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Indonesian Journal of Educational Research and Technology 2 (1) (2022) 65-70

Indonesian Journal of Educational

Research and Technology
Journal homepage: http://ejournal.upi.edu/index.php/IJERT/

Challenges Encountered in the Implementation of the

Education Program among Senior High School Students
in The Philippines
Patricia Mae N. Gurobat*, Jenevieve D. Lumbu-an

Sultan Kudarat State University, The Philippines

Correspondence: E-mail: patriciamaegurobat@sksu.edu.ph


Article History:
The K-12 Education Program is a new education curriculum Submitted/Received 08 Nov 2021
in the Philippines that further develops students' skills and First revised 01 Dec 2021
Accepted 07 Dec 2021
concepts in different strands to prepare them for tertiary
First available online 09 Dec 2021
education and exhibit competence as lifelong learners; Publication date 01 Mar 2022
however, its implementation has several drawbacks. Thus, ____________________
researchers identified and analyzed the typical issues that Advantages,
Sultan Kudarat State University –Laboratory High School SHS Challenges,
students faced in implementing the K-12 Education Program Disadvantages,
K-12 education program.
and dealt with those challenges and coping strategies. This
study employed the qualitative research design, specifically,
the phenomenological approach. Focus group discussion and
individual interviews were employed to get the needed data.
Based on the study findings, students perceive the new
curriculum as a significant burden, with the top challenges of
having more years in high school, lack of assistance, and
learning facilities. They also agreed on the benefits of the
new educational system, which include more knowledge and
learning, increased competency, and future career chances.
Despite the difficulty adjusting to the K-12 program, they
tend to cope with the challenges using various coping
strategies such as time management, adjustment,
acceptance, peer support, as they are aware of the program's
value to their academic advancement. As a result, this
research can assist students in preparing for the obstacles
they may face in senior high school and recommend possible
coping mechanisms.

© 2021 Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia

Gurobat & Lumbu-an, Challenges Encountered in the Implementation of the K-12… | 66


Education is a significant social investment for families or parents as well as the entire
nation. Our world relies on the future, and the end will be the present generation that we
have. Education is the most trusted way to have a successful life. Our forefathers always
remind us to educate ourselves for our future, as what Doctor Jose Rizal our National hero
says “Ang Kabataan Ang Pag-asa ng Bayan”.
As the Philippine government moves for this goal and perspective, the Basic Education Act
of 2013 (Republic Act 10533), commonly referred to as the K-12 Program, was raised and
implemented in the whole island of the Philippines (Abulencia, 2015). This education program
has so many advantages in different aspects of students' lives as future leaders. It includes
the better experiences they will encounter in the senior high school that they can use to find
jobs in different parts of the world.
However, as this program implementation gains compliments, it also gains many
disadvantages raised by the people who will experience the K-12 program, both parents and
students of the Philippines (Montebon, 2014). Some parents of the students who will have
the financial responsibility for the students who will take the K-12 program hinder the
program's implementation. Students who will experience do not agree to these programs as
they shared the same opinion of added responsibility and hardships in their education years.
Thus, those conflicts in the Implementation of the K-12 Program prompted the researchers
to study the challenges encountered by the students or the senior high school students,
specifically in Sultan Kudarat State University Laboratory High School.

The research design used in this study was qualitative, particularly the phenomenological
approach. Phenomenological research design is an approach to qualitative research that
focuses on the commonality of a lived experience within a particular group. To gather the
data, Table 1 shows contextualized themes from the key informants' responses.
Table 1. Contextualized themes from the key informants' responses.
Importance to the society • Perfomance and knowledge
• Further job opportunity
• World competency
Advantages to the educational system • Additional knowledge
• Preparatory for tertiary education
• Future job opportunities
Negative feedbacks to the implementation of K-12 • Years wasted and delayed professuin
education program attainmnet
• Lack of facilities
• Lack of financial support
Common challenges as a SHS student • Time Management
• Difficulties in academic and learning
• Lack of financial support
Strategies in over-coming challenges from K-12 • Self – trust and time management
education program • Adjustment and acceptence
• Comfort from people

DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10. 17509/xxxx.xxxx

p- ISSN 2775-8419 e- ISSN 2775-8427
67 | Indonesian Journal of Educational Research and Technology, Volume 2 Issue 1, March 2022 Hal 65-70

