’D6’ as the first byte but is otherwise unrecognized.
6 A resource download is interrupted, resulting in a purge of the partial resource object.
The maximum numbers of queued asynchronous and synchronous errors are as followed.
• One for ARCTIC and NDS DSC mode
• Seven for NDS LU1 mode
• Seven for TCP/IP mode
Intervention required and equipment check exception types will be reported for NDS and
TCP/IP interface type.

Exception Highlight Support

If a position exception occurs and the “position-check highlight” flag (XOA-EHC byte 2, bit 6) is
on (B’1’), or if a Page Continuation Action (PCA) is taken for a position check, the approximate
location of each unique occurrence of the position check will be highlighted with a Print-Error-
Marker (PEM). Other exceptions detected in page state, or a derivative of page state, or when print-
ing a medium overlay, which have a PCA defined, are also indicated by a PEM when the PCA is
A PEM is a distinguishing mark which is placed in close proximity to the area on the page
where the exception has occurred.
• The PEM for Position Check processing is a solid rectangular mark, placed in close prox-
imity to the area on the page where the exception occurred. For the exception detected, the
associated code (08C100) will be located at the top of the logical page, starting in the left
hand corner.
• The PEM for PCA processing is a hollow rectangular mark enclosing a +, placed in close proximity
to the area on the page where the exception has occurred, if the location can be accurately specified.
For the exception detected, the associated code (040B00) will be located at the top of the logical page,
starting in the left hand corner.
• Multiple exception code highlighting is limited to only the codes that will fit across the top
of the logical page (10).
• PEM Size: 600 Pixel (80 by 80)
If error exception handling is set to allow printing of an undefined character, the undefined
character will appear as:
• A Space if it is unprintable.
• The Character itself if printable.

OG L 00
Page and Copy Counters
Page and Copy Counter information is reported using the 18-byte counter format described in In-
telligent Printer Data Stream Reference, section “Acknowledge Reply”. The following counters
are supported:
• Received Page
• Committed Page
• Committed Copy
• Operator Viewing Page
• Operator Viewing Copy
• Jam Recovery Page
• Jam Recovery Copy
• Stacked Page
• Stacked Copy
For Action Code 22, counters are adjusted as follows:
• Received Page - Actual Received Count
• Committed Page - Mapped to Stacked Page
• Committed Copy - Mapped to Stacked Copy
• Operator Viewing Page Counter - Mapped to Stacked Page Counter
• Operator Viewing Copy Counter - Mapped to Stacked Copy Counter
• Jam Recovery Page Counter - Mapped to Stacked Page Counter
• Jam Recovery Copy Counter - Mapped to Stacked Copy Counter
• Stacked Page Counter - Last value
• Stacked Copy Counter - Last Value

OG L 00
Data Types
InfoPrint75/100 supports four different types of data that may be used to create an output page.
These are: text, graphics, images, and bar codes. The printed page can include any combination
of these data types.
Blocks of graphics, bar code or image data are presented as a single unit to the printer. The
printer enters the appropriate “ Block” State (graphics block, image block, bar code block) to
create the entire data group for that block of data.
Page segments and Overlays are any combinations of text, graphics, bar codes and images. The
printer can store these segments and overlays for later use as the page is created.

Presentation Text is the data type used to present lines of character information on a logical
The information to be presented is represented as a string of graphic character IDs and X’2B’
control sequences that are sent to the printer in the Write Text command (See p.90 "Write
Text"). The initial conditions governing the presentation of the data are established via control
parameters that are sent to the printer in the Logical Page Description command (See p.56 "Log-
ical Page Descriptor").
The source architecture document for Text is Presentation Text Object Content Architecture

Image is the data type used to present rectangular arrays of raster data in an Image block area
on a page.
This data may have been created originally by a scanning process or generated by a computer
program. InfoPrint75/100 supports the IM Image Function Set (see p.105 "IM Image Com-
mand Set"). and the IO Image Function Set (See p.109 "IO Image Command Set")
The IM Image Function Set has a syntax and functional content that is based on AFPDS image
arrays and cells. The IO Image Function Set has a syntax and functional content based on the
IOCA architecture for image data (see Image Object Content Architecture Reference).
The raster data to be presented is represented as a sequence of scan lines ‘m’ lines deep by ‘n’
picture elements (pixels) wide. In IO image data, there may be more than one bit per pixel if
the image data is grayscale encoded. The format of the data and the recording algorithms used
to encode the image array are sent to the printer as control parameters of the Write Image Con-
trol 2 command that prepares the printer for processing image data. The data itself is sent in the
Write Image 2 command.

Graphics is the data type used to present line art picture drawings in a graphics block area on a

OG L 00
The information to be presented is represented by a sequence of primitive drawing orders that
are used by the device to construct arcs, lines, fillets, character strings, markers and other ele-
ments that define the drawing. These primitive orders, in turn, are grouped into one or more
drawing segments that are executed to present the picture.
The Write Graphics Control command (See p.119 "Graphics Command Set") is sent to the
printer to establish the clipping window control parameters and initial drawing conditions to be
used in presenting the picture data. The picture segments are sent to the printer as data in zero
or more Write Graphics commands of the architecture.
The graphics drawing orders are summarized in p.127 "Drawing Orders". The source architec-
ture document for graphics data is the Graphics Object Content Architecture Reference.

Bar Code
Bar Code is the data type used to present machine-scannable bar code symbols in a bar code
block area on a page.
The Write Bar Code Control command (See p.137 "Bar Code Command Set") is sent to the
printer to establish the bar code pattern parameters to be used in presentation. Data for the bar
code symbols is sent to the printer in zero or more Write Bar Code commands.

OG L 00
Coordinate System

Xm, Ym Coordinate System (Medium Presentation Space)

The Xm, Ym coordinate system is the medium presentation space coordinate system. The ori-
gin of this system (Xm=0, Ym=0) can be set by the IPDS XOH Set Media Origin command to
any of the four corners of the media. If this command is not sent to the printer the origin is the
top-left corner (viewed from the center). In this case, positive Xm values begin at the origin and
increase along the top edge from left to right. Positive Ym values begin at the origin and in-
crease along the left side from top to bottom. Top is defined as the short edge which leads into
the printer. See Intelligent Printer Data Stream Reference for a description of the Xm, Ym Co-
ordinate System and default media origin for envelopes.

Xp, Yp Coordinate System (Logical Page Presentation Space)

Identifying the Size of the Logical Page or Overlay

The size of the logical page or overlay presentation space is set during a printer initialization
using the p.35 "IPDS Initialization Defaults" on page 21 or by the host program when it sends
a Logical Page Descriptor command.
Overlays are logical pages and are handled as such by the printer with the following special con-
1 Overlays are positioned in relationship to the logical page presentation space origin (Xp=0,
Yp=0) when they are merged with the Include Overlay command.
2 Overlays are positioned in relationship to the origin of the medium presentation space
(Xm=0, Ym=0) when they are merged with the Merge Overlay keyword in a copy control

I, B Coordinates System (Text)

The +I and +B directions for the logical page or overlay are specified in degrees of rotation in
relationship to the +Xp direction on the logical page.
The printer sets the +I and +B directions during the initialization through the p.35 "IPDS Initial-
ization Defaults" on page 21. The host program can change the +I and +B directions through the
Logical Page Descriptor command (See Intelligent Printer Data Stream Reference).
The host program can also change the +I and +B directions as it builds a page or overlay
through text controls in the print data sent by a Write Text command (See p.90 "Write Text").
• Setting the orientations of the +I and +B axes also implicitly sets their origins as one of the
four corners of the logical page or overlay.

OG L 00
Other Text Positioning Terms
Some other terms that relate to text positioning and fonts include:

Text Orientation
The combination of the inline sequence direction (the direction which characters are added to
a line) and the baseline sequence direction (the direction which lines are added to a page or
overlay) identify the text orientation for a page. The inline sequence direction can be 0, 90, 180
or 270 degrees. InfoPrint75/100 supports baseline sequence directions that are always rotated
plus or minus 90 degrees from the inline sequence direction. Therefore, there are eight text ori-
entations for printing pages or overlays.

Printing Baseline
An imaginary line that extends across the page or overlay in the positive inline sequence direc-
tion (+I), between pixels, and beginning from the baseline sequence printing coordinate (Bc).
(Sometimes shown as baseline as in the font terms baseline offset and baseline extent.)
In languages with a right to left or left to right reading order (for example, English), the printing
baseline is the imaginary line on which the main body of the character appears to rest. Descenders
(the “tails” of lower case g, j, p, q, and y characters) usually extend below the printing baseline.
In languages with a top to bottom reading order (for example, Kanji), the printing baseline is
an imaginary vertical line that passes through the center of the character.
Each font index record contains a Font Inline Sequence field. The field value specifies a rela-
tionship between the inline sequence direction and the font rotation (the character pattern rota-
tion for the font). The printer uses the font index record to identify how to place characters on
the printing baseline for a page or overlay. The characters are placed in the combination of the
inline sequence direction (the printing direction) and the font rotation.
The Baseline Offset value is another field in the font index record. This value locates the printing
baseline relationship to a specified character box reference edge.

OG L 00
Notation Conventions
Some field values (or ranges of values) are specified assuming a unit of measure of 14400 L-
units per 10 inches (5670 L-units per 10 centimeters). To determine supported values for a unit
of measure of 2400 L-units per 10 inches (945 L-units per 10 centimeters) use the following
1 Convert the specified value from hex (2’s complement) to decimal.
2 Divide the + or - decimal number by 6
3 Round to the nearest integer
4 Convert the + or - decimal value back to hex (2’s complement).
For example, if the specified value is X’8000’ the following steps would be performed.
1 8000(H) = -32768(D)
2 -32768/6 = -5461.333
3 -5461(D) = EAAB(H)

OG L 00
Color Simulation
This printer provides ″limited color simulation″ by either simulating with generated grayscales
or substituting ″black″ in special cases.
• Data objects whose colors are simulated with ″grayscale″:
• PTOCA (characters, underscores, overscores, text rules)
• GOCA (characters, lines, arcs, image, solid-area fill, pattern fill)
• IM1/IOCA (bi-level image)
• Object Areas (Pages, Overlays, BCOCA and IOCA)
• Data objects whose colors are simulated with ″black″:
• GOCA Markers
• BCOCA Bar Code Symbols and HRI
• Full Color Image is not supported on this printer since the transformation to grayscale would
be very costly from a performance perspective. Host utilities are available to convert full
color images to bi-level images for printing on monochrome printers.
• Grayscale Image (8 bits/pixel) is supported on this printer, however for very large images
unacceptable performance degradation may result, due to the dithering process to produce
bi-level image.

Simulation Modes Supported

There are two color simulation modes that may be supported:
• Legacy Mode (Substituting ″black″ or Pattern Creation)
• Fidelity Mode (Simulation with Grayscale)
InfoPrint75/100 supports both the Legacy Mode and the Fidelity Mode of color simulation.
The Legacy Mode is provided to support customer legacy applications where simulation with
grayscale would produce unacceptable results. There are console configuration menus to allow
customers to select what level of color simulation best meets their needs. There are also console
configuration menus to allow customers to select whether or not Color PTOCA (text) Objects
should be simulated with grayscale or rendered with black. Rendering all PTOCA objects with
black may be desirable, especially when small fonts are utilized.

OG L 00
Color Simulation Processes and Algorithms
To allow printing of documents containing color specifications, the specified colors in the document
should be simulated in a consistent and predictable manner.
Color simulation occurs independently at the object level.
• Named Colors
Convert Named Color to RGB Process Color using the following table.
This table defines the valid color values used to specify named colors in PTOCA, GOCA,
BCOCA, IOCA and IM objects. The table also specifies the RGB values for each named color,
assuming that each component is specified with 8 bits and that the component intensity range
0 to 1 is mapped to the binary value range 0 to 255. For a definition of the supported colors for
individual objects refer to the appropriate OCA specifications, since some objects only support
a subset of the colors.
Value Named Color Red (R) Green (G) Blue (B)
X’0000’ or X’FF00’ Printer Default (Black) 0 0 0
X’0001’ or X’FF01’ Blue 0 0 255
X’0002’ or X’FF02’ Red 255 0 0
X’0003’ or X’FF03’ Pink (magenta) 255 0 255
X’0004’ or X’FF04’ Green 0 255
X’0005’ or X’FF05’ Turquise (cyan) 0 255 255
X’0006’ or X’FF06’ Yellow 255 255 0
X’0007’ White 255 255 255
X’0008’ Black 0 0 0
X’0009’ Dark Blue 0 0 170
X’000A Orange 255 128 0
X’000B’ Purple 170 0 170
X’000C’ Dark Green 0 146 0
X’000D’ Dark Turquoise 0 146 170
X’000E’ Mustard 196 160 32
X’000F’ Gray 131 131 131
X’0010’ Brown 144 48 0
X’FF07’ Printer Default (Black) 0 0 0
X’FF08’ Color of Medium (Reset)

– Simulate RGB Process Color with Grayscale

• Full-process Colors. To maintain output consistency across different printer families, proc-
ess colors to be simulated are converted to grayscale intensities based on color “luminance”
(Y). A luminance of 0 is defined to be black and a luminance of 1 is defined to be white. CIE
luminance (Y) is derived using the following “architected“ equations:

OG L 00
* RGB Color Space:
Where Y=0 is black, Y=1 is white
Y = 0.212(R) + 0.701(G) + 0.087(B)
assuming 0 R,G,B 1
Where R, G and B represent the non-gamma-corrected (linear) red, green and blue com-

* CIELab Color Space

CIELab space is the exception where the current implementation directly utilizes Light-
ness (L).
L = L
assuming 0 L 100

* CMYK Color Space;

Where Y=0 is black, Y=1 is white
Y = 1 - min(1,(0.212C+0.701M+0.087Y+K))
assuming 0 C,M,Y,K 1
Where the function min(a,b) selects the smaller of (a,b).
• Highlight Colors
Color Mapping Tables (CMT) are not supported, therefore mapping to Process Color is not pro-
• Highlight colors are mapped to black with the % coverage applied to produce a gray level.

OG L 00
Logical Page and Object Area Coloring

Color Specification
The Color Specification triplet is used to specify to foreground color of the logical page or object
area before any object data is placed on the logical page or object area.
Data Area Value Description Error Code
Byte 0 X’0E’-X’10’ TRIPLET LENGTH X’020E..01’
Byte 2 X’00’ RESERVED
Byte 3 COLOR SPACE (Note 1) X’020E..02’
X’01’ RGB - Limited Simulated Color Support
X’04’ CMYK - Limited Simulated Color Support
X’06’ Highlight - Limited Simulated Color Support
X’08’ CIELAB - Limited Simulated Color Support
X’40’ Standard OCA - Limited Simulated Color Support
Bytes 4-7 X’00000000’ RESERVED
X’01’ - X’08’ (RGB, CMYK, CIELAB)
X’10’ (Standard OCA, Highlight)
X’00’ - X’08’ (RGB, CMYK, Highlight, CIELAB)
X’00’ - X’08’ (RGB, CMYK, CIELAB)
X’00’ - X’08’ (CMYK)
Bytes 12-15 COLOR VALUE X’020E..03’
RGB Color Space X’020E..04’
X’nn’ Red Intensity
X’nn’ Green Intensity
X’nn’ Blue Intensity
CMYK Color Space
X’nn’ Cyan Intensity
X’nn’ Magenta Intensity
X’nn’ Yellow Intensity
X’nn’ Black Intensity

OG L 00
Data Area Value Description Error Code
Bytes 12-15 Highlight Color Space
X’nnnn’ Highlight Color Number
X’nn’ Percent Coverage
X’nn’ Percent Shading
CIELAB Color Space
X’nn’ Luminance (L)
X’nn’ Chrominance Difference (a)
X’nn’ Chrominance Difference (b)
Standard OCA Color Space
X’0000’ or X’FF00’ Printer Default (Black)
X’0001’ or X’FF01’ Blue
X’0002’ or X’FF02’ Red
X’0003’ or X’FF03’ Pink
X’0004’ or X’FF04’ Green
X’0005’ or X’FF05’ Turquoise
X’0006’ or X’FF06’ Yellow
X’0007’ White - Color of Medium (Reset)
X’0008’ Black
X’0009’ Dark Blue
X’000A’ Orange
X’000B’ Purple
X’000C’ Dark Green
X’000D’ Dark Turquoise
X’000E’ Mustard
X’000F’ Gray
X’0010’ Brown
X’FF07’ Printer Default (Black)
X’FF08’ Color of Medium (Reset)

OG L 00
Presentation Space Reset Mixing
The Presentation Space Reset Mixing triplet is used to specify whether or not a logical page or
object area is reset to the color of medium before any object data is placed on the logical page
or object area.
Data Area Value Description Error Code
Byte 0 X’03’ TRIPLET LENGTH X’020E..01’
Byte 2 Bit 0 0 MIXING FLAGS
Do not reset to color of the logical page to color of medium.
Bit 0 1 Reset to color of the logical page to color of medium.
Bits 1-7 0000000 Reserved

OG L 00
2. Summary of IPDS Commands

IPDS Initialization Defaults

This chapter lists the IPDS commands that can be used with the printer. For more information
about how to use these commands, see the Intelligent Printer Data Stream Reference
Printer commands listed on the following pages are the valid values as identified in Intelligent
Printer Data Stream Reference unless otherwise noted. Where the IPDS architecture allows choic-
es, those choices are indicated.
When you set the printer power switch to the On position, various IPDS data stream parameters
are set to their initialization default values. These values are used for control parameters when:
• The command stream specifies that the printer default should be used,
• No explicit values are specified in the command stream sent to the printer, or
• Previously transmitted values are lost and initial machine settings are reestablished at POR
These values remain in effect until overridden by specific data stream commands from the host
application program. The following list of values remain in effect until explicitly overridden by
the following IPDS commands:
• Load Copy Control
• Load Font Equivalence
• Logical Page Descriptor
• Logical Page Position
• XOA Exception Handling Control
• XOH Select Input Media Source
• XOH Set Media Origin
• XOH Set Media Size
• Text Control Sequences (STO, SIM, SIA, SBI, SCFL, STC, DIR, and DBR)

OG L 00
The following table shows the initialization defaults:
Description Default Value
L-Units Base Value X'00' (10 inches)
L-Units per Base X'3840' (14400 per 10 inches)
Input Media Source Determined by the printer's control panel, Forms Device Setting
Media Origin X'00' (top-left)
Width of the Physical Page Derived from X-Extent of Medium Presentation Space
Length of the Physical Page Derived from Y-Extent of Medium Presentation Space
Width of the Logical Page in L-Units (X p- Derived from X-Extent of Medium Presentation Space
Length of the Logical Page in L-Units (Y p- Derived from Y-Extent of Medium Presentation Space
Ordered Data Flags X'00' (Unordered page, block, and text flags)
Inline Sequence X'0000' (0 degrees)
Baseline Sequence X'2D00' (90 degrees)
Initial I Print Coordinate X'0000'
Initial B Print Coordinate X'00C0'(192 L-Units below the logical page origin)

• Text printing on the first line requires the Current B Text Posi-
tion to be large enough to accommodate the height of the cur-
rent font.
Xm-Coordinate page origin X'000000' Logical page X-displacement from the physical page ori-
gin (0 in)
Ym-Coordinate page origin X'000000' Logical page Y-displacement from the physical page ori-
gin (0 in)
Initial Inline Margin in L-Units X'0000'
Inter-character Adjustment X'0000'
Baseline Increment X'00F0' (240 L-Units)
Text Color Black
Code Page ID From configuration settings.
Font Type Font selection from configuration settings.

• The default font may be changed to another font which supports the
selected Code Page. For printer generated bar codes with human
readable information (HRI), the default font is OCR-B (UPC and
EAN bar code types) or OCR-A (other bar code types with HRI).
Exception Handling Control X'C10101' Report undefined characters, position checks, and all
other exceptions. Do not take Alternate Exception Action. Termi-
nate, print page, and go to home state. No highlighting of position
Number of Copy Groups X'01'

OG L 00
Description Default Value
X-Extent of Medium Presentation Space Determined by Configuration
Y-Extent of Medium Presentation Space Determined by Configuration
X Coordinate (logical page origin) X'0000'
Y Coordinate (logical page origin) X'0000'
Xp-Extent of Logical Page Derived from X-Extent of Medium Presentation Space
Yp-Extent of Logical Page Derived from Y-Extent of Medium Presentation Space
Code Page Global ID (CPGID) Determined by Configuration
Font Global ID (FGID) Determined by Configuration
Font Width (FW) Determined by Configuration
Copy Group Definition Length X'04' (The Default Copy Group definition is four bytes long.)
Number of Identical Copies X'01' (The printer prints one copy of each page.)
Keyword Entry X'C100' (The printer prints simplex, no text suppression, no over-

OG L 00
Page Printer Initialization Sequence
Before printing begins, the host may determine characteristics of the printer and its resources
and may specify certain parameters related to subsequent printing. Following is a typical se-
quence of initialization commands.
• Sense Type and Model (STM) with ARQ
• XOH Obtain Printer Characteristics (OPC) with ARQ
• Set Home State (SHS)
• Logical Page Descriptor (LPD)
• Logical Page Position (LPP)
• Load Copy Control (LCC)
• Load Font Equivalence (LFE) with ARQ

OG L 00
3. Device Control Command Set

About Device Control Command Set

Device Control commands control basic device operations, error reporting and recovery, and
construction of logical pages on the physical medium.
Before the host program sends the Begin Page command to begin defining a page to be printed,
it should establish the printing environment in which the page is to be printed.
The following Device Control commands are described in this section:
• p.40 "Acknowledgement Reply"
• p.42 "Activate Resource"
• p.47 "Begin Page"
• p.48 "Deactivate Font"
• p.49 "End"
• p.50 "End Page"
• p.51 "Load Copy Control"
• p.53 "Load Font Equivalence"
• p.56 "Logical Page Descriptor"
• p.59 "Logical Page Position"
• p.60 "Presentation Fidelity Control"
• p.62 "Sense Type and Model"
• p.68 "Execute Order Any State (XOA)"
• p.68 "XOA Mark Form"
• p.69 "XOA Exception Handling Control"
• p.70 "XOA Request Resource List"
• p.73 "XOA Control Edge Mark (CEM)"“
• p.74 "Execute Order Home State (XOH)"
• p.74 "XOH Obtain Printer Characteristics"
• p.83 "XOH Select Input Media Source"
• p.84 "XOH Set Media Origin"
• p.84 "XOH Set Media Size"
• p.85 "XOH Page Counter Control"
• p.85 "XOH Define Group Boundary"
• p.87 "XOH Specify Group Operation"

OG L 00
Acknowledgement Reply
The Acknowledge Reply returns device status, sense data, and other information the host program
requests. The printer sends an acknowledgement when it finds either of the following:
• A datastream or device error that requires the printer to return a negative acknowledgement
• The Acknowledgement Required (ARQ) flag bit in the command the printer receives is set
to 1.
The Acknowledge Reply is returned to the host in the standard IPDS command format although
it goes from the printer to the host. See Intelligent Printer Data Stream Reference for details.
The following table lists Bit Codes for IPDS command stream flags for Acknowledgement Re-
Bit Code Meaning
Bit 0 Reserved
Bit 1 Correlation Number Present
Bit 2 Acknowledgement Continuation
Bits 3-6 Reserved
Bit 7 The Persistent NACK bit is for Non-SNA DSC Mode NACKs only. This bit
has no meaning in other attachment environments.

• When a command is received with Bit 1 set, the Acknowledgement Reply will be returned
with this bit set, indicating that a two byte “Correlation Number” follows.
• The Correlation Number, a two byte identifier, is returned if available for:
• Synchronous NACKs
• Response to information request commands
• Acknowledgement requested (Flag byte bit 0 = 1)
• The Special Data area of the Acknowledgement Reply contains:
• Error sense bytes when reporting an exception.
• Response to the following information request commands:
• Sense Type and Model
• XOH Obtain Printer Characteristics
• XOA Request Resource List

OG L 00
Data Area Value Description Error Code
A one byte field that identifies the type of acknowledge-
ment record and contents (if any) of the Special Data ar-
X’40’ None
X’41’ Sense Type and Model
X’44’ Request Resource List
X’46’ Obtain Printer Characteristics
X’C0’ Sense Bytes
Bytes 1-2 X’0000’ - Received Page Counter*
X’FFFF’ *Incremented when the End Page processing is complet-
Bytes 3-4 X’0000’-X’FFFF’ Committed Page Counter*
Incremented by the number of pages on a sheet when the
last copy of the sheet is printed.
Bytes 5-6 X’0000’-X’FFFF’ Committed Copy Counter*
Incremented by the number of pages on a sheet when
the sheet is printed.
Bytes 7-8 X’0000’-X’FFFF’ Operator Viewing Page Counter*
Incremented by the number of pages on a sheet when the
last copy of the sheet is stacked.
Bytes 9-10 X’0000’-X’FFFF’ Operator Viewing Copy Counter*
*Incremented by the number of pages on a sheet when
the sheet is stacked.
Bytes 11-12 X’0000’-X’FFFF’ Jam Recovery Page Counter*
Incremented by the number of pages on a sheet when the
last copy of the sheet is stacked.
Bytes 13-14 X’0000’-X’FFFF’ Jam Recovery Copy Counter*
Incremented by the number of pages on a sheet when
the sheet is stacked.
Bytes 15-16 X’0000’-X’FFFF’ Stacked Page Counter*
Incremented by the number of pages on a sheet when the
last copy of the sheet is stacked.
Bytes 17-18 X’0000’-X’FFFF’ Stacked Copy counter*
*Incremented by the number of pages on a sheet when
the sheet is stacked.
Bytes 19-n SPECIAL DATA AREA: This area contains zero or
more bytes of additional data as requested by the host
program defined by the Acknowledgement Type.

OG L 00
Activate Resource
This command maps a 6-byte Host Assigned Resource ID (HAID/FIS/Section) to a resident Re-
source ID of the format specified in the Resource ID Format parameter (Byte 6). The Resource
ID formats which are supported may be determined using the XOH OPC command (See p.74
"XOH Obtain Printer Characteristics".
An AR mapping (HAID to Resource ID mapping) remains in effect until:
• an XOH Erase Residual Font Data command or Deactivate Font (See p.48 "Deactivate Font")
command is received (the mapping is removed and font deactivated)
• the printer performs an IML (the mapping is removed)
If a Deactivate Font command is received for a single byte font, the font identified by the HAID is
deactivated (made unavailable for use by the host), but all other current font mappings remain in
effect until one of the actions described in the preceding paragraph occurs. If a Deactivate Font
command is received which specifies all single byte fonts, all font mappings are removed as those
fonts are deactivated.
The maximum of Activate Resource ID mappings that may be received is limited only by the
available memory.
• IPDS architecture describes the mapping and activation of resident resources as two conceptually
separate processes. The printer, however, implements mapping and activation as one inseparable
process. Un-map and de-activate are also inseparable operations. Thus, a Deactivate Font com-
mand directed at a mapped and activated resident font, both un-maps and de-activates the spec-
ified font(s).
Data Area Value Description Error Code
Bytes 0-1 ENTRY LENGTH X’028F..01’
X’0002’ Null entry
X’000C’ Specifying without an equivalence
X’000E’ Valid for RT=X’06’ with RIDF=X’03’
X’0010’ Valid for RT=X’06’ or X’07’ with RIDF=X’03’
X’0014’ Valid for RT=X’01’, X’08’, X’09’, X’10’ with
X’001E’ Valid for RT=X’01’, X’08’, X’09’, X’10’ with
X’00B8’ Valid for RT=X’01’ or X’08’ with RIDF=X’06’

OG L 00
Data Area Value Description Error Code
Byte 2 RESOURCE TYPE (RT) X’028F..01’
X’01’ Single byte LF1 coded font
X’03’ Double-byte LF1-type coded-font section
X’06’ Code Page
X’07’ Font Character Set
X’08’ Single byte font index
X’09’ Double-byte coded-font index
X’10’ Coded Font
Bytes 3-4 X’0001’-X’7EFF’ HOST ASSIGNED ID X’028F..01’
Byte 5 X’41’-X’FE’ Ignored for RT=X’01’, X’06’, X’07’, X’08’ and X’10’
X’03’ IBM Registered Global Resource ID parts
X’06’ MVS host unalterable remote font environment
X’07’ Coded font
Bytes 7 - 8 FONT INLINE SEQUENCE X’028F..01’
X’0000’ 0 Degrees
X’2D00’ 90 Degrees
X’5A00’ 180 Degrees
X’8700’ 270 Degrees

• That the Font Inline Sequence is ignored for RT=X’06’
and X’07’. For outline fonts with RT=X’10’, FIS is
used to select the character metrics for a specific writ-
ing mode.
Bytes 9 - 10 X’0000’ Reserved
Bit 0 0/1 Public/Private (Resource Capture)
Bit 1 0 Retired
Bit 2 0/1 Ignored (Reset)
Bit 3 0/1 AR NACK Enabled
Bit 4 0/1 Outline Font Substitution
Bits 5-7 0 Reserved
Bytes 12 - n RESOURCE ID and triplets X’028F..01’

• Zero or more additional entries, analogous to bytes 0 - n above

OG L 00
Resource ID example with RIDF = GRID
Data Area Value Description Error Code
X’0000’ No value supplied
X’0001’ - GCSGID
X’FFFF’ All characters with assigned code points in the associated
code page
Bytes 14-15 CODE PAGE GLOBAL ID X’028F..02’
X’0000’ No value supplied
X’0001’ - CPGID
X’FFFF’ Default Code Page (Configuration Settings)
Bytes 16-17 FONT GLOBAL ID X’028F..02’
X’0000’ No value supplied
X’0001’ - FGID
X’FFFF’ Default FGID (Configuration Settings)
Bytes 18-19 FONT WIDTH X’028F..02’
X’0000’ No value supplied
X’0001’ - FW
X’FFFF’ Default FW (Configuration Settings)

OG L 00
Resource ID example with RIDF = MVS Host Unalterable
Remote Font Environment
Data Area Value Description Error Code
Bytes 12-13 CRC
Bytes 14-21 Ignored (MVS Host System ID)
Bytes 22-27 Ignored (VOLSER of Host library)
Bytes 28-71 Ignored (DSNAME of Host library)
Bytes 72-77 Date Stamp
Bytes 78-85 Time Stamp
Bytes 86-93 Ignored (Host Library Member Name)
X’0000’ No value supplied
X’0001’ - GCSGID
X’FFFF’ All characters with assigned code points in the asso-
ciated code page
Bytes 96-97 CODE PAGE GLOBAL ID X’028F..02’
X’0000’ No value supplied
X’0001’ - CPGID
X’FFFF’ Default Code Page (Configuration Settings)
Bytes 98-99 CRC
Bytes 100-107 Ignored (MVS Host System ID)
Bytes 108-113 Ignored (VOLSER of Host library)
Bytes 114-157 Ignored (DSNAME of Host library)
Bytes 158-163 Date Stamp
Bytes 164-171 Time Stamp
Bytes 172-179 Ignored (Host Library Member Name)
Bytes 180-181 FONT GLOBAL ID X’028F..02’
X’0000’ No value supplied
X’0001’ - FGID
X’FFFF’ Default FGID (Configuration Settings)
Bytes 182-183 FONT WIDTH X’028F..02’
X’0000’ No value supplied
X’0001’ - FW
X’FFFF’ Default FW (Configuration Settings)

OG L 00
Resource ID example with RIDF = Coded Font
Data Area Value Description Error Code
X’0000’ No Value supplied
X’0001’ - X’7FFF’ FCS HAID
Bytes 14-15 CODE PAGE HAID
X’0000’ No Value supplied
X’0001’ - X’7FFF’ CP HAID
X’0000’ No value supplied
X’0001’ - X’FFFE’ GCSGID
X’FFFF’ All characters that with assigned code points
X’0000’ No value supplied
X’0001’ - X’FFFE’ CPGID
X’FFFF’ Default Code Page (Configuration Settings)
Bytes 20-21 FONT GLOBAL ID
X’0000’ No value supplied
X’0001’ - X’FFFE’ FGID
X’FFFF’ Default FGID (Configuration Settings)
Bytes 22-23 FONT WIDTH
X’0000’ No value supplied
X’0001’ - X’FFFE’ FW
X’FFFF’ Default FW (Configuration Settings)
X’00’ No value supplied
X’1E’ Composite technology
X’1F’ Adobe Type-1 PFB
Byte 25 Reserved
X’0000’ No Value supplied
X’0001’ - X’7FFF’ VSF in 1440th of an inch
X’0000’ No Value supplied
X’0001’ - X’7FFF’ HSF in 1440th of an inch

OG L 00
Begin Page
This command is only valid in home state and causes the printer to enter page state. See the
Intelligent Printer Data Stream Reference for details.
• At Begin Page processing time a test for media source and destination compatibility will be
performed. If it is determined that the processing of this page with the media source and me-
dia destination specified is incompatible an exception X’0237..04’ will be reported.

OG L 00
Deactivate Font
The Deactivate Font command carries one to six bytes of data used by the host to deactivate one
or more coded fonts, coded font indexes, font character sets, or code pages.
Data Area Value Description Error Code
Byte 0 DEACTIVATION TYPE X’0217..02’
X’11’ Deactivate one single-byte LF1 Coded Font and related X’02C5..01’
indexes X’02C6..01’
X’12’ Deactivate one single-byte font index
X’1E’ Deactivate all single-byte LF1 Coded Fonts and all in-
X’1F’ Deactivate all single-byte LF1 Coded Fonts and all in-
dexes (same as above)
X’20’ Double-byte LF1-type coded font section and all indexes
X’21’ Double-byte LF1-type coded font section, all higher sec-
tions, and all indexes
X’22’ Font Index for a double-byte LF1-type coded font section
X’2F’ ALL double-byte LF1-type coded fonts and all indexes
X’30’ Deactivate one Code Page
X’3F’ Deactivate all Code Pages
X’40’ Deactivate one Font Character Set
X’4F’ Deactivate all Font Character Sets
X’50’ Deactivate one LF1 or LF3 Coded Font
X’51’ Deactivate one LF1 or LF3 Coded Font and all associated
X’5D’ Deactivate all resident Coded Fonts and all associated
X’5E’ Deactivate all Coded Fonts
X’5F’ Deactivate all Coded Fonts and all associated compo-
Bytes 1-2 X’0001’ - X’7EFF’ HOST ASSIGNED ID (Deactivation Types X’11’, X’0214..02’
X’12’, X’20’, X’21’, X’22’, X’30’, X’40’, X’50’ and X’0215..02’
X’00’ Single-byte font
Bytes 4-5 FONT INLINE SEQUENCE X’0240..02’
(Deactivation Type X’12’ and X’22’)
X’0000’ 0 deg.
X’2D00’ 90 deg.
X’5A00’ 180 deg.
X’8700’ 270 deg.

OG L 00
The End command is the ending control for a series of Write Image, Write Image 2, Write
Graphics, Write Bar Code, Load Code Page, or Load Font commands. This command marks
either the end of an image object, a graphics object, a bar code object, or the end of a down-
loaded font sequence. See the Intelligent Printer Data Stream Reference, S544-3417, for more

OG L 00
End Page
The End Page (EP) command causes the printer to return to home state from page state, page
segment state, or overlay state and thus marks the end of a page, a page segment, or an overlay.
The EP command is an implicit command to schedule that page for printing if the command is
being used to exit page state; all data for that page is available to the printer. Zero or more data
bytes can be transmitted but are ignored. See the Intelligent Printer Data Stream Reference,
S544-3417, for more details.

OG L 00
Load Copy Control
A copy control record 2 to 32760 bytes long specifies how the printer is to modify and print
logical pages in one or more copy subgroup definitions. Each copy subgroup definition can be
from 2 to 254 bytes long (divisible by 2). The maximum number of key-words that the host pro-
gram can specify in a copy subgroup definition is:
• X’80nn’ specify 1 time
• X’90nn’ specify 1 time
• X’91nn’ specify 1 time
• X’C1nn’ specify 1 time
• X’C2nn’ specify 1 time
• X’D1nn’ specify 1 to 126 times
• X’E1nn’ specify 1 to 126 times
• X’E4nn’ specify 1 to 63 times
• X’E5nn’ specify 1 to 63 times
• Actual tray capacity is determined by media weight.

