Taxation Notes
Taxation Notes
Taxation Notes
c) to make assessments and prescribe additional requirements for tax administration and
enforcement; (Sec 6)
d) to examine bank deposits, in the following cases
i) A decedent, to determine his gross estate;
ii) Any taxpayer who has filed an application for compromise based on
Incapacity; or
iii) Pursuant to an international convention or tax agreement.
e) To delegate power, except
i) to recommend the promulgation of rules and regulations by the SOF;
ii) to issue rulings of the first impression or to reverse, revoke or modify any
ruling of the BIR,
iii) To compromise or abate any tax liability, except
b. Non-retroactivity of Rulings
Any revocation, modification or reversal of any of the rules and regulations promulgated
of any of the rulings or circulars promulgated by the CIR shall not be given retroactive
application if the revocation, modification or reversal will be prejudicial to the taxpayers,
except to the following cases,
a) Where the taxpayer deliberately misstates or omits material facts from his return or any
document required of him by the BIR;
b Where the facts subsequently gathered by the BIR are materially different from the
facts on which the ruling is based;
c) Where the taxpayer acted in bad faith.
Under Sec. 246, taxpayers may rely upon a rule or ruling issued by the CIR from the time
the rule or ruling is issued up to its reversal by the CIR or this Court The reversal is not
given retroactive effect. There must, however, be a rule or ruling issued by the
Commissioner that is relied upon by the taxpayer in good faith. A mere administrative
practice, not formalized into a rule or ruling will not suffice because such a mere
administrative practice may not be uniformly and consistently applied.
CIR v. San Roque Power Corp
ISSUE: WON San Roque is entitled to tax refund?
FACTS: On October 11, 1997, San Roque entered into a Power Purchase Agreement
(PPA) with the National Power Corporation (NPC) by building the San Roque Multi-
Purpose Project in San Manuel, Pangasinan. The San Roque Multi-Purpose Project
allegedly incurred, excess input VAT in the amount of P559,709,337.54 for taxable year
2001 which it declared in its Quarterly VAT Returns filed for the same year. San Roque
duly filed with the BIR separate claims for refund, amounting to P559,709,337.54,
representing unutilized input taxes as declared in its VAT returns for taxable year 2001.
However, on March 28, 2003, San Roque filed amended Quarterly VAT Returns for the
year2001 since it increased its unutilized input VAT To the amount of P560,200,283.14.
SanRoque filed with the BIR on the same date, separate amended claims for refund in
the aggregate amount of P560,200,283.14. On April 10, 2003, a mere 13 days after it
filed its amended administrative claim with the CIR on March 28, 2003, San Roque filed
a Petition for Review with the CTA. CIR alleged that the claim by San Roque was
prematurely file with the CTA.
DECISION: No. SC granted the petition of CIR to deny the tax refund or credit claim
of San Roque.
a. It must be issued under authority of law;
b. It must be within the scope and purview of the law; not contrary to law and the
c. It must be published in the OG or newspapers of general circulations;
Interpretative rules or those merely internal in nature may simply be posted in
conspicuous places in the agency itself.’
d. Where the regulations impose penal sanctions, the law itself must declare as
punishable the violations of the administrative rule or regulation and should fix or define
the penalty thereof.
B. Income Tax
1. Definition, Nature and General Principles
INCOME TAX is a direct tax on all yearly profits arising from property, professions,
trades or offices or a tax on a person's income, emoluments, profits, and the like. It is:
3.Excise; and
4. General.
General principles of income taxation
a) A citizen of the Philippines residing therein is taxable on all income derived from
sources within and without the Philippines;
b) A nonresident citizen is taxable only on income derived from sources within the
c) An individual citizen of the Philippines who is working and deriving income from
abroad as an overseas contract worker is taxable only on income derived from sources
within the Philippines:
Provided, That a seaman who is a citizen of the Philippines and who receives
compensation for services rendered abroad as a member of the complement of a vessel
engaged exclusively in international trade shall be treated as an overseas contract worker;
e) A domestic corporation is taxable on all income derived from sources within and
without the Philippines; and
I. Citizenship Principle
A citizen of the Philippines therein is taxable on all income derived from whatever
sources whether within or without the Philippines, while citizens of the Philippines not
residing therein is taxable only on income derived from sources within the Philippines.
Individual taxpayers are divided into:
Resident citizens -those citizens whose residence is within the Philippines.
