7 - 7 Rules Sheet

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7:7 a Dying

Card Game
Card Types
Scum - They were born to die. All praise
- Name & Class
- Cost in Silver Yetsabu-Nech,
the underworld’s
- HP: Damage Scum can take before they DIE
- Armor: Reduces damage taken
- Attack: Damage dealt to Monsters

nightmare, the
- Ability: Most cards have special abilities

Dungeon - EXPLORE IT!

black disk which
- Explore Dice - Roll each turn to find Silver

stands before
- Ability

Monster - KILL IT!

- Name the sun! All
praise Verhu,
- Cost in Silver
- Rank: Elite and Boss have extra rules
- Subtypes: Demon, Undead, Unholy, etc.

beaming with
- HP: Damage the Monster can take before it dies
- Armor: Reduces damage taken

delight! All praise

- Attack: Damage dealt by the Monster
- Ability

Omen - The grim hand of fate the fire which

burns all! And the
- Play up to one Omen card per turn
to do good stuff for you!

Equipment - If it’s not nailed down darkness shall

swallow the
- Cost in silver
- Type: Weapon, Armor, Scroll, Trinket, etc.
- Armor: Reduces damage taken
- Attack: Damage dealt to Monsters
- Ability: What does it do? darkness.
Starting the Game
- Each player starts with 2D6x10s (both players start with the same amount). At the
start of your first turn, take a bonus Buy phase before drawing cards.
- Shuffle deck (minimum 60 cards). There are no restrictions on how your deck is
built, but roughly 15-20 should be Dungeons, 20 should be Monsters, and 20-25
should be Scum, Loot, and Omens. Each player needs their own deck.
- Set aside the top 7 cards of your deck face down, these are your Miseries.
- When a player has drawn all 7 of their Miseries, they lose the game.
- Draw 7 cards from the top of your deck.
- Randomly pick which player goes first.

The Turn
- Draw until you have 7 cards in hand
- Play a Dungeon card from your hand. If you do, discard any enemy Monsters.
- When an enemy Monster is discarded this way, suffer its Attack damage.
- Explore Phase - Roll the Explore dice for the Dungeon card you played. Gain that
many silver x10, +10 silver for each other Dungeon card you control. If you did not
play a Dungeon, and there are no enemy Monsters in play, you must explore a Dungeon
you played previously instead.
- Lurk Phase
- Your opponent may play Monsters costing no more than your Explore roll.
- If you did not make an Explore roll, they can play ANY one Monster they want.
- Fight Phase
- Assign each enemy Monster to either a friendly Scum, or to yourself. You may
not assign more than one Monster to a Scum or to yourself until each Monster
has been assigned. You may then assign any remaining Scum to enemy Monsters.
- For yourself (if engaged) and for each engaged Scum…
- Make an Attack roll (D20):
- Crit: On a natural roll of 20, deal 2x damage to the Monster.
- 12+ Deal damage equal to the Attacker’s Attack (Scum’s Attack die, or your
Weapon’s Attack die). Subtract the Monster’s Armor.
- If the damage slays a Monster, choose another Monster engaged with
the Attacker to take any remaining damage (reduced by their Armor).
Slain Monsters are placed in their controller’s Crypt.
- Less than 12: For each Monster assigned to the Scum or yourself,
suffer Monster’s Attack Die damage. Subtract Attacker’s armor.
- When you take damage, if the damage is greater than your Armor,
draw 1 of your Miseries.
- Fumble: The Scum or Weapon is destroyed and placed in your Crypt.
- Buy Phase
- You may now spend Silver to purchase Loot and Scum from your hand.
- You may also sell Equipment for half its value by discarding it to the Crypt.
- Discard
- At the end of your turn, you may discard any number of cards.
- At the start of any Phase (Explore, Lurk, Fight, Buy), you may use a Power from one of
your Scum or Equipment cards (marked with the word ‘Power’, usually in parentheses).
To do so, roll a D20:
- 12+ Carry out the instructions of the Power.
- Less than 12: You fail and cannot use more Powers this turn.
- 1: The card with the Power is destroyed, the Power fails, and you cannot use
more Powers this turn.

- Once per turn, during your turn, you may play an Omen card. Do what it says.

- Ambush: Carry out this ability when the card is played.
- Flee: Carry out this ability when the card is discarded without being destroyed.
- Loot: Carry out this ability or play the appropriate type of card (for free) from your
hand when the card is destroyed.

- When a card allows you to deal or inflict damage outside of the Fight Phase, you may
choose to deal it to any enemy Monster, at which point it is reduced by the Monster’s
- When a card deals damage to you outside of the Fight Phase, you may choose to deal it
to any friendly Scum, or to take it yourself. It is reduced by the Scum’s, or your,
- Your Weapon damage die is the highest among Equipment cards you control. Likewise
your Armor die is the highest among Equipment cards you control.

- Win the game when you defeat an enemy Boss Monster, or when your opponent has drawn
all 7 of their Miseries.

What is a Dying Card Game?

Well, it’s like a Living Card Game, but it’s up to all of
you to keep it shambling on in a foetid undead state.
Its brains have now been splattered gruesomely across the
Mӧrk Borg community, decentralized, disaggregated,
dismembered, ready to be resurrected at any time
through the BLACK MAGIC of the Third Party License.
Rules for Solo Play
- For the best experience, solo adventures should be played using an
un-altered deck. You can of course create your own solo adventure decks.

- During the “Lurk” phase, you play Monsters on yourself from your hand. You
must play as many silver worth of Monsters as possible. You may not discard
Monster cards during the Discard phase.

- MORE MISERY!: When playing solo, roll for Misery each round at the end of your
Draw phase. On a 1, draw a Misery. The die you roll depends on the number of
Miseries you have left:
- 7: D20 6: D12 5: D10 4: D8
- 3: D6 2: D4 1: D2

- VICTORY!: Win by defeating a Boss Monster before you draw all 7 Miseries and
the world ends.

Using these cards to play Mӧrk Borg

- If you would like to run The Inverted Sepulcher as a Mork Borg adventure,
obviously do whatever you want, but if you want my opinion:
- Deal your players random Scum cards to be their characters. They start
with Silver equal to 100 minus their cost.
- Roll stats as described in the MB rulebook, or give your hero +1 to one
stat of your choice and -1 to another.
- The Armor and Weapon stats of your Scum card represent your starting
- You can generate a dungeon using the Dungeon cards as inspiration
- Use Monster cards as random encounters, or ‘place’ them within a dungeon
you construct
- Use Equipment cards as filthy lucre to wield, buy, sell, or steal.
- Give players Omen cards to use during the session if you like.

Art courtesy of Duncan Hall, Pixabay, and other public domain sources.
“7:7 - A Dying Card Game” is an independent production by Duncan Hall and is not affiliated with Ockult Örtmästare Games or
Stockholm Kartell. It is published under the MÖRK BORG Third Party License.
MÖRK BORG is copyright Ockult Örtmästare Games and Stockholm Kartell.
"7:7 - A Dying Card Game" operates under the same third party license as MÖRK BORG. This license allows anyone to make
stuff for "7:7 - A Dying Card Game" and either publish it for free or sell it. If you adhere to these terms you are allowed to publish
free or commercial material based upon and/or declaring compatibility with "7:7 - A Dying Card Game" without express
permission from Duncan Hall. The mechanics and game rules of "7:7 - A Dying Card Game" may be reused and referenced
freely. Specific art and text from this game may not be reused or translated unless you have explicit permission, some art is
made from public domain art and is open to be reused. Please ask if you are unsure.

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