A Bible of Esoteric Scriptures - Occult Monsters - Hopeless Dungeons and Utter Madness

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A bible of esoteric scriptures - occult monsters -

hopeless dungeons and utter madness

INDEX A special thanks
Proofreading & Illustrations - Liva Jensen
Illustrations, text and layout - Stein Hansen
Occult Monsters

Omnivorious Slim Mold____________2. Black Adder___________________61.

Community Creations
Gallowag Prowlers________________3. Swamp Wizard__________________62.
The Burning King_________________4. Nameless Pilgrim______________63.
Front Page Illustration - Johan Nohr
Anthelia’s Black Glass___________5. Gorgantuan Ectoparasite_______64. Hallowed Husk - Joel Clapp
The Blind Shepherd_______________7. Headeater_____________________65. Religious Freaks, The Knight of the Unclean Light, The Lost
Sailors, Goblet the Brute and the Horrid Brute - Jegs
Puny Punchable Punk______________8. Bog___________________________66.
Sanguine Shadow__________________9. Jinn__________________________67. Gnoll and Rossar - vil
Squirming Pike___________________10. Butcher_______________________68. Sanguine Shadow - AstroLich
Psydon, Bottle Xorb______________11. Phantomath____________________69. Bear-thing and Candelbra of Blood - Rugose Kohn
Calagrease, Brackect Xorb________12. Hallowed Husk_________________71. Optinomicon - Tartle Games
The King of Sweet Dreams_________13 Bastet________________________73. Warrener of Spirits - newyear studios
The Cast-Iron Something__________14. Daughter of Babalon___________75. Puny Punchable Punk - Gravesnail Games
Mutt Errant______________________15. Mutt Errant - NeonoN
Oxomoco__________________________16. Esoteric Scriptures Vulgar Stenches - rivetheadgames
Executioner of Nechrubel_________17. Hieronymous Beasts - Chthonic Cartography
Throat Singer____________________18. Holy items____________________78. Anthelia’s Black Glass - samaritan burden
Candelbra of Blood_______________19. Vulgar Stenches_______________79.
The Xorb - Azathoth Nell Tull
Bear-thing_______________________20. Rage__________________________80.
Odd Fellows - arnaudlmbrt
Hieronymous Beasts_______________21. Odd Fellows___________________81.
Omnivorous Slime Mold - Ra Press
Warrener of Spirits______________27. Four Flayed Faces_____________82.
Holy Items of the Church of the Two-Headed Basilisk - Concord7
Knight Mannequin_________________44. Optinomicon___________________83.
Rage - Gaffy
Religious Freaks_________________45.
Hopeless Dungeons The Cast-Iron Something - StrangeZone
The Knight Of the Unclean Light__49.
The lost Endless Sea Sailors_____51. Bastet - Fleshflies
Goblet the Goblin________________55. Scarlet Decent________________97. Executioner of Nechrubel - Sasha “TK” De’ath
Horrid Brute_____________________56. The Black Obelisk_____________99. The Blind Shepherd - c3ph
The Pits of Doom and Gloom___101.
Adventure in the Pits________103. Legal
Tables of the Pits___________105. Babalon’s Hangover 2 is an independent production by Stein Hansen,Liva Jensen
Death Rope_______________________59.
and the Mörk Borg Community and is not affiliated with Ockult Örtmästare Games
Margoth__________________________60. or Stockholm Kartell. It is published under the MÖRK BORG Third Party License.

MÖRK BORG is copyright Ockult Örtmästare Games and Stockholm Kartel.


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1 2
3 4
5 6
7 8
11 12
13 14
15 16

HP 25

Rusted chain and

thick death-shroud -d4
Executioner's sword
d6 + special

The Dark Lord dispatches these to rid the world of threats to the apocalypse.
The end of all things will not be denied.

SPECIAL: Anyone struck by the Executioner's sword must test DR14 Presence
or receive 4d10 Damage instead. SCUM CAN NOT HAVE THIS POWER.

The Executioner of Nechrubel uses a random unclean scroll once every 5 HP he loses.

If slain, it will reanimate 7 dawns later (or upon a Misery). The only way to rid yourself
of an Executioner of Nechrubel is to strike a bargain with a Twin-Headed Basilisk.