Non-resident citizens- those citizens whose residence is not with the Philippines.
Note: A citizen of the Philippines is subject to Philippine income tax:
a) On his worldwide income, if he resides in the Philippines; or
b) Only on his income from sources within the Philippines, if he qualifies as a non-resident
Resident aliens - those individuals whose residence is within the Philippines and are
not citizens thereof.
Non-resident aliens - those individuals whose residence is not within the Philippines but
are temporarily in the country and are not citizens thereof. They are those engaged in
trade or business within the Philippines, and those who are not so engaged.
Ex. A resident alien is liable to pay Philippine income tax only on his income from
sources within the Philippines but is exempt from tax on his income from sources outside
the Philippines.
III. Source Principle
All income derived from sources within the Philippines are subject to income tax.
Ex. Where an alien is subject to Philippine income tax because he derives income from
sources within the Philippines.
vii. Capital Gains Tax (CGT) on sale or exchange of unlisted shares of stock of a domestic
corporation classified as capital assets (Sec. 24 (C));
viii. CGT on sale or exchange of real property located in the Philippines classified as a capital
asset (Sec. 24 (D));
ix. Final Withholding Tax (FWT) on certain passive investment income (Sec. 28 (B)(5)(b));
x. Fringe Benefits Tax (Sec. 33)
Fringe benefits – any goods, services, or other benefit furnished or granted in cash or in
kind, in addition to basic salaries, to an individual employee, except a rank and file
Fringe benefits given to a rank-and-file employee are treated as part of his compensation
income subject to normal tax rate and withholding tax on compensation income, except
de minimis benefits and benefits provided for the convenience of the employer.
It means the calendar year, or the fiscal year ending during such a calendar year,
upon the basis of which the net income is computed.
b. For Corporations
In the case of corporations adopting the fiscal-year accounting period, the taxable income
shall be computed without regard to the specific date when specific sales, purchases and
other transactions occur. Their income and expenses for the fiscal year shall be deemed to
have been earned and spent equally for each month of the period.
The corporate income tax rate shall be applied on the amount computed by multiplying
the number of months covered by the new rate within the fiscal year by the taxable
income of the corporation for the period, divided by twelve.
Non-Resident Citizen
a. A citizen of the Philippines who establishes to the satisfaction of the Commissioner
the fact of his physical presence abroad with a definite intention to reside therein.
b. A citizen of the Philippines who leaves the Philippines during the taxable year to
reside abroad, either as an immigrant or for employment on a permanent basis.
c. A citizen of the Philippines who works and derives income from abroad and whose
employment thereat requires him to be physically present abroad most of the time
during the taxable year.
● Temporary employment
d. A citizen who has been previously considered as non-resident citizen and who
arrives in the Philippines at any time during the taxable year to reside permanently in
the Philippines shall likewise be treated as a non-resident citizen for the taxable year in
which he arrives in the Philippines with respect to his income derived from sources
abroad until the date of his arrival in the Philippines.
● Hybrid
● He is a member of the complement vessel
Resident Alien
A resident alien is one who has a residence in Philippines although he is not
a Filipino Citizen. He has no definite period of stay in the Philippines.
He is not mere transient or sojourner. His definite purpose for staying requires
an extended stay and to that end, he makes his home temporarily in the Philippines.
Non-Resident Alien
The test to classify NRA is the length of stay in the Philippines, whether he says for more
than 180 days or, 180 days or less.
Special Employees
Special employees are alien individuals or Filipino citizens who are subject to 15% tax
based on their gross compensation income when:
1. They are employed occupying managerial and/or technical positions with regional or
area headquarters of
● multinational corporations,
2. If the special taxpayer is an alien, all of his gross compensation income received is subject
to 15% final tax.
3. If the taxpayer is a Filipino citizen, he has the option to be taxed at 15% final tax based on
his gross compensation income received or at a regular income tax rate (0%-35%) based
on the net taxable compensation income if his gross annual taxable compensation is at
least P975,000 (whether or not actually received).
Present and future qualified employees of existing ROHQ, RAHQ, OBU, and Petroleum
service contractors and subcontractors as of December 31, 2017 shall enjoy preferential
tax treatment.
It shall not apply for employees of ROI-IQ, RAHQ, OBU and Petroleum service
contractors and subcontractors which registered with the SEC beginning January l, 2018.