Table of InfoPrint75/100
Data Area Value Description Error Code
Byte 1 X’01’ - X’FF’ NUMBER OF IDENTICAL COPIES X’0231..01’
X’8000’ Media Source X’02C2..02’
Tray 1
X’9000’ Media Destination (Byte Pairs) X’0236..01’
High Order Byte is Always 00 X’0237..03’
X’9101’ Output Tray X’0237..04’
X’C100’ Simplex Printing X’02C0..01’
X’C201’ 1-up Partitioning X’0237..01’
X’C202’ 2-up Partitioning X’02C0..02’
X’C203’ 3-up Partitioning X’02C0..03’

OG L 00
Table of InfoPrint75/100
Data Area Value Description Error Code

Bytes 2-n X’C204’ 4-up Partitioning X’02C0..04’

X’D101’ - X’D1FF’ Suppression X’0290..01’
X’E101’ - X’E1FE’ Medium Overlay ID X’0292..01’
X’E400’ - X’E47E’ Extended Medium Overlay ID (High-order) X’0238..03’
X’E500’ - X’E5FF’ Extended Medium Overlay ID (Low-order) X’0290..01’

OG L 00
Load Font Equivalence
The font equivalence record is a list of 0 to 254 font equivalence entries (each entry is 16 bytes).
The font equivalence record permits the host program to equate a Local-Font ID (specified in
text control p.96 "Set Coded Font Local", graphics order p.192 "Character Set" or p.140 "Bar
Code Data Descriptor" p.138 "Write Bar Code Control") with:
• Font Host Assigned ID (HAID)
• The Font Inline Sequence or character rotation table to be used when processing characters
• Global Resource ID (GRID) for resident fonts. The GRID is made up of the following com-
• GCSGID Graphic Character Set Global ID
• CPGID Code Page Global ID
• FGID Font Global ID
• FW Font width in 1/1440 inch units.
If a GRID is specified in bytes 5-12, the entry is requesting the activation of a coded font and
assigning a HAID to it. The printer uses the information provided in the GRID to locate the
component parts of the coded font. First, the GCSGID and FGID values are used to find the
font character set, and GCSGID and CPGID are used to find the code page. In some cases, the
printer will locate the code page using just the CPGID value. If the character set and code page
are not found in the above manner, information in the GRID will be used together with the Font
Inline Sequence value (Bytes 3-4) to locate a single-byte fully described font and font index.
The set of supported GCSGID/CPGID/FGID/FW (GRID) combinations is described in p.187
"Code Page and Font Identification" and is available to the host PSF by means of the XOA-
RRL command. For typographic and scalable fonts, a Font Width (FW) must be specified in
order to uniquely select a point size, unless FW=0 or X’FFFF’, in which case the printer's con-
trol panel [Characters Per Inch] setting is used ([Characters Per Inch] on the IPDS Menu).
Exception X’021D..02’ is reported back if a non-zero GRID is requested with parts that are not
supported in the printer, except in the case of GCSGID subset substitution or LFE Bold At-
tribute substitution.
For outline coded fonts, the FW value is used to derive a scale factor as follows:
• For typographic and proportionally spaced fonts, both horizontal and vertical scale factors
are 3 (FW).
• For fixed pitch, uniform character increment fonts, both horizontal and vertical scale factors are
derived using the following algorithm (fractions are truncated):
V_Scale = H_Scale = 1000 *1 FW/SPACE
Where SPACE is the value of the Space Character increment in relative units.
*1 4028-type font substitution is provided as the printer's control panel feature. It is independent of the
Device emulation mode setting (native or 4028). Default is No Font Substitution.
Data Area Value Description Error Code
Byte 0 X’00’ - X’FE’ LOCAL-FONT ID X’0219..02’
X’FF’ Reserved X’0218..02’

OG L 00
Data Area Value Description Error Code
Bytes 1-2 X’0001’ - FONT HOST ASSIGNED ID X’0218..02’
Bytes 3 - 4 FONT INLINE SEQUENCE X’0247..02’
X’0000’ 0 Degrees
X’2D00’ 90 Degrees
X’5A00’ 180 Degrees
X’8700’ 270 Degrees
Bytes 5 - 6 GCSGID
X’0000’ No value assigned (Note 2)
X’0001’ - Graphic Character Set Global ID
X’FFFF’ All characters with assigned code points in the associat-
ed code page
Bytes 7 - 8 CPGID X’021D..02’
X’0000’ No value assigned (Note 2)
X’0001’ - Code Page Global ID
X’FFFF’ Printer Default (Configuration Setting)
Bytes 9 - 10 FGID X’021D..02’
X’0000’ No value assigned (Note 2)
X’0001’ - Font Global ID
X’FFFF’ Printer Default (Configuration Setting)
Bytes 11 - 12 FW
X’0000’ No value assigned (Note 2)
X’0001’ - Font Width (Ignored for Fixed Pitch Fonts)
X’FFFF’ Printer Default as specified by Configuration Settings
Byte 13 X’00’ Reserved
Byte 14 FONT ATTRIBUTES (Note 3)
Bit 0 0/1 Ignored (Symbol Sets)
Bits 1-2 00 Reserved
Bit 3 0/1 Ignored (Double High)
Bit 4 0/1 Ignored (Italics)
Bit 5 0/1 Ignored (Double Strike)
Bit 6 0/1 Bold = 1
Bit 7 0/1 Ignored (Double Wide)

OG L 00
Data Area Value Description Error Code
Byte 15 X’00’ Reserved
Bytes 16-n Additional LFE ENTRIES X’023A..02’

• For LF1 coded fonts, FIS specifies the font index table for character rotation. For LF3 coded
fonts, FIS is used to select the metrics for a specific writing mode.
• Global Resource IDs (bytes 5-12) apply to printer resident fonts only. If these fields are all
X’0000’, then an activation is not done. If GCSGID and/or FW are 0 or X’FFFF’:
• CPGID (non-zero) defines the CPGID/GCSGID
• FGID (non-zero) defines the FGID/FW (Non-Typographic)
• FGID (non-zero) and the printer's control panel CPI defines the FGID/FW (Typographic)
• When the chosen font and attribute combination is restricted by a licensing agreement the
font attributes may be executed by substitution or other means. If an appropriate font is not
available, the attribute may not occur. Also, with font substitution, the available character-
istics may change. Combinations of attributes may not be available. Font attributes will not
be applied to host downloaded fonts.

OG L 00
Logical Page Descriptor
Before the printer can present a page of data it must know the following:
• the units in which distances have been measured
• the boundaries of the logical page
• initialization values for control parameters (Margins, Line spacing...)
The controls established in a Logical Page Descriptor command remain in effect until the next
Logical Page Descriptor is received unless superseded by explicit controls in other commands
(see p.90 "Write Text"). In any case, the latest LPD control values are restored with each Begin
Page or Begin Overlay command.
The LPD command is valid with 24, 28, 34, 36, 38, 40, 41 or 43 bytes. The printer accepts the
LPD command using any of these valid lengths.
Data Area Value Description Error Code
Byte 0 UNIT-BASE (Measurement Units) X’0264..02’
X’00’ 10 in.
X’01’ 10 centimeters
Byte 1 Reserved
Bytes 2-3 Xp AND I L-units PER UNIT-BASE X’0260..02’
X’3840’ 14400 L-units per 10 in.
X’1626’ 5670 L-units per 10 centimeters
X’0960’ 2400 L-units per 10 in.
X’03B1’ 945 L-units per 10 centimeters
Bytes 4-5 Yp AND B L-units PER UNIT-BASE X’0261..02’
X’3840’ 14400 L-units per 10 in.
X’1626’ 5670 L-units per 10 centimeters
X’0960’ 2400 L-units per 10 in.
X’03B1’ 945 L-Units per 10 centimeters
Byte 6 Reserved
Bytes 7-9 X’000001’ - X’007FFF’ Xp-EXTENT OF LOGICAL PAGE (Width) See X’0262..02’
p.28 "Notation Conventions"
Byte 10 Reserved
Bytes 11-13 X’000001’ - X’007FFF’ Yp-EXTENT OF LOGICAL PAGE (Height) See X’0263..02’
p.28 "Notation Conventions"
Byte 14 Reserved
Byte 15 Ignored (Ordered Data)
Bytes 16-23 Reserved
Bytes 24-25 I-AXIS ORIENTATION X’0268..02’

OG L 00
Data Area Value Description Error Code
Bytes 24-25 X’0000’ 0 Degrees
X’2D00’ 90 Degrees
X’5A00’ 180 Degrees
X’8700’ 270 Degrees
X’FFFF’ Printer Default
Bytes 26-27 B-AXIS ORIENTATION X’0269..02’
X’0000’ 0 Degrees
X’2D00’ 90 Degrees
X’5A00’ 180 Degrees
X’8700’ 270 Degrees
X’FFFF’ Printer Default

• See p.101 "Set Text Orientation" for valid
combinations of I-axis and B-axis orienta-
Bytes 28-29 X’0000’ - X’7FFF’ INITIAL I PRINT COORDINATE See p.28 "No- X’026A..02’
tation Conventions"
Bytes 30-31 X’0000’ - X’7FFF’ INITIAL B PRINT COORDINATE See p.28 X’026B..02’
"Notation Conventions"
Bytes 32-33 X’0000’ - X’7FFF’ INLINE MARGIN X’0210..01’
See p.28 "Notation Conventions"
X’FFFF’ Printer Default
Bytes 34-35 X’0000’ - X’7FFF’ INTERCHARACTER ADJUSTMENT (+) X’0212..01’
See p.28 "Notation Conventions"
X’FFFF’ Printer Default
Bytes 36-37 Reserved
Bytes 38-39 X’0000’ - X’7FFF’ BASELINE INCREMENT X’0211..01’
See p.28 "Notation Conventions"
X’FFFF’ Printer Default
Byte 40 X’00’ - X’FE’ LOCAL FONT ID
X’FF’ Printer Default

OG L 00
Data Area Value Description Error Code
Bytes 41-42 TEXT COLOR X’0258..03’
X’0000’ or X’FF00’ Printer Default (Black)
X’0001’ or X’FF01’ Blue - Limited Simulated Color Support
X’0002’ or X’FF02’ Red - Limited Simulated Color Support
X’0003’ or X’FF03’ Pink - Limited Simulated Color Support
X’0004’ or X’FF04’ Green - Limited Simulated Color Support
X’0005’ or X’FF05’ Turquoise - Limited Simulated Color Support
X’0006’ or X’FF06’ Yellow - Limited Simulated Color Support
X’0008’ Black
X’0010’ Brown - Limited Simulated Color Support
X’FF07’ Printer Default (Black)
X’FF08’ Color of Medium (Reset)
X’FFFF’ Printer Default (Black)
Bytes 43-end LPD Triplets
• Color Specification Triplet. This optional tri-
plet can be placed at the end of the LPD com-
mand to specify the foreground color of the
object area, before any object data is placed on
the object area. Any number of LPD triplets
can be received, they are processed in the or-
der received and the resulting color of the ob-
ject area depends on the last instance of the
triplet received. See p.32 "Color Specifica-
tion" for details.
• Presentation Space Reset Mixing Triplet. This
optional triplet can be placed at the end of the
LPD command to specify whether or not an
object area is reset to the color of medium be-
fore any object data is placed on the object ar-
ea. Any number of LPD triplets can be
received, they are processed in the order re-
ceived and the resulting color of the object
area depends on the last instance of the triplet
received. See p.34 "Presentation Space Reset
Mixing" for details.

OG L 00
Logical Page Position
This command defines the position on the physical sheet of paper where the logical page is to
be placed.
Data Area Value Description Error Code
Byte 0 X’00’ RESERVED
Bytes 1-3 X’FF8000’ - Xm OFFSET of the LOGICAL PAGE ORIGIN in L- X’02A4..01’
X’007FFF’ Units See p.28 "Notation Conventions". X’02AD..01’
X’00’ Default placement
X’10’ Partition 1, front side
X’20’ Partition 2, front side
X’30’ Partition 3, front side
X’40’ Partition 4, front side
Bytes 5-7 X’FF8000’ - Ym OFFSET of the LOGICAL PAGE ORIGIN in L- X’02A5..01’
X’007FFF’ Units See p.28 "Notation Conventions". X’02AD..01’
X’0000’ 0 Degrees
X’2D00’ 90 Degrees
X’5A00’ 180 Degrees
X’8700’ 270 Degrees

• Explicit placement is supported.

OG L 00
Presentation Fidelity Control
The Presentation Fidelity Control (PFC) command is only valid in home state and specifies the fidelity re-
quirements for certain presentation functions. The desired fidelity for each supported presentation function
can be specified with a triplet on the PFC command. The activate flag can be used to reset all fidelity controls
to their default settings before activating the settings specified in the PFC triplets. A PFC command with no
triplets and with the activate flag set to B’0’ resets all fidelity controls to their default settings.
Data Area Value Description Error Code
Byte 0 X’00’ RESERVED
Byte 1 FLAGS
0 Reset to default fidelity controls and activate PFC triplets
1 Just activate PFC triplets
Bits 1-7 Reserved
Byte 2-3 X’0000’ Reserved
Bytes 4-n Triplets (Zero or more optional PFC triplets) X’0254..05’
X’86’ Text Fidelity Control
X’88’ Finishing Fidelity Control

Text Fidelity Control

The Text Fidelity triplet specifies the exception continuation and reporting rules when an un-
recognized or unsupported text control sequence is encountered.
Data Area Value Description Error Code
Byte 0 X’07’ LENGTH X’0254..51’
Byte 1 X’86’ Text Fidelity Triplet ID
Byte 2 CONTINUE X’0254..52’
X’01’ Stop on Exception ID X’0200..01’
X’02’ Continue Processing Write Text Data
Byte 3 X’00’ Reserved
Byte 4 REPORT X’0254..53’
X’01’ Report X’0200..01’ Exception
X’02’ Do Not Report X’0200..01’ Exception
Byte 5-6 X’0000’ Reserved

• The Presentation Fidelity Controls for Text Fidelity is only supported on the
InfoPrint75/100 printer.

OG L 00
Finishing Fidelity Control
The Finishing Fidelity triplet specifies the exception continuation and reporting rules for fin-
ishing exceptions. This fidelity control applies when a request for a specific finishing operation
cannot be satisfied.
Data Area Value Description Error Code
Byte 0 X’07’ LENGTH X’0254..51’
Byte 1 X’88’ Finishing Fidelity Triplet ID
Byte 2 CONTINUE X’0254..52’
X’01’ Stop at first finishing exception
X’02’ Continue without the finishing operation
Byte 3 X’00’ Reserved
Byte 4 REPORT X’0254..53’
X’01’ Report Finishing Exceptions
X’02’ Do Not Report Finishing Exceptions
Byte 5-6 X’0000’ Reserved

• The Finishing Fidelity is only supported on the InfoPrint75/100 printer.

OG L 00
Sense Type and Model
Causes the printer to place into the Special Data Area of the Acknowledge Reply (See p.40 "Ac-
knowledgement Reply") a record containing type and model information and the functions the
printer supports.
This command is effectively a NOP if the ARQ bit is NOT ON in the command header.

* Sense Type and Model X’D6E4’

Special Data Area Value Description
Byte 0 X’FF’ Convention
Bytes 1-2 Product Code
X’4370’ InfoPrint75/100
X’4028’ 4028 Emulation (4028)
Byte 3 Model
X’00’ 4028 Emulation (Simplex)
InfoPrint75/100 reports this value.
Bytes 4-5 X’0000’ Reserved

* Device-Control Command Set

Special Data Area Value Description
Bytes 0-1 X’nnnn’ VECTOR LENGTH
Bytes 2-3 X’C4C3’ DEVICE CONTROL Command-Set ID
Bytes 4-5 X’FF10’ DC1 Subset ID
Bytes 6-7 X’6001’ MULTIPLE COPY and COPY-SUBGROUP support in LCC
Bytes 8-9 X’6002’ Media-source-selection support in LCC
Bytes 10-11 X’6003’ Media-destination_selection support in LCC
Bytes 12-13 X’6101’ Explicit Page Placement and Orientation Support
Bytes 16-17 X’7001’ MANAGE IPDS DIALOG (MID) Command support
Bytes 18-19 X’702E’ ACTIVATE RESOURCE Command support
Bytes 20-21 X’7034’ PRESENTATION FIDELITY Command support
Bytes 22-23 X’8008’ XOA Order MARK FORM
Bytes 24-25 X'800C’ XOA Order Control Edge Mark
Bytes 34-35 X’9001’ XOH Order PRINT BUFFERED DATA

OG L 01
Special Data Area Value Description
Bytes 38-39 X’9004’ XOH Order DEFINE GROUP BOUNDARY
Bytes 42-43 X’9007’ XOH Order ERASE RESIDUAL FONT DATA
Bytes 44-45 X’900D’ XOH Order STACK RECEIVED PAGES
Bytes 46-47 X’9013’ XOH Order EJECT to FRONT FACING
Bytes 50-51 X’9016’ XOH Order SET MEDIA ORIGIN
Bytes 52-53 X’9017’ XOH Order SET MEDIA SIZE
Bytes 58-59 X’F001’ END PERSISTENT NACK Without Leaving IPDS
Bytes 64-65 X’F202’ Font resolution and metric technology triplets supported
Bytes 66-67 X’F203’ Metric adjustment triplets supported in AR commands
Bytes 68-69 X’F601’ Position check highlighting support in XOA EHC
Bytes 70-71 X’F602’ Independent exception page print in XOA-EHC

• Independent Exception Page Print is only present in Nativemode,
not 4028 Emulation mode.
Bytes 72-73 X’F704’ SIMPLEX 4-UP supported in LCC
Independent Exception Page Print is only supported in Native mode.

* Presentation Text Command Set

Special Data Area Value Description
Bytes 0-1 X’000C’ VECTOR LENGTH
Bytes 2-3 X’D7E3’ PRESENTATION TEXT Command Set - TX1 Subset
Bytes 4-5 X’FF30’ PT3 Data
Bytes 6-7 X’1001’ UNORDERED TEXT

• See p.29 "Color Simulation" for color simulation details and prod-
uct support specifics.
Bytes 10-11 X’50FF’ 8 TEXT ORIENTATIONS supported

OG L 00
* IM Image Command Set
Special Data Area Value Description
Bytes 0-1 X’000C’ VECTOR LENGTH
Bytes 2-3 X’C9D4’ IM IMAGE Command Set - IM1 Subset
Bytes 4-5 X’FF10’ IMD1 Data

• See p.29 "Color Simulation" for color simulation details and prod-
uct support specifics.
Bytes 10-11 X’A004’ ALL 4 ORIENTATIONS Supported

OG L 00
* IO Image Command Set
Special Data Area Value Description
Bytes 0-1 X’001A’ VECTOR LENGTH
Bytes 2-3 X’C9D6’ IO Image Command Set
Bytes 4-5 X’FF10’ IO/1 Level
Bytes 6-7 X’1001’ Unordered Image Blocks
• p.29 "Color Simulation" for color simulation details and product
support specifics.
Bytes 10-11 X’5001’ MMR Compression algorithm supported
Bytes 12-13 X’5003’ Uncompressed Image supported
Bytes 14-15 X’5006’ RL4 Compression supported
Bytes 16-17 X’5081’ G3 Facsimile Coding Scheme (CCITT G3MR)
Bytes 18-19 X’5082’ G4 Facsimile Coding Scheme (CCITT G4MMR)
Bytes 20-21 X’5101’ Bit ordering supported
Bytes 22-23 X’A004’ All four orientations supported
Bytes 24-25 X’F300’ Replicate and Trim mapping supported

• The Replicate and Trim Mapping Control Option is not supported when IPDS Print
Mode = STD (Standard 300 dpi).
* Graphics Command Set
Special Data Area Value Description
Bytes 0-1 X’0012’ VECTOR LENGTH
Bytes 2-3 X’E5C7’ GRAPHICS Command Set - GR1 Subset
Bytes 4-5 X’FF20’ DR/2V0 Data
• See p.29 "Color Simulation" for color simulation details and prod-
uct support specifics.
Bytes 10-11 X’4100’ Set Process Color Supported
Bytes 12-13 X’4101’ GOCA Box Drawing Supported
Bytes 14-15 X’4102’ Partial Arc Drawing Supported
Bytes 16-17 X’4106’ Set Fractional Line Width Supported

OG L 00
* Page Segment Command Set
Special Data Area Value Description
Bytes 0-1 X’0008’ VECTOR LENGTH
Bytes 2-3 X’D7E2’ PAGE SEGMENT Command Set
Bytes 4-5 X’FF10’ PS1 Subset

* Overlay Command Set

Special Data Area Value Description
Bytes 0-1 X’000A’ VECTOR LENGTH
Bytes 2-3 X’D6D3’ OVERLAY Command Set
Bytes 4-5 X’FF10’ OL1 Subset
Bytes 6-7 X’1506’ OVERLAY NESTING = 6 Levels

* Loaded Font Command Set (LF1)

Special Data Area Value Description
Bytes 0-1 X’0012’ VECTOR LENGTH
Bytes 2-3 X’C3C6’ LOADED FONT Command Set
Bytes 4-5 X’FF10’ LF1 subset - fully described font + font index
Bytes 6-7 X’A004’ 4 CHARACTER ROTATIONS (LFI command)
Bytes 8-9 X’B001’ Double-byte coded fonts supported
Bytes 10-11 X’B002’ LFI UNDERSCORE Width and Position USED
Bytes 14-15 X’C100’ FIXED METRICS
Bytes 16-17 X’C101’ RELATIVE METRICS

* Loaded Font Command Set (LF3)

Special Data Area Value Description
Bytes 0-1 X’0016’ VECTOR LENGTH
Bytes 2-3 X’C3C6’ LOADED FONT Command Set
Bytes 4-5 X’FF30’ LF3 subset - code page + font character set
Bytes 6-7 X’A004’ 4 CHARACTER ROTATIONS (LFI command)
Bytes 8-9 X’B001’ Double-byte coded fonts supported
Bytes 10-11 X’B002’ LF1 UNDERSCORE Width and Position USED
Bytes 14-15 X’C100’ FIXED METRICS
Bytes 20-21 X’C101’ RELATIVE METRICS

OG L 00
* Bar Code Command Set
Special Data Area Value Description
Bytes 0-1 X’000C’ VECTOR LENGTH
Bytes 2-3 X’C2C3’ BAR CODE Command Set - BC1 Subset
Bytes 4-5 X’FF10’ BCD1 Data

• See p.29 "Color Simulation" for color simulation details and prod-
uct support specifics.
Bytes 10-11 X’A004’ All four orientations supported

• See p.142 "Bar Code Type and Modifier Description and Values" for a list of supported
Bar Code Types.

OG L 00
Execute Order Any State (XOA)
This command identifies a set of subcommands which take effect immediately, regardless of
the current printer operating state.
Each Execute Order Any state command consists of a two-byte order code followed by zero or
more bytes of parameters.

XOA Mark Form

The MF order causes the printer to place two rectangular blocks of job separation marks on the
current or the next sheet. One block is printed on the leading edge of the sheet and one block is
printed on the trailing edge of the sheet.
If the MF order is included in a page that is part of a Load Copy Control copy group (See p.51
"Load Copy Control") all the copies of the page will have a job separator mark included.
Data Area Value Description Error Code
Bytes 0-1 X’0800’ MARK FORM

OG L 00
XOA Exception Handling Control
The Exception-Handling Control command allows the host to control how the printer reports and
processes exceptions. A data-stream exception exists when the printer detects an invalid or un-
supported command, control, or parameter value.
Data Area Value Description Error Code
Bit 0: 0 Do not Report Undefined Character Check
Bit 0: 1 Report Undefined Character Check
Bit 1: 0 Do not Report Page Position Check
Bit 1: 1 Report Page Position Check
Bits 2-5: 00 Reserved
Bit 6: 0 Do not Highlight Position Checks
Bit 6: 1 Highlight Position Checks (08C1..00 and 0411..00)
Bit 7: 0 Do not Report All other Exceptions with AEA’s
Bit 7: 1 Report All other Exceptions with AEA’s
Bits 0-6: 0 Reserved
Bit 7: 0 Take AEA (if defined)
Bit 7: 1 Don’t take AEA
Bits 0-5: 0 Reserved
Bit 6: 0 No Page Continuation
Bit 6: 1 Page Continuation Action (Independent Exception Page Print
Discard Page
Bit 7: 0 Print to point of Exception
Bit 7: 1 (Process limits may apply)

• Independent Exception Page Print is only present in Native
mode, not 4028 Emulation mode.

OG L 00
XOA Request Resource List
This order causes the Resource List (see “Resource List Reply”) to be placed in the Special
Data Area of the Acknowledge Reply (see p.40 "Acknowledgement Reply") requested with this
order. If the ARQ flag was not set for this XOA subcommand, it is treated as a NOP.
A Resource List Reply may consist of multiple entries. If the Resource List Reply contains an
entry that does not fit in the space available in the Special Data Area of Acknowledge Reply,
the printer will follow either the acknowledge continuation method or the RRL-continuation
method, depending on the host, as described in Intelligent Printer Data Stream Reference.
Data Area Value Description Error Code
Byte 2 QUERY TYPE X’0291..02’
X’05’ Resource Activation Status
X’00’ or X’FF’ General Resource Status
Bytes 3-4 X’0000’- ENTRY CONTINUATION Indicator
Byte 5 X’03’-X’xx’ ENTRY LENGTH X’0291..02’

• Multiple-entry queries are not supported. Byte 5 indi-
cates the length of the command.
Byte 6 RESOURCE TYPE X’0291..02’
X’01’ Single Byte Coded Fonts
X’02’ Double-byte LF1-type coded fonts
X’03’ Double-byte LF1-type coded font sections
X’04’ Page Segments
X’05’ Overlays
X’06’ Device Version Code Pages
X’07’ Font Character Sets
X’08’ Single-byte coded-font indexes
X’09’ Double-byte LF1-type coded font section indexes
X’10’ Coded Fonts (treated as RT 01)
X’11’ Graphic Character Sets supported in a font character set
X’12’ Specific Code Pages
X’FF’ All Resources
Byte 7 RESOURCE ID FORMAT X’0291..02’
X’00’ Host-Assigned Resource ID
X’03’ IBM Registered Global Resource ID parts

OG L 00
• Multiple-entry queries are not supported. Byte 5 indicates the length of the entry.
• If the entire resource list does not fit in the Special Data area of the Acknowledge Reply, contin-
uation is necessary. The printer indicates continuation using the acknowledgement continuation
bit in the flag byte of the Acknowledge Reply. If the host requests Acknowledgement continua-
tion by sending a command with ARQ bit and the Continuation bit set, the printer will complete
the RRL reply using Acknowledgement continuation. If the host requests RRL continuation (by
sending an RRL command with non-zero value in bytes 3 and 4) the printer will use conventional
RRL continuation to finish the reply. If the host requests both RRL and ACK continuation, the
printer will default to RRL continuation.
• Bytes 8 and 9 are ignored when the resource type is ALL.
• Exception ID 0291..02 in bytes 6 and 7 are for invalid values. If either value is unsupported,
then the query is not understood and the reply is a single entry that sets the resource type to
zero, echoes other values, and sets the resource size to zero (not present).

OG L 00
* Resource List Reply
Data Area Value Description Error Code
Byte 1 X’01’ END of LIST
X’04’ - X’nn’ LENGTH of this ENTRY
X’00’ Resource Size=0. The queried Resource Type,
ID Format, or ID is unknown, unsupported, or inconsistent
X’01’ Single Byte Coded Font
X’04’ Page Segment
X’05’ Overlay
X’06’ Device Version Code Pages
X’07’ Font Character Sets
X’08’ Single Byte Coded Font Index
X’11’ Graphic Character Sets supported in a font character set
X’12’ Specific Code Pages
X’FF’ All Resources
X’00’ Host-Assigned Resource ID
X’03’ IBM Registered Global Resource ID parts
Byte 4 RESOURCE SIZE Indicator
X’00’ Resource not present
X’01’ Resource present
Byte 5-6 X’xxxx’ Resource ID

• Bytes 2-6 repeat for each resource type.

• A query for a HARID that maps to a GCSGID/CPGID/FGID/FW combination which is
not supported in the current configuration will result in a negative response (Reply Byte
4 = 0).
• See p.187 "Code Page and Font Identification" for a description of the supported GCS-
GID/CPGID/FGID/FW combinations.

OG L 00
XOA Control Edge Mark (CEM)
The CEM order causes the printer to mark the current or next sheet with edge marks. Edge
marks consist of one, two or three narrow bars as defined by the printer. These bars are printed
perpendicular to the media perforation and entirely within the left carrier strip ending at the
trailing edge of the specified page. A corresponding number of edge marks are also printed per-
pendicular to the media perforation and entirely within the left carrier strip beginning at the
leading edge of the next page.
Data Area Value Description Error Code
Byte 0-1 X’0C00’ Control Edge Mark (CEM)
Byte 2 X’00’ Inhibit (default)
X’01’ Continue
X’F1’ One edge mark
X’F2’ Two edge marks
X’F3’ Three edge mark
X’FE’ Alternate

OG L 00
Execute Order Home State (XOH)
Each Execute Order Homestate command consists of a two-byte order code followed by zero
or more bytes of parameters.

XOH Obtain Printer Characteristics

This order causes a set of device self-defined fields describing printer characteristics to be placed in the
Special Data Area of the requested Acknowledgement Reply and is identified with an acknowledgement
type of X’46’. If the ARQ flag was not set on the XOH command containing this order, then this order
is equivalent to a No Operation.
Data Area Value Description Error Code
Bytes 0-1 X’F300’ OPC Order Code

Printable Area Self-Defining Field

• The printer provides two modes that determine the specification of the Xm Offset, Ym Off-
set, Xm Extent and Ym Extent of the Printable Area.
• Restricted (No Print Border) (Guaranteed Print Legibility) (Default)
• Unrestricted (Edge-to-Edge Addressability)
• The Xm Extent and Ym Extent of the Printable Area parameters documented in the follow-
ing table are representative of the standard printer source media configuration. These extents
can be modified as a result of receiving a XOH-SMO command, as described in p.84 "XOH
Set Media Origin".
• Actual tray capacities are determined media weight. The capacities in the following table
are the maximum allowable.
Special Data Area Value Description
Bytes 0-1 LENGTH of this Self-Defining Field
X’0024’ or InfoPrint75/100 with Single Media OID
X’nnnn’ InfoPrint75/100 with Media Name
Bytes 2-3 X’0001’ PRINTABLE AREA Self-Defining Field ID
X’00’ Tray 0
Refer to the section of Load Copy Control command.
Byte 5 X’00’ Reserved
Byte 6 X’00’ UNIT BASE 10 in.
Byte 7 X’00’ Reserved
Bytes 8-9 X’3840’ L-units per UNIT BASE
Bytes 10-11 X’0001’ - WIDTH of the Medium Presentation Space in L-units
X’xxxx’ (determined by configuration)

OG L 00
Special Data Area Value Description
Bytes 12-13 X’0001’ - LENGTH of the Medium Presentation Space in L-units (determined
X’xxxx’ by configuration)
Bytes 14-15 Xm OFFSET of the Printable Area in L-Units
X’00E3’ Restricted (4mm)
X’0000’ Unrestricted (0mm)
Bytes 16-17 Ym OFFSET of the Printable Area in L-units
X’00E3’ Restricted (4mm)
X’0000’ Unrestricted (0mm)
Bytes 18-19 Xm EXTENT of the Printable Area in L-units
X’1EF0’ -
Bytes 20-21 Ym EXTENT of the Printable Area in L-units
X’21C0’ -
Bit 0: 0 0 = No Duplex
Bits 1-2: 01 01 = Continuous Form Media
Bit 3: 1 0 = Tray Not Available; 1 = Tray Available
Bit 4: 0 0 = Reserved
Bit 5: 0/1 0 = No Envelopes; 1 = Auto or Manual Envelope Feature
Bit 6: 0/1 0 = Auto Media Feed; 1 = Manual Media Feed
Bytes 22-23 Bit 7: 0 0 = No Computer Output on Microfilm (COM)
Bit 8: 0 0 = No Carrier Strips (Ignored for Cut Sheet Media)
Bit 9: 0/1 0 = Not an Inserter Bin; 1=Inserter Bin
Bits 10-15:all 0 Reserved
Bytes 24-25 Input Media ID LENGTH (Note 3)
X’000C’ or InfoPrint75/100 with Single OID byte
X’000D’ or InfoPrint75/100 with Double OID bytes
X’000E’ or InfoPrint75/100 with Triple OID bytes
X’000F’ InfoPrint75/100 with Quadruple OID bytes
X’10’ MO:DCA Input Media Type OID
Byte 27 X’06’ OID Encoding
X’07’ or InfoPrint75/100 with Single OID byte
X’08’ or InfoPrint75/100 with Double OID bytes
X’09’ or InfoPrint75/100 with Triple OID bytes
X’0A’ InfoPrint75/100 with Quadruple OID bytes
Bytes 29-34 X’2B1200040301 Input Media ID (Common Part)

Bytes 35-36 X’nn’ The value specified OCP.

OG L 00
Special Data Area Value Description
Bytes 37-38 X’0004’ - Input Media ID LENGTH (Note 4)
Byte 39 Input Media ID TYPE
X’00’ User Defined Name
Bytes 40-end Input Media ID (Form Name)
X’4C6574746572 (1 to 16 Byte Form Name)

(ie. Letter)

• Input Media ID type X’06’ - Media OID is only returned if a particular media has a regis-
tered MO:DCA Media Type OID.
• Input Media ID type X’00’ - User Defined Name is only returned if the user defines a Form,
assigns a Form Name to the Form and associates that Form with a given Input Media Source

Image and Coded Font Resolution Self-Defining Field

Special Data Area Value Description

Bytes 0-1 X’000A’ LENGTH of this Self-Defining Field
Bytes 2-3 X’0003’ IMAGE and CODED FONT RESOLUTION Self-Defining Field
Byte 4 X’00’ UNIT BASE 10 inches
X’00’ Resolution Acceptance Mode (Only value in bytes 6-9)
X’FF’ Resolution Independence Mode (Bytes 6-9 specify highest resolution)
(240 DPI or 300 DPI or 600 DPI)
Bytes 6-7 X PIXELS per Unit Base
X’0960’ 2400 pixels/10 inches
X’0BB8’ 3000 pixels/10 inches
X’1770’ 6000 pixels/10 inches
Bytes 8-9 Y PIXELS per Unit Base
X’0960’ 2400 pixels/10 inches
X’0BB8’ 3000 pixels/10 inches
6000 pixels/10 inches

• Value for byte 5 is controlled by the [Resolution] setting in the IPDS menu. Byte 5 will in-
dicate Resolution Acceptance mode X’00’ if the IPDS Resolution setting is 240, 300 or 600
DPI. Byte 5 will indicate Resolution Independence mode X’FF’ if the IPDS Resolution set-
ting is Auto.
• Values for bytes 6-9 are controlled by the setting of byte 5 (Font Resolutions). If byte 5 in-
dicates Resolution Acceptance mode X’00’, bytes 6-9 reflect the [Resolution] setting in the
IPDS menu. If byte 5 indicates Resolution Independence mode X’FF’, bytes 6-9 reflect the
[Print Mode] setting in the IPDS menu. Note that the resolutions specified also apply to
GOCA image if the image resolution specified in the GDD command is X’0000’, indicating
that no explicit GOCA image resolution was specified.

OG L 00
• If the [Print Mode] = STD (Standard 300 DPI), then the [Resolution] setting is ignored. Byte
5 will indicate Resolution Acceptance mode X’00’ and bytes 6-9 will reflect the IPDS Print
Mode setting (300 DPI).
• For the printer to specify IPDS Resolution support of 240, 600, or AUTO, The IPDS Print
Mode must be set to Enhanced (PRINT MODE = ENH on the IPDS Menu). In enhanced
print mode, complex (full page) image jobs may not yield optimal print performance due to
the increased print fidelity required to accurately render 240 and 600 DPI print objects.

