Funeral Liturgy All

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(This prayer In addition to any of the Meditations, the Psalms, the EI Moley Rachamim and the
',_ Kaddish may be recited.)
At the rising of the sun and at its going down We remember them.
At the blowing of the wind and the chili of winter We remember them.
At the opening of the buds and in the rebirth of spring We remember them.
At the blueness of the skies and in the warmth of summer We remember them.
At the rustling of the leaves and in the beauty of autumn We remember them.
At the beginning of the year and when it ends We remember them.
As long as we live, they too will live; for they are now a part of us, as we remember them.
When we are weary and in need of strength We remember them.
When we are lost and sick at heart We remember them.
When we have joy we crave to share We remember them.
When we have decisions that are difficult to make We remember them.

When we have achievements that are based on theirs We remember them.
As long as we live, they too will live; for they are now a part of us, as we remember them.
I /
,; .:
Opening Words - Tim Halev
May be used as a Meditation
Amid all the noise in our lives,
we take this moment to sit in silence-
to give thanks for another day;
to give thanks for all those in our lives
who have brought us warmth and love;
to give t h a n ~ s for the gift of life.
We know we are on our pilgrimage here but a brief
moment in time.
let us open ourselves, here, now,
to the process of becoming more whole -
of living more fully;
of giving and forgiving more freely;
of understanding more completely
the meaning of our lives here on this earth.
, - .
- .
, ~ ~ , .
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The journeys of our lives are never fully charted - Margaret Keip Page I of 1
A Prayer for Desert Times
The journeys of our lives are never fully charted. There eome to each of us deserts to cross
- barren stretches -- where the green edge on the horizon may be our destination, or an oasis
on our way, or a mirage that beckons only to leave us lost.
When fear grips the heart, or despair bows the head, may we bend as heart and head lead us
down to touch the ground beneath our feet. May we scoop some sand into our hands and
receive what the sand would teach us:
It holds the warmth of the sun when the sun has left our sight, as it holds the cool of the
night when the stars have faded. Hidden among its grains are tiny seeds, at rest and waiting,
dormant yet undefeated.
Desert flowers. They endure. Moistened by om tears and by the rains which come to end
even the longest drought, they send down TOotsand they bloom.
May we believe in those seeds, and in the seeds within us. May we remember in am dry
seasons that we, too, are desert flowers. Amen.
Source: 1997 UUMA Worship Materials Collection; altered
May you rest in the grace of the world and be free - Martha L. Munson Page 1 of 1
For a time, 1 rest in the grace of the world and amfree. "
-- Wendell Berry (see ~ L I # 4 8 3 )
In this time of meditation, may you rest in the grace of the world and be free.
IIi weakness, may you sense the strength ofthe eternal hills, and rest in the grace of the
In failure, may you be upheld like the buoyancy of water, and rest in the grace of the world.
In limitation, may you remember that the choices may be as great as the expanse of the sky,
and rest in the grace of the world,
In insecurity, may you feel the solid earth beneath your feet, and rest in the grace of the
In despair, may you hear the joy in birds' singing, and rest in the grace of the world.
In fear, may you feel the warmth of the sun, and rest in the grace of the world.
"For a time, I rest in the grace of the world and am free." So be it.
Quotation from Wendell Berry, Openings, Harcourt Brace Jovanovich
'Who can be certain where the self stops? - Todd J. Taylor Page 1 of 1
Who can be certain where the self stops and the universe begins?
When we breathe, it is the air from the passing wind that tills our lungs. To our nostrils
drifts the fragrance of the woodland flower, When we taste, it is of the earth's flavors and its
saltiness. When we eat, it is of the field's com and irs wheat. When we open our eyes they
are filled with sunlight and starlight.
Who can be certain where the self stops and the universe begins?
. . Jesus said, I am the resurrection and I am life.
Those who believe in me, even though they die, yet shall they live,
,\ and whoever lives and believes in me shall never die.
I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end, the first and the last.
I died, and behold I am alive for evermore,
and I hold the keys of hell and death.
Because I live, you shall live also.
r I
Friends, we have gathered here to praise God
and to witness to our faith as we celebrate the life of
We come together in grief, acknowledging our human loss.
May God grant us grace, that in pain we may find comfort,
in sorrow hope, in death resurrection.
Ifthepi/IIWIlS no!placed011thecoffinor11m earlier.tilesentenceusedlliJ,lZ',' 1,))' thatlid
1/11111/Ie lised here instead.
The tdhnl'illg or oilier prayers!lilly Ill! ollered, ill unison ifdcsirc.]. Pciitic: [or Cel'I'S
lIe1p,t1l11nJ.:sgivillg of li)1'tilecommunionof saints, confessiollof Sill, IlndIlSSUnll/(t'
pardollarc 1ll'I'l'iJI'rilltehere.
The Lord be with you.
And also with you.
Let us pray.
a God, who gave us birth,'
you are ever more readyto hear
than we are to pr.ily. ",. .
You know our
and our ignorance in' asking.
Give tc us now your grace,
that as we shrink before. the mystery of death,
we may see the light of eternity.
Speak to us once more ,
your solemn message of life and of. death.
Help us to live as those who are prepared to die.
And when our days here are accomplished, ,
enable us to die as those who go forth to live,
so that living or dying, our life may be in
and that nothing in life or in death will be .able to separate us
from your great love in Christ Jesus our lord.
Eternal God,
we praise you for the great company of all those
who have finished their course in faith
and now rest from their labor.
We praise you for those dear to us
whom we name in our hearts before y ~ . \ ~
Especially we praise you for Name, ~
whom you have graciously received in 0 your presence.
To all of these, grant your peace.
Let perpetual light shine upon them;
and help us so to believe where we have not seen,
that your presence may lead us through our years,
and bring us at last with them
into the joy of your home
not made with hands but eternal in the heavens;
through Jesus Christ our Lord.
The follow!t I( p1'lllJer of cotlfessioltami ililrdolt )lUlll also I'e used:
Holy God, efore you our hearts are open,
and from ou no secrets are hidden.
We bring to u now
our shame a d sorrow for our sins.
We have forgot n
that our life is rom you and unto you.
We have neither s ught nor done your will.
We have not been uthful in our hearts,
in our speech, in r lives.
We have not loved as we ought to love.
Help us and heal us,
raising us from our si s into a better life,
that we may end our d s in peace,
trusting in your kindnes unto the end;
through Jesus Christ our Lo ,
who lives and reigns with ou
in the unity of the Holy Spi it,
one God, now and for ever.
Who is in a position t condemn?
Only Christ, Christ wh died for us, who rose for us,
who reigns at God's ri t hand and prays for us.
Thanks be to God who gi s us the victory
through our Lord Jesus C ist.
Out of the depths I cry unto thee, 0 Lord!
Lord, hear my cry.
Let thine ears be attentive
to the voice of my supplicati
If thou, Lord, should mark . iquities,
Lord, who could stand?
But there is forgiveness ith thee,
that thou may be fred.
I wait for the Lord, y soul waits,
and in his wor do I hope.
My soul waits f r the Lord
more than t ose who watch for the morning.
o Israel, ho e in the Lord!
For with the Lord is great mercy.
With him is plenteous redemption,
and he will redeem Israel from all their sins.
PSALM 23**
The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want.
He maketh me to lie down in green pastures:
he leadeth me beside the still waters.
He restoreth my soul:
he leadeth me in the paths of righteousness
for his name's sake.
Yea, though I walk
through the valley of the shadow of death,
I will fear no evil:
for thou art with me;
thy rod and thy staff they comfort me.
Thou preparest a table before me
in the presence of mine enemies;
thou anointest my head with oil;
my cup runneth over.
Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me
all the days of my life:
and I will dwell in the house of the Lord for ever.
"For other versions, see Nos. 515, 516, and page 848
""For other versions, see Nos. 136-138,and page 754
A ser1l1olllllay bepreached,proclaimil1gthegospelill thefilceofdellth./l1II1/1/lcad illl
or include, tilefollowillgaciof lIamilfgaiu! ((Iif/less,
Thelifeami deathof thedeceasedmay begatheredlip /'1/tliereI/dillSof 1/ mctnorin!(
appropriatestatentcnt, or ill oilter ways, l'y tlu:pastor or olliaC',
Filmily,[ricud,aiu! membersof the cOl/gregatioll mayl';ie/7l/pokc theirII1111lkfllille
10Godfor tlu:gracethcutun:receipedill theIifeof iucdeceasedalid,tuci:eli ristianini
al/d joy. Signs offait/I, lun, and I"pe tua be exciulIlged.
IftlIecrcedhas IlOtbeenprecededby,it lIIayIll.'follo(l'cdI,y,aIH/IIIII or11111 "iml n"JlO1IS
Olleor 11101'('of thefollC'icillg prayers111111/ beoffered,1'1' other"myers IIUltl i-c1I'<'d. /'IIf
nun; take file forll1of n pastoral prayer, a series of shorter "111.'/1'1'0', 1'1' (/ litan:
Iuterccssiou. wllI/llel/dotiol/of life, and tllIlllksgil'illgare apl'J'(ll'rir1/c here,
God of us all, your love never ends
When all else fails, vou still are God .

We pray to you for one another in our need,
and for all, anywhere, who mourn with us this day.
To those who doubt, give light;
to those who /0""'
to all who have 5iRJ;lIlIi, mercy;
to all who sorrow, your peace.
Keep true in us
the love with which we hold one another,
In all our ways we trust you.
And to you,
will, yOU! thUid. eR earth flfld in heaven,
we offer honor and glory, Iltm aMi for 1Wet,
o God, all given us is yours,
As first you gave N c to us,
50 now we give Ni!inr back to l'OIi .
Here tlu: paslor, willi others, slmufill;'; 11mI' tlu: co/fill or lIrII, lI1aylnylIal1ds 01/
COI1/ inuino:
,\ }4f
Receive Name into the arms of your mercy.
Raise i.JiMe up with all your people.
Receive us also, and raise us into a new life.
Help us so to love and serve you in this world
that we may enter into your joy in the world to come.
Into your hands, a merciful Savior,
we commend your servant AAmfi. lo
Acknowledge, we humbly beseech you,
a sheep of your own fold,
a lamb of your own flock,
a sinner 2fyour own redeeming.
Receive NJflleinto the arms of your mercy,
into the blessed rest of everlasting peace,
and into the glorious company of the saints of light.
, l/I' f 'I f ~ JII'I" n11III acflu in I:;it-r I l,1{,1! (-{ -nnIl u If ion it I fill J1ft ' ~ t ' II t iTlJ (I i{,/'; h to ':;/Wfl' If t lilt' l. 1I'd
' Ii; hie, Ii' WI;/\ So-"ICC pi\V"Iii <IIId T<I b!e III (/1<1",1' J.1J, Otll" rt t' i,l', I/Il"" r;'i"" 'nl ill U<', ,i
God of love, we thank you
for all with which you have blessed us
even to this day:
for the gift of joy in days of health and strength,
and for the gifts of your abiding presence and promise
in days of pain and grief.
We praise you for home and friends,
and for our baptism and place in your church
with all who have faithfully lived and died,
Above all else we thank you for Jesus,
who knew our griefs,
who died our death and rose for our sake,
and who lives and prays for us.
And as he taught us, so now we pray.
THE LORD'S PRAYER (Nos. 894-896)
PRfJ>Alll' nv
AND 1'H.
Commended bythe 205th Generil Al<sembly(l99
of the PresbYlerillnOlurcb (U.S.A.)and the 163rd
Genetal A!lscmllly(1993)of the Curnberlrnd
Pn:.l>ytcrim Church for use iii wo...hip.
Pv8l.lSllED BY
When death occurs, the pastor and other officers of the congregation should
be informed as soon as possible, in order that they might provide appropriate
consolation and support to the family and friends, and assist them in making
arrangements for the funeral.
Except for compelling reasons, the service for a believing Christian is normally
held in the church, at a rime when the congregation can be present. When the
deceased was not known to be a believer or had no connection with a church.
then it is appropriate to hold the service elsewhere and to omit or adapt por
tions of it as seems fitting. The ceremonies and rites of fraternal, civic, or mili
tary organizations, if any, should occur at some other time and place.
Family members, friends, or members of the congregation may be invited by
the minister to share in the service.
This order is intended for use with the body Or ashes of the deceased present,
but it may be adapted for use as a memorial service. The committal may fol
low or precede this service, as preferred.
When the body is present, the coffin should be closed before the service be
gins. It may be covered with a white funeral pall.
:\ p:lll may he placed over the coffin at the rime the hody is received
at the entrance to the church, OT, if there is to he :1 procession, im
mediately hcforc the procession,
_'\5the pall is phH.:edover the coffin by the pallbearers. the minister
~ a p ; one uf the follnwlng:
fuNERAL I 911
1 Gill.J:27 3
For as many of you as were baptized into Christ
have clothed yourselves with Christ.
In his/her baptism N. was clothed with Christ;
in the day of Christ's coming,
he/sheshall be clothed with glory.
2 limn.
When we were baptized in Christ Jesus,
we were baptized into his death.
We were buried therefore with him by baptism into death,
so that, as Christwas raisedfrom the dead by the glory of the Father,
we too might live a new life.
For if we have been united with Christ in a death like his,
we will certainly be united with him in a resurrection likehis. music nl;ly be offered JS the people gather.
:\H st:HHI :1Srho minisrcrts) and other worship leaders enter.
If there Is ;1 procession inro the pbct: of worship, the minister leads it asthe
sing:s <1psalm or a hymn. Or: the minister may say or sing one
or more of the sentences of scripture below. while leading the procession.
If the. coffin or urn of -cshes h:1S ';ltre\.dy been. brought in, the minister be
gins the service with nne or more of the following, or similar sentences.
Our help is in the name of the Lord,
who made heaven and earth.
When we were baptized in Christ Jesus,
we were baptized into his deatho
We were buried therefore with him by baptism into death,
so that, as Christ was raised from the dead by the glory of the Father,
we too might live a new life.
For if we have been united with Christ in a death likehis,
we will certainly be united with him in a resurrection like his.
J John 11:2)-26
I am the resurrection and the life, says the Lord.
~ Those who believe in me, even though they die,
will live,
and everyone who lives and believes in me will never die.
4 Rev. 21:6; 22:13; 1:17-18;JoIm 14:19
I am the Alpha and the Omega,
the beginning and the end,
the first and the last.
I was dead and behold I am alive forever and ever;
and I have the keys of Death and Hades.
Because I live, you also will live.
5 MI1tt.11:28
Come to me, all you that are weary
and are carrying heavy burdens,
and I will give you rest.
6 1 Peter 1:3-4
Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ,
whose great mercy gave us new birth into a living hope
by the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead!
The inheritance to which we are born
isone that nothing can destroy or spoil or wither.
God is our refuge and strength,
avery present help in trouble.
Therefore we will not fear.
Jolm 14:27
Peace I leave with you;
mypeace I give to you.
I do not give to you as the world gives.
Donot let your hearts be troubled,
anddo not let them be afraid,
9 Ps. 103:13; Isa. 66:13
Asa father has compassion for his children,
so the Lord has compassion for those who fear God.
Asa mother comforts her child,
SOI will comfort you, says the Lord.
The eternal God is yOUTdwelling place,
and underneath are the everlasting arms.
I am convinced that neither death, nor life,
nor angels, nor rulers,
nor things present, nor things to come,
nor powers, nor height, nor depth,
nor anything else in all creation,
will be able to separate us from the love of God
in Christ Jesus OUTLord.
Do not be afraid,
I am the first and the last,
and the living one;
I was dead, and behold, I am alive forever and ever.
Do not fear, for I am with you,
do not be afraid, for I am your God;
I will strengthen you, I will help you,
I will uphold you with my victorious right hand.
Blessed are those who mourn,
for they will be comforted.
Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ,
the Father of mercies and God of all comfort,
who comforts us in all OUTsorrows,
so that we can comfort others in their sorrow,
with the consolation we have received from God.
We believe that Jesus died and rose again;
and so it will be for those who have died in Christ.
God will raise them to be with the Lord for ever.
Comfort one another with these words.
If we live, we live to the Lord;
andif we die, we die to the Lord;
50 then, whether we live or whether we die,
weare the Lord's.
Blessedare the dead who die in the Lord, says the Spirit.
Thevwill rest from their labors,
Rev. 14:13
andrlJeirdeeds follow them.
/9 Jolm 10:14;Isa.40:11
I amthe good shepherd.
I knowmy own and my own know me,
He will feed his flocklike a shepherd;
hewillgather the lambs in his arms,
andcarry them in his bosom.
The congrcga-icn m;)f sing a psalm, hymn of praise, or spiritual.
. The Lord be with you.
Andalso with you.
Letus pray.
Htcr;l hrit.fsilence. nile of the following,or a similar prdYcr. is said.
makerof heaven and earth:
Yonformed us from the dust of the earth,
andbyyour breath you gave us life.
Weglorify you.
theresurrection and the life:
Youtasted death for all humanity,
andbyrising from the grave
youopened the way to eternal life.
Wepraise you.
Holy Spirit,
author and giver of life: Et,
You are the comforter of all who sorrow, we
our sure confidence
and everlasting hope.
\-Veworship you.
To you, 0 blessed Trinity,
be glory and honor, forever and ever. jlil1Hj
o God, who gave us birth,
you are ever more ready to hear than we are to pray.
You know our needs before we ask, an,
and our ignorance in asking. t h ~
Show us now your grace, Tu
that as we face the mystery of death
we may see the light of eternity, for
Speak to us once more your solemn message of life and of death.
Help us to live as those who are prepared to die.
And when our days here are ended,
enable us to die as those who go forth to live,
so that living or dying,
our life may be in Jesus Christ our risen Lord. ["09j
Eternal God, we bless you for the great company
of all those who have kept the faith,
finished their race,
and who now rest from their labor.
We praise you for those dear to us
whom we name in our hearts before you..
Especially we thank you for N.,
whom you have now received into your presence.
Help us to believe where we have not seen,
trusting you to lead us through our years.
Bring us at last with all your saints
into the joy of your home,
through Jesus Christ our Lord. [8101
Eternal God,
we acknowledge the uncertainty of our lifeon earth.
We are givena mere handful of days,
and our span of life seems nothing in your sight.
All flesh is as grass;
and all its beauty is like the flower of the field.
The grasswithers, the flower fades;
but your word will stand forever.
In this is our hope,
for you are our GOO.
Evenin the valley of the shadow of death,
you are with us.
a Lord, let lIS know our end
and the number of our days,
that we maylearnhow fleeting lifeis.
Tum your ear to our cry, and hear our prayer.
Do not be silent at our tears,
for we live as strangers before you,
wandering pilgrims as all our ancestors were.
But you are the same
and your years shan have no end. ISIII
A p"'yer of confession may also be said.
The minister says:
Let lIS now ask God to cleanse our hearts,
to redeem our memories,
and to renew our confidence in the goodness of GOO.
All confess their sin, using the following prayer.
Holy God, you see us as we are,
and know our inmost thoughts.
We confess that we are unworthy of your gracious care.
We forget that all life comes from you
and that to you all life returns.
We have not always sought or done your will.
We have not: lived as your grateful children,
nor loved as Christ: loved us.
Apart from you, we are nothing.
Only your grace can sustain us.
Lord, in your mercy, forgive us,
heal us and make us whole.
Set: us free from our sin,
and restore to us the joy of your SlI1vation
now and forever. [SI2!
Silent prayer may follow.
'The minister declares the assurance of God's forgiving grace:
Hear the good news!
Who is in a position to condemn?
Only Christ,
and Christ: died fur us,
Christ rose for us,
Christ reigns in power fur us,
Christ prays fur us.
Anyone who is in Christ
is a new creation.
The old lifehas gone;
a new life has begun.
Know that you are forgiven
and be at peace.
The mercy of the Lord
is from everlasting to everlasting.
I declare to yon, in the name of'jesus Christ,
yon are forgiven.
May the God of mercy,
who forgives you all your sins.
strengthen you in all goodness,
and by the power of the Holy Spirit
keep yon in etemal life.
Before the readings, the people mar sing a thankful response to the
mercy of God.
The people may be seated.
Before the readings, one of the f{)Hmvillg,or another pr:.lyer for illununa
tion (pp. 60, 90-91), may be said by the reader:
Sourceof all true wisdom,
calmthe troubled waters of our hearts,
and still all other voices but your own,
thatwe may hear and obey
whatyou tell us in your Word,
through the power of your Spirit. isU J
Yourlove for us is everlasting;
youalone can turn the shadow of death
intothe brightness of the morning light.
Helpus to turn to you with believing hearts.
Inthe stillness of this hour,
speak to ns of eternal things,
sothat,hearing the promises in scripture,
wemay have hope and be lifted above our distress
intothe peace of your presence;
through]esusChrist our Lord. ISHI
One or more selections from scripture are read.
It is appropriate that there be readings from both the Old and New Testa
uients (pp, 947-963) and that they include a reading from the Gospels. A
psalm (pp. 94A, 954-95A, 611-783) or a canticle (Pl" 573-591) may be
sung or read between the readings.
After the scriptures are read, their message may be proclaimed in a brief
sermon. Expressions of gratitude to God for the life of the deceased m.y
and I
The congregation may stand and say or sing the Apoot!es' Creed (which
follows). Or the congregation may sing "We Praise You, 0 God" (p. .'i77;
I'll 4iiO; PS 170, 171) instead of or following the creed. Or another affir
1113ttOnof faith (number 2 on page 96, or number 5 on page 98) may be
Let US confess the faith of our baptism, as we say:
I believe in God, the Father almighty,
creator of heaven and earth.
I believe inJesus Christ, God's only Son, our Lord,
who was conceived by the Holy Spirit,
bom of the Vttgin Mary,
suffered under Pontius Pilate,
was crucified, died, and was buried;
he descended to the dead.
On the third day he rose again;
he ascended into heaven, fo
he is seated at the right band of the Father, fo
and he will come again to judge the living and the dead. til
I believe in the Holy Spirit,
the holy catholic church.
the communion of saints,
the furgiveness of sins,
the resurrection of the body,
and the fife everlasting, Amen.
A hymn of confident f.lith may be sung by the congregation,
One of the following, or a aimilcr pnyer, is offered, Additional prayers
maybe foundon pages 907-908.
oGod of grace,
you have given us new and living hope in jesus Christ.
We thank:you that by dying
Christ destroyed the power of death,
andby rising from the grave
openedthe wayto eternal life.
Help us to knowthat becausehe lives,
weshill live also;
andthat neither death nor life,
nor thingspresent uor things to come
shill be able to separateus fromyour love
in Christ]esus our Lord. [SISj
o God,
beforewhom generations rise and pass away,
wepraise you for ill your servants
who, havinglived thislife in faith,
nowlive eternallywith you.
Especiallywe thank:you for your servant N.,
whosebaptismisnow complete in death.
We praise you for the gift of hislber life,
forall in bimlberthat was good and kind and faithful,
forthe grace you gavehimIber,
thatkindledin himlber thelove of your dear name,
andenabled bimlber to serveyou faithfully.
Here mention may be made of the person's characteristics or service.
We thank: you that for bimlber death is past and painended,