Tests for Filipinos to avail of the option (prior to 1 Jan 2018)
● basic salary/wages
● annuities
● compensation
● remuneration and
● other emoluments, such as honoraria, and allowances, received from such service
provider or offshore gaming licenses.
succession. The estate is to be transferred from the decedent to his successors. Its status is
the same as that of the decedent prior to his death.
It will only be taxable when it is under administration or settlement.
GR: An estate under judicial settlement is subject to income tax.
EXC: The distribution to the heirs during the taxable year of estate income is deductible
from the taxable income of the estate. Such will form part of the taxable income of the
● Where the income is accumulated or held for future distribution by the trustee;
The term ‘corporation shall include’
● one-person corporation,
● joint-stock companies,
● association, or
● insurance companies,
● a joint venture or consortium formed for the purpose of undertaking construction projects
or engaging in petroleum, coal, geothermal and other energy operations pursuant to an
operating consortium agreement under a service contract with the Government.
‘General professional partnerships’ are partnerships formed by persons for the sole
purpose of exercising their common profession, no part of the income which is derived
from engaging in any trade or business.
Domestic corporations are those created or organized in the Philippines or under its laws.
Otherwise, foreign corporations.
The term ‘resident foreign corporations’ applies to a foreign corporation engaged in
trade or business within the Philippines.
The term ‘non-resident foreign corporations’ applies to a foreign corporation not
engaged in trade or business within the Philippines.
2.) Income
a.) Definition and Nature
In the broad sense, INCOME refers to all wealth which flows into the taxpayer other
than those that are mere return of capital. It is return on capital or return above the capital
as opposed to return of capital.
In the strict sense, INCOME refers to the amount of money coming to the taxpayer foe
services performed or an activity which he is engaged in or for an investment which he
has made including those that do not have specific owners but comes in the hands of a
CAPITAL denotes the original investment or fund used in order to generate earnings
which is called income. It is the fund or property existing at one point in time.
REVENUE refers to the amount received by the business from selling main goods or
services to its customers during the period.
- Anything that benefits a person materially or economically.
Note, however that there must first be actual realization, such as through
sale disposition.
Mere increase in the value of property is not income.
- Income is recognized when there is separation of something which is
exchangeable value.
e.) Situs of Income Taxation
Meaning: Situs of taxation literally means the place of taxation.
● The state where the subject to be taxed has a situs may rightfully levy and collect the
tax; and
● The situs is necessarily in the state which has jurisdiction or which exercises dominion
over the subject in question. Within the territorial jurisdiction, the taxing authority may
determine the situs.
a.) Definition
In a narrow sense, gross income means all income derived from whatever
source, including but not limited to compensation, gross income, gains, interests,
rents, royalties, dividends, annuities, prizes, pensions, and partner’s distributive
In a broad sense, it means all items of income less exclusions. It is the total
income from all sources before deductions, exemptions or other tax reductions.
𝐺𝑟𝑜𝑠𝑠 𝐼𝑛𝑐𝑜𝑚𝑒 – 𝐸𝑥𝑝𝑒𝑛𝑠𝑒𝑠, 𝐿𝑜𝑠𝑒𝑠, 𝐷𝑒𝑑𝑢𝑐𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛s
In Kind:
2. Fringe Benefits
Any good, service or other benefit furnished or granted in cash or in
kind by an employer to an individual employee (except rank and file
1. Housing
2.Expense Account
3. Vehicle of any kind
4. Household Personnel
5. Interest on loan
6. Membership Fees
7. Expense for Foreign Travel
8. Holiday and Vacation Expense
9. Educational Assistance
10. Life or Health Insurance
2. Housing unit inside or within a maximum of 50 meters from
perimeter of business;
3. Temporary housing = 3 months or less;
4. Granted to rank and file.
d. RATA are NOT taxable fringe benefits, but are taxable compensation
i. Fixed in amounts;
ii. Regularly received by EE;
iii. Part of Monthly compensation income.
Purchases car on installment in the name of EE Acquisition cost (excl interest) / 5 years.
a. Should not be pursuant to the nature of the business of ER;
b. Should not be necessary for the position.
GR: Taxable;
GR: Taxable;
a) Pursuant to existing law, i.e. SSS, GSIS; AND
b) Cost of premiums borne by ER for the group insurance
of EEs.