A strange concoction of goblin and bear . . . but undead.
Drooling and caked in blood, the BEAR-THING is
insatiable. Everything it eats just falls right out of its
rotting, open abdomen.
Generally feeds on local goblins, but will happily eat
man-flesh too. Lives in a cave.
H P 14
Morale 10
-d2 matted mane
tooths 20s
d6 craven claws
furs 40s
d8 terrible teeth captured 90s

2d3 corpse-things

Test Agility DR10 at
the start of combat or
end up prone as you slip
in the gore.

19 20

os e K o

21 22
23 24
25 26
27 28
S t e in
31 32
33 34
35 36
39 40
41 42
43 44
45 46
47 48
49 50
51 52
53 54
55 56
57 58

Mar goth
HP 15, Morale -
Touch d4 + Special
Membrane -d4
Special Corrupted
Bursts from the po
res of
the PC. Take an
additional d6 dama
If hit three times
Corrputed Veins, te
Always start with d4 Toughness DR12 or
copies of itself. a copy of Margoth.

59 60
wa m p fa n a tics
HP 5 Morale 4
Compost armor -d4
Bog Magick d4
Special summons

d4 creatures
from the bog
or something
from beyond.

d4 Creatures:
1. BOG
2. Black Adders
3. Swamp Wizards
4. Nameless pilgrim

HP 3 Morale 6
No armor
Bite d4 + Special
If hit, test Toughness
DR10 or be infected by
serpent eggs. It takes
2 days for the eggs to
hatch. Can be removed
by drinking strong alcohol.

61 62
B l o o d T i t a n s
Explorers in the further regions of experience
HP 25 Morale -
Flayed flesh -d4 HP 100 Morale -
Dead language - Rubbery skin -2d6
Smash 1d20
Special instead
As big as a
of regular damage
castle or a small
the pilgrim steals town, non-hostile
a letter from the in nature. Can
PCs name each time serve as a mount.
it hit.
Without a name the
PC is erased from

63 64
Collector Demon Sentient Mold
HP 15 Morale - Heads -1d4/head Fingernails d4 + Special HP 25 Morale - No armor Grappling hands d4 + Special
Special screaming heads, test Presence DR10 or cover in Special If grappled by the hand, test Strength DR13.
fear for 1 Combat round. If failed, it ripps the PC’s arm clean off, doing +D6
damage and adds it to it’s collection of hands and
heals d4. The BOG can only truly be killed with fire.

65 66

HP 15 Morale 8
Chainmail -d6
HP - Morale - Spiked flail 1d6
Red beam eyes 3d6 Collects the crushed
remains of it’s victims
Grants 1 wish in for a bag of silver.
exchange for a life.
It’s non-hostile if
not provoked.

67 68
E t e r n a l
HP 10 Morale - What does the God of
No armor Faith have in store?

Will offer the PCs an Pantomath’s Task

answer to any question, Roll d6:
if they collect (roll
d6 on table).
1. Jinn’s ruby eye
2. A Jar of BOG mold
If attacked, the PC
that gives the final 3. Throat Singer gland
blow must take the 4. Glass dragon scale
pantomath’s place 5. Fire demons heart
for all of eternity. 6. 4 Werecat’s brains

There is also a 50%

chance the information Eternal knowledge
is false and will lead requires eternal
the PCs into danger. s a c r i f i c e

69 70
Of Man’s first disobedience, and the fruit
Of that forbidden tree whose mortal taste
Brought death into the World, and all our woe,
With loss of Eden, till one greater Man
Restore us, and regain the blissful seat,
Sing, Heavenly Muse, that, on the secret top
O f Ore b, or of Si n ai , d i d s t i n s p i re
That shepherd who first taught the chosen seed
In the beginning how the heavens and earth
Rose out of Chaos: or, if Sion hill
Delight thee more, and Siloa’s brook that flowed
Fast by the oracle of God, I thence
Invoke thy aid to my adventurous song,
That with no middle flight intends to soar
Above th’ Aonian mount, while it pursues
Things unattempted yet in prose or rhyme.

71 Paradise Lost - John Milton 72

LO and behold ! The wrath of a thousand lions.

HP 40 Morale 10
Feline Reflexes -d6
Bite/Claw 2d6
Special If she claws the
PC, there is a 50% chance
that the PC struck becomes
knocked down.
73 74
The Daughter of Babalon
We are come onto a palace of which every stone is a separate jewel, and is set
with millions of moons.