andthat be/she hasnow entered the joy you have prepared;
throughjesus Christ our Lord. [816j
FuNERAL / 921
Almighty God,
in jesus Christ you promised many rooms within your house.
Give us faith to see, beyond touch and sight,
some sure sign of your kingdom,
and, where vision fails,
to trust your love which never fails.
Lift heavy sorrow
and give us good hope in jesus,
so we may bravely walk our earthly way,
and look forward to glad reunion in the life to come,
throughJesus Christ our Lord. ,8!7]
For our brother/sisterN.,
let us pray to our Lord Jesus Christ
who said, "I am the resurrection and the life.
Lord, you consoled Martha and Maryin their distress;
draw near to us who mourn for N.,
and dry the tears of those who weep.
Hear us, Lord.
You wept at the grave of Lazarus, your friend;
comfort us in our sorrow.
Hear us, Lord.
Yon raised the dead to life;
give to our brother/sisteretemallife.
Hear us, Lord.
You promised paradise to the repentant thief;
bring N. to the joys of heaven.
Hear us, Lord.
Our brother/sisterwas washed in baptism
and anointed with the Holy Spirit;
give bim/ber fellowship with all your saints.
Hearus, Lord.
He/shewas nourished at your table on earth;
welcome him/her at your table in the heavenly kingdom.
Hear us, Lord.
Comfortus in our sorrows at the death of N.;
and eternal life our hope. [R181
At the death of a child:
Loving God,
you are nearest to us when we need you most.
In thishour of sorrow we turn to you,
trusting in yourloving mercy.
We bless you for the gift of this child
for bis/ber' baptism into your church,
for the joy be/shegave allwho knew bimlher
for the precious memories that will abide with us,
and for the assurance that be/sbelives forever
in the joy and peace of your presence. [8191
At the death of a child:
o God,
your love cares for us in life
andwatches over us in death.
We bless you for our Savior's joy in little children
and for the assurance that of such is the kingdomof heaven.
In our sorrow,
make us strong to commit ourselves, and those we love,
to your unfailing care.
In our perplexity,
helpus to trust where we cannot understand.
In our loneliness,
may we remember N. in love,
trusting berlbm. to your keeping
until the eternal morning breaks;
through jesus Christ our Lord. [8201
God of compassion,
comfort us with the great power of your love
as we mourn the sudden death ofN.
In our grief and confusion,
help us find peace
in the knowledge of your loving mercy to all your children,
and give us light to guide us
inro the assurance of your love;
through jesus Christ our Lord.
And now, with the confidence of the children of God,
let US pray:
Our Father in heaven,
hallowed be your name,
your kingdom come,
your will be done,
on earth as in heaven.
Give us today our daily bread.
Forgive us our sins
as we forgive those who sin against us.
Save us from the time of trial
and deliver us from evil.
For the kingdom, the power,
and the glory are yours
now and forever, Amen.
924 FUNERi\L
Our Father, who art in heav.
hallowed be thy name,
thy kingdom come,
thy will be done,
on earth as it is in heaven.
Give us this day our dailyb
and forgive us our debts,
as we forgive our debtors;
and lead us not into temp
but deliver us from evil
For thine is the kingdom,
and the power, and the glory
forever. Amen.
111epeople may sing a hymn, or me following may be sung:
Yon only are immortal, the creator and maker of all.
We are mortal, formed of the earth,
and to earth shall we return.
This yon ordained when yon created us, saying,
"Yon are dust,
andto dust yon shall return."
All of TIS go down to the dust;
yet even at the grave we make our song;
Alleluia, alleluia, alleluia.
Give rest, 0 Christ, to your servant with allyour saints,
where there is neither pain nor sorrow nor sighing,
but life everlasting.
The people may stand.
The minister, facing the body, says one of the following:
Into your hands,0 merciful Savior,
we commend your servant N.
Acknowledge, we humbly pray,
a sheep of your own fold,
a lamb of your own flock,
a sinner of your own redeeming.
Receivehim/her into the arms of your mercy,
into the blessed rest of everlasting peace,
and into the glorious company of the saints in light. ["221
Holy God,
byyour creative power you gave TIS life,
andin your redeeming love you have given TIS new life in Christ,
We commend N. to your merciful care
in the faith of Christ our Lord
who died and rose again to save us,
andwho now lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit,
one God, now and forever, rS23!
The minister may then pronounce God's blessing on the people, using one
of the following:
The COO01: peace,
who brought back from the dead our Lord Jesus,
make you complete in everything good
so thatyou may do God's will,
working among us that which is pleasing in GOO'ssight,
tbroughJesus Quist,
to whom be the gloryforever and ever!
The peace of GOO,
which passesall understanding,
keep your hearts and minds
in the knowledge and love of God,
and of God's Son, Jesus Quist our Lord;
and the blessing of God almighty,
the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit,
remain with you always.
May GOOin endless mercy
bring the whole church,
the living and departed,
to a joyful resurrection
in the fulfillment of the eternal kingdom.
The procession forms and leaves the church, the minister preceding the
coffin. As the procession leaves the church, a psalm, a hymn, or this canti
cle nu,y be suug or s.. id. The pall may he removed before the coffin leans
the church and is taken tD the place of interment.
926 / FuNERAL
Luke 2:29-32
PH 603-605; PS 164-166
Now, Lord, you let your servant go in peace
your word has been fulfiJIed.
My own eyes have seen the salvation
whichyou have prepared in the sight of every people:
a light to reveal you to the nations
andthe glory of your people Israel
Glory to the Father, and to the Son,
andto the Holy Spirit,
as it was in the beginning,
is now, andwill be forever, Amen.
. ,
, 2:29-12
: :'t
Scriptw'e Senlences
Lord's Prayer
If preferred.the COl1u"itlalservice l11i1y t:lk.c hc(ut'l:Lb.c
t vice. 111either cnSC lh<.' minister the body (or ashes) to the lip
pointed place. !liiyjng One Or 1\10n: of .he rl)lIowing
I know thacttly Redeemer lives,
and thaI alme lasthe wiU!\tOndupon the earth,
Lam the re'l1Trectianand the Iife,.. yothe Lord.
Thnse who believein me, eventhntlgh theydie,
and everyonewhl>live. and believe.inme willnevesdie.
We know that if the earthly rent welive in is destroyed.
we have a building from God,
, housenot madewithhands,
eternal in the heavens,
Do not be afraid.
I am the Jim and the 1... ,
and the livingone.
I '""s dead,and behold,
I amalivefor Corever ondever.
BecauseI live,youalsowilllive.
Job 19:25
2 Cor. 5:1
If -live, live 1'0 theLord.
and we C(>t1)J
... d jf wedie. we die tu theLord;
so theil, whether we liveor wIledltr we die.
lllessed t
"'" .,.., the Lord's.
rest ire
6 and tlteirWI)
h 16:11
Youshowme!:hepathof life;
In y<>\1fprc<5enc:e
there is fullnessof joy;
inyour right haudoreI'loasutesforevermore.
1 J"6:6$
Lord, to whmnshall we got
Insure andc
Youhavethe word. of etcmallill:.
we commend
and we eumn
cJtriSt;' risen from the dead,
ashesto adJe,
lnlnl'ling downdeath by death,
end giving life ... these iu the tomb,
Blessedare tI
\VhCflebeee(ll t}( othtrr titan tl,;,;COOtmi,mJservice. :::ipr.tycr (stld, w
ney rest fro
those t_npp.915-tJt 7t 92J-924) maybeS:bt." (ltttr the peopl-ehave
andtheir war
Tbe cornn j" Il)WCTl::ti into tilt! ur in its f'C.ljtingplace. \\'bill!:
Insare lindc<
1::" is (;I\'i't The<,::nffin, .11"t:" lhe t"ini,nl.!r
throughOut 1
In SI1tC andcertain hope of the ro emmallifc,
WI: commend
QIIt Lord JesmChrist, andweCl'lmm
we.",mmendto almightyGod ourbmh,.,./Si1tt1' K,
and we commitlJis/btrbodyto tileground,
BI....,d nre th
earthto earth, ashcsto ashe'S, dust te>dust.
R"". 14:]3 md their worl
BIes...I are the dead who die in the Lord, ""y" the Spirit.
They rest frwn their
and their worksfollowthem.
.In ""l'C andcortolnhQpeof the resurrectionttl etemallil'e, And IIOW,with
through our Lord Jesus Christ,
I"""Y'" ("",It ..,
:'I:*"c fPlt.hcrcd.
j IlI00CC. While
we COlI'IlUend b) almightyGodour """t1m'lsintr N.,
andwecommit birlhtrbodyto tlw deep.
Blesseda,.., the dea!,!whodiein the Lord,"Y$ the Spirit.
Tlll:yresrfrom!hei. labots.
lltId theirWOl'ks fullowthem.
At tll:I11'IUtitmUFVice
In """" and bopeof the l'eSUlTeeOOll to eternal life.
thtOllghOUrLord JUllSOlrlst,
_COI:II.mendto oIml.@htyGcdou,
3.Qdweeommit bi>lbftrbodyro beretul'lledto it'llclOllleDrs,
asWrs to ashes,dust'" dust.
llle$sedart tile deodwho die in the Lord,>aysthe Spiri,.
They nm fr(lJl1 their labors.
and their workslou"", theln.

InlIU; andoert:Unhopeof thereStln'eaion to eternalliCe,
tbrooghoor LordJe..'US Christ,
'IO'eCOII:Jmend to .ImightyGodour N..
andwe commi, te th",r nnaJ resting place.
Blessed... the deadwho the in the Lord,saysthe Spirit.
'nu,y rest fromtheir Iabcrs,
and their'l\'<>Tlr.s them. foUow
The wntt,:Pra!lCJ' rnayhe"':lid,
TIll' minister saY'!':
Andnow.with dI. conlidcnceof the children.of God.
I..... ""')"
Co.\wrlTAL I 941
in t
ite !!lory,
_.... ... -._-.. -.--=----:-= _._----::---._-"':.
in all tim"" ano in places.
"'" maywithout rear
entrWltth""" "'ho Are to u,
to VOUf J1(."Ver-fullillg Jove)
in thislife aoo in the lifeto COOle;
thr.Jesu, Christour Lord. :'''1
God of.ll mercies
and giverof all comfwt'
Look l!"'ci"",Iy, wepmy.on those who mnllfll,
that, ca'ting their care Oil
Uk")' may know the cons-oJatiOIl uf )'OW' love;
throllghJ_. Chr;'t "lOrLord. !'!?)
Almigllty God,
Father of the wJwlefamilyin he.ven .nd on CIlrtI"
Sta.uubv Ill_ who sorrow,
that, as they leanon you,- strength,
th"")' mol'beupheld,
"",I believethe good ne- of life beyond lire,
thmu((hJesu, (''hri.t OurLord. 1:11.:
Cod nfbo1:mdle:c. C'Omf''''''';Oll,
OOronlysrc .oolfi:"" in distress,
Looktenderly upon YO'"child_
lWo:rwhelmcQby ,_ and sorro w,
Ughten our uarl,n"""with your
and lIS>lIre ... of YOUr J"",.
Enable\l$ to see'heyonclthis placeand time
1.0Yfmr clt'Mllll kioguOlll,
promisct.lto all who loveyou in ChrislWeLord, ,.z.)
CONlMrnA\.. I '.143
Merdful God,
yon heal the broken ill beal1:
und bind up th!:wotmd.. of the .flli.'ted.
Srrcllgtbcn us in our
cahn our trnllbled "J'irils
nd dispelour doubtl and (""""
III Zl'(J)1f me dt.'1ld
you conqu=d death ll1ldojlCDedthe !l"ll:$to "".rlasting life.
RenewOUl' tI"ll$'t in yem
thor by cI,epower "I' )lOurlow
weslul1lone <htybe brought mgethet aguin
with cnr brorherlristl!r.
Grant ih is, we rmlY,thr'I)l.f14'h ".D: our l.on1.
God of.lI C<ml;<'>lllbon,
(;;UrreruJtCand strcn!!rnin aorrnw,
bydyiul!.(tw' ,LurdJ"""Club, cunqucce<ldeath;
byrl ..... g lromthe grav. he restored us to life.
II>to 1!OtOrw.,d;" litithto mcer him.
d11T, whenou"rfifeon is ended,
be> unit,edwith 011wh()lovehim
thrnngh J..... Christ OW' Liii'
., "
your merciesar" beyondnllmbcr.
LC'.dus, by your Spiri"
in ht)lir,lO>S:!:nd
in confidence M. livillg faith,
and in the of:.tsure hope,
tluu we mayJ1y(.In laver with you,
and in perfect If",ewith >Ill;
rhrough }""S Cbri,t ()uc Lord, I"",
"nd tl:
Lead i
to live

in bit:
yo"r b
and br;
A:t the
thar vo
end wJl
unril, h
we arc '
' ....d. wi"",,, Jay. ore witbotlccnd:
Help us 21w"Yl' tn !"<'memh<.r how hl'icflifc is,
mKIrl"" tltc hour .;f Ourdeath i, knl""II 10 ,,'n.
Lead us, by y<>ur IIoly Spirit,
to live in hoiin""" and ",me. nilour days,
Then sCT'\IingfUUin me of your l.itl}fCh!
il) falth, hope.:mdI"".:,
!lillyWe enter with inyinto the fullnc"",of yo"r kingdom.
, d'n)'tlg-h Chri"coul" Lord.
Rest etcrll"] /lTDnt bimlbtr, (J .Lotd;
"',,, let lij(bt 1""l"'mol shine \IIM).ll him/b.,.
lit the W1?b1YthN. 11.hiM
Luvinl' God,
'YOUI' beloved 5(m took cl,Hdr'CIl int<;his ;lrW rhcr.
that we .:nil}' entrusrN. eoyour l1evcrf.>ilinll CIlre lindlove,
,,,<1 your h""\reilly kinl{(l"'n; b.rillgus all to
lhmul:!>1,__ Chrisr our Lord. i""!
,1t!be <WJ1'Iuitll,l of 11dtild
give115him to befieve,
th(lU!lhtI,i, duJdII",>
that ;'0<1 !Ji1ll/hI". welcol11e
and will care for hitJ'IIm-.
until, l>yyour mt:rcj'.
we.r" '''ll''d,et in thejoy of Jl"U<pCOllli.lldki!lf;Jum;
Ihnl\lgbJ .. us r.hri,t 1m, Loed. IS.'.;'