Exemption from FBT
Threshold of P90,000
3. Professional Income
Professionals. — refer to persons who derive their income from
the practice of their profession.
4. Income from Business
1) Self-employment income consists of the earnings derived by the
individual from the practice of profession or conduct of trade or
business carried on by him as a sole proprietor or by a partnership
by which he is a member.
2) Business is any activity that entails the time, attention and effort
of an individual or group of individuals for livelihood or profit.
5. Income from Dealings in Property
Types of Gains
1) CAPITAL GAINS- Gains or income from the sale or exchange
of capital assets, including:
a. Income from dealings in shares of stocks or domestic
corporation Whether or not through the stock exchange;
b. Income from dealings in real property located in PH;
c. Income from dealings in other capital assets.
2) ORDINARY GAINS- Gains or income from the sale or
exchange of properties which are not capital assets.
a. Business income;
b. Compensation income;
c. Passive income;
d. Others.
1) Cash dividend — paid in given sum of money;
2) Property dividend — one paid by a corporation in
securities (not its own stock) or other property;
3) Stock dividend — one paid by a corporation with
its OWN stock.
Royalty income
Any payment of any kind received as consideration for the use of or
right to use:
1) Any patent, trademark, design or model;
2) Secret formula or process;
3) Industrial, commercial or scientific equipment;
4) Information concerning industrial, commercial or scientific
Rental income
Fixed sum either in cash or property equivalent, to be paid at a
definite period for the use or enjoyment of a thing or right. Value of
permanent improvements made by lessee on leased property that
will become the property of the lessor upon the expiration of the
lease. The lessor shall report such an income under any of the
following methods:
1) Outright method — FMV of the completed building or
improvement shall be reported as additional rent income.
2) Spread out method — Allocate the depreciated value over the
remaining term of the lease contract.
How about advance rentals?
1) Prepaid rentals — taxable if so received under a claim of right
and without restriction as to use.
2) Security deposit — not taxable unless lessee violates any
provision of the contract.
3) Loan — not taxable.
1. If such amounts, when added to amounts already
received before the taxable year under such contact,
exceed the aggregate premiums or consideration paid,
the excess shall be included in the gross income.
NOTE: However, in the case of a transfer for valuable
consideration by assignment or otherwise, of a life insurance, endowment
or annuity contract or any interest therein, only the actual value of such
consideration and the amount of the premiums and other sums
subsequently paid by the transferee are exempt from taxation.
Systems jointly sponsored by the PNOC and other organization
for during the first.
e.) Exclusions
1. Taxpayers Who May Avail
1) Life Insurance. — The proceeds of life insurance policies paid to the
heirs or beneficiaries upon the death of the insured, whether in a single
sum or otherwise, but if such amounts are held by the insurer under an
agreement to pay interest thereon, the interest payments shall be included
in gross income.
➔ If the company insures its employee and makes the latter’s
estate the beneficiary, THE PREMIUM IS TAXABLE,
while the proceeds are NOT TAXABLE.
➔ When taxable?
a. Insurer and insured agreed that the amount of the proceeds shall be
withheld by the insurer with the obligation to pay interest in the same – the
interest is the one subject to tax.
b. There is transfer of the insurance policy.
1. Paid to heirs;
2. Paid upon death of the insured;
3. Paid in a single sum or in installment.
EXC (Taxable):
1. Actual damages for loss of anticipated profits;
2. Moral and exemplary damages awarded as a result of breach of contract;
3. Interest for non-taxable damages above;
4. Damages as compensation for unrealized income.
by the employer:
1. At least 50 years old;
2. At least 10 years of service in same company (aggregate, not
necessarily continuous);
3. Reasonable private benefit plan;
4. In the nature of pension, plan, profit sharing plan, stock bonus or
5. Approved by the BIR;
6. Employer must give contribution and must be established for the
common benefit of ALL.
7. Availed of only ONCE. (except if 2nd employer is Government —
still exempt)
7) Miscellaneous Items. —
a) Income Derived by Foreign Government. — Income derived from
investments in the Philippines in loans, stocks, bonds or other domestic securities,
or from interest on deposits in banks in the Philippines by
1. foreign governments,
2. Financing institutions owned, controlled, or enjoying refinancing from
foreign governments, and
3. international or regional financial institutions
established by foreign governments.
