Shadow Economy
Shadow Economy
Shadow Economy
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Fleming, Matthew H., John Roman, and Graham Farrell. 2019. “The Shadow Economy”. figshare.
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The views expressed in this paper are those of the authors and do not necessarily
represent those of their affiliated institutions. The authors wish to thank Douglas Keh
and Peter Reuter for their learned advice and input.
Jim J. Thomas, Informal Economic Activity (Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press,
1992) p. X; Edgar L. Feige, Defining and Estimating Underground and Informal
Economies: The New Institutional Economics Approach, World Development, 18, no. 7
(1990) pp. 989-1002; Friedrich Schneider and Dominik H. Enste, Shadow Economies:
Size, Causes, and Consequences, Journal of Economic Literature (forthcoming 2000).
Journal of International Affairs, Spring 2000, 53, no. 2. © The Trustees of Columbia
University in the City of New York.
Journal of International Affairs
Thomas (1992), p. 333.
Other excellent summaries of the impact of shadow economic activity can be found in:
Schneider and Enste; Hernando de Soto, The Other Path: The Invisible Revolution in the
Third World (New York: Harper and Row, 1989); Douglas Marcoullier and Leslie Young,
The Black Hole of Graft: The Predatory State and the Informal Economy, The American
Economic Review 85, no. 3 (1995); Norman Loayza, The Economics of the Informal
Sector: A Simple Model and Some Empirical Evidence from Latin America, The World
Bank Policy Research Working Papers Series (February 1997); Carlos Maldanado, The
Informal Sector: Legalization or Laissez-Faire? International Labour Review, 134, no. 6
(1995). Also, for a dissent, see Jim J. Thomas who refers to current approaches to
measuring the shadow economy as measurement without theory; Jim J. Thomas,
Quantifying the Black Economy: Measurement Without Theory Yet Again? The
Economic Journal, 109, no. 456 (June 1999), pp. 381-389.
Bill Gibson and Bruce Kelley, A Classical Theory of the Informal Sector, The Manchester
School, 62 no. 1 (1994) pp. 81.
Matthew H. Fleming, John Roman, and Graham Farrell
Unquestionably, the shadow economy represents some form of
unofficial economy. However, there is extensive disagreement
regarding the definition of the term. To some extent, the shadow
economy is a (pre)concept in search of a theory,5 and differences
in the definitions of the shadow economy stem from differing
research objectives, such as estimating the size of the shadow
economy or explaining the motives for shadow economy
participation. In general, there are two approaches to defining
the shadow economy. The first considers shadow economic activity
as simply unrecorded economic activity (the definitional approach),
while the second defines the shadow economy in terms of
behavioral characteristicsits economic activity therein (the
behavioral approach). The former is descriptive while the latter
provides underpinnings of a theoretical explanation for shadow
economic activity. As a result, the components included in these
definitions are necessarily somewhat inconsistent.
A sampling of definitions illustrates these two approaches. Thomas
notes that it is difficult to provide a formal definition of the shadow
economy and suggests that it covers those activities which
not recorded in the national income accounts.6 Schneider and Enste
define the shadow economy in a similar manner as all economic
activities which contribute to the officially calculated (or observed)
gross national product.7 Bhattacharyya argues that the hidden
economy is best described as unrecorded national income,
calculated as the difference between the potential national income
for the given currency in circulation and the recorded national
income.8 Smith defines this sector as market-based production of
goods and services, whether legal or illegal, which escapes detection
in the official estimates of GDP.9
The alternative approach finds that shadow economic activities
are best defined with respect to the particular behavioral
characteristics of the activities in question. Feige reports that the
Thomas (1999) p. 387.
ibid., pp. 1- 2.
Schneider and Enste, p. 5.
Dilip K. Bhattacharyya, On the Economic Rationale of Estimating the Hidden
Economy, The Economic Journal, 109, no. 456 (June 1999) p. 348.
Philip Smith, Assessing the Size of the Underground Economy: The Canadian Statistical
Perspectives, Canadian Economic Observer, Catalogue No.: 11-010, 3.16-33, 18 March
1994, cited in Schneider and Enste, p. 5.
Journal of International Affairs
Feige (1990) p. 990.
ibid., p. 990.
A. Portes, M. Castells and L.A. Benton, The Informal Economy: Studies in Advanced and Less
Developed Countries (Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 1989) p. 12; Loayza, p. 1.