And this palace is nothing but the body of a woman, proud and delicate, and
beyond imagination fair. She is like a child of twelve years old. She has very
deep eyelids, and long lashes. Her eyes are closed, or nearly closed. It is im-
possible to say anything about her. She is naked; her whole body is covered with
fine gold hairs, that are the electric flames which are the spears of mighty and
terrible Angels whose breastplates are the scales of her skin. And the hair of
her head, that flows down to her feet, is the very light of God himself. Of all
the glories beheld by the Seer in the Aethyrs, there is not one which is worthy
to be compared with her littlest finger-nail. For although he may not partake
of the Aethyr, without the ceremonial preparations, even the beholding of this
Aethyr from afar is like the par taking of all the former Aethyrs.

The Seer is lost in wonder, which is Peace.

And the ring of the horizon above her is a company of glorious Archangels with
joined hands, that stand and sing: This is the daughter of BABALON the
Beautiful, that she hath borne unto the Father of All. And unto all hath she
borne her.

This is the Daughter of the King. This is the Virgin of Eternity. This is she
that the Holy One hath wrested from the Giant Time, and the prize of them that
have overcome Space. This is she that is set upon the Throne of Understanding.
Holy, Holy, Holy is her name, not to be spoken among men. For Kore they have
called her, and Malkah, and Betulah, and Persephone.

And the poets have feigned songs about her, and the prophets have spoken vain
things, and the young men have dreamed vain dreams: but this is she, that
immaculate, the name of whose name may not be spoken. Thought cannot pierce the
glory that defendeth her, for thought is smitten dead before her presence.
Memory is blank, and in the most ancient books of Magick are neither words to
conjure her, nor adorations to praise her. Will bends like a reed in the tem-
pests that sweep the borders of her kingdom, and imagination cannot figure so
much as one petal of the lilies whereon she standeth in the lake of crystal, in
the sea of glass.

This is she that hath bedecked her hair with seven stars, the seven breaths of
God that move and thrill its excellence. And she hath tired her hair with seven
combs, whereupon are written the seven secret names of God that are not known
even of the Angels, or of the Archangels, or of the Leader of the armies of the

Holy, Holy, Holy art thou, and blessed be thy name for ever, unto whom the
Aeons are but the pulsings of thy blood.
From the Vision and the Voice, 9th Aethyr, quoted in The Book of Thoth by Alister Crowley.

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77 78
79 80

83 84 84
87 88
89 90
91 92
93 94

† †

95 96
97 98
99 100
The Pits
of Doom and Gloom
The Dark Fort

The Head of Delights

The Hollow of
Whited Sepulchres

Digesting Tunnel
River of Tar

Incomprehensible Tower

101 102
Adventure in the Pits It takes 1 day of anguish to travel between locations.

Amass Of Omens Bringing the hopless skeleton gives d4 omens extra. Incomprehensible Tower Confusing smells and sound.
◊ Each PC gets 10 extra omen when entering the Pits.
◊ PCs swap character sheets or the GM hands out new ones.
◊ Traveling within the Pits cost 1 omen. This is no place for mere
◊ Test Presence DR10 individually for each new floor, or get lost and lose 1
mortals and is full of terrors. Every 2 days, the PC with the current omen. Roll random encounter every other floor.
highest omens makes a DR10 test. If it fails, all PCs lose 1 omen. ◊ If they make it to the top, they gain d4 omens, their own character sheet
◊ Failing a Toughness test from eating or drinking something in the pits back and the omens that were lost during exploration.
will also cost 1 omen.

Without omens, The PC or PCs are attacked every 1 hour until dead. Escher’s layout. Confusing. Illusions. Riddles.

Digesting Tunnel Smell of Decaying flesh. Sound of a contorting gut. The Hollow of Whited Sepulchres Smell of dust.

◊ A tunnel of flesh leads on for what feels like a lifetime. ◊ Every morning a council of skeletons set a new law, but
◊ A bright scarlet light shines at the end of the tunnel. each following night they break it.
◊ A macabre sight greets the PCs of a Hallowed man (p.21) stabbing ◊ The PCs must find a solution to the repeated hypocrisy.
two naked humans repeatedly with a pitchfork. In a loop of ◊ If they succeed, they will find a hidden path to the dark fort.
murder; screaming, laughing, death - and the loop restarts. This road does not cost 1 omen to travel, and no random encounters.

