Course Plan - Aviation Air & Space Law BA LLB Hons

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Year: 2019-2024

Semester: VII

1. Name of the Faculty: Mr Sajal Sharma Course Code: ECON 3022

2. Course : Aviation, Air & Space Law L: 2
3. Program : B.A. LL.B. (Hons.) T: 0
4. Target : 50% P: 0
C: 2

Target 50% Marks
Level-1 40% Population
Level-2 50% Population
Level-3 60% Population

1. Method of Evaluation

Tests, Assignments, Book Review, Movie Review (30%)
Mid Examination (20%)
End examination (50%)

2. Passing Criteria
Scale PG UG

Out of 10 point scale SGPA – “………” in each semester SGPA – “5.0” in each semester
CGPA – “…………” CGPA – “5.0”
Min. Individual Course Min. Individual Course Grade – “C”
Grade – “……….” Course Grade Point – “4.0”
Course Grade Point – “..….”

*for UG, passing marks are “35”in a paper.

3. Pre-requisites: Basic/Elemental understanding of basic concepts and principles of international law.

4. Course Objectives:

By the end of this course, the students will be able to:

1. To explain the legal regime governing outer space, the moon and other celestial bodies, and
its implications on the recent scientific and technological developments.

2. To interpret the legality of some of the recent developments like the claim of sovereignty
and property rights over the outer space and celestial bodies, sale or leasing of orbits and
spectrums, human habitation in outer space, militarization of outer space, plans to conduct
inventions in outer space and increasing private space activities.
Year: 2019-2024
Semester: VII

1. Name of the Faculty: Mr Sajal Sharma Course Code: ECON 3022

2. Course : Aviation, Air & Space Law L: 2
3. Program : B.A. LL.B. (Hons.) T: 0
4. Target : 50% P: 0
C: 2

3. To examine the developments of space law at national level by analyzing the laws passed
by some of the space-faring nations.

5. Pedagogy

▪ Lecture
▪ Discussions
▪ Peer Group Discussions
▪ Paper/Project including presentations
▪ Reading Groups
▪ Chalk and talk

6. References:
Text Books:
1. I. H. Ph. Diederiks -Verschoor, An Introduction to Air Law, Kluwer
Law International,

2. Dempsey, P, Public International Air Law, McGill University,

3. S. Bhatt, An Introduction to Space Law, Martinus Nijhoff Publishers,
The Hague, (1999).

Web resources: ❖


Journals: 1. Journal of Space Law

2. Air and Space Law – Kluwer Law Online
3. Indian Journal of Air & Space Law

Reference books: 1. A McNair, The Law of the Air, International Civil Aviation
Organisation (ICAO), (1964).

2. Jakhu, Ram S , Space L aw: General Principles, Documents an d

Materials, McGill
University (2006).
Year: 2019-2024
Semester: VII

1. Name of the Faculty: Mr Sajal Sharma Course Code: ECON 3022

2. Course : Aviation, Air & Space Law L: 2
3. Program : B.A. LL.B. (Hons.) T: 0
4. Target : 50% P: 0
C: 2


Instructions to Students:

1. Go through the 'Syllabus' in the Black Board section of the web-site ( in order
to find out the Reading List.
2. Get your schedule and try to pace your studies as close to the timeline as possible.
3. Get your on-line lecture notes (Content, videos) at Lecture Notes section. These are our lecture
notes. Make sure you use them during this course.
4. Check your blackboard regularly.
5. Go through study material.
6. Check mails and announcements on blackboard.
7. Keep updated with the posts, assignments and examinations which shall be conducted on the
8. Be regular, so that you do not suffer in any way
9. Cell Phones and other Electronic Communication Devices: Cell phones and other electronic
communication devices (such as Blackberries/Laptops) are not permitted in classes during Tests or
the Mid/Final Examination. Such devices MUST be turned off in the class room.
10. E-Mail and online learning tool: Each student in the class should have an e-mail id and a pass
word to access the LMS system regularly. Regularly, important information – Date of conducting
class tests, guest lectures, via online learning tool. The best way to arrange meetings with us or ask
specific questions is by email and prior appointment. All the assignments preferably should be
uploaded on online learning tool. Various research papers/reference material will be
mailed/uploaded on online learning platform time to time.
11. Attendance: Students are required to have minimum attendance of 75% in each subject. Students
with less than said percentage shall NOT be allowed to appear in the end semester examination.

This much should be enough to get you organized and on your way to having a great semester! If
you need us for anything, send your feedback through e-mail to your concerned faculty. Please use
an appropriate subject line to indicate your message details.

