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Seismic Design of Building Structures

Introduction to
Earthquake Engineering

Ricardo Monteiro
UME Graduate School, IUSS Pavia

The seismic action

field Site effect

Site response


Wave Seismic Damage

propagation input

Seismic Consequences
Fields of Earthquake Engineering
• Seismology
– Causes of earthquakes, intensity and magnitude scales, seismic
waves, seismic hazard, seismic maps
• Soil dynamics
– Dynamic properties of the soil, soil-structure interaction, local
effects, soil liquefaction
• Structural dynamics
– Linear-elastic and nonlinear-plastic dynamic behaviour of
structures under transient loads
• Seismic design of new structures
– Conceptual design, analysis, dimensioning and detailing of:
• Building and bridges
• Special structures like dams, power plants, tanks, ...
• Seismic assessment and retrofit of existing structures
– Analysis, design and implementation of appropriate measures to
modify strength, stiffness, ductility and damping in order to reach
the required safety level
• Seismic risk (including socio-economical aspects) 3

Seismic Design of Building Structures

Goals of this 1-day session

• General understanding of seismic phenomena
• Learning the principles of modern seismic design
– Conceptual design
– Analysis, dimensioning and detailing


• Just an introduction to a wide and complex domain

• Overview of the tools to solve relatively simple problems and
indication of where to look when difficult ones arise
• Presents mainly force-based design methods
• Focus on new RC buildings

1. Introduction to earthquake engineering and engineering
2. RC structures – behaviour of RC elements
3. Characterization of seismic input
§ SDOF structures and elastic response spectra
§ Strength/ductility and inelastic response spectra
4. Seismic design methods
§ Force based design
§ Structural dynamics fundamental concepts
§ Equivalent lateral force and response spectrum methods
5. Conceptual seismic design
6. Design and detailing of buildings
§ Capacity design
§ Modelling issues
7. Issues with force-based design and Brief introduction to direct
displacement-based design

Recommended textbooks
[PP92] Paulay T., Priestley M.J.N.: Seismic design of reinforced concrete and
masonry buildings. John Wiley & Sons, 1992.

[Cho11] Chopra A.: Dynamics of structures. Fourth ed. Prentice Hall, 2011.

[PCK07] Priestley M.J.N., Calvi G.M., Kowalsky K.J.: Displacement-Based

Seismic Design of Structures. IUSS Press, 2007.

[PSC96] Priestley M.J.N., Seible F., Calvi G.M.: Seismic design and retrofit of
bridges. John Wiley & Sons, 1996.

[BB04] Bozorgnia Y., Bertero V.: “Earthquake Engineering – From Engineering

Seismology to Performance Based Engineering”. CRC Press, 2004.

[DHB99] Drysdale R., Hamid A., Baker L.: Masonry Structures: Behavior and
Design. ISBN 1-929081-01-4. The Masonry Society, Boulder, 1999.

Global Seismic Hazard

Alaska 1964
Emilia, 2009 1988 M=6.9
San Francisco 1976 M=7.8
1906 M=8.3 Tohoku 2011
Izmit 1999
M=7.4 Bam
Mexico City 2003 M=6.6 Taiwan 1999
1985 M=8.1 M=7.6
Cile 1960 2004 M=9.5

Christchurch 2011

http://www.seismo.ethz.ch/GSHAP/ 7

Seismic Hazard in Africa

• South Africa is
a country with

• Shall not be

What happens during an Earthquake?

Inside NHK (Japan Broadcasting Corporation) Kobe station during

the 1995 Kobe Earthquake (Mw=6.9)

What happens during an Earthquake?