1. The recipient was selected without any action on his part to enter the
contest or proceeding; and
2. The recipient is not required to render substantial future services as a
condition to receiving the prize or award.
d) Prizes and Awards in Sports Competition. — All prizes and awards granted
to athletes in local and
international sports competitions and tournaments
whether held in the Philippines or abroad and sanctioned by their national sports
e) 13th Month Pay and Other Benefits. — Gross benefits received by officials
and employees of public and private entities: Provided, however, That the total
exclusion under this subparagraph shall not exceed Ninety thousand pesos
(P90,000) which shall cover:
f) GSIS, SSS, Medicare and Other Contributions. — GSIS, SSS, Medicare and
Pag-IBIG contributions, and union dues of individuals.
➔ Debentures are used for bonds, backed by general credit of the issuer
rather than a particular asset. They are unsecured liabilities. This is like a bank
letting someone owe money without any collateral.
i) Income Derived from the Sale of Gold Pursuant to RA No. 7076. — Income
derived from the following transactions pursuant to the “People‘s Small-scale
Act of 1991”:
i. The sale of gold to the BSP by registered small-scale miners and accredited
traders and
ii. The sale of gold by registered small-scale
miners to accredited traders for eventual sale
to the BSP (RA 11256)
Generally, they are excluded because they do not fall within the definition of income for
income tax purposes or a provision of the Tax Code or special law exempts them from
income tax.
1. Exclusions from gross income refer to a flow of wealth to the taxpayer which
are not treated as part of gross income, for purposes of computing the taxpayer’s
taxable income either because it is exempted by the constitution, by statute, or it
does not come within the definition of income.
2. Deductions from gross income are the amounts which the law allows to be
deducted from gross income in order to arrive at net income.
3. Tax credits are directly deducted from tax liability
Deductions – amounts allowed to be subtracted from Gross Income to arrive at
taxable income in the ITR
Taxpayers may choose NOT TO AVAIL of the deduction
If deductions are claimed, the burden of proving the legality and
correctness of the deductions rests upon the taxpayer. The taxpayer has the
obligation to substantiate with receipts and other evidences every item of
deduction when required.
Who are not allowed to avail of the deductions under Sec 34?
Taxpayers earning compensation income arising from personal services
rendered under an employer-employee relationship.
1. Citizens and Resident Aliens whose income is purely
compensation income;
3. NRFC.
a) Compensation;
1. Must be reasonable;
2. Payment for actual services rendered.
Additional for Bonuses:
3. Made in good faith;
4. Consider:
a. Nature of Business;
b. Financial capacity of taxpayer; AND
c. Extent of services rendered;
5. General economic condition
c) Rent;
i) Required as condition for continued use or possession;
ii) Purpose is for trade, business, profession;
iii) Taxpayer not owner of property leased;
iv) Subject to withholding tax of 5%.
d) Traveling Expense;
i) Reasonable and necessary;
ii) Incurred or paid while away from home - station
assignment or principal place of business;
iii) In the conduct of trade or business.
h) Litigation Expense
- If incurred in the defense or protection of title = capital in nature, NOT
- If ordinary and necessary in pursuit of business = deductible.
It is the interplay of these, among other factors and properly weighed, that
will yield a proper evaluation. The subject media advertising expense for
“Tang” was almost double the amount of respondent corporation’s general
and administrative expenses. We find the subject expense for the
advertisement of a single product to be inordinately large. Therefore, even
if it is necessary, it cannot be considered an ordinary expense deductible
under then Section 29 (a) (1) (A) of the NIRC.
If the expenditures are for the advertising of the first kind, then,
except as to the question of the reasonableness of the amount, there
is no doubt such expenditures are deductible as business expenses.
If, however, the expenditures are for advertising of the second kind,
then normally they should be spread out over a reasonable period of
Arbitrage rule
The taxpayer’s allowable deduction for interest expense shall be reduced by an
amount equal to 33% of the interest income earned by him which has been subjected to
final tax.
Theoretical interest
An interest computed for the purposes of determining the opportunity cost of
investing in a business. This is not paid or incurred. Theoretical interest income and
theoretical interest expense is no longer applicable in our jurisdiction since the interest
must be stipulated in writing to be demandable.
8. 33% of the interest income subject to final tax.
1) Special Assessment;
2) Income Tax;
3) Not connected with trade, business, profession;
4) Estate, Donor’s;
5) VAT;
6) Final Taxes;
7) Excess electric consumption tax;
8) Foreign income tax, war profits and excess profits tax - if used as tax credit;
9) Paid for commodities not connected with business.