1. Thisritemaybeusedasa memorialservicebyomittingthoseportionsindiauedbythered
2 Theceremonies ortributesofsocialorfralemalsocietieshavenoplaceMthintheserviceof
the Church.
At the Entranceto the Church C' '" ,'. "
.."\.(L -<d(Y ::>"'-' U ..;:". ...1.L -.:pn.....
. 'I 3. TI,eministersmeet the coffin,thepallbearers, and the bereavedaI the entranceto the
, burch: .
II'JBlessedbe the God andFather of our Lord Jesus Christ,the sourceof all mercy
and the God of all consolation.He comfortsus in all our sorrowsso that we can
comfort others io their sorrowswith the consolationwe ourselveshave receivedfrom
't God
Ii Thanksbeto God.
4. Apall maybeplaceduponthe COffitlbythepallbearers or otherassistingministers' andthe,
followingmaybe said: ' " ,.,,,.
II'JWhen we were baptizedin Christ Jesus, we were baptized ioto his death. wewere
buried thereforewith himby Baptisminto death, so that as Christ was raised from .
the dead by the gloryof the Father, we too might live a newlife. For if we have'
been united with himin a death like his, we shall certainlybe united with himio a
i. resurrectionlike his.
I Procession
5. pGJd.. fhurch, theministersprecedingthecoffin
, 1!Ymn, besungastheprOCtfSsion goestothefron;'!fthe
- ,.'"" '
r ,-'
, The Liturgy of the Word
l!'IThe Lord bewithyou.
,- -, . ',"- " ,-., (,'" "",' .-.9, ,t;t,;- ,' ..
AlmightyGod,sourceof all mercyand giverof we
y, with thosewho mourn, that, castingall theirsorrowon you. theymayknow
consolationof your love;,lhroug1;t (lIlJ) your Son;JesusChrist",u(Lord,
'i;', . :. , .' ,
,J;t: :l .,:;. ';',;1:' :;,;. -';;-?;;hi,;-t,/.v':
-x "
", T' .-. <,<, \ '", -";-,
AlmightyGod, thosewho diein the Lordstill livewith'youin'joyand blessed
, Wegiveyouheartfeltthanks for the graceyouhave'bestovreduponyour ser
. 'who have finishedtheir coursein faith and nowrest'from'!heirlabors, May
',with all who have died in the true faith,haveperfectIulfillineni 'andjoy in
"eternal and everlastingglory;througbyourSon, J<;Sm'.Qlrist'our Lord. (""
'; - ',\1.,' 1"''''" fZr:
.;",- . ..'
I)') 0 God, your days are without end and your merciescannot be counted, Make
us awareof the shortnessand uncertaintyof human ll(e. andlet your Holy Spirit
lead us in holinessand righteousnessall the daytof oUt life"so that, when we
shall haveservedyou in our generation,we may be gathered to our ancestors,hav
ingthe testimonyof a good conscience,in the communionof your Church. in the
confidenceof a certain faith, in the comfort of a holyhope, in favor with you,our
God, andin peacewith all humanity; throughJesus Christ our Lord """
l! Amen
" I)') 0 Godour Father. your belovedSon took cbildren into his arms and blessed
: them. Give us grace,we pray. that we may entrust .... , to your '
never-failingcare andlove.and bringus all to your heavenlykingdom; through
your Son, Jesus Christ our Lord (.IlIl)
lli Amen
Ii Oneortwol,ESSONS are read.Apsalm,hymn, oranthemmt!Ybesungbetween/hefirst
andsecondreaJmgs.- ,
9. The appropriateVE'RSEmt!Ybesung:

l! Alleluia. Je!lUlCbrist Is the llrsthomof the dead; to him be glory and ,i
forever and ev.... Amen. Alleluia. , i' .' " L" ""
l! If \'ill have diedwith Cbrisl, we sball also live with him; if we are failbfulto the
end, we shall reignwith him
fa The GOSPEL is read:
, Ll. The SERMONfollows the readingof the Gospel:
Stand - .,/
.11. A HYMN,s sung.
, ,
He descEndedinto belL*'
He IlSI:mdedinlo heaven,
,He ,.;J! ..,.
,I believein tbe Holy Splrit.
tbe holy catholicOtwcb,
tbe OOIllIIIUIlion
tbe fOrgi_
'may pass
4!: ..';" .",'

',' r, ,"
i..:,Ji' Hearus,
.,- ,
, ,
g,lll H..... Lord.,

,H-, .
13. The CREED ""!y be said
IE God hasmade US his people throughour Baptisminto Christ Livingtogetherin
trust and hope, we confessour faith ,,.; '<"
I'! I believein God,tbe Father almighty,
aeator of heaVeIland earth ' ,, ;, "
I believein Jesus Cbri'Ot, his oo1ySon,our Lord.
He wasconceivedby lhe powerof the Holy Splrit '; ""! .',.
and homof lhe virginMuy. ";,,,' ,
underPontius Pilate, " ,
WIIS aucilled, died, and wa. burled.
, ,
On tbe third day be roseagain.

,,;1\ ',.> ,jy.
and is seated at lhe righl hand of tbe Father. ',','
tbe HYing dead,
; : (;;
' , ," L "" '0.
: ttl ,tnt
i- " - "C'
of saints,
of sins,
tbe resurrection of tbe body,
andtbe Hreeverlasting.Amen
, ".
", If -.Ii;
14. The PRAYERS are said,{?lherappropriale pr(l)"'1! b,used
;W1:', ' ,j'. '" ,
,AlmightyGod, you have knit your chosenpeople COiln rieD, in 1lte
Eliyour,Son,,JesusChrist our Lord.Give.!!! in
"'leavenandon earth your,!igh!,"'ld, ' Y!lurpeaoo."",,,J,'1!l' ",,"' '>'>idw,'
"-:l .. : ; L t ,:hb;i, i

I that all who have beenbaptizedinto Christ's death and resurrectionmay die
sin and rise to newnessof life and that throughthe graveand gate.of death we
with him to ourjOiful resurrection. .' , 'i' ;;'-:--:'
'"'" ", ')>i -, 1';' :;:"l" .
Grant to us who are still in our'pilgrimage, andwho:waJk'aSyerbtfi;Uth,thai
yourHolySpirit maylead us in holinessand righteousnessall'ouidays(!' ", .
:'}": (-(t.,,r, ".ih,,, ch-r
lj[lj \\"':.;It";rV,
rant to your faithful people pardonand peace, that wemaybe cleansedfrom all
,our sinsand serveyou with a quiet mind '- ,....
I!\IGrant 10 all who mourn a sure confidencein your lovingcare, that, casting all their

sorrowon you, they may knowthe consolationof yourlove.

GIHear us, Lord.
I!\IGive courageandfaith to those who are bereaved, that theymay have strengthto
meet the daysaheadin the comfortof a holyand certainhope, and in the joyful ex ,
pectation of eternal life with those they love. i
I!\IHelp us, we pray, in the midst of thingswe cannot understand, to believe and trust
in the communionof saints, the forgivenessof sins, and the resurrection to life ever-
lasting. ,
,iG1Hear us, Lord.
Grant us grace to entrust - to your never-failinglove which
sustained him/her in this life. Receive him/her into thearms of your mercy, and re

member him/her accordingto the favor you bear for your people. '
Ji Hear us, LonI.
The ministerconcludesthe intercessionswithoneoj thefollowingprayers.
, iliad of all grace, you sent your Son, our Savior Jesus Christ, to bringlife and
, immortalityto light. We giveyou thanks because by his death Jesus destroyedthe,
power of death and by his resurrection hasopened thekingdomof heaven to all' ,
believers, Make lIS certain that because he lives we shall liveaIJlO, andthat neither '
death nor life, nor thingspresent nor thingsto rome shall be able to separate lIS "
from your love which is in Christ Jesus our Lord, who lives andreigns with you'
and the Holy Spirit, one God,now and forever, (281) e
, '---.'
G1Amen -/
. ,;.,
I!\I God, thegenerationsrise and passaway before you.Youare the nf 'i ',"
those who labor; you are the rest of the blessed dead We rejoicein the company,n 'i
of your saints.weremember all who have lived in faith, all who have peacefully'
died, and especiallythose most dear to us "no rest in you. .' i:. Give us in time our.
portion with those who have trusted in you and have striven to do your holy,wilL 's':"
To your name, with the Church on earth andthe Church in heaven, we ascribeall
honor and glory,nowand forever. (2!iI) ",,' ; r:
16. WhenHoly Communionis celebrated,theserviceconunueswiththe Peace.The Com, "
mendaiionthenJollowsthepost-communioncomicle(<<Imd,nowyou leiyour servcmi::. '.1,
and prayer. " ,,'
17. Whenthereis no Communion,the servicecontinueswiththeLord's Prayer.
III Our Fatber in heaven,
hallowedbe your oame,
your kingdomC<ltOO,
your MIl be done,
on earth as io heaven.
,Give us today our daily
Forgiveus, our sins
as we forgivethose
who sin againstus.
Save lIS from the time of lriaI '
, and deliverusfrom evil.
For the kingdom,the power,
and the glory are yours ,
nowand forever.Amen
III let us wi forth io peace.
III In the name of 01rist. Amen
- 1 '.,.' " .
. . " j /:k . .l
f;J9 }ne "'" aM; 1"'f'l'!:S:!he the cojfrL
;10. 'As theprocession1_ thechurch,apsalm,'hymn; orantheyti maybe SWIg. Thecamicle,
:i"Lcrd, nowyou Ie/yourservant. , ." tI1t!Ybe flUngijit/Jos",!,tj!J!er:.sung in the Holy
;Communion(39). .' "; .."" _ '
" ,'" .: ' :.f ,,;
:u't' .f.' ... J, , .. ' l: .' j(L fJ-''\:;,
'21."The ministersprecedethecoffinto theplaceof interment. J:?urinlfthe procession, oneor
"7Y!JTe o/these versesmay'besungorsaid 4ji;l; .
"' .. " ,I, " .", , " ,," ,f' - r.tft' e,
I called tothe Lord io mydistress;.the Lord answeredby.settingme free.
It is better to rely on the Lord than to put any trust iii fiesblItilil:>etterto relyon the
'Lordthan to put any trast in rulers. ',' ", 'I[ '''''''cr.i,
Commendai ::: .. ..<:,
18. The ministerstake theirplacesat the coffin.'
ll'JInto your bands, 0 merciful Savior, we commendyour servant, -; ,p..... '
Acknowledge,we bumblybeseechyou, a sheep of your own'fold.Ia lamb of your own' '
flock, a sinner-or your0"'11 redeeming. Receive him/her into theams-or your mercy;
ioto the blessedrest of everlastingpeace, and the gloriouscompany of the saints
'inlight. (286)"""-' '., '.' :l}{ :---
" 1.." '?tt(
"', ,7'" f- J'l
OR III,Our Father;'wbOart io heaven,
hallowedbe thy name,
thy kingdomC<ltOO,
thywm be done,' ,
, on'earthas it is io heaven.
Give lIS tbis day oordaily bread;
and forgiveus our trespasses,
,as we forgivethose
, "ho ligainstus;
, and lead us'not'iototemptation,
but deliverus,from eviL
F!l" thine l!!;the,kingdom,
andthe poo'lr, .aad the glory,'
foreverand ever. Amen
" . .'-'.''';' .
,.." .>._.
. tr

I waspressedSOhard that I almost fell, but the Lord cameto myhelp.
There is a sound of exultationand victoryin the tents of the righteous:
"The right hand of the Lord has triumphed!The right hand of the Lord is exalted!
The right hand of the Lord has triumphed!"
I shall not die, but live, and declare the works of the Lord.
Openfor me the gatesof righteousness;I will enter them; I willofferthanksto the
Lord, "This is the gate of the Lord; he whois righteousmay enter." ,... ues,". " 15-",r>llJj
IaJFor I knowIbal my Redeemerlives, and at last he will stand upon the earth; and ':
after my Skinhas been thus destroyed,then frommy fleshI shall see God. "'" ,,,,..., 6-'" . ~
J Ili) None of us livesto himself,and none of us dies to himself.If we'live, welive to f r-4
the Lord,'and if we die, Wedie to the Lord; so then, whether Weliveor whetherwe ,.
die, we arethe Lord's. (Rem 14:74) . ~
Ili) "I am the resurrectionand the life," says the Lord; "he who believesin me,
though be die, yet shall he live, and whoeverlives and believesin me shall never
.die." Qdm i I ; ~
22 Whenall havearioed at tileplaceof burial,tilefollowingprayer""JYbe said.
. ~ ~
IE AlmightyGod, by the death and burial of Jesus,your anointed,you have de- ,
strayeddeathand sanctifiedthe gravesof all your saints. Keep our brother/sister,
whosebodywenowlay to rest, in the companyof all your saintsand, at the last,
raisehim/her up to sharewith all your faithful people the endlessjoy and peacewon,
throughthe gloriousresurrection of Christ our Lord, who livesand reigns",ith you.
and the HolySpirit,one God.nowand forever. (W) ,
III Amen
23, Oneof thefollowinglessonsmoy be read.
And JcmJSansweredthem, "The hour has rome for the Son of manto be glorified.
Truly,truly,I say to you, unlessa grainof wheat falls into the earth and dies,it re
mains alone; but if it dies, it bears much fruit He who loveshis lifeloses it, and he .
who hates hislife in thisworldwill keep it for eternal life, If anyoneservesme, lie -,".
must followme; and where I am, there shallmyservant be also; if anyoneservesme,
the Father will bonor him," ,_1:>23-"" .. ,'.'. '. "co' ..
Lot I tell you a mystery,'Ml shall not all sleep, but we shall all be changed,in a rno
ment, in the twinklingof an eye, at the last trumpet For the trumpet willsound, and'
the dead will be raisedimperishable,and we shall be changed. For thisperishable
nature must put on the imperishable,and thismortal nature must put on immortality.
When the perishableputs on the imperishable,and the mortal putson immortality,
.. then shall come to pllSSthe sayingthat is written: "Death is swallowedup in victory,"
"0 death, where is thy victory?0 death, where is thy sting?"-Thestingof deathis ....
sin, and the powerof sin is the law, But thanksbe to God.Whogivesus the victory "
, through our Lord Jesus Christ. ('"".'H''''' .;.h' '
But our commonwealthis in heaven, and from it weawait a Savior,the Lord Jesus
Christ, whowill changeour lowlybody to be like his gloriousbody, by the power
which enableshim even to sul<jectall things to himself. _ ,""',) :
24. ThecoffinisloweredintothegraveorplacedinItsrestingplace:Earthmrvbecastonthe
1:\: offinas the ministersays: , ,
In sure and certain hope of the resurrectionto etemallife throughour Lord
Jesus Christ, wecommendto almighty God our brother/sister,' '- ,
and we commit his/herbody to tireground/thedeep/theekments/II!;' restingplace;
earth to earth, ashesto ashes, dust to dust. The Lord bless'him/her'andkeep
him/her. The Lord make hisface shine on him/her and begracioustohim/her.
The Lord look upon him/herwith favor and give him/her + peace.
Lord, rememberus in your kingdom, and teach us to pray::
I Q\ Our Father Inheaven,
haUowed be your name,
your kingdomcome,,
your willbe done,
on earth as in heaven.
Gire lIS today our daily bread.
Forgiveus oor sins
. as "'" forgivethose "
whosin against us,
SavelIS fromthe time' of trial
. anddelivel' US fromem.
For the kingdom,the power,
and the g101j' are youtS
JlOW and forevel'.Amen
Q\ Amen
Since almightyGod has called our br()/her/sister, '0 4 : ..... ,
from this life to himself,we commit his/herbody to the earth'jrom'whichit war
made/thedei!p/theelements/itsrestingplace.Christ wasthe.first torisefrom the
dead, and we know that he will raise up our mortal like his in glory.,
'1M: commendour brother/sisterto the Lord: May the into
hispeace and raise him/her up on the last day.
Lord Jesus, byyour death youtook away the sting of death. Grant to us, your
servants,so to followin faith where you have led the way, that we may at length fall
asleep peacefullyin you and wakein your likeness; to you, the author and giver of
, Iife, be all honor and glory, now and forever. """ '",2." 0
'( .
. T---;; -:
> ;: ."-,.
OR Q\ Our Faihef,'whoart In heaven,
hallowedbethy II8I'De,
thywill be done, ..
on 'earthas it Is In heaven.
Givem. t
. daily bread;
and forgiveusoortrespasses,
as'wdorgive' those
, .roo;tlespass'against U'J;
and lead lIS' not'lnto temptation,
IJut'llelivel' us from evil.
,For thine is the kingdom,
and the-Power,and tbe glory,
foreveand ever. Amen
25. Thenl1lLlybesaid:
Rest eternal grant him/her,0 Lord;
lllland let light perpetualshine ujXlnhim/her.
21i The ministerblessesthepeople.
The God of peace-swhobrought again fromthe dead our LordJesus Christ, the
greatshepherdof the sheep,tbrough the blood of the everlastingcovenant-snake
you perfectin everygoodworkto do hiswill, workingin you that which is well
pleasingin hissight; throughJesus Christ, to whombe gloryforeverand ever.
Let us go in peace.
. ~
Funeral Service
Jesus said, I am the resurrection, and Iam the
life; he who believes in me, though he die, yet
shall he live, and whoever lives and believes in
me shall never die. John11.25, 26
He may add one or more of these or other SENTENCES
We brought nothing into the world, and we take nothing
out. The Lord gives, and the Lord takes away: blessed be the
nameofthe Lord. 1Timothy6.7;Jabl.21
The eternal God is your refuge, and underneath are the
everlasting arms. Deuteronomy33.27
The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases, his compassion
never fails: every morning they are renewed.
Lameniations3.22, 23
Blessed are those who mourn, for they shall be comforted.
God 50 loved the world that he gave his only Son, that
whoever believes in him should not perish, but have eternal
I am sure that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor
principalities, nor powers, nor things present, nor things to
come, nor height, nor depth, nor anything else in all
creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God in
Christ Jesus our Lord. Romans8.38, 39
Funeral Service 307
Eye has not seen, nor ear heard; nor the heart of man
conceived, what God has prepared for those who love him.
1Ccrint't 2,9
We believe that Jesus died and rose again; and so it will befer
those who died as Christians; God will bring them to life
with Jesus. Thus we shall always bewith the Lord. Comfort
one another with these words. 1 18
3 All Heavenly Father,
in your Son Jesus Christ
you have given us a true faith and
a sure hope.
Strengthen this faith and hope in us
all our days,
that we may live as those who believe in
the communion of saints,
the forgiveness of sins,
and the resurrection to etemallife;
through your Son Jesus Christ our Lord.
The Lord I is my I shepherd:
therefore I can I I lack I nothing.
He will make me lie down in I green I pastures:
and I lead me . be Iside still I waters.
He will re Ifresh my I soul:
and guide me in right pathways I for his I name's I sake.
4 Though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death
I wlll l fear no I evil:
for you are with me
your I rod, and your I staff I comfort me.
You spread a table before me
in the face of I those who I trouble me:
you have anointed my head with oil I and my I
cup . will be I full.
308 FuneralService
Surely your goodness and loving- kindness.-
will follow me * all the' days of my 'life:
and Ishall dwell in the Ihouse' of the I Lord
for Iever.
Glory to the Father and' to the ISon:
and Ito the! Holy I Spirit;
as it was in the be Ij:tinninj:t is I now:
and shall be for rever. rA' men.
Verses from PSAL\f90
I Lordyou have Ibeen our Irefuge:
fromone gener Iation Ito an Iother.
~ Before the mountains were born
or the earth and the world were Ibrought to ! be:
from eternity to e rtern' ity Iyou are TGod
J Youtum man rback into I dust:
saying'Retum to I dust you Isons of IAdam.'
4 Fora thousand years in your sight...,..
are like Iyester-day Ipassing:
or Ilike one Iwatch' of the Inight.
S Youcutthem Ishort like a Idream:
like the fresh Igrass Iof the Imorning;
6 in the morning it is I green and Iflourishes:
ateveningitis r withered' and Idried Iup.
10 The days of our life are three score years and ten
or if we have Istrength four I score:
the pride of our labours is but toil and sorrow
for it passes quickly aIway and Iwe are Igone.
12 Teach us so to Inumber' our 1days:
that we may aplplyour I heartsto Iwisdom.
14 0 satisfy us early Iwith your Imercy:
that all our days we Imay re Ijoiceand I sing.
FuneralService 309
Show your Iservants' your Iwork:
and let their Ichildren Isee your Iglory .
May the gracious favour of the Lord our I
God be up Ion us:
prosper the work of our hands
o I prosper' the I work, of our l.handsl
Glory to the Father and Ito the ISon:
t :
and Ito the IHoly ISpirit;
as it was in the be I~ i n n i n ~ is I now:
and shall be for ever. A lmen,
1. "1
........ .-.
llift Ufmy Ieyes' tothe Ihills:
but where' shall I I find Ihelp?
My help Icomes' from the ILord:
who has Imade Iheaven' and Iearth.
j He will notsufferyour
I foot to Istumble:
lover' you Iwill not Isleep.
- Be sure he who has Icharge of I Israel:
will Ineither Islumber nor Isleep.
..) The Lord him Iself is . your' keeper:
the Lord is your defence up Ion your I right' hand.
The sun shall not I strike you' by Iday:
nor Ishall the I moon by Inight.
The Lord will defend ,"ou from Iall Ievil:
it is Ihe . who will guard your l Iife.
B The Lord will defend your going out and your I
coming I in:
from this time I forward' for Iever 'more.
Glory to the Fatherand Ito the ISon:
and Ito the IHoly I Spirit;
as it was in the be If i n n i n ~ is now:
andshallbefor ever. Alman.
310 Funeral Sendee
epths have Lcalled to , you 0 , Lord:
Lord I hear I my I voice;
Jletyourears con Isider Iwell:
the I voice' of my I suppli Ication.
If you Lord should note what I we do I wrong:
who I then O I Lord could I stand? .
- Butthere is for lgivenese . with Iyou:
sothat I you I shall be I feared.
I waitfor the Lord' my I soul I waits for him:
ilnd I in his I word is my I hope.
() My soul I looks . for the I Lord:
more than watchmen for the morning
more lsay than I watchmen I for the 1morning.
o Israel trust in the Lord for with the I
Lord there is Imercy:
and with I him is I ample' re ldemption,
i; He will re Ideem I Israel:
from the I multi tude I of his I sins.
Glory to the Father and I to the I Son:
and I to the I Holy I Spirit;
as it was in the be lginning is Inow:
and shall be for rever. rA Imen.
AltErn,ative PSAL?vfS:
7..7; 42.1-7; 28-29,:139.1"11
! 5
Jesus said to his disciples,
'00 not let your hearts be troubled.
Tl'Ustin God still, and trust in me.
There are many rooms in my Father's house;
if there were not, I should have told you.-+
FuneralService 311
I am going now to prepare a place for you,
and after I have gone and prepared you a place,
I shall return to take you with me;
so that where I am
you may be too. .
You know the way to the place where lam going.'
Thomas said, 'Lord, we do not know where you are going,
so how can we know the way?' Jesus said,
'1am the Way, the Truth and the Life.
No one can come to the Father except through me.'
I Ccrinti.ian 13.20-16, R.SV
Christ has been raised from the dead, the first fruits of those
who have fallen asleep. For asby a man came death, by a
man has come also the resurrection of the dead. For as in
Adam all die, so also in Christ shall all be made alive. But
each in his own order: Christ the first fruits, then at his
coming those who belong to Christ. Then comes the end,
when he delivers the kingdom to God the Father after
destroying every rule and every authority and power. For he
must reign until he has put all his enemies under his feet.
The last enemy to be destroyed is death.
But someone will ask, 'How are the dead raised? With what
kind of bod y do they come?' You foolish man! What you sow
does not come to life unless it dies. And what you sow is not
the body which is to be, but abare kernel, perhaps of wheat
orofsome other grain. ButGodgivesita body as he has
chosen, and to each kind of seed its own body.
So it is with the resurrection of the dead. What is sown is
perishable, what is raised is imperishable. It is sown in
dishonour, it is raised in glory. It is sown in weakness, it is
raised in power. It is sown a physical body, it is raised a
spiritual body.
For this perishable nature must put on the imperishable, and
this mortal nature must put on immortality. When the
perishable puts an the imperishable, and the mortal puts on
immortality, then shall come to pass the saying that is
written: 'Death is swallowed up in victory.' '0 death, where
311 FuneralService
ay victory? O'death, where is thy sting?' The sting of
,;athis sin, and the power of sin is the law. But thanks beto
':;od, who gives us the victory through our Lord jesus
Therefore, mybeloved brethren, be steadfast, immoveable,
always abounding in the work of the Lord, knowing that in
the Lord your labour is not in vain.
1" 13 1
.!, ;. :- - ...... .)
We would not have you ignorant, brethren, concerning
those who are asleep, that you may not grieve as others do
who have no hope. For since we believe that Jesus died and
rose again, even so, through jesus, God will bring with him
those who have fallen asleep. For this we declare to you by
the word of the Lord, that we who are alive, who are left
until the coming of the Lord, shall not precede those who
have fallen asleep. For the Lord himself will descend from
heaven with a cry of command, with the archangel' scall,
and with the sound of the trumpet of God. And the dead in
Christ will rise first; then we who are alive, who are left, shall
be caugh t up together with them in the clouds to meet the
Lord in the air; and so we shall always bewith the Lord.
Therefore comfort one another with these words.
Alternative READINGS:
Wi"dom,tS, 10, 11, 13-15;John 5.19-25;John 6.35-40;
john n.17-I7; Romansl:Ulb-39; Romans 14.7-9;
i Corinthrans 1.3-5; 2 Corinthians 4.7-18;
Philippians 3.1O-end; Revelation 21.1-7
Verses from IE DEUM, or A HYMN
You Christ are the I King of , glory:
thee Itemal' Son' of the I Father.
When you became man to I set us I free:
you did not ab 'horthe I Virgin's I womb.
FUlleralService 313
You overcame the I sting of I death:
and opened the kingdom of I heaven' to I all be 'Iievers.
You are God's right I hand in I glory:
we believe that you will i come and I be our I judge.
Come then Lord and , help your I people:
bought with the' price of I yourown I blood;
and bring us I with your I saints:
to I glory I Ever,lasting.
8 Minister Let us pray.
Lord, have mercy upon us.
All Christ, have mercy upon us.
Minister Lord, have mercy upon us.
All OurFather in heaven,
yourwill be done,
on earthas in beaven.
Giveus todayour daily bread.
Forgiveus our sins
as weforgivethose
who sin againstus.
Leadusnot into kmpIation
but deliverus fran evil.
For!hekingdcm,!he power.
and !he glory are yours
now andfor ever. Amen.
or OurFather.whoart in heaven,
hallowedbe thyname:
thywill be done;
on earthas it is in heaven.
Giveus !hisday our daiJybread.
Andforgiveus 0lIl' trespasses.
as weforgivethose
whotrespassagainst us.
Andleadus not into kmpIation:
but deliver\IS fran evil.
Forthineis !hekingdcm,
for ever andever. Amen.
\)7' also sections 50-60)
10 Minister Grant us, Lord, the wisdom and the grace to use
aright the time that is left to us here on earth.
Lead us to repent of our sins, the evil we have
done and the good we have not done; and
strengthen us to follow the steps of your Son, in
the way that leads to the fullness of eternal life;
through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.
314 FuneralService
Heavenly Father, by your mighty power you