Storage Pools Self-Defining Field

Special Data Area Value Description

Bytes 0-1 X’0039’ LENGTH of this Self-Defining Field
Bytes 2-3 X’0004’ STORAGE POOLS Self-Defining Field
Byte 4 X’2F’ LENGTH of each Storage Pool Self-Defining Field
Byte 5 X’01’ Triplet ID
Bytes 7-10 X’nnnnnnnn’ Storage pool varies based on installed memory and features
Bytes 11-14 X’00000000’ Reserved
Bytes 15-16 X’0011’ PAGE GRAPHICS Data
Bytes 17-18 X’0012’ PAGE IMAGE Data
Bytes 19-20 X’0013’ PAGE TEXT Data
Bytes 21-22 X’0014’ PAGE BAR CODE Data
Bytes 23-24 X’0021’ OVERLAY GRAPHICS Data
Bytes 25-26 X’0022’ OVERLAY IMAGE Data
Bytes 27-28 X’0023’ OVERLAY TEXT Data
Bytes 29-30 X’0024’ OVERLAY BAR CODE Data
Bytes 31-32 X’0031’ PAGE SEGMENT GRAPHICS Data
Bytes 33-34 X’0032’ PAGE SEGMENT IMAGE Data
Bytes 35-36 X’0033’ PAGE SEGMENT TEXT Data
Bytes 37-38 X’0034’ PAGE SEGMENT BAR CODE Data
Bytes 39-40 X’0040’ Single-Byte CODED FONT Index Tables
Bytes 41-42 X’0041’ Single-Byte CODED FONT Descriptors
Bytes 43-44 X’0042’ Single-Byte CODED FONT Patterns
Bytes 45-46 X’0048’ Double-Byte CODED FONT Index tables
Bytes 47-48 X’0049’ Double-Byte CODED FONT Descriptions
Bytes 49-50 X’004A’ Double-Byte CODED FONT Patterns
Bytes 51-52 X’0050’ CODE PAGES
Bytes 53-54 X’0060’ FONT CHARACTER SETS
Bytes 55-56 X’0070’ CODED FONTS

OG L 00
Color Support Self-Defining Field

Special Data Area Value Description

Bytes 0-1 X’0006’ LENGTH of this Self-Defining Field
Bytes 2-3 X’0005’ COLOR SUPPORT Self-Defining Field
Bytes 4-5 X’0008’ BLACK

Installed Features Self-Defining Field

Since printers are capable of supporting multiple features, multiple configuration combinations
are possible. All installable features are described below.
Special Data Area Value Description
Bytes 0-1 X’0006’ LENGTH of this Self Defining Field
Bytes 2-3 X’0006’ INSTALLED FEATURE Self Definition Field
Bytes 4-5 X’0B00’ Continuous Form

Available Features Self-Defining Field

Since printers are capable of supporting multiple features, multiple configuration combinations
are possible. All available features are described below.
Special Data Area Value Description
Bytes 0-1 X’0006’ LENGTH of this Self Defining Field
Bytes 2-3 X’0006’ INSTALLED FEATURE Self Definition Field
Bytes 4-5 X’0B00’ Continuous Form

OG L 00
RRL Resource Type and ID Format Self-Defining Field

Special Data Area Value Description

Bytes 0-1 X’002A’ LENGTH of this Self-Defining Field
Bytes 2-3 X’000A’ RRL RESOURCE TYPE Self
• RRL query combinations that receive a non-zero Resource Type
reply (See p.70 "XOA Request Resource List"
Bytes 4-5 X’0100’ Single-Byte Coded Fonts as Host Assigned Resource ID
Bytes 6-7 X’0103’ Single-Byte Coded Fonts as IBM Global Resource ID
Bytes 8-9 X’0400’ Page Segments as Host Assigned Resource ID
Bytes 10-11 X’0500’ Overlays as Host Assigned Resource ID
Bytes 12-13 X’0600 Device Version Code Pages as Host Assigned Resource ID
Bytes 14-15 X’0603’ Device Version Code Pages as IBM Global Resource ID
Bytes 16-17 X’0700’ Font Character Set as Host Assigned Resource ID
Bytes 18-19 X’0703’ Font Character Set as IBM Global Resource ID
Bytes 20-21 X’0800’ Single-Byte Coded Font Index as Host Assigned Resource ID
Bytes 22-23 X’1000’ Coded Fonts as Host Assigned Resource ID (treated as X’0100’)
Bytes 24-25 X’1003’ Coded Fonts as IBM Global Resource ID (treated as X’0103’)
Bytes 26-27 X’1103’ Graphic Character Sets/Subsets as IBM Global Resource ID
Bytes 28-29 X’1200’ Specific Code Pages as Host Assigned Resource ID
Bytes 30-31 X’1203’ Specific Code Pages as IBM Global Resource ID
Bytes 32-33 X’2000’ Double-Byte LF1-typeCoded Font as Host Assigned Resource ID
Bytes 34-35 X’2003’ Double-Byte LF1-typeCoded Font as IBM Global Resource ID
Bytes 36-37 X’3000’ Double-Byte LF1-typeCoded Font sections as Host Assigned Re-
source ID
Bytes 38-39 X’9000’ Double-Byte Coded Font section indexes as Host Assigned Resource
Bytes 40-41 X’FF00’ All Resources as Host Assigned Resource ID

OG L 00
Activate Resource RT and ID Format Self-Defining Field

Special Data Area Value Description

Bytes 0-1 X’001C’ LENGTH of this Self Defining Field
Bytes 2-3 X’000B’ RRL RESOURCE TYPE Self
• RRL query combinations that receive a non-zero Resource Type
reply (See p.70 "XOA Request Resource List")
Bytes 4-5 X’0103’ Single-Byte LF1 Coded Fonts with IBM Global Resource IDs
Bytes 6-7 X’0106’ Single-Byte LF1 Coded Fonts with MVS Host Unalterable Remote
Font Environment
Bytes 8-9 X’0603’ Code Pages with IBM Global Resource IDs
Bytes 10-11 X’0703’ Font Character Sets with IBM Global Resource IDs
Bytes 12-13 X’0803’ Device Version Code Pages as Host Assigned Resource ID
Bytes 14-15 X’0806’ Single-Byte LF1 Coded Fonts Index with MVS Host Unalterable
Bytes 16-17 X’1003’ Remote Font Environment
Bytes 18-19 X’1007’ Single-Byte Coded Fonts with IBM Global Resource ID
Bytes 20-21 X’0303’ Double-Byte LF1-type Coded Font Sections with IBM Global Re-
source IDs
Bytes 22-23 X’0306’ Double-Byte LF1-type Coded Font Sections with MVS Host Unalter-
able format
Bytes 24-25 X’0903’ Double-Byte LF1-type Coded Font Section Indexes with IBM Global
Resource IDs
Bytes 26-27 X’0906’ Double-Byte LF1-type Coded Font Section Indexes with MVS Host
Unalterable format

OG L 00
Bar Code Type Self-Defining Field ID

Special Data Area Value Description

Bytes 0-1 X’0013’ LENGTH of this Self Defining Field
Bytes 2-3 X’000E’ BAR CODE TYPE Self Defining Field
Byte 4 X’0D’ CODABAR Modifier Byte Options X’01’ and X’02’
Byte 5 X’11’ CODE 128 Modifier Byte Option X’02’
Byte 6 X’18’ POSTNET Modifier Byte Options X’00’ - X’03’
Byte 7 X’1A’ RM4SCC Modifier Byte Option X’00’
Byte 8 X’1B’ Japan Postal Barcode Modifier Byte Option X’00’ and ’01’
Byte 9 X’1C’ Data Matrix 2D Bar Code Modifier Byte Option X’00’
Byte 10 X’1D’ MaxiCode 2D Bar Code Modifier Byte Option X’00’
Byte 11 X’1E’ PDF417 2D Bar Code Modifier Byte Options X’00’ and X’01’
Byte 12 X’1F’ Australia Post Bar Code Modifier Byte Options X’01’ - X’08’
Byte 13 X’9A’ RM4SCC Modifier Byte Option X’01’
Byte 14 X’20’ QR Code 2D Bar Code Modifier Byte Option X’02’
Byte 15 X’21’ Code 93 Modifier Byte Option X’00’
Byte 16 X’22’ USPS Four-State (Intelligent Mail Barcode):modifier-byte options
X’00’ through X’03’
Byte 17 X’91’ Code 128 Modifier Byte Option X’03’
Byte 18 X’98’ POSTNET (PLANET) Modifier Byte Option X’04’

• See p.142 "Bar Code Type and Modifier Description and Values" for all Bar-Codes support-

Media-Destinations Self_Defining Field

Special Data Area Value Description

Bytes 0-1 X’000A’ LENGTH of this Self Defining Field
Bytes 2-3 X’0010’ Media-Destinations self-defining ID
Bytes 4-5 X’nnnn’ Default media-destination ID (Determined by Configuration)

Supported Group Operations Self-Defining Field ID

Special Data Area Value Description

Bytes 0-1 X’0005’ LENGTH of this Self-Defining Field
Bytes 2-3 X’0012’ SUPPORTED GROUP OPERATIONS Self-Defining Field
Byte 4 X’01’ Keep group together as a print unit

OG L 00
Product Identifier Self-Defining Field ID

Special Data Area Value Description

Bytes 0-1 X’0053’ LENGTH of this Self Defining Field
Bytes 2-3 X’0013’ PRODUCT IDENTIFIER Self Defining Field ID
Byte 4 X’38’ LENGTH of Self Defining Product ID Parameter
Bytes 5-6 X’0001’ UNIQUE PRODUCT IDENTIFIER Parameter ID
Bytes 7-12 X’F0F0F2F7F0F7’ DEVICE TYPE
InfoPrint 75/100
Bytes 13-15 X'F0F0F1' InfoPrint 75
X'F0F0F2' InfoPrint 100
Bytes 19-20 X’0000’ PLANT
Bytes 21-32 SEQUENCE NUMBER (Serial number)
X’F0F0F0F0F0F0F2F9F6 EBCDIC) (12 bytes)
F5F3F8’ (ie. 296538)
Bytes 33-34 X’0000’ TAG
X’F0F0F0F0F44BF6F2F8’ (EBCDIC) (9 bytes)
(EBCDIC) (16 bytes)
Byte 60 X’17’ LENGTH of Self Defining Product ID Parameter
Bytes 61-62 X’0003’ PRINTER NAME Parameter ID
Bytes 63-82 X’nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn PRINTER NAME

PFC Triplets Supported Self Defining Field ID

Special Data Area Value Description

Bytes 0-1 X’0006’ LENGTH of this Self Defining Field
Bytes 2-3 X’0016’ PFC Triplets Supported Self Defining Field
Byte 4 X’86’ Text Fidelity Triplet
Byte 5 X’88’ Finishing Fidelity Triplet

OG L 00
XOH Select Input Media Source
This order selects the input media source and, indirectly, the input media, for subsequent phys-
ical sheets.
The set of valid values differs according to which forms module configuration is installed and
selected by the operator. Since printers are capable of supporting multiple installed input bins,
multiple configuration combinations are possible. All input media sources are described below.
• Actual tray capacities are determined by media weight. The capacities indicated in the table
are the maximum allowable.

Default settings of InfoPrint75/100

Data Area Value Description Error Code
Byte 0-1 X’1500’
X’00’ Tray 1

OG L 00
XOH Set Media Origin
The XOH Set Media Origin (SMO) command specifies the origin of the media. This order takes ef-
fect on the next-received page. The media origin will not change until either another XOH-SMO
command is processed or the printer is reinitialized.
Data Area Value Description Error Code
Byte 0-1 X’1600’ SET MEDIA ORIGIN
Byte 2 MEDIA ORIGIN X’026F..02’
X’00’ Top-left corner
X’01’ Top-right corner
(Bottom-left corner if back side of duplex sheet)
X’02’ Bottom-right corner
X’03’ Bottom-left corner
(Top-right corner if back side of duplex sheet)

XOH Set Media Size

This order specifies SIZE of the physical medium.
Data Area Value Description Error Code
Byte 0-1 X’1700’
Byte 2 UNIT BASE (Measurement Units) X’0274..02’
X’00’ 10 in.
X’01’ 10 centimeters
Bytes 3-4 L-Units per UNIT BASE X’0270..02’
X’3840’ 14400 L-Units/10 inches
X’1626’ 5670 L-Units/10 centimeters
X’0960’ 2400 L-Units/10 inches
X’03B1’ 945 L-Units/10 centimeters
Bytes 5-6 X’0001’ - X’7FFF’ Xm EXTENT of MEDIUM X’0272..02’
See p.28 "Notation Conventions"
X’FFFF’ Printer Default (Printer's control panel setting or Tray
Bytes 7-8 X’0001’ - X’7FFF’ Ym EXTENT of MEDIUM X’0273..02’
See p.28 "Notation Conventions"
X’FFFF’ Printer Default (Printer's control panel setting or Tray

OG L 00
XOH Page Counter Control
The XOH Page Counter Control (PCC) command provides a counter synchronization function
that should only be used to recover from an exception or after a XOA Discard Buffer Data com-
Data Area Value Description Error Code
Bytes 0-1 X’F500’ OPC Order Code
Byte 2 X’00’ Do Nothing (default)
X’01’ Synchronize Counters

XOH Define Group Boundary

This order initiates or terminates a grouping of pages. When a grouping of pages is initiated the
page that next increments the received page counter is the first sheet in the designated group.
Data Area Value Description Error Code
Bytes 0-1 X’0400’ Define Group Boundary X’018F..00’
Byte 2 X’00’ Initiate Group
X’01’ Terminate Group
Byte 3 X’00’ - X’FF’ Group Level
Bytes 4-end of See specific triplet de- X’00’ Group ID triplet
command scription.
X’6E’ Group information triplet X’027C..01’
X’85’ Finishing Operation triplet X’027C..02’

OG L 00
Group ID Triplet
The Group ID triplet specifies host specific print-data formats for print job identification. The
printer utilizes this information to provide IPDS print job identification on the printer console
Data Area Value Description Error Code
Byte 0 X’02’-X’FF’ LENGTH X’027A..01’
Byte 1 X’01’ Group ID Triplet
X’01’ MVS and VSE print-data
X’02’ VM print-data
X’03’ OS/400 print-data (4 char spool file #)
X’06’ AIX and NT print-data
X’13’ OS/400 print-data (6 char spool file #)
Bytes 4-11 MVS and VSE ID DATA
X’C2E4C4C7C5E3F0F1’ Job Name (EBCDIC) (8 bytes)
(i.e. BUDGET01)
Bytes 4-11 VM ID DATA
X’C2E4C4C7C5E3F0F1’ Filename (EBCDIC) (8 bytes)
(i.e. BUDGET01)
Bytes 23-32 OS/400 ID DATA
x’C2E4C4C7C5E3F2F0F0F1’ Filename (EBCDIC) (10 bytes)
(i.e. BUDGET2000)
Bytes 3-End AIX and NT ID DATA
X’444550544255444745543230 Name (ASCII) (1-251 bytes)
3030’ (i.e. DEPTBUDGET2000)

Group Information Triplet

The Group Information is accepted, although no specific processing will occur.

OG L 00
XOH Specify Group Operation
This order indicates to an attached printer, pre-processor, or post-processor that the specified
processing option is to be performed upon subsequent boundary groups of the group level iden-
tified in this command.
Data Area Value Description Error Code
Byte 0-1 X’0300’ Define Group Boundary
Byte 2 X’00’-X’FF’ Operation Identifier

X’01’ Keep group together as a print unit

X’04’ Finish
Bytes 3 X’00’-X’FF’ Group Level

• For SGO Identifier (Byte 2), X’01’ and X’04’ are the only supported operations. All other
identifiers are accepted, although no specific processing will occur.

OG L 00
OG L 00
4. Presentation Text Command Set

Presentation Text Commands

Name Command Sub-command Where to Look
Load Equivalence X’D61D’ p.89 "Load Equivalence"
Write Text X’D62D’ p.90 "Write Text"

Load Equivalence
This command permits text-suppression values imbedded in text data stored within the printer
to be referenced externally using different values. For example, the Internal Suppression value
of X’02’ may be referenced externally on a Load Copy Control as a X’06’ provided that an ap-
propriate Load Equivalence command was previously received.
If more than 127 LE entries are specified, exception X’0202..02’ is reported.
Data Area Value Description Error Code
Bytes 0-1 X’0100’ MAPPING TYPE X02C6..02’
Suppression Mapping
Bytes 2-3 X’0001’ - X’00FF’ INTERNAL VALUE from BS..ES Pair X’02C1..02’
Bytes 4-5 X’0001’ - X’007F’ EXTERNAL VALUE from LCC X’02C8..02’
Bytes 6-509 Zero or more additional entries analogous to Bytes

OG L 00
Write Text
In this Write Text description, references made to pages also apply to overlays and page seg-
The print data is a string of 1-byte code points. To determine the character raster pattern, the printer
uses the code point to identify the character metrics obtained from:
• Load Font Index (See p.159 "Load Font Index")
• Load Font Control (See p.157 "Load Font Control")
• Font Local ID (See p.53 "Load Font Equivalence") or
• Resident Font Data
When the printer processes a Begin Page, it uses the values from the existing Logical Page De-
scriptor (See p.56 "Logical Page Descriptor") or Initialization Default (See p.35 "IPDS Initial-
ization Defaults") until it processes one of the following text control sequences
• Draw B-Axis Rule
• Draw I-Axis Rule
• Set Baseline Increment
• Set Coded Font Local
• Set Extended Text Color
• Set Inline Margin
• Set Intercharacter Adjustment
• Set Text Color
• Set Text Orientation
• Set Variable Space Character Increment
• Temporary Baseline Move
The text control sequence value supersedes the Logical Page Descriptor or Initialization De-
fault value and it remains in effect until it is changed by another text control sequence, or End
Page is received.
For a complete description of the following text control sequences see the Presentation Text
Object Content Architecture Reference and the Intelligent Printer Data Stream Reference .

Absolute Move Baseline

Absolute Move Baseline Control Sequence moves the baseline coordinate relative to the I-axis
of the Presentation Text Space.
Data Area Value Description Error Code
Bytes 0-1 X’2BD3’ TEXT CONTROL Sequence
Byte 2 X’04’ LENGTH X’021E..01’
X’D2’ Unchained
X’D3’ Chained
Bytes 4-5 X’0000’ - X’7FFF’ DISPLACEMENT (Bc) See p.28 "Notation Con- X’0213..01’

OG L 00
Absolute Move Inline
Absolute Move Inline Control Sequence moves an inline coordinate position relative to the B-
axis of the Presentation Text Space.
Data Area Value Description Error Code
Bytes 0-1 X’2BD3’ TEXT CONTROL Escape Sequence
Byte 2 X’04’ LENGTH X’021E..01’
X’C6’ Unchained
X’C7’ Chained
Bytes 4-5 X’0000’ - X’7FFF’ DISPLACEMENT (Ic) See p.28 "Notation Conven- X’0214..01’

Begin Line
Begin Line Control Sequence begins a new line.
Data Area Value Description Error Code
Bytes 0-1 X’2BD3’ TEXT CONTROL Escape Sequence
Byte 2 X’02’ LENGTH X’021E..01’
X’D8’ Unchained
X’D9’ Chained

Begin Suppression
Begin Suppression Control Sequence marks the beginning of a string of presentation text that
may be suppressed from the visible output.
Data Area Value Description Error Code
Bytes 0-1 X’2BD3’ TEXT CONTROL Escape Sequence
Byte 2 X’03’ LENGTH X’021E..01’
X’F2’ Unchained
X’F3’ Chained
Byte 4 X’01’ - X’FF’ SUPPRESSION ID X’0298..01’

OG L 00
Draw B-Axis Rule
Draw B-axis Rule Control Sequence draws a rule in the b-direction.
Data Area Value Description Error Code
Bytes 0-1 X’2BD3’ TEXT CONTROL Escape Sequence
Byte 2 X’04’ or X’07’ LENGTH X’021E..01’
X’E6’ Unchained
X’E7’ Chained
Bytes 4-5 X’8000’ - X’7FFF’ LENGTH (Bl) See p.28 “Notation Conventions”
Bytes 6-7 WIDTH (Bw)
X’8000’ - X’7FFF’ Printer Default 24/1440 inch

Draw I-Axis Rule

Draw I-axis Rule Control Sequence draws a rule in the i-direction.
Table 70. Draw I-Axis Rule
Data Area Value Description Error Code
Bytes 0-1 X’2BD3’ TEXT CONTROL Escape Sequence
Byte 2 X’04’ or X’07’ LENGTH X’021E..01’
X’E4’ Unchained
X’E5’ Chained
Bytes 4-5 X’8000’ - X’7FFF’ LENGTH (Il) See p.28 “Notation Conventions”
Bytes 6-7 WIDTH (Iw)
X’8000’ - X’7FFF’ Printer Default 24/1440 inch

OG L 00
End Suppression
End Suppression Control Sequence marks the end of a string of presentation text that may be
suppressed from the visible output.
Data Area Value Description Error Code
Bytes 0-1 X’2BD3’ TEXT CONTROL Escape Sequence
Byte 2 X’03’ LENGTH X’021E..01’
X’F4’ Unchained
X’F5’ Chained
Byte 4 X’01’ - X’FF’ SUPPRESSION ID X’0202..01’

No Operation
No Operation Control Sequence has no effect on presentation.
Data Area Value Description Error Code
Bytes 0-1 X’2BD3’ TEXT CONTROL Escape Sequence
Byte 2 X’02’ - X’FF’ LENGTH X’021E..01’
X’F8’ Unchained
X’F9’ Chained
Bytes 4-255 DATA (Ignored)

OG L 00
The Overstrike control identifies text that is to be overstruck with a specified character.
Data Area Value Description Error Code
Bytes 0-1 X’2BD3’ TEXT CONTROL Escape Sequence
Byte 2 X’05’ LENGTH X’021E..01’
X’72’ Unchained
X’73’ Chained
Bits 0-3 Reserved
Bit 4: 0 Overstrike white space from RMI
Bit 4: 1 Bypass white space from RMI
Bit 5: 0 Overstrike white space from AMI
Bit 5: 1 Bypass white space from AMI
Bit 6: 0 Overstrike white space from Space or Variable
Space Character
Bit 6: 1 Bypass white space from Space or Variable Space
Bit 7: 0 BYPASS Treat Bits 0-6 according to their set values
Bit 7: 1 NO BYPASS Treat Bits 0-6 as if their values are set
to zero

Relative Move Baseline

Relative Move Baseline Control Sequence moves a baseline coordinate relative to the current
baseline coordinate position.
Data Area Value Description Error Code
Bytes 0-1 X’2BD3’ TEXT CONTROL Escape Sequence
Byte 2 X’04’ LENGTH X’021E..01’
X’D4’ Unchained
X’D5’ Chained
Bytes 4-5 X’8000’ - X’7FFF’ INCREMENT (Br) See p.28 “Notation Conven-

OG L 00
Relative Move Inline
Relative Move Inline Control Sequence moves the inline coordinate of the presentation posi-
tion relative to the current inline position.
Data Area Value Description Error Code
Bytes 0-1 X’2BD3’ TEXT CONTROL Sequence
Byte 2 X’04’ LENGTH X’021E..01’
X’C8’ Unchained
X’C9’ Chained
Bytes 4-5 X’8000’ - X’7FFF’ INCREMENT (Ir) See p.28 “Notation Conven-

Repeat String
Repeat String Control Sequence contains a string of coded graphic characters that is repeated
on the current line.
Data Area Value Description Error Code
Bytes 0-1 X’2BD3’ TEXT CONTROL Sequence
Byte 2 X’04’ - X’FF’ LENGTH X’021E..01’
X’EE’ Unchained
X’EF’ Chained
Bytes 4-5 X’0000’ - X’7FFF’ REPEAT LENGTH (RL) X0219..01’
Bytes 6-n REPEAT DATA X021F..01’

Set Baseline Increment

Set Baseline Increment Control Sequence specifies the distance to be added to the current base-
line coordinate when a Begin Line control sequence is executed.
Data Area Value Description Error Code
Bytes 0-1 X’2BD3’ TEXT CONTROL Sequence
Byte 2 X’04’ LENGTH X’021E..01’
X’D0’ Unchained
X’D1’ Chained
Bytes 4-5 X’8000’ - X’7FFF’ INCREMENT (Bi)
See p.28 “Notation Conventions”
X’FFFF’ Use LPD value. If no LPD is received, use printer

OG L 00
Set Coded Font Local
Set Coded Font Local Control Sequence specifies the character attributes to be used and in-
vokes a coded font.
Data Area Value Description Error Code
Bytes 0-1 X’2BD3’ TEXT CONTROL Sequence
Byte 2 X’03’ LENGTH X’021E..01’
X’F0’ Unchained
X’F1’ Chained
X’01’ - X’FE’ Use LPD value. If no LPD is received, use printer X’0218..02’
X’FF’ X’023F..02’

OG L 00
Set Extended Text Color
The Set Text Color control specifies the color value and defines the color space and encoding
for that value. The specified color value is applied to foreground areas of the presentation text
space. Foreground areas consist of the following:
• The stroked and filled areas of solid text characters, including overstrike characters. With
hollow characters, only the stroked portion of the character is considered foreground.
• The stroked area of a rule.
• The stroked area of an underscore.
Data Area Value Description Error Code
Bytes 0-1 X’2BD3’ TEXT CONTROL Sequence
Byte 2 X’14’ - X’16’ LENGTH X’021E..01’
X’80’ Unchained
X’81’ Chained
Byte 4 X’00’ RESERVED
Bytes 5 COLOR SPACE X’020E..02’
X’01’ RGB - Limited Simulated Color Support
X’04’ CMYK - Limited Simulated Color Support
X’06’ HCS - Limited Simulated Color Support
X’08’ CIELAB - Limited Simulated Color Support
X’40’ Standard OCA - Limited Simulated Color Support
Bytes 6-9 X’00000000’ RESERVED
X’01’ - X’08’ (RGB, CMYK, CIELAB)
X’10’ (Standard OCA, Highlight)
X’00’ - X’08’ (RGB, CMYK, Highlight, CIELAB)
X’00’ - X’08’ (RGB, CMYK, CIELAB)
X’00’ - X’08’ (CMYK)
Bytes 14-17 COLOR VALUE X’020E..03’
RGB Color Space X’020E..04’
X’nn’ Red Intensity
X’nn’ Green Intensity
X’nn’ Blue Intensity

OG L 00
Data Area Value Description Error Code
Bytes 14-17
CMYK Color Space
X’nn’ Cyan Intensity
X’nn’ Magenta Intensity
X’nn’ Yellow Intensity
X’nn’ Black Intensity

Highlight Color Space

X’nnnn’ Highlight Color Number
X’nn’ Percent Coverage
X’nn’ Percent Shading

CIELAB Color Space

X’nn’ Luminance (L)
X’nn’ Chrominance Difference (a)
X’nn’ Chrominance Difference (b)

Standard OCA Color Space

X’0000’ or Printer Default (Black)
X’0001’ or Blue
X’0002’ or X’FF02 Red
X’0003’ or Pink
X’0004’ or Green
X’0005’ or Turquoise
X’0006’ or Yellow
X’0007’ White - Color of Medium (Reset)
X’0008’ Black
X’0010’ Brown
X’FF07’ Printer Default (Black)
X’FF08’ Color of Medium (Reset)

OG L 00
Set Inline Margin
Set Inline Margin Control Sequence specifies position of an inline margin.
Data Area Value Description Error Code
Bytes 0-1 X’2BD3’ TEXT CONTROL Sequence
Byte 2 X’04’ LENGTH X’021E..01’
X’C0’ Unchained
X’C1’ Chained
Bytes 4-5 X’0000’ - X’7FFF’ DISPLACEMENT (Ia) X’0210..01’
See p.28 “Notation Conventions”
X’FFFF’ Use LPD value. If no LPD is received, use printer

Set Intercharacter Adjustment

Set Intercharacter Adjustment Control Sequence specifies additional increment or decrement
between graphic characters.
Data Area Value Description Error Code
Bytes 0-1 X’2BD3’ TEXT CONTROL Sequence
Byte 2 X’04’ or X’05’ LENGTH X’021E..01’
X’C2’ Unchained
X’C3’ Chained
Bytes 4-5 X’0000’ - X’7FFF’ ADJUSTMENT (ica) X’0212..01’
See p.28 “Notation Conventions”
X’FFFF’ Use LPD value. If no LPD is received, use printer
Byte 6 DIRECTION X’0212..01’
X’00’ Increment Direction
X’01’ Decrement Direction
X’FF’ Same as X’00’

OG L 00
Set Text Color
The Set Text Color control specifies the foreground color attribute that selects the color for sub-
sequent text characters.
Data Area Value Description Error Code
Bytes 0-1 X’2BD3’ TEXT CONTROL Sequence
Byte 2 X’04’ or X’05’ LENGTH X’021E..01’
X’74’ Unchained
X’75’ Chained
Bytes 4-5 COLOR X’0258..03’
X’0000’ or X’FF00’ Printer Default (Black)
X’0001’ or X’FF01’ Blue - Limited Simulated Color Support
X’0002’ or X’FF02’ Red - Limited Simulated Color Support
X’0003’ or X’FF03’ Pink - Limited Simulated Color Support
X’0004’ or X’FF04’ Green - Limited Simulated Color Support
X’0005’ or X’FF05’ Turquoise - Limited Simulated Color Support
X’0006’ or X’FF06’ Yellow - Limited Simulated Color Support
X’0007’ White - Color of Medium (Reset)
X’0008’ Black
X’0010’ Brown - Limited Simulated Color Support
X’FF07’ Printer Default (Black)
X’FF08’ Color of Medium (Reset)
X’FFFF’ Use LPD color value

r See p.29 “Color Simulation” for color simula-
tion details and product support specifics.
Byte 6 X’00’ - X’01’ PRECISION X’0258..03’
X’FF’ Same as X’00’

OG L 00
Set Text Orientation
Set Text Orientation Control Sequence establishes i-direction and b-direction for the following
presentation text.
Data Area Value Description Error Code
Bytes 0-1 X’2BD3’ TEXT CONTROL Sequence
Byte 2 X’06’ LENGTH X’021E..01’
X’F6’ Unchained
X’F7’ Chained
Bytes 4-5 I-AXIS ORIENTATION X’020F..01’
X’0000’ 0 Degree (+X direction)
X’2D00’ 90 Degree (+Y direction)
X’5A00’ 180 Degree (-X direction)
X’8700’ 270 Degree (-Y direction)
X’FFFF’ Use LPD value. If no LPD is received, use printer
X’0000’ 0 Degree (+X direction)
X’2D00’ 90 Degree (+Y direction)
X’5A00’ 180 Degree (-X direction)
X’8700’ 270 Degree (-Y direction)
X’FFFF’’ Use LPD value. If no LPD is received, use printer

The permitted combinations are those where the difference between the I-axis orientation and
the B-axis orientation are 90 deg.
0 deg. rotation 90 deg. rotation
0 deg. rotation 270 deg. rotation
90 deg. rotation 180 deg. rotation
90 deg. rotation 0 deg. rotation
180 deg. rotation 270 deg. rotation
180 deg. rotation 90 deg. rotation
270 deg. rotation 180 deg. rotation
270 deg. rotation 0 deg. rotation

OG L 00
Set Variable Space Character Increment
Set Variable Space Character Increment Control Sequence specifies the increment of a Variable
Space Character.
Data Area Value Description Error Code
Bytes 0-1 X’2BD3’ TEXT CONTROL Sequence
Byte 2 X’04’ LENGTH X’021E..01’
X’C4’ Unchained
X’C5’ Chained
Bytes 4-5 X’0000’ - INCREMENT (vsi) X’0217..01’
See p.28 “Notation Conventions”
X’FFFF’ Default Variable Space Increment for Current Font

OG L 00
Temporary Baseline Move
The Temporary Baseline Move Control Sequence is used to change the position of the sequen-
tial baseline without change to the established baseline.
Data Area Value Description Error Code
Bytes 0-1 X’2BD3’ TEXT CONTROL Sequence
Byte 2 X’03’ or X’06’ LENGTH X’021E..01’
X’78’ Unchained
X’79’ Chained
Byte 4 DIRECTION X’0298..03’
X’00’ Baseline is Unchanged
X’01’ Return to Established Baseline
X’02’ Shift Baseline away from I-axis (Subscript)
X’03’ Shift Baseline toward I-axis (Superscript)
X’FF’ Same as X’00’
Byte 5 PRECISION X’0298..03
X’00’ Accurate placement and character representation is re-
quired using the current font.
X’01’ A substitute font with characteristics identical to the cur-
rent font may be used to simulate baseline shift (super-
script/subscript). The printer accepts this value but treats it
as X’00’.
X’FF’ Same as X’00’
Bytes 6-7 X’0000’ - TEMPORARY BASELINE INCREMENT X’0298..03’
See p.28 “Notation Conventions”
X’FFFF’ Half the current baseline increment

Transparent Data
Transparent Data Control Sequence contains a sequence of coded characters that are presented
without a scan for embedded control sequences.
Data Area Value Description Error Code
Bytes 0-1 X’2BD3’ TEXT CONTROL Sequence
Byte 2 X’02’ - X’FF’ LENGTH X’021E..01’
X’DA’ Unchained
X’DB’ Chained

OG L 00
The Underscore control sequence identifies text that is to be underscored.
Data Area Value Description Error Code
Bytes 0-1 X’2BD3’ TEXT CONTROL Sequence
Byte 2 X’03’ LENGTH X’021E..01’
X’76’ Unchained
X’77’ Chained
Bits 0-3 Reserved
Bit 4: 0 Underscore white space from Relative Move Inline
Bit 4: 1 Bypass white space from Relative Move Inline
Bit 5: 0 Underscore white space from Absolute Move Inline
Bit 5: 1 Bypass white space from Absolute Move Inline
Bit 6: 0 Underscore white space from Space or Variable Space Char-
Bit 6: 1 Bypass white space from Space or Variable Space Character
Bit 7: 0 BYPASS Treat Bits 0-6 according to their set values
Bit 7: 1 NO BYPASS Treat Bits 0-6 as if their values are set to zero

OG L 00
5. IM Image Command Set

IM Image Commands
Name Command Sub-command Where to Look
Write Image Control X’D63D’ p.106 "Write Image Control"
Write Image X’D64D’ p.108 "Write Image"

OG L 00
Write Image Control
The Write Image Control command is the first command in the sequence to send raster image
data to the printer. The command contains fields to define the input, scale, and image placement
parameters. Several Write Image commands may be required to a complete raster image.
Data Area Value Description Error Code
Bytes 0-1 X’0001’ - X’7FFF’ Pixels per scan line in the output image X’0242..01’
Bytes 2-3 X’0001’ - X’7FFF’ Number of scan lines in the output image X’0244..01’
Bytes 4-5 X’0001’ - X’7FFF’ Pixels per scan line in the input image X’0242..01’
Bytes 6-7 X’0001’ - X’7FFF’ Number of scan lines in the input image X’0244..01’
Byte 8 X’00’ Uncompressed input image X’0246..01’
Byte 9 X’00’ One bit per pixel in the input image format X’0246..01’
X’01’ No Magnification Factor
X’02’ Magnification Factor of 2
X’01’ No Magnification Factor
X’02’ Magnification Factor of 2
Bytes 12-13 SCAN LINE DIRECTION X’0248..01’
X’0000’ 0 Degrees
X’2D00’ 90 Degrees
X’5A00’ 180 Degrees
X’8700’ 270 Degrees
X’0000’ 0 Degrees
X’2D00’ 90 Degrees
X’5A00’ 180 Degrees
X’8700’ 270 Degrees
X’00’ Absolute I, Absolute B
X’20’ Absolute I, Relative B
X’40’ Relative I, Absolute B

OG L 00
Data Area Value Description Error Code
Byte 16 X’60’ Relative I, Relative B
X’A0’ Xp, Yp
Bytes 17-19 X’FF8000’ - Xp, I or I offset coordinate of the IM image block or- X’024A..01’
X’007FFF’ igin
Bytes 20 X’00’ Reserved
Bytes 21-23 X’FF8000’ - Yp, B or B offset coordinate of the IM image block X’024A..01’
X’007FFF’ origin
Bytes 24-25 IMAGE COLOR (Named Color) X’0253..01’
X’0000’ or X’FF00’ Printer Default (Black)
X’0001’ or X’FF01’ Blue - Limited Simulated Color Support
X’0002’ or X’FF02’ Red - Limited Simulated Color Support
X’0003’ or X’FF03’ Pink - Limited Simulated Color Support
X’0004’ or X’FF04’ Green - Limited Simulated Color Support
X’0005’ or X’FF05’ Turquoise - Limited Simulated Color Support
X’0006’ or X’FF06’ Yellow - Limited Simulated Color Support
X’0007’ White - Color of Medium (Reset)
X’0008’ Black
X’0009’ Dark Blue - Limited Simulated Color Support
X’000A’ Orange - Limited Simulated Color Support
X’000B’ Purple - Limited Simulated Color Support
X’000C’ Dark Green - Limited Simulated Color Support
X’000D’ Dark Turquoise - Limited Simulated Color Support
X’000E’ Mustard - Limited Simulated Color Support
X’000F’ Gray - Limited Simulated Color Support
X’0010’ Brown - Limited Simulated Color Support
X’FF07’ Printer Default (Black)
X’FF08’ Color of Medium (Reset)

• See p.29 “Color Simulation” on page 16 for
color simulation details and product support

OG L 00
Write Image
The data is a binary representation of the raster image. In the binary data, a 1-bit represents a
colored pixel and a 0-bit represents a pixel left unchanged in the page map. In other words, if a
pixel is set black by another block on the page (for example, text), it will not be reset to white if
it is written with a 0-bit in the image block. Several Write Image commands may be required to
a complete raster image.
An error occurs if the host program sends the End command and the total number of bytes of
image data is a different number than specified in the image control record.
Data Area Value Description Error Code
Bytes 0-End Binary RASTER IMAGE X’026A..01’

OG L 00
6. IO Image Command Set

IO Image Commands
Name Command Sub-command Where to Look
Write Image Control 2 X’D63E’ p.110 "Write Image Control 2"
Image Area Position X’AC6B’ p.110 "Image Area Position"
Image Output Control X’A66B’ p.111 "Image Output Control"
Image Data Descriptor X’A6FB’ p.113 "Image Data Descriptor"
Write Image 2 X’D64E’ p.115 "Write Image 2"
Begin Segment X’70’ p.115 "Begin Segment"
Begin Image Content X’91’ p.115 "Begin Image Content"
Image Size Parameter X’94’ p.116 "Image Size Parameter"
Image Encoding Parameter X’95’ p.116 "Image Encoding Parameter"
Image Data Element Size X’96’ p.117 "Image Data Element Size Parame-
Parameter ter"
Image Look Up Table ID X’97’ p.117 "Image Look-up Table ID Parame-
Parameter ter"
Image Data X’FE92’ p.117 "Image Data"
End Image Content X’93’ p.117 "End Image Content"
End Segment X’71’ Image Object Content Architecture Ref-

OG L 00
Write Image Control 2
The Write Image Control 2 data consists of three consecutive structured fields:
• Image Area Position Control (IAP)
• Image Output Control (IOC)
• Image Data Descriptor (IDD)
The Write Image Control 2 command and the command sequence that follows defines the im-
age presentation block area on the current page. The parameters of this command define the
size, placement and orientation of the image block and establish the parameters required to in-
terpret the image segments.
Positive acknowledgement of image commands in Overlay State or Page Segment State means
that the command or command sequence has been accepted for processing, but does not imply
that its parameters have been checked in any way.

