Lab Guide - End-to-End Scenario
Lab Guide - End-to-End Scenario
Lab Guide - End-to-End Scenario
Swapnil Agrawal
JAM 2021
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1 Introduction ........................................................................................................................ 4
1.1 Cloud Pak for Business Automation.............................................................................................4
1.2 Business Scenario ........................................................................................................................5
1.3 Lab Setup Instructions .................................................................................................................7
2 Exercise: Onboarding a Client with Low Confidence Level (Manual Intervention) ................... 8
2.1 Introduction..................................................................................................................................8
2.2 Exercise Instructions ...................................................................................................................8
2.2.1 Taking the call from Legacy Consulting and collecting base information ............................8
2.2.2 Verifying required documents and submitting the onboarding request............................ 13
2.2.3 Onboarding request confirmation page ............................................................................. 15
2.2.4 Checking the automatic email to Legacy Consulting & Uploading Utility Bill .................... 15
2.2.5 Checking the automatic email to Legacy Consulting & Uploading a second Utility Bill .... 17
2.2.1 Checking the automatic email to Legacy Consulting about manual handling ................... 18
2.2.2 Checking the Review Client Onboarding Request task for the Account Mgr ..................... 18
2.2.3 Checking the automatic email to Legacy Consulting about onboarding rejection ............ 23
2.2.4 Checking the Client Rep notification about rejected onboarding ...................................... 23
2.2.5 Review of Stages Performed Automatically ....................................................................... 25
3 Exercise: Onboarding a Client with High Confidence Level (Fully Automated) ...................... 28
3.1 Introduction............................................................................................................................... 28
3.2 Exercise Instructions ................................................................................................................ 28
3.2.1 Taking the call from Automation Elite Inc. and collecting base information .................... 28
3.2.2 Verifying required documents and submitting the onboarding request............................ 31
3.2.3 Onboarding request confirmation page ............................................................................. 34
3.2.4 Checking the automatic email to Automation Elite Inc. .................................................... 34
3.2.5 Checking the Client Rep notification about automated onboarding .................................. 35
3.2.6 Review of Stages Performed Automatically ....................................................................... 38
4 Exercise: Explore the Business Performance Center Dashboard .......................................... 41
4.1 Introduction............................................................................................................................... 41
4.2 Exercise Instructions ................................................................................................................ 41
5 Outlook ............................................................................................................................. 44
Figure 2 in the upper half gives a high-level overview of the three pages of the intake app designed
using IBM Automation Application Designer and the purpose of the pages. The lower half depicts how
the pages interact with other capabilities of the Cloud Pak for Business Automation to fulfil their
1. On the first page, the client representative can manually enter all client onboarding information
or lookup the information for a known client. For the lookup the Automation Application calls
out to Workflow. Additionally, once services to be onboarded have been selected, the fee for
these services and potential upsell services are determined by calling out to Decisions. The red
icon indicates that this place utilizes AI-Powered/Intelligent Automation with prescriptive rules
and potentially predictive ML models that may be hosted on an external machine learning
2. On the second page, the client representative can review the documents that are already
available for the client and change the status for those required for the onboarding request. For
this the app uses Content capabilities.
3. On the third page, a message is displayed that confirms the successful submission of the
onboarding request and incudes a reference ID that is associated to that request. The
submission of the onboarding request triggers the back-office workflow in Workflow.
Figure 3 depicts that Workflow orchestrates various activities, both human-driven knowledge work and
system activities, to perform the actual client onboarding in the back-office. The Case capability in
Workflow is specifically suited as it supports semi-structured use-cases. The red icon symbolizes again
where AI-Powered/Intelligent Automation capabilities are applied. These are built into the respective
capability or can be provided by a potentially externally hosted machine model. Depending on the
circumstances of the onboarding request one or multiple of the activities are executed or skipped.