gave us life, and in your love you have given us
Let us commend our brotherN to the mercy of
God our Maker and Redeemer.
new lifein Christ Jesus. We entrust N to your
merciful keeping, in the faith of Jesus Christ
your Son our Lord, who died and rose again to
save us, and is now alive and reigns with you
and the Holy Spirit in glory for ever. Amen.
13 Minister
May God in his infinite love and mercy bring the
whole Church, living and departed in the lord
Jesus, to a joyful resurrection and the fulfilmel\t
of his eternal kingdom. Amen.
I heard a voice from heaven, saying, 'Write this:
"Happy are the dead who die in the faith of
Christ! Henceforth", says the Spirit, "they may.
rest from their labours; for they take with them
the record of their deeds.": Reoelati: 14.13
16 Verses from
The Lord is full of compassion and mercy:
slow to anger and of great goodness.
Asa father is tender towards his children:
so is the Lord tender to those that fear him.
For he knows of whatwe are made:
he remembers that we are but dust.
The days of man are bu t as grass:
he flourishes like a flower of the field;
when the wind goes over it, it is gone:
and its place will know it no more.
Funeral Service 315
But the merciful goodness of the Lord
endures for ever andever
toward those that tear him:
and his righteousness upon their
children's children.
Man born of a woman has but a short time to
live. Like a flower he blossoms and then withers;
like a shadow he flees and never stays.
In the midst of life we are in death; to whom can
we turn for help, but to you, Lord, who are
justly angered by our sins?
Lord God, holy and mighty, holy and immortal,
holy and most merciful Saviour, deliver us from
the bitter pains of eternal death. You know the
secrets of our hearts: in your mercy hear our
prayer, forgive us our sins, and at our last hour
let us not fall away from you.
17 We have entrusted ourbrotlJerN to God's
merciful keeping, and we now commit hisbod y
to the ground (orto becremated): "[earth 10
earth, ashes to ashes, dust to dust;] in sure and
certain hope of the resurrection to eternal life
through our Lord Jesus Christ, who died, was
buried, and rose again for us. To him be glory for
ever and ever.
18 God will show us the path oflife;
in his presence is the fullness of joy:
and at his right hand
there is pleasure forevermore. Psahnl, I1
316 FuneralService
Unto him that is able tokeep us fromfalling, and
to present us faultless before the presence of his
glory with exceeding joy, to the only wise God
our Saviour, be glory and majesty, dominion
~ ~ ~ d , f , ? ~ ~ r , both now and ever. Amen.
:u.u" ...z, ':"',J
FllneralService 317
The Funeral Service
lessed is our Lord God, always; both now and ever, and to the ages of ages.
The First Stasis, in Tone 6
the blameless in the way. Alleluia. Blessed are You, a Lord, teach me Your
ites. Alleluia.
lUI is worn with endless longing for Your judgments at all times. Alleluia.
ul has slumbered from sorrow; strengthen me with Your words. Alleluia.
Incline my heart unt/Your testimonies, and not unto covetousness. Alleluia.
Despair took hold on me because of sinners that forsake Your Law. Alleluia.
I am a partaker with all that fear You, and with them that keep Your commandments.
Glory to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit, both now and ever, and to
the age;.ofilges.:ArJ}erri Al.eluia.
. ",