Loayza, p. 1.
de Soto, p. 6.
Matthew H. Fleming, John Roman, and Graham Farrell
reporting requirements, such as tax evasion. The household sector
is defined as household production. And the informal sector is
defined as economic activities that circumvent the costs and are
excluded from the benefits 15 of law, such as unregulated
It is possible to combine the descriptive and behavioral
approaches to create a definition with shared principles. Definitions
of the shadow economy that include all four components, under
the rubric of exclusion from official estimates of national income or
output, appear to most accurately describe the shadow economy.
Definitions that relate economic activities to regulatory compliance
begin to provide theoretical descriptions of economic behavior. The
two definitions have only subtle differences, related to whether the
definition is used as a basis for formulating an estimate of the size of
the shadow economy (descriptive) or as an explanation for why
shadow activity occurs (behavioral). The underlying theoretical basis
for both approaches appears to be rather weak, so neither definition
yet has substantial predictive powers.
Feige (1990) p. 992.
These definitions and their attendant labels vary between the definitional and
behavioral approaches, and also with specific regard to the household/unrecorded sector;
see Feige (1990), pp. 990-993 and Thomas (1992) pp. 3-7.
Vito Tanzi, Uses and Abuses of Estimates of the Underground Economy, The Economic
Journal,109 (June 1999), p. 338.
Journal of International Affairs
J.F. Houston, The Policy Implications of the Underground Economy, Journal of
Economics and Business, no. 42 (1990) pp. 27-37.
For a description of the processes involved and a review of concurring literature, see
Edgar L. Feige, The Underground Economies: Tax Evasion and Information Distortion
(Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1989).
Thomas (1999) makes the argument that the proponents of the mirage theory are
mistaken; see pp. 387-388.
Matthew H. Fleming, John Roman, and Graham Farrell
highlights the potential importance of measuring the shadow
economy. The impact of these problems is not limited to large
developed nations, such as the United States. Inaccuracies in
national accounts statistics have implications for countries in every
state of development.
Regarding the influence of the criminal sector of the shadow
economy on the official economy, for example, Keh describes the
link between illicitly-derived revenues, spending behavior, and
economic policy development as follows: spending behavior
becomes influenced not only by the official money supply, but by
the infusion of informal credit as well; in turn, the demand for
money in the official banking system reflects only a part of
domestic economic activity, and thus, the state has less accurate
information on which to base fiscal and monetary policies.21 While
this statement refers only to the criminal economy, the message is
certainly applicable to non-illicit shadow economic activity.
Inaccurate national accounts statistics may also lead to the
inefficient implementation of social welfare programs. If the
informal sector of the shadow economy is active, for example,
then unemployment may be overestimated and social security
and other welfare benefits may be mistakenly targeted to those
recipients who actually receive some income (albeit from the
informal sector), while those marginally excluded may be in greater
need of assistance. Many observers also argue that there is a direct
relationship between formal and informal markets. Formal
markets may be distorted in the presence of informal economic
activity, with respect to both prices and capital allocation.
Finally, there are political economy implications to inaccurate
national accounts statistics. Official GDP figures are used, among
other things, for several reasons, including: as part of the formula
for allocating quota increases that determine voting rights and
access to credit (and potentially the terms of the credit) in the
IMF, World Bank, and regional development banks; to establish
whether or not countries of the European Union meet various
EU criteria; and, to set the size of members contributions to the
EU budget.22 As noted above, the presence of an active shadow
Douglas I. Keh, Drug Money in a Changing World: Economic Reform and Criminal Finance,
UNDCP Technical Series no. 4 (October 1996) p. 4.
Tanzi (1999) pp. 340-341.
Journal of International Affairs
Statistics Netherlands, Minutes, Seminar on Illegal Activities, (13-14 September
1999) pp. 2-4.
Loayza, pp. 3-7; Simon Johnson, Daniel Kaufmannand Pablo Zoido-Lobatón,
Regulatory Discretion and the Unofficial Economy, The American Economic Review, no. 88
(May 1998) p. 391; see Schneider and Enste for a survey of the research on this issue.