These activities are grouped into four stages:
1. The activities performed in the Document Review stage depend on the availability or non-
availability of documents required for the onboarding request. If all documents are available
and they have all been verified by the client representative, no activity is required, and the stage
is automatically completed. If documents are missing the client receives an email with
information about what documents are missing including a link to a web page to upload them.
Once a document is received the Capture capability is triggered to determine the type of
document and to extract the required data. IBM Automation Document Processing with its
advanced AI-infused features is used for this purpose. If the extracted data is as expected the
Workflow proceeds to the next stage. If not, the client receives another email with the details
giving them the opportunity to upload additional documents.
2. The first activity in the Scoreboarding stage uses rules and machine learning models from
Decisions to categorize the client into a segment 1 or segment 2 client (using prescriptive
rules), determines if the onboarding request is a low or high-risk request, and computes an
assessment confidence (both based on using a predictive model). If the confidence is equal or
higher than 80%, the decision to accept (low risk) or reject (high risk) the client onboarding
request is performed automatically. When the scoreboarding confidence is lower than 80%, a
second activity is assigned to an account manager who must manually assess the onboarding
request through a task in Workflow.
3. The third stage Backend Systems Update consists of an activity to update two legacy system
of records of Focus Corp. As these systems don’t have APIs available, an IBM Robotic Process
Automation (RPA) bot is utilized.
4. In the fourth and final stage, Notification, the client representative is informed of the
onboarding result for the onboarding request they have initiated using a task in Workflow which
completes the onboarding request.
Throughout the stages of the workflow the client is notified about status changes and activities needed
to be performed by them through email.
2.1 Introduction
In this exercise, Legacy Consulting wants to subscribe to two services from Focus Corp.’s healthcare
You will first take the role of the client representative, a Focus Corp. employee, who is on the phone
with Legacy Consulting for this request. Initially, you collect all the required information. As part of that
you will notice that a utility bill is not on file for Legacy Consulting. It is required to validate the client
address. You will submit the onboarding request after letting the client know that they will receive an
email with upload instructions for the pending document.
Because of the missing utility bill, you will switch into the role of the client to upload it. You will
experience that uploading a utility bill with an outdated address will fail the validation resulting in an
additional email letting you know that fact. Uploading a more recent utility bill will pass the validation
and progress the internal processing of your onboarding request.
With all documents being present and having been validated, a scoreboarding activity will classify
Legacy Consulting as a Segment 2 client with a high-risk profile and an assessment confidence of less
than 80%. Under these circumstances, the request cannot be handled automatically and will require
manual handling by an account manager. The client is notified about this via email.
You will take over the role of the account manager to manually review the request. As the default risk is
too high, you will reject the onboarding request. The client will be informed via email as will be the
client representative via a notification task as they initiated the onboarded request.
This path through the onboarding scenario exemplifies that often for complex, high value, high risk
decisions or those where a machine generated decision has low confidence, knowledge workers need
to get involved and need to make the final decision. The decision made by a human can then be used to
further train the machine learning model so for future cases even more automation is possible.
2.2.1 Taking the call from Legacy Consulting and collecting base information
Navigate to the Client Onboarding Desktop (see section 1.3 Lab Setup Instructions, item 1)
Select Enterprise LDAP in the Login in with dropdown on the Log in to IBM Cloud Pak page
When you resize the browser window you will observe that the page is responsive. That means that
a single app can be designed that it can easily be used on a large screen like a desktop/laptop, on a
tablet, or even mobile phones.
The Email field is pre-populated with the local email address of your user and is made read-only
Only in case the environment you are using is configured to use an external email server, the Email
field is editable.
If the Email field is editable, you can optionally replace the Email with an email address of your
choice that you can use to receive client emails associated with the scenario.
Check Employee Benefits Plan and Mental Health Care as the services that Legacy Consulting
wants to onboard to
The fees are calculated by an external service pricing engine build using prescriptive rules. The
additional services that the client representative could offer as upsell opportunity to the client are
currently also based on prescriptive rules but could also be generated based on a machine learning
Click Review Documents to navigate to the next page
View the Legacy Consulting – Banking Information document by clicking the three dots at the
right end of the row that appear when you hover over the line and selecting View. This opens the
document in the integrated viewer. Afterwards close the viewer window again.