" .Have r.liS
, ;
,' Again we (rjme'i' ' .' '.,. "d"Ws"
,life; and .
involuntary;" . . . '. ;...
\ Let.theLord tlleJust repose; ;",
ofthe Heavel!?t.;!Ind,.thliremlj;$!on: o[hlS'{her) Sins)
. t itnmortalK:ing and dUf.{;QCf.> " '/
'Let us.pray to
For You are the Resurrection, the Ufe, and the Repose of Your servant (Name), 0
Christ our God; and to You do we send up glory, with Your Eternal Father, and Your
AII;Holy, Good and Ufe-creating Spirit, both now and ever, and to the ages of ages.
The Second Stasis, in Tone 5
Your hands have made and fashioned me; give me understanding, and I will learn Your
commandments. Have mercy on me, 0 Lord.
For I am become as a bottle in the frost; yet Your statutes have not forgotten. Have
mercy on me, 0 Lord.
I am Yours, 0 save me; for after Your statutes have I sought. Have mercy on me, 0
From Your judgments I have not declined, for You have set a Law for me. Have mercy
on me, 0 Lord.
I have inclined my heart to perform Your statutes, forever, in return for Your mercies.
Have mercy on me, 0 Lord.
It is time to serve the Lord; but they have violated Your law.
Have mercy on me, 0 Lord.
Glory ... Both now ... Have mercy on me Lord.
Let us pray to the Lord. Lord have mercy.
For You are the Resurrection, the Ufe, and the repose of Your servant (Name), 0 Christ
our God; and to You do we send up glory, with Your Eternal Father, and Your Alii Holy,
Good and Ufeicreating Spirit, both now and ever, and to the ages of aqes. Amen.
Third Stasis, in Tone 8
And have mercy upon me. Alleluia.
Look upon me, and have mercy on me.
According to the judgment of them that love Your Name. Alleluia.
I am young and accounted as nothing. Your statutes have I not forgotten.
Hear my voice, 0 Lord, according to Your mercy; According to Your judgments quicken
me. Alleluia.
Princes have persecuted me without a cause, and because of Your words my heart has
been afraid. Alleluia.
My soul shall live, and shall praise You, And Your judgments will help me. Alleluia.
I have gone astray like a sheep that is lost.
Seek Your servant, for I have not forgotten Your commandments.
Let us pray to the Lord. Lord have mercy.
For You are the Resurrection and the Life and the Repose of Your servant (Name) 0
Christ our God; and to You do we send up glory, with Your Eternal Father, and Your
All-Holy, Good and Life-creating Spirit, both now and ever, and to the ages of ages:
Eulogetaria for the Dead
Blessed are You, 0 Lord; teach me Your statutes.
The Choir of the Saints has found the Fountain of Life, and the Door of Paradise. May I
also find the way through repentance: the sheep that was lost am 1; call me up to You,
o Savior, and save me.
If there are more than three priests, each repeats after each "troparion ": "Let us
pray to the Lord," followed by "For You are the Resurrection and the Life. "
Blessed are You, 0 Lord; teach me Your statutes.
You Who of old did fashion me out of nothingness, and with Your Image divine did
honor me; but because of transgression of Your commandments did return me again to
the earth where I was taken; lead me back to be refashioned into that ancient beauty
of Your Likeness.
Blessed are You, 0 Lord; teach me Your statute ..
Image am I of Your unutterable glory, though I bear the scars of my stumblings. Have
compassion on me, the work of Your hands, 0 Sovereign Lord, and cleanse me through
Your loving kindness; and the homeland of my heart's desire bestow on me by making
me a citizen of Paradise.
Blessed are You, 0 Lord; teach me Your statutes.
Give rest, 0 God, unto Your servant, and appoint for him (her) a place in Paradise;
where the choirs of the Saints, 0 Lord, and the just will shine forth like stars; to Your
servant that is sleeping now do You give rest, overlooking all his (her) offenses.
Glory to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit.
The Trlnal Radiance of One Godhead with reverent song acclaiming let us cry; Holy are
You, 0 Eternal Father, and Son also Eternal, and Spirit Divine; shine with Your light on
us who with faith adore You; and from the fire eternal rescue us.
Both now and ever and to the ages of ages. Amen.
Hail, 0 Gracious Lady, that in the flesh bears God for salvation of all; and through
whom the human race has found salvation: through You may we find Paradise,
Theotokos, our Lady pure and blessed.
Alleluia. Alleluia, Alleluia; Glory to You, 0 God.
Tone 8
With the Saints give rest, 0 Christ, to the soul of servant where there is not pain, nor
any sorrow, nor any sighing, but Life everlasting.
(Composed by St . .Johnof Damascus)
Tone I
Where is the pleasure in life which is unmixed with sorrow? Where the glory which on
earth has stood firm and unchanged? All things are weaker than shadow, all more
illusive than dreams; comes one fell stroke, and Death in turn, prevails over all these
vanities. Wherefore in the Light, 0 Christ, of Your countenance, the sweetness of Your
beauty, to him (her) whom You have chosen grant repose, for You are the Friend of
Tone 2
Like a blossom that wastes away, and like a dream that passes and is gone, so is every
mortal into dust resolved; but again, when the trumpet sounds its call, as though at a
quaking of the earth, all the dead shall arise and go forth to meet You, 0 Christ our
God: on that day, 0 Lord, for him (her) whom You have withdrawn from among us
appoint a place in the tentings of Your Saints;yea, for the spirit of Your servant, 0
Another in Tone 2
Alas! What an agony the soul endures when from the body it is parting; how many are
her tears for weeping, but there is none that will show compassion: unto the angels
she turns with downcast eyes; useless are her supplications; and unto men she
extends her imploring hands, but finds none to bring her rescue. Thus, my beloved
brethren, let us all ponder well how brief is the span of our life; and peaceful rest for
him (her) that now is gone, let us ask of Christ, and also His abundant mercy for our
Tone 3
Vanity are all the works and quests of man, and they have no being after death has
come; our wealth is with us no longer. How can our glory go with us? For when death
has come all these things are vanished clean away. Wherefore to Christ the Immortal
King let us cry, "To him (her) that has departed grant repose where a home is
prepared for all those whose hearts You have filled with gladness."
Tone 4
Terror truly past compare is by the mystery of death inspired; now the soul and the
body part, disjoined by resistless might, and their concord is broken; and the bond of
nature which made them live and grow as one, now by the edict of God is rest in
twain. Wherefore now we implore Your aid grant that Your servant now gone to rest
where the just that are Yours abide, Life-bestower and Friend of Mankind.
Tone 4
Where is now our affection for earthly things? Where is now the alluring pomp of
transient questing? Where is now our gold, and our silver? Where is now the surging
crowd of domestics, and their busy cries? All is dust, all is ashes, all is shadow.
Wherefore draw near that we may cry to our immortal King, "Lord, Your everlasting
blessings vouchsafe unto him (her) that now has gone away. bringing him (her) to
repose in that blessedness which never grows old."
Tone 5
I Called to mind the Prophet who shouted, "I am but earth and ash." And once again I
looked with attention on the tombs, and I saw the bones therein which of flesh were
naked; and I said, "Which indeed is he that is king? Or which is soldier? Which is the
wealthy, which the needy? Which the righteous, or which the sinner?" But to Your
servant, 0 Lord, grant that with the righteous he (she) may repose.
Tone 6
My beginning and foundation was the form;bestowing Word of Your commandment; for
it pleased You to make me by compounding visible and invisible nature into a living
thing. out of earth was my body formed and made, but a soul You gave me by the
Divine and Life-creating In; breathing. Wherefore, 0 Christ, to Your servant in the land
of the living, in the courts of the righteous, do You grant repose.
Tone 7
Bring to his (her) rest, 0 our Savior, You giver of life, our brother (sister) whom You
have withdrawn from this transient world, for he (she) lifts up his (her) voice to cry:
"Glory to You."
Another in Tone 7
When in Your own image and likeness You in the beginning did create and fashion
man, You gave him a home in Paradise, and made him the chief of your creation. But
by the devll's envy, alas, beguiled to eat the fruit forbidden, transgressor then of Your
commandments he became; wherefore back to earth, from which he first was taken,
You did sentence him to return again, 0 Lord, and to pray You to give him rest.
Weep, and with tears lament when with understanding I think on death, and see how
in the graves there sleeps the beauty which once for us was fashioned in the image of
God, but now is shapeless, ignoble, and bare of all the graces. 0 how strange a thing;
what is this mystery which concerns us humans? Why were we given up to decay? And
why to death united in wedlock? Truly, as it is written, these things come to pass by
ordinance of God, Who to him (her) now gone gives rest
Glory to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit.
The death which You have endured, 0 Lord, is become the harbinger of deathlessness;
if You had not been laid in Your tomb, then would not the gates of Paradise have been
opened.wherefore to him (her) now gone from us give rest, for You are the Friend of
Both now and ever and to the ages of ages. Amen.
Virgin chaste and holy, Gateway of the Word, Mother of our God, make supplication
that his (her) soul find mercy.
Prokeimenon, Tone 3
Blessed is the way wherein you walk today, for there is prepared for you a place of
rest. (3)
Unto You, 0 Lord, will I cry.
The Epistle
The reading from the First Epistle of the Holy Apostle Paul to the Thessalonians. ( I
Thess. 4; 13-18)
Wisdom. Let us attend.
Brethren, we would not have you ignorant concerning those who are asleep, that you
may not grieve as others do who have no hope. For since we believe that Jesus died
and rose again, even so, through Jesus, God will bring with him those who have fallen
asleep. For this we declare to you by the word of the Lord, that we who are alive, who
are left until the coming of the Lord, shall not precede those who have fallen asleep.
For the Lord himself will descend from heaven with a cry of command with the
archangel's call, and with the sound of the trumpet of God. And the dead in Christ will
rise first; then we who are alive, who are left, shall be caught up together with them in
the clouds to meet the Lord in the air, and we shall always be with the Lord. Therefore
comfort one another with these words.
Peace be to you who read.
And with your, spirit.
Alleluia, Alleluia, Alleluia.
The Holy Gospel
Wisdom! Attend! Let us hear the Holy Gospel. Peace be to all.
People: And with your spirit.
The reading from the Holy Gospel of St. John. (John 5:24-30)
Let us attend.
Glory to You, 0 Lord, glory to You.
The Lord said to those Jews which had come to him: Truly, truly, I say to you, he who
hears my word and believes him who sent me, has eternal life; he does not come into
judgment, but has passed from death to life. Truly, truly, I say to you, the hour is
coming, and now is, when the dead will hear the voice of the Son of God, and those
who hear will live. For as the Father has life 'in himself, so he has granted the Son also
to have life in himself, and has given him the authority to execute judgment, because
he is the Son of man. Do not marvel at this; for the hour is coming when all who are in
the tombs will hear his voice and come forth, those who have done good, to the
resurrection of life, and those who have done evil, to the resurrection of judgment.
can do nothing on my own authority; as I hear, I judge; and my judgment is just,
because I seek not my own will but the will of him who sent me.
Glory to You, 0 Lord, glory to You.
Have mercy on us, 0 God, according to Your great mercy; we pray You listen and have
mercy. (Lord have mercy.)
Again we pray for the repose of the soul of the servant of God (Name) departed this
fife; and for the forgiveness of his (her) every transgression, voluntary and
involuntary. (Lord have rnercv.)
Let the Lord God establish his (her) soul where the just repose; the mercies of God,
the Kingdom of the Heavens, and remission of his (her) sins: let us ask of Christ our
Immortal King and our God.(Lord have mercy.) Let us pray to the Lord.
Lord have mercy.
The first-ranking priest approaches the deceased and says the following prayer in a
loud voice; the other priests present simultaneously say the same prayer inaudibly.
o God of all spirits and flesh, Who has trodden down death, destroying the power of
the devil, bestowing life on Your world. to the soul of Your servant (Name) departed
this life, do You Yourself, 0 Lord, give rest in a place of light, in a place of green
pasture, in a place of refreshment, from where pain and sorrow and mourning are fled
away. Every sin by him (her) committed in thought, word, or deed, do You as our good
and lovlnq God forgive, seeing that there is no man that shall live and sin not, for You
alone are without sin: Your righteousness, and Your law is truth.
For You are the Resurrection, the Life, and the Repose of Your servant (Name), 0
Christ our God; and to You do we send up Glory, as to Your Eternal Father and Your
All-Holy, Good, and Life-creating Spirit, both now and ever, and to the ages of ages.
Let us pray to the Lord. Lord have mercy.
Each of the priests in turn blesses the deceased and says:
For You are the Resurrection, the Life, and the Repose of Your servant (Name), 0
Christ our God; and to You do we send up Glory, as to Your Eternal Father and Your
AII;Holy, Good, and Life;creating Spirit, both now and ever and to the ages of ages.
If the Funeral Service is presided over by a Bishop, he then says the foi/owing Prayer
of Absolution.
Prayers of Absolution
For the loosing from every curse and interdict, read for the deceased person by the
Priest: Let us pray to the Lord, Lord have mercy.
o Lord our God, Who by Your unutterable wisdom have fashioned man out of the dust
and transformed him into comeliness and beauty; and have adorned hlrn, as a precious
and heavenly creature, for doxology and magnificence of Your glory and Kingdom, in
that You brought him into existence as a being fashioned according to Your image and
likeness; and Who, when he had transgressed the commandment of Your ordinance,
and kept it not, although he participated in Your image, gave command for this reason,
as God of our fathers, to prevent evil from becoming immortal, decreeing that his
composite and mixture, this bond which You made for joining body and soul
unbreakably, should be sundered by Your divine Will, and be dissolved; so that the soul
would withdraw where it had required existence, and there abide until the general
Resurrection; whereas the body would break up into the elements out of which it had
first been compounded; for this reason we pray You, the beginning less Father, and
Your Only; Begotten Son, and Your AII;Holy, Consubstantial and Life;creating Spirit,
that endured not to see the work of Your fashioning swallowed up by destruction, but
rather let the body indeed be dissolved into the elements, and let the soul be
appointed a place in the Choir of the Just: Yea, 0 Lord our God, let Your Immeasurable
mercy prevail, and Your manbefriending love which is beyond compare; and if this
servant has incurred the curse of father or mother, or a ban invoked upon himself
(herself); or if he (she) has provoked any priest to bitter severity, and from him has
incurred a ban unbreakable; or if he (she) has incurred a Bishop's very grievous
interdict, but through thoughtlessness and needlessness has failed to obtain
forgiveness; do You forgive him (her) through me, Your sinful and unworthy servant;
and let his (her) body indeed dissolve into its elements, but his (her) soul do You
appoint to dwell in the tentings of the Saints. Yea, 0 Lord our God, Who to Your holy
Disciples and Apostles gave this authority for granting remission of sins, and did say
that whatsoever things they would bind and loose, those things would be bound and
would be loosed; and Who through them in Your manbefriending love has caused to be
transmitted to us also, unworthy though we be, the same gift in equal measure; loose
this Your servant (Name), now fallen asleep from sin of soul and body, and make him
(her) to be now forgiven in this present world and in the world to come; through the
intercessions of Your all-pure and Ever Virgin Mother, and of all the Saints. Amen.
Second Prayer of Absolution
Let us pray to the Lord. Lord have mercy.
Greatly merciful Sovereign Lord Jesus Christ our God, Who after Your holy, third ;day
resurrection from the dead gave to Your holy Disciples and Apostles the Keys of the
Kingdom of Heaven, and also the authority of Your Grace both to bind and to loose the
sins of men, so that bound in Heaven would be whatsoever things through them might
be bound on earth, and likewise loosed in Heaven whatsoever things; through them
might be loosed; and gave also that as their successors, we, Your deficient and
unworthy servants, should have, by Your unutterable and manbefriending love, this
same exceedingly holy Gift and Grace from You, so that we in like manner should both
bind and loose the things that happen to be done among Your people; Yourself,
AII;Good King, through me, Your humble and unprofitable servant, forgive this Your
servant whatsoever mistakes as a human being he (she) has made in this present life:
remit for him (her) whatsoever sins he (she) has committed in word, deed, and
thought: and loose him (her) also from any ban which in any wise whatsoever has
come upon him (her), whether he (she) himself (herself) out of recklessness or by
some other fault has bound it upon himself (herself); or, by a Bishop or another, when,
because of the envy and cooperation of the Evil One, he (she) stumbled into so
grievous a state: be well pleased, as alone Good and greatly merciful, that his (her)
soul be appointed a place with the Saints which from everlasting have been well
pleasing to You, but that his (her) body be given to the nature which You have
fashioned; for blessed and glorified are You to the ages. Amen.
Glory to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit both now and ever and to the
ages of ages. Amen. Lord have mercy; Lord have mercy; Lord have mercy.
Glory to You, 0 Christ our God and our Hope; glory to You.
May Christ our true God, Who rose from the dead, have mercy on us; He Who as
Immortal King has authority over both the dead and the living. Through the
intercessions of His spotless, pure, and holy Mother; of His holy and just friend
Lazaros, who lay in the grave four days; of the holy and glorious forefathers, Abraham,
Isaac, and Jacob; may He give rest to our brother (sister), who has departed from us,
and number him (her) among the just and holy, through His goodness and
compassion, as our merciful God.
Everlasting be your memory, 0 our brother; who are worthy of blessedness and eternal
memory. (3)
For women:
Everlasting be your memory, 0 our Sister, who are worthy of blessedness and eternal
memory. (3)
And the Choir begins the Stikhere of the Last Kiss, singing as many as may be needed
to fill up the time until all have said Farewell.
Tone 2
Brethren, come, and let us a farewell kiss give to him (her) whom death has taken,
and offer thanks to God. For he (she) has departed from the bosom of his (her) kin;
and he (she) hastens to burial, no longer remembering vanity, nor yet the flesh which
is often sore distressed. Where are now his (her) kindred and comrades? Now is come
the hour of partings: let us pray to the Lord to bring him (her) to his (her) rest.
Tone 2
Brethren, what at this last moment means your distress of parting, your wailing? What
means your funeral dirge? Come, and give a kiss to him (her) so lately With us: for
consigned to the grave is he (she); with stone is he (she) to be covered. Darkness is
his (her) dwelling place; he (she) with the dead is entombed. Come, all you his (her)
kindred and comrades: now is come the hour of parting. let us pray to the Lord to
bring him (her) to his (her) rest.
Mother of the never setting Sun, Parent of our God, 0 preserve them that set their
hope on you; intercede, we pray you, with our greatly gracious Lord, that repose may
be granted him (her) that now is departed. in that habitation where repose the souls of
the Just: and unto everlasting remembrance set him (her) in the courts of the
Righteous, Maid All; Blameless, as the heir of blessings divine.
Glory to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit.
Looking on me as I lie here prone before you, voiceless and unbreathinq, mourn for
me, everyone;brethren and friends, kindred, and you who knew me well; for but
yesterday with you I was talking, and suddenly there came upon me the fearful hour of
death: therefore come, all you that long for me, and kiss me with the last kiss of
parting. For no longer shall I walk with you, nor talk with you henceforth: for to the
Judge I go, where no person is valued for his (her) earthly station: Yea, slave and
master together stand before Him, king and soldier, rich man and poor man, all
accounted of equal rank: for each one, according to his (her) own deeds shall be
. ~
glorified, or shall be put to shame. Therefore I beg you all, and implore you, to offer
prayer unceasingly for me to Christ our God, that I be not assigned for my sins to the
place of torment; but that He assign me to the place where there is Light of Life.
Both now and ever and to the ages of ages. Amen.
Thectoklon, Tone 6
Through the prayers of her that gave You birth, 0 Christ, and the prayers of Your
Forerunner, of Apostles, Prophets, Hierarchs, Ascetics, and of the Righteous, and of all
the Saints, to Your sleeping servant do You grant repose.
Through the prayers of our Holy Fathers, Lord Jesus Christ, have mercy and save us.
If a Bishop is Presiding, he says:
Through the prayers of our holy Fathers ...
Through the prayers of our holy Bishop...
After the last farewell has been given we proceed to the grape, singing:
I weep, and with tears lament ... (see page 78).
The Burial
At the qrevesite the Triseqton is sung.
Then the Priest sprinkles the deceased in the form of the Cross With oil, saying:
You shall sprinkle me with hyssop and I shall be clean. You shall wash me and I shall
be whiter than snow.
Then the priest sprinkles the deceased in the form of the Cross with earth, saying:
The earth is the Lord's, and the fullness thereof; the world, and all that dwell therein.
You are dust, and to dust you will return.
Through the prayers of our holy Fathers ...
:H'!PiIndian Prayer
:Donot stand at my grave and wegJ
I am not t/iere. I do not s{eqJ.
I am a tliousand 'winds tliat blow
I am tlie diamond gllnts on snow.
I am tlie sunllglit on ripenea, grain
I am tlie gent{e autumn rain.
Wlien you awaken in tlie morning's l i u s ~
I am tlie sw!ft tg7/ifting rusli
Of quiet birdS in circ{edfllglit.
I am tlie soft stars tliat sliine at niglit
:Donot stand at my grave and cry.
I am not tliere: I did not die!
Offered in prayer for your loved one by
Rev. John A. Rinaldi
1010 University Ave #175
San Diego, CA 92103
General Blessings
Buddhist Blessing for All Beings
May everyone be happy and safe,
and may their hearts befilled with joy.
May all living beings live in security and inpeace
beings whoarefrail or strong.
tali or short, big or small.
visible or not visible, near or far away,
already born or yet 10 be born.
Mayall of mem dwell ill perfect tranquility.
Let no one do harmto anyone.
Let no one put the life of anyone in danger.
Let no one, out of anileror ill will,
wish anyone any harm.
MettaSuna [Stuttanipara}
Translated by Thidt Nhat Hahn
Irish Blessing for Blessings awl Happiness
May your troubles be less
And your blessings be more.
And nothing but happiness
Comethroughyour door.
Apache Blessing Beauty
May the sun bring you new energy every day.
May the moon softly restore you by night.
May the rain wash away your womes.
May thebreeze blow new strength into your being.
May you walk gently-throughthe world
and know its beauty all the days of your life.
Navajo Blessing for Beauty
As [ walk. as I walk
The universe is walking with me
In beauty it walks before me
In beauty it walks behind me
In beauty it walks below me
In beauty it walks above me
Beauty is on every side
As I walk, I walk with Beauty.
Sufi Blessing of Love & Peace
May the blessings of Jove be upon you
May its peace abide with you
May its essence illuminateyour heart
Nowand forever mcre..
Irish Blessing for Challenges and Adversity
Wben the wind is howlin' in everyone's ears,
May you hear a soft. lilting breeze.
And if the rain is crashin' down,
May it only be dew at your knees.
If the ground'neath your feet should quiver andshake,
I hope you'll be standin' with ease.
Andnever go hungry or wantin' for much:
May God grantyou all that yon need!
Interfaith Healing Blessing for the Healing Journeys
Help us to keep the vigil for healing
in sacred space and holy time.
We give thanks for those whose gifts and training
empower them to carefor the body;
nurses, doctors, physical and respiratory therapists,
those who preparefood and dean rooms,
those who careat the bedside and behindthescenes.
Bless all family members and friends who keep the vigil
in prayer in waiting rooms and hospital corridors.
Grant them your peace.
We are all in need of your healing presence
each day of our lives.
Help us to watch, wait. and listen for your blessingsIn the midst of our healingjourneys.
1996. ReverendSusan Copeland
Used with Permission.
Comforting Blessing
May you feel the loving presence of those who hold you in their thoughts and prayers.
May your spirit find what it needs to sustain you on this journey.
May you discover your inner strength and face all difficulties with dignity and groce.
May you befilled with comfort, love, strength, grace and a lasting sense of peace.
e,very thin.s in nature bespeaks the mother.
The sun is the mother of the earth and r)ves
it its nourishment of heat; it never leaves the
universe at ni.ght until it has put the earth to
sleep to the son.s of the sea and the hymn
of the birds and brooks. And this earth is
the mother of trees and flowers. It produces
them, nurses them, and weans them. The
trees and flowers become kind mothers of
their great fruits and seeds. And the mother,
the protot.t:Jpeof all existence, is the eternal
spirit, full of beaut.t:Jand love.
K a h l ~ Gfbran
Go "'acidl, ami<lthe noise and the hast"
and rememberwhat""ace lhele mes be 1'151lence_
As tar as possible Wliilhout
beon lPfms; witll a!l peM(lrtS.
\'OUr achtE.'\'emC:!'l1 5 as Wlefl C6 ',OUI I-':.:ltf;
interestedIn \'Qur <""11career
hoI'''''''''' humble- it is a real possession in the
Takekmdl'!the counsel 01the years gracetully
<wrendelf"ll the things of you,h
Nurt",e <I.lengthof spirot to shield ,/OU In
sl..dden misJo.-tune But do not dtsuess
Withimagimngs:. are born or
faugueand lonelrnes.<,
Be}'Cnda wholesome d,sctp'me. be
Youare a chilO01the ro Ies!; than
'"" t're< and le-e'Iar,;, jou heee a right 'f,' b<:' here
And ",heth.r or nof It is dell/I
no Oc'lUbt the unrverse1$ unfoldlnllas It 'ih<'l1W
Therclorebe at peece withGod ",hat.,e,
core."'" H,mto be
And ",hat", )Ql.Irtaborsand
In the no1Sycorfusionof 1I(e
keepoeace N1W l'Oor soul,
IlIlt"all ftl>sham. drudgeryand btoketldreams.
it " still a bea.mful world_
BecheerfulStr!veto behilWY
1.1<lJ hrm'Jnn
------_._--_ ..
Rutn's 'POeV\i\.
elYe tlebbLes
Avvd tlttw
ClyesWL U,eye
wltielA l-1OU'ye oLd
!-tClvetUYlAed to goLd
I stuV'tll-bLed ClLovcg "p/Iltltt
Fay tjeClYS
SOY'v<.eof wLtlttj 0tj,
SOV1l<veof tWYS
BestAnswer- Chosen by Voters
I've always known it as "A Parable of Immortality" by Henry van Dyke.
I am standing by the seashore.
A ship at my side spreads her white saiis to the moming breeze
and starts for the blue ocean.
She Is an object of beauty and strength.
and I stand and watch
until at last she hangs like a speck of white cloud
just where the sun and sky come down to mingle with each other.
Then someone at my side says, 'There she goes!
Gone where? Gone from my sight - that is all.
She Is just as large in mast and hull and spar
as she was when she left my side
and just as able to bear her load of living freight
to the places of destination.
Her diminished size is in me, not in her.
And just at the moment when someone at my side says,
'There she goesl ' ,
there are other eyes watching her coming,
and other voices ready to take up the glad shout:
'Here she comes!'
!1llp:lfwwwgol ngeasy.com1writaslde pUbli..
!1llPlfen D...
2 years ago
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OtherAnswers (4)''''20080228125856AAxUuCo l/14/2010
Nothing can keep you from reaching your goals.
I believe that imagination is stronger than knowledge ""
myth is more potent than history
"" dreamsare more powerful than facts ." hope always
triumphs over experience
n laughter is the cure for grief . love is stronger than
Successis failure turned inside out. The silver tint of
the douds of doubt.
And you never can tell how dose you are. It may be
near when it seemsso far.
So stick to the fight when you're hardest hit. It's when
things seem worse that you must not quit.
The Dash
I readof a manwho stoodto speak:
Atthe funeral of a friend
He referredto 1he dateson her tombstone
Fromthe beginningto the end.
He notedUiatfirst cameher dateof birth
And spokethefOllowingdatewith tears,
But he saidwhat matteredmost Ofall
Wasthedashbetweenthe years.
Forthat dashrepresentsall the time
That she spentaliveon earth.
Know whatthat little line ISworth
FOl' it mattersnot howmuchwe own;
Thecars, the house,the cash;
Whatmattersis howwe Ilveand eve
So thinkaboutthis longand hard
Aretherethingsyou'd liketo change?
Foryou neverknowhow muchtimeIs left,
That canstill be rearranged.
If we couldlustslowdownenough
Toconsiderwhat's trueand real
Andalwaystry to understand
Thewayother peoplefeel.
Andbe lessquickto anger,
Andlovetne peoplein our liVes
Like we've neverlovedbefore.
If we treateach otherwith respect,
Andmoreoftenwear a smile
Rememberingthat this spedal dash
Mightonlylast a littlewhile.
So, when youreulogy'sbeingread
With your life's actions to rehash
Wouldyoube proudof the ttllngsthey say
About how youspentyourdash?
Noteverymanknowswhathe shailSlogat the-end,
Watchingthe pier as the shipsailsaway,01 what it will seemlike
Whenhe'sheldby thesea'sroar,motionless,thereat theend,
Or whathe shallhopefor oneIt is dear that he'll nevergobaclt
Whenthe timehaspassedto prunethe roseor caressthe eat, when
The-sunsettorchingthe lawn andthefull mooniCingit down
Nolongerappear,not everymanknowswhathe'll discoverinstead,
'Whenthe weightof thepast leansagainstnothingandthe Sky
Is no morethanrememberedlight,and thestonesaresuspendedinflight,
Noteverymanknowswhatis waitingfor him.or what heshallsing
WhentheShiphe is onslipsintodarkness,thereat theend,
Remember me when I am gone away...
When you can no more hold me by the hand,
Nor I half turn to go yet turning stay.
Remember me when no more day by day
You tell me of our future that you planned;
Only remember me; you understand
It will be late to counsel then ...
Yet if you should forget me for a while
And afterwards remember, do no grieve;
For if the darkness and corruption ieave
A vestige of the thoughts that once I had,
Better by far you should forget and smile
Than that vou should remember and be sad
At every turning of my life
I came across
Good friends,
Friends who stood by me
Even when the time raced me by.
Farewell, farewell
My friends
I smile and
Bid you goodbye.
No, shed no tears
For I need them not
All I need is your smile.
If you feel sad
Do think of me
For that's what I'll like.
When you live in the hearts
Of those you love
Remember then
You never die.
DoNot Weep For Me
Do notweep for me,for I havelived..
I havejOinedmyhandwithmyrelk>ws' hands,
to leavethe planetbetterthanI found it
Donotweepfor me,for I haveloved andbeenlovedby
rri'Ifamily,by those I lovedwho lovedme back
tor I neverknewastranger,onljl friends.
Do not weepfor me.
Whenyoufeel the ocean$pray uponyour face,
I emmere.
Whenyour heart beatsfaster at the dOlphin'sleapinggrace.
I amthere.
Whenyou reachout to touchanomer'sheart,
as nowItouch God'sface.
I amthere.
00 not v.-eepfor me, I am notgone,
ersed Praverv
Our Father who art in heaven.
Hallowed be thy name.
Thy kingdom come.
Thy will be done
on earth as it is in heaven.
Give us this day our daily bread
and forgive us our debts
as we forgive our debtors.
Lead us not into temptation
but deliver us from evil,
for Thine is the kingdom
and the power and glory forever.
Our Father who art in heaven,
Hallowed art thy name.
Thy kingdom come.
Thy will be done,
-arth as it is in heaven.
'vlve us this day our daily bread
and forgive us our trespasses
as we forgive those who trespass
against us.
Lead us not into temptation .
but deliver us from evil. Amen,