Image Area Position

This data structured field specifies the position and orientation of the image output area relative
to a reference coordinate system. It is a REQUIRED data field in the Write Image Control 2
Data Area Value Description Error Code
Bytes 0-1 X’000B’ - X’xxxx’ LENGTH of Image Area Position X’0202..05’
Bytes 2-3 X’AC6B’ STRUCTURED FIELD ID X’020B..05’
Bytes 4-5 X’8000’ - X’7FFF’ Image Object Area Origin Xp, I, or I-offset Coordi-
nate Position
See p.28 "Notation Conventions"
Bytes 6-7 X’8000 - X’7FFF’ Image Object Area Origin Yp, B, or B-offset Coor-
dinate Position
See p.28 "Notation Conventions"
X’0000’ 0 degrees
X’2D00’ 90 degrees
X’5A00’ 180 degrees
X’8700’ 270 degrees
X’00’ Absolute I, absolute B
X’20’ Absolute I, relative B
X’40’ Relative I, absolute B
X’60’ Relative I, relative B
X’A0’ Page Xp, Yp
Bytes 11-n Ignored

OG L 00
Image Output Control
This data structured field specifies the mapping option for the image object. It is an ELECTIVE
data field in the Write Image Control 2 command. If this field is omitted, the printer will use
the following default values:
Mapping option = X’30’ (Position and Trim)
X, Y Offset = 0.
X, Y Extent = Image Presentation Space extent defined by the Image Data Descriptor structured
Data Area Value Description Error Code
Bytes 0-1 X’0010’ - X’xxxx’ LENGTH of Image Output Control X’0202..05’
Bytes 2-3 X’A66B’ Structured Field ID X’020B..05’
Byte 4 UNIT BASE (Measurement Units) X’0205..05’
X’00’ 10 Inches
X’01’ 10 Centimeters
Bytes 5-6 X’0001’-X’7FFF’ L-units per UNIT BASE X’0206..05’
Bytes 7-8 X’0001’-X’7FFF’ X extent of IO image block in L-units for Page, X’0207..05’
Overlay and Page Segment (see p.28 "Notation
X’FFFF’ Use Load Page Descriptor Value
Bytes 9-10 X’0001’-X’7FFF’ Y extent of IO image block in L-units for Page, X’0207..05’
Overlay and Page (see p.28 "Notation Conventions"
X’FFFF’ Use Load Page Descriptor Value
X’10’ Scale to fit
X’20’ Center and trim
X’30’ Position and trim
X’41’ Point to pixel
X’42’ Point to pixel with double dot
X’50’ Replicate and Trim
Bytes 12-13 X’8000’-X’7FFF’ X OFFSET L-units X’0209..05’
See p.28 "Notation Conventions"
Bytes 14-15 X’8000’-X’7FFF’ Y OFFSET L-units
See p.28 "Notation Conventions" X’0209..05’

OG L 00
Data Area Value Description Error Code
Bytes 16-n IOC Triplets
• Color Specification Triplet. This optional triplet
can be placed at the end of the IOC command to
specify the foreground color of the object area,
before any object data is placed on the object ar-
ea. Any number of IOC triplets can be received,
they are processed in the order received and the
resulting color of the object area depends on the
last instance of the triplet received. See p.32
"Color Specification" for details.
• Presentation Space Reset Mixing Triplet. This
optional triplet can be placed at the end of the
IOC command to specify whether or not an ob-
ject area is reset to the color of medium before
any object data is placed on the object area. Any
number of IOC triplets can be received, they are
processed in the order received and the resulting
color of the object area depends on the last in-
stance of the triplet received. See p.34 "Presen-
tation Space Reset Mixing" for details.

• The Replicate and Trim Mapping Control option is supported only when the IPDS Menu
PRINT MODE item is set to ENH (Enhanced 600 dpi).

OG L 00
Image Data Descriptor
This is a REQUIRED data structured field in the Write Image Control 2 command. It specifies pa-
rameters that define the image presentation space size and resolution.
Data Area Value Description Error Code
Bytes 0-1 X’000F’ - X’xxxx’ LENGTH of Image Data Descriptor X’0202..05’
Bytes 2-3 X’A6FB’ STRUCTURED FIELD ID X’020B..05’
Bytes 4-5 X’0000’ Reserved
Byte 6 UNIT BASE (Measurement Units) X’0205..05’
X’00’ 10 Inches
X’01’ 10 Centimeters
Bytes 7-8 X’0001’-X’7FFF’ X image points per unit base X’0206..05’
Bytes 9-10 X’0001’-X’7FFF’ Y image points per unit base X’0206..05’
Bytes 11-12 X’0001’-X’7FFF’ X EXTENT of image presentation space (in im- X’0207..05’
age points)
See p.28 "Notation Conventions"
Bytes 13-14 X’0001’-X’7FFF’ Y EXTENT of image presentation space (in im- X’0207..05’
age points)
See p.28 "Notation Conventions"
Bytes 15-end of IDD IOCA SDFs
Byte 0 X’F6’ Set Bilevel Image Color SDF *1

Byte 1 X’04’ LENGTH

Byte 2 X’00’ AREA
Byte 3 X’00’ Reserved
Bytes 4-5 Named Color
X’0000’ or Printer Default (Black)
X’0001’ or Blue - Limited Simulated Color Support
X’0002’ or Red - Limited Simulated Color Support
X’0003’ or Pink - Limited Simulated Color Support
X’0004’ or Green - Limited Simulated Color Support
X’0005’ or Turquoise - Limited Simulated Color Support
X’0006’ or Yellow - Limited Simulated Color Support
X’0007’ White - Color of Medium (Reset)

OG L 00
Data Area Value Description Error Code
X’0008’ Black
X’0009’ Dark Blue - Limited Simulated Color Support
Bytes 4-5 X’000A’ Orange - Limited Simulated Color Support
X’000B’ Purple - Limited Simulated Color Support
X’000C’ Dark Green - Limited Simulated Color Support
X’000D’ Dark Turquoise - Limited Simulated Color Sup-
X’000E’ Mustard - Limited Simulated Color Support
X’000F’ Gray - Limited Simulated Color Support
X’0010’ Brown - Limited Simulated Color Support
X’FF07’ Printer Default (Black)
X’FF08’ Color of Medium (Reset)
*1 Refer to the Intelligent Printer Data Stream Reference and the Image Object Content Architecture
Reference for specifics on the Set Bilevel Image Color SDF format.

OG L 00
Write Image 2
The image segment is processed as it is received by the printer and is not retained or stored as a
named image segment.
Write Image 2 command carries the IO image data within a hierarchical sequence of self-defining
fields. See the Intelligent Printer Data Stream Reference and the Image Object Content Architec-
ture Reference.

Begin Segment

Data Area Value Description Error Code

Byte 0 X’70’ Begin Segment X’0570..0F’
Byte 1 X’00’-X’FF’ Length

Begin Image Content

Data Area Value Description Error Code

Byte 0 X’91’ Begin Image Content X’0591..0F’
Byte 1 X’01’-X’FF’ Length X’0500..03’
Byte 2 X’FF’ Format Specification X’0500..04’

OG L 00
Image Size Parameter
The Image Size Parameter specifies the size of the image defined within the image segment. Map-
ping of the image into the image presentation space (See p.113 "Image Data Descriptor") is on a 1
image point to 1 image point basis (one image point of an IO-Image segment is mapped to one image
point of the image presentation space).
Data Area Value Description Error Code
Byte 0 X’94’ IMAGE SIZE X’0594..0F’
Byte 1 X’09’-X’FF’ LENGTH of the following bytes X’0500..03’
Byte 2 UNIT BASE (Measurement Units)
X’00’ 10 Inches
X’01’ 10 Centimeters
X’02’ Logical (resolution ratio)
Bytes 3-4 X’0000’ - X’7FFF’ X image points per unit base
Bytes 5-6 X’0000’ - X’7FFF’ Y image points per unit base
Bytes 7-8 X’0000’-X’7FFF’ X extent of the image in image points X’0500..04’
Bytes 9-10 X’0000’-X’7FFF’ Y extent of the image in image points X’0500..04’

Image Encoding Parameter

Data Area Value Description Error Code

Byte 0 X’95’ IMAGE ENCODING X’0595..0F’
Byte 1 X’02’-X’FF’ LENGTH of the following bytes X’0500..03’
X’01’ IBM MMR compression X’0595..11’
X’03’ No compression
X’06’ RL4 compression
X’81’ G3 MR (CCITT T.4 G3 facsimile 2-D)
X’82’ G4 MMR (CCITT T.6 G4 facsimile 2-D)
X’01’ RIDIC (Recording Image Data Inline Code) Unpad-
Byte 4 BIT ORDER within each image data byte
X’00’ Left-to-Right
X’01’ Right-to-Left

OG L 00
Image Data Element Size Parameter

Data Area Value Description Error Code

Byte 0 X’96’ IMAGE DATA ELEMENT SIZE X’0596..0F’
Byte 1 X’01’-X’FF’ LENGTH of the following bytes X’0500..03’
Byte 2 NUMBER of BITS per PIXEL X’0596..10’
X’01’ 1 bit per pixel X’0500..04’
X’08’ 8 bits per pixel X’0596..11’

If 1 is specified, the image is binary, with 1-bits representing black pixels and 0-bits represent-
ing pixels unchanged in the page map. If the image is uncompressed, each raster scan in the
image data must be padded so that it is an integral number of bytes.
If 8 is specified, the image is gray scale. Each image byte is considered to be a value 0 to 255,
where 0 is maximum black, 255 is no black at all, and the values in between are shades of gray.
The printer implements 8 bit per pixel images by halftoning. Halftoning significantly degrades
image detail. For that reason, resolutions of gray scale data greater than 120 pixels per inch are
not recommended except for draft printing purposes.
If 8 is specified, the Image Compression, if specified with the Image Encoding command, must
be uncompressed. This error is detected when the first Image Data command is received.

Image Look-up Table ID Parameter

Data Area Value Description Error Code

Byte 0 X’97’ Image Look-up Table ID Parameter X’0597..0F’
Byte 1 X’01’-X’FF’ LENGTH of the following bytes X’0500..03’
Byte 2 X’00’ Look up table ID X’0597..10’

Image Data

Data Area Value Description Error Code

Bytes 0-1 X’FE92’ Image Data X’0592..0F’
Bytes 2-3 X’0001’-X’FFFF’ Length X’0500..03’’
Bytes 4-end X’x...x’ Image Data X’0597..10’

End Image Content

Data Area Value Description Error Code

Byte 0 X’93’ End Image Content X’0593..0F’
Byte 1 X’00’-X’FF’ Length

OG L 00
End Segment

Data Area Value Description Error Code

X’71’ X’93’ End Segment X’0571..0F’
Byte 1 X’00’-X’FF’ Length

OG L 00
7. Graphics Command Set

Graphics Commands
The base reference for graphic drawing orders is the Graphics Object Content Architecture Ref-
Name Command Sub-command Where to Look
Write Graphics Control X’D684’ Graphics Area Position p.119 "Write Graphics
Graphics Area Position X’AC6B’ p.119 "Graphics Area Position"
Graphics Output Control X’A66B’ p.120 "Graphics Output Control"
Graphics Data Descriptor X’A6BB’ p.122 "Graphics Data Descriptor"
Write Graphics X’D685’ p.119 "Write Graphics Control"
Begin Segment Introducer X’70’ p.126 "Begin Segment Introducer"

Write Graphics Control

Graphics Area Position

Data Area Value Description Error Code

Bytes 0-1 X’000B’-X’xxxx’ LENGTH of Graphics Area Position X’0202..05’
Bytes 2-3 X’AC6B’ Structured Field ID. X’020B..05’
Bytes 4-5 X’8000’-X’7FFF’ GRAPHICS BLOCK ORIGIN Xp, I, or I-offset Coordi-
nate Position. See p.28 "Notation Conventions"
Byte 6-7 X’8000’-X’7FFF’ GRAPHICS BLOCK ORIGIN Yp, B, or B-offset Coordi-
nate Position. See p.28 "Notation Conventions"
Bytes 8-9 ORIENTATION of Graphic Block X’0203..05’
X’0000’ 0 Degrees
X’2D00’ 90 Degrees
X’5A00’ 180 Degrees
X’8700’ 270 Degrees

OG L 00
Data Area Value Description Error Code
X’00’ Absolute I, Absolute B
X’20’ Absolute I, Relative B
X’40’ Relative I, Absolute B
X’60’ Relative I, Relative B
X’A0’ Page Xp, Yp
Byte 11-n

Graphics Output Control

Data Area Value Description Error Code

Byte 0-1 X’0010’-X’xxxx’ LENGTH of Graphics Output Control (GOC) X’0202..05’
Byte 2-3 X’A66B’ STRUCTURED FIELD ID X’020B..05’
Byte 4 UNIT BASE (Measurement Units) X’0205..05’
X’00’ 10 Inches
X’01’ 10 Centimeters
Byte 5-6 X’0001’ - X’7FFF’ L-Units per UNIT BASE X’0206..05’
Byte 7-8 X’0001’ - X’7FFF’ X EXTENT of GRAPHICS BLOCK in L-units See X’0207..05’
p.28 "Notation Conventions"
X’FFFF’ Use Load Page Descriptor Value
Byte 9-10 X’0001’ - X’7FFF’ Y EXTENT of GRAPHICS BLOCK in L-units See X’0207..05’
p.28 "Notation Conventions"
X’FFFF’ Use Load Page Descriptor Value
Byte 11 MAPPING Control Option X’0208..05’
X’10’ Scale to Fit
X’20’ Center and Trim
X’30’ Position and Trim
Byte 12-13 X’8000’ - X’7FFF’ X OFFSET L-units. See p.28 "Notation Conventions" X’0209..05’
Byte 14-15 X’8000’ - X’7FFF’ Y OFFSET L-units. See p.28 "Notation Conventions" X’0209..05’

OG L 00
Data Area Value Description Error Code
Byte 16-n GOC Triplets
• Color Specification Triplet. This optional triplet
can be placed at the end of the GOC command to
specify the foreground color of the object area, be-
fore any object data is placed on the object area.
Any number of GOC triplets can be received, they
are processed in the order received and the resulting
color of the object area depends on the last instance
of the triplet received. See p.32 "Color Specifica-
tion" for details.
• Presentation Space Reset Mixing Triplet. This op-
tional triplet can be placed at the end of the GOC
command to specify whether or not an object area
is reset to the color of medium before any object
data is placed on the object area. Any number of
GOC triplets can be received, they are processed in
the order received and the resulting color of the ob-
ject area depends on the last instance of the triplet
received. See p.34 "Presentation Space Reset Mix-
ing" .

• The Graphics Output Control Self Defining Field is optional and may be omitted from the WGC
command. If the GOC is omitted, the printer uses the following:
• Mapping Control Option X’30’ (Position and Trim)
• X Offset = 0
• Y Offset = 0
• Graphics Block size equals the Graphics Presentation Space Window size which is de-
fined in the Graphics Data Descriptor (GDD) Self Defining Field (See p.122 "Graphics
Data Descriptor").

OG L 00
Graphics Data Descriptor

Data Area Value Description Error Code

Bytes 0-1 X’001C’-X’xxxx’ LENGTH of Graphics Data Descriptor (GDD) X’0202..05’
Bytes 2-3 X’A6BB’ STRUCTURED FIELD ID X’020B..05’
Byte 4 UNIT BASE (Measurement Units) X’0205..05’
X’00’ 10 Inches
X’01’ 10 Centimeters
Byte 5 X’00’ Reserved
Bytes 6-7 X’0001’ - X’7FFF’ Xg UNITS per UNIT BASE X’0206..05’
Bytes 8-9 X’0001’ - X’7FFF’ Yg UNITS per UNIT BASE Yg = Xg X’0206..05’
Bytes 10-13 X’00000000’ Reserved
Bytes 14-15 X’8000’-X’7FFF’ Xg LEFT LIMIT of Graphic Presentation Space Win-
dow. See p.28 "Notation Conventions"
Bytes 16-17 X’8000’-X’7FFF’ Xg RIGHT LIMIT of Graphic Presentation Space Win-
dow. See p.28 "Notation Conventions"
Bytes 18-19 X’8000’-X’7FFF’ Yg TOP LIMIT of Graphic Presentation Space Win-
dow. See p.28 "Notation Conventions"
Bytes 20-21 X’8000’-X’7FFF’ Yg BOTTOM LIMIT of Graphic Presentation Space
Window. See p.28 "Notation Conventions"
Bytes 22-27 X’000000000000’ Reserved
Graphics Defaults Self Describing Instructions”

If the image resolution specified in the GDD is X’0000’ (indicating that no explicit resolution
is specified), then the resolution used is the resolution specified in the OPC’s Image and Coded
Font Resolution Self-Defining Field.

OG L 00
* GDD Initial Graphics Defaults Self Describing Instructions
Data Area Value Description Error Code
Byte 0 X’21’ SET CURRENT DEFAULTS X’0300..21’
Byte 1 X’04’-X’FF’ LENGTH of Data X’0300..03’
Byte 2 SET Byte X’0300..02’
X’00’ Drawing Attributes
X’01’ Line Attributes
X’02’ Character Attributes
X’03’ Marker Attributes
X’04’ Pattern Attributes
X’0B’ Arc Parameters
Byte 3-4 MASK Bytes. See p.124 "Graphics Drawing Order X’0300..03’
Defaults and Masks"
Byte 5 DEFAULT Byte X’0300..02’
X’0F’ Use Standard Default X’0300..03’
X’8F’ Use the following Data Bytes
Byte 6-n Data bytes X’0300..21’

• See p.127 "Drawing Orders" for valid drawing order defaults.

OG L 00
* Graphics Drawing Order Defaults and Masks
Set Byte Mask Bit Description
0 Color (Named Color)
1 Foreground Mix
2 Background Mix
3-15 Reserved
0 Line Type
1 Line Width
2-15 Reserved
0 Angle X, Y
1 Character Cell Size CW, CH
2 Direction
3 Precision
4 Character Set
5 Shear X, Y
6-15 Reserved
0-2 Reserved
3 Precision
4 Marker Set
5-6 Reserved
7 Marker Symbol
8-15 Reserved
0-6 Reserved
7 Pattern Symbol
8-15 Reserved
0 P Value
1 R Value
2 Q Value
3 S Value
4-15 Reserved

OG L 00
Write Graphics

Write Graphics Defaults

The following defaults will be used if not previously defined by p.124 "Graphics Drawing Or-
der Defaults and Masks". The current value of an attribute is taken into account when the draw-
ing order is received.
Description Value
Color Black
Line Type Solid
Line Width Normal (4 pixel)
Character Cell 10 CPI
Character Set Courier 10
Character Angle No Rotation
Character Direction Left to Right
Marker Symbol Cross
Pattern Symbol Solid Shading
Current Position X,Y = 0,0
Arc Parameters P=Q=1; R=S=0
Foreground Mix Overpaint
Background Mix Leave Alone
Character Precision Character Precision
Marker Precision Character Precision
Marker Symbol Set Resident Set in Printer

OG L 00
Begin Segment Introducer
Data Area Value Description Error Code
Byte 0 X’70’ BEGIN SEGMENT code
Byte 1 X’0C’ LENGTH of the following parameters X’0370..C1’
Byte 2-5 SEGMENT ID (Ignored)
Byte 6 X’00’ Reserved
Byte 7 FLAGS X’0370..01’
Bits 0-2: 00 Reserved X’0370..82’
Bit 3: 0/1 No Prolog (0); Prolog (1)
Bit 4: 0 Reserved
Bits 5-6: 00/11 New Segment (reinitialize graphics defaults)/Append Seg-
ment (do not reinitialize defaults)
Bit 7: 0 Reserved
Byte 8-9 X’0000’-X’FFFF’ Length of this segment (SEGLEN)
Byte 10-13 X’00000000’ Reserved
Byte 14-n See p.127 "Drawing Orders"

OG L 00
Drawing Orders
InfoPrint75/100 supports all DR2 Drawing Orders and valid data values as defined in the Intel-
ligent Printer Data Stream Reference. The following are those Drawing Orders which define
specific data values.

* Set Background Mix:

Data Area Value Description Error Code
Byte 0 X’0D’ Order code
X’00’ Drawing default X’0300..0E’
X’05’ Leave Alone

* Set Character Angle:

Data Area Value Description Error Code
Byte 0 X’34’ Order code
Byte 1 X’04’ Length X’0300..03’
Byte 2-3 X’8000’ - X’7FFF’ Xg COORDINATE X’0334..00’
Byte 4-5 X’8000’ - X’7FFF’ Yg COORDINATE X’0334..00’

• If Xg = 0 and Yg = 0 then the character angle is 0 degrees (default)

• If Xg > 0 and Yg = 0 then the character angle is 0 degrees
• If Xg = 0 and Yg > 0 then the character angle is 90 degrees
• If Xg < 0 and Yg = 0 then the character angle is 180 degrees
• If Xg = 0 and Yg < 0 then the character angle is 270 degrees
• Exception X’0334..00’ applies when both Xg and Yg are non-zero values.

* Set Character Precision:

Data Area Value Description Error Code
Byte 0 X’39’ Order code
Byte 1 PRECISION TYPE X’0300..04’
X’00’ Current default X’0300..0E’
X’01’ String Precision
X’02’ Character Precision

OG L 00
* Set Character Set:
Data Area Value Description Error Code
Byte 0 X’38’ Order code
X’00’ Current default
X’01’ - X’FE’ Local ID for Character Set
X’FF’ Printer Default

* Set Color:
Data Area Value Description Error Code
Byte 0 X’0A’ Order code
Byte 1 COLOR X’0300..04’
X’00’ Printer Default (Black)
X’01’ Blue - Limited Simulated Color Support
X’02’ Red - Limited Simulated Color Support
X’03’ Pink - Limited Simulated Color Support
X’04’ Green - Limited Simulated Color Support
X’05’ Turquoise - Limited Simulated Color Sup-
X’06’ Yellow - Limited Simulated Color Support
X’07’ Black
X’08’ Color of Medium (Reset)

• See p.29 "Color Simulation" for color
simulation details and product support

OG L 00
* Set Extended Color:
Data Area Value Description Error Code
Byte 0 X’26’ Order code
Byte 1 X’02’ Length X’0300..03’
Bytes 2-3 EXTENDED COLOR X’0300..04’
X’0000’ or X’FF00’ Printer Default (Black)
X’0001’ or X’FF01’ Blue - Limited Simulated Color Support
X’0002’ or X’FF02’ Red - Limited Simulated Color Support
X’0003’ or X’FF03’ Pink - Limited Simulated Color Support
X’0004’ or X’FF04’ Green - Limited Simulated Color Support
X’0005’ or X’FF05’ Turquoise - Limited Simulated Color Sup-
X’0006’ or X’FF06’ Yellow - Limited Simulated Color Support
X’0007’ White - Color of Medium (Reset)
X’0008’ Black
X’0009’ Dark Blue - Limited Simulated Color Sup-
X’000A’ Orange - Limited Simulated Color Support
X’000B’ Purple - Limited Simulated Color Support
X’000C’ Dark Green - Limited Simulated Color
X’000D’ Dark Turquoise - Limited Simulated Color
X’000E’ Mustard - Limited Simulated Color Sup-
X’000F’ Gray - Limited Simulated Color Support
X’0010’ Brown - Limited Simulated Color Support
X’FF07’ Printer Default (Black)
X’FF08’ Color of Medium (Reset)

r See p.29 "Color Simulation" for color
simulation details and product support

* Set Line Type:

Data Area Value Description Error Code
Byte 0 X’18’ Order code

OG L 00
Data Area Value Description Error Code
Byte 1 LINE TYPE X’0300..04’
X’00’ Current default X’0300..0E’
X’01’ Dotted Line
X’02’ Short Dashed Line
X’03’ Dashed and Dotted Line
X’04’ Double Dotted Line
X’05’ Long Dashed Line
X’06’ Dashed Double Dotted Line
X’07’ Solid Line
X’08’ Invisible Line

* Set Fractional Line Width (4028 Emulation Mode):

Data Area Value Description Error Code
Byte 0 X’11’ Order code
Byte 1 X’02’ Length X’0300..03’
Bytes 2-3 FRACTIONAL LINE WIDTH X’0300..04’
X’0000’ Current default X’0300..0E’
X’0001’ - X’00FF’ 2 Pixel Wide
X’0100’ - X’017F’ 4 Pixels Wide
X’0180’ - X’01FF’ 6 Pixels Wide
X’0200’ - X’0F7F’ G8-60 Pixels Wide
X’0F80’ - X’FFFF’ 62 Pixels Wide

OG L 00
* Set Fractional Line Width (Native Mode):
Data Area Value Description Error Code
Byte 0 X’11’ Order code
Byte 1 X’02’ Length X’0300..03’
Bytes 2-3 FRACTIONAL LINE WIDTH X’0300..04’
X’0000’ Current default X’0300..0E’
X’0001’ - X’007F’ 1 Pixel Wide
X’0080’ - X’00BF’ 2 Pixels Wide
X’00C0’ - X’00FF’ 3 Pixels Wide
X’0100’ - X’013F’ 4 Pixel Wide
X’013F’ - X’017F’ 5 Pixels Wide
X’0180’ - X’01BF’ 6 Pixels Wide
X’01C0’ - X’01FF’ 7 Pixels Wide
X’0200’ - X’0F7F’ 8-60 Pixels Wide
X’0F80’ - X’FFFF’ 62 Pixels Wide

* Set Line Width:

Data Area Value Description Error Code
Byte 0 X’19’ Order code
Byte 1 LINE WIDTH X’0300..04’
X’00’ Current default X’0300..0E’
X’01’ - X’0F’ 2-58 Pixels Wide (4 pixel increments)
X’10’ - X’FF’ 62 Pixels Wide

* Set Marker Precision:

Data Area Value Description Error Code
Byte 0 X’3B’ Order code
Byte 1 MARKER PRECISION X’0300..04’
X’00’ Drawing default X’0300..0E’
X’01’ Character Precision
X’02’ Stroke Precision

OG L 00
* Set Mix:
Data Area Value Description Error Code
Byte 0 X’0C’ Order code
Byte 1 MIX ATTRIBUTE X’0300..04’
X’00’ Drawing default X’0300..0E’
X’02’ Overpaint

* Set Pattern Set:

Data Area Value Description Error Code
Byte 0 X’08’ Order code
Byte 1 X’00’ PATTERN SET ID X’0368..03’

* Set Pattern Symbol:

Data Area Value Description Error Code
Byte 0 X’28’ Order code
Byte 1 PATTERN SYMBOL ID X’0368..04’
X’00’ Use Current default
X’01’ - X’08’ Decreasing Density
X’09’ Vertical Lines
X’0A’ Horizontal Lines
X’0B’ Diagonal Lines 1 (Bot L/Top R)
X’0C’ Diagonal Lines 2 (Bot L/Top R)
X’0D’ Diagonal Lines 1 (Top L/Bot R)
X’0E’ Diagonal Lines 2 (Top L/Bot R)
X’0F’ No Shading
X’10’ Solid Shading
X’40’ Blank

OG L 00
Set Process Color
The Set Process Color control specifies a process color, highlights color or named color that
sets the following color attributes to the same value:
• Character color
• Image color
• Line color
• Marker color
• Pattern color
Data Area Value Description Error Code
Byte 0 X’B2’ Order Code
Byte 1 X’12’ - X’14’ LENGTH X’0300..03’
Byte 2 X’00’ RESERVED
Byte 3 COLOR SPACE X’020E..02’
X’01’ RGB - Limited Simulated Color Support
X’04’ CMYK - Limited Simulated Color Support
X’06’ HCS - Limited Simulated Color Support
X’08’ CIELAB - Limited Simulated Color Support
X’40’ Standard OCA - Limited Simulated Color Support
Bytes 4-7 X’00000000’ RESERVED
X’01’ - X’08’ (RGB, CMYK, CIELAB)
X’10’ Standard OCA Color Space
X’00’ - X’08’ (RGB, CMYK, Highlight, CIELAB)
X’00’ - X’08’ (RGB, CMYK, CIELAB)
X’00’ - X’08’ (CMYK)
Bytes 12-15 COLOR VALUE X’020E..03’
RGB Color Space X’020E..04’
X’nn’ Red Intensity
X’nn’ Green Intensity
X’nn’ Blue Intensity
CMYK Color Space

OG L 00
Data Area Value Description Error Code
Bytes 12-15 X’nn’ Cyan Intensity
X’nn’ Magenta Intensity
X’nn’ Yellow Intensity
X’nn’ Black Intensity
Highlight Color Space
X’nnnn’ Highlight Color Number
X’nn’ Percent Coverage
X’nn’ Percent Shading
CIELAB Color Space
X’nn’ Luminance (L)
X’nn’ Chrominance Difference (a)
X’nn’ Chrominance Difference (b)
Standard OCA Color Space
X’0000’ or X’FF00’ Printer Default (Black)
X’0001’ or X’FF01’ Blue
X’0002’ or X’FF02’ Red
X’0003’ or X’FF03’ Pink
X’0004’ or X’FF04’ Green
X’0005’ or X’FF05’ Turquoise
X’0006’ or X’FF06’ Yellow
X’0007’ White - Color of Medium (Reset)
X’0008’ Black
X’0010’ Brown
X’FF07’ Printer Default (Black)
X’FF08’ Color of Medium (Reset)

OG L 00
Drawing Order Summary
Zero or more drawing orders follow each Begin Segment Introducer. These drawing orders either
specify graphics to be printed or assign drawing attributes.
Given below is a list of the supported drawing orders. Please refer to the AFP GOCA Reference,
S544-5498, for complete descriptions of all GOCA drawing orders.
Code Drawing Order
X'68' Begin Area
X'D1' Begin Image
X'91' Begin Image at Current Position
X'C0' Box
X'80' Box at Current Position
X'C3' Character String
X'83' Character String at Current Position
X'01' Comment
X'60' End Area
X'93' End Image
X'3E' End Prolog
X'71' End Segment (treated like a No Operation command)
X'C5' Fillet
X'85' Fillet at Current Position
X'C7' Full Arc
X'87' Full Arc at Current Position
X'92' Image Data
X'C1' Line
X'81' Line at Current Position
X'C2' Marker
X'82' Marker at Current Position
X'00' No Operation
X'E1' Relative Line
X'E3' Partial Arc
X'A3' Partial Arc at Current Position
X'A1' Relative Line at Current Position
X'04' Segment Characteristics (treated like a No Operation command)
X'22' Set Arc Parameters
X'OD' Set Background Mix
X'34' Set Character Angle

OG L 00
Code Drawing Order
X'33' Set Character Cell
X'3A' Set Character Direction
X'39' Set Character Precision
X'38' Set Character Set
X'35' Set Character Shear
X'0A' Set Color
X'21' Set Current Position
X'26' Set Extended Color
X'11' Set Fractional Line Width
X'18' Set Line Type
X'19' Set Line Width
X'37' Set Marker Cell
X'3B' Set Marker Precision
X'3C' Set Marker Set
X'29' Set Marker Symbol
X'0C' Set Mix
X'08' Set Pattern Set
X'28' Set Pattern Symbol
X'43' Set Pick Identifier (treated like a No Operation command)
X'B2' Set Process Color

OG L 00
8. Bar Code Command Set

The base reference for Bar Code commands is the Bar Code Object Content Architecture Ref-

Bar Code Commands

Name Command Sub-command Where to Look
Write Bar Code Control X’D680’ p.138 "Write Bar Code Control"
Bar Code Area Position X’AC6B’ p.138 "Bar Code Area Position"
Bar Code Output Control X’A66B’ p.139 "Bar Code Output Control"
Bar Code Data Descriptor X’A6EB’ p.140 "Bar Code Data Descriptor"
Write Bar Code X’D681’ p.146 "Write Bar Code"

OG L 00
Write Bar Code Control

Bar Code Area Position

Data Area Value Description Error Code
Byte 0-1 X’000B’-X’xxxx’ LENGTH of Bar Code Area Position (BCAP) X’0202..05’
Byte 2-3 X’AC6B’ STRUCTURED FIELD ID X’020B..05’
Byte 4-5 X’8000’-X’7FFF’ Bar Code BLOCK ORIGIN Xp, I, or I-OFFSET X’0411..00’
coordinate position (in 1440ths)
Byte 6-7 X’8000’-X’7FFF’ Bar Code BLOCK ORIGIN Yp, B, or B-OFFSET X’0411..00’
coordinate position (in 1440ths)
Byte 8-9 ORIENTATION OF Bar Code BLOCK X’0203..05’
X’0000’ 0 degrees
X’2D00’ 90 degrees
X’5A00’ 180 degrees
X’8700’ 270 degrees
X’00’ Absolute I, Absolute B
X’20’ Absolute I, Relative B
X’40’ Relative I, Absolute B
X’60’ Relative I, Relative B
X’A0’ Page Xp, Yp
Byte 11-n :c

OG L 00
Bar Code Output Control
Data Area Value Description Error Code
Byte 0-1 X’0010’-X’xxxx’ LENGTH of Bar Code Output Control (BCOC) X’0202..05’
Byte 2-3 X’A66B’ STRUCTURED FIELD ID X’020B..05’
Byte 4 UNIT BASE (Measurement Units) X’0205..05’
X’00’ 10 Inches
X’01’ 10 Centimeters
Byte 5-6 X’0001’ - X’7FFF’ L-Units per UNIT BASE X’0206..05’
Byte 7-8 X’0001’ - X’7FFF’ X EXTENT of Bar Code BLOCK in L-units See X’0207..05’
p.28 "Notation Conventions"
X’FFFF’ Use Load Page Descriptor Value

Byte 9-10 X’0001’ - X’7FFF’ Y EXTENT of Bar Code BLOCK in L-units See X’0207..05’
p.28 "Notation Conventions"
X’FFFF’ Use Load Page Descriptor Value

Byte 11 X’30’ MAPPING CONTROL OPTION (Position) X’0208..05’

Byte 12-13 X’8000’ - X’7FFF’ X OFFSET L-units See p.28 "Notation Conven- X’0209..05’
Byte 14-15 X’8000’ - X’7FFF’ Y OFFSET L-units See p.28 "Notation Conven- X’0209..05’
Byte 16-n Triplets
• Color Specification Triplet. This optional tri-
plet can be placed at the end of the BCOC
command to specify the foreground color of
the object area, before any object data is placed
on the object area. Any number of BCOC tri-
plets can be received, they are processed in the
order received and the resulting color of the
object area depends on the last instance of the
triplet received. See p.32 "Color Specifica-
tion" for details.
• Presentation Space Reset Mixing Triplet. This
optional triplet can be placed at the end of the
BCOC command to specify whether or not an
object area is reset to the color of medium be-
fore any object data is placed on the object ar-
ea. Any number of BCOC triplets can be
received, they are processed in the order re-
ceived and the resulting color of the object area
depends on the last instance of the triplet re-
ceived. See p.34 "Presentation Space Reset
Mixing" for details.