We conducted interviews using guide questionnaires that contained information about the
different challenges encountered in implementing the K-12 Education Program. After
collecting the data, it was recorded, analyzed, classified, and organized using necessary
measures in determining the results.
We transcribed and did the initial analysis of the raw data. After all the interviews were
transcribed, similar responses were categorized into themes. All themes were identified by
title and then defined by the primary researcher.
3.1. Theme 1: Importance to the Society
Based on the interpretation of the data gathered, students of Sultan Kudarat State
University Laboratory High School perceived the K-12 education program as a good indicator
that can contribute to society. It boosts the students' performance and knowledge that they
can use for the job they want and can help in global competency that involves skills and
talents. Performance and knowledge are the program's significant contributions as it aims to
nurture individuals to become truly human beings. However, due to global competition, there
is a necessity to holistically develop students to be competitive like students worldWIDE,
Abulencia, (2015). The SHS curriculum is intended to prepare students to enter
college/university, work in the industry, or be an entrepreneur. This is why respondents
shared their insights and thoughts on the K-12 education program as a valuable tool for a
better society. However, Mohammad (2016) stated in his article that we should have a
receptive mind to assess and adopt the ideas and suggestions of people about this
educational system as they are part of what we call society.
3.2. Theme 2: Advantages of K-12 Education Program on the Educational System
Based on the analysis of the data, additional knowledge is the K-12 education programs’
high advantage in the Philippines’ educational system. Quality education is what our
government wants us to have; additional knowledge helps students become better persons
with the appropriate skills for their future profession and desired job. Mohammad (2016), in
his article ‘the perception of the parents and students on the implementation of k-12 basic
education program in the Philippines’ emphasized that the K – 12 Program’s primary goal is
to calibrate graduates with knowledge and skills that will arm Filipino with excellence in the
global standards. In addition, Buabeng-Andoh (2015) reveals that the K-12 education program
can integrate information and communication technology in education. However, Abulencia
(2015) stressed in his article ‘the unravelling of the k-12 program as an education reform in
the Philippines” that there are beneficiaries of the K-12 Program, but some sectors will be
drastically affected. The sectors that will be affected are those who failed to support this new
educational program, and that there is a need to be open-minded with the ideas and have an
open eye and listening ear to consider and integrate the ideas and suggestions of people.
3.3. Theme 3: On the Negative Feedbacks on the K-12 Education Program
Based on the insights of the participants, delayed professional attainment and wasted
years are the common negative feedbacks from the participants. Most of them answered
delay of professional attainment and two wasted years as they consider this new educational
program. Two years is a long worthy time for the students and parents. With the
implementation of the new program in the Philippines, they tend to accept and embrace the
additional two years as Senior High School students. Abulencia, (2015) stated that the
implementation of the K-12 program would drastically affect some sectors in society. Also, he
DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.17509/xxxx.xxxx
p- ISSN 2775-8419 e- ISSN 2775-8427
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further stressed that the K-12 Program would be a burden on parents and students, not just
for an emotional, physical reason but also in the financial aspect because this program will
prolong the years of stay in the students' school (Mohammad 2016). Regardless of the
negative feedback, the K-12 system desires to improve Filipino students’ mathematical,
scientific, and linguistic competence. With the new curriculum, DepED is determined to offer
higher quality education through tracks. Each track will provide students ample time to
master their field and enhance their skills. The K-12 graduates will become globally
competitive and will obtain a spot in the still labor market (Three practical benefits of the
Philippines to the K-12 Program).

3.4. Theme 4: Common Challenges They Encounter as an SHS Student in Sultan Kudarat
State University – Laboratory High School
Based from the responses of the participants, time management is the biggest or common
challenge that the SHS students encounter. Students, just like athletes, shared their opinions
as they experienced difficulty in balancing their time. Also, non-athlete students experienced
a hard time balancing their personal life, school works, activities, and assignments. With this,
Mohammad (2016) stated in his article ‘the perception of the parents and students on the
implementation of k-12 basic education program in the Philippines’ that the K – 12 Program
will be a burden on parents and students. He said that it could affect the emotional and
physical health of the students. Students’ managing their own time generates pressures on
their emotional and physical health. The factors that were tested covered academic content
area, grade level of the students, roles of the distance learning program, roles of the
instructor, length of the program, type of school, frequency of the distance learning
experience, pacing of instruction, the timing of instruction, instructor preparation and
experience in distance education, and the setting. On the contrary, the K – 12 Program is
abreast with a new idea to fully develop and cultivate students' skills so that they will not
become liabilities to the country, but instead, these will be valuable citizens of this country.
(Mohammad, 2016).
3.5. Theme 5: Over-Coming the Challenges of the K-12 Education Program
Based on the analysis of data gathered, according to the participants, they encounter
challenges as SHS high school students, and they tend to seek answers to cope with these
difficulties. Trust oneself is one way. Also, strengthening one's faith can build a strong
foundation as a student. Time management is also a way to settle what one has to do and
needs to do. For Mohammad (2016), this K – 12 Program will burden parents and students,
not just for emotional, physical reasons but also in financial aspects as it will prolong the years
of stay in school. However, Abulencia, (2015) states in his article ‘the unravelling of k-12
program as an education reform in the Philippines’ that education is a significant social
investment for families or parents and the entire nation. Hence, students who have struggled
in the new educational system need to fight and go through the challenges they face, for they
cannot do anything about the new educational curriculum since it is one of the mechanisms
to attain the profession they want.