o ever immaculateVirgin, Mother
of mercy, health of the sick, refuge
of sinners, comfort of the affiicted,
you knowmy wants, my troubles,
my sufferings;deign to cast upon
me a lookof mer<;[\'.By appearing
in the Grotto of Lourdes, you were
pleased tomak{it a privileged
sanctuary. 'whenceyou dispense
your favors. and.already many
sufferers have obtained the cure of
their infirmities.both spiritual and
corporal. I come. therefore, with
ounded confidence, to implore
';:,-,,1-11' maternal intercession. Obtain,
o loving Motber. the grant of my
requests. I will endeavor to imitate
your virtues. that I may one day
share your glory, and bless you in
_..... __ :..... A _
For God so loved the world. that
He gave His only begotten Son,
that whosoever believeth in Him
should not perish, but have ever
lasting life. _
cC6HN 5:24
"Verily.verily, I say unto you, He
that heareth my word, and believeth
on him that sent me, hatb everlast
ing life,and shall not come into
condemnation; but is passed from
death unto life."

I will lift mine eyes unto the hills,
from whence cometh my help.
My help cometh from the Lord,
which made heaven and earth.
He will not suffer thy foot to be
moved: He that keepeth thee
will not slumber.
Behold, He that keepeth Israel shall
neither slumber nor sleep.
The Lord is thy keeper: the Lord is
thy shade upon thy right hand.
The sun shall not smite thee by day,
nor the moon by night.
The Lord shall preserve thee from
all evil: He shall preserve thy soul.
The Lord shall preserve thy going
out and thy coming in from this
time forth, and even for evermore,

Remember, 0 most gracious
Virgin Mary,that never was it
known that anyone who fled to thy
protection, implored thy help, and
sought thy intercession. was left
unaided. Inspired with this confi
dence, I fly unto thee. 0 virgin of
virgins, My Mother! To thee I
come: before thee I stand, sinful and
sorrowful. 0 Mother of the Word
Incarnate 1 Despise not my peti
tions. but. in thy mercy, hear and
answer me. Amen.
1\"" 1"'\. l'n_ _ __ .. C'_._ _

Lord, make me an instrument
of your peace; where there is
hatred. let me sow love: where
there is injury, pardon; where
there is despair, hope; where there
is darkness. light; where there is
sadness, joy.
o Divine Master, grant that I
may not so much seek to be con
soled as to console; to be under
stoodas to understand; to be loved
as to love; for it is in giving that We
receive; it is in pardoning that we
are pardoned; and it is in dying that
we are born to eternal life.

The Lord is my shepherd, I shall
not want. He maketh me to lie
down in green pastures; He leadeth
me beside the still waters. He
restoreth my soul; He leadeth me in C.!
the paths of righteousness for his
name's sake. Yea, though I walk
through the valley of the shadow of
death, I will fear no evil; for thou art
with me; Thy rod and thy staff, they
comfort me. Thou preparest a table
before me in the presence of mine
enemies; Thou anointest my head
with oil; My cup runneth over.
Surely goodness and mercy will
followme all the days of my life,
And I will dwell in the house of the
Lord forever.

Our Lady of Guadalupe. mystical
rose, make intercession for Holy
Church, protect the Sovereign
Pontiff. help all those who invoke
thee in their necessities. and since
thou art the ever Virgin Mary and
Mother of the true God,obtain for
us from thy most holy Son the grace r'l
of keeping our faith, sweet hope in \...J
tbe midst of the bitterness of life,
burning charity and the precious
.r-r- ,
Any Morning
Of Steppingon shore andfinding
it Heaven!
Oftakinghold of a hand and
findingit God's hand!
Ofbreathinga new air andfinding
it celestialair,
Of feelinginvigorated andfinding
it immortality,
Ofpassingfromthorn and tempest
to an unknown calm.
Ofwakingup and findingit
Our Father whoart in Heaven,
Hallowedbe thyname,
Thy Kingdomcome,Thywill be
done,On earthas it is in Heaven.
Giveus this dayourdailybread
and forgiveus our trespassesas we
Andleadus not intotemptationbut
deliverus fromevil.ForThine is
the Kingdomand thePowerand
the Gloryforever, Amen.
Serenity Prayer
God grant me the
Serenityto accept the things
I cannot change;
Courage to change the things I
Can; and
Wisdomto know the difference.
Livingone day at a time;
Whohas lived well.
Enjoyingone moment at a time;
laughedoftenand loved much;
who has gainedthe respect
As the pathway to peace.
of intelligentwomen and men
Taking as He did,
and the love of children;
Thissinfulworld as if is
who never lacks appreciation
not as I would have it.
of'the earth's beauty
Trusting that He will make
or failsto express it;
allthings right.
who followshis dreams
If I surrender to His will.
andpursues excellencein each task;
That I maybe reasonably happy
and000 bringsout the best in others,
in this life,
and gives onlythe best of himself
And supremelyhappy
WIth Him forever in the next.
Reinhold Niebuhr
To ThoseI Love
and ThoseWho LoveMe
WbenI am gone,releaseme.Jet me go
I havesomanylhingstoseeand do.
Youmustn'tlieyourself10mein tears,
Be happythat wehad so manyyears,
I gavetoyoumylove, YOil canonly guess
- howmuch,yougaveto mein happiness.
I thankyoufor theloveyoueachhaveshown,
but nowirs timeI traveledon alone.
So grieveawhilefoime if grieveyou must,
then let yourgriefbe comfortedby trust.
II'Sonlyforawhilethat wemust part
so blessthe memorieswithinyour heart,
I won'tbefar away,forlifegoes on
so if youneedme,call andI will come,
Thoughyoucan'tseeor touchme, fll be near;
and if youlistenwithyour heart,you'll hear
all mylovearoundyou,softand clear.
An then,whenyoumust comethis wayalone,
fll greetyouwith a smileand a
Thinkof me fondly,
Whenwe've saidgoodbye.
Rememberme once in a while,
Pleasepromise you'lltry.
Thinkof all the things
We've sharedand seen.
Recallthose days,
Look back on allthose times,
Don't think about the things
Whichmight have been.
Thinkof me,
Thinkof me waking,
Silent and resigned,
But keep me in your mind.
We never said
Our love was evergreen.
Or as unchangingas the sea;
But if you can still remember
Promiseyou'll stop and thinkof'me,
God Be With You
May HisCounsels Sweet uphold you,
Andhislovingarms enfoldyou,
As youjourney on your way.
MayHisShelteringWmgsprotect you,
AndHisLight Divinedirect you,
turningdarknessinto day.
MayHisPotent Peace surroundyou,
AndHisPresencelingerwith you,
Asyour inner, goldenray.
Our lives are but fine weavings
That God and we prepare.
)':ach life becomes a fabric planned
'-c' And fashioned in His care.
We may not always see just how
The weavings intertwine,
but we must trust the Master's hand
And follow His design.
For He can view the pattern
Upon the upper side,
While we must look from underneath
And trust in Him to guide ...
Sometimes a stand of sorrow
Is added to his plan,
And though it's difficult for us,
We still must understand
That it's He who fills the shuttle,
It's He who knows what's best,
So we must weave in.patience
And leave to Him the rest ...
Not till the loom is silent
And the shuttles cease to fly
Shall God unroll the canvas
And explain the reason why
-vThe dark threads are as needed
) In the Weaver's skillful hand
- As the threads of gold and silver
In the pattern He has planned.
The tides oHife rise and fall. And
whether it be late or soon, we learn
in the fUllnessof time that there will
be joy and sorrow; peace and crisis;
sunshine and darkness. These tides
have risen and fallen since the
beginning of time, and will continue
to do so until the end of time Day
after day we are carried along,
rejoicing in the crests of glorious
incoming tides-until, perhaps in the
single shattering moment, the tide
recedes. Scattered along the shore
is OUi' broken spirit, the wreckage of
a dream, or the loss of one without
yhom life seems unendurable. Yet
certain as the turning of the tide
is the fulfillment of God's promises
that as yesterday was, and as today
is, there will be a tomorrow.

I'd like the memory of me
to be a happy one.
I'd like to leave an afterglow
of smiles when life is done.
I'd like to leave an echo whispering
softly down the ways.
Of happy times and laughing times
and bright and sunny days.
I'd like the tears of those who grie:ve
to dry before the sun
Of happy memories that I leave
when life is done.

Day is done, gone the sun
from the lake, from the hill, from
the sky
All is well, safely rest.
God is nigh.
Thanks and praise for our days
'neath the sun, 'neath the stars,
'neath the sky.
Aswe go, this we know.
God is nigh.
A precious one from us has gone
A voice we loved is stilled;
A place is vacant in our home,
Which never can be filled.
God in His wisdom has recalled
The boon hislher love has given,
And though the body slumbers here,
The soul is safe in Heaven.

Perhaps you sent a lovely card,
or sat quietly in a chair.
Perhaps you sent a floral spray
if so, we saw it there.
Perhaps you spoke the kindest words
as any friend could say
Perhaps you were not there at all,
but thought of us today
Whateveryou did to consoleour hearts
we thankyou so much
whatever the part.

It's difficult when someone
Who is loved cannot be there,
But memoriesthatare madeand shared
Will keep a loved one near.
And God, with loving wisdom,
Will be there to guide us through;
He'll help us meet tomorrow
And he'll give us anew.
When I come to the end of the road
And the sun has set for me,
I want no rites in a gloom-filledroom;
Why CJYfor a soul set free.
Miss me a little, but not too long.
And not with your head bowed low.
Remember the lovethatwe onceshared.
Miss me, but let me go.
For thisisajoumeythatwe allmust take
And each must go alone.
It's all a part of the Master's plan,
A step on the road to home.
When you are lonely and sick at heart
Go to the friends we know
And bury yo_ur sorrows in doing
good deeds.
Miss me. but let me go.
We feel so sad
When those we love
Are called to live
In "The Home Above."
But they have gone
To prepare the way,
And we'll met them again
Some happy day.
For God has told Us
That nothing can sever
A life He created
To live on forever.
So let God's promise
Soften our sorrow
And give us new strength
For a tomorrow.
Cancer is so limited ...
It cannot cripple love
It cannot shatter hope
'''-- It cannot corrode faith
It cannot eat away peace
It cannot destroy confidence
It cannot kill friendship
It cannot shut out memories
It cannot silence courage
It cannot invade the soul
It cannot reduce eternal life
It cannot quench the spirit
It cannot lessen the power
...of the resurrection
-auibor unknown
Alight is from our household gone,
Avoice we loved is stilled.
A place is vacant in our home
Which never Can be filled.
We have to mourn the loss of one
Vedid our best to save.
'Beloved on earth, regretted still,
Remembered in the grave.
'Twas hard to part with one so dear,
We little thought the time was near
Farewell, dear one, your life is past,
Our love foryou till the end will last.
When I must leaveyou for a littlewhile
Pleasedo not grieve andshed wildtears
And hug your sorrow to you through
But start out bravely witha gallant smile;
And Ormysake and in my name
Liveon anddo allthings the same.
Feed not.}'Our loneliness on empty days,
But filleachwaking hour in usefulways.
Reach out your hand in comfort and in
"-,, __ ueer
AndI, in turn, will comfort you
-\ncl hold you near.
Iud never. never be afraidto die.
'It'I am waiting for you in the sky!
Don't grieve for me, for now I'm nee.
IiI shouldeverleaveyou,whomI love
I'm following the pathGodlaid for me,
To go alongthe Silent Way, grievenot,
I took Hishand when I heard Himcall,
Nor speakof me withtears, butlaugh'7":
I turned my backand left it all.
andtalk C'
I could not stay another day
Ofme as if I were beside you there.
to laugh, to love, to work. or play.
(I'dCDne- rdo:xne,couIdlbut6ndaw.w!
Tasks left undone must stay that Wlo/,
Butwouldnattearsandgriefbe barriers?)
I found that place at the closeof day.
And whenyou hear a song or see a bird
If my partinghas left a void
Iloved, pleasedonotlettbethoughtofme
Then fill it with remembered joy.
Besad...For I am lovingyoujust as
A friendship shared, a laugh, a kiss.
Ialwayshave ...Youwere SOgoodtome!
Ahyes, these things,Itoo, willmiss.
There are so many things I wanted still
Benot burdened with times of sorrow.
Todo-so many thingsto say toyou ...
I wish you the sunshine of tomorrow .
My lifes been full, I savored much:
Remember that I did not fear. .. It was
Goodfriends, good times, a loved
. Justleavingyouthatwassohardtoface ...
ones touch.
Wecannotsee Beyonct.. ButthisIknow: .
Perhaps my timeseemed all too brie
JIovUJ - beava:htrtwi/;byou! yOUJO 1waJ
Don't lengthen itnowwith undue grid
Lift up your heart and share ,,\lithme.
God wanted me now, He set me free.
Two smiling eyes are sleeping,
Two busy hands are still.
The one we love so deeply 0.'.
I am home in Heaven, dear ones;
Is resting at God's will. . ,
Oh, so happy and so bright!
May she always walk in sunshine,
There is perfect joy and beauty
God's love around her glow.
In this everlasting light.
For all the happiness she gave us,
All the pain and grief is over,
Only a few will ever know.
Every restless tossing passed;
It broke our hearts to lose her
I am now at peace forever,
But she did not go alone.
Safely horne in Heaven at last.
Did you wonder I so calmly
For part orus went with her
Trod the valley of the shade 1 The day God called her home.
Oh! but Jesus' love illumined
Every dark and fearful glade.
And He came Himself to meet me
In that way so hard to tread;
And with Jesus' arm to lean on,
Do not stand at my grave and weep;
Could I have one doubt or dread? I am not there. I do not sleep.
Then you must not grieve so sorely,
I am a thousand winds that blow,
For I love you dearly still:
I am the diamond glint on snow.
Try to look beyond earth's shadows,
I am the sunlight on ripened grain,
Pray to trust our Father's Will.
I am the gentle autumn rain.
There is work still waiting for you,
Whenyou awake inthe morning'shush,
So you must not idly stand;
I am the swift uplifting rush
Do it now while life rernaineth
Of quiet birds in circling flight.
You shall rest in Jesus'land.
When that work is all completed,
I am the soft starshine at night.
He will gently call you Home; Do not stand at my grave and cry;
Oh, the rapture of that meeting,
I am not there. I did not die
os, the joy to see you come!

