Colour Therapy

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colour therapy
healing with colour
feeling off-colour
As we go through life we inevitably feel off-colour at some stage. Our physical health and emotional and spiritual wellbeing is influenced by our genes, life experience and the quality of our environment. Mental and emotional development causes changes in colour energies specific changes in the aura (invisible sheath of coloured light around the body) or colour energies of the spine indicate health problems that may exist. Colour therapy (sometimes called chroma-therapy) can often detect and work on emerging health issues before they manifest into more serious illnesses. Optimum health and vitality comes through the balance of mind, body and soul the holistic health movement has brought about a renewed interest in ancient practices such as colour therapy, acupuncture and reflexology. Colour is like a nutrient and supports different parts of the body as well as seeing colour with your eyes via the brain, you absorb colour and light through your skin. Even the food you eat can affect the colour and shape of your aura, as can negative emotions, hard drugs and viruses or changes within your physical environment. The colour of the clothes you wear, the colour of the paint on the walls, the colour of the car you drive; all have an impact on how you feel on the inside, and what you project on the outside of your body.

natural colour energies

By extending your understanding of the natural colour energies and developing your awareness of their power, you will open your eyes and your mind to the miraculous world of colour.


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Patterns of energy interactions within and around the human body are similar to those that occur around every living entity in nature an imbalance of the energies causes discomfort and illness. While the aura is not normally visible to the human eye, colour therapists can see it or may use scientific equipment to take a reading of the colour energies and thus diagnose the wellbeing of the person, animal or plant. Rebalancing and revitalising the bodys energies, colour treatment can assist the body to heal itself or support other treatments and therapies for minor ailments or more serious illness, as well as stress-related and mental disorders. Colour therapists use a variety of techniques to rebalance and revitalise patients full spectrum lamps, coloured crystals and silks, coloured water and oils, colour visualisation or colour breathing and scientific and computerised equipment with sensors and concise colour radiation lights, which are applied onto a specific reflex zone.

colour at home and work

With the wealth of colours now available, information on the particular effects of different colours is more in demand, and colour consultants can advise on colour use in the home, hospitals, schools, offices and factories. Rudolph Steiner studied the effects of colour on individuals and developed colour schemes for classrooms rose pink for 6 and 7 year olds, moving towards yellow for 12 year olds and gentle green for teenagers. Hospital colour schemes can help the healing process red to increase energy, blue for calmness, magenta to bring about change, turquoise for immunity, green to create balance, yellow for detachment or orange for joy. In offices and factories management of colour improves the work environment and increases productivity and efficiency. Colour is also used for safety features, such as red signs for danger areas, or green for emergency exits. People who spend a great deal of time in artificial lighting, which does not emit the same balance of colours as sunlight are depriving themselves of colour nourishment and are more prone to depression. The response to colours and health is similar worldwide, which suggests that colour associations are a part of our inherent connection with the planet.


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Visually impaired people can interpret colours through feeling the density and temperature of the air that surrounds objects touch at a distance people with poor sight can live in a world of colour.

breathing colour
Breathing does more than bring oxygen into your body and remove carbon dioxide from your blood it sustains and revitalises your spiritual energy. Relax your body, sit comfortably and breathe colour for the following situations. Red breathe in red for vitality, energy, strength and will power breath out turquoise. Orange breathe in orange of joy, happiness and fun breathe out blue. Yellow breathe in yellow to increase your objectivity and intellectual powers breathe out violet. Turquoise breathe in turquoise to counteract inflammation/fever and support immune system breathe out red. Blue breathe in blue for relaxation and peace or to combat insomnia breathe out orange. Violet breathe in violet to increase self respect, dignity and beauty breathe out yellow. Magenta breathe in magenta to let go of old obsessions and thoughts breathe out green

colour for living

We easily accept that plants require sunlight for photosynthesis the energy penetrates the leaves and combines the carbon dioxide from the air with water and trace elements from the soil. Humans are bathed in light from the sun that penetrates our skin and muscles, even our bones, in order to bring warmth and trigger chemical changes in the body tissues for growth and reproduction processes. Everything on earth takes in energy and releases energy input and output the output energy is our aura of light. Minerals, plants, animals and humans all have their own aura, which differ in complexity and colour ranges.