There will no doubt be many more activities in the coming weeks. So, to keep up to date with all
the latest developments, please keep visiting this website regularly.
Year: 2019-2024
Semester: VII

1. Name of the Faculty: Mr Sajal Sharma Course Code: ECON 3022

2. Course : Aviation, Air & Space Law L: 2
3. Program : B.A. LL.B. (Hons.) T: 0
4. Target : 50% P: 0
C: 2

1. The expected outcomes of the Program are:

PO1 Students will demonstrate conceptual knowledge in core areas of law.

PO2 Students will effectively apply their learnings to practical legal issues.
PO3 Students will be able to exhibit effective law professional skills, employing oral and
written communication, legal research, analysis, rationalization and critical-thinking.
PO4 Students will demonstrate ability to evolve alternative solutions from dynamic socio-
economic and techno-legal perspectives.
PO5 Students will demonstrate desirable qualities to be employable in the relevant market.

PO6 Students will show sensitivity towards ethical, moral and social issues arising in their
professional career
PO7 Students will exhibit commitment, team building, networking, leadership and lifelong
learning skills to excel in legal world.

2. The expected outcomes of the Specific Program are:

PSO1 Students will be able to demonstrate conceptual knowledge in core areas of Air and Space
PSO2 Students will be able to demonstrate integrated knowledge of legal principles related to
Air and Space Law
PSO3 Students will be able to exhibit skills in practices, regulatory procedures and governance
aspects pertaining to Air and Space Law.

3. The expected outcomes of the Course are:

Year: 2019-2024
Semester: VII

1. Name of the Faculty: Mr Sajal Sharma Course Code: ECON 3022

2. Course : Aviation, Air & Space Law L: 2
3. Program : B.A. LL.B. (Hons.) T: 0
4. Target : 50% P: 0
C: 2

CO 1 Explain the basic concepts and distinction between Air & Space Law.
CO 2 Demonstrate the existing legal framework governing the present Outer Space Law
Critically examine the issues related to claims of sovereignty in outer space, duties of States
CO 3
and reparations
CO 4 Evaluate the constant evolution of International Air Law and the Aviation Policy of India

1. Co-Relationship Matrix
Indicate the relationships by1- Slight (low) 2- Moderate (Medium) 3-Substantial (high)

CO 1 3 3

CO 2 3 3 3

CO 3 2 2 2 2 3

Average 3 2 2 3 3 2 2 3 3 3

2. Course outcomes assessment plan:

Test/book Any other/Case
Course Assignment Mid Semester End Semester
Review Studies

CO 1 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓

CO 2 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓

CO 3 ✓ ✓ ✓
Year: 2019-2024
Semester: VII

1. Name of the Faculty: Mr Sajal Sharma Course Code: ECON 3022

2. Course : Aviation, Air & Space Law L: 2
3. Program : B.A. LL.B. (Hons.) T: 0
4. Target : 50% P: 0
C: 2


Course Activities:

Unit Description No. of Remarks
From To

Introduction to law
I 1 5 5
of outer space

II UNIT II 6 11 6 Treaties of Space


Legal Issues of
III UNIT III 12 17 6
Space Law

National Space
IV UNIT IV 19 22 4 Legislation

Definition &
V 23 26 4 development of air
UNIT V law

UNIT VI 27 29 3 Air Traffic

Year: 2019-2024
Semester: VII

1. Name of the Faculty: Mr Sajal Sharma Course Code: ECON 3022

2. Course : Aviation, Air & Space Law L: 2
3. Program : B.A. LL.B. (Hons.) T: 0
4. Target : 50% P: 0
C: 2

Liability & Crimes

in Air

Indian aviation law

VII 30 30 1

Sessions: Total No. of Instructional periods available for the course- “30”
Year: 2019-2024
Semester: VII

1. Name of the Faculty: Mr Sajal Sharma Course Code: ECON 3022

2. Course : Aviation, Air & Space Law L: 2
3. Program : B.A. LL.B. (Hons.) T: 0
4. Target : 50% P: 0
C: 2

Lecture CO
No. Synchronous/Asynchronous Mapped

• Nature & Scope of Space Law

1 CO 1

• Nature & Scope of Space Law (Contd.)