Based on the findings of the study, researchers formulated the following conclusions:
Senior high school students of the Sultan Kudarat State University faced common challenges
as they experienced the K-12 Education program. These are how they manage their time (time

DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10. 17509/xxxx.xxxx

p- ISSN 2775-8419 e- ISSN 2775-8427
69 | Indonesian Journal of Educational Research and Technology, Volume 2 Issue 1, March 2022 Hal 65-70

management), how they cope with the new educational system (coping mechanism), and
parents’ lack of source for additional two years (financial source). They also shared the same
insights as to the advantages of the new educational systems' not just to them but also to
society - job opportunities, additional learnings, and the preparation for tertiary education,
to name a few. K – 12 Program aims to equip the graduates with knowledge and skills that
will arm Filipino graduates to be at a solid ground where if not for excellence with foreign
countries but at least, quality workers (Nhelbourne, 2016). In addition, the K-12 education
program can be the instrument for the integration of information and communication
technology in education (Buabeng-Andoh, 2015). Meanwhile, they also shared negative
feedbacks for the program. These are lack of facilities, lack of financial support, and the delay
of professional attainment. Though senior high school students faced those challenges and
difficulties upon dealing with the new educational system, they likely have ways to boost their
minds and confidence to meet the challenges despite the challenges. According to
Mohammad (2016), the K – 12 Program will be a burden on parents and students, not just for
emotional, physical reasons but also in financial aspects because this program will prolong
the years of stay in the school of the students. Thus, students tend to adapt and learn to their
new educational system even though it has so much to burden them. They even motivate
themselves and work on their mindsets to overcome the stress and pressure that the new
educational system has brought. With the said questions and difficulties that the senior high
school students of the Sultan Kudarat State University experienced, they continue to battle
with the new educational program's hardships. They shared those things like time
management and accepting reality. By seeking help from those around them, like their family,
relatives, friends, and classmates, they tend to overcome them as their coping strategies to
continue their journey as senior high school students.

It is with profound intention that we extend our gratitude to Angel Abigail F. Corpuz,
Dianne Rose D. David, Ives B. Espacio, and Joemar C. Canitan for sharing time, resources, and
skills. Likewise, we would like to extend our heartfelt thanks to Dr. Nancy B. Espacio, Ed.D,
and Prof. Annerill R. Lorio, RGC for the support, guidance, and constructive comments and
suggestions, from drafting the title and research questions, paper development, and
manuscript refinement that eventually enabled us to accomplish this study.

The authors declare that there is no conflict of interest regarding the publication of this
article. The authors confirmed that the paper was free of plagiarism.

Abulencia, A. S. (2015). The unraveling of K-12 Program as an education reform in the

Philippines. Sipatahoenan, 1(2), 229-240.
Buabeng-Andoh, C. (2012). Factors influencing teachersâ adoption and integration of
information and communication technology into teaching: A review of the
literature. International Journal of Education and Development using ICT, 8(1), 136-155.

DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.17509/xxxx.xxxx
p- ISSN 2775-8419 e- ISSN 2775-8427
Gurobat & Lumbu-an, Challenges Encountered in the Implementation of the K-12… | 70

Mohammad, N. K. (2016). The perception of the parents and students on the implementation
of k–12 basic education program in the Philippines. International Conference on
Education (IECO) FKIP Unmuh Jember, 1(1), 481-503.
Montebon, D. T. (2014). K12 science program in the Philippines: Student perception on its
implementation. International Journal of Education and Research, 2(12), 153-164.

DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10. 17509/xxxx.xxxx

p- ISSN 2775-8419 e- ISSN 2775-8427

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