Matthew H. Fleming, John Roman, and Graham Farrell
requirements, and the high costs of remaining legal, such as taxes,
red tape, labor and/or environmental regulations.25 The size of
the shadow economy, then, may provide governments with
indicators of potential policy flaws. That said, it is unlikely that
the optimal level of taxation and regulation is that which will
minimize all shadow economic activity.
One role of the state is to provide public goods, such as law and
orderincluding contract enforceabilityfunded by tax revenue.
But shadow economic activity escapes taxation, and, as a result,
state tax revenues are lower than they could be. This in turn limits
the ability of the state to provide such public goods and/or the quality
of such goods suffers. There is a recursive component to this dilemma:
as the provision of public goods suffers, fewer agents will have the
incentive to remain in the official sector (not least of all because
those who remain will shoulder an increasing percentage of the
tax burden). As the official sector shrinks, so will government
revenues, driving more agents to the shadow economy. 26
Oppressive tax and/or regulatory regimes which drive agents into
the shadow economy will likely erode the size of tax rolls and thus
hinder the provision of public goods. But even those non-
oppressive business or tax environments which have active shadow
economies must face the challenge of providing public goods with
insufficient government revenues. All of this has further
ramifications for the state, because without the rule of law (which
includes the legal enforcement of contract obligations), access to
capital is limited.27
Loayza, p. 1.
Johnson, Kaufmann and Zoido-Lobatón, p.387.
Loayza, p. 8.
Journal of International Affairs
Much of de Sotos case is formulated on the concept that Peru is governed by a set of
laws that are relatively less efficient than those that guide the informal sector. For his
description of the consequences of onerous laws, see de Soto pp. 158-172. For a description
of proposed responses to this situation, see pp. 248-259.
Aleksandar tulhofer, Between Opportunism and Distrust: Socio-Cultural Aspects of
the Underground Economy in Croatia, in Edgar L. Feige and Katarina Ott, eds.,
Underground Economies in Transition: Unrecorded Activity, Tax Evasion, Corruption and
Organized Crime (Brookfield, VT: Ashgate, 1999) p. 44; Svetlana Glinkina, Russias
Underground Economy During the Transition, in Edgar L. Feige and Katarina Ott, eds.
Underground Economies in Transition: Unrecorded Activity, Tax Evasion, Corruption and
Organized Crime (Brookfield, VT: Ashgate, 1999) p. 104.
Friedrich Schneider, Stellt das Anwachsen der Schwarzarbeit eine wirtschaftspolitische
Herausforderung dar? Einige Gedanken aus volkswirtschaftlicher Sicht, Mitteilungen
des Instituts für angewandte Wirtschaftsforschung (IAW), Linz, 98, no. 1, cited in Schneider
and Enste, p. 4.
See, for example: International Labor Organization (ILO), Trade Unions and the Informal
Sector: Towards a Comprehensive Strategy, mimeo, 1999, at
Matthew H. Fleming, John Roman, and Graham Farrell
in legal sectors. Capital goods, such as agricultural equipment,
chemicals as well as consumer goods and services (banking,
legal advice) are offered increasingly in the remote coca
cultivation areas. This trickling down also represents a
distribution of the drug profits. 32
Such activity comes at a price: the state (or perhaps other states)
faces potentially considerable expenditures in order to prevent
criminal activity, such as police and military counter-drug units
and operations, and society may face higher rates of crime,
particularly violent crime. Also, because criminal activity escapes
taxation, the state must provide the public goods of law and order
with tax revenues that may be insufficient. Benefits, such as those
described by Maurer, need to be weighed in the context of their
political, economic and social costs.
Moreover, we should consider that while shadow economic
activity has in many cases effectively served as a survival
mechanism, or has assisted in the transition to a market economy,
it has not done so without consequences. Glinkina notes that the
emergence and growth of a large underground economy poses
serious concerns, which on balance dominate and that:
Eva Maria Maurer, The Cocaine Business: Impact on Colombias Economy and
Possible Solutions, Eberhard Karls University, Tubingen, Germany (August 1992), cited
in Marion Libreros, Including Illegal Productive Activities in the National Accounts:
The Case of the Illicit Drug Industry in Some Latin American Countries, paper presented
to 24th General Conference of the International Association for Research on Income
and Wealth (Lillehammer, Norway, 18-24 August, 1996) p. 14.
Glinkina, p. 104.