Simulation of the behaviour of a

6-storey RC-frame building
subjected to the 1995 Kobe
Earthquake (Mw=6.9) on the E-
Defense shaking table: The
Simulation of the behaviour of a largest shaking table in the
RC-frame building with infills on world in Miki-City, Japan
the EUCENTRE (Pavia, Italy) (http://www.bosai.go.jp/hyogo/e
shaking table: the largest hyogo/).
shaking table in Europe 10
Consequences of earthquakes

• Direct consequences
– Rockfalls, landslides, settlements, soil liquefactions
– Tsunamis
– Damage and collapse of structures
– Casualties

• Indirect consequences
– Explosions, fires, floodings, poisoning
– Environment
– Economic and social aspects
– Casualties


Seismic Risk

Risk = Exposure x Hazard x Vulnerability

• structure • given by the nature • direct consequences

• non-structural • can‘t be reduced – damage and collapse of
elements • however, it can be – casualties
• equipment investigated
• indirect consequences
• life – explosions, fires
• given by the – poisoning
society – environment
– economic and social

Can be reduced through seismic design

History of Seismic Design (According to M.J.N. Priestley)
• Pre 1920
– No specific seismic design
• 1920 – 1940
– Fi = mi·ai, where mi is the mass of the ith floor of the building and ai its
acceleration. A common assumption was ai = 0.1g.
• 1940‘s
– First accelerograms are recorded (e.g. 1940 El Cento EQ)
• 1960‘s
– Dynamic behavior of the structure is considered and the seismic input
is described by elastic response spectra.
• 1970‘s
– Ductile design. Design for forces reduced from elastic acceleration
response by “force reduction factor”
• 1980‘s
– Capacity design
• 1990‘s
– Realization that displacements are more important than forces (damage
related to strains). Shift towards “performance based” design 13

Different performance of RC frame buildings during the

Mw=6.3 L‘Aquila earthquake on April 6, 2009

L‘Aquila, April 15 – 18, 2009 14

Performance Based Design
Base shear

© R. Hamburger
Beer Beer
Food Food

Lateral deformation

During design a chosen performance level is targeted


Progress in Earthquake Engineering

100% • Influence of the code generation
on the damage during the 1995
no or slight damage Kobe earthquake
80% moderate damage
• Damage evaluation of 2000
heavy damage
building in downtown Kobe.
Number of buildings

• The building are classified in

60% function of the code generation



till 1971 1972 to from 1982
Code generation
© T. Wenk 16
Engineering Seismology


77‘231 M > 5 earthquakes since Jan. 1, 1960

© SED © [Jon+06] 18
Plate tectonics


Types of Earthquakes
• Tectonic Earthquakes: rupture of the earth crust
– Intra-plate
– Inter-plate

• Earthquakes due to volcanic activity

• Earthquakes due to the collapse of underground
– Natural cavities
– Artificial cavities (mining)

• Earthquakes related to dams and water basins (filling!)

• Artificial Earthquakes
– Large blasts
– Nuclear explosions
Fault mechanisms

Phase 1 Phase 2 Phase 3

Surface of rupture:

Strike-slip fault Normal fault Undertrust fault 21

Fault rupture
Source: USGS (http://www.usgs.gov)

Fault rupture


about 3 meters horizontal displacement during the Mw=7.4

Koaceli, Turkey, 1999

Fault rupture


2 to 3 meters vertical displacement during the Mw=7.6

Chi-Chi Earthquake, Taiwan, 1999
Geometrical Notation


Hypocentral depth

Focal point


Ground motion (Kobe 1995, Mw=6.9, JMA Station, DE=18km)

10 20

5 10
ag [m/s 2]

dg [cm]

0 0

-5 x-direction -10 x-direction

-10 -20
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 0 5 10 15 20 25 30
10 20

5 10
ag [m/s 2]

dg [cm]

0 0

-5 y-direction -10 y-direction

-10 -20
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 0 5 10 15 20 25 30
10 20

5 10
ag [m/s 2]

dg [cm]

0 0

-5 z-direction -10 z-direction

-10 -20
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 0 5 10 15 20 25 30
Time [s] Time [s] 26
Ground motion and earthquake size