OG L 00
Bar Code Data Descriptor
Data Area Value Description Error Code
Byte 0-1 X’001B’-X’xxxx’ LENGTH of Bar Code Data Descriptor (BCDD) X’0202..05’
Byte 2-3 X’A6EB’ STRUCTURED FIELD ID X’020B..05’
Byte 4 UNIT BASE (Measurement Units) X’0205..05’
X’00’ 10 Inches
X’01’ 10 Centimeters
Byte 5 X’00’ Reserved
Byte 6-7 X’0001’ - X’7FFF’ Xbc Units per UNIT BASE X’0206..05’
Byte 8-9 X’0001’ - X’7FFF’ Ybc Units per UNIT BASE X’0206..05’
Byte 10-11 X’0001’ - X’7FFF’ X EXTENT of Bar Code Presentation Space in L- X’0207..05’
units. See p.28 "Notation Conventions" Use

Byte 12-13 X’0001’ - X’7FFF’ Y EXTENT of Bar Code Presentation Space in L- X’0207..05’
units. See p.28 "Notation Conventions"
Bytes 14-15 X’0000’ Reserved
Byte 16 BAR CODE TYPE See p.142 "Bar Code Type and X’0403..00’
Modifier Description and Values"
Byte 17 BAR CODE MODIFIER See p.142 "Bar Code X’040B..00’
Type and Modifier Description and Values"
Byte 18 X’01’ - X’FE’ FONT LOCAL ID X’0404..00’
X’FF’ Default Font Local ID (Note 1)
Bytes 19-20 COLOR (Named Color) X’0405..00’
X’0000’ or X’FF00’ Printer Default (Black)
X’0001’ or X’FF01’ Blue - Limited Simulated Color Support
X’0002’ or X’FF02’ Red - Limited Simulated Color Support
X’0003’ or X’FF03’ Pink - Limited Simulated Color Support
X’0004’ or X’FF04’ Green - Limited Simulated Color Support
X’0005’ or X’FF05’ Turquoise - Limited Simulated Color Support
X’0006’ or X’FF06’ Yellow - Limited Simulated Color Support
X’0007’ White - Color of Medium (Reset)
X’0008’ Black
X’0009’ Dark Blue - Limited Simulated Color Support
X’000A’ Orange - Limited Simulated Color Support
X’000B’ Purple - Limited Simulated Color Support
X’000C’ Dark Green - Limited Simulated Color Support
X’000D’ Dark Turquoise - Limited Simulated Color Support
X’000E’ Mustard - Limited Simulated Color Support
X’000F’ Gray - Limited Simulated Color Support
X’0010’ Brown - Limited Simulated Color Support
X’FF07’ Printer Default (Black)
X’FF08’ Color of Medium (Reset)
X’FFFF’ Printer Default (Black)

OG L 00
Data Area Value Description Error Code
Byte 21 X’07’ - X’36’ UNIT MODULE WIDTH X’0406..00’
X’FF’ Printer Default
Range and Printer Default are specified by Bar
Code Type in Byte 16 (especially 2D bar codes)
Byte 22-23 X’0001’ - X’7FFF’ ELEMENT HEIGHT in L-units See p.28 "Nota- X’0407..00’
tion Conventions"
X’FFFF’ Printer Default as specified by Bar Code Type in
Byte 16
Byte 24 X’01’-X’FF’ Height multiplier X’0408..00’
Bytes 25-26 WIDE-TO-NARROW RATIO (WE|NE) X’0409..00’
X’0000’ Not Applicable Note 2
X’0002’ 2: 1
X’0003’ 3: 1
X’0014’ to X’001E’ 2.0: 1 - 3.0: 1
X’00C8’ to X’012C’ 2.00: 1 - 3.00: 1
X’FFFF’ Printer Default as specified by Bar Code Type
(Byte 16)
Byte 27-end Ignored

• The Font Local ID specified in BCDD Byte 18 should be OCR-A, OCR-B or Code 128 de-
pendent on the Bar Code Type specified in BCDD Byte 16. The default Font Local ID and
Bar Code Type relationships are as follows:
Code 128 UPC-A
Code 3 of 9 UPC-E
MSI UPC 2-Digit Add-on
2 of 5 Industrial UPC 5-Digit Add-on
2 of 5 Matrix EAN-8
2 of 5 EAN-13
Interleaved EAN 2-Digit Add-on
Codabar EAN 5-Digit Add-on

• Wide-to-Narrow Ratio (BCDD Bytes 25-26) is only valid for the following Bar Code
X’01’ 3 of 9
X’02’ MSI
X’0A’ 2 of 5 Industrial
X’0B’ 2 of 5 Matrix
X’0C’ Interleaved 2 of 5
X’0D’ Codabar
• Default wide-to-narrow ratio for Codabar, Code 3 of 9, and the 2-of-5 types is dictated
by the lowest unit module width that results in a readable bar code. The default wide-to-
narrow ratio for MSI is 2:1 unless it can’t be printed with the selected unit module width.

OG L 00
Bar Code Type and Modifier Description and Values

Bar Code Bar Code Description Unit Mod- Unit Mod- Element Element Wide-to-
Type (Byte ule Width ule Width Height De- Height Narrow
16) Default Range fault (mils) Range Ratio
(mils) (mils) (mils)
X’01’ 3 of 9 Code AIM USS-39 14 7-54 234 234-14000 7.3
X’02’ MSI 14 7-54 300 300-14000
X’03’ UPC/CGPC Version A 14 7-54 1020 250-14000
X’05’ UPC/CGPC Version E 14 7-54 1020 250-14000
X’06’ UPC 2 Character Supple- 14 7-54 1020 250-14000
mental (Periodicals)
X’07’ UPC 5 Character Supple- 14 7-54 1020 250-14000
mental (Paperbacks)
X’08’ EAN-8 (JAN Short) 14 7-54 840 250-14000
X’09’ EAN-13 (JAN Standard) 14 7-54 1020 250-14000
X’0A’ Industrial 2 of 5 14 7-54 234 234-14000 8:02
X’0B’ Matrix 2 of 5 14 7-54 234 234-14000 4:02
X’0C’ Interleaved 2 of 5 AIM 14 7-54 234 234-14000 3:02
USS-I 2/5
X’0D’ Codabar 2 of 7 Code AIM 14 7-54 234 234-14000 4:02
X’11’ Code 128 AIM USS-128 14 7-54 250 250-14000
X’16’ EAN 2 Digit Add-on 14 7-54 1020 250-14000
X’17’ EAN 5 Digit Add-on 14 7-54 1020 250-14000
X’18’ POSTNET (Include 14 7-54 1000 250-14000
X’1A’ RM4SCC Royal Mail 14 7-54 1000 250-14000
(Inc. Dutch KIX)
X’1B’ Japan Postal 14 7-54 1000 250-14000
X’1C’ Data Matrix 2D 21 12-254 21 12-254
X’1D’ MaxiCode 2D
X’1E’ PDF417 2D 14 7-254 15% of 4*width -
width or 0.2 524287
X’1F’ Australia Post 14 7-54 1000 250-14000
X’20’ QR Code 2D 14 7-254 21 12-254
X’21’ Code 93 14 7-54 234 234-14000 7:03
X’22’ USPS Four-State (Intelli- 20 15-25 145 125-165
gent Mail Barcode)

OG L 00
• Bar Code Type and Modifier Description and Values
Byte 12 Bar Code Type Byte 13 Description
Value Value
X’01’ 3 of 9 Code, AIM X’01’ Print Bar Code with no Printer-Generated Check Charac-
USS-39 ter
X’02’ Generate Check Character and Print with Bar Code
X’02’ MSI X’01’ Print Bar Code with no Printer-Generated Check Charac-
X’02’ Print Bar Code with IBM Modulus 10 Check Digit Gen-
erated by Printer and Put at End of Data
X’03’ First check digit IBM Modulus 10
X’04’ First check digit NCR Modulus 11. Check digit equals re-
mainder. Check digit of 10 equals error.
X’05’ First check digit IBM Modulus 11. Check digit equals re-
mainder. Check digit of 10 equals error.
X’06’ First check digit NCR Modulus 11. Check digit equals 11 mi-
nus remainder. Check digit of 10 equals zero.
X’07’ First check digit IBM Modulus 11. Check digit equals 11 mi-
nus remainder. Check digit of 10 equals error.
X’08’ First check digit NCR Modulus 11. Check digit equals 11 mi-
nus remainder. Check digit of 10 equals error.
X’09’ First check digit IBM Modulus 11. Check digit equals 11 mi-
nus remainder. Check digit of 10 equals error.
X’03’ UPC/CGPC Version X’00’ Generate check digit and Print standard symbol
X’05’ UPC/CGPC Version X’00’ Print bar code. Six digits are encoded.
X’06’ UPC 2-Character X’00’ Print the 2 supplemental digits (bar/space pattern and
Supplemental (Peri- HRI)
X’07’ UPC 5-Character X’00’ Print the 5 supplemental digits (bar/space pattern and
Supplemental (Paper- HRI)
X’08’ EAN-8 (JAN Short) X’00’ Print bar code symbol. Input variable data is 7 digits (2
flag and 5 article ID digits).
X’09’ EAN-13 (JAN Stand- X’00’ Print bar code symbol. Input variable data is 12 digits (2
ard) flag and 10 article ID digits).
X’0A’ 2 of 5 Industrial X’01’ Print bar code with no printer-generated check character
Generate check character and print with bar code
X’0B’ 2 of 5 Matrix X’01’ Print bar code with no printer-generated check character
Generate check character and print with bar code

OG L 00
Byte 12 Bar Code Type Byte 13 Description
Value Value
X’0C’ Interleaved 2 of 5, X’01’ Print bar code with no printer-generated check character
AIM USS-I 2/5 Generate check character and print with bar code
X’0D’ Codabar, 2 of 7 Code, X’01’ Print bar code with no printer-generated check character
AIM USS-Codabar Generate check character and print with bar code (Check
X’02’ character appears in HRI)
X’11’ Code 128, AIM USS- X’02’ Generate check character and print with bar code
128 X’03’ Generate check character and print with bar code that sup-
ports UCC/EAN 128
X’16’ EAN 2 Digit Add-on X’00’ Print the 2 digit add-on (bar/space pattern and HRI)
X’17’ EAN 5 Digit Add-on X’00’ Print the 5 digit add-on (bar/space pattern and HRI)
X’18’ POSTNET USPS Specification
X’00’ Print 5 digit POSTNET ’Zip Code’ bar code with leading
frame bar and trailing correction digit and frame.
X’01’ Print 9 digit POSTNET ’Zip + 4’ bar code with leading
frame bar and trailing correction digit and frame.
X’02’ Print 11 digit POSTNET ’ABC’ bar code with leading frame
bar and trailing correction digit and frame.
X’03’ Print variable length data POSTNET bar code with leading
frame bar and trailing correction digit and frame.
Data length checking is not performed with modifier
X’04’ Print PLANET bar code symbology
X’1A’ RM4SCC (Royal X’00’ Variable Length Data. Printer will generate Start bit,
Mail 4 State Custom- Checksum Character and Stop bit. Checksum algorithm is
er Code) performed on the data characters only. User is responsible
for 2 mm quiet zone (all around) and proper sequencing
of the Postal Code data (including International Prefix,
Outward Code, Inward Code and Delivery Point Suffix).
X’1A’ RM4SCC (Dutch X’01’ Present s RM4SCC bar code symbol with NO Start bit, NO
KIX Postal Bar Checksum Character and NO Stop bit. Checksum algo-
Code) rithm is performed on the data characters only. User is re-
sponsible for 2 mm quiet zone (all around) and proper
sequencing of the Postal Code data (including International
Prefix, Outward Code, Inward Code and Delivery Point
X’1B’ Japan Postal Bar X’00’ Present a Japan Postal Bar Code symbol with a generated
Code X’01’ start character, checksum character and stop character.
Present a Japan Postal Bar Code symbol directly from the
bar code data.
X’1C’ Data Matrix 2D X’00’ Present a Data Matrix Bar Code symbol.
X’1D’ MaxiCode 2D X’00’ Present a MaxiCode Bar Code symbol.
X’1E’ PDF417 2D X’00’ Present a “full” PDF417 Bar Code symbol.
X’01’ Present a “truncated” PDF417 Bar Code symbol.

OG L 00
Byte 12 Bar Code Type Byte 13 Description
Value Value
X’1F’ Australia Post X’01’ Standard Customer Bar Code (Format Code 11) - An 8
digit number representing the Sorting Code.
X’02’ Customer Bar Code 2 using Table N (Format Code 59)
An 8 digit number representing the Sorting Code, fol-
lowed by up to 8 numeric digits representing the Custom-
er Information.
X’03’ Customer Bar Code 2 using Table C (Format Code 59) An
8 digit number representing the Sorting Code, followed
by up to 5 characters (A-Z, a-z, 0-9, space, #) representing
the Customer Information.
X’04’ Customer Bar Code 2 using proprietary encoding (Format
Code 59) - An 8 digit number representing the Sorting
Code, followed by up to 16 numeric digits (0-3) represent-
ing the Customer Information. Each of the 16 digits specify
one of the 4 types of bar.
X’05’ Customer Bar Code 3 using Table N (Format Code 62)
An 8 digit number representing the Sorting Code, fol-
lowed by up to 15 numeric digits representing the Cus-
tomer Information.
X’06’ Customer Bar Code 3 using Table C (Format Code 62) An
8 digit number representing the Sorting Code, followed by
up to 10 characters (A-Z, a-z, 0-9, space, #) representing
the Customer Information.
X’07’ Customer Bar Code 3 using proprietary encoding (Format
Code 62) - An 8 digit number representing the Sorting
Code, followed by up to 31 numeric digits (0-3) represent-
ing the Customer Information. Each of the 31 digits specify
one of the 4 types of bar.
X’08’ Reply Paid Bar Code (Format Code 45) - An 8 digit
number representing the Sorting Code.
X’20’ QR Code 2D X’02’ Present a model 2 QR Code bar code symbol.
X’21’ Code 93 X’02’ Present a Code 93 bar code symbol.
X’22’ USPS Four-State X’00’ Present a USPS Four-State (Intelligent Mail Barcode) bar
(Intelligent code symbol with no Routing ZIP Code. The input data
Mail Barcode) for this bar code symbol must be 20 numeric digits.
X’01’ Present a USPS Four-State (Intelligent Mail Barcode) bar
code symbol with a 5-digit Routing ZIP Code.
The input data for this bar code symbol must be 25 numer-
ic digits; the valid values for the Routing ZIP Code are
X’02’ Present a USPS Four-State (Intelligent Mail Barcode) bar
code symbol with a 9-digit Routing ZIP Code.
The input data for this bar code symbol must be 29 numer-
ic digits; the valid values for the Routing ZIP Code are
X’03’ Present a USPS Four-State (Intelligent Mail Barcode) bar
code symbol with a 11-digit Routing ZIP Code.
The input data for this bar code symbol must be 31 numer-
ic digits; the valid values for the Routing ZIP Code are

OG L 00
Write Bar Code
Data Area Value Description Error Code
Byte 0 FLAGS
Bit 0 HRI PRINTING (Not supported for postal bar code
0 Print HRI X’0410..00’
1 No HRI


00 Printer Default (Below symbol)
01 Below symbol (Except UPC/EAN with 2 or 5 digit add-
10 Above symbol (UPC/EAN with 2 or 5 digit add-on on-
Bit 3 START/STOP HRI for 3 of 9 Code (Asterisk)
0 Do not print HRI for 3 of 9 Start/Stop pattern
1 Print HRI for 3 of 9 Start/Stop pattern
Bits 4 CODE PAGE TYPE (Ignore)
0 Present the bar code symbol
1 Supress presentation of the bar code symbol
Bits 6
Bits 7
Bytes 1-2 X’0001’ - X’7FFF’ X COORDINATE of the symbol ORIGIN See p.28 X’040A..00’
"Notation Conventions"
Bytes 3-4 X’0001’ - X’7FFF’ Y COORDINATE of the symbol ORIGIN See p.28 X’040A..00’
"Notation Conventions"
Bytes 5-End DATA to be bar encoded X’040C..00’

OG L 00
9. Overlay Command Set

Overlay Function Set Commands

Name Command Sub-command Where to Look
Begin Overlay X’D6DF’ Intelligent Printer Data Stream Reference
Deactivate Overlay X’D6EF’ Intelligent Printer Data Stream Reference
Include Overlay X’D67D’ Intelligent Printer Data Stream Reference

• InfoPrint75/100 does not support Secure Overlay (value X’01’ in byte 2 of Include Overlay
is not supported).
• See p.28 "Notation Conventions" regarding the notation convention for Include Overlay
bytes 3-5 and 7-9.

OG L 00
OG L 00
10. Page Segment Command Set

Page Segment Function Set Commands

Name Command Sub-command Where to Look
Begin Page Segment X’D65F’ Intelligent Printer Data Stream Ref-
Deactivate Page Segment X’D66F’ Intelligent Printer Data Stream Ref-
Include Page Segment X’D67F’ Intelligent Printer Data Stream Ref-

OG L 00
OG L 00
11. Loaded Font Command Set

Loaded Font Function Set Commands

Name Command Sub-command Where to Look
Load Code Page X’D61B’ p.151 "Load Code Page"
Load Code Page Control X’D61A’ p.152 "Load Code Page Control"
Load Font X’D62F’ p.153 "Load Font"
Load Font Character Set X’D619’ p.155 "Object type specific informa-
Control tion"
Load Font Control X’D61F’ p.157 "Load Font Control"
Load Font Index X’D60F’ p.159 "Load Font Index"

Load Code Page

This command assigns each code point of a code page to a specific Graphic Character Global
ID (GCGID). One or more Load Code Page (LCP) commands follow the Load Code Page Con-
trol command.
A sequence of LCP commands are used to transmit the entire code page. This sequence is ini-
tiated by the first LCP command that contains data and terminates with an End command. En-
tries may be split across LPC commands on any byte boundary and are restricted in size by the
standard IPDS 32767 byte command length limit.
Data Area Value Description Error Code
Byte 8 Bit 0: 0/1 PROCESSING FLAGS
Bit 1: 0/1 Defined/Undefined
Bit 2: 0/1 Defined/Undefined
Bits 3-7 Incrementing/Nonincrementing
Bytes 9-n CODE POINT X’02B0..07’

OG L 00
Load Code Page Control
This command describes a code page resource which will be used to carry code page data. The
Load Code Page Control (LCPC) command is followed by one or more Load Code Page (LCP)
commands that specify the code page data.
The LCPC command is valid only in Home State and causes a transition to Code Page State.
Code Page State ends when the printer receives the End command following receipt of at least
one LCP command.
Data Area Value Description Error Code
Bytes 0-1 X’0001’ - X’7EFF’ CODE PAGE HOST ASSIGNED ID X’02B0..00’
Bits 0-3: 0000 Reserved
Bits 4-7: 0001 Fixed single byte
0010 Fixed double byte
Bits 8-15: 00000000 Reserved
Bytes 4-7 X’0000000A’- BYTE COUNT for subsequent LCP commands X’02B0..04’
X’FFFFFFFF’ X’02B0..05’
Bytes 8-9 X’0000’ Reserved
X’nn’ SBCS
X’nnnn’ DBCS
Bytes n+1 to n+2 X’0000’ GCSGID
X’0001’ - X’FFFE’ No Value Supplied
Use Default
Bytes n+3 to n+4 X’0001’ - X’FFFE’ CPGID
Specific CPGID
Bytes n+5 to n+12 X’nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn’ GCGID
Default GCGID
Bytes n+13 Bit 0: 0/1 GCGID
Bit 1: 0/1 Default GCGID
Bit 2: 0/1
Bit 3: 0
Bit 4: 0/1
Bits5-7: 0/1

• If the code point specified in VARIABLE SPACE CODE POINT is not contained in the as-
sociated font character set, the printer will use a character increment of 333 relative units for
typographic and proportionally spaced fonts and 600 relative units for fixed pitch, uniform
character increment fonts.
• GCSGID/CPGID will be used for CMAP matching (DBCS), in all other instances they will
be ignored.

OG L 00
Load Font

LF1 Format
When downloading a fully described font (LF1 format), the Load Font (LF) carries a series of
character raster pattern bit strings. Consecutive Load Font commands are supported for down-
loading the LF1 font character patterns.
Data Area Value Description Error Code
Bytes 0-n Any Value in conformance FONT DATA in LF1 FORMAT X’022E..02’
with LFC Font Byte Count (Character Patterns) X’0232..02’

LF3 Format
When downloading a font character set (LF3 format), the LF consists of a character ID map fol-
lowed by zero or more (technology specific) Adobe Type-1 PFB objects. Consecutive LF com-
mands are supported for downloading the LF3 font data.

* Character ID Map
Data Area Value Description Error Code
Byte 0 X’02’ IBM CHARACTER ID FORMAT (IBM Registered
X’03’ FORMAY Font-specific ASCII Character name
used with Type-1 PFB fonts ASCII numeric Glyph
ID (used with Adobe Composite fonts)
X’05’ CMAP binary code point, used with CID-keyed fonts
Zero of more entries in the following format
Bytes +0-7 IBM CHARACTER ID (GCGID) X’02B1..04’
Bytes +8-11 OFFSET into the following list of Adobe Type-1
Character ID entries (each GCGID maps to exactly
one Adobe Type-1 Character ID)
Zero or more Adobe Type-1 Character ID entries in the following
Byte ++0 X’02’-X’80’ LENGTH of Adobe Type-1 Character ID entry (in- X’02B1..03’
cluding this field)
Bytes +1-n ADOBE Type-1 CHARACTER ID

OG L 00
* Technology Specific Font Objects
The technology specific LF3 font object supported is a form of Adobe Type-1 PFB file or
CID-keyed files.
Each PFB or CID-keyed object contains the following information.
Data Area Value Description Error Code
Bytes 0-3 X’0000000A’ - LENGTH of Adobe Type-1 PFB file or CID-keyed X’02B1..08’
(including this field)
Bytes 4-7 CHECKSUM X’02B1..09’
Bytes 8-9 X’0002’ - LENGTH of Adobe PFB or CID-Keyed object X’02B1..0A
Bytes 10-n Adobe PFB or CID-Keyed Object NAME
Bytes n+1 to m are only present for CID-keyed fonts
These bytes are omitted for Type1 PFB fonts
Bytes n+1 to X’0002’ - LENGTH of the CID-Keyed files descriptor
n+2 X’FFFF’ (bytes N+1 to m)
Byte n+3 OBJECT Type
X’00’ No object type specified
X’01’ CMap file
X’05’ CID file
X’06’ PFB file
X’07’ AFM file
X’08’ Filename Map file
Bytes n+4 to m See note Object type specific information
Bytes m+1 to z OBJECT DATA for Adobe Type-1 PFB fonts or
CID-keyed fonts

OG L 00
* Object type specific information
The content of this field depends on the object type, as follows:
-For types X’00’ and X’06’-X’08’, this field is not defined by architecture and is ignored.
-For type X’01’, five fields in the following sequence
Data Area Value Description
n+4 X’00’ Primary
X’01’ Auxiliary
n+5 X’00’ Character ID map linked
X’01’ Not character ID map linked
n+6 X’00’ No writing direction specified
X’01’ Horizontal
X’02’ Vertical
X’03’ Both horizontal and vertical
n+7 to n+8 X’0000’ No value supplied

X’0001’-X’FFFF’ Graphic Character Set Global ID

X’FFFF’ Use default value

n+9 to n+10 X’0000’ No value supplied

X’0001’-X’FFFF’ Code Page Global ID

X’FFFF’ Use default value

OG L 00
Load Font Character Set Control
This command provides control information for each font character set that the host downloads
to the printer. The command is only used for LF-3 type coded fonts. The LFCSC command is
followed by one or more Load Font commands that contain the actual font character set infor-
mation. This command is valid only in home state and causes a transition to font state. Font
state ends when the printer receives the End command following receipt of at least one LF com-
Data Area Value Description Error Code
Bytes 0-1 X’0001’ - X’7EFF’ FONT CHARACTER SET HAID X’02B0..0A’
Bytes 2-3 X’0000’ Reserved
X’1E’ CID-keyed
X’1F’ Type 1 PFB
Byte 5 X’0’ Adobe PFB Object NAME
Bit 0: 0/1 Not intended for MICR printing/Intended for MICR X’02B2..01’
Bit 1: 0/1 printing (ignored) X’02B2..02’
Bits 2-7: 000000 This is NOT a FCS extension/This IS a FCS exten-
Bytes 7-10 X’00000002’ - NUMBER of BYTES in the LOAD FONT COM- X’022E..02’
Bytes 11-14 X’00000002’ - NUMBER of BYTES in the CHARACTER ID X’02B0..0F’
Bytes 15-16 NUMBER of GCGIDs in the CHARACTER ID
Bytes 17 to 18 GCSGID
X’0000’ No Value Supplied
X’0001’ - X’FFFE’ Specific GCSGID
X’FFFF’ Use Default
Bytes 19 to 20 FGID
X’0001’ - X’FFFE’ Specific FGID

OG L 00
Load Font Control
This command is 40 + (8 × n) bytes long, where n (4090 max) is the number of font characters that
have associated raster patterns. The command contains font id, overall font characteristics, and the
information needed to parse the font raster patterns. There is only one Load Font Control command
for each font or font section. This command can only be issued in Home State and causes a transition
to Font State.
Data Area Value Description Error Code
Bytes 0-1 X’0001’-X’7EFF’ FONT HOST ASSIGNED ID X’0218..02’
Byte 2 SECTION ID X’0243..02’
X’00’ Single-byte fonts
Byte 3 X’00’ Reserved (Font-index Format) X’0221..02’
Byte 4 X’05’ Pattern Data Format (bounded box) X’0222..02’
Byte 5 FONT TYPE BITS X’0223..02’
Bits 0-1: 00 Reserved
Bits 2-3: 01 FONT TYPE: Single byte
10 Double byte
Bits 4-5: 00 Reserved
Bit 6: 1/0 CHARACTER BOX SIZE: Uniform size (see bytes 6-
7)/Individual size (see bytes 40-End)
Bit 7: 0 Reserved

Bytes 6-7 X’0001’ - X’7FFF’ UNIFORM or MAXIMUM CHARACTER BOX X X’0226..02’

Bytes 8-9 X’0001’ - X’7FFF’ UNIFORM or MAXIMUM CHARACTER BOX Y X’0227..02’
Byte 10 UNIT BASE for L-units X’021B..02’
X’00’ Ten in. (fixed metric technology)
X’02’ Relative units (relative metric technology)
Byte 11 X’00’ X’00’Reserved
Bytes 12-13 L-units per UNIT BASE in the X direction X’022A..02’
Byte 10 = X’02’
X’03E8’ 1000
Byte 10 = X’00’
X’0960’ 2400 (240 DPI)
X’0BB8’ 3000 (300 DPI)
X’1770’ 6000 (600 DPI)
Bytes 14-15 L-units per UNIT BASE in the Y direction X’022B..02’
Byte 10 = X’02’
X’03E8’ 1000
Byte 10 = X’00’
X’0960’ 2400 (240 DPI)
X’0BB8’ 3000 (300 DPI)
X’1770’ 6000 (600 DPI)

OG L 00
Data Area Value Description Error Code
Bytes 16-17 X’0000’ Reserved
Bytes 18-20 X’000001’ - FONT BYTE COUNT X’021C..02’
X’01’ Starting address 1 byte aligned
X’04’ Starting address 4 byte aligned
X’08’ Starting address 8 byte aligned
Bytes 22-23 X’nnnn’ GCSGID (ignored)
Bytes 24-25 X’nnnn’ CPGID (ignored)
Byte 26 UNIT BASE for PIXEL-Units X’0287..02’
X’00’ Ten in.
Byte 27 X’00’ Reserved
Bytes 28-29 PIXEL-Units per UNIT BASE in the X direction X’0288..02’
(only applicable if byte 10 = x’02’
X’0960’ 2400 Units per 10 in. (240 dpi)
X’0BB8’ 3000 Units per 10 in. (300 dpi)
X’1770’ 6000 Units per 10 in. (600 dpi)

Bytes 30-31 PIXEL-Units per UNIT BASE in the Y direction X’0289..02’

only applicable if byte 10 = x’02’
X’0960’ 2400 Units per 10 in. (240 dpi)
X’0BB8’ 3000 Units per 10 in. (300 dpi)
X’1770’ 6000 Units per 10 in. (600 dpi)


Bytes 34-35 X’nnnn’ FGID (ignored)
Byte 36 STAGEABILITY X’0220..02’
X’01’ Font is not stageable (retired)
Byte 37 Bit 0: 0/1 INTENDED USE FLAGS: Not intended for MICR
Bits 1-7: 0000000 printing/Intended for MICR printing(ignored)
Bytes 38-39 X’nnnn’ Font width (ignored)
Bytes 40-n Zero or more CHARACTER PATTERN DE-
SCRIPTORS in the following format
+ 0-1 bytes X’0000’ - X’7FFF’ CHARACTER BOX X SIZE X’0226..02’
+ 2-3 bytes X’0000’ - X’7FFF’ CHARACTER BOX Y SIZE X’0227..02’
+ 4-7 bytes X’00000000’ - CHARACTER PATTERN ADDRESS X’023E..02’

OG L 00
Load Font Index
This command is 32 + (256 × 16) (the (256 × 16) byte field is not always required) bytes long.
It contains general information needed to print the patterns and a description of the character-
istics of each of the 256 possible code points. Each font can have from one to four associated
font indices.
Each index is loaded by a separate Load Font Index command. This command can only be is-
sued in Home State.
Data Area Value Description Error Code
Bytes 0-1 X’0001’-X’7EFF’ FONT HOST ASSIGNED ID (HAID) X’0218..02’
Byte 2 SECTION ID X’0243..02’
X’00’ Single byte
X’41’-X’FE’ Double byte section
Byte 3 FLAGS
Bit 0: 0/1 VARIABLE SPACE: Disabled/Enabled
Bits 1-7: 0000000 Reserved
Bytes 4-5 FONT INLINE SEQUENCE X’0240..02’
X’0000’ 0 deg. X’0246..02’
X’2D00’ 90 deg.
X’5A00’ 180 deg.
X’8700’ 270 deg.
Byte 6-7 X’0000’ Reserved
Byte 8-9 X’8000’ - X’7FFF’ UNIFORM or MAXIMUM BASELINE OFFSET X’023C..02’
Byte 10-11 X’8000’ - X’7FFF’ UNIFORM or MAXIMUM CHARACTER IN- X’023C..02’
Byte 12-13 X’0000’ Reserved
Bits 0-4: 00000 Reserved
Bit 5: 1/0 UNIFORM A-SPACE: Bytes 18, 19 specify uni-
form value/Bytes 18, 19 specify minimum value
A-space for each character is in the character index
Bit 6: 1/0 UNIFORM BASELINE OFFSET: Bytes 8, 9 speci-
fy uniform baseline offset/Bytes 8, 9 specify mini-
mum baseline offset(Baseline offset for each
character is in the character index entry)
11 specify uniform character increment/Bytes 10, 11
specify minimum character increment(Character in-
crement for each character is in the character index en-
Byte 17 X’00’ Reserved
Bytes 18-19 X’8000’ - X’7FFF’ UNIFORM or MINIMUM A-SPACE X’023C..02’

OG L 00
Data Area Value Description Error Code
Bytes 20-21 X’0000’ - X’FFFF’
Bytes 22-23 X’8000’ - X’7FFF’
X’0000’ No recommendation
X’0001’ - X’7FFF’ Underscore width in L-units
Bytes 28-31 X’00000000’ Reserved
Bytes 32-4127
X’0000’ Defined, printing, incrementing
X’2000’ Defined, printing, non-incrementing
X’4000’ Defined, non-printing, incrementing
X’6000’ Defined, non-printing, non-incrementing
X’8000’ Undefined, printing, incrementing
X’A000’ Undefined, printing, non-incrementing
X’C000’ Undefined, non-printing, incrementing
X’E000’ Undefined, non-printing, non-incrementing X’023C..02’
+ 2-3 bytes X’0000’ - X’xxxx’ PATTERN INDEX X’023C..02’
+ 4-5 bytes X’8000’ - X’7FFF’ CHARACTER INCREMENT
+ 6-7 bytes X’8000’ - X’7FFF’ A-SPACE
+ 8-13 bytes X’000000000000’ Reserved X’023C..02’
+ 14-15 bytes X’8000’ - X’7FFF’ BASELINE OFFSET

OG L 00
12. Exception Reporting,
Sense Data, and Recovery

About Exception Reporting, Sense Data, and

This chapter supplies information about Acknowledge Reply, which the IPDS uses for excep-
tion reporting.
The chapter begins with general information followed by tables of the exception-reporting
codes for the printer. The tables contain details about the specific exceptions. The chapter con-
cludes with a section on printer counter adjustments.
• When you have questions about codes from the printer, use this chapter instead of the ex-
ception-reporting chapter in the Intelligent Printer Data Stream Reference. Although the two
chapters are similar, this chapter contains only those exception codes that the printer returns.

General Reply Rules

IPDS uses the Acknowledge Reply command to return both positive and negative replies to the
Positive messages are Acknowledge Replies. The negative messages (exception messages) are
NACKs and are sent as sense-byte information in the special data area. For more information
about Acknowledge Replies, see p.39 "Device Control Command Set".
The following general rules apply to printer replies:
• The printer reports a data-stream exception with a NACK. Only one exception can be re-
turned in each NACK.
• The printer sends an ACK or a NACK in response to an Acknowledgement Required (ARQ)
flag. If there is an exception, the printer sends a NACK without receiving an ARQ.
• If the printer receives a command requesting an acknowledgement, it expects the host to
wait for the acknowledgement before sending more commands.
• Any data received after an exception is reported is discarded until all queued NACKs have
been either sent to the host or cleared by an appropriate link-level command.
An exception on a command can be reported before receiving the entire command data. When an
Alternate Exception Action (AEA) or Page Continuation Action (PCA) is not to be taken, the next
data received should be part of a new command. Otherwise, an 8001..00 exception may result.
The printer might not discard the remaining bytes in a command with an error when reported.
Therefore, the next data received should be the start of a new command. As a result, begin the host
data re-transmission only after a synchronizing command (such as XOH Print Buffered Data or
XOA Discard Buffered Data) is successfully acknowledged.

OG L 00
A terminating condition causes the first NACK to be reported. The next NACK is reported
when the next five bytes of data are received. This is usually an IPDS command header. Re-
porting a NACK discards all data currently received. The process of receiving five bytes and
sending a NACK repeats until the NACK queue is exhausted or cleared by the appropriate
link-level command.
• An ACK indicates that the data stream was checked and that commands were transformed
into the printer’s internal command language, with the following exceptions:
– Asynchronous-position exceptions and undefined character exceptions are not detected
until print time.
– The data stream is not checked when IPDS is being saved for future use, as in overlays and
page segments, and when more than one copy group is specified in a Load Copy Control
(LCC) command.
An exception in an overlay or page segment is reported synchronously with the End Page
(EP) command on the page it is used. An exception in a saved copy group is reported syn-
chronously after the EP command; that is, in the next command after the EP.
• The XOA Exception-Handling Control (EHC) order tells the printer how to handle excep-
tions. More information about the EHC order follows.