Hail Mary, full of grace, the Lord
is with thee; blessed art thou
. iongst women, and blessed is
' .. erie fruit of thy womb, Jesus.
Holy Mary! Mother of god, pray
for us sinners, now, and at the
hour of our death. Amen.
Hail Holy Queen, mother of mercy.
Hailour life,our sweetness and our
hope. Toyou do we cry, poor
banished children of Eve.. Toyou
do we send up our sighs, mourning
and weeping in this vail of tears.
Tum then, most gracious advocate,
thine eyes of mercy toward us and
after this, thy exile, show unto us
the blessedfruit of your womb,
Jesus. Oh clement, oh loving, oh
sweet Virgin Mal)'. Amen
L--God grant me the serenity to
}.ceptthe things I cannot change,
the courage to change the things I
Canand the wisdom to know the
difference. Amen.
c%ODlSH (Hehrew)
Vil-s.dal vC'"yil-lu.wda,sh ,...b .. be-alml
chi-rCU-'ly. 'It'Ylm-lieh m.t-lZhu4;\y b<-och.-yei""thol';
\Iyt.yomd"'Chon \,1.\1(-<"11.."., dM;hol bell Yi.N'1Icil.
u-vt-ae-eue ... nv, vim", Amen.
.x;'<'l "\)'!' K'l;
Ych.y shc-may f.-ha nlc'Vl!-fuh "le,,,Iml)
.XiV,'?l i1QIo1
.1<f.l1''''1 .K1;'1
May the angels lead you into
Paradise, may the Martyrs receive
you at your coming and take you
to Jerusalem, the holy city. May
the choirs of the Angels receive
you and may you, with the once
poor Lazarus, have rest everlast
ing. Amen.
(Roman Ritual)
May the Souls of all the faithful
departed, through the mercy of
God, rest in peace. Amen.
II 4:7-8
"I have fought the good fight, I
have finished the race, I have kept
the faith: Henceforth there is laid
up for me a crown of righteous
ness, which the Lord, the righ
teous Judge, shall give me at that
day: and not to me only, but unto
all them also that love His appear
Yit-ga-dal ve-yit-ka-dash, she-may
ra-ba be-al-ma di-ve-ra chi-re-u
tay, ve-yam-Iich, mal-chu-tay be
cha-yei-chon u-ve-yo-rnei-chon u
ve-cbay-yay de-chol beit Yis-ra
eil, ba-a-ga-la u-vi-ze-rnan ka-riv,
v'imru Amen.
Ye-hay she-may ra-ba me-va-rach
le-a-lam u-le-al-may al-ma-ya,
Yit-ba-rach ve-yish-ta-bach, Ve
yit-pa-arve-yit-ro-marn ve-yit-na
say ve-yit-ha-dar ve-yit-a-leh ve
,yit-ha-lal she-may de-ku-de-sha.d
be-rich hu, le-ei-la min kol be-re
KJ;19Q,1 -I"':' "'>;>1<)
cha-ta ve-shi-r a-ta, tush-be-cha-ts
Vil.h"-f.,h yc-yit-pt-ar ..m
ve-ne-che-rna-ta, da-a-mi-ran be
vt-yil-n.olly yt-yit-ha-dn \"C-yh-"!e:h e-:rith.III.lhe.-mlY
.. be-rich hu. IM1:1.', min koJ bi-n-<h'-'I al-ma, v'irnru Amen.
ve-thi-rJ-ll.. tush-be-cb"ll ... ftC'o(:M-ma-I,Ld..tntr.n
be,Jm2, y"imN Ame.,.
Ye-hay she-la-ma ra-ba min she- .
0"1;11 K:"V'l1,l K9'?'!'K"l
may-ya ve-cha-yim a-Iei-ne ve-al
II...J"., 1"1;''''91:') .'>1:'1'l':
h.y jM-la-tn, r min shc-m .. )'" ,lei-f1u
kol Yis-ra-eil, v'irnru Amen.
.... -al \oS Ylt-n .. iJ.V'mnt Am1t.
"'i cl'>", K'" 01'>", 111\'11
Oseh shalom bimromav hu ya

aseh shalom alaynu v' al kol
Oleh Ihalom hu ya""h.lom II.yn\
",'.11:01YiUltl v1mt", Amelt.
Yisrael v'irnru Amen.
o gentlest Heart of Jesus, ever
present in the Blessed Sacrament,
ever consumed with burning love
for the poor captive souls in
Purgatory, have mercy on the.
of Thy departed servant. Be n\
severe in Thy judgement but leI
some drops of Thy Precious BI\ I
fall upon the devouring flames '
and do Thou, 0 merciful Savi
send Thy angels to conduct T
departed servant to a place of
refreshment, light and peace.
May the souls of all t
faithful departed, though th.
mercy of God, rest in peace
May the roadsriseto meetyou
May the wind be alwaysat your back
Maythesunshinewarm uponyourface
The rain fallsoft uponyour fields
And, until we meet again,
May Godholdyou
In the palmof His hand.
M:.. y you long'be in heaven
Beforethe devil knows you're gone.
I believe in God, the Father
Almighty, Creator of heaven and
earth; and in Jesus Christ, His
only son, OUl' Lord, who was
conceived by the Holy Spirit,
born of the Virgin Mary, suffereJ
under Pontius Pilate/was cruci
fied, died, and was buried. He
descended into hell; the .third day
He arose again from'the dead; He
ascended into heaven, sits at the
right hand of God,the Father
Almighty; from thence He shall
come to judge the living and the
dead. I believe in the Holy Spirit,
the holy catholic church, the
communion of saints. the forgive
ness of sins. the resurrection of
the body, and life everlasting.
-'","Joetndd Prose
" ...
One night a man had a dream.
He dreamed he was walking along
the beach with the Lord. Across
the sky flashed scenes from his life.
Each scene, he noticed two sets of
footprints in the sand; one belong
ing to him, and the other to the
When the last scene of his life
flashed before him, he looked back
at the footprints in the sand. He
noticed that many times along the
path of his life there was only one
set of footprints. He also noticed
that it happened at the very lowest
and saddest times in his life.
This really bothered him and he
questioned the Lord about it.
"Lord, you said that once I decided
to followyou, you'd walk with me
~ h e way. But I have noticed that
'cruring the most troublesome times
in my life, there is only one set of
footprints. I don't understand why
when I needed you most you would
leave me.
The Lord replied, "My precious,
precious child, I love you and I
would never leave you. During
your times of trial and suffering,
when you see only one set of foot
prints, it was then thatI carriedyou."
God hath not promised skies
always blue,
Flower-strewn' pathways all our
lives through;
God hath not promised sun
without rain,
Joy without sorrow, peace
without pain.
But God hath promised strength
for the day,
Rest for the labor, light for the way,
Grace for the trials, help from above,
Unfailing svmnathv, undying love.
One night in deepest sleep. I dreamed,
Upon the beach I walked.
The Lord was by my side each step
As quietly we talked.
Then on the sky my life appeared,
Each chapter was serene.
Two sets of footprints in the sand
I saw in every scene.
And then I noticed in some parts
Of discontent and strife,
Just a simple pair of footprints
In the worst times of my life.
"Lord, you said you'd walk by me
In good times and in bad ...
\Vhy then weren't you with me
When you knew my life was sad?"
"My dearest child," God whispered,
When you suffered then, I knew;
The single pair of footprints
Were those times I carried you."
When I am gone, releaseme. Let me go.
I have so many things to see and do.
You mustnhie yourself to me with tears.
Behapp,ythat we hadso many beauti
I gavetoyou mylove. Youcan onlyguess
How muchyou gave to me in happiness.
IthankyoulOrtheloveyou shown, eaehhave
But now it's time I traveled on alone.
Sogrieveawhileforme, ifgrieveyoumust,
Thenletyour griefbecomforted qytrust.
It's only for a while that we must part,
00 blessthe mernorieswithinyour heart.
I won't be far away, for lifegoeson.
00 ifyou need me, calland I willcome.
Though you can't see or touch me,
I'll be near.
And if you listen with your heart,
you'll hear
All my love around you soft and clear.
And then, when you must COrne
this way alone,
I'll greet you with a smile, and say
"Welcome Homp."
Sunset and evening star
and one clear call for me!
Andmaytherebenornoaning ofthebar,
when I put out to sea.
But such a rideas movingseems asleep,
too full for sound and foam,
when that which drew from out
the boundless deep
turns again home.
Twilight and evening bell,
and after that the dark!
when I embark;
For tho' from out our bourne of
time and place
the flood may bear me far,
I hope to see my Pilot face to face
when I have crossed the bar.
When I am gone, don't call me back,
My life on earth will be no more.
Peace I leave you, for my last act,
I'm now beyond this earthly door.
I'll missyour laughter, tears will fall,
but look within your aching heart,
loving memories there- recall.
Hearts stay together; bodies must part.
I thank you for the love we've known.
Please know that always I'll be near
And though I take this step alone,
My soul's whispers I knowyou 11hear.
Live your lifewith courage and love,
Continue the fight you've begun.
Proudly, 111watch you &om above,
Knowing through Death - Life I
have Won.
-Bttrf"'rn r""RII'..
Heading Home
Asmytrip through life
Siomy bepll to lade
I took stockof myjourney
And the part that I bad played.
With all of thegoodtimes
WinningbattlesI fou&bt
But when the badtimes prevailed
it wasGodwhomI sought.
As thefill3l hurdles began to appear
In myracewithfather time
I looked fOtw.mi to Qod's/dngdom
Witha visionof life so sublime.
Thefinal chapternowcomesintoview
With littletime remainingto roam
I prayedfor Godto heed mycall
As I began"HeadingHome."
~ tie't4d '"" t\l.Hted If<<+.
~ tie~ de,af<ll41f4at epu:a
d4d. ~ tieUI.e dbee-..-.
~ epu:a Iaatie~ 6aU
~ ~ epu:a { 4t
we . - t ~ . ~ tjMtkU If<<+
~ tief14/M4'ti'ak-t. ?'i-.
An Indian Prayer
Do not standat my grave andweep
I'mnot there, I do not sleep.
I ama thousandwindsthat blow
I ama diamondglinton snow.
I amthe sunlightonripenedgrain,
I amthe gentleAutumnrain.
whenyou wakein the morninghush
I'mthe swift upliftingrush.
Of quietbirds in circlingflight
I amthe soft star shineat night
Do not stand at my grave andweep,'
I'mnot there, I do not sleep.
7" 4tu /llll4l1IUId:t6 ""
de te'pt '" fztIJIIlea.r4

'" etId,e4 a.r4
de Iduup:t'" j4tu /-U:
t6 du.d, t6 It" de Iut
be odcu: t6 te- de -U '" k
Ietfer" 4 4 diU.
'" {I4fd Of '" tedee",ed44dat

t44tet leea<Uetp'# kwe ltued.
u t6kwe 4lUeudd.

BeyondThe Grave
Howoftenhave we knowna dogto be
Moreloyalthanthe race of humankind...
Althoughit seemsa dog can somehowsee
Thevery inmostcaverns of the mind.
Andyet he neverlooks upona friend
With scorn, eventhoughtheworldthat friendsdespise;
And whendeathclaimshis master-bringsan end
To comradship--hegrieves-his sorringeyes.
It maybe that self-samepower thatgave
the doghis faithful,understandingheart
Will grant himlfieagainbeyondthe grave,
Tomeet withfriends-where death canplayno part.
Almighty and most loving God,
for no merits of their own, as soon
as they leave this world you give
everlasting life to all little children
reborn in the font of baptism, as
we believe that you have given it
today to the soul of this little child;
grant, 0 Lord, we implore you,
that by the intercession of the
Blessed Virgin Mary and of all
saints, we may serve you here on
earth with pure minds and join the
company of blessed children
forever in paradise, Through
Christ our Lord. Amen,
\::4iVhen God calls little children
to dwell with Him above
we mortals always question
the wisdom of His love,
For no heartaches compare with
the death of one small child
who does somuch to make thisworld
seem wonderful and mild.
Perhaps God tires of calling
the aged to his fold
and so He picks a rosebud
before it can grow old.
God know how much we need them
and so He takes but a few
to make the land of heaven
more beautiful to view.
Believing this is difficult,
still somehow we must try
the saddestword that mankind knows
will always be goodbye.
, ,endso when little ones depart,
\::::;) we who are left behind
must realize, God Loves Children
angels are hard to find.
-autbor UI.I:n/)WI1
We'll always love you,
Our little one.
We'll always remember
your sunshine, your fun.
You touched everyone
In the most special way;
Now in God's playground
You'll run and you'll play.
Safe in God's arms,
He holds you so tight;
You live in His love,
In his heart, in His light.
With all our hearts
And all our love
Mommy and Daddy
What dreams of a lifetime ...
Can be lived in a day?
When a little one's soul
Has been taken away.
Precious moments in time,
On eternity's way.
Not here, not to suffer,
But from now until forever ...
In our hearts and in our prayers,
And in God's Heaven...He will stay.
~ K 10:14-16
Suffer the little children to come
unto me, and forbid them not:
for such is the Kingdom of God.
Verily I say unto you, Whoever
shall not receive the Kingdom of
God as a little child, he shall not
enter therein.
And he took them up in His arms,
and His hands upon them, and
blessed them
"I'll lend you for a little while
a child of mine," He said,
"for you to love the while he lives
and mourn when he is dead.
It may be six or seven years
or twenty-two or -dl'ree,
but will you, 'til I call him back,
take care of him for me7
He11bring his charms to gladdenyou,
and should his stay be brief,
you'll have his lovely memories
as solace for your grief.
I cannot promise he will stay,
since all from earth return,
I want this child to learn.
I've looked the wide world over
in my search for Teachers True,
and from the throngs that crowd
life's lanes,
I have selected you. '
Now willyou give him allyour love,
and not think the labor vain,
nor hate me when I come
to take him back again 7"
I fancied that I heard them say,
"Dear Lord, Thy will be done;
for all the joy this child shall bring,
the risk of grief we'll run.
We'll shelter him with happiness;
we'll love him while we may.
Andfor the happinesswe'veknown,
forever grateful stay.
But should the angels call for him
much sooner than we planned,
we11bravethe bittergriefthat comes,
and try to understand."
-autbor unknown-
God'sgardenhasneedofa littleflower.
It had grown for a time here below.
But in tender love He took it above
In more favorable clime to grow.
The invocation of light - a Celtic
I kindle this little light
on the Earth Plane.
I dedicate it to the service of
the Spirit.
I guard and cherish this light
as a living symbol,
and an act of faith in the
reality of the Power of Light.
Aignish on the Machair.
Whenday and night areover,
And theWorldis donewithme,
Oh Cll1IYmeWest and lay me
In Aignishby the Sea.
And neverheed me lying
Amongthe ancient dead,
Beside the white sea breakers
And sand-drift overhead
The greygulls wheeling ever,
And thewide archof sky,
On Aignishonthe Machair,
Andquiet thereto lie,
May the blessing of light be on you - light without and light within. May the blessed
sunlight shine on you like a great peat fire, so that stranger and friend may come
and warm himself at it. And may light shine out of the two eyes of you, like a candle
set in the window of a house, bidding the wanderer come in out of the storm. And
may the blessing of the rain be on you, may it beat upon your Spirit and wash it fair
and dean, and leave there a shining pool where the blue of Heaven shines, and
sometimes a star. And may the blessing of the earth be on you, soft under your feet
as you pass along the roads, soft under you as you lie out on it, tired at the end of
day; and may it rest easy over you when, at last, you lie out under it. May it rest so
lightly over you that your soul may be out from under it quickly; up and off and on
its way to God. And now may the Lord bless you, and bless you kindly. Amen.
--Scottish Blessing
The Celtic Vision by Esther De Waal (Darton/Longman Todd 1990) is another
May God
make safe to you each step
May God
make open to you each pass
May God
make clear to you each road,
And may He take you in the
clasp of His own two hands.
May you go forth under the strength of heaven
Under the light of the sun
Under the radiance ofthe moon
May you go forth with the splendour of fire
With the speed of lightening
With the swiftness of wind
May you go forth supported by the depths of the sea
By the stability ofthe earth
By the firmness ofthe rock
May you be surrounded and encircled
above, below and about
With the protection of the nine elements.
This chapter consists of possible texts and turns of phrase, which
may be helpful to start you off. Some of them will not be to your
taste, but we hope that many will be found useful and appropriate. They
are arranged in the five sections listed above, though it will be noted
that several of the texts can equally well slot into one of the other
sections. In particular there is considerable overlap between Sections
A and B. You may wish to take passages or a few words from
different texts and combine them. For example, the last words of Al
make them suitable only for an untimely death, but the rest of the
text can be used more widely.
A. OpeningWords
1) We meet here today to tribute to the life of
.. and to express our love and admiration for h .. ' and to bring some
consolation/comfort to those of h . family and friends who arc here,
and who have been hurt by h .. untimely death
2) Death is a very personal matter to those who experience the death
of sorneone close to them. but we are all concerned. [am here to ropre
sent the.concern of other people - those who knew.,. well, knew
h , . a Iittlr-. or who did not know h .. , but have been touched indirectly
by h .. life. .
The world is a community and '" has been a part of that community.
We are all involved in the life and death of each of us. Human life is
built on caring. This is the heart of Humanism,
3) We are all concerned. directly or indirectly. with the death of any
individual, for we are all members of one human community, Though