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Within the human body are eight chakras corresponding to the eight coloured layers of the aura. Red the base chakra is connected to passion, life energy, sexuality and the power to create. Orange the sacral chakra relates to the adrenal glands and influenced by genetic patterning. Yellow the solar plexus has descended into the nervous system the centre of the self worth. Turquoise the thymus chakra of the thymus gland is connected with generosity of life and love. Blue the throat chakra is linked with the thyroid gland and the centre for creative expression through sound. Violet the brow chakra, also known as the third eye, is the centre of creative visualisation and higher self. Magenta the crown chakra at the top of your head is the centre of spirituality and connects you to infinite intelligence.

backbone of colours
Spinal diagnosis analysing colour in the spine, gives more opportunity to diagnose the condition of the body and mind, and another way of allowing colour into the body for healing purposes. The order of the colours within each section is the same, following the colours of the rainbow, and the intensity of colours increase towards the bottom of the spine. Physical area - the sacrum (tail bone) can provide information about your physical being sexuality, obsessions and habits, physical ailments, exercise and sport, etc. Metabolic area the five lumbar vertebrae represent issues connected with your household tasks, metabolic processes, digestive system, food, toxins, drug and alcohol consumption. Emotional area the next 12 vertebrae up the spine are known as the thoracic vertebrae and carry information about your soul, relationships, feelings how we react to the world around us. Mental area colour in this area of the spine relates to the ego, thoughts, memory and intellect. Spritual area the eight fused bones of the skull receive messages from our higher spiritual self and are not used in diagnosis because of the difficulty of interpretation.


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Dowsing the spine the vibrations of colour can be felt by the finger, or often a pendulum or dowsing rod is used, to analyse each area of the spinal column to obtain information about the person undergoing colour treatment.

liquid colour
A colour bath provides and all-over treatment to soothe and relax, or to uplift ones energy. Bathroomware manufacturers are producing baths, spa baths and showersprays with light filters, which enable the water to be energised with a selected colour. When coloured light shines through a liquid, the liquid takes on some of the lights colour energy. Even drinking colour-energised water can promote wellbeing and was used many years ago by Egyptians and Indian healers. Red when you feel your emotions are stifled or willpower failing. Orange to restore your sense of humour and joy for life. Yellow to help focus on a task at hand and feel more cheerful. Turquoise to help solve a problem and feel more tranquil Blue to seek wisdom or calm down if feeling overheated Violet to reduce anxiety or foster intuition. Magenta to increase spiritual connection or need to forgive Green to reduce tension and balance your equilibrium

coloured lighting
Our bodies can absorb coloured light through the skin and eyes to soothe aches and pains or balance the state of mind. Coloured light treatments are given using the three primary colours of light which are blue/violet, green and red/orange. Some chromatherapists split the primary light colours as follows: Red to treat lethargy, sexual impotence and low blood pressure. Orange to combat depression and lift the spirits. Yellow to boost intellectual activity or relieve arthritis. Blue to ease asthma, migraine and insomnia. Violet to help people suffering from low self esteem.


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Green to clear muddled thinking or as a purifying force.

Observations of space indicate that the light in the universe is growing redder. Younger stars emit light at the blue end of the spectrum, but shift to a more red light as they get older. Coloured lighting is being used more in interior design and with some understanding of the effects of coloured lights on health, a beneficial outcome may be achieved.

colour and health

Colour changes in the body may be a sign of good health or failing health. A person often looks pale when unwell or in shock, whereas pink cheeks usually indicate a person is healthy and well. However warm red cheeks may indicate a fever or circulation problems. Yellow skin or eyes may indicate liver problems, greyish skin often suggests a depleted immune system and white patches on the skin may be attributable to kidney problems. The tongue also provides information about health a very pale tongue indicates fever whereas a dark red-purple tongue is a sign of possible heart trouble. If you want to improve some aspect of you health you may consider the following colours: Red if you suffer from feeling the cold Orange if you worry about things a lot Yellow for poor concentration Blue if you suffer from shortness of breath Violet to relieve persistent headaches Green if you suffer from stress related illness

self help with colour

There are many ways to implement colour to soothe aches and pains, protect organs and glands, or boost the body systems. Wrap coloured silk scarves around an aching area or on the part of the body where the organ is found. Drink water energised with colour fill a coloured glass tumbler with water or wrap coloured plastic around a clear glass. After 20 minutes in daylight conditions the water will take on the properties of the colour.


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Rub colour-energised water on the affected area of the body. Use coloured lights to bathe the body with energy remove clothing from the chakra associated with the physical symptom you are treating. Wear gemstones in the appropriate colour. Decorate your home or room in the colours you need around you. Breathe in the appropriate colour and breathe out the complementary colour for the particular ailment you wish to work on. Meditate and draw in the relevant colour into the chakra that represents the body organ you wish to work on.

Healing with Colour Theo Gimbel Colour for Life Charles Phillips Colour Healing Clinic Des Ellis Chromatherapy Martina Gruber Compiled by Colourwaves Jill Carroll


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