Click Submit Onboarding Request to complete Legacy Consulting’s request and navigate to the
final confirmation page
The submission may take a few seconds during which you might notice a little spinner icon next to
the Client Rep icon. Please wait until you are taken to the third page.
2.2.4 Checking the automatic email to Legacy Consulting & Uploading Utility Bill
Open the email client in a browser using the URL provided to you (see section 1.3 Lab Setup
Instructions, item 1)
If you specified your own email address on the first page, open or bring to the front your email
Check your inbox for an email (the sender depends on the configuration of the environment you
are using)
The email contains the reference ID as displayed on the final page of the Client Onboarding app. It
lets you know that the Utility Bill is required to further process your onboarding request. It contains
a link for you to get to a web page to upload the document. The link takes you to an application built
Click on the Upload Document control and select Old Utility Bill - Legacy Consulting.pdf from
the location where you downloaded the documents to before
This utility bill contains an old address of Legacy Consulting which does not match the address the
client representative captured in the onboarding request.
Click the Submit Document button to upload the document to the server
After a short moment you will see a confirmation page that lets you know that the file was
successfully uploaded
The email again contains the reference ID as displayed on the final page of the Client Onboarding
app. It lets you know that the address in the Utility Bill that you have uploaded does not match the
address as stored in the onboarding request. It contains a link for you to get back to the Client
Document Upload web page to re-upload a utility bill with the correct address on it.
Click on the link in the email to open the upload page again
If you have not previously provided an email address, use the URL you have previously constructed
and saved.
Click on the Upload Document control and this time select Current Utility Bill - Legacy
Consulting.pdf from the location where you downloaded the documents to before
This utility bill contains the address of Legacy Consulting which matches the address the client
representative captured.
Click the Submit Document button to upload the document to the server
You will again see a confirmation page that lets you know that the file was successfully uploaded
Close the Client Document Upload browser tab again
The email again contains the reference ID as displayed on the final page of the Client Onboarding
app. It lets you know that your onboarding request is being handled manually by an account manager
and that you can expect a result within 2-3 business days.
2.2.2 Checking the Review Client Onboarding Request task for the Account Mgr
Having completed the upload of the missing utility bill as the client and being notified about the manual
review, you are now taking the role of a Focus Corp. account manager.
Open or bring back in focus the browser tab of the Client Onboarding front-office intake app
Click on the hamburger menu icon in the top left corner and select Workplace to switch from the
Client Onboarding app to your general workplace. After a short moment it shows the tasks available to
Workplace is the next generation end-user client that complements the existing Process Portal and
Case Client. It allows launching processes and cases and unifies access to all kinds of tasks. Its Task
prioritization feature is another example of AI built into the product. When enabled it uses AI and
historic runtime data to automatically order the tasks in the task list in terms of skill and impact,
leading to workforce efficiency improvements.
When you complete a task, the task may still be shown for some seconds in the task list. It will
disappear when the task list auto-refreshes itself.
For the Utility Bill click on the downwards arrow and select Properties to bring up the properties
of this document.
The properties shown reflect those values that got extracted when the document was uploaded.
These values were also used to compare the address stored in the client onboarding request to the
one in the utility bill.
If the properties don’t show in a similar way as shown on the right-hand side, please close the
properties view and re-open it.
Click Re-check Score (5) to reevaluate the scoreboard and observe that the risk changed to low,
and the confidence was computed to be 80%
Optionally, change the Annual Revenue back to $2,500,000 and perform the scoreboarding a final
time by clicking Re-check Score
Click Reject (5) to reject the onboarding request by Legacy Consulting as you the account
manager consider the risk to be too high
This will trigger an email to be sent to the client with the final onboarding decision.