2 CO 1

• Sources of Space Law

3 CO 1

• Demarcation between Aviation & Space Law

4 CO 1

• Space Law Relevance

5 CO 1

Lecture CO
No. Topics to be Covered Synchronous/Asynchronous Mapped
Year: 2019-2024
Semester: VII

1. Name of the Faculty: Mr Sajal Sharma Course Code: ECON 3022

2. Course : Aviation, Air & Space Law L: 2
3. Program : B.A. LL.B. (Hons.) T: 0
4. Target : 50% P: 0
C: 2

• Outer Space Treaty

1 CO 1

• The Rescue Agreement

2 CO 1

• The Liability Convention

3 CO 1

• The Registration Convention

4 CO 1

• Moon Agreement
5 CO 1

• Relevance of Space Treaties in Modern time

6 CO 1

Lecture CO
No. Topics to be Covered Synchronous/Asynchronous Mapped

• Legal Issues Pertaining to Space Debris

1 CO2

• Legal Issues Pertaining to Space Debris

2 CO2
Year: 2019-2024
Semester: VII

1. Name of the Faculty: Mr Sajal Sharma Course Code: ECON 3022

2. Course : Aviation, Air & Space Law L: 2
3. Program : B.A. LL.B. (Hons.) T: 0
4. Target : 50% P: 0
C: 2

• Legal Issues Pertaining to Space Tourism

3 CO2

• Legal Issues Pertaining to Space Tourism

4 CO2

• Legal Issues Pertaining to Space Resources Exploration

5 CO2

• Legal Issues Pertaining to Space Resources Exploration

6 Contd. CO2


Lecture CO
No. Topics to be Covered Synchronous/Asynchronous Mapped

• National Space Legislation

1 CO3

• Indian Space Law Structure

2 CO3

• National Space Legislations of some other countries Part 1

3 CO3
Year: 2019-2024
Semester: VII

1. Name of the Faculty: Mr Sajal Sharma Course Code: ECON 3022

2. Course : Aviation, Air & Space Law L: 2
3. Program : B.A. LL.B. (Hons.) T: 0
4. Target : 50% P: 0
C: 2

• National Space Legislations of some other countries Part 2

4 CO3


No. Topics to be Covered Synchronous/Asynchronous CO Mapped

• Development of Air Law

• Freedom & Sovereignty of the Air
1 CO3

• Chicago Convention Part 1

• Chicago Convention Part 2
2 CO3


3 CO3

• Aviation Treaties Overview

4 CO3
Year: 2019-2024
Semester: VII

1. Name of the Faculty: Mr Sajal Sharma Course Code: ECON 3022

2. Course : Aviation, Air & Space Law L: 2
3. Program : B.A. LL.B. (Hons.) T: 0
4. Target : 50% P: 0
C: 2



No. Topics to be Covered Synchronous/Asynchronous CO Mapped

• Air Traffic Management

• International Civil Aviation Liability
1 CO4

• Manufacturers & Operators Liability

2 CO4

• Third Party Liability for surface damage

3 CO4


Year: 2019-2024
Semester: VII

1. Name of the Faculty: Mr Sajal Sharma Course Code: ECON 3022

2. Course : Aviation, Air & Space Law L: 2
3. Program : B.A. LL.B. (Hons.) T: 0
4. Target : 50% P: 0
C: 2

Lecture CO
No. Topics to be Covered Synchronous/Asynchronous Mapped

• Aviation in India
• Authorities & Structures of Civil Aviation in India
1 CO4

Details of the Master Classes:

S.No. Subject Topic Name of the Faculty

1. Space Tourism: Legal Issues Mr Vijay Kumar

2. Issues in Air and Space Law Dr Kumar Abhijeet

Peer Buddy: -

Mr. Abhijit B, Asst. Prof., SOL

Internal Assessment Details:-

S. No. Assignments Marks Assessment Details/

Evaluation Criteria
Year: 2019-2024
Semester: VII

1. Name of the Faculty: Mr Sajal Sharma Course Code: ECON 3022

2. Course : Aviation, Air & Space Law L: 2
3. Program : B.A. LL.B. (Hons.) T: 0
4. Target : 50% P: 0
C: 2

1. Practical 5 Marks x 6 Units a. Understanding of the

Assignment/Problem = 30 problem (2.5 Marks)
based assignment b. Response to resolve
after completion of the problem (2.5
each Unit Marks)

2. Class Test 15 a. Conceptual

understanding of the
question (2.5 Marks)
b. Explanation of the
Concept involved in
the question (7.5
c. Expression &
Language used (2.5
d. Providing solution to
the Question (2.5

3. Project 30 a. Clarity of the

Research Topic (2.5
b. Research
Methodology (2.5
c. Identification of the
relevant Issues in the
topic (5 Marks)
d. Structure of the
Project (5 Marks)
Year: 2019-2024
Semester: VII

1. Name of the Faculty: Mr Sajal Sharma Course Code: ECON 3022

2. Course : Aviation, Air & Space Law L: 2
3. Program : B.A. LL.B. (Hons.) T: 0
4. Target : 50% P: 0
C: 2

e. Content of the Project

(10 Marks)
f. Conclusion &
Suggestions (5

4. Viva 25 a. Ability to explain

the research done (5
b. Holistic
understanding of the
Topic (5 Marks)
c. Analysis of the
outlined issues (5
d. Response to the
Questions posed (10

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