Limitations on Credit
a) Per Country;
b) Global.
The net operating loss of the business or enterprise for any taxable year
immediately preceding the current taxable year, which had not been previously
offset as deduction from gross income shall be carried over as a deduction from
gross income for the next three (3) consecutive years immediately following the
year of such loss.
In the case at bar, First CBC Capital (Asia), Ltd., the investee corporation,
is a subsidiary corporation of petitioner bank whose shares in said investee
corporation are not intended for purchase or sale but as an investment.
Unquestionably then, any loss therefrom would be a capital loss, not an ordinary
loss, to the investor.
The exclusionary clause found in the text of the law does not include all
forms of securities but specifically covers only bonds, debentures, notes,
certificates or other evidence of indebtedness, with interest coupons or in
registered form, which are the instruments of credit normally dealt with in the
usual lending operations of a financial institution. Equity holdings cannot come
close to being, within the purview of "evidence of indebtedness".
Verily, it is for a like thesis that the loss of petitioner bank in its equity
in the Hongkong subsidiary cannot also be deductible as a bad debt. The shares of
stock in question do not constitute a loan extended by it to its subsidiary (First
CBC Capital) or a debt subject to obligatory repayment by the latter, essential
elements to constitute a bad debt, but a long term investment made by CBC.
In sum —
a) The equity investment in shares of stock held by CBC of approximately 53% in
its Hong Kong subsidiary, the First CBC Capital (Asia), Ltd., is not an
indebtedness, and it is a capital, not an ordinary, asset.
b) Assuming that the equity investment of CBC has indeed become "worthless,"
the loss sustained is a capital, not an ordinary, loss.
c) The capital loss sustained by CBC can only be deducted from capital gains if
any derived by it during the same taxable year that the securities have become
Losses from share transactions can be claimed as deduction upon realization of the
loss. Shrinkage in value of shares of stocks cannot be used to claim for the deduction as
loss because you haven't realized it yet. Only if you sold it then if there is any loss, you
can claim it as a
A wash sale is the buying or selling of the same type of stock or security at a loss
30 days before the date of sale or 30 days after date of sale. It cannot be claimed as
allowable deduction. A wash sale is a price manipulation activity prohibited under the
SRC. It is a practice where a person or entity who is not a dealer of securities disposes of
such securities. It occurs when the taxpayer disposes shares of stock or securities and
within 30 days before or after such disposition acquires substantially identical stocks or
securities. That‘s why it is termed as a 61-day sale.
Losses from wagering transactions shall be allowed only to the extent of the gains
from such transactions.
The loss is caused by fortuitous event or force majeure. Requisites for deductibility
a. Report to taxing authorities within 45 days from occurrence of the loss;
b. Related to trade and business;
c. Evidenced by a closed and completed transaction (perfected sale);
d. Actually sustained during the taxable year;
e. Must not be compensated by insurance or other forms of indemnity.
In the event a contract area where petroleum operations are undertaken is partially
or wholly abandoned, all accumulated exploration and development expenditures
shall be allowed as a deduction.
When are bad debts ascertained to be worthless? A court order is necessary and the
regular procedure is as follows:
1. Creditor sends a statement of Account to the debtor which states the maturity
date and amount due;
2. If no payment is made, then the creditor sends a collection letter to the debtor;
3. Still no payment is made, then the creditor‘s lawyer will send a formal demand
letter to the debtor;
4. Still failed to pay, then an action is led in court for collection;
5. No payment despite the order of court, then the account will be considered as
bad debt.
1. Not chargeable to capital account — deducted outright,
Ex. Project feasibility study;
2. Chargeable to a capital account — spread out or amortized over a period
of 60 months.
Current Service Cost is the cost of the services rendered from the time the
pension trust is set up until its retirement.Past Service Cost is the cost of the
services relating to those prior to the setting up of the pension trust.
1. Straight line method
𝐴𝑛𝑛𝑢𝑎𝑙 𝐷𝑒𝑝𝑟𝑒𝑐𝑖𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛 = 𝐴𝑐𝑞𝑢𝑖𝑠𝑖𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛 𝐶𝑜𝑠𝑡 − 𝑆𝑎𝑙𝑣𝑎𝑔𝑒 𝑉𝑎𝑙𝑢𝑒 𝑈𝑠𝑒𝑓𝑢𝑙
2. Declining balance method;
3. Sum of the years digit method.
The exhaustion of natural resources like mines and oil and gas as well as
the result of production or severance from such mines or wells. These are non-
replaceable assets. This is applicable to wasting asset entities.