Exception-Handling Control (EHC)

The EHC order lets you control the three exception-handling functions listed below. Brief de-
scriptions of the functions follow this listing.
• Exception Reporting. You can record three types of exception conditions and related exception in-
formation and have them reported at specified times using NACKs.
• Alternate Exception Actions (AEA). You can specify whether the printer is to take Alternate
Exception Actions (AEAs), which prescribe actions to take when the printer is given an IPDS
command or parameters it does not support.
• Exception-Presentation Processing. The exception-presentation processing function has two
• Page Continuation Actions (PCA). You can specify whether to end or continue process-
ing a page that has an exception.
• Exception Page Print. You can specify whether the printer is to print or discard a page
that was terminated.

Exception Reporting
Use the exception-reporting bits in the Exception-Handling Control (EHC) record to control the
recording and reporting of three classes of exceptions:
• Undefined characters
• Position exceptions
• All other exceptions that have AEAs.
When you instruct the printer to record a given class of exception, it always records exceptions
that fit in that class. If you instruct the printer not to record a given class of exception, the printer
still records such exceptions if the printer was told not to take the AEA.

OG L 00
Classes of Data Stream Exceptions
All printer data stream exceptions are returned in 24 bytes of detailed sense information in the
special data area of the NACK. The exception-code identifier consists of three bytes: 0, 1, and
19. Byte 0 specifies the exception class; bytes 1 and 19 identify the particular exception.
The six classes of data-stream exceptions are:
• Command Reject
• Intervention Required
• Equipment Check
• Data Check
• Specification Check
• IO Images
• Bar Codes
• Graphics
• General
• Conditions Requiring Host Notification.
See p.167 "Exception Classes" for more information.

OG L 00
Sense Byte Information
The following list gives details of the information in each sense byte.
Byte(s) Description
0 Defines the exception class for the specific exception, It is the first byte of each 3-byte ex-
ception ID.
1 Together with sense byte 19, byte 1 defines the specific exception within an exception class.
It is the second byte of each 3-byte exception ID.
2 Contains exception-recovery action codes that specify the required actions for the exception conditions.
For more information, see p.165 "Action Codes in Sense Byte 2".
3 Reserved
4 through 18 Describe the specific cause in three separate formats:
• Format 0
Provides details about all data stream exceptions other than data check positioning ex-
• Format 2
Provides details about device exceptions, including intervention-required exceptions, equip-
ment-check exceptions, and conditions requiring host notification.
• Format 7
Provides details about data check positioning exceptions.
For more information about formats, see “p.165 "Formats 0, 1, and 2 for Sense Bytes 4-
18 and 20-23".
19 Together with sense byte 1, byte 19 defines the specific exception within an exception class.
It is the third byte of each 3-byte exception ID.
20 through 23 Contain additional information about the state of the printer when it senses an exception.

OG L 00
Action Codes in Sense Byte 2
The action codes in sense byte 2 classify the exception to assist host-exception recovery and
allow printing to continue. The action codes listed are the only ones returned by the printer.
Action Code (in hex) Exception-Recovery Action
01 Data Stream Exception ”A syntax error exists in the IPDS data stream. The specific recovery ac-
tions depend on the specific exception (sense bytes 0, 1, and 19 in the ta-
bles of printer exception codes) and host support requirements. Data
stream exceptions occur on the page or resource just before the received
page counter.”
08 Paper Jam The printer detects a paper jam. Retransmit all pages and associated re-
sources (overlays, page segments, and fonts) that have not passed the print-
er-defined jam recovery point.
09 Data-Related Print Exception A sheet cannot be printed because of something within the data stream.
The data might be too complex, too dense, or the media source selected
might be incompatible with the media destination selected. The printer has
discarded all buffered pages and modified the page and copy counters.
0C Resource Storage Exception The printer cannot accept a page or resource (overlay, page segment, or
font) because the storage area is full. Delete all resources not necessary to
continue printing and retransmit the page in progress. If this action fails,
the recovery action depends on host-support requirements.
15 Cancel The printer operator requests that the current job be canceled. Cancel the
job containing the page at the host-defined canceling point.
1A Re-drive Buffered Pages The printer may not be in Ready State, may need paper or toner, or may
have a full exit tray. Take the appropriate recovery action for the exception
code and retransmit all pages and associated resources that have not been
committed for printing, if any.
1D Printer Characteristics Changed At least one of the printer characteristics that is reported in the reply to an
XOH OPC command has changed. The host should issue an XOH OPC
command to obtain the new printer characteristics.
1E Asynchronous Out-of-Storage A resource or a page that is not currently being received at the Received
Exception Page ID caused an out-of-storage exception. The printer has discarded all
buffered pages and reset the page and copy counters. The page on which
this exception was discovered will not print. The host must issue an XOH
PBD to ensure that the page and copy counters are accurately adjusted. Af-
ter the XOH PBD has returned an ACK, the page in error is the page just
before the Committed Page Counter. Cancel the printed data containing
the page just before the Committed Page ID.
22 Printer Communications Inoper- A printer condition exists from which the printer cannot recover without
ative operator intervention. End the communication and the session.

Formats 0, 1, and 2 for Sense Bytes 4-18 and 20-23

Sense bytes 4 through 18 and 20 through 23 describe the cause of each exception condition.
(Sense byte 19 is byte 3 of the exception code.) These descriptions are presented in three sep-
arate formats, which are explained below.

OG L 00
* Format 0
Format 0 provides detailed information for all data stream exceptions except data check positioning excep-
tions. This format applies to all data check, specification-check, and command-reject exceptions, except for
exceptions X'08C1..00', X'020A..05', and X'0411..00'.
Byte Description
4 Data exception, X'DE'
5 Format Identifier, X'00'
6,7 Count of occurrences of the exception (the printer provides an approximate count of
occurrences of some exceptions)
8,9 ID of overlay that has an exception
10,11 ID of page segment that has an exception
12,13 Command in process when exception found
14,15 Object Identifier (other than overlay or page segment that has an exception, such as
a font exception)
16,17 Identifies a part within an object that has the exception, such as “ font”
18 Reserved
20-23 Page Identifier for the page that has the exception

* Format 1
Format 1 provides detailed information for both data check positioning exceptions. This format applies
only to data check exceptions X'08C1..00', X'020A..05', and X'0411..00'.
Byte Description
4 Data exception, X'DE'
5 Format Identifier, X'01'
6, 7 Count of occurrences of the exception (the printer provides an approximate count of
occurrences of some exceptions)
8, 18 Reserved
20-23 Page Identifier for the page that has the exception

* Format 2
Format 2 provides detailed information for all device exceptions. This format applies to all
intervention-required and equipment-check exceptions and for conditions requiring host no-
Byte Description
4 System Reference Code, X'BF'
5 Format Identifier, X'02'
6-23 Format Identifier, X'02'

Exception-Reporting Codes
The following tables describe all printer exception codes that are returned to the host in the spe-
cial data area of a NACK.

OG L 00
Each exception code is identified by three bytes: byte 0, byte 1, and byte 19. The first table lists
the names of the exception classes which are returned in byte 0. The subsequent tables give de-
tailed information about each of the groups listed in the first table.
• The printer provides an approximate count of occurrences for some exceptions.

Exception Classes

Sense Byte 0 Exception Class and Description

X'80' Command Reject—the printer cannot recognize a received command.
X'50' Equipment Check with Intervention Required—the printer detects a condition caused by
hardware failure or hardware limitations, and manual intervention at the printer is re-
X'40' Intervention Required—the printer detects a condition that requires manual intervention,
such as “out of paper.”
X'20' Reserved
X'10' Equipment Check—the printer detects an equipment malfunction or hardware error.
X'08' Data Check—the printer detects a position exception or an undefined character excep-
X'05' Specification Check - IO Images—the printer detects an invalid or unsupported data val-
ue in an IO image command.
X'04' Specification Check - Bar Codes—the printer detects an invalid or unsupported data val-
ue in a bar code command.
X'03' Specification Check - Graphics—the printer detects an invalid or unsupported data value
in a graphics command.
X'02' Specification Check - General—the printer detects an invalid or unsupported data value
in a received command.
X'01' Conditions Requiring Host Notification—the printer detects a condition that requires ac-
tion by the host.

OG L 00
Tables of Printer Exception Codes
The following tables list specific exception classes and are arranged in three columns. The first
column lists the 3-byte ID given in sense bytes 0, 1, and 19. The second column gives a descrip-
tion of each exception. The third column lists the action code given in sense byte 2.
Typically, when an exception has a defined AEA, the PCA is the AEA. Also, no PCA is taken
when the command is received in Home state or Font state.
In each table, the exceptions are listed in ascending numeric order.
• The term architecturally valid refers to the range of values permitted by the IPDS architec-
ture. An “invalid” value denotes one outside the range defined by the architecture. “ Sup-
ported” values are those that the printer accepts. Therefore, “ unsupported” values may be
valid by architecture but not in the printer implementation.
• InfoPrint75/100 supports 24 Byte Sense data (See p.62 "Sense Type and Model").
• InfoPrint75/100 supports AEA and PCA error processing. See Intelligent Printer Data
Stream Reference for details on Sense byte information and error processing.
• The maximum number of queued asynchronous and synchronous errors is 1 for Twinax and
Coax DSC mode and 7 for Coax LU1 mode and TCP/IP mode).
• The cause of the exception and the Alternate Exception Action (AEA) are the same as spec-
ified in Intelligent Printer Data Stream Reference unless otherwise noted.

OG L 00
TCP/IP Sense Data

Intervention Required Sense Data

Exception ID Description Action Code

X’4000..00’ Printer not ready 3
X’4001..00’ Out of paper 3
X’4002..00’ Output bin full 3
X’4004..00’ Out of toner 3
X’4031..00’ Paper Length Check 3
X’4033..00’ Paper Width Check 3
X’40E6..00’ Cover open 3

OG L 00
IPDS Exceptions Reported

Command Reject Exceptions

Exception ID Description Action Code

X’8001..00’ Invalid IPDS command code 01
X’8002..00’ Invalid IPDS command sequence 01
X’8004..00’ Data received after ARQ 01
X’80E0..00’ Invalid IPDS command length 01

Equipment Check with Intervention Required

Exception ID Description Action Code

50F8..00 Media Source X’nn’ is not available (has been disabled). 01

OG L 00
Intervention Required Exceptions

Exception ID Description Action Code

X’4000..00’ Printer is not ready: 1A
• The printer is in a not-ready state.
• Alternate Exception Action: none.
• Page Continuation Action: none.
X’4001..00’ Printer is out of paper: 1A
• The printer is out of paper, and paper was not added within
specified amount of time.
• Alternate Exception Action: none.
• Page Continuation Action: none.
X’4002..00’ The printer’s exit tray is full: 1A
• The printer’s exit tray is full and it was not emptied within a
specified amount of time.
• Alternate Exception Action: none.
• Page Continuation Action: none.
X’4004..00’ Printer is out of toner: 1A
• The printer is out of toner, and toner was not added within a
specified amount of time.
• Alternate Exception Action: none.
• Page Continuation Action: none.
X’4031..00’ Paper Length Check 1A
• The printer has detected a paper-length check, and it has not
been corrected by the operator after a specified amount of time.
• Alternate Exception Action: none.
• Page Continuation Action: none.
X’4033..00’ Paper Width Check 1A
• The printer has detected a paper-width check, and it has not
been corrected by the operator after a specified amount of time.
• Alternate Exception Action: none.
• Page Continuation Action: none.
X’40E5..00’ Paper jam recovery needed: 08
• A paper jam has occurred and has not been cleared within a
specified amount of time. Any lost pages must be resent.
• Alternate Exception Action: none.
• Page Continuation Action: none.
X’40E6..00’ Cover open 03
X’40E8..nn’ Supported but not installed media source ID 1A

OG L 00
Equipment Check Exceptions
Exception Description Action Code
X’10F1..00’ Permanent hardware exception: 22
• A permanent hardware failure exists.
• The microcode detected either a logic exception from which the printer
could not recover or a condition that should not have occurred.
• Alternate Exception Action: none.
• Page Continuation Action: none.

Data Check Exceptions

Exception ID Description Description

X’0821..00’ Undefined character 01
X’0860..00’ Numeric representation precision check 01
X’08C1..00’ Numeric representation precision check 01

IO-Image Specification Exceptions

Exception ID Description Action Code

X’0500..01’ Invalid or unsupported IO Image SDF code 01
X’0500..03’ Invalid or unsupported IO Image SDF 01
X’0500..04’ Invalid IO Image SDF value 01
X’0570..0F’ IO Image Begin Segment out of sequence 01
X’0571..0F’ IO Image End Segment out of sequence 01
X’0591..0F’ IO Image Begin Image Content out of sequence 01
X’0592..0F’ IO Image Data SDF out of sequence 01
X’0593..0F’ IO Image End Image Content out of sequence 01
X’0594..01’ Inconsistent Image Size Parameter value and Image data 01
X’0594..0F’ IO Image Size Parameter missing or out of sequence 01
X’0594..11’ IO Image Size cannot be determined 01
X’0595..0F’ IO Image Encoding Parameter out of sequence 01
X’0595..10’ IO Image Encoding Parameter unsupported value 01
X’0595..11’ IO Image Decompression error 01
X’0596..0F’ IO Image Data Element Size Parameter out of sequence 01
X’0596..10’ IO Image Data Element Size Parameter unsupported value 01
X’0596..11’ IO Image Data Element Size Parameter and Image Encoding Pa- 01
rameter inconsistent
X’0597..0F’ IO Image Look Up Table ID Parameter out of sequence 01
X’0597..10’ IO Image Look Up Table ID Parameter unsupported value 01
X’05A9..02’ IO Image data outside the Image Presentation Space 01

OG L 00
Bar Code Specification Exceptions

Exception ID Description Action Code

X’0403..00’ Invalid or unsupported bar code type 01
X’0404..00’ Unsupported local-font ID or font not available 01
X’0405..00’ Invalid or unsupported bar code color 01
X’0406..00’ Invalid or unsupported module width 01
X’0407..00’ Invalid or unsupported element height 01
X’0408..00’ Invalid or unsupported height multiplier 01
X’0409..00’ Invalid or unsupported wide-to-narrow ratio 01
X’040A..00’ Invalid or unsupported symbol origin 01
X’040B..00’ Invalid or unsupported bar code modifier 01
X’040C..00’ Invalid or unsupported bar code data length 01
X’040E..00’ Check-digit calculation exception 01
X’040F..00’ Unsupported 2D bar code size 01
X’040F..01’ Invalid structured append sequence indicator 01
X’040F..02’ Structured append sequence indicator too large 01
X’040F..03’ Mismatched structured append information 01
X’040F..04’ Invalid number of structured append symbols 01
X’040F..05’ Invalid symbol mode value 01
X’040F..06’ Invalid data symbol characters per row value 01
X’040F..07’ Invalid desired number of row values 01
X’040F..08’ Too much data for a PDF417 bar code 01
X’040F..09’ Invalid security level value 01
X’040F..0A’ Incompatible combination of Data Matrix parameters 01
X’040F..0B’ Invalid structured append file identification value 01
X’040F..0C’ Invalid Macro PDF417 Control Block length value 01
X’040F..0D’ Invalid Macro PDF417 Control Block data 01
X’040F..0E’ Invalid QR Code EBCDIC Code Page value 01
X’040F..0F’ Invalid QR Code Version value 01
X’040F..10’ Invalid QR Code Error Correction-level value 01
X’040F..11’ Incompatible combination of QR Code Special-function flags 01
X’0410..00’ Invalid or unsupported human-readable interpretation location 01
X’0411..00’ Attempt to print portion of symbol outside block or VPA 01

OG L 00
Graphics Specification Exceptions

Exception ID Description Action Code

X’0300..01’ Unallocated or unsupported graphics order or command code 01
X’0300..02’ Reserved byte exception or invalid attribute set 01
X’0300..03’ Incorrect drawing order length 01
X’0300..04’ Invalid attribute value 01
X’0300..08’ Truncated order exception 01
X’0300..0C’ Segment prolog exception 01
X’0300..0E’ Unsupported attribute value 01
X’0300..21’ Invalid or unsupported default 01
X’0334..00’ Character angle value not supported 01
X’033E..00’ Invalid End Prolog 01
X’0360..00’ Area bracket exception 01
X’0368..00’ Begin Area received incorrectly 01
X’0368..01’ Area truncated exception 01
X’0368..02’ Supported order invalid in area 01
X’0368..03’ Pattern Symbol Set not supported 01
X’0368..04’ Undefined pattern symbol 01
X’0370..01’ Unsupported Begin Segment Introducer segment flag 01
X’0370..82’ Invalid Begin Segment Introducer segment flag 01
X’0370..C1’ Invalid Begin Segment Introducer length 01
X’0370..C5’ Insufficient Segment Data 01
X’0392..00’ Graphics image order sequence exception 01
X’0392..01’ Image data discrepancy 01
X’0393..00’ Graphics image bracket exception 01
X’0393..01’ Incorrect number of Image Data drawing orders 01
X’03C2..00’ Marker Symbol Set not supported 01
X’03C2..01’ Undefined marker code 01
X’03C3..00’ Font not available 01
X’03C3..01’ Undefined graphics character code 01
X’03C6..01’ Arc drawing check 01
X’03D1..00’ Truncated graphics image exception 01
X’03D1..01’ Invalid order in graphics image 01
X’03D1..02’ Graphics image format not supported 01
X’03D1..03’ Image width greater than maximum supported 01
X’03D1..04’ Image height greater than maximum supported 01
X’03E1..00’ Relative line outside coordinate space 01

OG L 00
General Specification Exceptions

Exception ID Description Action Code

X’0200..01’ Embedded Control Sequence Code Exception 01
X’0202..01’ End Suppression (ESU) text-control exception 01
X’0202..02’ Invalid or unsupported IPDS command length 01
X’0202..05’ Invalid data self-defining-field length 01
X’0203..02’ IPDS Command Header Length too small 01
X’0203..05’ Invalid or unsupported block orientation 01
X’0204..01’ EP command encountered 01
X’0204..02’ Invalid use of Acknowledgement Continuation Bit 01
X’0204..05’ Invalid or unsupported area-position reference system 01
X’0205..01’ Invalid spanning sequence 01
X’0205..05’ Invalid or unsupported self-defining-field unit base 01
X’0206..01’ Invalid Begin Suppression (BSU) 01
X’0206..05’ Invalid or unsupported self-defining field L-units 01
X’0207..05’ Invalid or unsupported self-defining-field extents or Graphic Win- 01
dow values inconsistent
X’0208..05’ Invalid or unsupported mapping option 01
X’0209..05’ Invalid or unsupported axis offsets 01
X’020B..05’ Invalid self-defining-field identifier 01
X’020E..02’ Invalid or unsupported Color Space 01
X’020E..03’ Invalid or unsupported Color value 01
X’020E..05’ Invalid or unsupported number of bits for a color component 01
X’020F..01’ Invalid or unsupported Set Text Orientation (STO) 01
X’0210..01’ Invalid or unsupported Set Inline Margin (SIM) 01
X’0211..01’ Invalid or unsupported Set Baseline increment (SBI) 01
X’0212..01’ Invalid or unsupported inter-character adjustment 01
X’0213..01’ Invalid or unsupported Absolute Move Baseline (AMB) 01
X’0214..01’ Invalid or unsupported Absolute Move Inline (AMI) 01
X’0214..02’ The font resource to be deactivated is not found 01
X’0215..01’ Invalid or unsupported Relative Move Inline (RMI) 01
X’0215..02’ Invalid or unsupported DF command font or font-section ID 01
X’0216..01’ Invalid or unsupported Relative Move Baseline (RMB) 01
X’0217..01’ Invalid or unsupported Set Variable-Space Increment (SVI) 01
X’0217..02’ Invalid or unsupported DF command deletion type 01
X’0218..02’ Invalid, unsupported, or unavailable font ID 01
X’0219..01’ Invalid or Unsupported value for Repeat String (RPS) repeat length 01

OG L 00
Exception ID Description Action Code
X’0219..02’ Multiple occurrences of the same LFE font-equivalence number 01
X’021A..01’ Repeat String (RPS) or Transparent Data (TRN) exception 01
X’021B..01’ Repeat String (RPS) target-string length exception 01
X’021B..02’ Invalid or unsupported Load Font Control unit base for L-units 01
X’021C..01’ Invalid escape sequence 01
X’021C..02’ Invalid LFC command byte-count value 01
X’021D..02’ Invalid or unsupported the Load Font Equivalence global font ID 01
X’021E..01’ Invalid WT text-control length 01
X’021F..01’ Repeat String (RPS) length exception 01
X’021F..02’ Mismatch of LFE command font Host-Assigned IDs 01
X’0220..02’ Invalid Load Font Control (Byte 36 value) 01
X’0221..02’ Invalid or unsupported Load Font Control font-index format 01
X’0222..02’ Invalid or unsupported Load Font Control data pattern format 01
X’0223..02’ Invalid or unsupported Load Font Control font-type bits 01
X’0226..02’ Invalid or unsupported LSS or LFC X-box size 01
X’0227..02’ Invalid or unsupported LSS or LFC Y-box size 01
X’022A..02’ Invalid or unsupported Load Font Control L-Units per unit base in 01
the X-direction
X’022B..02’ Invalid or unsupported Load Font Control L-Units per unit base in 01
the Y-direction
X’022D..02’ Invalid or unsupported Load Font Control character-data alignment 01
X’022E..02’ Insufficient font data received 01
X’0231..01’ Invalid or unsupported Load Copy Control number of copies 01
X’0232..01’ Invalid or unsupported Load Copy Control Keyword in copy-group 01
X’0232..02’ Excess font data received 01
X’0234..01’ Invalid or unsupported Load Copy Control entry-byte count 01
X’0236..01’ Invalid or unsupported Load Copy Control simplex/duplex param- 01
X’0237..01’ Invalid or Unsupported LCC N-up Parameter 01
X’0237..03’ Invalid or Unsupported LCC Media Destination Parameter 01
X’0237..04’ Incompatible Media Source and Media Destination 09
X’0237..05’ Mixture of Media Source or Destination IDs in a duplex copy-sub- 01
group pair
X’0238..01’ Maximum supported number of Overlays per LCC copy-group ex- 01
X’0239..01’ Maximum supported number of Suppressions per LCC copy-group 01

OG L 00
Exception ID Description Action Code
X’0239..02’ Load Font Control font Host-Assigned ID already assigned 01
X’023A..02’ Maximum number of Fonts allowed by printer exceeded 01
X’023C..02’ Invalid or unsupported value within Load Font Index command 01
X’023E..02’ Invalid Load Font Control character-pattern address 01
X’023F..02’ STO-SCFL-LFE mismatch 01
X’0240..02’ Invalid or unsupported value for Font Inline Sequence 01
X’0242..01’ WIC pixel count is less than the minimum required 01
X’0243..01’ WIC command pixel count is greater than the maximum supported 01
X’0243..02’ Invalid double-byte font-section identifier 01
X’0244..01’ WIC command scan count is less than the minimum required 01
X’0245..01’ WIC command scan count is greater than the maximum supported 01
X’0246..01’ Invalid WIC source image format 01
X’0246..02’ Invalid parameter for the Load Font Index command 01
X’0247..01’ Invalid or unsupported Write Image Control magnification factor 01
X’0247..02’ Invalid or unsupported Load Font Equivalence font-inline sequence 01
X’0248..01’ Invalid or unsupported Write Image Control scan-line direction 01
X’0249..01’ Invalid scan-line-sequence direction in the WIC command 01
X’024A..01’ Invalid or unsupported Write Image Control image block location 01
X’0253..01’ Invalid or unsupported Write Image Control image color 01
X’0254..41’ Invalid Finishing Fidelity Triplet Length 01
X’0254..42’ Invalid Finishing Fidelity Triplet Continue value 01
X’0254..43’ Invalid Finishing Fidelity Triplet Report value 01
X’0254..51’ Invalid Text Fidelity Triplet Length 01
X’0254..52’ Invalid Text Fidelity Triplet Continue value 01
X’0254..53’ Invalid Text Fidelity Triplet Report value 01
X’0258..03’ Invalid or unsupported text color 01
X’0260..02’ Invalid or unsupported Load Page Descriptor Xp and I L-units per 01
unit base
X’0261..02’ Invalid L-Units (Yp) Value in the LPD command 01
X’0262..02’ Invalid or unsupported Load Page Descriptor Xp-extent 01
X’0263..02’ Invalid or unsupported Load Page Descriptor Yp-extent 01
X’0264..02’ Invalid or unsupported Load Page Descriptor unit base 01
X’0268..02’ Invalid or unsupported Load page Descriptor 01
X’0269..02’ Invalid baseline-sequence direction in the LPD command 01
X’026A..01’ Insufficient source image data 01

OG L 00
Exception ID Description Action Code
X’026A..02’ Invalid or unsupported LPD initial I print coordinate 01
X’026B..01’ Excess source image data received 01
X’026B..02’ Invalid or unsupported LPD initial B print coordinate 01
X’026F..02’ Invalid XOH-SMO Media Origin 01
X’0270..02’ Invalid or unsupported XOH Set Media Size L-units per unit base 01
X’0272..02’ Invalid or unsupported XOH Set Media Size Xm-extent 01
X’0273..02’ Invalid or unsupported XOH Set Media Size Ym-extent 01
X’0274..02’ Invalid or unsupported XOH Set Media Size unit base 01
X’0277..01’ Group Termination Exception 01
X’027A..01’ Invalid triplet length value in a group triplet 01
X’027B..01’ Incorrect number of triplet data bytes in a group triplet 01
X’027C..01’ Incompatible finishing operations 01
X’027C..02’ Too many or too few sheets for a finishing operation 01
X’027C..03’ Invalid or unsupported finishing operation type 01
X’027C..04’ Invalid or unsupported finishing operation reference corner and 01
X’027C..05’ Unsupported finishing operation count 01
X’027C..06’ Invalid or unsupported finishing operation axis offset 01
X’027C..07’ Invalid or unsupported number of finishing positions 01
X’027C..09’ Finishing operation incompatible with physical media or media 06
X’027C..0A’ Incompatible media destination change in a group to be finished 06
X’0280..02’ Invalid or unsupported rule width 06
X’0282..02’ Invalid or unsupported rule length 01
X’0285..01’ Invalid or unsupported Delete Overlay command overlay ID 01
X’0287..02’ Invalid or unsupported Load Font Control unit base for Pixel-units 01
X’0288..02’ Invalid or unsupported Load Font Control Pixel-units per unit base 01
in the X-direction
X’0289..02’ Invalid or unsupported Load Font Control Pixel-units per unit base 01
in the Y-direction
X’028A..01’ Invalid or unsupported Delete Page Segment command page seg- 01
ment Host-Assigned ID
X’028A..02’ Invalid or unsupported Load Font Control Relative-Metric Multi- 01
plying Factor
X’028F..01’ Invalid or unsupported AR command parameter values 01
X’028F..02’ AR activation command failed 01
X’028F..03’ Invalid Resource ID triplet length 01
X’028F..04’ Invalid or unsupported resolution or metric-technology value 01

OG L 00
Exception ID Description Action Code
X’028F..10’ Invalid or unsupported value in a Metric Adjustment triplet 01
X’028F..11’ Baseline adjustment value too large or too small 01
X’0290..01’ Invalid or unsupported Overlay ID 01
X’0291..01’ BO overlay ID already loaded 01
X’0291..02’ Invalid or unsupported XOA Request Resource list entry 01
X’0292..01’ Overlay ID not loaded 01
X’0293..01’ Recursive overlay invocation 01
X’0294..01’ Invalid or unsupported page segment Host-Assigned ID 01
X’0295..01’ Page segment Host-Assigned ID already loaded 01
X’0295..02’ Invalid or unsupported XOH Page Counters Control page-counter 01
X’0296..01’ Page segment Host-Assigned ID not loaded 01
X’0297..01’ Overlay nesting limit exceeded 01
X’0298..01’ Invalid or unsupported suppression number 01
X’0298..03’ Invalid or unsupported Temporary Baseline Move text control 01
X’029A..01’ Invalid overstrike character increment 01
X’02A4..01’ Page boundary in the X-direction cannot be presented by the printer 01
X’02A5..01’ Page boundary in the Y-direction cannot be presented by the printer 01
X’02AC..01’ Insufficient Main Storage to print the Sheet 09
X’02AD..01’ Invalid or unsupported Load Page Position command 01
X’02AE..01’ Invalid or unsupported parameter in an IO command 01
X’02AF..01’ Insufficient storage to print the sheet 0C
X’02AF..01’ Asynchronous Insufficient storage to print the sheet 1E
X’02B0..00’ LCPC Code Page HAID already in use 01
X’02B0..01’ Invalid LCPC Code Page HAID 01
X’02B0..02’ Invalid or Unsupported LCPC Encoding Scheme 01
X’02B0..04’ Too much or too little code page data 01
X’02B0..05’ Invalid or Unsupported LCPC Byte count 01
X’02B0..07’ Code points out of order in LCP command 01
X’02B0..0A’ LFCSC HAID already assigned 01
X’02B0..0B’ Invalid LFCSC HAID 01
X’02B0..0C’ Invalid or Unsupported LFCSC pattern technology ID 01
X’02B0..0E’ Invalid or Unsupported LFCSC Byte count 01
X’02B0..0F’ Invalid or Unsupported LFCSC Map size 01
X’02B1..01’ Invalid or Unsupported LF Character ID format 01
X’02B1..02’ Invalid LF technology specific ID offset 01

OG L 00
Exception ID Description Action Code
X’02B1..03’ Invalid LF technology specific ID length 01
X’02B1..04’ GCGIDs out of order in a Font Character Set 01
X’02B1..08’ Invalid LF technology specific object length 01
X’02B1..09’ LF checksum mismatch 01
X’02B1..0A’ Invalid Name Length in LF3 technology specific object 01
X’02B1..0B’ Invalid data within a LF3 technology specific object 01
X’02B2..01’ Parent character set not activated 01
X’02B2..02’ Font character set extension not valid with pattern technology 01
X’02B2..03’ Mismatched character ID format in a LF command 01
X’02B2..04’ Mismatched MICR printing flag in a LFCSC command 01
X’02C0..01’ Mixture of Xm-axis duplex and Ym-axis duplex copy groups 01
X’02C0..02’ Mixture of N-up copy subgroups in a LCC command 01
X’02C0..03’ More than one N-up keyword specified in a copy subgroup 01
X’02C0..04’ Duplexing and N-up not supported together 01
X’02C0..05’ N-up partitioning not supported with envelope media 01
X’02C1..01’ Maximum number of simplex or duplex keywords in an LCC com- 01
X’02C1..02’ Internal value not unique in an LE command 01
X’02C2..01’ Odd number of duplex copy groups in an LCC command 01
X’02C2..02’ More than one Media Source or Destination Keyword specified in 01
a copy subgroup.
X’02C3..01’ Mixture of simplex and duplex parameters in an LCC command 01
X’02C4..01’ Unequal copy counts in an LCC command 01
X’02C5..01’ Unable to delete resource (needed on duplex side) 01
X’02C5..02’ Physical media not compatible with duplex printing 01
X’02C6..01’ Unable to deactivate a component of an activated coded font 01
X’02C6..02’ Invalid mapping type in an LE command 01
X’02C8..01’ An unsupported Input Media Source ID was specified 01
X’02C8..02’ Invalid or unsupported internal value or external value in an Load 01
Equivalence command
X’02FF..02’ Exceptions detected but not queued 01

Host Notification Exceptions

Exception ID Description Action Code

X’0100..00’ Normal Printer Restart (Printer IMLed or IPDS Dialog Resources 0D
X’0101..00’ Media Size or Input Media Source ID Changed 1D

OG L 00
Exception ID Description Action Code
X’0180..00’ Request to end IPDS Dialog 05
X’018F..00’ Error Printer Restart (Printer IMLed) 0D
X’01E4..00’ Cancel Key Pressed 15

OG L 00
Page Counter Adjustments
To identify which page or pages to send to the printer after an exception occurs, the host pro-
gram must determine the position of the sheets in the paper path.
Count fields in the ACK command identify the state of a virtual paper path that includes a count
of the number of pages received, the number of pages past the jam-recovery point, and the
number of pages stacked.
The printer tracks the following:
• Received Page Counter
• Committed Page Counter
• Committed Copy Counter
• Stacked Page Counter
• Stacked Copy Counter
All other counters are mapped to the Stacked Page Counter (for pages) and the Stacked Copy
Counter (for copies).
The following rules define how the counters are updated:
• After power is switched on, all counter values equal X'0000'.
• When a counter containing X'FFFF' increments, the counter wraps to X'0000'.
• The counters are updated as shown in the following table as each condition is detected.
• The Copy Counters are incremented when more than one copy of a page is printed. When
all copies have passed a station, the Copy Counter is then reset to zero and the Page Counter
is incremented.
The Copy Counters are not reset to zero during exception recovery.
Condition (in hex) Counters Counter Adjustments
Action Codes Received Page Counter Set to Jam Recovery Page Counter
08 Committed Page Counter Set to Jam Recovery Page Counter
22 Committed Copy Counter Set to Jam Recovery Page Counter
Operator Viewing Page Counter Set to Jam Recovery Page Counter
Operator Viewing Copy Counter Set to Jam Recovery Page Counter
Jam Recovery Page Counter No change
Jam Recovery Copy Counter No change
Stacked Page Counter Set to Jam Recovery Page Counter
Stacked Copy Counter Set to Jam Recovery Copy Counter
Action Codes Received Page Counter Set to Committed Page Counter
15 Committed Page Counter No change
1A Committed Copy Counter No change
1D Operator Viewing Page Counter No change
Operator Viewing Copy Counter No change
Jam Recovery Page Counter No change
Jam Recovery Copy Counter No change
Stacked Page Counter No change
Stacked Copy Counter No change

OG L 00
Condition (in hex) Counters Counter Adjustments
Action Code Received Page Counter No change
0C Committed Page Counter No change
Committed Copy Counter No change
Operator Viewing Page Counter No change
Operator Viewing Copy Counter No change
Jam Recovery Page Counter No change
Jam Recovery Copy Counter No change
Stacked Page Counter No change
Stacked Copy Counter No change
Action Code Received Page Counter No change
01 Committed Page Counter No change
Committed Copy Counter No change
Operator Viewing Page Counter No change
Operator Viewing Copy Counter No change
Jam Recovery Page Counter No change
Jam Recovery Copy Counter No change
Stacked Page Counter No change
Stacked Copy Counter No change
Action Code Received Page Counter Set to Committed Page Counter
1E Committed Page Counter No change
Committed Copy Counter No change
Operator Viewing Page Counter No change
Operator Viewing Copy Counter No change
Jam Recovery Page Counter No change
Jam Recovery Copy Counter No change
Stacked Page Counter No change
Stacked Copy Counter No change
All other action codes Received Page Counter No change
Committed Page Counter No change
Committed Copy Counter No change
Operator Viewing Page Counter No change
Operator Viewing Copy Counter No change
Jam Recovery Page Counter No change
Jam Recovery Copy Counter No change
Stacked Page Counter No change
Stacked Copy Counter No change
Command XOA - Received Page Counter Set to Committed Page Counter
Discard Buffered Data Committed Page Counter No change
Committed Copy Counter No change
Operator Viewing Page Counter No change
Operator Viewing Copy Counter No change
Jam Recovery Page Counter No change
Jam Recovery Copy Counter No change
Stacked Page Counter No change
Stacked Copy Counter No change

OG L 00
Condition (in hex) Counters Counter Adjustments
Normal Counter Wrap Received Page Counter Reset to 0
(on a Per-Counter Ba- Committed Page Counter Reset to 0
sis) Committed Copy Counter Reset to 0
Operator Viewing Page Counter Reset to 0
Operator Viewing Copy Counter Reset to 0
Jam Recovery Page Counter Reset to 0
Jam Recovery Copy Counter Reset to 0
Stacked Page Counter Reset to 0
Stacked Copy Counter Reset to 0
Command XOH - Received Page Counter For datails about XOH PCC command,
Page Counters Control Committed Page Counter see p.39 "Device Control Command
Committed Copy Counter Set".
Operator Viewing Page Counter
Operator Viewing Copy Counter
Jam Recovery Page Counter
Jam Recovery Copy Counter
Stacked Page Counter
Stacked Copy Counter

• Should not be incremented for page in error (that is, any partial page is discarded).
• The Received Page Counter should be incremented if a partial or complete page is printed.
• For Action Code X'1E', the host should issue an XOH Print Buffered Data command with
the ARQ bit on and a unique correlation ID (to ensure that the Acknowledge Reply matches
the Print Buffer Data [PBD] command) to cause the Committed Page/Copy Counter to re-
flect the page in error.

