Color Therapy by Lacramioara Bledea
Color Therapy by Lacramioara Bledea
Color Therapy by Lacramioara Bledea
Color Therapy
Concept of Color Therapy
Color Therapy appeared thousands of years ago and is based on holistic healing of our body using
the seven colors used in the seven energies of chakras. The seven power chakras healing it works on
the energies of our body by bringing them into a proper balance and healing various ailments
caused by the imbalance of our body. We must not forget that our body is strictly linked to our
mind, emotions, energies and spirituality. Natural holistic medicine also has this wonderful way to
treat our imbalances and ailments through colour therapy. Each of the spectrum colours it is trans-
mits us certain energies that we need to establish good balances with our own being.
Each specialist will have his own style with he will treat the needs of each client, but he will follow
some important steps in colour therapy, such as: he must know how to place the colors on the body,
how to direct these colors on the surface of the body. At the same time, the specialist must know
well the meditation with colour and different moments of the therapy.
The basic colour for Colour Therapy are: Violet, Indigo, Blue, Green, Yellow, Orange, Red. Each
individual color has a wavelength, measured in nanometers and it has a complementary colour for
example: complementary colour for Violet is Yellow, complementary colour for Indigo is Orange,
complementary colour for Blue and Green is Red, complementary colour for Yellow is Violet, com-
plementary colour for Orange is Indigo and complementary colour for Red
is Blue.
Always before starting the colour therapy we must offer
the client a relaxing, clean and safe environment for
the entire session that we support. 1
Nowadays we treat our own clients who use colour therapy according to the following procedures
and techniques:
-above the bed where the colour therapy will take place, light resources will be suspended that will
reflect in order of chakra; purple, indigo, blue, green, yellow, orange and red.
-the specialist helps the client sit on the therapy bed and helps him meditate. The client remains
with the cloth on.
-the client is advised to inhale deeply through the mouth. Exhalation just be longer than inspiration.3
-the environment where the treatment is applied will be semi-lit, clean and comfortable.
-after color therapy the client is served with a glass of water or a cup of tea according to the client
Colors are not what they are, they are what they reflect and you see. Not for every creature red is
red. When you exude love, people think you are a loving being and this a general law of the uni-
verse. The colors that you reflect on others make up your Aura. In color therapy we use colors with
natural reflection. All this explains how we are connected and influenced by colors, therefore using
colors we can treat different ailments. 4
Color red it is energise and invigorate for people and is improving circulatory and nervous systems.
Conor blue influence depression and pain and is stimulates the muscle, skin cell, nerves and the cir-
culatory system. Conor green rapresent nature and it is help to relieve strees and relax the people.
Yellow gives people a state of joy, improving mood, helps us to be more optimistic, help with indi-
gestion and bodily stress. Or- ange energizes and stimulates
local fat, advises people suffer- ing from asthma or lung dis-
These are the objectives and the way color therapy treats
clients. 5
Color Therapy treat disease and disorder. Human body respond to the light’s magnetic radiation.In
color therapy it is considered that they transmit vibrations and certain frequency data of colors that
is turn communicate with each organ, even more communicate with each cell in our body. 6
In color therapy it is considered that they transmit vibrations and certain frequency data of colors
that in turn communicate with each organ, even more communicate with each cell in our body.
In UK the authority that that deals with regulations and legal obligations is called General Regula-
tory Council for Complementary Therapies (GRCCT).
In the UK, complementary therapies practice are allowed. So color therapy was also allowed on the
condition of providing quality services, only with specialists who are certified. The area where color
therapy is practiced must be hygienic and safe conditions.
The specialist must have appropriate conduct and ethics, well trained in his profession, respectful
calm, positive energy and attitude towards the client. 7
Training required
Color Therapy is also sought after for the treatment of various ailments and for this we need a very
good preparation. There are both online and physical accredited schools for this type of course. The
following modules are studied in the Color Therapy course:
-the origins of colour healing - in this part of the couse students learn about origins, history, proper-
ties and main healing methods offered by color therapy.
-Chakras, color and their use in therapy - in this part of the course students learn about how to use
the seventh Chakras in Color Therapy.
-color and our living environment - it is very important to study the presence of colours around us
and how they have an impact on our whole body, mind and soul and how they treat various ailments
and diseases. 8
-an overview color psychology
-a look into color is applied
-an overview of colours and their healing properties
This course costs around 250 dollars plus 50 dollars for the Certificate that certifying the student’s
specialization. Color Therapy course that can extend over 6 months of study, but it is flexible and
you can complete it faster depending on your study progres. 9