Check the email that contains the reference ID as displayed on the final page of the Client
Onboarding app. It lets you know that your onboarding request has been rejected.
Click on the hamburger menu icon in the top left corner and select Client Onboarding Request
to switch back to the Client Onboarding app
This completes the part of the exercise where you actively perform steps.
The first stage during processing the onboarding request is the Document Review stage. For the above
request you have specified in the front-office intake app that only one of the two required documents
are verified while the second (utility bill) was pending.
This caused the client to receive an email about the utility bill document they need to upload. While the
onboarding request was started and the Document Review stage became active, it only contains an
automatic activity that waits for a utility bill being added to the case.
With the client uploading a valid utility bill that is attached to the request, the automatic activity gets
started, performs some processing, and completes. This makes the Document Review stage complete
as well. The verification of the utility bill is done by matching the extracted address from it with the
address stored in the onboarding request. Only if both match the utility bill is accepted otherwise as
seen another email is sent to upload a utility bill with the correct address.
As part of the Backend Systems Update stage, Focus Corp. needs to update some of its legacy
systems of record:
• The first is the Client Management System. It offers a Java rich client to add or update data.
• The second is the Service Management System. It offers a web interface to interact with it.
• The bot enters all values from the Client Onboarding solution into the respective fields, clicks on the
Add/Update Client button, and retrieves the Client ID from the output text
These two System of Records in our scenario are just mockups of potential real client systems. They
represent systems that don’t offer APIs at all to programmatically interact with them or where parts
like updates are just exposed through the native UI and not an API. Such systems can easily be
automated using the RPA capability.
3.1 Introduction
In this exercise, Automation Elite Inc. wants to subscribe to one service from Focus Corp.’s financial
You will again take over the role of the client representative, a Focus Corp. employee, who is on the
phone with Automation Elite Inc. for this request. Initially, you collect all the required information
before you submit the request.
Based on the information contained in the submission, the scoreboarding activity will classify
Automation Elite Inc. as a Segment 1 client with a low risk profile and an assessment confidence equal
or greater than 80%. Therefore, this onboarding request will be handled automatically without a
manual review required by the account manager. The client will be informed about the decision via
email while you, as the client representative, will get a notification task as you initiated the onboarding
This path through the onboarding scenario exemplifies one of the main goals when embarking on an
automation journey, which is to automate business transactions as much as possible reducing the
number of involved employees and therefore reducing cost, time required and manual errors.
To remind you which role you currently perform, most screens show a Client Rep icon and label in the
top right corner.
For this exercise, you will only assume the role of the Client Rep.
3.2.1 Taking the call from Automation Elite Inc. and collecting base information
If not already shown navigate back to the Client Onboarding Desktop
As the Client Representative type Auto in the Client Name text field in the left panel to search for
Automation Elite Inc. which is also an existing client of Focus Corp.
The Email field is pre-populated with the local email address of your user and is made read-only
Only in case the environment you are using is configured to use an external email server, the Email
field is editable.
If the Email field is editable, you can optionally replace the Email with an email address of your
choice that you can use to receive client emails associated with the scenario.
Select Finance in the Industry drop-down list as Automation Elite Inc. requests to onboard to one
service in that domain
Selecting an entry from the drop-down dynamically changes the options in the services to onboard.
Check Corporate Credit Card as the service that Automation Elite Inc. wants to onboard to
The fees are calculated by an external service pricing engine build using prescriptive rules. The
additional services that the client representative could offer as upsell opportunity to the client are
currently also based on prescriptive rules but could also be generated based on a machine learning
View the Banking Information – Automation Elite Inc.pdf document by clicking the three dots
at the right end of the row that appear when you hover over the line and selecting View. This opens the
document in the integrated viewer. Afterwards close the viewer window again.
Click Submit Onboarding Request to complete Automation Elite Inc.’s request and navigate to
the final confirmation page
The submission may take a few seconds during which you might notice a little spinner icon next to the
Client Rep icon. Please wait until you are taken to the third page.