phrase, which
not be to your
propriate. They
t will be noted
re of the other
,tween Sections
w words from
st words of Al
the rest of the
:e to the life of
i to bring some
: who are here,
ence the death
n here to repre
'" well, knew
ched indirectly
iat communitv.
;, Human life "is
death of any
some of the links between us are strong and some are tenuous, each
of Usis joined to all the others by links of kinship, love or friendship;
by living in the same neighbourhood or town or country; or simply by
our common humanity.
-I) A Humanist. funeral ceremony is an opportunity to join in taking leave
of someone we have loved/someone for whom we have had the greatest
affection/respect ... but it is more than that. It is the celebration of
the life and personality that have been ... in this case a full and long
life and a greatly loved personality.
G)The catastrophe of death cannot be altered, but it can be transformed
by love. Tra.gic circu mstances
6) Death comes to us all ... chose to grasp death/went to meet death.
7) We meet to remember ... and to help each other accept h .. death.
S/he had grown only a little way towards human personality, but s/he
was an important person in the eyes of those who loved h .. The wider
circle of h .. family and their friends care deeply about h .. death and
about the grief of those close to h .. , even if they find it hard to express
their concern. Infot
8) Our ceremony will be a short and simple one, which is what ...
particularly wanted/would have liked. It will not be religious because
that would be out of keeping with what s/he believed.
9) I want to welcome everyone who has come today. I hope that at
the end of this farewell ceremony for ... you will feel glad that you
took the opportunity to do some of your grieving in the presence of
others who have known and loved h ..
10) I am here as a representative of the human community of which
s/he was part.
II) As ... had no religious beliefs, his family have thought it appropriate
to have a non-religious ceremony. I am therefore officiating today at
their request as a Humanist.
B. Thoughtson LifeandDeath
I) The death of each of is in the order of things: it follows life ,! . ;un+,
as night follows day. We can take the Tree of Life as a sYP'id The
human race is the trunk and branches of this tree, and indivi.: :,; nwn
and women are the leaves, which appear one season, flourish for a sum
mer, and then die. I too am like a leaf of this tree, and one day I shall
be torn off by a storm, or simply decay and fall - and mingle with the
earth at its roots. But, while I live, I am conscious of the tree's flowing
sap and steadfast strength. DEep down in my consciousness is t lu
consciousness of a collective life, a life of which 1 am a part. and to
which I make a minute but unique contribution. When I die and fall
the tree remains, nourished to some small degree by my manifestat iou
of life. Millions of leaves have preceded me and millions will follow
me: but the tree itself grows and endures.
Ado.pterl [roru Herbert R",,,I
2) All living things are subject to death: it is the basis of growth. Through
evolution, in the course of millions upon millions of deaths, humanity
has evolved. We carry this inheritance. But we, as human innlvtduals,
have a more personal contribution to make. each in the value of our
own lives.
:3)The separateness, the uniqueness of each human life is the basis or
our grief in bereavement. Look through the whole world and there is
no one like the one you have lost. But she still lives on in your
memories and, though no longer a visible part of your lives. S' he will
always remain a member of your family or of your circle, through the
influence s.he has had on you and the special part she has played in
your Iives.
4) We know that the value and the meaning of life consist in living it
- and living it wel1. People who have been a strength and comfort to
others and have worked for future generations, deriving fulfilment and
satisfaction from so doing, these are the people who bring value and
meaning to life. And ... was such a person.
5) All that has life has its beginning and its end. Life exists in the time
span between birth and death and, for those of us who believe that
death brings the end of individual existence, life's significance lies in
the experiences and satisfactions we achieve in that span of nrne.
Ii it m(.l n is!
6) The comfort of having a friend - a brother, a father, a colleague'
may indeed be lost, but the comfort of having had that friend is never
lost. To match the grief of losing h." you have the joy of having known
b .. -- a joy of which you become especially aware at this moment, as
you fix n.. living image in your minds and recall the personal qualities
that made h .. unique. (' make sure you get these relationships correct')
7) Looking beyond our grief today, we rejoice that." was, and is, a
part of our lives, H .. influence endures in the unending consequences
that flow from h , character and the things s/he did. We shall remember
h .. as a living, vital presence. That memory will bring refreshment to
our hearts in times of trouble.
. trees flowing
o '55 is 1. he
apart, and to
II I die and fall
r mnnitestat ion
om will follow
I Herbert RPud
rowth. Through
at hs, humanity
.an individuals.
'Ie value of nul'
e is the basis of
rId and there is
VI'S on in your
, lives, s.he will
'le, through tho
P has played in
nsist in living it
and comfort to
g fulfilment and
or! value and
eists in the time
ho believe that
nificance lies in
span of time.
Hu ma nist
'f. a colleague"
t friend is never
f having known
his moment, as
.rsonal qualities
mships correct')
. was, and is. a
g consequences
shall remember
refreshment to
8) Those of us who accept the unity of the natural order, and believe
that to die means the end of the conscious personality, look death in
the face with honesty, with dignity and with calm,
9) For those of us who believe that death brings the end of individual
existence. recognition of our responsibility for, and dependence on,
each other gives life a purpose and significance. The concept of an
individual life as an event in a natural cycle answers our search for
a pattern of which we are part. And in our personal achievements and
in the minds of those who have known us, and in our children, rests
the continuance of something of ourselves.
10) I don't think there is anyone here who does not feel enriched for
having known h , S'he will be remembered as a mother*, a mother-in
law, a grandmother, a great-grandmother and a friend, (" again, be sure
to get the relationships right)
11) It is natural that we should be sad today because, in a practical
sense, ... is no longer a part of our lives. But we should not grieve
to live a fulfilling life to a great age and then to die ill one's sleep, is
something to be thankful for.
12) Though it is natural for us to grieve that." and". (the deceased
and the spouse) will not now enjoy the satisfaction of growing old
together, let us think today about the happy years and the good times.
13) Death is as natural as life - and it is inevitable. For". it has come
suddenly and by a chance accident. But chance is natural to life. The
end of each of us will be determined by chance - the failure of some
organ of our body, or some accidental intervention of an external cause.
The mis-chance that struck ... was at the limit of likelihood. but it was
in the course of natural processes. We should not seek to explain
chance: it is a come-together of events of no meaning,
Accidental death
14) Humanism has deep roots in the history of humankind: it has grown
over the centuries from our search for honesty and truth, and from
our love and concern for our fellow men and women.
15) I now ask you to remain silent for a moment or two so that you
can each think your own thoughts/you can each remember .. , in your
own way, Those of you with religious faith may like to use these
moments for your own private prayer.
16) We tend to overrate our public figures and forget those who make
life worth living. The men and women whose names are writ large in
history are few. We should remember those whose quality of life,
though unspectacular, is built into the fabric of our civilisation.
/! good link between Band C
1) A Humanist funeral is more than a leave-taking. It is the celebra
tion of a life that has ended.
2) H.. family and friends will remember h .. each in their own way.
3) Sihe would have been proud to know how courageously and cheer.
fully the family are supporting each other at this difficult time.
4) Though sihe had h .. share of difficulties and of grief, s.he faced
whatever came with courage/patience/good humour/stoicism.
5) S/he never felt sorry for h .. self, nor complained about h .. own
trou bles/illness/ di sability/lo neliness suffering.
6) We are glad for h .. sake that s/he was spared the suffering and
demoralisation of a long illness, and that death carne to h .. so quickly
and easily.
7) We think of h .. in many ways and in many situations. But most of
all we picture h .. at horne in h .. wonderful garden, among the
vegetables s/he worked so hard to cultivate.
8) It is clear that ... was a very special person.
9) Let us remember h .. as the fine-looking, healthy human being that
s/he always was.
10) We remember with deep affection.
11) We remember as a gentle and good person. towards whom others
would naturally turn for help and comfort.
12) The way we respond to the prospect of death is an expression of
our own being. The way ... died was characteristic of the kind of person
s/he was. Sihe faced death without fear, and made it a fitting end to
h .. long, fuJI and fruitful life.
D. TheCommittal
1) Let us now stand for the committal.
2) We now corne to the final act in our formal parting: please stand.
;3)We have reached the part in today's ceremony when ... 's body will
be taken from our view. Would you please stand.
ilit y of life.
the celebra
,ir own way.
y and cheer
ult time.
t, s/lle faced
.out h .. own
suffering and
1 .. so quickly
;. But most of
I, among the
lap J""'ingthat
swhom others
expression of
kind of person
fitting end to
please stand.
... 's body will
J) In Jove and respect we have remembered the life of ... and recalled
the person s.hc has been.
5) Here, in this last act. immune now to the changes and chances of
our mortal lot. we commit the body of ... (full name) to its natural end.
(;) H.. body we CGlllwit to.its natyraJ end, its transformation into the
ultimate elements of the by the age-old process of
fire a primal cosmic force.
7) 'To everything tsere is a season, 4l')la time to every purpose on
Earth; a (;!me to.oe.eornand a tbJie/t{) iiie ... '
8) And so d"Jthiillas come to our ftilind.an4rlq"fd--one ... H ..
and ideals\ve commit into ourrriindsand oiJr \vi;l'ls;h .. loves we commit
into h .. spirit has lo1!ltblaetr:>"'l'oaclh{tne world. We commit

h .. body to its natural end. .
9J Here, in this last act, in sorrow but without fear, in love and
appreciation. we commit ... 's body to its natural end.
iO) And now we have come to the end of our brief ceremony and must
say goodbye to the body of ... S'he will be remembered as a .. ,
I) We-havebeea gratitude a life that
has ended. Let US,!1(}W work, .resol'lied
C!iltyand [D better purpose
for having known ... andfolt having'shared in h. life, - ::.
2) The best of all answers to death is the whole-hearted and continu
ing affirmation of life, for the greater fulWment of humankind.
8) Friends, we have been remembering with love and humility!
appreciation.affection/ a life now ended, Now we must each return
to living our own lives, enriched by these memories. so that those who
live may have life more fully.
4) In respect and appreciation we remember the long life of ... and
its fullness of experience,
5) In sadness for h .. death but in gratitude for h .. life, we remember
... and h.. talent for joy and love.
6) In love we- shall keep the memory of ... and in gratitude we recall
the human image s/he has left us. And now we have each other. That
is all we have, but it is all w need, We are subject to natural law and
to chance, but our humanity gives us the power to stand over and
against them. We have a measure of understanding and so we gain some
It'hen I, am dead, my dearest,
Sirujno sad songs for me;
Plant thou no roses at my head,
Nor shady cypress tree:
Be the green grass above me
With stunners and dewdrops wet;
A nd if thou wilt, rernember,
A nd if thou wilt, forget.
I shall not see the shadows,
I shall not feel the rain;
I shall not hear the nightingale
Sing on, as if in pain;
And dreaming through the
That doth not rise nor set,
Haply I may remember,
And haply may forget.
Christina Rossetti
Under the wide and starry sky,
Dig the grave and let me lie.
Glad did I live and glalily (tie,
A.nd I laid me down with a will.
This be the rerse you gravefor me:
Here he lies where he longed to be;
Home is the sailor; homefrom sea.
And the hunter home from the'
R. L. Stevenson
If it must be
You speak no more with 'us,
Nor smile no more with us,
Nor walk no more with 'us,
Then let us take a patience and
a calm.
For even now the green leaf
Sun lightens stone, and all the
river burns.
Anon, From Central America.
Remember me when I am gone
Gone far away into the silent
When you can no more hold me
by the hand,
Nor I half turn to go yet
turning stay.
Remember me when no rlWre
day by day
You tell me Of our future that
yau planned:
Only remember me; you
It will be late to counsel then
or pray.
Yet if yau should forget me for a
And afterwards remember, do
not grieve:
For if the darkness and
corruption leave
A vestige of the thoughts that
once I had,
Better by far you should forget
and smile
Than that you should remember
and be sad.
Christina Rossetti
d starry sky,
Ie ) lie,
t f/la:dly die,
1'1with a unu.
It gravefor me:
Ie longed to be;
tome from.sea,
me frora the
? with us,
1 with W3,
with us,
patience and
green leaf
; and all the
-ntral America.
ounsel then
forget me far a
rmember; do
;s and
oughts that
should forget
mid remember
ristina Rossetti
If I Should Die
If I should die and leave you
Be not like others, quick undone
Who keep lang vigil by the
dust and weep.
For my sake turn to life and
Nerving thy heart and
hand to comfort weaker souls
than thee,
Complete these unfinished tasks
of mine
And I perchance may therein
comfort thee,
Thomas Gray
ThePeaceof Death
From too much love of living,
From hope and fear set free,
We thank with brief
lV'hatever gods may be
That no life lives for ever;
That dead men rise up never;
That even the weariest river
Winds somewhere safe to sea.
Then star nor sum.shall waken,
Nor any change of light:
Nor sound of waters shaken,
Nor any sound or sight:
Nor wintry leaves nor vernal,
Nor days nor things diurnal;
Only the sleep eternal
In an eternal night.
"For thou shalt sleep and never
'wake again,
And, quitting life, shall quit aU
But we, they friends, shall all
those sorrows find
~ V h ich in forqetfu! death thou
leo1,'st behind,"
Lucretius (trans. Dryden)
A late lark twitters from the
quiet skies;
And from the west,
lVhere the sun, his d a y : ~ work
Lingers as in content
There falls an the old, gray city
A 1'1influence luminous and
A shining peace.
The smoke ascends
In a rosy-and-golden haze. The
Shine, and are changed. In the
Shadows rise. The lark sings
on. The sun,
Closing his benediction
Sinks, and the darkening air
Thrills with a sense of the
triumphing night -
Night with her train of stars
And her great gift of sleep
So be my passing!
My task accomplished and the
long day done,
My wages taken, and in my heart
Some late lark singing,
Let me be gathered to the quiet
The sundown splendid and
serene, Death.
W. E. Henley
Goodnight: ensured release,
Imperishable peace,
Have these for yours,
While sea abides, and land,
And earth's foundations stand,
And heaven endures.
vv'hen earth:, foundations flee,
Nor sky nor land rwr sea
At all is found,
Content you, let them burn:
It is not your concern;
Sleep on, sleep sound.
A. E. Housman
"Doomed to knou: not Winter; only Spring - a being
hod the flowery April. blithely for a while;
his fill of music; joy of though and seeing,
- , , ~ ~ ; a : m e and stayed and went; nor ever ceased to smile.
Come and stayed and went; and now, when all i.5finished,
You alone have crossed the melancholy stream.
Yours the pang; but his, oh his, the undiminished
Undecaying gladness, un departed dream."
R. 1. Stevenson
He has outsoared. the stuulou: of our night;
Envy and calumny and hate and pain,
And that unrest which men miscall delight,
Can touch him not and torture not again;
From the contaqdon. of the world's slow stain
He is secure, and now can never mourn
A heart qroum. cold, a head grown gray in vain;
He is made one unth. Nature; there is heard
His voice in all her music, from the moan
Of thunder; to the song of m;ght's sweet bird;
He is a presence to befelt and known
In. darkness and in light ...
He is a portion of the loneli.ness
Which once he made more io'vely ..
P.B. Shelley
'ions flee,
/' sea
8. Housman
. Stevenson
'.B. Shelley
Fear no more the heat 0' the su.n,
Nor the [urious winters rages;
Thou thy wordly task hast done,
Horne art gone, and ta 'en they
Golden lads and qirls all must,
As chimney'sweepers, come to
Fear no more the frown 0' the
Thou art past the tyrant's stroke;
Care no more to clothe and eat,
To thee the reed is as the oak.
The sceptre, learning, physic,
Allfollow this, and come to dust.
Fear no more the lightning;/lash,
Nor the all-dreaded thunder-stone;
Fear not slander; censure rash;
Thou hasfinishedjoy and moan.
All lovers young, all lovers must
Consign to thee, and come to dust.
William Shakespeare
Fair daffodils, we weep to see
You haste away so soon;
As yet the early-rising sun
Has not attained his noon.
Stay, stay
Until the hasting day
Has run
But to the evensong;
And, having prayed together, we
Will go with you along.
We have short time to stay as
We have as short a spring;
As quick a growth to meet decay
As you, or anything.
We die
As your hours do, and dry
Like to the summers rain;
Or as the pearls of morning's
Ne'er to befound again.
Robert Herrick
TheNatural Order
I was not. I have been. I am not. I do not mind. (Epicurean epitaph)
Become accustomed to the belitif that death is nothing to us. For all good
and mil consists in sensation, but death is deprivation of sensation.
And therefore a right understanding that death is nothing to ns makes
the mortality of life enjoyable, not because it adds to it an infinite span
of time, but because it takes away the crauinq for immortality. For there
is nothing terrible in lifefor the man uiho has truly comprehended that
there is nothing terrible in not living.
Like as the waves make towards the pebbled shore,
So do O1.rmiruaes hasten to their end;
Each changing place with tluituih.ich. goes before,
in sequent toil all forwards do contend.
Nativity, once in the main qf light,
Crawls to maturity, uihereu-ith. being crowned,
Crooked eclipses 'gainst his glory fight,
And Time that gave doth now his gift confourui.
Time doth transfix the flourish set on youth
And delves the parallels in beautu' brow,
Feeds on the rarities of nature's truth,
And nothing stands but for his scythe to mow.
And yet to times in hope my. verse shall stand,
Praisino thy uiorth; despite his cruet hand.
William Shakespeare
Caies and Thrones and Pouters
Sta.nd in Time's euo,
Almost as long as flowers,
Which daiby die:
But, as new buds put forth
1b glad n61,{)men,
Out of the spent and w1U::onside:redEarth
Tne Cities rise again.
This season's Daffodil
She never hears
What change, what chance, iohat. chill,
Cut down last year's:
But with bold counl.e1lance,
A nd knOWledge small,
Esteems her seven days' continuance
1b beperpetual.
So Time that is o'er kind
1b all that be,
Ordains us e'en Qc,5 blind,
As bold as she:
That in our very death,
And Iruriai sure,
Shadow to shadow, well persuaded, saith,
'See how OUrworks endure!'
Rudyard Kipling
rd Kipling
'ngle thing abides; but all things flow.
1)1, tofragment clings - the things thus grow
:'" ,;/ u-e know and nanw them. By degrees
, and are no more the things we knaw.
;;;,:GulbedJromthe atoms falling slow or swift
see the suns, I see the systems lift
ii!;i",,),;',!,!i?,' ,""pi,- torms; and even the systems and the suns
go ba,ckslowly to the eternal drift.
n!ou too oh earth - thine empires, Lantis, and seas
with thy stars, of all the galaxies,
the drift like these, like these thou too
G."Jtgo. Thou art going, hour by hour; like these.
abides. Thy seas in delicate haze
Go off; mooned sands forsake thl?ir place;
where they are, shall other seas tn turn
with their scythes of whiteness other bays ...
;;"', 'l'>.n seeds that O1Uewere we take flight and fly,

to earth, or whirled along the sky

lost but d'isunited. Life lives on.
It is the lives, the lives, the lives, that die.
'I fall asleep in the full and certain hope
That my slumber shall not be broken;
"iiji,,!,;:,)):',,:',' ")"Andthat though I be all-forqettiru),
Yetshall I not be all-forqotten,
But continue that life in the thoughts and deeds
Of those I laved .. ,
Samuel Butler
They told me. Heraclitus, they told me you were dead,
They brought me bitter news to hear and bitter tears to shed.
;"i'.','''' 1 as I remember how often you and I
tired the sun with t.alking and sent hirn doum the sky.
And now that thou art lying, my dear old Carian guest,
A handful Ofgrey ashes, long, /ong ago at rest,
Still are they pleasant voices, they nightingales, awake;
FOr Death, he taketh all away, but them he cannot take.
W. .1. Cory
When the Present has latched its postern. behind -my tremulous stay,
And the If,fay month-flaps its glad green leaves like wings,
Delicate-filmed as new-spun silk, wilt the neighbours say,
'He was a man who used to notice such th.inqs'?
If it be in the dusk when, like an eyelid's soundless blink,
The dRwfallhawk comes crossing the shades to alight
Upon the wind-warped upland thorn, a gazer may think,
'Tu him this must have been a familiar sight.'
if 1pass during some nocturnal blackness, mathy and warm,
When the hedgehog travels furti uelu omr the lawn,
One may say, 'He strove that such innocent creatures shauld come to
no harm,
But he could. do little for them; and now he is gone.'
ff. when hearing that 1have been stilled at last, they stand at the door,
Watching the full-starred heavens that winter sees,
Will this thought rise on those who will 'meet my face
'He was one who had an eye for such mysteries'?
And will any say when my bell of quittance is heard
And a crossing breeze cuts a pause in its autrollings,
TIll they rise again, as they were a new bell's boom,
'He hears it not now, but used to notice such things'?
o mau 1J'oin the choir 'invisible
Qf those immortal dead who live again
In minds made better by their presence: live
In pulses stirred to generosity,
In deeds of daring rectitude, in scorn
For miserable aims that end: with self,
In thoughts sublime that pierce the night like stars,
And 'with their mild persistence urge man's search
Th vaster issues ...
This is the life to come,
Which martyred men have made more glorious
For us who strive to follow. May I reach
no more,
in the gloom,
'Ihomas Hardy
Be tl
So sf.
And L
0<,,,,. ,
The etl
That it
If 1 car.
1sail a
1 leave
',J: Cory
'ous stay,
come to
the door,
s Hardy
That purest heaven, tJe,to "other souls
The cup of strength in some.oreat agony,
Enkindle qenerous ardoui; .feed 1fI.trelove,
Beget the smiles thatMtJe 'rtom'ti:elty
Be the sweet pr(/fJ()iiCe'oju'gooll -rl,i.jJused,
And in diffusion 'etermore-inrense.
So shall I join the choiri1f!vistlite ,
Whose music is 'of the world,
George Eliot
I am tne 'famuyface;
Flesr:perismJS;'I ,Ii 1)/3on,

Through time ,Wtimesonon;
Andleapi""ft1ri:rrti 'Placeto place
fCILn .
, In cui'rJe'ii>iuf[ 'voice and eye
Despise thekssman. Stib:,(!
Of d:uru7l.Ce !/tat is I;
That ke'Msrto calt'tl) {jie,
Thomas' Hardy
Music, when soft voices die,
Vib'r;a!esin the memory;
IJdqprs;wken sweet Violets
hive.:wjthin the sense they
liose leaves, uihen. the rose is
Afe,heaped for the beloved's bed;
A.ndso thy thou.ghts,when thou
aft gorw,
Loce (tsf!?lfshalt siumber fin.
P ,B, st:\eIfey
If I canenooR?b/3tlveen a death.oJtorture and one that is simpl.e and
i Ttm:sel.ecttM'itJ;iter?A.s I choose the ship in which
I sailiiliit'fitfw h.mi.<Ii! wli'i'chI inhiiUii, SO' auchoose the death. by which
I teaveLi;J'e: .

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