OG L 00
Page and Copy Counter Adjustments for Data-Stream
The following are counter adjustments for simplex copy groups.
Condition (in hex) Counters Counter Adjustments
Action Code Received Page Counter Does not reflect the page in which the er-
01 Committed Page Counter ror occurs.
and the page is printed Committed Copy Counter No change
Operator Viewing Page Counter Reflects any committed copies resulting
from prior error-free copy groups.
Operator Viewing Copy Counter
No change
Jam Recovery Page Counter
No change
Jam Recovery Copy Counter
No change
Stacked Page Counter
No change
Stacked Copy Counter
No change
No change
Action Code Received Page Counter Reflects the page in which the error oc-
01 Committed Page Counter curs, only if the error occurred on the last
copy group.
and the page is not Committed Copy Counter
printed No change
Operator Viewing Page Counter
Reflects any committed copies resulting
Operator Viewing Copy Counter
from prior error-free copy groups or
Jam Recovery Page Counter from the copy group in error.
Jam Recovery Copy Counter No change
Stacked Page Counter No change
Stacked Copy Counter No change
No change
No change
No change

OG L 00
OG L 00
13. Code Page and Font

About Code Page and Font Identification

InfoPrint75/100 supports both raster and outline technology fonts: single byte. The resident sin-
gle-byte LF1 ″raster″ fonts are generated using outline font technology (IBM AFP Font Collec-
tion): the IBM Core Interchange Font Set, the IBM Coordinated Font Set and the 4028 Com-
patibility Font Set.
The valid combinations of GCSGID/CPGID, GCSGID/FGID/FW, or GCS-
GID/CPGID/FGID/FW are too numerous to list here. They can be obtained by the host using
the Any state command p.70 "XOA Request Resource List" with the appropriate Resource
Type and RIDF.
They can also be determined by using the information under p.197 "Resident IPDS Fonts" with
the criteria described in the following sections:
• InfoPrint75/100 supports Download and Capture of Font Resources. There is Date/Time
stamp information to help identify versions of font resources. p.197 "Resident IPDS Fonts"
includes the Date/Time stamps for the resident fonts.

RRL RT’06’ Code Page (CPGID)

Values are listed in p.210 "IBM Core Interchange Resident Code Page Set", p.221 "4028 Com-
patibility Resident Code Page Set", and p.223 "IBM Coordinated Font Set Code Page Set", and
will be reported via XOA-RRL RT 06 RIDF 03.

RRL RT’12’ Specific Code Pages (GCSGID/CPGID)

Valid combinations are listed in p.210 "IBM Core Interchange Resident Code Page Set", p.221
"4028 Compatibility Resident Code Page Set", and p.223 "IBM Coordinated Font Set Code
Page Set", and will be reported via XOA-RRL RT 12 RIDF 03.

RRL RT’11’ Graphic Character Sets (GCSGID

Valid combinations are listed in p.223 "GCSGID Subsets for the Strategic Font Set 2" and will
be reported via XOA-RRL RT 11 RIDF 03.

OG L 00
RRL RT’07’ Font Character Sets (GCSGID/FGID/FW)
• Valid combinations for the IBM Core Interchange Set are listed in p.198 "IBM Core Inter-
change Resident Scalable Font Set", and will be reported via XOA-RRL RT 07 RIDF 03.
• Scalable Font Width (FW) will be reported as 0 to the host PSF. This indicates that any
width/scale-factor is valid.
• p.209 "GCSGID Subsets for IBM Core Interchange Fonts" shows the subset GCSGIDs
for each of the listed superset GCSGIDs in p.198 "IBM Core Interchange Resident Scal-
able Font Set". These subset GCSGIDs are valid combinations for the associated superset
GCSGIDs in the GCSGID/FGID/FW, but will not be added to the RRL 0703 response
unless required by the host PSF’s.
• Valid combinations for the IBM Coordinated Set are listed in p.222 "Resident PSC Strategic
Scalable Font Set 2" and will be reported via XOA-RRL RT 07 RIDF 03.
• Scalable Font Width (FW) will be reported as 0 to the host PSF. This indicates that any
width/scale-factor is valid.
• p.223 "GCSGID Subsets for the Strategic Font Set 2" shows the subset GCSGIDs for
each of the listed superset GCSGIDs in p.222 "Resident PSC Strategic Scalable Font Set
2". These subset GCSGIDs are valid combination entries for the associated superset
GCSGIDs in the GCSGID/FGID/FW, but will not be added to the RRL 0703 response
unless required by the host PSF’s.
• Valid combinations for the 4028 Compatibility Set require p.219 "4028 Compatibility Res-
ident Font Set"(FGID/FW) and p.221 "4028 Compatibility Resident Code Page Set" (GCS-
GID), and will be reported via XOA-RRL RT 07 RIDF 03.
• The FW’s for these fonts are non-zero, because they represent fixed-width fonts.
• The Alternate FGIDs are valid values for GCSGID/FGID/FW combinations.
• Native Mode - These fonts (which are representing 4028 raster fonts) don’t have a GCS-
GID of their own, so the GCSGID used is from the associated Code Pages (CPGIDs).
The GCSGIDs are obtained by finding the Code Page(s) in p.221 "4028 Compatibility
Resident Code Page Set" that matches the Code Page(s) listed for a given FGID/FW en-
try in p.219 "4028 Compatibility Resident Font Set". The GCSGID for each of the Code
Pages listed with an FGID is a valid combination entry.
Since these fonts don’t have a superset GCSGID, there is no subset condition. So each of
these unique GCSGID/FGID/FW combinations will be added to the XOA-RRL 0703 re-
port to the host PSF.
• 4028 Emulation Mode - These fonts (which are representing 4028 raster fonts) don’t
have a GCSGID of their own, so the GCSGID used is 0.

OG L 00
RRL RT’01’/’03’/’10’ RIDF’03’ (GCSGID/CPGID/FGID/FW =
• Valid combinations for the IBM Core Interchange Set require p.198 "IBM Core Interchange
Resident Scalable Font Set" (superset GCSGID/FGID/FW), p.209 "GCSGID Subsets for
IBM Core Interchange Fonts" (GCSGID subsets) and p.210 "IBM Core Interchange Resi-
dent Code Page Set" (GCSGID/CPGID), and will be reported via XOA-RRL RT 01 RIDF
03 (also RT 10 RIDF 03). In all GRIDs, the GCSGID chosen will belong to the Code Page,
as this is almost always the subset of the outline font GCSGID.
• Scalable Font Width (FW) will be reported as 0 to the host PSF. This indicates that any
width/scale-factor is valid.
• CPGIDs and GCSGIDs are listed in p.210 "IBM Core Interchange Resident Code Page
Set". For each pair, determine which FGIDs in p.198 "IBM Core Interchange Resident
Scalable Font Set" can combine with them. This is done by finding the superset GCSGID
in p.209 "GCSGID Subsets for IBM Core Interchange Fonts" which contains the p.210
"IBM Core Interchange Resident Code Page Set" GCSGID as a subset. An example is
that there would be 51 GRID combinations for the Times New Roman Medium
font...FGID is always 2308, FW is always 0, and there are 51 unique CPGID/GCSGID
pairs in Table p.210 "IBM Core Interchange Resident Code Page Set" which are subsets
of the superset GCSGID 1269.
• Valid combinations for the IBM Coordinated Set require p.222 "Resident PSC Strategic
Scalable Font Set 2" (superset GCSGID/FGID/FW), p.223 "GCSGID Subsets for the Stra-
tegic Font Set 2" (GCSGID subsets) and p.224 “IBM Core Interchange Resident Code Page
Set” and p.223 "IBM Coordinated Font Set Code Page Set" (GCSGID/CPGID), and will be
reported via XOA-RRL RT 01 RIDF 03 (also RT 10 RIDF 03). In all GRIDs, the GCSGID
chosen will belong to the Code Page, as this is almost always the subset of the outline font
• Scalable Font Width (FW) will be reported as 0 to the host PSF. This indicates that any
width/scale-factor is valid.
• CPGIDs and GCSGIDs are listed in p.210 "IBM Core Interchange Resident Code Page
Set" and p.223 "IBM Coordinated Font Set Code Page Set". For each pair, determine
which FGIDs in p.222 "Resident PSC Strategic Scalable Font Set 2" can combine with
them. This is done by finding the superset GCSGID in p.223 "GCSGID Subsets for the
Strategic Font Set 2" which contains the p.210 "IBM Core Interchange Resident Code
Page Set" GCSGID as a subset. An example is that there would be 41 GRID combina-
tions for the Letter Gothic font...FGID is always 400, FW is always 0, and there are 41
unique CPGID/GCSGID pairs in p.210 "IBM Core Interchange Resident Code Page Set"
and p.223 "IBM Coordinated Font Set Code Page Set". which are subsets of the superset
GCSGID 2039.

OG L 00
• Valid combinations for the 4028 Compatibility Set require p.218 "4028 Compatibility Res-
ident Font Set" (FGID/FW) and p.221 "4028 Compatibility Resident Code Page Set" (GCS-
GID/CPGID), and will be reported via XOA-RRL RT 01 RIDF 03. In all GRIDs, the
GCSGID chosen will belong to the Code Page, as this is almost always the subset of the out-
line font GCSGID.
• The FW’s for these fonts are non-zero, because they represent fixed-width fonts.
• The Alternate FGIDs are valid values for FGID/FW combinations.
• The GCSGID/CPGID pairs for each font are obtained by finding the Code Page(s) in
p.221 "4028 Compatibility Resident Code Page Set" that match the Code Page(s) listed
for a given FGID/FW pair in p.218 "4028 Compatibility Resident Font Set".

OG L 00
14. Fonts

IBM Font Structure

In IBM AFP terminology, a font has three components. They are:
• Coded font
• Character set
• Code page

• These terms have different meanings in Operating System/400 (OS/400). See P.194 "Oper-
ating System/400 Terms" for what these terms mean in OS/400.

Coded Font
In IBM font structure, a coded font translates your request for type (for example, text you pre-
viously entered at a computer terminal) into characters for printing. A coded font consists of
two parts:
• References to specific character sets
• References to specific code pages
A character must be included in the specified character set and listed on the specified code page
before it can be printed.
A coded font associates a specific code page with a specific character set. A coded font contains
one code-page and one character-set pair.

OG L 00
Character Set
In IBM font structure, a character set corresponds to the definition of a font; it contains the char-
acters of a single type family, typeface, and type size. In addition, a character set specifies char-
acter properties and printing attributes.

• characters
Characters are the letters, numerals, punctuation marks, or other symbols of a font.

• character properties
Character properties detail how a character is positioned relative to the characters around it.
Some character properties include the following:
• The baseline of a character, showing its general alignment
• The dimensions of space in which the character is printed
• The position of the character within that space
• The identifier of the character (the character ID)
One of the character properties is the character ID (or graphic character ID). Each character
is assigned a character ID; for example, the character A (uppercase A) is assigned the char-
acter ID LA020000.
The purpose of a character ID is to distinguish the character from similar characters. For ex-
ample, the following characters look similar; however, they are different and are assigned
different character IDs:
Minus sign (-): Character ID SA000000
Hyphen (-): Character ID SP100000
Em dash (—): Character ID SM900000
For a list of character IDs and the graphic character each represents, refer to “ABOUT
TYPE: IBM’s Technical Reference for Core Interchange Digitized Type”.

• printing attributes
The printing attributes define how the character set will be printed. Some printing attributes
include rotation of characters, maximum ascender, and point size.

Code Page
A code page is a set of symbols that can be printed by your printer. These symbols can be letters, num-
bers, or graphic elements such as lines or patterns. The symbols may be grouped to be specific to a
country, language, or special symbol set. By supporting different code pages, the printer can support
different language requirements.

OG L 00
No particular typeface is assumed for any particular code page. The typeface is defined as a font
by the assignment of size, weight, and posture.

Character IDs and Code Points

In IBM font structure, a code page maps each character of text to the characters in a character
set. The following figure shows how a code page maps text to the characters in a character set.
As you enter your text at a computer terminal, each keyboard character is translated into a code
point. When the text is printed, each code point is matched to a character ID on the code page
you specified. The character ID then is matched to the image (raster pattern) of the character in
the character set you specified. The image in the character set is the image that is printed in your
text. To be a valid code page for a particular character set, all character IDs in the code page
must be included in that character set.

Every code page has 256 positions, or code points, that represent potential characters. Each of
the code points is normally identified by its bit configuration in hexadecimal, with two hex
characters per byte. The range of values is hex 00 through hex FF, or 256 values. The code page
determines which character prints for each of the printable code points.
A character ID is an 8-byte standard identifier for a character regardless of its type family. For
example, all uppercase “A” have the same character ID (LA020000). Character IDs also are
called graphic character identifiers (GCIDs).
Binary: 11000001
Decimal: 193
Hexadecimal: C1

OG L 00
The following figure shows an example of a part of a code page. When the printer receives hex-
adecimal code point C1 for the code page shown (code page 00037 Version 1), it prints an up-
percase A (character ID LA020000). Baselines for each character on the example code page
show the general alignment of characters.

Different Code Pages

Code pages accommodate various national languages by using characters and special symbols
appropriate to the language. Code pages can have identical character IDs assigned to different
code points.
For example, the character é (lowercase e accent acute, character ID LE110000) has the follow-
ing code point assignment in two different code pages:
• Hexadecimal code point 51 in code page 00037 Version 1
• Hexadecimal code point 5A in code page 00280 Version 1

Operating System/400 Terms

Table 158 lists the IBM AFP font terminology and describes how it is used with the OS/400
printing interfaces.
AFP Term OS/400 AFP Implementation OS/400 Print File Term
Coded font *FNTRSC object with CDEFNT attribute Coded font
Character set *FNTRSC object with FNTCHRSET attribute Font
Code page *FNTRSC object with CDEPAG attribute Character ID (CHRID)

• This is not the character ID that identifies individual characters within an AFP character set.
This is a control object that identifies a code page by two numbers representing a character
set ID and a code page ID.

OG L 00
Font Terms
A font is a complete set of characters in a particular typeface, type size, and code page.
The following terms help define a font:
* Character Set
A set of numeric, alphabetic, or graphic characters with their assigned code points.
* Code Page
A table of alphanumeric characters and graphic characters each of which is assigned a 1-byte value (a
code point). These values define which characters will print.
* Code Page Global ID (CPGID)
Identifies a specific set of code points assigned to a specific list of graphic character IDs.
* Font Global ID (FGID)
Specifies a value for selecting a font. IBM fonts have a preassigned FGID value.
* Graphic Character Set Global ID (GCSGID)
Identifies the list of graphic character IDs included in the code page.
* Spacing
Also called font width or escapement. Spacing is the distance from the start of a character
to the start of the next character. Font spacing can be defined by spacing type:
• Fixed-pitch fonts – All characters in a fixed-pitch font have the same spacing, which is
specified as the number of characters per inch.
• Typographic fonts – Typographic fonts are identified as Typo.
Most documents are easier to read if the widths of the characters vary, that is, if a W is print-
ed wider than an I. Typographic fonts have this variability. These fonts are sized by height,
not width.
Seventy-two points equals approximately one inch. Therefore, a 10-point font is 10/72 inch
Type height includes some white space above and below the printed character for adequate
minimum spacing between the lines of type.
Text is most readable when character spacing ranges from 8 to 12 points. For example, the
text in this document is 10 point.
• For typographic fonts, it is recommended that the first and last print positions on each
line be left blank.
• Proportionally spaced machine (PSM) fonts – Proportionally spaced machine fonts are iden-
tified by PSM or PS. PSM fonts are a compromise between the variability of typographic siz-
es and the simple uniformity of fixed pitch. With PSM fonts, the widths of the characters vary.
For example, a lowercase “i“ has a different width than an uppercase W. However, a specific
character in one font will be the same width in another font. For example, a W in one PSM
font is the same width as the W in every other PSM font. Therefore, it is possible to have only
one character-width table that applies to every PSM font.

* Posture
Refers to a character’s incline, or tilt. Roman posture is upright. Italic posture is inclined to
the right.

OG L 00
* Type Size
Also called point size. Specifies the overall height of the font, measured in printer’s points.
A point is 1/72 inch. For example, a 12-point font is 1/6 inch high.

* Typeface
Also called type style. Specifies the shape and design of each letter of the alphabet. A com-
plete alphabet of letter designs makes up one typeface.

* Weight
Refers to the thickness of the strokes that make up the characters of a font, as in a bold font

Font and Code Page Selection

Printers with an IPDS feature receive IPDS commands to specify fonts. The IPDS command
set can select any font or code page supported by the printer. See the printer User’s Guide for
a list of the IPDS fonts supported. However, host software may restrict the actual fonts or code
pages that can be selected. This includes typographic and nontypographic fonts in all pitches,
point sizes, and widths. The information provided to the printer to select a font is called a GRID
(Global Resource Identifier). The GRID consists of the following (see P.195 "Font Terms" for
a description of these terms):
• FGID (Font Global Identifier)
• GCSGID (Graphic Character Set Global Identifier)
• CPGID (Code Page Global Identifier)
• Font Width
For typographic fonts with the same FGID, specify the FONT WIDTH parameter to the printer.
The printer needs the font width parameter to identify the font in order to specify the point size.
The FONT WIDTH parameter is described in detail in the IPDS section.
You can select the code page and code page version from a configuration setting. Refer to your
printer’s User’s Guide for instructions on changing code page and code page version configu-
ration settings. Some system software does not allow you to change code pages by software and
uses the printer default code page for printing. The printer factory default character set is 0697
and the code page is 00037 version 1.
This may require you to change the printer code page to match the system software.
• When using an application that does not allow selection of font width, use the alternate
FGID when available to access typographic fonts.

OG L 00
Resident IPDS Fonts
Printer will support outline fonts from the IBM Core Interchange Font Sets, IBM DBCS Core
Font Sets and IBM Coordinated Font Set as resident fonts. Set as resident fonts. In addition,
selections of these fonts are grouped into the 4028 Compatibility Font set. This set is used to
represent the 4028 base internal raster fonts for limited compatibility. The font technologies
used in the printer are:
IBM Core Interchange - Type 1 Outlines
IBM DBCS Core Font Sets - CID-Keyed outline
IBM Coordinated - Type 1 Outlines
4028 Compatibility - Type 1 Outlines
3820 ROM Font Compatibility - Raster

Resident Font Activation Methods

Fonts resident within the Printer may be activated using the following IPDS commands. Note that
some fonts have restrictions on allowable font activation methods.

Load Font Equivalence

The Load Font Equivalence (LFE) command maps font local identifiers, specified within text,
graphics or bar code data, to font Host Assigned IDs (HAIDs) and Global Resource IDs
If the GRID specified in the LFE command matches a GRID contained in the printer, the font
is activated.

Activate Resource (Load Resource Equivalence)

The Activate Resource (AR) command (previously known as Load Resource Equivalence) maps
Host Assigned IDs to global names of another format. The format for the global name is identified
by a resource type and resource ID combination.
If the Printer has a resource that matches the global name in the AR command, that resource is
The following combinations of Resource Type and Resource ID Format are supported by the
Resource Type RT Hex Resource ID Format RIDF Hex
Single Byte Coded Raster Font X’01’ IBM GRID X’03’
Single Byte Coded Raster Font X’01’ MVS Host Unalterable X’06’
Code Page X’06’ IBM GRID X’03’
Font Character Set X’07’ IBM GRID X’03’
Single Byte Coded Font Index X’08’ IBM GRID X’03’
Single Byte Coded Font Index X’08’ MVS Host Unalterable X’06’
Coded Font X’10’ IBM GRID X’03’
Coded Font X’10’ Coded Font Format X’07’

OG L 00
IBM Core Interchange Resident Scalable Font Set (IPDS only)
The IBM Core Interchange fonts as shown in p.202 will be supported as resident fonts in the
following language groups:
• Latin 1/2/3/4/5
• Symbols
• APL2
• Arabic
• Cyrillic Greek
• Hebrew
• Thai
• Lao
• Katakana
P.198 "IBM Core Interchange Resident Scalable Font Set" lists the typefaces resident in the
Printer and includes the valid FGID and code pages for each font. The Date Stamp on the char-
acter sets with GCSGIDs of 1269, 1275, 1300, 1264, and 1265 is 94350, and the Time Stamp
used is 00:00:00.00. The Date Stamp on the character sets with a GCSGID of 1355 is 98152
and the Time Stamp used is 00:00:00.00. The Date Stamp used on the remaining character sets
is 02185, and the Time Stamp used is 00:00:01.00.
P.203 "IBM DBCS Core Font Sets" provides a mapping of the valid subsets of the GCSGIDs
listed for the IBM Core Interchange fonts.

XOA-RRL Replies for Font Character Sets

The resident set as shown in p.202 will support a font character set of any valid font width when
queried as an individual font character set.
When queried for a list of font character sets, the resident character sets will be reported with a
font width of zero. A font width of zero indicates that the font is scalable.
Valid combinations of the CPGIDs, GCSGIDs, FGIDs and Font Widths for the resident fonts
are defined in P.187 "Code Page and Font Identification".

* IBM Core Interchange Resident Scalable Font Set

Typeface FGID GCSGID Font Width Code Pages
Latin 1/2/3/4/5 with Euro and Vietnamese
Times New Roman 2308 1503 Scalable See P.210 "IBM Core Interchange Resident
Medium Code Page Set".
Times New Roman 2309 1503 Scalable See P.210 "IBM Core Interchange Resident
Bold Code Page Set".
Times New Roman 2310 1503 Scalable See P.210 "IBM Core Interchange Resident
Italic Medium Code Page Set".
Times New Roman 2311 1503 Scalable See P.210 "IBM Core Interchange Resident
Italic Bold Code Page Set".

OG L 00
Typeface FGID GCSGID Font Width Code Pages
Helvetica Roman 2304 1503 Scalable See P.210 "IBM Core Interchange Resident
Medium Code Page Set".
Helvetica Roman 2305 1503 Scalable See P.210 "IBM Core Interchange Resident
Bold Code Page Set".
Helvetica Italic Me- 2306 1503 Scalable See P.210 "IBM Core Interchange Resident
dium Code Page Set".
Helvetica Italic Bold 2307 1503 Scalable See P.210 "IBM Core Interchange Resident
Code Page Set".
Courier Roman Me- 416 1503 Scalable See P.210 "IBM Core Interchange Resident
dium Code Page Set".
Courier Roman Bold 420 1503 Scalable See P.210 "IBM Core Interchange Resident
Code Page Set".
Courier Italic Medi- 424 1503 Scalable See P.210 "IBM Core Interchange Resident
um Code Page Set".
Courier Italic Bold 428 1503 Scalable See P.210 "IBM Core Interchange Resident
Code Page Set".
Symbols with Euro
Times New Roman 2308 1191 Scalable See P.210 "IBM Core Interchange Resident
Medium Code Page Set".
Times New Roman 2309 1191 Scalable See P.210 "IBM Core Interchange Resident
Bold Code Page Set".
Helvetica Roman 2304 1191 Scalable See P.210 "IBM Core Interchange Resident
Medium Code Page Set".
Helvetica Roman 2305 1191 Scalable See P.210 "IBM Core Interchange Resident
Bold Code Page Set".
Courier Roman Me- 416 1191 Scalable See P.210 "IBM Core Interchange Resident
dium Code Page Set".
Courier Roman Bold 420 1191 Scalable See P.210 "IBM Core Interchange Resident
Code Page Set".
APL2 307 1364 Scalable 293, 310, 910
APL2 Bold 322 1364 Scalable 293, 310, 910
Cyrillic Greek with Euro
Times New Roman 2308 1504 Scalable See P.210 "IBM Core Interchange Resident
Medium Code Page Set".
Times New Roman 2309 1504 Scalable See P.210 "IBM Core Interchange Resident
Bold Code Page Set".
Times New Roman 2310 1504 Scalable See P.210 "IBM Core Interchange Resident
Italic Medium Code Page Set".
Times New Roman 2311 1504 Scalable See P.210 "IBM Core Interchange Resident
Italic Bold Code Page Set".
Helvetica Roman 2304 1504 Scalable See P.210 "IBM Core Interchange Resident
Medium Code Page Set".

OG L 00
Typeface FGID GCSGID Font Width Code Pages
Helvetica Roman 2305 1504 Scalable See P.210 "IBM Core Interchange Resident
Bold Code Page Set".
Helvetica Italic Me- 2306 1504 Scalable See P.210 "IBM Core Interchange Resident
dium Code Page Set".
Helvetica Italic Bold 2307 1504 Scalable See P.210 "IBM Core Interchange Resident
Code Page Set".
Courier Roman Me- 416 1504 Scalable See P.210 "IBM Core Interchange Resident
dium Code Page Set".
Courier Roman Bold 420 1504 Scalable See P.210 "IBM Core Interchange Resident
Code Page Set".
Courier Italic Medi- 424 1504 Scalable See P.210 "IBM Core Interchange Resident
um Code Page Set".
Courier Italic Bold 428 1504 Scalable See P.210 "IBM Core Interchange Resident
Code Page Set".
Arabic with Euro
ITC Boutros Setting 2308 1506 Scalable See P.210 "IBM Core Interchange Resident
Medium Code Page Set".
ITC Boutros Setting 2309 1506 Scalable See P.210 "IBM Core Interchange Resident
Bold Code Page Set".
ITC Boutros Setting 2310 1506 Scalable See P.210 "IBM Core Interchange Resident
Italic Medium Code Page Set".
ITC Boutros Setting 2311 1506 Scalable See P.210 "IBM Core Interchange Resident
Italic Bold Code Page Set".
ITC Boutros Modern 2304 1506 Scalable See P.210 "IBM Core Interchange Resident
Rokaa Medium Code Page Set".
ITC Boutros Modern 2305 1506 Scalable See P.210 "IBM Core Interchange Resident
Rokaa Bold Code Page Set".
ITC Boutros Modern 2306 1506 Scalable See P.210 "IBM Core Interchange Resident
Rokaa Italic Medium Code Page Set".
ITC Boutros Modern 2307 1506 Scalable See P.210 "IBM Core Interchange Resident
Rokaa Italic Bold Code Page Set".
Boutros Typing Me- 416 1506 Scalable See P.210 "IBM Core Interchange Resident
dium Code Page Set".
Boutros Typing Bold 420 1506 Scalable See P.210 "IBM Core Interchange Resident
Code Page Set".
Boutros Typing Ital- 424 1506 Scalable See P.210 "IBM Core Interchange Resident
ic Medium Code Page Set".
Boutros Typing Ital- 428 1506 Scalable See P.210 "IBM Core Interchange Resident
ic Bold Code Page Set".
Hebrew with Euro
Narkissim Medium 2308 1362 Scalable See P.210 "IBM Core Interchange Resident
Code Page Set".

OG L 00
Typeface FGID GCSGID Font Width Code Pages
Narkissim Bold 2309 1362 Scalable See P.210 "IBM Core Interchange Resident
Code Page Set".
Narkissim Italic Me- 2310 1362 Scalable See P.210 "IBM Core Interchange Resident
dium Code Page Set".
Narkissim Italic 2311 1362 Scalable See P.210 "IBM Core Interchange Resident
Bold Code Page Set".
Narkiss Tam Medi- 2304 1362 Scalable See P.210 "IBM Core Interchange Resident
um Code Page Set".
Narkiss Tam Bold 2305 1362 Scalable See P.210 "IBM Core Interchange Resident
Code Page Set".
Narkiss Tam Italic 2306 1362 Scalable See P.210 "IBM Core Interchange Resident
Medium Code Page Set".
Narkiss Tam Italic 2307 1362 Scalable See P.210 "IBM Core Interchange Resident
Bold Code Page Set".
Shalom Medium 416 1362 Scalable See P.210 "IBM Core Interchange Resident
Code Page Set".
Shalom Bold 420 1362 Scalable See P.210 "IBM Core Interchange Resident
Code Page Set".
Shalom Italic Medi- 424 1362 Scalable See P.210 "IBM Core Interchange Resident
um Code Page Set".
Shalom Italic Bold 428 1362 Scalable See P.210 "IBM Core Interchange Resident
Code Page Set".
Burirum Medium 2308 1505 Scalable See P.210 "IBM Core Interchange Resident
Code Page Set".
Burirum Bold 2309 1505 Scalable See P.210 "IBM Core Interchange Resident
Code Page Set".
Burirum Italic Medi- 2310 1505 Scalable See P.210 "IBM Core Interchange Resident
um Code Page Set".
Burirum Italic Bold 2311 1505 Scalable See P.210 "IBM Core Interchange Resident
Code Page Set".
Thonburi Medium 2304 1505 Scalable See P.210 "IBM Core Interchange Resident
Code Page Set".
Thonburi Bold 2305 1505 Scalable See P.210 "IBM Core Interchange Resident
Code Page Set".
Thonburi Italic Me- 2306 1505 Scalable See P.210 "IBM Core Interchange Resident
dium Code Page Set".
Thonburi Italic Bold 2307 1505 Scalable See P.210 "IBM Core Interchange Resident
Code Page Set".
Courier Thai Medi- 416 1505 Scalable See P.210 "IBM Core Interchange Resident
um Code Page Set".
Courier Thai Bold 420 1505 Scalable See P.210 "IBM Core Interchange Resident
Code Page Set".

OG L 00
Typeface FGID GCSGID Font Width Code Pages
Courier Thai Italic 424 1505 Scalable See P.210 "IBM Core Interchange Resident
Medium Code Page Set".
Courier Thai Italic 428 1505 Scalable See P.210 "IBM Core Interchange Resident
Bold Code Page Set".
Kaewfah Medium 2308 1341 Scalable See P.210 "IBM Core Interchange Resident
Code Page Set".
Kaewfah Bold 2309 1341 Scalable See P.210 "IBM Core Interchange Resident
Code Page Set".
Kaewfah Italic Me- 2310 1341 Scalable See P.210 "IBM Core Interchange Resident
dium Code Page Set".
Kaewfah Italic Bold 2311 1341 Scalable See P.210 "IBM Core Interchange Resident
Code Page Set".
Pusuwan Medium 2304 1341 Scalable See P.210 "IBM Core Interchange Resident
Code Page Set".
Pusuwan Bold 2305 1341 Scalable See P.210 "IBM Core Interchange Resident
Code Page Set".
Pusuwan Italic Me- 2306 1341 Scalable See P.210 "IBM Core Interchange Resident
dium Code Page Set".
Pusuwan Italic Bold 2307 1341 Scalable See P.210 "IBM Core Interchange Resident
Code Page Set".
Courier Lao Medium 416 1341 Scalable See P.210 "IBM Core Interchange Resident
Code Page Set".
Courier Lao Bold 420 1341 Scalable See P.210 "IBM Core Interchange Resident
Code Page Set".
Courier Lao Italic 424 1341 Scalable See P.210 "IBM Core Interchange Resident
Medium Code Page Set".
Courier Lao Italic 428 1341 Scalable See P.210 "IBM Core Interchange Resident
Bold Code Page Set".
Katakana Gothic 304 1306 Scalable 290, 897, 1027, 1041, 1139

OG L 00
IBM DBCS Core Font Sets
The IBM DBCS Core Font Sets as shown on p.203 will be supported as resident fonts in the
following language groups:

• Japanese
• Japanese Heisei Kaku Gothic
• Japanese Heisei Maru Gothic
• Japanese Heisei Mincho

• Korean
• Korean Gothic
• Korean Myengjo

• Simplified Chinese
• Fang Song (GB)
• Hei (GB18030)
• Kai (GB)
• Song (GB18030)

• Traditional Chinese
• Kai
• Sung
P.206 "DBCS Resident Scalable Outline Font Set" and P.207 "DBCS Resident Raster Font Set"
lists the typeface resident in the Printer and includes the valid FGID and code pages for each

* IBM DBCS Core Font Sets

Typeface FGID GCSGID Font Width Code Pages
Japanese Heisei Mincho
Heisei Mincho 53248 2093 Full T10300
1132 Half T1H01002
1187 Half T1H011041
1398 Half T1H00290
1398 Half T1H01027
1363 Half T1H01031
1363 Half T1H01030
Japanese Heisei Mincho (JIS X 0213:2004)
Heisei Mincho 530248 2093 Full T1K300
Japanese Heisei Kaku Gothic

OG L 00
Typeface FGID GCSGID Font Width Code Pages
Heisei Kaku Gothic 53249 2093 Full T10300
1132 Half T1H01002
1187 Half T1H01041
1398 Half T1H00290
1398 Half T1H01027
1363 Half T1H01031
1363 Half T1H01030
Japanese Heisei Kaku Gothic (JIS X 0213:2004)
Heisei Kaku Gothic 53249 2093 Full T1K300
Japanese Heisei Maru Gothic
Heisei Maru Gothic 53250 2093 Full T10300
1132 Half T1H01002
1187 Half T1H011041
1398 Half T1H00290
1398 Half T1H01027
1363 Half T1H01031
1363 Half T1H01030
Japanese Heisei Maru Gothic (JIS X 0213:2004)
Heisei Maru Gothic 53249 2093 Full T1K300
Korean Gothic
Gothic 53816 1010 Full T10834
1098 Full T1K834
1173 Half T1H00833
1267 Half T1H01126
1365 Half T1H01150
Korean Myengjo
Myengjo 53560 1010 Full T10834
1098 Full T1K834
1173 Half T1H00833
1267 Half T1H01126
1365 Half T1H01150
Simplified Chinese-GB Fang Song
Fang Song 54566 1020 Full T10837
1174 Half T1H00836
1240 Half T1H01115
1366 Half T1H01151

OG L 00
Typeface FGID GCSGID Font Width Code Pages
Simplified Chinese-GB 18030 Hei
Hei 54565 1020 Full T10837
2103 Full T1K837
1174 Half T1H00836
1240 Half T1H01115
0103 Half T1H01252
1366 Half T1H01151
Simplified Chinese-GB Fang Song
Kai 54568 1020 Full T10837
1174 Half T1H00836
1240 Half T1H01115
1366 Half T1H01151
Simplified Chinese-GB 18030 Song
Song 54567 1020 Full T10837
2103 Full T1K837
1174 Half T1H00836
1240 Half T1H01115
0103 Half T1H01252
1366 Half T1H01151
Traditional Chinese Kai
Kai 54568 2074 Full T10835
1175 Half T1K00037
1189 Half T1H01043
1500 Half T1H01114
1399 Half T1H01159
1367 Half T1H01152
Traditional Chinese Sung
Sung 54563 2074 Full T10835
1175 Half T1K00037
1189 Half T1H01043
1500 Half T1H01114
1399 Half T1H01159
1367 Half T1H01152

OG L 00
* DBCS Resident Scalable Outline Font Set
Typeface FGID Code Page Chracter Set GCGID
Heisei Mincho 53248 300 1067
Heisei Kaku Gothic 53249 300 1067
Heisei Mincho 53248 300 2094
Heisei Kaku Gothic 53249 300 2094
Heisei Maru Gothic 53250 300 2094
Traditional Chinese
Sung 54563 835 2070
Kai 54568 835 2070
Sung 54563 835 2077
Kai 54568 835 2077
Simplified Chinese
Fang Song 54566 837 1082
Hei 54565 837 1082
Kai 54568 837 1082
Song 54567 837 1082
Fang Song 54566 837 2088
Hei (GB18030) 54565 837 2100
Kai 54568 837 2088
Song (GB18030) 54567 837 2100
Myengjo 53560 834 1091
Gothic 53816 834 1091
Myengjo 53560 834 2061
Gothic 53816 834 2061

OG L 00
* DBCS Resident Raster Font Set
Typeface Box Size Point Size Font GCSGID CPGID FGID
Japanese Font Set
Mincho M16F 16×16 4.8 96 370 300 53559
Mincho M24F 24×24 7.0 140 370 300 53559
Mincho Z24F 24×24 7.2 144 370 300 53559
Mincho M26F 26×26 7.8 156 370 300 53559
Mincho M32F 32×32 10.0 180 370 300 53559
Mincho M36F 36×36 10.8 216 370 300 53559
Mincho M40F 40×40 12.0 240 370 300 53559
Mincho M44F 44×44 13.2 264 370 300 53559
Mincho M48F 48×48 14.4 288 370 300 53559
Mincho M52F 52×52 15.6 312 370 300 53559
Mincho M64F 64×64 19.2 384 370 300 53559
Gothic G16F 16×16 5.0 100 370 300 53815
Gothic G20F 20×24 7.2 144 370 300 53815
Gothic G24F 24×30 7.0 140 370 300 53815
Gothic G32F 32×32 9.6 192 370 300 53815
Gothic G36F 36×36 10.8 216 370 300 53815
Gothic G40F 40×40 12.0 240 370 300 53815
Gothic G48F 48×48 14.4 288 370 300 53815
Gothic G64F 64×64 19.2 384 370 300 53815
R-Gothic R36F 36×36 10.8 216 370 300 54071
R-Gothic R40F 40×40 12.0 240 370 300 54071
R-Gothic R48F 48×48 14.4 288 370 300 54071
R-Gothic R64F 64×64 19.2 384 370 300 54071
Korean Font Set
Mincho M24K 24×24 7.2 144 934 834 53559
Mincho M32K 32×32 9.6 192 934 834 53559
Mincho M36K 36×36 10.8 216 934 834 53559
Mincho M40K 40×40 12.0 240 934 834 53559
Mincho M48K 48×48 14.4 288 934 834 53559
Mincho M64K 64×64 19.2 384 934 834 53559
Gothic G16K 16×16 4.8 96 934 834 53815
Gothic G24K 24×30 9.0 180 934 834 53815

OG L 00
Typeface Box Size Point Size Font GCSGID CPGID FGID
Traditional Chinese Font Set
Ming M24T 24×24 7.2 144 935 835 54583
Ming M32T 32×32 9.6 192 935 835 54583
Ming M40T 40×40 12.0 240 935 835 54583
Gothic G16T 16×16 4.8 96 935 835 53815
Simplified Chinese Font Set
Song S26P 26×26 7.8 144 937 837 54327
Song S32P 32×32 9.6 192 937 837 54327
Song S40P 40×40 12.0 240 937 837 54327
Gothic G16P 16×16 4.8 96 937 837 53815
Thai Font Set
Official O40F 24×40 12.0 240 939 839 57655
Official O60F 24×60 18.0 360 939 839 57655
Italics I60F 24×60 18.0 360 939 839 58039

OG L 00
GCSGID Subsets
The following table provides a mapping of the valid subsets of the GCSGIDs listed for the IBM
Core Interchange fonts.