Essential Factors
1. Basis of the property;
2. Estimated total recoverable units; AND
3. Number of units recovered during the taxable year.
a. Ordinary and necessary;
b. Paid or incurred during the taxable year;
c. Paid or incurred in carrying on or which are directly attributable
to the development, management, operation and/or conduct of
the trade, business or exercise of profession;
d. Supported by adequate invoices or receipts;
e. Not contrary to law, public policy or moral;
f. Tax required to be withheld on the expense paid or payable is
shown to have been remitted to the BIR.
a. There must be an indebtedness;
b. Paid or incurred upon such indebtedness;
c. Must be that of the taxpayer;
d. Connected with the trade, business or profession;
e. Paid or incurred during taxable year;
f. Interest must have been stipulated in writing;
g. Legally due;
h. Not between related taxpayers;
i. Not incurred to finance petroleum operations;
j. Not treated as capital expenditure.
a. Paid or incurred during taxable year;
b. In connection with trade, business, profession.
a. Must be incurred in the trade, business, or profession of the taxpayer;
b. Actually sustained and charged o within the taxable year and not mere
anticipated losses;
c. Evidenced by a closed and completed transaction;
d. Not be compensated by insurance or other forms of indemnity;
e. If partly compensated, only the amount not compensated by insurance is
f. In the case of casualty loss, taxpayer must file a sworn declaration of loss
within 45 days after the date of discovery of the casualty or robbery, theft
or embezzlement.
Bad Debt
a. Arise from a valid and subsisting obligation;
b. Ascertained to be worthless;
c. Charged o and uncollectible within the taxable year;
d. Uncollectible in the near future;
e. Arise from trade or business or profession of taxpayer.
Charitable Contributions
a. Contribution or gift must actually be paid;
b. Given to organizations specified in the tax code;
c. Net income of the institution must not inure to the benefit of any private
stockholder or individual;
d. Made within the taxable year;
e. Evidenced by adequate records or receipts;
f. Not exceed 10% in the case of individuals and 5% in the case of a
corporation, of the taxpayer‘s taxable income (except where the
donation is deductible in full) to be determined without the
benefit of the contribution.
a. Employer must have established a pension or retirement plan to
provide for the payments of reasonable pensions to his employees;
b. Pension plan is reasonable and actuarially sound;
c. Contribution must be made by the employer to the pension
d. Funded by the employer;
e. Amount contributed must no longer be subject to the control
and disposition of the employer;
f. Payment has not yet been allowed as deduction;
g. Deduction is apportioned in equal parts over a period of 10
consecutive years beginning with the year in which the transfer
or payment is made.
a. Property must be used in trade, business or profession of the taxpayer;
b. There must be depreciable properties;
c. Allowance for depreciation must be reasonable;
d. Depreciation must be charged o during the taxable year;
e. Statement of the allowance must be attached to the return;
f. Method for computing the allowance for depreciation must be
in accordance with the method prescribed by the SOF upon the
recommendation of the CIR.
a. Depletable asset — natural resources, i.e. mines, gas and oil wells;
b. Charged o within taxable year;
c. Allowance for depletion is computed in accordance with cost
depletion method.
Costs of goods purchased for resale, with proper adjustment for opening and
closing inventories, is deducted from gross sales in computing gross income.
c. Domestic corporation;
d. Resident foreign corporation;
e. Partnership; and
f. Taxable estate and trust.
3. With the election of OSD, there is no more need to substantiate with receipts.
4. Those not allowed to use OSD are
a. those that are exempt, with no other taxable income; or
b. those with income subject to a special or preferential tax rate.
c. those earning purely compensation income.
5. The taxpayer must signify in his return his intention to elect the OSD. Such election
shall be irrevocable for the taxable year for which the return is made.
6. A general professional partnership and the partners comprising such partnership may
avail of the OSD only once, either by the GPP or the partners comprising the partnership
if the same person is a grantor with respect to each trust; or
6) Between a fiduciary of a trust and beneficiary of such trust.
(Sec 36)