Journal of International Affairs
the establishment of the rule of law that is increasingly seen as a
necessary component of successful transition. 34
Ott, p. 29.
ILO (1999) p. 1.
tulhofer, p. 44; Glinkina, p. 104; Thomas (1999) p. 381.
Thomas (1999) pp. 381-389.
Matthew H. Fleming, John Roman, and Graham Farrell
Jonathan S. Feinstein, Approaches for Estimating Noncompliance Examples from
Federal Taxation in the United States, The Economic Journal,109, no. 456 (June 1999)
p. 360.
See de Soto for what is generally regarded as the best observational study to date.
Feige (1990) p. 993.
Journal of International Affairs
See, for example, A. Portes, S. Blitzer, and J. Curtis, The Urban Informal Sector in
Uruguay: Its Internal Structure, Characteristics and Effects, World Development, 14
(1986). Also, Schneider and Enste cite a variety of single country surveys.
Feige (1990); Edgar L. Feige, A New Perspective on Macroeconomic Phenomena
The Theory and Measurement of the Unobserved Sector of the US Economy: Causes,
Consequences and Implications, presented at the 93rd Annual meeting of the American
Economic Association, 1980; Chris Simon and Ann Witte, Beating the System: The
Underground Economy (Boston: Auburn House Publishing, 1982).
Kerrick Macafee, A Glimpse of the Hidden Economy in the National Accounts of the
United Kingdom in VitoTanzi, ed., The Underground Economy in the United States and
Abroad (Lexington, MA: D. C. Heath, 1982) pp. 153-154. For a brief critique of this
approach, see Thomas (1999) p. 382.
Tanzi (1983) pp. 77-81.
Similar methodology has also been employed in estimating global money laundering
Matthew H. Fleming, John Roman, and Graham Farrell
that much of the illicit and informal sector operates in cash to
avoid detection. This method, consequently, excludes non-cash
shadow economic activity. Activities excluded may contain a non-
trivial portion of informal or irregular economic activity (such as
bartering). Also, the concept is predicated on the notion that there
is some period during which no shadow economic activity
occurred (this period is used as a baseline for comparison), though
there is little reason to believe that such a shadow economy-free
period exists.46
The other discrepancy approach measures the use of a physical
resource (generally electricity), which is compared to an estimated
expected level of use of that resource at a given GDP level.47 This
approach assumes that the ratio of electricity use and GDP can
be econometrically estimated, and that deviations from expected
levels are attributable to shadow economic activity. However, the
precision of the approach is in question, since it assumes that all
changes in resource consumption are due to shadow economic
activity; the approach ignores potential changes in, for example,
the use of electricity due to technology-driven improved efficiency
in electricity-consuming activities.
Estimates of the size of the shadow economy are imperfect.
This should come as no surprise, due to the difficulty inherent in
estimating activity that is largely carried out by actors who wish
to remain unnoticed and unrecorded. Tanzi notes that we are
still far from the time when the results of studies of the
underground economy can have immediate consequences for
policy or for the adjustment of various macroeconomic variables
though he does point out that the higher the estimates, the
greater should be the incentives on the part of the government to
remove the factors that promote the underground economy.48
The harshest critic of existing estimation methods to date has
been Thomas, who suggests that they rely on heroic assumptions
to justify the manipulation of certain numbers and that the
search for an estimate of the size of the shadow economy as a
percentage of GNP:
Thomas (1999) pp. 382-383.
Alejandro Portes, The Informal Economy, in Susan Pozo, ed., Exploring the Underground
Economy: Studies of Illegal and Unreported Activity (Michigan: W.E. Upjohn, Institute for
Employment Research, 1996); Johnson, Kaufmann and Zoido-Lobatón, in Schneider
and Enste.
Tanzi (1999) pp. 347, 340.
Journal of International Affairs
...without providing economic theories to explain the
determinants and structure of the black economy has led
economists into a back alley in which the question of size has
become an end in itself and more important issues have not
been addressed.49
Thomas (1999) pp. 382, 387.
Matthew H. Fleming, John Roman, and Graham Farrell
of greater relevance. However, the estimates do give us a reference
point for discussion.
Transition Economies
Estimates of the size of shadow economies in transition
economies vary between seven and forty-three percent of GDP
(see Table 1 below). For transition economies (and perhaps
others), the size of the shadow economy may be an indicator of
the level of economic and political liberalization and the success
of macroeconomic stabilization,50 which suggest that, based on
these figures, the Czech Republic, Romania, and Slovakia are in
the best shape.