* GCSGID Subsets for IBM Core Interchange Fonts

1269 0101, 0103, 0119, 0251, 0265, 0269, 0273, 0277, 0281, 0285, 0288, 0289,
0293, 0297, 0301, 0305, 0309, 0313, 0317, 0321, 0325, 0329, 0337, 0341,
0611, 0697, 0919, 0959, 0965, 0980, 0982, 0983, 0987, 0990, 0991, 0993,
0995, 1111, 1132, 1133, 1145, 1146, 1149, 1152, 1166, 1167, 1174, 1188,
1189, 1198, 1220, 1232, 1233, 1237, 1256, 1258, 1259, 1260, 1261, 1268,
1286, 1301, 1302, 2039
1355 1269, 2041
2041 0695, 0988, 1243, 1353, 1412, 2039
1275 0340, 0630, 0909, 1191, 1257
1264 0235, 0994, 1154, 1162, 1177, 1244
1265 0941, 0687, 0986, 0992, 1147, 1199, 1217, 1218
1300 0218, 0925, 0960, 0981, 0985, 0996, 0998, 1150, 1190, 1231, 1235, 1249,
1251, 1276, 1401
1279 1102, 1395, 1396
1304 380, 963, 1113
1306 332, 1122, 1164, 1172, 1187
1364 1304, 1330, 1340
1362 1265, 1356, 1357, 1358, 1360
1502 969
1503 1305, 1336, 1346, 1347, 1355, 1375, 1377, 1378, 1380, 1391, 1392, 1393,
1394, 1397, 1410, 1414, 1418, 1421
1504 1300, 1331, 1338, 1371, 1373, 1381, 1383, 1385, 1387, 1388, 1390, 1411,
1413, 1441
1505 1279
1506 1264, 1461, 1463, 1464, 1465

OG L 00
IBM Core Interchange Resident Code Page Set
The following lists the code pages used with the IBM Core Interchange Resident Fonts. Not all code
pages apply to each font; this is determined by the character set. Please correlate the GCSGIDs
found in the following lists with the correct IBM Core Interchange Font GCSGID superset in P.209
"GCSGID Subsets for IBM Core Interchange Fonts" to determine which code pages apply to a par-
ticular font family.

* IBM Core Interchange Resident Code Page Set

Code Page Global Graphic Character Language Supported
Latin 1 Country Extended Code Pages
37 697 US English, Canadian English, Canadian French, Dutch, Bra-
zilian Portuguese, Portuguese
273 697 Austrian, German
274 697 Belgian
275 697 Brazilian
277 697 Danish, Norwegian
278 697 Finnish, Swedish
280 697 Italian
281 697 Japanese
282 697 Portuguese
284 697 Castillian Spanish, Latin American Spanish
285 697 UK English
297 697 French, Catalan
500 697 Multinational, Belgium French, Belgium Dutch, Swiss
French, Swiss German, Swiss Italian
871 697 Icelandic
1140 695 US English, Canadian English, Canadian French, Dutch, Bra-
zilian Portuguese, Portuguese ECECP
1141 695 Austrian, German ECECP
1142 695 Danish, Norwegian ECECP
1143 695 Finnish, Swedish ECECP
1144 695 Italian ECECP
1145 695 Castillian Spanish, Latin American Spanish ECECP
1146 695 UK English ECECP
1147 695 French, Catalan ECECP
1148 695 Multinational ECECP, Belgium French, Belgium Dutch, Swiss
French, Swiss German, Swiss Italian
1149 695 Icelandic ECECP

OG L 00
Code Page Global Graphic Character Language Supported
Latin 1 EBCDIC Publishing Code Pages
361 1145 Multinational, Belgium French, Belgium Dutch, Swiss
French, Swiss German, Swiss Italian
382 1145 German
383 1145 Belgian
384 1145 Brazilian Portuguese
385 1145 Canadian French
386 1145 Danish, Norwegian
387 1145 Finnish, Swedish
388 1145 French, Catalan
389 1145 Italian
390 1145 Japanese
391 1145 Portuguese
392 1145 Castillian Spanish
393 1145 Latin American Spanish
394 1145 UK English
395 1145 US English, Canadian English
Latin 1 ASCII Code Pages
437 919 Multinational, US English, UK English, Dutch, German, Finnish,
French, Italian, Spanish, Swedish
850 980 Multinational PC
858 988 Multinational PC with Euro
860 990 Portugese (Primary = 850)
861 991 Icelandic (Primary = 850)
863 993 Canadian French (Primary = 850)
865 995 Nordic (Primary = 850)
1004 1146 IBM PC Desktop Publishing
819 697 ISO Latin 1
1252 1412 Windows Latin 1
1112 1305 Baltic, Multi EBCDIC
1257 1421 Windows, Baltic Rim
Latin 2/3/4/5 EBCDIC and ASCII Code Pages
852 982 Croatian, Czech, East German, Hungarian, Polish, Romanian,
Slovak, Slovenian
852 1377 Croatian, Czech, East German, Hungarian, Polish, Romanian,
Slovak, Slovenian with Euro
870 959 Latin 2 Multilingual

OG L 00
Code Page Global Graphic Character Language Supported
912 959 Latin 2 ISO/ ANSI 8 Bit
1153 1375 Latin 2 Multi with Euro
1250 1410 Windows Latin 2
853 983 Latin 3 Multilingual PC
905 1286 Latin 3 Multilingual
913 1286 Latin 3 Multilingual
1069 1256 Latin 4 EBCDIC
914 1256 Latin 4 ISO/ASCII
857 987 Latin 5 Turkey PC
857 1380 Latin 5 Turkey PC with Euro
1155 1378 EBCDIC Turkey with Euro
857 987 Latin 5 PC
920 1152 Latin 5 ISO/ANSI 8 Bit
1026 1152 Latin 5
1254 1414 Windows, Turkish
1157 1391 EBCDIC Estonia with Euro
922 1347 Estonia, PC
902 1392 8-bit Estonia with Euro
1156 1393 EBCDIC Baltic Multi with Euro
921 1346 PC Baltic Multi
901 1394 PC Baltic Multi with Euro
Latin 9 EBCDIC and ASCII Code Pages
923 1353 Latin 9
924 1353 Latin 9 EBCDIC
1130 1336 Vietnamese EBCDIC
1164 1397 Vietnamese EBCDIC with Euro
1129 1336 Vietnamese ISO-8
1163 1397 Vietnamese ISO-8 with Euro
1258 1418 Windows Vietnamese
838 1279 Thailand
889 1102 Thailand
874 1279 Thailand, PC
1160 1395 Thailand, EBCDIC with Euro

OG L 00
Code Page Global Graphic Character Language Supported
1161 1395 Thailand, PC with Euro
1162 1396 Windows Thailand
1132 1341 Lao EBCDIC
1133 1341 Lao ISO-8
Latin EBCDIC DCF Code Pages
1002 1132 DCF Release 2 Compatibility
1003 1133 US Text Subset
1068 1259 Text with Numeric Spacing
1039 1258 GML List Symbols
Cyrillic and Greek EBCDIC and ASCII Code Pages
880 960 Cyrillic Multilingual (Primary = 1025)
915 1150 Cyrillic ISO/ASCII 8 Bit
855 985 Cyrillic PC
866 996 Cyrillic #2 PC
1025 1150 Cyrillic Multilingual
1251 1411 Windows, Cyrillic
423 218 Greek 183 (Primary = 875)
813 925 Greek ISO/ASCII 8 Bit
813 1371 Greek ISO/ASCII 8 Bit with Euro
851 981 Greek PC (Primary = 869)
869 998 Greek PC
869 1373 Greek PC with Euro
875 925 Greek
875 1371 Greek with Euro
1039 1258 GML List Symbols
1253 1413 Windows, Greek
1253 1381 EBCDIC Cyrillic Multi. with Euro
808 1385 PC, Cyrillic, Russian with Euro
1131 1338 PC, Cyrillic, Belo Russian
849 1387 PC, Cyrillic, Belo Russian with Euro
808 1385 PC, Cyrillic, Russian with Euro
1158 1388 EBCDIC Cyrillic, Ukraine with Euro
1125 1331 PC, Cyrillic, Ukrainian
848 1390 PC, Cyrillic, Ukrainian with Euro

OG L 00
Code Page Global Graphic Character Language Supported
872 1383 Cyrillic PC with Euro
1166 1441 EBCDIC Cyrillic Multi. with Euro
Arabic EBCDIC and ASCII Code Pages
420 235 Arabic Bilingual
420 1461 Arabic Bilingual with Euro
864 994 Arabic PC
864 1463 Arabic PC with Euro
1008 1162 Arabic ISO/ASCII 8 Bit
1008 1464 Arabic ISO/ASCII 8 Bit with Euro
1029 1154 Arabic Extended ISO/ASCII 8 Bit
1046 1177 Arabic Extended ISO/ASCII 8 Bit
1046 1465 Arabic Extended ISO/ASCII 8 Bit with Euro
1039 1258 GML List Symbols
Hebrew EBCDIC and ASCII Code Pages
916 941 Hebrew ISO/ASCII 8 Bit
1028 941 Hebrew Publishing
424 941 Hebrew
424 1356 Hebrew with Euro
803 1147 Hebrew Character Set A (Primary = 424)
803 1357 Hebrew Character Set A (Primary = 424) with Euro
856 986 Hebrew PC (Primary = 862)
856 1358 Hebrew PC (Primary = 862) with Euro
862 992 Hebrew PC
867 1360 Israel with Euro
1039 1258 GML List Symbols
259 340 Symbols, Set 7
899 340 Symbols, Set 7 ASCII
1087 1257 Symbols, Adobe
1038 1257 Symbols, Adobe ASCII
1091 1191 Symbols, Modified Set 7
1092 1191 Symbols, Modified Set 7 ASCII
363 630 Symbols, Set 8
829 909 Math Symbols
1039 1258 GML List Symbols

OG L 00
Code Page Global Graphic Character Language Supported
1027 1172 Japanese Latin Extended
290 332 Japan Katakana
290 1172 Host/PC Japanese Katakana Extended
897 1164 Japan PC #1
1041 1187 Japanese Extended PC
1139 1122 Japan Alphanumeric Katakana
293 1340 APL USA
310 963 Graphic Escape APL/TN
910 1330 APL ASCII

* DBCS Resident Code Page Set

Code Page Global Graphic Character Language Supported
Japanese Code Pages
290 1398 Japanese Host Katakana Extended with Euro
300 1000 Japanese Host DBCS
300 1001 Japanese Host DBCS with UDC
300 2093 Extended Japanese Host DBCS for JIS X 0213
1027 1398 Japanese Host Latin Extended with Euro
1030 1363 Japanese Host Katakana Extended with Box Drawings
1031 1363 Japanese Host Latin Extended with Box Drawings
65280 2093 Extended Japanese Host DBCS for JIS X 0213
65281 2093 Extended Japanese Host DBCS for JIS X 0213
65282 2093 Extended Japanese Host DBCS for JIS X 0213
Simplified Chinese Code Pages
836 1174 Simplified Chinese Host
837 1020 Simplified Chinese Host DBCS GB
837 937 Simplified Chinese Host DBCS GB with UDC
837 2103 Simplified Chinese Host DBCS GBK (GB18030)
1115 1240 Simplified Chinese PC
1151 1366 Simplified Chinese Latin with Box Drawings
65284 1020 Chinese Host DBCS GB
Traditional Chinese Code Pages
37 1175 Traditional Chinese Host

OG L 00
Code Page Global Graphic Character Language Supported
835 1030 Traditional Chinese Host DBCS
835 935 Traditional Chinese Host DBCS with UDC
835 2074 Traditional Chinese Host DBCS with Euro
1114 1238 Traditional Chinese PC
1114 1500 Traditional Chinese PC with Euro
1152 1367 Traditional Chinese Host with Box Drawings
1159 1399 Traditional Chinese Host with Euro
Korean Code Pages
833 1173 Korean Host
834 1010 Korean Host DBCS KS
834 934 Korean Host DBCS KS with UDC
834 1098 Korean Host DBCS Full Hangul & Registered Mark with Euro
1088 1327 Korean PC
1126 1267 Korean PC
1150 1365 Korean Host Latin Extended with Box Drawings
65283 1010 Korean Host DBCS KS

* GCSGID Subsets for DBCS Resident Scalable Outline Font Set

934 1010
935 1030
937 1020
1001 1000
1021 1020
1067 1000,1132,1172,1187
1068 1001,1067
1082 1020,1174,1240
1083 937,1082
1086 1085
1087 1082,1085,1366
1088 1086,1087
1089 1082,1366
1091 1010,1173,1327
1092 934,1091
1095 1091,1094,1365
1096 1095,1097

OG L 00
1097 1094
2051 1067,1363
2052 1001,2051
2058 2057
2061 1095,1098,1267
2062 2061,2063
2063 1097
2070 1030,1175,1189,1238
2071 935,2070
2072 1367,1500,2070
2073 935,2072
2077 1399,2072,2074
2078 2077,2079
2079 2074
2080 1089,937
2088 1020,1089
2089 1021,2088
2090 2058,2091
2091 1398,2051,2057
2092 2093
2094 2091,2093
2095 2092,2094
2100 103,1087,2103
2101 2100,2102
2102 2103

OG L 00
4028 Compatibility Resident Font Set
The following lists the typefaces resident in the Printer and includes the valid FGID and code
pages for each font. The Date Stamp on most of these character sets is 94350, and the Time
Stamp used is 00000000.
The Date Stamp on FGIDs 76 and 159(20224) is 96036. The Date Stamp on FGID 164 is 96039
with a Time Stamp 08225100 for all GCSGIDs except 695, where the Data Stamp is 98124 and
the Time Stamp is 13491500. The Date Stamp on FGID 701 is 96309 with a Time Stamp of
08230800 for all GCSGIDs except 695, where the Date Stamp is 98124 and the Time Stamp is
13492000. Fonts listed with an “Alt FGID”, are used as a substitute for the requested “Alt
The Printer will substitute Times New Roman (from the IBM Core Interchange Set) for the
Times Roman fonts listed in table p.198 "*IBM Core Interchange Resident Scalable Font Set
in p.198". The Courier fonts will also come from the IBM Core Interchange Set. All the remain-
ing listed fonts will be from the IBM Coordinated Font Set (see P.222 "Resident PSC Strategic
Scalable Font Set 2").
See P.221 "4028 Compatibility Resident Code Page Set" for an explanation of the groups used
in the “Code Pages” column.
• Prestige fonts used with code pages with a CPGID of 259 are mapped to the Courier Roman
Medium Symbols font (FGID 416 GCSGID 1275). When the printer is in Box-Draw mode,
any font which does not indicate CPGID 259 support will print with the Roman Medium
Symbols font in a point size of 10 (12 pitch) when used with CPGID 259. This emulates
4028 behavior.
• Courier FGIDs 11 and 85 and Prestige FGIDs 12 and 86 now support Code Page 259 (when
Box-Draw mode is on) to the extent these were supported in the 4028. In this mode, CPGID
1091 is substituted for CPGID 259 in order to print box-draw characters that line up with
each other. The registered CPGID 259 does not have such characters, and is used when not
in Box-Draw mode.
• To match the 4028 and 3116 printed font sizes, the FGIDs 254, 256, 281, and 290 are scaled
anamorphically (internal to the Printer) as follows:
FGID Vertical x Horizontal Scale Factors (points)
254 7.8 vpt × 7.0 hpt
256 7.8 vpt × 7.0 hpt
281 7.0 vpt × 6.0 hpt
290 5.0 vpt × 4.5 hpt

OG L 00
* 4028 Compatibility Resident Font Set
Typeface FGID Alt Pitch Point Font Code Pages
FGID Size width
APL 76 12 10 120 310
Boldface 159 Proportional 12 120 A, B
Prestige PSM Roman 164 Proportional 12 120 A, B
Courier 11 10 12 144 259, A, B
Courier 85 12 10 120 259, A, B
Courier 223 15 8 96 A, B
Courier Ultra Ex- 244 5 12 288 A, B
Courier.17 252 17.1 11 84 A, B
Courier.17ss 254 17.1 7.8 84 A, B
Courier Bold 46 10 12 144 A, B
Courier Bold 108 12 10 120 A, B
Courier Italic 18 10 12 144 A, B
Courier Italic 92 12 10 120 A, B
Letter Gothic 281 20 7 72 A, B
OCR A 19 10 12 144 892
OCR B 3 10 12 144 893
Prestige Pica 12 10 12 144 259, A, B
Prestige Elite 86 12 10 120 259, A, B
Prestige 221 15 7.8 96 A, B
Prestige 256 17.1 8.5 84 A, B
Prestige PSM 164 Proportional 12 120 A, B
Prestige PSM Roman 701 Proportional 12 120 A, B
Prestige Pica Bold 60 10 12 144 A, B
Prestige Elite Bold 111 12 10 120 A, B
Prestige Elite Italic 112 12 10 120 A, B
Times Roman 5687 760 Typo 6 40 A
Times Roman 5687 751 Typo 8 53 A
Times Roman 5687 1051 Typo 10 67 A
Times Roman 5687 1351 Typo 12 80 A
Times Roman Bold 5707 1053 Typo 10 67 A
Times Roman Bold 5707 761 Typo 12 80 A
Times Roman Bold 5707 762 Typo 14 93 A

OG L 00
Typeface FGID Alt Pitch Point Font Code Pages
FGID Size width
Times Roman Bold 5707 1803 Typo 18 120 A
Times Roman Bold 5707 2103 Typo 24 160 A
Times Roman Italic 5815 1056 Typo 10 67 A
Times Roman Italic 5815 763 Typo 12 80 A
Times Roman Bold 5835 764 Typo 10 67 A
Times Roman Bold 5835 765 Typo 12 80 A
Gothic Text (311x) 203 13.3 9 108 A, B
Gothic Text (311x) 283 20 6 72 A, B
Gothic Text (311x) 290 26.7 5 54 A, B

OG L 00
4028 Compatibility Resident Code Page Set
The following list provides an explanation of the groups as used in the Code Pages column of
P.219 "4028 Compatibility Resident Font Set".

* 4028 Compatibility Resident Code Page Set

Code Page Global ID (CPGID) Graphic Character Set ID (GCSGID)
Group A
037, 273, 274, 277, 278, 280, 281, 284, 285, 297, 500, 871 697
1140, 1141, 1142, 1143, 1144, 1145, 1146, 1147, 1148, 1149 695
038, 367 103
260 341
276 277
286 317
287 321
288 325
1002 1132
437 919
850 980
858 988
1003 (Addition to 4028 font support. Not supported by 4028.) 1133
Group B
256 (Replaced by 500) 337
289 (Replaced by 500, but missing obsolete “Peseta” character) 329
310 963
259 340
892 968
893 969
1303 (Used internally for resident Code 128 barcode font and n/a
postal bar code font support)

OG L 00
IBM Coordinated Font Set (IPDS)
P.222 "Resident PSC Strategic Scalable Font Set 2" lists the scalable IBM Coordinated font set
typefaces resident in the Printer and includes the valid FGID and code pages for each font.
Where the IBM Core Interchange code pages are referenced in P.210 "IBM Core Interchange
Resident Code Page Set", only the Latin 1 Country Extended, Latin 1 EBCDIC Publishing, Lat-
in 1 ASCII and Latin EBCDIC DCF code pages are supported.

GCSGID Subsets
The following lists provides an a mapping of the valid subsets of the GCSGIDs listed for the
PSC Strategic Font Set 2.

* Resident PSC Strategic Scalable Font Set 2

Typeface FGID GCSGID Font width Code Pages
APL 307 1304 Scalable 293, 310, 910
APL Bold 322 1304 Scalable 293, 310, 910
Boldface 20224 2041 Scalable See P.210 "IBM Core Inter-
change Resident Code Page
Gothic Text 304 2041 Scalable See P.210 "IBM Core Inter-
change Resident Code Page
Letter Gothic 400 2041 Scalable See P.210 "IBM Core Inter-
change Resident Code Page
Letter Gothic Bold 404 2041 Scalable See P.210 "IBM Core Inter-
change Resident Code Page
OCR A 305 968 Scalable 876, 892
OCR B 306 969 Scalable 877, 893
OCR B (with Euro) 306 1502 Scalable 877, 893
Prestige 432 2041 Scalable See P.210 "IBM Core Inter-
change Resident Code Page
Prestige Bold 318 2041 Scalable See P.210 "IBM Core Inter-
change Resident Code Page
Prestige Italic 319 2041 Scalable See P.210 "IBM Core Inter-
change Resident Code Page
Katakana Gothic 304 1306 Scalable 290, 897, 1027, 1041

OG L 00
IBM Coordinated Font Set Code Page Set
The following list provide the GCSGIDs and CPGIDs for the individual code pages listed in
the Code Pages column of P.222 "Resident PSC Strategic Scalable Font Set 2".

* IBM Coordinated Font Set Code Page Set

Code Page Global ID (CPGID) Graphic Character Set ID (GCSGID)
293 380
310 963
910 1113
876, 892 968
877, 893 969
877, 893 1502
290, 1027 1172
897 1164
1041 1187

* GCSGID Subsets for the Strategic Font Set 2

1304 0380, 0963, 1113
2039 0101, 0103, 0119, 0251, 0265, 0269, 0273, 0277, 0281, 0285,
0288, 0289, 0293, 0297, 0301, 0305, 0309, 0313, 0317, 0321,
0325, 0329, 0337, 0341, 0611, 0697, 0919, 0980, 0990, 0991,
0993, 0995, 1132, 1133, 1145, 1146, 1149, 1198, 1220, 1258,
1259, 1260
1306 0332, 1164, 1172, 1187
2041 0695, 0988, 1243, 1353, 1412, 2039

OG L 00
IPDS Default Font

Factory Setting
The factory setting for the default font is Courier Roman Medium 10 pitch (12 point) using
code page 037, version 1. The GRID for the default font is: FGID=416, GCSGID=697,
CPGID=037, FontWidth=144 (CPI setting is 10.0). The default font may be changed by the op-
erator using the printer's Web Utilities.
The default font can be set for single byte fonts. It does not contain double byte font character
set code pages.

OG L 00
Selectable IPDS Default Font
To change the default font requires the use of the printer's Web Utilities. The printer's Web Util-
ities will present menu choices for selecting the various parts of the font.
The operator may select the default font using any or all of the Code Page (CPGID), Font
(FGID), and Characters Per Inch (CPI) parameters. The available parameters will be listed in
Groups to help identify valid/invalid combinations. An invalid combination will be resolved in-
side the printer because the printer must have a valid default font. However, the parameter ad-
justment will not be visible at the printer's Web Utilities. Detailed information listing the valid
combinations and how to select them will be available with the printer.
The selection is based upon a hierarchy: Code Page is highest, Font is next, and Characters Per
Inch (CPI) is the lowest. Should an invalid combination be selected, the Code Page will over-
ride Font and CPI, and Font will override CPI.
There are 5 Groups, A-E, into which all the fonts, code pages, and widths fall. All combinations
defined within a Group are valid. When internal modification is necessary, the following rules
• An invalid/unsupported CPGID becomes Code Page 037 (Group A).
• An invalid/unsupported Characters Per Inch (CPI) becomes 10.0 CPI (which will translate
to 12 points).
• For a Group A CPGID, an invalid/unsupported FGID becomes 416 Courier Roman Medi-
• For a Group B CPGID, the FGID is automatically 304 Gothic Katakana.
• For a Group C CPGID, the FGID is automatically 305 OCR A. Characters Per Inch is 10.0
• For a Group D CPGID, the FGID is automatically 306 OCR B. Characters Per Inch is 10.0
• For a Group E CPGID, an invalid/unsupported FGID becomes 416 Courier Roman Medium.
• The 4028 compatibility fonts are a new addition to the printer's control panel selection.
This is necessary because some of these FGIDs are anamorphically scaled, and therefore
cannot be correctly reproduced with just an AFP FGID and a CPI value.
These fonts are handled specially in that all of these FGIDs (except 5687, 5707, 5815, 5835)
ignore the printer's control panel CPI value, because the FGID fully describes the font. In the
case of the 4 typographic FGIDs, there are valid discreet sizes associated with them. If the cor-
rect CPI values are not used, the printer will default to the nearest discrete size value. Tie goes
to the smaller value.

Selectable Code Pages

The following code pages are selectable by the operator:
Code-Page/Group Code Page Description
500 A Belgium, Switzerland / International
037 A US, Canada, Netherlands, Portugal
038 A US English ASCII

OG L 00
Code-Page/Group Code Page Description
260 A Canadian French
273 A Austrian / German
274 A Belgium
276 A Canadian French (94 character set)
277 A Danish / Norwegian
278 A Finnish / Swedish
280 A Italian
281 A Japanese
284 A Spanish
285 A UK English
286 A Austrian / German (alternate)
287 A Danish / Norwegian (Alternate)
288 A Finnish / Swedish (Alternate)
297 A French
871 A Icelandic
1140 A US, Canada, Netherlands, Portugal (Euro)
1141 A Austrian, German (Euro)
1142 A Danish Norwegian (Euro)
1143 A Finnish, Swedish (Euro)
1144 A Italian (Euro)
1145 A Spanish (Euro)
1146 A UK English (Euro)
1147 A Catalan French (Euro)
1148 A Multinational (Euro)
1149 A Icelandic (Euro)
290 B Japanese / Katakana
892 C OCR - A
893 D OCR - B
420 E Arabic
423 E Greek
424 E Hebrew
870 E Latin 2 Multilingual
875 E Greek
880 E Cyrillic
905 E Turkish
1025 E Cyrillic (primary)

OG L 00
Code-Page/Group Code Page Description
1026 E Turkish (primary)

OG L 00
Selectable Fonts
The following fonts (FGID) are selectable by the operator:
FGID/Group FGID Description
2304 A, E Helvetica Roman/ITC Boutros Modern Rokaa/Narkiss Tam - Medium
2305 A, E Helvetica Roman/ITC Boutros Modern Rokaa/Narkiss Tam - Bold
2306 A, E Helvetica Roman/ITC Boutros Modern Rokaa/Narkiss Tam - Italic Medium
2307 A, E Helvetica Roman/ITC Boutros Modern Rokaa/Narkiss Tam - Italic Bold
2308 A, E Times New Roman/ITC Boutros Setting Rokaa/Narkissim - Medium
2309 A, E Times New Roman/ITC Boutros Setting Rokaa/Narkissim - Bold
2310 A, E Times New Roman/ITC Boutros Setting Rokaa/Narkissim - Italic Medium
2311 A, E Times New Roman/ITC Boutros Setting Rokaa/Narkissim - Italic Bold
416 A, E Courier Roman/Boutros Typing/Shalom - Medium
420 A, E Courier Roman/Boutros Typing/Shalom - Bold
424 A, E Courier Roman/Boutros Typing/Shalom - Italic Medium
428 A, E Courier Roman/Boutros Typing/Shalom - Italic Bold
20224 A Boldface
304 A Gothic Text
400 A Letter Gothic
404 A Letter Gothic Bold
432 A Prestige
318 A Prestige Bold
319 A Prestige Italic
304 B Katakana Gothic
305 C OCR A
306 D OCR B

OG L 00
4028 Selectable Fonts
The following 4028 fonts (FGID) are also selectable by the operator:
FGID/Group FGID Description
159 A Boldface (Proportional Space 12 pt., based on 10 CPI)
11 A Courier 10.0 CPI
85 A Courier 12.0 CPI
223 A Courier 15.0 CPI
254 A Courier 17.1 CPI
46 A Courier Bold 10.0 CPI
18 A Courier Italic 10.0 CPI
92 A Courier Italic 12.0 CPI
203 A Gothic Text 13.3 CPI
283 A Gothic Text 20.0 CPI
290 A Gothic Text 26.7 CPI
281 A Letter Gothic 20 CPI
19 C OCR A
03 D OCR B
12 A Prestige Pica 10.0 CPI
86 A Prestige Elite 12.0 CPI
221 A Prestige Elite 15.0 CPI
256 A Prestige Elite 17.1 CPI
111 A Prestige Elite Bold 12.0 CPI
112 A Prestige Elite Italic 12.0 CPI
5687 A Times Roman Typographic 6, 8, 10, 12, pt
5707 A Times Roman Typographic Bold 10, 12, 14, 18, 24 pt
5815 A Times Roman Typographic Italic 10, 12, pt
5835 A Times Roman Typographic Bold Italic 10, 12, pt

OG L 00
Selectable Font Widths
The following Font Widths (CPI) are selectable by the operator:
Group Range in characters per inch
A, B, E 5.0 CPI - 30.0 CPI, in increments of 0.1 CPI.
C, D 10.0 CPI.

4028 Fixed Width Ignored. Handled internally because the FGID defines
the size.
5687 6 pt 20.0 CPI
5687 8 pt 15.1 CPI
5687 10 pt 11.9 CPI
5687 12 pt 10.0 CPI
5707 10 pt 11.9 CPI
5707 12 pt 10.0 CPI
5707 14 pt 8.6 CPI
5707 18 pt 6.7 CPI
5707 24 pt 5.0 CPI
5815 10 pt 11.9 CPI
5815 12 pt 10.0 CPI
5835 10 pt 11.9 CPI
5835 12 pt 10.0 CPI

Normally, IPDS Font Width is in terms of 1440ths of an inch (for example, 144, 120). However,
printer's control panel Font Width selection is more easily understood (and more universally used)
as Characters Per Inch. So the values will range from 5.0 cpi (Font Width 288) to 30.0 cpi (Font
Width 48) in increments of 0.1 cpi.
The resulting cpi will be translated internally to the nearest integer font width value. Since CPI
is inherently a reciprocal, 0.1 cpi increments will be a non-linear font width progression. This
should not prove a serious problem since default fonts for IPDS are not the primary selection
An extra note is that font widths for fixed width fonts are calculated differently than for typo-
graphic fonts.
The vertical point size is the real common ground. So to get a 12 point size, a fixed width font
will use a font width of 144; 10 cpi. A typographic font will use a font width of 80. To keep
compatible sizes this is also translated from 10 cpi. The FGID defines which range to use. For
further detail, refer to the LFE and/or AR command sections of the IPDS architecture spec.

IPDS Bar Code Printing

To support the BCOCA tower for printing of bar codes, the OCR-A and OCR-B fonts and their
corresponding code pages (892 and 893) must be resident in the printer. These are supported as
shown in P.219 "4028 Compatibility Resident Font Set".
Code page 1303 is also resident to be used for printing code 128 bar codes.

OG L 00
IPDS Font Bolding
The Printer will accept the IPDS Load Font Equivalence command and support the bold and
double strike bits for both resident Type 1 and loaded raster fonts. No other bits within the LFE
flags byte are supported.
The bold/double strike attributes are handled the same way within the printer. The function is
provided by printing a text block multiple times, each time shifted an appropriate amount. Since
the attributes are tied to the font LID and not the font resource, the font resource is not affected.

OG L 00
OG L 00
action codes, 165, 182 data stream classes, 163
applications data stream commands, 196
bar codes, 15 font selection, 196
graphics, 14 IPDS, 196
images, 14 definitions
IPDS, 8 character IDs, 192
letter printing, 10 character set, 191
overlays, 12 coded font, 191
page segments, 13 code page, 191
attributes font, 191
printing, 192 GCSGID, 195
device control (DC/1), 39
bar codes
using, 15 error reporting and recovery, 39
exception code tables, 168
C page and copy counter adjustment, 185
page counter adjustment, 182
character IDs
exception (error)
definition, 192
action codes, 165
character image, 192
alternate actions, 162
character properties, 192
classes, 167
Character set, 192
code tables, 168
character sets
data stream, 163
definition, 192
handling control, 162
Coded font, 191
presentation processing, 162
coded fonts
reporting, 162
definition, 191
reporting codes, 166
Code page, 192
rules, 161
code page global identifier (CPGID)
sense byte, 165
definition, 195
code pages, 192, 193
definion, 192
printer configuration, 196
selecting, 196
code points, 193
code tables
exception, 168
commands, 35
device control (DC/1), 39
initialization defaults, 35
initialization sequence, 38
CPGID, 195

OG L 00
fixed-pitch fonts, 195 hex values, 193
font definitions How to Read This Manual, 6
code page, 195
font global ID (FGID), 195 I
font width, 196
point size, 196 image
posture, 195 character, 193
images, 14
spacing, 195
initialization defaults, 35
spacing fixed-pitch, 195
spacing proportionally initialization sequence, 38
spaced machine fonts, 195 IPDS, 8
spacing typographic, 195 capabilities, 8
typeface, 196 introduction, 8
typeface, 196 software, 8
weight, 196 IPDS font selection, 196
font global ID (FGID), 195
appearance, 193 language code pages, 194
fixed-pitch, 195 letter
height, 195 preparation, 10
pitch, 195 printing, 10
points, 196
proportionally spaced machine (PSM) pitch, N
selection, 196 national language, 194
typographic, 195 national language code pages, 194
font selection, 196
general information, 159 O
IPDS, 197
OS/400 font terminology, 194
font structure, 191
overlays, 12
font values (see metrics), 192

definition, 195
global identifiers
CPGID, 195
global identifiers (continued)
graphic character set global identifier (GCSGID)
definition, 195
graphics, 14

OG L 00
page and copy counter adj
exceptions, 185
page counter adj
exceptions, 185
page counter adjustment, 182
page segments, 13
pitch, 195
points, 196
printable characters, 193
printer configuration
code pages, 196
printing attributes, 192
printing letters, 10
character, 192
proportionally spaced machine (PSM) fonts, 195

reporting, 161
reporting and recovery
error, 161
rules, 161

page, 13
sense byte information, 169
SSP, 8
System i font terminology, 194

type size, 196
typographic fonts, 195

OG L 00
Part Number: 55Y6982

Printed in USA

(1P) P/N: 55Y6982


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