Click on Start a New Request to get back to the first page to be able to continue onboarding more
clients to Focus Corp.’s services
The email contains the reference ID as displayed on the final page of the Client Onboarding app. It
lets you know that your onboarding request has been approved.
When you complete a task, the task may still be shown for some seconds in the task list. It will
disappear when the task list auto-refreshes itself.
Open the task that is available to you as client rep by clicking on it
Depending on the network latency it may take a moment until the task page is loaded.
The Activities tab shows the status and type of all activities of the request. Since this is a case in
the Workflow system, any discretionary activities defined in the case would be available here so
that they can be started by the client representative.
All required activities except the one you are in are completed now.
Two optional activities Create New Proposal and Follow Up with Client are ready. The client
representative may decide to connect with the client as their onboarding request was approved to
discuss the next steps to utilize the service. In addition, the client representative may also decide to
create a new proposal for Automation Elite Inc. to upsell additional services.
Yet these activities are optional, as the customer representative may choose not to perform any of
them but just complete the notification task.
Click Complete Onboarding Request to complete the task. This closes the task, brings you back
to the now empty work list for the client rep and completes the fully automated onboarding for a low
risk, high confidence client like Automation Elite Inc.
Click on the hamburger menu icon in the top left corner and select Client Onboarding Request
to switch back to the Client Onboarding app
This completes the part of the exercise where you actively perform steps.
The first stage during processing the onboarding request is the Document Review stage. For the above
request you have specified in the front-office intake app that the two required documents are already
verified. Therefore, this stage completes automatically. Scoreboarding
As looked at before in the Backend Systems Update stage, Focus Corp. needs to update some of its
legacy systems of record:
• The first is the Client Management System. It offers a Java rich client to add or update data.
• The second is the Service Management System. It offers a web interface to interact with it.
Striving for a high level of automation Focus Corp. wants to update the legacy systems automatically
without involving a user. This also helps to remove the risk of potential human errors when copying and
pasting information from one system to another. Therefore, they apply IBM Robotic Process
Automation (RPA).
The execution of the RPA bot happens automatically in the background. To get an impression how the
bot operates in this case where the client was onboarded the following screenshots explain the steps
• The bot enters all values from the Client Onboarding solution into the respective fields and clicks on
the Add/Update Client button and retrieves the Client ID from the output text.
• The bot enters the Client ID retrieved from the Client Management System as well as the client
name, industry, services to be signed up to, and services fees from the Client Onboarding solution
into the respective fields and clicks Add.
• Finally, the bot clicks Exit to logout from the Service Management System and closes the browser
These two System of Records in our scenario are just mockups of potential real client systems. They
represent systems that don’t offer APIs at all to programmatically interact with them or where parts
like updates are just exposed through the native UI and not an API. Such systems can easily be
automated using the RPA capability.
4.1 Introduction
In this final exercise you switch into the role of the business owner of the Client Onboarding business of
Focus Corp. You need to understand how your business performs and what actions to take to expand
your business or course correct if needed.
For this purpose, you will make use of Business Performance Center (BPC) as part of IBM Business
Automation Insights (BAI). BPC provides easy to use and meaningful dashboards to visualize business
relevant KPIs for lines of business to have a near real-time view on their business operations.
Some examples of how to use the data based on the screenshot above are:
▪ In the Approvals by Industry chart (second row, center) hover over the two segments in
the inner circle to see which segment shows the approved and which the rejected
onboarding requests and their respective percentage. You can then hover over the segment
in the outer circle to see from which industries these are coming and their percentage.
You might for example see that your business is weak in the insurance sector (brown color
above) with a significantly high number of onboarding requests being rejected. This may
lead you to investigate this issue more deeply and start an advertisement campaign.
This completes the lab to experience how IBM Cloud Pak for Business Automation can be used in a
simplified version of a Client Onboarding solution as part of Focus Corp’s service business.