Table 1
Estimates of the size of the shadow economy in various
transition economies
Central Europe
Hungary, Bulgaria and Poland 20-28%
Romania, Slovakia and Czech Republic 7-16%
Glinkina, p. 103.
Feige and Ott, eds. (1999) p. 4.
Journal of International Affairs
in Eastern Europe and the Former Soviet Union since 1989,
businesses have responded to politicization by going
underground. Instead of registering their activities, managers
prefer not to pay taxes and not to benefit from key publicly
provided services, such as legal enforcement of contracts
of the former Soviet Union has thus ended up in a bad
equilibrium with low tax revenue, high unofficial economy as
a percentage of GDP, and low quality of publicly provided
services. 53
Feige (1999) pp. 17-18.
Johnson, Kaufmann and Zoido-Lobatón, p. 387.
Kaufmann and Kaliberda, pp. 2-5.
Glinkina, pp. 105-115.
Matthew H. Fleming, John Roman, and Graham Farrell
evidence currently suggests that one component is more
responsible for shadow market activities than others.
Developing Economies
The shadow economy in developing countries appears in many
cases to be quite largemuch larger than in transition or
developed economiesthough the range between countries,
thirteen to seventy-six percent of GDP, is also considerable (see
Table 2 below).
Table 2
Estimates of the size of the shadow economy in various
developing economies
Nigeria and Egypt 68-76%
Thailand 70%
Journal of International Affairs
ILO (1999).
N. Vijay Jagannathan, Informal Markets in Developing Countries (New York: Oxford
University Press, 1987), p.4.
Colombia Adjusts Economic Figures to Include Its Drug Crops, New York Times, 27
June 1999.
Matthew H. Fleming, John Roman, and Graham Farrell
largest producers of heroin.59 These countries are most likely to
have active criminal sectors.
The relationship between the shadow economy and the illicit
drug trade is a complex one. It is typically believed that illicit
drug production primarily stems from economic causes. Yet a
preliminary study comparing the existence and extent of illicit
drug cropping to both per capita GDP and the Human
Development Index did not find any significant relationship.60
To conclude that economic development is uniformly the
appropriate response to reduce this area of the shadow economy
may be overly simplistic.
Developed Economies
While the evidence suggests that there is a significant shadow
economy even in developed countriesestimates range from eight
to thirty percent of GDP (see Table 3 below)the magnitude of
the shadow economy is generally less than in transitioning or
developing countries. Perhaps most surprising, however, is the fact
that these estimates suggest that even in developed economies,
the size of the shadow economy may be noteworthy.
Table 3
Estimates of the size of the shadow economy in various
developed economies
Central Intelligence Agency, Major Coca and Opium Producing Nations: Cultivation
and Production Estimates, 1994-98, mimeo, 1999, at
Graham Farrell, A Global Empirical Review of Drug Crop Eradication and United
Nations Crop Substitution and Alternative Development Programmes, Journal of Drug
Issues, p. 28.
Journal of International Affairs
See, for example, Bruno Contini, The Second Economy of Italy, in Vito Tanzi, ed.,
The Underground Economy in the United States and Abroad (Lexington, MA: D.C. Heath
and Company, 1982) pp.199-208.
Schneider and Enste, p. 8; Ingemar Hansson, The Underground Economy in a High
Tax Country: The Case of Sweden, in Vito Tanzi, ed., The Underground Economy in the
United States and Abroad (Lexington, MA: D.C. Heath and Company, 1982) p. 241.
Matthew H. Fleming, John Roman, and Graham Farrell
better understanding of them. Among the questions to be
addressed are the following: How might we accurately measure
the size of each of the sectors in specific countries? Can we find
methods which employ accurate, obtainable data? Can we find
methods which allow for the comparison of findings between
countries? What are the impacts of such sector activity on
development and real GDP growth? How might we reduce the
level of activity in those sectors which are undesirable? And what
is the country-specific distribution of shadow economic activity
between the component sectors, and do the sectors have an
impact on each other? In short, while the extent and the
significance of the shadow economy are being increasingly
recognized, knowledge is limited, and our portfolio of appropriate
responses is in its infancy.