A rumbling scarlet sky. A vast carneval of torture unfolds. Hot stale air. A hall of law. Circural shaped. blackwood desks and benches.

The Road of Desperation Smell of rust. Distant torture. River of Tar Strong vinegar-like scent. Burning screams.

◊ Roll d6 random encounters when traveling on the road. ◊ The journey to the Dark Fort costs two Charon’s Obol.

◊ Roll d6 random weather events native to this plane. ◊ One Obol can be found in the Tower and the other one in the Head.

◊ Page 178. ◊ The Ferryman cannot be killed.

Ancient stone-paved, crumbling road. crawling with insects. Crooked. Thick black tar. Screaming humans drowning repeatedly. Boiling hot.

The Head of Delights Smell of stale sweat. Screams and laughing. The Dark Fort Smell of terror. Void of sound.

◊ A conjoined twin welcomes the PCs into the Head, his name is Abra&Ham. ◊ A fortress made of the void itself.
◊ Inside the Head is an excellent selection of indulgences and these must ◊ 3 floors leading downwards.
be partaken in, if they are to leave or travel through the Head. ◊ Several demon guards patrol the halls.
◊ d6 Hallowed men, d4 Helvete (p.67) stand guard. ◊ In pitch darkness, irradiating the purest scarlet, she sits.
◊ If they partake, they all lose 2 omen, even if only 1 PC indulges. The avatar of Babalon, the fragment of a God, her daughter.
◊ Watching is also considered as partaking, but they lose only 1 omen. ◊ If defeated, two portals open. One leading deeper into hell, the
other leading back into your hopless world.
Lust. Gluttony. Greed. Anger. Heresy. Violence. Fraud. Hopelessness. Black Obsidian rocks. True darkness.

103 104
T a b l e s O f t h e P i t s
d6 r andom e n c o u n t e r s Roll a d6 three times. L o o t i n the Pit Roll a 3d6 after murdering something.

3. A jar of d4 Omens
4. A severed hand that guides the way -
1. Ildfar 1. Hunting 1. Hungry the PCs cannot become lost.
2. Helvete 2. Torturing 2. Bored 5. An old grimoire, d4 unclean scrolls.
3. Rotten 3. Merchant 3. Desires wealth 6. A cursed zweihänder d10, trade HP for +damage.
4. Hallowed Men 4. Searching 4. Wants omens 7. A bloody bag made of human skin, 30s.
5. Cackleclope 5. Waiting 5. Vengeance 8. A crown of thorns +1 Armor, can’t be removed.
6. Necropyte 6. Dying 6. Murdered 9. A skull tankard. If the PC drinks from the
tankard, ignore damage once. The tankard breaks.
10. Nothing but dust.
d6 weather e v e n t s Roll a d6 three times. 11. CORPSE FLIES d4 damage.
12. d20 silver, tainted by greed.
13. A vial of blood, heal d6.
14. Enhancing drugs, DR10 on all checks for d4 hours.
1. Rain 1. Blood 1. Heal 1d4
15. A pesimistic, talking human head.
2. Thunder storm 2. Black lightning 2. d6 damage
16. Orbuculum. It only predicts the death of the PCs.
3. Blizzard 3. Hail 3. d4 damage
17. A Dead king’s ransome, 666s.
4. Dust Devils 4. d4 helvete 4. lose initiative
18. A scarlet ruby worth 1000s.
5. Sand Storm 5. lasts d6 hours 5. Can’t travel
6. Heat wave 6. Scorching hot 6. d4 damage/d4 hours
Roll d6/d3 here, if you rolled the same twice. If magical is rolled:

1. Sword 1. Normal 1. d4 damage 1. Sentient

Me rc hant of t h e P i t 2. Bone 2. Greater 2. d6 damage 2. Has a Feat
3. Dagger 3. Magical 3. d10 damage 3. Elemental
The merchant has the same inventory as in the 4. Crossbow
rulebook(p.25), however, here the price can be 5. Warhammer
payed in corpses, silver and omens. 6. Staff

105 106

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