Ground acceleration [m/s 2]


1985 Chile Earthquake, Mw = 8.0
-3 1992 Landers Earthquake, Mw = 7.2
1997 Umbria-Marche Earthquake, Mw = 6.0
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120
Time [s]

All time histories recorded 30-40 km from the epicentre 27

Magnitude and intensity

• Both are ways to describe the size of a seismic event

• The intensity is a measure of the damage caused by the

earthquake. It is based on subjective feelings and observations
of local damage.
– There are many intensities per seismic event
– Depends on magnitude, focal depth, epicentral distance, soil type
at the site, local effects (topography), frequency content, duration,
(quality of the construction at the site) ...
– There are different intensity scales

• The magnitude is a measure of the energy set free by the

earthquake at the focal point in form of elastic waves.
– There is one magnitude per seismic event
– There are different magnitude scales

EMS-98 Definition Description of typical observed effects

I Not felt Not felt

II Scarcely felt Felt only by very few individual people at rest in houses
III Weak Felt indoor by a few people. People at rest feel a swaying or light trembling
Largely Felt indoors by many, outdoors by very few. A few people are awakened.
observed Windows, doors and dishes rattle
Felt indoors by most, outdoor by few. People awake, A few are frightened.
V Strong
Building tremble. Hanging objects swings considerably. Small obj. shifted
Many people are frightened and run outdoors. Some objects fall. Many
VI houses suffer slight non-structural damage like hair-line cracks and fall of
small pieces of plaster
Most people are frightened and run outdoors. Furniture is shifted and
objects fall from shelves in large numbers. Many well built ordinary
VII Damaging
buildings suffer moderate damage: small cracks in walls, fall of plaster,
part of chimneys fall down; older buildings may show large cracks in walls
Many people find it difficult to stand. Many houses have large cracks in
VIII walls. A few well built ordinary buildings shows serious failure of walls,
while weak older structures may collapse
General panic. Many weak constructions collapse. Even well built ordinary
IX Destructive
buildings show very heavy damage: partial structural failure
X Many ordinary well built buildings collapse
Most ordinary well built buildings collapse, even some with good
XI Devastating
earthquake resistant are destroyed
XII Almost all buildings are destroyed
devastating 29

• ML (Richter 1935)
– Richter magnitude (local magnitude) Magnitude scales
– Based on the maximum amplitude
trace of a seismometer
– Originally developed for Southern
California earthquakes
– Used to describe the size of shallow
local (<600km) earthquakes
• MS (Gutenberg & Richter 1936)
– Surface wave magnitude
– Based on the maximum ground
– Used to describe the size of shallow
(<70km), distant (>1000km)
moderate to large earthquakes Saturation of the
• Mb (Gutenberg 1945) empirical scales
– Body wave magnitude ML, MS, mb
– Based on the amplitude of the first
few cycles of p-waves
– Used to describe the size of deep
• Mw (Kanamori 1977)
– Moment magnitude
– Based on the seismic moment (not
on ground shaking characteristics)
– Used to describe the size of large [Kra96] Figure 2.29
earthquakes 30
Examples of magnitude computation
The Richter magnitude ML

⎡ ⎛ D ⎞ ⎤
ML = log10 A(D) + ⎢1.11 ⋅ log10 ⎜ ⎟ + 0.00189(D − 100) + 3.0⎥
⎣ ⎝ 100 ⎠ ⎦
Seismograph reading Standard event

The moment magnitude Mw

seismic moment average slip
Mw = log10 Mo − 10.7 where: Mo = G × s × A
shear modulus of rock fault area

Magnitude Dimension of the rupture A [km2] Displacement [m]

5 10 0.1
6 100 0.4
7 3‘000 1.2
8 50‘000 10 31

Comparison of different seismic indicators (approximate)

Force Ground motion Effects

Earthquake M Energy a v d Epicentral intensity and

class [ML] [Joule] [%g] [cm/s] [cm] maximum effect (EMS98)

I not felt
very weak
II scarcely felt

weak III weak

IV largely observed
V strong

VI slightly damaging
VII damaging

VIII heavily damaging

IX destructive

heavy X very destructive

© P. Smit

XI devastating
large XII completely devastating 32
Seismic hazard
Source: NOAA

Epicentre of the most important earthquakes in Europe since 2150 BC

[An earthquake is important if 1) caused > 1 Mio USD damage, or 2) caused > 10
fatalities, or 3) Intensity >= X, or 4) Magnitude >= 7.5, or 5) caused a tsunami]33

Seismic hazard analysis

• The seismic hazard of a site is investigated by seismologists by
means of seismic hazard analysis.
• Seismic hazard analysis
– Identification of which seismic active zones are located at which
distance of the considered site;
– Identification of how often these seismic active zones generate an
earthquake of a given magnitude;
– By means of appropriate assumptions (attenuation relationships) about
the propagation of seismic waves through the ground it is possible to

How often, which ground motion is likely to occur at the

considered site (=seismic hazard)

• A seismic hazard map is the main result of a seismic hazard analysis.

• A seismic hazard analysis can be either deterministic (DSHA, old
school) or probabilistic (PSHA, new school).
• Identification and characterization of EQ
Probabilistic seismic hazard
– 1) Characterization of the probability analysis (PSHA)
distribution of potential rupture locations
– 2) Calculation of the probability distribution
fR(r) of source-to-site distance R Procedure in 4 steps:
• Characterization of the temporal
distribution of EQ recurrence
fR(r) fR(r)
– Relationship that specifies the average rate
(e.g. number of EQs per year) at which an
EQ of some size (Magnitude) is exceeded
• Determination of the ground motion Y fR(r)
produced at the site by EQs of any
possible size occurring at any possible
point in each source zone Step 1 Step 2
– Y can be e.g. a peak ground acceleration
(PGA) or a spectral acceleration at a given
period, i.e. Sa(T1, ζ).
• Combination of uncertainties in “EQ
location”, “EQ size” and “ground motion
parameter prediction” to obtain the
probability P [Y >y*] that the ground
Step 3 Step 4
motion parameter Y will be exceeded
during a particular period of time
– e.g. P can be the annual probability of [Kra96] Figure 4.6
exceedance of the peak ground acc. y*

Attenuation relationships
(here e.g. Atkinsons & Boore 1990 for Eastern US)

log10 (a g,max ) = 0.66 + 0.42(M w − 6) − 0.03(M w − 6) 2 − log10 (d) − 0.00281d

Mw = 5.5
Peak horizontal acceleration [g]

Mw = 6.5
1.20 Mw = 7.5





0 50 100 150 200 250 300
Hypocentral distance [km] 36
Seismic hazard map of the Mediterranean basin

© SHARE Hazard Map


Seismic hazard in East African Rift [GSHAP]

Peak ground acceleration in [gals]

with a probability of exceedance
of 10% in 50 years (Tw = 475 years)
Seismic hazard in South Africa


SANS 10160-4:2010
Edition 1
Seismic hazard in South Africa

10% in 50 years

NOTE The above zones are determined from the seismic hazard map which presents the peak ground
acceleration with a 10 % probability of being exceeded in a 50-year period. It includes both natural and mining-
induced seismicity. A recent seismic hazard map (2003) obtained from the Council for Geoscience is included in
Seismic hazard map of South Africa
Figure C.1 presents the seismic hazard map of South Africa and shows peak ground acceleration with a
Seismic hazard in South Africa
probability of exceedance of 10 % in 50 years. It includes both natural and mining-induced seismicity.

10% in 50 years

Figure C.1 — Seismic hazard map of South Africa
10 % in 50 years nominal peak ground acceleration, expressed in earth gravity
acceleration (g) (9,81 m/s2)


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